The attitude towards children and the characteristics of their upbringing depend not only on age. It is extremely important to take into account the specifics of the child’s temperament. Children who are “choleric” by temperament need to be raised according to special schemes.


There is often an opinion that any children are easily excited, violently show emotions, continuously and actively. But even against the general background, a choleric child stands out greatly. His emotions are overflowing. To cope with such a “living test”, you need to thoroughly study the characteristics of such a temperament.

The mood of such children changes unpredictably, first in one direction, then in the other. At the same time, all things happen in cycles. Cholerics prefer games in which there are many participants. Communication is usually not a problem for them and is even desirable. But high contact already in kindergarten is overshadowed and devalued by an increased tendency to take offense and conflict. Observers of children immediately note that they:

  • love pranks;
  • constantly fussing;
  • restless in their studies.

A choleric child is not only clearly visible, but also “heard” perfectly. Regardless of gender, he exhibits:

  • voice volume;
  • speed of speech;
  • active gestures.

Such a temperament leads to rapid consumption of mental energy. After all, the nervous system of children is unstable. Immersing themselves in every activity, in every action, children spend almost all their strength. But instability makes itself felt all the same: it is expressed in a lack of perseverance. Raising choleric people is a complex matter, requiring attention and accuracy.

This temperament (both in adolescents, and partly even in preschool age from 2 years) is expressed in leadership inclinations. Cholerics almost always, no matter what company they find themselves in, act as ringleaders. It is under their influence that others start and leave games. The attitude towards games is not just serious: attempts to interrupt such entertainment are met with irritation. Of all the games, the absolute priority is given to those that require risk-taking and physical activity.

Once in an educational institution, in a group, choleric children find themselves forced to inhibit their desires and impulses. But outside of school or kindergarten (in the yard, on the street, and especially at home), self-control weakens. Therefore, the educational process is further complicated and requires strong nerves and composure. To make sure that a child is choleric, it is useful to consider all four temperaments using the example of a specific situation.

For example, the time comes to leave the playground. Sanguine people will try to delay leaving until the last minute, feverishly doing “additional construction”, digging holes, and sliding down a hill. Melancholic people will be upset and express it emotionally. However, they will still fulfill the request. Phlegmatic people will cause the least problems for parents and educators - they will immediately leave all games, no matter how enthusiastic they are, and go wherever they are told.

Cholerics will surpass everyone in emotional stress. They will not just fight, resist, scream and cry, some are capable of disturbing other children, breaking what they have “built”, and getting into a fight. At this point you need to make a retreat. It may seem that children with a choleric temperament are simply lovers of aggression, completely uncontrollable individuals. In fact, they also have strengths:

  • less tendency to loneliness and self-reflection;
  • relatively rare bad mood;
  • the ability to establish contacts and defend one’s “I” and one’s opinion in communication with other people;
  • easy adaptation to an unusual environment (not only for children, but also for adults).

The bad traits that educators need to overcome when developing the personality of choleric people are:

  • increased conflict;
  • tendency to participate in conflicts and make enemies;
  • unwillingness to sometimes complete things started;
  • a sharp change in attitude towards individual people, objects and things.

Adolescents with choleric temperament have their own characteristics, slightly different from those of other ages. You need to know them, if only because this group includes over 50% of boys and girls. Such minors are not only active, they are also physically strong and trained. Other distinguishing features are:

  • enterprise;
  • propensity for socially significant activities;
  • the desire to overcome even serious difficulties;
  • willingness and ability to take on other people’s difficulties;
  • not very high performance in studies;
  • priority in school and focus on what is liked or taught personally by sympathetic teachers;
  • ability to quickly respond to unusual situations;
  • ability to easily remember information;
  • orientation towards new and unusual things.


Despite the universality of temperaments, there is still significant specificity depending on gender. If the son in the family belongs to this group, he will inevitably be extremely restless. This problem must be overcome by introducing clear and consistent rules. For example, on weekends the whole family starts their day no earlier than a certain hour. Or after finishing work, give adults 1 hour of rest.

