Birth of a child - the most important moment in the life of the spouses. One should prepare for it, because in these nine coming months the foundation of his personality and the foundation of his destiny will be laid. This is the most mysterious stage of a person’s life and, probably, extremely important. It is important for future parents to know not only the features of intrauterine physical development, but also to get acquainted with the spiritual life of your unborn child, with the basic principles of his intellectual and mental development, which are substantiated by perinatal psychology. This is a new direction in science that studies the formation and development of a child’s psyche from the moment of conception to his birth, including all stages of birth. Indeed, the mental life of an unborn child is mysterious and complex. She is closely connected with the life of the mother during this period. All thoughts, words, emotions, stressful experiences now concern not only her, but also the child. It is no coincidence that in many Eastern countries, the counting of a person’s life begins from the moment of conception. In ancient times in Rus', a pregnant woman was protected from the evil eye and from a bad word, from traumatic situations from those traumatic to the unborn, but also.

Perinatal psychology: basic principles

The founder of this area of ​​scientific knowledge is the famous scientist in the field of transpersonal psychology Stanislav Grof, who argues that it is during the period of intrauterine development and birth that programs are firmly laid in the psyche of each person, which are revealed or manifested in a person’s later life. These nine months of the invisible life of a little person can predetermine his entire future life, manifesting itself in behavioral characteristics, personality traits, hobbies and choice of profession. The scientist called these programs, each of which is associated with a certain period of development and stage of childbirth, perinatal basic matrices. Our consciousness is like a complex computer, and the information recorded in these basic programs, works throughout a person’s life.

Perinatal psychology, as a field of psychological knowledge about a person, has emerged recently, but it has already attracted close attention not only from psychologists and psychotherapists, but also from teachers and medical specialists.

Matrix of Naivety

The first basic perinatal program is formed during the period of intrauterine development of the child. It is called the Matrix of Naivety or Nirvana. It is characterized by a state of complete satisfaction of all needs, love and bliss, a feeling of endless well-being. All the desires of this tiny man come true at the moment of their occurrence, he does not need to make any effort. He is one with the mother’s body, so everything happens by itself. With a favorable course of pregnancy, the child receives a higher mental potential to adapt to the world around him and the opportunity to be healthy, strong and successful in the future.

Everything that the expectant mother lives at this time, all her experiences, dreams, disappointments, doubts are imprinted in the program, becoming unconscious facts of the biography of the future person. After all, as soon as a woman gets worried, the baby will immediately respond. Any emotional state causes the baby to react. While they are a single whole, he, the baby, diligently assimilates his mother’s experience on an unconscious level. The first basic matrix is ​​being formed, which, if not managed, will have a very serious impact on a person’s life.

What happens when the final phase of the formation of the first perinatal matrix is ​​disrupted, when medical indications the baby is helped to be born through C-section? He is deprived of the next two - they simply are not deposited in his psyche. Such a person becomes a carrier only of the matrix of naivety, and this leads to the emergence of unique personality traits. He is distinguished by too much trust in the people around him and a reduced instinct of self-preservation. Volitional qualities are not sufficiently developed: it is difficult for him to determine goals in life, and if they appear, he lacks perseverance, hard work and perseverance in achieving them. After all, in his matrix there lives an unconscious program that everything necessary should come by itself. No, they don't become slackers. But a certain passivity is present in their character.

Desired children. Random children. We rarely plan the birth of our children. Everything often happens unexpectedly, and sometimes at the wrong time. Doubts begin, various options are calculated, opinions of various kinds are heard. To have a child or not to have a child – this question can confront a woman for more than one day. Finally the decision is made in favor of life. But what was written there in the matrix? Is he welcome? Did they do him a favor by allowing him to be born and live? Will he be healthy after he was about to be killed? Will the baby feel welcome and loved? What mission do we sometimes place on the shoulders of an unborn child? How often does he become a savior, forcing them into marriage or saving it from disintegration. It’s scary to think how destructive words of dissatisfaction and irritation of a mother or, God forbid, curses addressed to a child are. He will be born and she will love him madly, but the program may begin its destructive work. Therefore, every woman should be extremely responsible during this period of her and his life.

Victim Matrix

The onset of labor pains marks the formation of the second basic matrix. A difficult moment not only for the mother, but also for the child. Both the woman and her newborn child suffer. While they are still tightly connected, they share both pain and emotions. This program, formed during contractions, is called the matrix of the Victim. After nine months of bliss, everything changes. The walls of the uterus begin to shrink, causing pain and depriving him of a state of well-being and love. Everything remains in the past. He is a victim, he needs to “escape”, but there is no way out, since the cervix has not yet dilated. But even in this seemingly hopeless situation, the child takes part in his birth, according to experts. He is fighting for his future life; he helps the mother and himself by releasing hormones through the placenta into the woman’s blood that slow down or speed up the process. What leads to the pathological formation of this matrix? Rapid labor, as well as a long period of contractions, record in the program the hopelessness of the situation, a state of despair. The mother's fear of childbirth contributes to the production of stress hormones, which leads to the child's experience of horror, helplessness and hopelessness.

What is the role of the second perinatal matrix program in a person’s life? Everything that the baby has experienced at this stage of labor can manifest itself in his behavior in difficult situations. Anyone who has successfully passed this stage of his birth will always find the strength to fight, be patient in achieving his goal, and not despair and not blame himself in case of defeat. He gained experience in solving hopeless situations. His program recorded the confidence that all difficulties and obstacles can be overcome, that by fighting he will cope with them.

If a person becomes the owner of a matrix in which any errors are recorded, then a heightened sense of duty develops in him, he is distinguished by high responsibility and increased diligence, and a tendency to self-accusation. Any a difficult situation grows in his eyes to monstrous proportions, from which he is afraid that he will not find a way out. There is an unconscious fear of difficult circumstances, and it is an obstacle to solving problems. Even Small child begins to give in to any difficulty. “No, I can’t do it!” says such a kid, without even trying to do anything. It should be noted that very young children often exhibit “basic fears” - fear of the dark, loneliness, pain, fairy-tale creatures, unexplained phenomena and of course, fear of death. These childhood inexplicable fears are stored in the memory of many adults.

Matrix of Struggle and Path

It begins from the moment the cervix dilates until the birth of the child. This matrix is ​​characterized by the fact that the experiences of despair and hopelessness are overcome, since there is a way out. But, passing through the birth canal, the fetus temporarily experiences a lack of oxygen and fear of death. This pushes him to act to get through the obstacle to life. He is no longer a Victim, he is a Fighter for his life, he makes his own way. That is why this program is called the matrix of Struggle and Path. If the baby goes through this stage of birth safely, then he gains invaluable experience in overcoming obstacles and difficult situations. As an adult, he will value his life and fight where necessary, but will not rush into battle if it is not necessary and for the sake of his self-affirmation.

If the period of pushing was long and difficult, the stage of suffering and struggle is rigidly fixed in the person’s program. His entire future life will become an unconscious challenge to death and an endless struggle for survival. This is manifested in a person’s choice of activity and profession, and his often dangerous hobbies. Look at people involved in extreme sports: their life is an endless duel with death. The risky actions of young people who defy death for the sake of likes and videos on the Internet are puzzling. Who will win?

Many experts argue that during a caesarean section the third matrix is ​​not formed, others argue that at the moment the fetus is removed from the uterus, it is formed, although in a truncated form.

Matrix of Freedom

The child's first breath, his first cry mark the beginning of the formation of the fourth matrix. He came into this world after overcoming so much difficulty, pain, struggle, tension and worry. The path has been passed, the struggle is over, all trials are a thing of the past. But what did he get in return? Freedom! But she brought him a feeling of complete loneliness in this world alien to him. And how important are the first minutes and hours of life for an alien! He so needs at this moment the love and protection of his mother, it is so important to feel her breathing and hear, as before, the calm beating of her heart. If these needs of the child are met, then he perceives Freedom with a feeling of security and confidence. If in the first hours of his life he is separated from his mother, and for some reason he does not receive her care and attention, then the fear of freedom will be recorded in the matrix. As an adult, a person may experience unconscious tension in a situation of freedom, since it is an unbearable burden for him. The ability to act freely and make independent decisions will always strain him.

Researchers call different terms formation of the fourth matrix - from the first minutes and hours after birth to a month. Many experts argue that it is formed throughout subsequent life, and the attitude towards freedom is constantly undergoing changes.

What conclusion can be drawn? Probably few people experience the formation of these seemingly mystical matrices smoothly, without disturbances or any kind of failures. Unfortunately, not everything is in our control. But not so little. Here are some tips for expectant mothers.

Firstly, take your health seriously. The most important factor on which the successful course of pregnancy, childbirth, and the health of the baby depends.

Secondly, remember that the fate of the child is largely determined during pregnancy. And you choose how you will live these nine months, what feelings and emotions you will let into your life, what you will enjoy and with whom you communicate.

Third, do not despair if any deviations from the norm occur during pregnancy and childbirth. Experts in perinatal psychology believe that any errors in the formation of basic matrices can be corrected. Breastfeeding (preferably up to a year), attention, love and affection, and reasonable upbringing can correct many mistakes that occur during childbirth.

Fourthly, get busy intellectual development unborn baby. Yes Yes! Do not be surprised! It is time. Did you know that by the end of the sixth month of fetal development, the formation of brain cells is completed. He begins to hear and perceive everything that happens around you. Learn to communicate with your baby. He hears your voice perfectly. Therefore, sing songs to him, talk to him, listen to music with him, read poetry. It is known that children introduced to music before birth are calmer and easier to learn. They are more capable of mastering foreign languages. What kind of music should I listen to? Experts recommend calm, melodic music, but aggressive music should be avoided. The works of Vivaldi and especially Mozart are very popular among expectant mothers these days. Have you heard about the Mozart phenomenon? This music has, according to experts, a unique effect on the developing fetus.

Perinatal psychology is a fashionable scientific field these days. Take the time to familiarize yourself with its main provisions. This will help solve many problems not only in your life, but also in the life of your child.

The proposed text reflects the author’s own opinion and in no way claims to be complete, objective or in-depth in understanding the problem. Large numbers of statements must be preceded by the word “allegedly.” The reader can add this word at will and depending on his beliefs. Perinatal psychology is a new direction in psychology, very fashionable. As a science, it has existed for about 30 years and is developing rapidly in civilized countries. The World Association of Perinatal Psychology has been created, with branches in cities and countries.

Perinatal is a concept consisting of 2 words:
peri (peri) - around, around and natos (natalis) - related to birth.
Thus, perinatal psychology is the science of the mental life of an unborn child or a newly born one. Classically, the terminology is as follows - an unborn child in the womb is called a fetus. After birth, the baby is called a newborn for 4 weeks. Perinatal psychology assumes 2 basic axioms:

The presence of mental life of the fetus;
- the presence of long-term memory in the fetus and newborn.

Perinatal psychology studies mental life during the perinatal period, its influence on the formation of a person’s personality. This is the science of the connection between the fetus and newborn with the mother, and the influence of the mother’s mental life on the child. This is a rare example of activity when different specialists, in general, find a common language. And psychologists, psychotherapists, obstetricians, pediatricians, and teachers do this.

It is assumed that long-term memory of the fetus extends to events occurring during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. These events influence the formation of the subconscious and the formation of mental and behavioral reactions of an adult. Perinatal events have a particularly strong impact on:

Human behavior in critical situations: stress, divorce, work difficulties, accidents, etc.
- a person’s craving for extreme sports, military service and attitude towards war, attitude towards sex, gambling and generally everything “edgy”.

In other words, if you wish, you can attribute anything to perinatal psychology.

Perinatal matrices.

The founder of the theoretical base is considered to be Stanislav Grof, an American of Czech origin. He developed the theory of perinatal matrices. This theory is being revised with inspiration by many followers. Briefly, its main provisions are as follows. In humans, perinatal events are recorded in the form of 4 main matrices (clichés, cliches), corresponding to the process of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. These are called basic perinatal matrices.

Matrix of naivety. This matrix corresponds to the period of pregnancy until the onset of labor. When its formation begins is not very clear. Most likely, it requires the presence of a formed cerebral cortex in the fetus - i.e. 22-24 weeks of pregnancy. Some authors suggest cellular memory, wave memory, etc. In this case, the matrix of naivety begins to form immediately after conception and even before it. This matrix forms a person’s life potential, his potential capabilities, and ability to adapt. Desired children, children of the desired sex, with a healthy pregnancy have a higher base psychic potential, and this observation was made by humanity a long time ago.

2. The victim matrix. It is formed from the moment of the onset of labor until the moment of complete or almost complete dilatation of the cervix. Approximately corresponds to the 1st stage of labor. The child experiences the pressure of contractions, some hypoxia, and the “exit” from the uterus is closed. In this case, the child partially regulates his own labor by releasing his own hormones into the mother’s bloodstream through the placenta. If the load on the child is too high, there is a danger of hypoxia, then he can somewhat slow down his labor in order to have time to compensate. From this point of view, labor stimulation disrupts the natural process of interaction between mother and fetus and forms a pathological matrix of the victim. On the other hand, the mother’s fear, fear of childbirth provokes the release of stress hormones by the mother, spasm of the placental vessels occurs, fetal hypoxia, and then the victim matrix is ​​also formed pathological. During a planned caesarean section, this matrix cannot be formed, but during an emergency it is formed.

3. Matrix of struggle. Approximately corresponds to the 2nd stage of labor. It is formed from the end of the opening period until the birth of the child. It characterizes a person’s activity at moments in life when something depends on his active or expectant position. If the mother behaved correctly during the period of pushing, helped the child, if he felt that during the period of struggle he was not alone, then in later life his behavior will be adequate to the situation. During caesarean section, both planned and emergency, the matrix does not appear to be formed, although this is controversial. Most likely, it corresponds to the moment the child is removed from the uterus during the operation.

4. Matrix of freedom. It begins from the moment of birth and its formation ends either in the first 7 days after birth, or in the first month, or it is created and revised throughout a person’s life. Those. a person throughout his life reconsiders his attitude to freedom and his own capabilities, taking into account the circumstances of his birth. Different researchers estimate the duration of the formation of the 4th matrix differently. If for some reason a child is separated from his mother after birth, then in adulthood he may regard freedom and independence as a burden and dream of returning to the matrix of innocence.

It is believed that full breastfeeding for up to a year, good care and love can compensate for negative perinatal matrices (for example, if there was a cesarean section, if the child was admitted to a children's hospital immediately after birth and was separated from the mother, etc.). S. Groff himself, working on perinatal matrices, conducted experiments using LSD on 5 thousand people. He compared different types hallucinations these people have with the circumstances of their birth. In addition, Groff tried to establish a connection between the basic perinatal matrices and those psychosomatic diseases (peptic ulcer, hypertension, colitis, neurodermatitis, etc.) that the subjects suffered from in adulthood. Nowadays, there are methods for adults to go through and correct their matrices using holotropic breathing techniques, i.e. breathing with the creation of controlled hypoxia. This rather complex event is carried out only by specialists - psychologists.

Ways of transmitting information.

If we recognize that the fetus and newborn have the opportunity to record information about the perinatal period for life, then the question immediately arises about the ways of transmitting this information from the pregnant woman to the fetus and back. According to modern ideas, there are 3 main ways:

1. Traditional - through the uteroplacental blood flow. Hormones are transmitted through the placenta, the levels of which are partly controlled by emotions. These are, for example, stress hormones, endorphins, etc.