Each rule must be followed very strictly and strictly. Here a lot depends on the adults, on their consistency. If they decide, say, that they need to adhere to a certain schedule, give priority to individual activities, they should deviate from this only under very compelling circumstances. It is advisable to immediately explain to children why this was decided. They must firmly know that whims, hysterics, scandals and antics will not allow them to achieve their goal.

It happens that some bad property of a choleric person cannot be corrected or corrected. Many children cannot fall asleep alone during the day for a very long time. Parents are extremely annoyed that they waste a lot of time on this. Another negative aspect is often excessive childish talkativeness. In such cases, you must first change your attitude towards the problem, find the advantages for yourself in it - and then try to bring the situation into a certain framework. The time spent can be used for:

  • thoughts about the past;
  • planning further actions;
  • listening to an audiobook through headphones;
  • other similar cases.

But the desire to dominate, no matter what, cannot be treated so complacently. It is very important to reverse this trend, otherwise the world will be replenished with another family tyrant. But you need to focus, especially in adolescence, on caring for other family members. This property is already characteristic of adult choleric people, but it is important to help its formation. We must ensure that negative emotions received at school, at work and in public places do not spill out at home in the future.

As for reaction speed, the ability to make decisions very quickly should be encouraged. Making sure, however, that the decisions made are not frivolous and emotional. If parents can instill in them that all information must be taken into account, it will only be better. When educating, you should also pay attention to working with such a trait as sociability. The desire to communicate and make new friends should be limited to the ability to understand people.


They have slightly fewer such problems than boys. But the main features of the choleric temperament still appear. We must come to terms with the fact that the girl will develop a strong character, a strong will, and that serious ambitions will soon arise. Experienced educators take these circumstances into account and try to make behavior softer, more flexible, and teach them to go around new corners. By the way, about learning: choleric girls easily master new skills and love to try things that were previously unfamiliar to them.

Therefore, it is easy to “switch” them from unwanted hobbies to those that parents consider best for children. But attempts to overcome insufficient attention to fashion trends, reluctance to wear jewelry and various accessories are unlikely to yield results. Such girls are somewhat masculine, and when raising them, one must take into account that they value comfort and the opportunity to act more. Manners and leisurely activities are not for them.

In adolescence, parents should take into account the high likelihood of aggression, irritation due to any restriction, prohibition, even a random remark.

Features of education

Raising choleric people correctly is not easy. You can cope with excess energy by redirecting it to useful areas. So, girls will be calmer during classes:

  • figure skating;
  • speed skating;
  • athletics;
  • performing arts.

Choleric boys calm down when practicing Greco-Roman wrestling, martial arts, football and basketball, and swimming. But it is not necessary to concentrate on these sports - any active activity will do. Additionally, it is worth reducing the number of irritants. If any object acts as an irritant, it is removed. If frequent conflicts arise with one of the other children, you should not invite them home.

But these techniques will give a positive result only if the active periods are periodically replaced by elementary games with low mobility. It is desirable that such activities be of an intellectual nature and allow for self-realization. Hobbies are selected individually, looking not only for what is convenient for oneself, but for the optimal compromise solution. In any case, you should strive to find at least some hobby - this will streamline your life and increase organization. At the same time, we must try to convince children of the need to complete everything that is started, even if they no longer like it or a new hobby has appeared. This approach should be applied in everything:

  • in communication;
  • in teaching;
  • in Game.

At the same time, there is no need to try to break the child. It is more correct in each case to show participation and show how joyful a completed task is.

But in controlling actions, compromise is unacceptable. Yes, it is difficult, and even meets resistance, however, otherwise children can do harm and cause pain. It’s better to show, somewhat exaggeratedly, but firmly how bad actions are unpleasant for a particular parent or teacher.

Despite all the difficulty and intensity of working with choleric people, it is strictly forbidden to raise your voice, much less use physical force. These techniques will only increase the negative consequences and may also cause rejection. Often, out of a sense of contradiction, children only begin to violate the established rules even more. Others try to do this secretly, disguising themselves from their parents and others. Gradually, this behavior becomes a habit, and if serious problems arise, you may find out about them too late.