2. Wave - electromagnetic radiation of organs, tissues, individual cells, etc. in narrow ranges. For example, there is a hypothesis that an egg in favorable conditions can accept not any sperm, but only one that matches it in terms of the characteristics of electromagnetic radiation. The zygote (fertilized egg) also notifies the mother's body of its appearance at the wave level, and not at the hormonal level. Also, the mother’s diseased organ emits “wrong” waves to the fetus, and the corresponding organ in the unborn child may also develop pathologically.

3. Water - through aquatic environment body. Water can be an energy-informational conductor, and the mother can transmit some information to the fetus simply through the fluid media of the body.

The electromagnetic field of a pregnant woman operates in the millimeter range, changing in accordance with changes environment and plays the role of one of the adaptation mechanisms. The child, in turn, also exchanges information with the mother in the same range.

It is interesting that the problem of surrogacy can be viewed from a completely different angle. A surrogate mother carrying someone else's (genetically) child for 9 months inevitably influences him informationally, and this turns out to be partially her child. A child being carried also influences its biological stepmother.

The problem of "unwanted children", i.e. children unwanted by one of the parents or both, children of an unwanted sex, children with further disruption of social adaptation - this is the bread of a large army of specialists in civilized countries. "Unwanted" is a very vague concept. Which relative is bothered by the birth of this child, when, for what reason - always different. How do children in the perinatal period learn about their unwantedness? Maybe then all the person’s problems, which can no longer be attributed to anything, are blamed on undesirability. Enthusiasts are engaged in these problems, and all of these are nothing more than hypotheses, although they are very beautiful and, I want to believe, somewhat true.

Practical conclusions.

If a child can be influenced by its mother, can it be raised in utero? Perinatal psychology claims that it is not only possible, but also necessary. For this purpose, there are prenatal education programs.

The main thing is a sufficient amount of positive emotions experienced by the mother. Classically, pregnant women were encouraged to look at the beautiful, at nature, at the sea, and not to get upset over trifles. It is very good if a mother draws, even without knowing how to do it, and conveys her expectations, anxieties and dreams in the drawing. Handicrafts have a huge positive effect. Positive emotions include “muscular joy,” which the child experiences when his mother engages in physical education and sports, or during long walks. To perceive all this, the fetus uses its sense organs, which are developed to varying degrees in utero.


The first thing the fetus develops is the sense of touch. At approximately 7-12 weeks, the fetus can feel tactile stimuli. A newborn also experiences “tactile hunger” and there is the concept of “tactile saturation”, which should occur by 7 months if the child is carried enough, massaged and generally touched. In Holland there is a system called "haptonomy". This is a system of tactile interaction between mother and fetus. You can talk to the child, tell him sweet words, ask his name, pat his stomach and determine the answer by his kicks. These are the forms of the first game. The father can also play with the child.

The auditory and vestibular apparatus of the fetus are formed by 22 weeks of pregnancy. Newborns hear quite well. In the first days, they may be bothered by fluid in the middle ear cavity - this is amniotic fluid that has not had time to leak out or be absorbed. Some children hear well right away. In utero, children also hear, but they are disturbed by the noise of the mother’s intestines, uterine vessels, and heartbeat. Therefore, external sounds reach them poorly. But they hear their mother well, because... acoustic vibrations reach them through the mother’s body. Newborns recognize the songs their mothers sang to them, the sound of their heart and her voice.

Many specialists around the world deal with music and pregnancy. It has been proven that children whose mothers sang during pregnancy have best character, easier to learn, more capable of foreign languages, more diligently. Premature babies who have good music playing in the incubator gain better weight. In addition, singing mothers give birth more easily, because Their breathing normalizes and they learn to regulate their exhalation.

In order for the child to hear his father, it is necessary to make a large cardboard megaphone, place it on his stomach and speak or sing into it.

You can place headphones on your stomach or tuck them behind a bandage and turn on calm music. But you can’t drown out your child with music for a long time, because... This is still a kind of aggression. Regarding what kind of music a child needs and when, there are many versions, and even at the Conservatory of Prof. Yusfin is doing this. Some believe that a child needs Mozart and Vivaldi, some - folk songs and lullabies, some - popular light music.

The reaction of the pupils to light is observed from 24 weeks of pregnancy. Whether the red part of the spectrum passes into the uterus, as some believe, is not very clear. A newborn sees quite well, but does not know how to focus his vision, so he sees everything blurry. It is not clear exactly which objects he sees better - at a distance of 25-30 cm (i.e. the mother’s face when the child lies at the breast) or 50-70 cm (a carousel toy). Most likely, this distance varies individually. But the toy should be hung up as soon as possible.

Toys, according to some observations, should be black and white or shiny, or yellow. The idea that a child sees everything upside down is not confirmed. There is the concept of “bonding” (“attachment”, “imprinting”) - this is a very important event to restore the first emotional contact of a newborn with his mother after birth. Usually, a few minutes after birth, the baby begins to look into the mother's eyes very consciously and examine her face. Often this happens before he takes the breast, sometimes an hour or two after birth. It’s hard to say whether he’s really looking at her facial features or not, but it’s very impressive to everyone.

Taste. Smell.

In utero, the child feels taste, because... from 18 weeks she drinks amniotic fluid, and its taste changes somewhat, depending on the mother’s food. When there is an abundance of sweet food, the waters are sweet. The sense of smell appears quite late and some full-term newborns do not smell their mother’s milk for several days after birth. Children at the age of 10 days already distinguish their mother by smell.


1. Kovalenko N.P. Perinatal psychology. St. Petersburg, 2000
2. S. Groff. Beyond the brain.
3. Psyche and childbirth. Ed. Aylamazyan
4. Materials of the 5th Conferences on Perinatal Psychology in Obstetrics. St. Petersburg 1997-2001
4. Materials of the Conference on Perinatal Psychology and Medicine, Ivanovo, 2001.

Perinatal psychology and obstetrics, Volgograd, 2001
L.E. Shenderova, midwife. Rainbow Center

From what moment does a person become human? Does a newborn have consciousness, soul, psyche, memory? When does all this appear? What does a newborn feel and experience before he is born? When exactly does life appear?
These questions concern not only parents. Scientists are also engaged in the search for truth. We have more and more information about the first moments of babies' lives, their development in the mother's womb. It turns out that the sensations and skills of a newborn develop much earlier than expected, otherwise the formation of ultra-fine brain structures occurs. And the connection with future parents is established even before pregnancy.
Natalya Movchan.
Perinatal psychology (Greek peri - around, and Lat. natalis - one who is related to birth) is a branch of clinical psychology, including the psychology of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. P.P. is one of the relatively new and not yet sufficiently theoretically formulated branches of clinical psychology, but, despite this, practical P.P. is intensively developing in the form of psychocorrectional programs for pregnant women, postpartum women, and their families.