It happens that persuasion and rational explanations, gentle pushing in the right direction do not produce results. In order not to break down, it is better to choose the tactics of silence and ignoring. The emphasized coldness on the part of the parents is very quickly felt by the children. It is imperative to teach choleric children the rules of politeness in the most common situations. In each case, compliance with these rules should be praised, and violation should be condemned.

It is very important to be able to empathize and listen to children. They need to know that their parents care about what they do and even say. You should definitely show by your example, by examples from your life, what is good and what is bad. But trying to change a girl or a boy is pointless. Many famous people who had a choleric temperament achieved great success.

With very strong emotionality, modeling and drawing, games and hobbies that develop perseverance help. Sessions must take a strictly defined time and be carried out according to schedule. Choleric children should be given clear responsibilities, consistently instructing them. A specific goal and stages must be specified.

Any situation where negative consequences occur due to haste or irritability can be turned to benefit; they sort it out, carefully pointing out errors.

A child's ability to learn and his academic performance are influenced by many factors, both external and internal. It seems self-evident that the psychological characteristics of a child should greatly influence his educational activities, but they are rarely taken into account by school teachers.

The modern education system involves the interaction of a teacher with a certain average student, and an individual approach to learning, although understood as the most effective, is still not practiced. A bunch of problems in teaching are associated with the imperfection and lack of modernity of education.

For example, all children in a class are given the same homework. Both the poor student and the excellent student solve the same problem on a test in the same amount of time. One student knows the topic perfectly, but simply does not have time to answer all the questions on the test and receives a bad grade, while another, not knowing anything, looks at the answers in the cheat sheet and receives a high grade. If one student in a lesson is bored because he already knows everything, and the second is very difficult to understand even the name of the topic of the lesson, this does not mean at all that the first is smart and the second is stupid. In the end, the child may simply not like the teacher and vice versa.

We can talk for a long time about the shortcomings and omissions of the education system. Parents' task– help the child adapt to this imperfect system.

Good grades should not be an end in itself; it is much more important for schoolchildren to acquire the knowledge necessary for life, learn to study, decide which area of ​​human knowledge is most interesting in order to later choose a profession. This can only be done by knowing and understanding the characteristics of the individual.

Individual style study, selected for the type of temperament and other personal characteristics of the student, helps him learn. Parents doing homework with their child at home act as a teacher, so they must know the child’s typological characteristics and build on this knowledge when choosing teaching methods and time.

Temperament types

One of the components of a student’s personality that determines academic performance is temperament– an innate set of psychophysiological characteristics associated with the excitability of the central nervous system. Temperament is the speed and strength of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex. It determines not only emotionality and sensitivity, but also the style of activity, the way of reacting and behavior.

Temperament, unlike character, is congenital characteristic and is only slightly susceptible to change throughout life. Character is developed in childhood and can change in the process of self-education in adulthood. As a rule, it compensates for the negative aspects of temperament.

For example, the slowness characteristic of phlegmatic people is often compensated by such a character trait as perseverance, which helps such children stay in class and do their homework, even if other, more nimble students are already frolicking at recess.

Temperament is detected very soon after the baby is born, during the first year of his life. And although there are no pure types of temperament (most often mixed types are observed), one of them still predominates.

Stands out four types of temperament:

  1. Choleric. Strong but unbalanced type of temperament. Cholerics are active, active, proactive, persistent, emotional, hot-tempered, aggressive.
  2. Phlegmatic person. Strong, balanced, but inert type of temperament. Phlegmatic people are calm, reasonable, peace-loving, purposeful, constant, principled, slow, outwardly “cold” and insensitive.
  3. Melancholic. Weak type of temperament. Melancholic people are sensitive and sensitive, kind, responsible, friendly, vulnerable, withdrawn, anxious.
  4. Sanguine. Strong, unbalanced, mobile type of temperament. Sanguine people are sociable, active, creative, cheerful, optimistic, frivolous, fickle.

How children with different types of temperament learn

Temperament manifests itself in any human activity and, of course, in the leading type of activity at each age stage of development.

Leading activity– this is an activity, the implementation of which determines the formation of the main age-related psychological neoplasms and contributes to the further development of the individual. For younger schoolchildren, this type of activity is educational activities, that is, study.