Definition of perinatal psychology
Not so long ago it was believed that the human embryo, as it develops, repeats the stages of development of lower animals. However, newer scientific observations tell a different story: even at the earliest stages of development, the human embryo is not identical to the embryo of a fish, reptile or bird.
We have only recently learned many things about the life of an unborn person. Scientists, armed with electron microscopes, ultrasound equipment and endoscopy (direct observation of the baby in the womb through a special tube), have made stunning discoveries. This seems incredible, but when the size of the human embryo does not yet reach 2 mm, its brain is already functioning, controlling its further development. And with a size of 3.5 mm, that is, at the age of 25 days, the human embryo has all the most important organs: heart, skin, central nervous system, liver, lungs, intestines and sex. These amazing discoveries completely change our ideas about the baby under the mother’s heart.
At the same time, changes occurred in various nuances of maternal behavior. At different stages, different views on the “model of motherhood” arose in society. At some stage, maternal functions began to be replaced by a desire for independence, career, freedom from obligations and responsibilities. More and more single-parent families began to appear. According to G. Filippova, the present time is characterized by the presence of a large number of women who lack the qualities that make up the “model of motherhood.” To do this, they must receive training, in the organization of which perinatal psychologists should also participate.
Currently, a qualified category of psychologists is emerging who are involved in preparing pregnant women for childbirth and motherhood with the help of modern knowledge about the mental nature of a person during this period and the influence of these characteristics on the developing fetus. This area is perinatal psychology (Bertin A., 1992). Unfortunately, at the state level this area has not yet been designated by a clear professional framework, however, perinatal psychology programs are actively used in the prenatal training of future parents.

From a scientific point of view, perinatal psychology is a relatively young branch of psychology that studies the mother-child dyad and the child’s psyche in the period from conception to birth and in the first year of life, explores the circumstances and patterns of development of the human psyche in the early stages: antenatal, intranatal and neonatal phase, and their influence on the entire subsequent life of the individual. Science combines two areas: prenatal (from conception to birth) and postnatal (from birth to one year).

Perinatal psychology can be presented in the form of several sections:
psychology of motherhood;
psychology of the prenatal child;
psychology of the newborn.

At the end of the 20th century, scientific knowledge about intrauterine development, new technologies, and new theories appeared. Of course, this knowledge could not but affect the development of perinatal psychology. Gradually, a unified approach emerged, which became a kind of basic point. Its essence is that in a person’s life there is a period when relationships with the world are carried out through the mother. That is, the person is in a close relationship with the mother, forms something whole with her - a “dyad”. This whole is gradually divided, and by the age of three the child becomes relatively independent and aware of his “I”. Thus, perinatal psychology studies that part of a person’s life when he is not yet an independent, independent “I”, but is a member of a dyad - a single “mother-child” system.
The beginning is considered to be the moment when parents have a certain “idea of ​​a child”: “The child should have his own place in our life, since the image of this place - the parents’ idea of ​​the child and their interaction with him - will depend on what he will become . Therefore, when we, psychologists, work with future parents, we prepare this place together with them. And this is already the beginning of a dyadic relationship. There is a mother, there is a place for her child, and something can be done about it.” (G. Filippova).

Practical activities of perinatal psychology
Practical activities: perinatal psychodiagnostics, psychotherapy, psychocorrection and counseling, which are used to solve a wide range of problems related to the support of reproductive health and the correction of its disorders, ensuring and correcting the conditions of child development in the early stages of ontogenesis, updating perinatal problems in the psyche of an adult. Work is carried out individually, with couples, families or in groups. The duration of psychodiagnostics, counseling, and therapeutic programs is determined by the depth and content of psychological and psychosomatic problems and the content of contracts with clients on the desired results and can vary from single sessions to many months of regular work. It is used in clinical settings, in non-medical form in psychological centers and consultations, and by private practicing psychologists and psychotherapists.

Topics of practical perinatal psychology:
Psychology of pregnancy
Deviant motherhood
Types of pregnancy experiences
The problem of "unwanted children"
Psychological characteristics early pregnancy
Abortion - the psychological state of a woman and the impact on subsequent pregnancies
Loss of a child
Fears of pregnant women
Psychological preparation for childbirth
Postpartum depression
Birth Trauma
The psyche of a newborn
Resource therapy
Psychology of infertility and tolerance of psychogenic infertility
Psychological state of a woman who is breastfeeding
Age-related crises of personality development (in particular, the crisis of the first and third years of life)
Family at the stage of planning, pregnancy and childbirth.

In addition, the scope of practice includes psychoprophylaxis and the formation of parenthood - in the form of preparation for conception, childbirth and parenthood, work with parents after the birth of a child. This is considered (and implemented) as the formation of an adequate environment for the child’s development. IN Lately There is a tendency to create comprehensive medical and psychological centers that combine work with all stages of the reproductive cycle - from ontogenesis of the reproductive sphere, preparation for conception, pregnancy management, preparation and support of childbirth - to work with parents and children after birth, combining all aspects of this work: medical, psychological, educational, pedagogical and psychotherapeutic.
A perinatal psychologist (perinatal education consultant) is a specialist in the field of child psychology during the perinatal period, infant and early age, as well as the psychology of a pregnant woman, a woman in labor and a nursing mother. He studies the patterns and optimal conditions for the formation and development of the child’s psyche.

Practical tasks of a perinatal psychologist
1.Classes for pregnant women:
in preparation for childbirth and motherhood, creating optimal conditions for the development of the fetus (protecting it from stress), as well as for the successful course of pregnancy;
formation of maternal dominance;
attitude towards natural childbirth and breastfeeding;
psychological correctional work (classes are held in groups, couples, individually).
2. Classes with the pregnant woman’s relatives, aimed at changing attitudes towards the unborn child and the pregnant woman herself, as well as towards motherhood in general.
3. Partnership in childbirth, aimed at achieving the psycho-emotional comfort of the mother in labor, necessary for a successful birth.
4. Help in overcoming possible postpartum consequences, as well as postpartum depression.
5. Soft adaptation of a newborn and infant to a new environment, organization of adequate breastfeeding and physiologically based care.
6. Observation of the development of an infant in the first year of life, consultations on the development of the infant and the formation of his behavior, making changes in care and education methods.
7. Observation of the development of a young child (from 1 year to 3 years), consultations on his development, methods of care and education.
8. Formation of maternal behavior, teaching the mother the basic skills of handling a child and methods of education from birth to 3 years, characterizing good motherhood.
And most importantly - psychological support during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.

Educational activities
Specialists are trained within the framework of general and postgraduate special education. Departments of a number of universities have developed and approved programs of special courses and specializations for general higher and postgraduate courses. Developed copyright educational programs training conducted by leading experts in perinatal psychology and psychotherapy. These educational courses and programs are constantly updated and modified in accordance with new advances in science and practice in the field of perinatal psychology and psychotherapy.
The close connection of the child with the mother, and at the very first stages of development - a physical connection, as well as the idea of ​​​​the systemic structure of the mother-child community - served as the basis for including in the field of research of perinatal psychology problems associated with the characteristics of the mother, which is considered in the dyadic approach as creating conditions for the development of the child. As a result, a new direction has emerged, focused on the study of the mother as a subject of motherhood - the psychology of motherhood. Now we can talk about the psychology of parenting in general, including the psychology of motherhood and fatherhood (the latter is currently becoming increasingly popular), general problems of parenthood and their later phases of development – post-parenthood, etc. Thus, perinatal psychology and parenting psychology are interconnected and complementary sections of psychology, but each of them has its own subject of research.
In theoretical terms, perinatal psychology has its own developed theoretical base, including the original theory early development personality, concepts of psychology and psychosomatics of the reproductive sphere and its components, ideas about the factors that determine life scenarios and other developments.

Short story
It is known that the first steps in perinatal science date back to the 1920–1950s of the twentieth century. Within the framework of the psychoanalytic movement, it was developed by Anna Freud, E. Erikson, K. Horney.
The initiator of the creation of perinatal psychology is Dr. Gustav Hans Graber, who in 1971 formed the International Research Group on Prenatal Psychology in Vienna.

The development of Western perinatal psychology is primarily associated with the name of Stanislav Grof, an American psychologist of Czech origin, the founder of transpersonal psychology. Based on experiments using LSD, Grof also proposed the theory of four perinatal matrices, in the form of which all perinatal events are recorded. This theory is being revised with inspiration by many followers. Briefly, its main provisions are as follows. In humans, perinatal events are recorded in the form of 4 main matrices (clichés, cliches), corresponding to the process of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. These are called basic perinatal matrices.