Proper organization of studies develops work skills in the student. The educational process should be perceived positively so that learning is meaningful. Both insufficient and excessive workload negatively affect the physical and mental health of the student.

Generally speaking, in the modern education system more successful There are those students whose temperament is predominantly phlegmatic or melancholic. Sanguine and choleric people tend to have lower scores than melancholic and phlegmatic people.

Choleric an efficient and resilient student, but often wastes all his strength at the beginning of an activity, which is why he quickly gets tired. Figuratively speaking, choleric people quickly “light up”, get carried away by the task, but just as quickly “go out”, having overdone it at the very beginning. Choleric people like to work intensively at an accelerated pace. If they are interested in a task and are capable of doing a lot in a short period of time, then their productivity is extremely high. They are real “Stakhanovites”: they are not afraid of the volume, limited time and complexity of tasks.

Sanguine has a lightning-fast reaction and knows how to adapt to unforeseen changes in circumstances. He is productive in his studies only if it is carried out in an interesting form (for example, a game), otherwise he becomes bored, lazy and tries with all his might to avoid completing the task. Studying comes easy to them; they learn new material quickly, but do not strive to study it deeper. Sanguine people are able to do several things at once, their speed of switching attention is high, but such multitasking work is often superficial. There are many possible mistakes due to carelessness.

Sanguines and cholerics cheerful, cheerful, sociable, active at school, almost never tired, lethargic or relaxed. They do not experience any stress when learning new material, easily remember a large amount of information, quickly answer questions and complete tasks. Such children are perceived as disobedient, uncontrollable, and too freedom-loving.

Cholerics and sanguine people do not like to check completed work for errors. They also do not like to analyze, classify, plan, draw conclusions, and these skills are very important in learning. But the most significant problem for such students is the lack of self-control, perseverance and lack of concentration. These qualities need to be developed.

Phlegmatic people The most employable students are persistent, persistent, neat and attentive. Their slowness is more than compensated for by their diligence. A phlegmatic person can “wedge himself” into work for a long time, but when he is already immersed in it, he does so seriously and for a long time. They like to understand, analyze, compare facts, study a topic from all sides and points of view. These are diligent students who respect their teachers.

Melancholic people they are very diligent and scrupulous, they like to get to the point, they are as diligent as phlegmatic people, but they get tired much faster, they often have to take rest breaks. Sometimes they lack perseverance, self-confidence and willpower (especially if they don’t like the task). They like to work not out of coercion, but out of inspiration.

Phlegmatic and melancholic They behave calmly and reservedly in class; they are obedient and inquisitive children. Their accuracy and diligence reach the point of pedantry and perfectionism. At home, phlegmatic and melancholic people study most of the time. Parents are happy to see their child so diligent and obedient, but for harmonious development he needs more than just studies. Games, communication with peers, and hobbies should not be excluded from a child’s life.

Sanguine and choleric people often lack patience and diligence. Knowledge testing at school is usually carried out in writing, and such tasks are easier to complete for melancholic and phlegmatic people. It is more difficult for them than for choleric and sanguine people to learn new educational material, but perseverance and hard work lead to the fact that they become excellent students.

It is important to remember that each type of temperament in educational activities can manifest itself both positively and negatively, depending on the chosen methodology, task, teaching style and personality of the teacher.

Success in life has nothing to do with good performance at school; rather, on the contrary, the opposite picture is observed: students who did poorly at school or skipped school altogether are more successful in adult life than excellent students. School is a necessary stage in the life of every person, during which it is important not to lose the ability to think outside the box and believe in oneself.

  1. E. Belonoshchenko “Born with character”
  2. D. Keirsey “Please understand me - II. Temperament. Character. Intelligence"
  3. I. Briggs-Myers, P. Myers “MBTI. Definition of types. Everyone has their own gift"
  4. T.P. Bryson, D. Siegel “Discipline without drama. How to help your child develop character”
  5. J. Gottman, J. Decler

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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The purpose of the study is to study the student’s ideas about temperament and its properties. Objectives: 1. The role of the child’s temperament; 2. Diagnostic behavior; 3. Perform quantitative and qualitative analysis

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Temperament is a stable set of individual psychophysiological characteristics of a person associated with dynamic rather than meaningful aspects of activity. 1. General concept of temperament. Definition of temperament.