In 1982, the National Association of Prenatal Education was created in France.

In 1983, the first American Congress on Pre- and Perinatal Education was held in Toronto. There is an urgent need to introduce perinatal psychology into obstetric and pediatric practice in Russia.

In 1986, the first International Congress was held in Badgaisten (Austria) under the motto of promoting prenatal psychology. The creation of the International Society for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine (ISPPM) was also proclaimed there. Subsequently, ISPPM congresses were held every three years. The first president of the ISPPM was Gustav H. Graber (Switzerland). Since 1989, the International Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine has been published (published four times a year in English and German).

Since 1993, scientific sections and associations have been formed, thematic conferences and congresses are regularly held, and symposia are organized at psychological and psychotherapeutic conferences and congresses.
Perinatal psychology in Russia has been developing with the active participation of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences since 1994.
RAPPM - Russian Association Perinatal Psychology and Medicine is a public association established at MIPU (International Institute of Psychology and Management). Annually holds scientific international conferences and seminars for specialists.
Currently, the Association is a reputable scientific and public association that sets the tone in the development of Perinatal Psychology in Russia.

Since 2002, the Association has been cooperating with the International Association of Perinatal Psychology and Medicine, which has existed abroad for more than 60 years. Perinatal psychology integrates knowledge from many areas of science and practice to solve problems of improving the psychosomatic health of pregnant women and women in labor and their children, and increasing the level of reproductive health.

On March 20-22, 1997, a conference “Perinatal psychology and obstetrics” was held in St. Petersburg, at which it was decided to create the Interregional Association of Perinatal Psychology and Medicine, which has existed for more than 60 years abroad. Perinatal psychology integrates knowledge from many areas of science and practice to solve problems of improving the psychosomatic health of pregnant women and women in labor and their children, and increasing the level of reproductive health.
The head of RAPPM is Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor N.P. Kovalenko since 1996.

In 1994, the first conference on perinatal psychology was held in St. Petersburg.

In 1994, in Russia (the city of Ivanovo) the Founding Meeting was held to organize the Association of Perinatal Psychology and Medicine (APPM).

In 1996, the following major international conferences devoted to perinatology were held: in January in Monaco, in May in Strasbourg, in July in Tampere.

In 1996, the First Conference on Psychotherapy was held in Moscow.

On March 20-22, 1997, a conference “Perinatal psychology and obstetrics” was held in St. Petersburg, at which it was decided to create the Interregional Association of Perinatal Psychology and Medicine of Russia.

Russian perinatal psychology developed on the basis of the theories of L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonina, A.N. Leontyev and other psychologists. There are a number of concepts:

Ontogenetic concept of motherhood (G.G. Filippova),

Biopsychosocial concept of deviant motherhood (V.I. Brutman),

The concept of psychophysiology of maternal dominance (Batuev A.S., Vasilyeva V.V.),

The concept of the psychology of motherhood and the psychology of the reproductive sphere (Filippova G.G.),

The concept of perinatal psychotherapy (Debryakov I.V.),

The concept of the transpersonal direction of perinatal psychology (Brechman G.I., Tashaev Sh.),

Theoretical justification and practical application of perinatal psychology to the correction of pregnancy (Kovalenko N.P.) and preparation for parenthood (Lantsburg M.E.) and others.

The Russian Psychological Society has a section on perinatal psychology. Since 2004, the journal “Perinatal Psychology and Psychology of Parenthood” has been published.

In Ukraine, PP exists in close cooperation with global scientific practices and trends. Conferences and forums for specialists are held in many cities of Ukraine: Kyiv, Kharkov, Odessa, Sevastopol, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Simferopol, Donetsk and others. New departments are opening on the basis of higher education institutions educational institutions. Associations of Conscious Parenting and perinatal centers are being created.

Among the first large and significant events that opened the world of PP in Ukraine, it should be noted: The First International Forum of Non-Governmental Organizations "Family from A to Z", the International Interdisciplinary Conference "Perinatal Culture of Ukraine - the Path to the Revival of the Nation" (SPC of Conscious Parenthood "Eilithia" ), scientific and practical conference on psychology for obstetricians and gynecologists “Child of the 21st Century” (Ministry of Health of Ukraine).

Modern perinatal psychology can be characterized as a field of study that studies the development of the child and his relationship with his parents (primarily the mother) in the period from the preparation of parents for conception until the completion of the process of separation of the child from the mother. The broadest in this case will be the allocation of the time period from preparation for conception (regardless of its planning) until the child’s age of three, the narrower – from conception to the end of the first year of life.

Natalya Movchan is a perinatal psychologist.

The article was published in the newspaper "Preschool Psychologist", January 2010.

It just so happened that having received my basic education as an educational psychologist, in practice I became convinced that many children’s problems and problems in the relationship between parents and children originate precisely from the perinatal period, i.e. period of pregnancy and childbirth. Having continued my studies in this area, I didn’t even notice how it became the main one in my work. And the very first thing I encountered were not specific questions and requests for consultations, but the questions - “who is a perinatal psychologist?” “Why is it needed and what does perinatal psychology do?”

Perinatal psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the psychology of a person even before his birth, in the womb.

Several sections can be distinguished:

Psychology of motherhood;

Psychology of the prenatal child;

Psychology of the newborn.

A perinatal psychologist examines issues of psychology of mother and child in the period from conception to 3 years. He is a specialist in the field of child psychology during the perinatal period, infancy and early childhood, as well as the psychology of pregnant women, women in labor and nursing mothers.

Previously, little attention was paid to the baby inside the mother's womb. However, new scientific observations allow us to say that this is an important period in human development and it is worth paying quite a lot of attention to. It is not correct to believe that an embryo or fetus is not yet a person and, as many call it, a “worm”. This seems incredible, but when the size of the human embryo does not yet reach 2 mm, its brain is already functioning, controlling its further development. And at a size of 3.5 mm, that is, at the age of 25 days, the human embryo has all the most important organs: heart, skin, central nervous system, liver, lungs, intestines and sex. These amazing discoveries completely change our understanding of the baby under the mother's heart.

Topics in practical perinatal psychology:

  • Psychology of pregnancy
  • Deviant motherhood
  • Types of pregnancy experiences
  • The problem of “unwanted children”
  • Surrogacy
  • Psychological features of early pregnancy
  • Abortion - the psychological state of a woman and the impact on subsequent pregnancies
  • Loss of a child
  • Fears of pregnant women
  • Psychological preparation for childbirth
  • Postpartum depression
  • Birth Trauma
  • The psyche of a newborn
  • Resource therapy
  • Psychology of infertility and therapy of psychogenic infertility
  • Psychological state of a woman who is breastfeeding
  • Age-related crises of personality development (in particular, the crisis of the first and third years of life)
  • Family at the stage of planning, pregnancy and childbirth.

As you can see, the Direction of Perinatal Psychology includes a fairly large list of questions.

What did I encounter in my practice?

When a pregnant woman registers for pregnancy at a medical institution, attention is paid to her physical health, but, alas, she either does not pay attention to her psychological health at all, or very little. Very often we have to deal with women with an increased level of anxiety regarding their pregnancy due to incorrect actions of medical personnel.

Girls in courses often ask me these kinds of questions: - How do my feelings affect the child? How does he feel? What happens to mother and baby during childbirth? How to help yourself and your baby? How to build life after the birth of a new family member? What should a baby “should” be able to do? Are we raising him correctly?.. etc.

A perinatal psychologist also provides assistance in pregnancy planning and to women who decide to terminate a pregnancy.

We discuss all these questions and much more during consultations, as well as during classes to prepare for childbirth. Now you have the opportunity to ask a question here.