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Choleric: the nervous system is strong, unbalanced, mobile. Sanguine person: the nervous system is strong, balanced, mobile. Phlegmatic: the nervous system is strong, balanced, inert. Melancholic: the nervous system is weak. Temperament types

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Sanguine students. The positive aspects of these students are energy, quick reaction, ingenuity, and speed of transition from one type of activity to another. They are cheerful and are leaders by nature. The disadvantages of students with a sanguine temperament include superficiality in working with educational material and therefore superficiality in its assimilation, restlessness, insufficient endurance, instability and insufficient depth of feelings, lack of persistent cognitive and professional interests, “scatteredness” and a variety of hobbies. The influence of temperament on educational activity Sanguine students should be convinced of the need to complete the work they have started, and for a deeper assimilation of educational material, draw their attention to interesting aspects of the task that the student did not notice. They need to be encouraged, talked about their job prospects, developed a sense of responsibility, self-demandingness, and perseverance in work.

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Melancholic students. They quickly become mentally fatigued, so it is advisable to provide as much time as possible for rest. This is especially important during the transition from primary to secondary school, when children first encounter multi-subjects and a classroom system, which sharply increases the load on the nervous system. The weakness of the nervous processes in melancholic students also means reduced resistance to the influence of failures. Melancholic students. They quickly become mentally fatigued, so it is advisable to provide as much time as possible for rest. This is especially important during the transition from primary to secondary school, when children first encounter multi-subjects and a classroom system, which sharply increases the load on the nervous system. The weakness of the nervous processes in melancholic students also means reduced resistance to the influence of failures.

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Choleric students. They are characterized by hot temper, harshness, lack of restraint, intolerance to comments addressed to them, and high self-esteem. An important task in working with them is to prevent the emergence of affects. To do this, you need to switch attention from the object that caused negative emotions to some “neutral” object so that the excitement decreases, and only then make a comment. A calm, balanced atmosphere of the social environment is needed. Conflict situations should be avoided, but this does not mean that you need to indulge in whims, rudeness, and wrong actions. The high speed of nervous processes can be the cause of various learning difficulties and mistakes of schoolchildren. . Fast pace of writing, which negatively affects its quality (poor handwriting, missing letters); haste when reading, leading to underreading of words or to reading them incorrectly and, as a consequence, to poor understanding of what was read; errors when performing computational operations with an insufficient degree of automation are those difficulties in educational work, the cause of which may be the naturally high speed of the nervous processes of students. In each of these cases, special techniques should be used that “neutralize” the student’s disposition to perform tasks at too high a pace

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Children with a phlegmatic temperament need more time to complete cognitive tasks, practical exercises, and prepare an oral answer at the blackboard. They often have the erroneous attitude of avoiding quick actions, as they supposedly doom him to frequent mistakes. He accepts that he moves and speaks slower than other children and no longer makes any attempt to move at a faster pace. Children with a phlegmatic temperament need more time to complete cognitive tasks, practical exercises, and prepare an oral answer at the blackboard. They often have the erroneous attitude of avoiding quick actions, as they supposedly doom him to frequent mistakes. He accepts that he moves and speaks slower than other children and no longer makes any attempt to move at a faster pace.

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Among the individual personality characteristics that clearly characterize a person’s behavior, his activities and communication with other people, a special place belongs to temperament. Temperament should be understood as individually unique properties of the psyche. The study revealed that the type of temperament does not have a decisive influence on the success or failure of training; it affects the individual style of behavior of a person in educational activities, which affects the effectiveness of training. Conclusion

D These choleric people are quite active. They quickly get down to business and bring it to the end. They love mass games and competitions, often organizing them themselves, taking active part in them. They are active in the lesson and easily get involved in the work. But it is difficult for them to perform activities that require smooth movements, a slow and calm pace, since their natural characteristics are opposite to the required qualities. A choleric person shows impatience, abruptness of movements, impetuosity, etc. Therefore, he can make a lot of mistakes, write letters unevenly, misspell words, etc.