What questions do I work with and what questions can and should be addressed:

– preparation for conception

– problems associated with pregnancy

– psychology of pregnancy

fears of pregnant women

psychological preparation for childbirth

– postpartum depression

– psychological postpartum support for the family

– breastfeeding (narrow focus, if more is required specific help, then I share with you the contacts of our specialist for breastfeeding, who conducts classes on our courses)

– psychological state of a woman who is breastfeeding

– age-related crises of personality development (in particular the crisis of the first and third years of life)

- upbringing

– motherhood

psychological characteristics early pregnancy

– abortions – the psychological state of a woman and the impact on subsequent pregnancies

– family at the stage of planning, pregnancy and childbirth

– preparation for partner childbirth

You can view information about the courses, as well as reviews of the courses, in my group.

Filippova G.G. .

Perinatal psychology and parenting psychology as areas of research in psychology were formed relatively recently, and already in the most last years united into a single direction. The basis for such a unification is the commonality of tasks and objects of research in these areas of psychological knowledge.

Another basis is the relationship between perinatal psychology and parenting psychology with medicine: psychosomatics, psychiatry, obstetrics and gynecology and perinatology. It is these areas of medicine that, firstly, address the “junction” of early ontogenesis and somatic problems in an adult, and secondly, actively demand psychological knowledge and incorporating psychological support into their work.

These areas of psychology and medicine are united by two more circumstances. Firstly, research in child psychosomatics and psychiatry indicates that the somatic and mental state of a child significantly depends on the characteristics of its development in the perinatal period and early childhood, and this in turn is related to the quality of maternal care. The same opinion exists in psychology regarding personality development. Secondly, in the perinatal period of a child’s development, problems of the somatic health of parents and the child (in medicine) and psychological problems of the parents and the unborn child (in psychology) are combined. Moreover, in child psychosomatics, by the end of the twentieth century, there was a strong opinion that a child’s somatic problems are a somatized form of depression as a consequence of maternal deprivation (its various forms and severity). And these are problems of psychology, which studies the interaction between mother and child and its influence on the child’s development.

Thus, both medicine and psychology agree that the main object of research and influence is not the child separately and not his parents themselves, but their community, which in the early stages of the development of child-parent interaction is represented by a dyad (the “mother-parent” system). child”, as defined by R. Spitz).

This orientation of perinatal psychology and the psychology of parenthood and its connection with medicine is aggravated by the demand from the population for psychological assistance on problems of parenthood and early child development, and the territory of professional activity where this request can be satisfied.

In our country, for parents, it is during pregnancy, childbirth and the early development of the child that psychological assistance is the least accessible for a number of reasons: the lack of developed psychological services; undeveloped traditions of seeking psychological help; insufficient psychological literacy of medical personnel of relevant institutions.

This, along with other circumstances, led to the fact that perinatal psychology from the very beginning began to develop “in the territory” of medicine: as psychological assistance and support to parents during pregnancy, childbirth and the early development of the child. This also served as the basis for combining it with the psychology of parenthood, which developed in line with personality psychology, family psychology and child psychology, and this common field is now increasingly being “introduced” into medical institutions (maternity hospitals, antenatal clinics, children’s clinics, medical and psychological centers). social assistance to the population, etc.) both in terms of practice and in terms of research work.

This is evidenced by the conferences on perinatal psychology and medicine that have been constantly held in Russia over the past almost ten years. In general, the same relationship between perinatal psychology and the corresponding fields of medicine exists abroad and has a twenty-year tradition (the first international congress on prenatal psychology was held in Toronto in 1983).

The relationship between perinatal psychology and parenting psychology and medicine in our country cannot yet be called harmonious; unfortunately, there is still insufficient mutual understanding between doctors and psychologists. This problem is especially acute in the area where perinatal psychology and the psychology of parenthood (primarily motherhood) come into contact with obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology, that is, in the field of human reproductive health problems. It is here that the functions of a parent are combined - to be able to give birth and raise healthy offspring, and the health of the child himself - as a future parent who in the future will be able to give birth and raise healthy offspring.

The unity of perinatal psychology and the psychology of parenting becomes even more apparent when considering the main areas of psychology dealing with the problems of early child development and the implementation of parental functions.

Areas of psychology dealing with problems of parenting and early child development

Perinatal psychology

Branch of psychology: general psychology and personality psychology; developmental psychology; clinical psychology
Subject: child mental development
Object: mother-child dyad; "child-parent" system
Goal: optimization of child development
Area of ​​research: mental development of the child in the prenatal and early postnatal period; mother (parents) as a condition for the child’s mental development; child-parent and family relationships; therapeutic and correctional methods for optimizing the mental development of the child, the mental and physical state of the mother (parents) and child-parent relationships.
Objectives: diagnostics of readiness for motherhood and fatherhood; identifying the connection between the mental state of the mother during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period with the development of the child; psychological support and assistance to the mother and family during the period of planning, waiting, birth and early development of the child.
Means of influence: optimization of the condition of the mother and father; acceptance of pregnancy, child and motherhood (parenthood); increasing maternal competence; harmonization of family relationships.
Impact results: harmonization of parent-child relationships, optimization of the child’s mental and physical development
Main achievements: the theoretical foundations for the prevention of disorders, optimization and correction of the child’s mental development in the prenatal and early postnatal period have been developed; the relationship between the psychological problems of parents and the characteristics of the child’s mental development was identified; methods for diagnosing psychological readiness for motherhood (parenthood) are proposed; methods and means of psychological assistance to the child, mother and family have been developed in preparation for parenthood and overcoming psychological and psychosomatic problems of conception, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and child development.

Psychology of Parenting

Branch of psychology: general psychology and personality psychology; developmental psychology; social Psychology; clinical psychology
Subject: parenthood (maternity and paternity) as part of the personal sphere of women and men;
Object: mother-child dyad; child-parent system
Area of ​​research: parent (mother, father) as a subject of parenthood (maternity, paternity); child-parent and family relationships; crises and internal conflicts in the parental sphere; ontogenesis of parenthood (maternity, paternity); therapeutic and correctional methods for optimizing the parental sphere, the mental and physical state of parents and child-parent relationships.
Goal: optimization of the parental sphere of women and men
Objectives: diagnostics of the content and ontogenesis of the parental sphere; identifying the connection between the characteristics of a woman’s maternal sphere and the development of her child in early ontogenesis; psychological assistance on parenting issues; correction of dyadic problems.
Means of influence: identification and therapy of internal conflict in the maternal (parental) sphere; correction of the parental sphere and child-parent relationships.
Impact results: harmonization of the parental sphere of women and men; resolution of internal conflicts and dyadic problems; formation of readiness for parenthood.
Main achievements: the theoretical foundations of the psychology of parenting and the provision of psychological assistance in this area have been developed; the relationship between psychological problems in the maternal sphere and the state of a woman’s reproductive health was identified; shows the relationship between psychological problems and dysfunction of the reproductive system in different phases of its development (ontogenesis, puberty, conception, gestation, childbirth, the postpartum period, lactation, menopause); proposed methods for diagnosing readiness for parenthood, disorders of the psychological component of pregnancy, prognosis of disorders of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum depression and interaction between mother and child after childbirth; methods have been developed for the prevention of disorders, optimization and correction of conception, gestation, childbirth, the postpartum period and lactation, and maternal-child relationships.