A child with this temperament stands out among his peers for his impetuosity. His movements are fast and lively. During class, he constantly changes his position. Constantly talks to other guys. Very active. The teacher is ready to answer any question without thinking, and therefore often answers inappropriately. He speaks loudly and quickly. He almost never sits still, he is ready to run all the time and start fights with the guys. When annoyed and irritated, he is very quick-tempered and easily gets into fights. He is characterized by a cheerful, cheerful, rapidly changing mood. Characterized by very expressive and strong emotional reactions,

expressive facial expressions, energetic gestures. Intemperate and restless

(his drawings are usually large). But in carrying out assignments he shows confidence and perseverance. His interests are quite constant and stable. He does not get lost when difficulties arise and overcomes them with great energy.

In choleric people, thought processes proceed energetically and are supported by sustained attention. Such students read faster, tell and retell at once, with enthusiasm. However, such long and intense work tires the student so much that in order to restore his working capacity he must then rest for a long time.

Students of this type often work enthusiastically in different circles. Cholerics have high motor activity. Their movements are distinguished by great strength, sharpness and expressiveness. They have rich facial expressions and energetic gestures.

Insufficient emotional and motor balance of a choleric person can result in incontinence, hot temper, and inability to self-control in emotional circumstances. Children of this type of temperament are characterized by touchiness and anger. Their states of resentment or anger are stable and long-lasting. Through education, it is possible to develop restraint in a choleric person, to direct his characteristic energy towards more accurate performance of activities; as a result of exercises, comprehension together with the student of his mistakes and working with them, the child gradually develops a new pace of activity.

Educational work with choleric children. With regard to choleric people, it is necessary to take into account that often it is precisely their characteristic activity, mobility, assertiveness, and emotionality that help them occupy a favorable position in “children’s society.” Therefore, it is advisable to use their favorite outdoor and sports games when forming the “I-concept” and optimizing the relationships of these children with their peers.

Cholerics are easily excitable and, as a rule, very energetic. The difficulty of teaching and raising an excitable child is often aggravated by the wrong attitude of adults towards him, who at any cost try to impede the child’s activity and restrain his mobility. There is no need to forbid him to be active, there is no need to lead him by the hand or lecture him. It is much more expedient to support his useful hobby, to strive to organize his life in such a way that his activity finds useful use. We must take into account that a choleric child is easily excited, it is difficult to stop him, calm him down, and put him to sleep. In no case should you use “strong measures” of influence - shouting, slapping, threats. This only intensifies the excitement. You should speak to an excitable child calmly, but demandingly, without persuasion. Since these children have a naturally weak inhibitory process, they should not be reproached for being overexcited. We need to help curb it, and jokes and humor will be appropriate here.

Strange as it may seem, the “tireless” choleric person needs a particularly gentle regime. It is advisable to limit anything that excites the nervous system, especially in the afternoon, before bed.

Excitable children benefit from all types of activities that help their development.

intelligence, concentration: board games, designing, sawing, drawing - in a word, everything that can captivate and requires perseverance. It is very good if a child has a permanent work assignment, it disciplines him and develops the ability to manage himself. At the same time, there is no need to be zealous in limiting the physical activity of choleric people (and sanguine people).

Increased emotionality, reactivity, and assertiveness of a choleric person can, due to his inherent impulsiveness and lack of restraint, lead to complications in his relationships with peers.

It is difficult for a choleric child to follow the rules of communication: speak calmly, wait his turn, give in, take into account the wishes of others. He should be taught this patiently, using approval, reminders, and sometimes comments. From choleric schoolchildren, the teacher must constantly, gently but persistently demand thoughtful, calm answers, cultivate in them restraint, an even attitude towards comrades and adults. While performing a training task, choleric people should develop the ability to consistently carry out work according to a specific plan; it is necessary to demand from them a conscientious attitude to work throughout the entire task. But at the same time, we must not forget about the special power of playful communication, relying on motives of activity that are significant for younger schoolchildren. (game, competitive, self-affirmation, etc.).

It is important to appreciate the determination, courage, energy inherent in such children, the stability of their interests, and the often manifested initiative.