Branch of psychology: clinical psychology; general psychology and personality psychology;
Subject: the relationship between mental and somatic mechanisms of life
Object: forms of somatization of psychological problems; mental and physical health and a person’s attitude towards these violations.
Goal: prevention and correction of psychosomatic problems.
Area of ​​research: psychosomatic disorders; a person’s attitude towards illness and psychological assistance in overcoming physical and secondary mental problems; psychological assistance in clinical settings; formation of a psychosomatic way of responding to a frustrating situation; stress and post-stress conditions.
Objectives: diagnostics of the psychosomatic method of response and its forms; prevention and correction of psychosomatic problems; development of methods and forms of providing psychological assistance to patients, people in crisis situations, victims of violence and disasters.
Means of influence: identification, prevention and correction of psychosomatic problems by means of psychotherapy and optimization of living conditions. Impact results: symptomatic solution of psychosomatic problems; generating a request for identification psychological reasons occurrence of somatic problems and appropriate psychological assistance; prevention and correction of the formation of a psychosomatic way of responding.
Main achievements: a theoretical substantiation of the relationship between violations of the psychological conditions of a child’s development and the formation of his vegetative-somatic status and the leading method of neuropsychic response has been developed; explanatory models and methods of psychotherapy for disorders of general mental and physical, including reproductive health (during early development, puberty, conception, gestation, childbirth, postpartum disorders, lactation, menopause) are proposed.


Branch of psychology: clinical psychology; general psychology and personality psychology; developmental psychology.
Subject: correction of psychological and psychosomatic problems, mental disorders psychotherapeutic means.
Object: all types of psychological problems, neuroses and borderline states, mental pathology, psychosomatic problems.
Goal: diagnosis and correction of psychological problems destructive to the mental and physical state of a person.
Area of ​​research: personal problems and their correction; problems of interpersonal, including child-parent and family relationships and their correction; violation of the child’s mental development and its correction; neuroses, borderline states and mental pathology and their correction.
Objectives: diagnostics of forms of manifestation of pathologizing psychological problems; development of methods and forms of application of psychotherapeutic influences.
Means of influence: individual and group psychotherapy of a psychological direction (therapy of personal and interpersonal problems); individual and group therapeutic psychotherapy (therapy of neuroses, borderline conditions, mental disorders and psychosomatic manifestations).
Impact results: symptomatic resolution of psychological, mental and psychosomatic problems; stabilization and maintenance of an adaptive state; in combination with psychological assistance, correction and rehabilitation of psychological problems, mental and psychosomatic disorders.
Main achievements: theoretical foundations for the diagnosis and psychotherapy of disorders of the development and functioning of the psyche and somatics have been developed; methods for diagnostics and psychotherapy of psychological and clinical areas of various reproductive health disorders (psychosexual development, conception, gestation, childbirth, postpartum disorders, lactation) have been developed.

Family psychology

Branch of psychology: general psychology and personality psychology; developmental psychology; pedagogical psychology; social Psychology.
Subject: psychology of family relationships and psychotherapy.
Object: family as a system and its subsystems: marital, parental, sibling.
Goal: diagnosis and correction of psychological problems that are the cause and consequence of disturbances in family relationships.
Field of study: personality problems, disorders interpersonal relationships in family; family crises; psychosomatic problems associated with family relationships; features of the child’s mental development.
Objectives: diagnosis and correction of family relationships, personal and interpersonal problems, mental and physical health disorders associated with family relationships; development of methods of psychotherapeutic assistance to families.
Means of influence: individual and family psychotherapy and psychocorrection.
Impact results: optimization of the mental and physical state of each family member, optimization of the family situation and psychological climate in the family; overcoming family crises and resolving family conflicts.
Main achievements: methods and means of psychotherapy and psychocorrection of family problems related to physical and mental (including reproductive) health have been developed (planning the birth of a child, conception, pregnancy, the postpartum period, interaction with a child at different age periods).

The above-mentioned features of various areas of psychology allow us to conclude that each direction solves its own problems, while perinatal psychology and parenting psychology are leading in the integration and coordination of scientific research and practical activities.

It is they who currently represent a single area of ​​psychology aimed at studying problems and providing psychological assistance to parents (primarily the mother) and the child in the earliest and most critical periods of development for their mental and physical health (from family planning to the end of the child’s early development ).

Distinctive feature perinatal psychology and psychology of parenthood is (in addition to the tasks of optimizing and correcting current problems of mental and physical reproductive health of parents and child development) its preventive focus: preparing adolescents and future parents for parenthood; married couples to conception, pregnancy, childbirth and raising a child; prevention of psychological problems that cause disturbances in the development and functioning of the reproductive system from the earliest stages of child development.

Now let us turn to the characteristics of perinatal psychology and parenting psychology as a general area of ​​research and practice in psychology. As the name itself indicates, this field is represented by two interpenetrating and complementary “parts”, which are more correctly called two aspects of research.

Indeed, it is impossible to consider a child in the early stages of development without a mother (and more broadly, parents). This is reflected in the dyadic approach, which is generally accepted in the area of ​​developmental psychology that deals with early ontogenesis. On the other hand, parents are generally something that “does not exist” without a child. This social role, personal position, etc., existing only as related to the child. Moreover, during the period of its early development (from conception to the end of early childhood), the child is first inside the mother, then connected with her physically and mentally, and only gradually separates on all planes, going through this main path of separation (separation stage) until the age of three. (with varying success and completion of each stage).

All this leads to unification into a common area of ​​theoretical study and practical work problems associated with the early development of the child and his relationship with his parents, primarily with his mother (and, accordingly, the problems of the parents themselves). The close connection of the child with the mother, and at the very first stages of development - a physical connection, served as the basis for separating initially one part of the psychology of parenting - the psychology of motherhood - into an independent field of study. But at present we can already talk about the psychology of parenting in general, including the psychology of motherhood and fatherhood, general problems of parenthood and their later phases of development - post-parenting, etc.

Let us briefly consider these three components - perinatal psychology, psychology of motherhood and psychology of parenthood

"Perinatal psychology"

There is a narrow and broad meaning of the term “perinatal psychology”. IN in the narrow sense perinatal is the period of individual development from 28 weeks after conception to 7 days after birth. However, in psychology it is impossible to consider the development of the psyche in such an isolated age area. The period of age-related development in psychology is outlined based on certain criteria, both private and systemic (depending on the subject of the study). In this case we're talking about about the formation of basic mental processes and basic personal structures.

In this sense, the perinatal period in its narrow meaning can only be distinguished within the framework of a more general one, which, based on all psychological approaches and theories, should be defined from conception to the end of the stages of separation of the child from his mother - that is, until he becomes a “separate, independent subject" (the appearance of the "inner self").

This logic for identifying this age period is also confirmed by practice: all theoretical and practical research in this area covers precisely this age, although they are more concentrated on the period from conception to the end of the first year. However, age limits are not all the limitations (more precisely, extensions) of the name of this field of psychology. It rightfully includes a study of the conditions of child development at this age - and this is primarily the mother (and more broadly, the parents). Therefore, this also includes everything that concerns the problems of conception, pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period for the mother, her relationship with the child’s father (and the child with the father too).

This is understandable, since conception is the conception of a child, and a woman’s pregnancy is at the same time the intrauterine period of the child’s development. Childbirth is even more so a common process.

At conferences on perinatal psychology, psychotherapy and medicine, the problem of “borders” and definitions of perinatal psychology was repeatedly discussed (reports by G.I. Brekhman, I.V. Dobryakov, G.G. Filippova, etc.). Based on these works and the limitations and definitions outlined above, we can characterize modern perinatal psychology as a field of study that studies the development of the child and his relationships with his parents (primarily the mother) in the period from the parents’ preparation for conception to the completion of the main age stages of the child’s separation from mother.

The broadest restriction in this case will be from preparation for conception (regardless of its planning) until the child is three years old, narrower - from conception to the end of the first year of life.

Perinatal psychology as an independent field of science and practice began to take shape in the last quarter of the twentieth century, and in Russia - almost in the last decade of the twentieth century. The first conferences on the problems of perinatal psychology were held in 1996 in Moscow (First Conference on Psychotherapy) and in St. Petersburg (First Conference on Perinatal Psychology). Somewhat earlier, in 1994, the Founding Meeting was held in Ivanovo to organize the Association of Perinatal Psychology and Medicine (APPM).

Perinatal psychology arose at the intersection of several sciences and types of practice. Main scientific branches: medicine (obstetrics and gynecology, perinatology, psychiatry), psychotherapy, psychology, pedagogy, sociology. Among the types of practice that participated in the development of perinatal psychology were parental associations, spiritual practices (both Christian and other faiths, as well as those based on non-traditional religious views and often eclectically combining various spiritual approaches), “alternative” areas of education, training, health and wellness. treatment of body and soul.

This is not a very traditional way to identify an independent branch of science, since in addition to purely scientific disciplines, branches of practice that are not always based on a scientific approach, that is, do not have a scientific theoretical basis and developed methods for applying scientific knowledge, also took an active part in the formation of perinatal psychology. . All this determines the modern specifics of perinatal psychology, the theoretical approaches used in it and its practical application, as well as the prospects for its further development.

"Psychology of Motherhood"

The study of motherhood from different positions purposefully began in foreign psychology in the second half of the twentieth century and is primarily associated with psychoanalysis, attachment theory and the theory of object relations. Various terms were used, mainly mathering (motherhood, the state of being a mother) and matherhood (motherhood, performing maternal functions).

In domestic studies, we were talking about parent-child relationships; the word “mother” was practically not found in scientific publications; the term “close adult” was used. The situation changed in the 80s, interest in foreign research arose and work began to study the characteristics of the mother and her relationship with the child.

As an independent field of study, the psychology of motherhood began to take shape in the 90s, closely interacting with psychotherapy, obstetrics and gynecology (due to the practical demand for psychological help in pregnancy and childbirth), and pedagogy. The term “Psychology of motherhood” to define this area of ​​research as an independent one was proposed by G.G. Filippova in the late 90s (reports at the 1st All-Russian Conference of RPO, 1996; at Psychotherapeutic Conferences in Moscow, 1997, 1998; conferences on perinatal psychology and medicine in Ivanovo, 1998, 1999; conferences on perinatal psychology and psychotherapy in St. -Petersburg, 1998, 1999; in publications: G. G. Filippova “Motherhood: a comparative psychological approach” \ Psychological Journal, 1999, No. 5; G. G. Filippova “Psychology of motherhood: a conceptual model” monograph, M.: Youth Institute, 1999).

Psychology of Parenting

The psychology of parenting is a broader area and general in relation to the psychology of motherhood as a particular one. The fact that it emerged as an independent field earlier and laid the foundations for the theoretical development of the entire psychology of parenting is a consequence of the logic of the development of all psychological science, since first of all it was necessary to understand the closest “condition” that determines the entire development of the child - the mother. The main theoretical sources of the psychology of motherhood, of course, are the dyadic approach, psychoanalysis and its modern directions (in particular, the theory of object relations), as well as comparative psychology. This also determined the priority of “maternal” problems.

The current state of this field of research indicates that now the time has come when we can and should talk about the psychology of parenting, in which the psychology of motherhood is an integral part. The structure and content of the psychology of parenting can be characterized as follows.

Structure and content of parenting psychology

Subject: parenthood as part of the personal sphere of men and women
Object: dyad (mother-child system); “father-child” system, “mother-child-father” triad.
Subfields: psychology of motherhood; psychology of fatherhood; psychology of interparental relationships (and their connections with other types of interpersonal relationships in the family); general problems of parenting (age-related, socio-cultural, etc.).
Research objectives: study of the parental sphere, its structure, content, development in ontogenesis, cultural characteristics, deviant manifestations, methods and means of optimization and correction.
Practical tasks: diagnostics of the content and ontogenesis of the parental sphere; identifying the connection between the characteristics of the parental sphere and various types of interpersonal relationships in the family: marital, child-parent different levels, siblings, etc.); psychological assistance on parenting issues; correction of dyadic problems of parents.
Goal: optimization of the parental sphere of men and women
Means of influence: identification and therapy of internal conflict in the parental sphere; correction of the parental sphere, interparental and child-parent relationships.
Impact results: harmonization of the parental sphere of men and women; resolving dyadic problems; harmonization of family and interpersonal relationships.

The areas of research described - perinatal psychology and parenting psychology - are closely related to each other in the history of development and in current state, and most importantly - by its very essence:

Areas of research and interdisciplinary connections of perinatal psychology

Psychology of Personality Development
psychology of motherhood
psychology of parenting
family psychology
obstetrics and gynecology
conscious parenting

Current state: interdisciplinary field, in psychology - at the intersection of developmental psychology and developmental psychology

Areas of research and interdisciplinary connections in parenting psychology

Psychology of Personality Development
psychotherapy and psychological counseling
psychology of parent-child relationships
family psychology
obstetrics and gynecology
psychological and pedagogical direction

Current state: interdisciplinary field, in psychology - at the junction of developmental psychology, family psychology perinatal psychology and psychosomatics

The modern concept of the psychology of parenthood is based on the general idea that parenthood, on the one hand, should be considered from the standpoint of its functions, and on the other hand, as part of the personal sphere of women and men, that is, from the position of the subject performing these functions.

Function of parenthood: providing conditions for the development of the child

Parenthood as part of the personal sphere of a woman and a man: a systemic education, including needs, values, motives and methods of their implementation.

Thus, it is clear that perinatal psychology and parenting psychology are two complementary areas, differing in the subject of research and goals, coinciding in the object of research, partially overlapping in tasks, means of influence and results. This determines the orientation of researchers and the area of ​​their interests and knowledge, determines the difference in the means used and the expected results.

The need to consider the child and parents as a single system and the overlap of interests and efforts of specialists indicates that currently perinatal psychology and parenting psychology can be characterized as a single interdisciplinary area of ​​research and psychological practice, consisting of several “component parts”:

psychology (main branches: developmental psychology; personality psychology; psychology of parenthood and parent-child relationships; psychosomatics; medical psychology; psychological psychotherapy)
medicine (main branches: obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology; pediatrics; adult and child psychiatry; medical psychotherapy)
pedagogy (main branches: education and training of children and parents; family pedagogy; defectology)
sociology (socio-cultural problems of childhood and parenthood; social work with the population; social pedagogy)
health-improving, educational and training practice of working with families and individuals on the problems of parenthood and child development.

All these sectors are aimed at one common goal: ensuring the reproductive health of the population and optimizing the physical and mental development of children and the personality of parents, but they have different specific goals, objectives, subject and object of work, methodology and methods, despite the fact that they are closely intertwined . Accordingly, they use different terminology, theoretical approaches, practical techniques. For the productive integration of these sciences and practices into a single, effectively operating industry, it is necessary to clearly understand the specifics of each direction, the areas of their intersection, and the special and general tasks of the work. Let us briefly characterize the identified areas according to the following parameters: goals; tasks; subject of activity; object of activity; theoretical approaches; terminology; methods of working with families and children.


Goals: optimizing mental health and creating conditions for full personal development
Objectives: psychological preparation for parenthood; correction of personal problems of parents; psychological education, psychological support and psychological assistance to the family during the period of planning, anticipation and early development of the child; optimization of the child’s mental development; psychoprophylaxis and treatment of psychological problems associated with the reproductive sphere and child-parent relationships.
Subject of activity: development of the child’s personality and psychological characteristics of the reproductive sphere of parents.
Object of activity: mother-child dyad, mother-child-father triad, family interactions.
Theoretical approaches: natural science; psychotherapeutic practices based on a scientific approach.
Terminology: subject; personality; mental development; psychological problems; psychological help; psychological interaction.
Methods of working with families and children: methods are focused on identifying and stimulating a person’s own capabilities, helping in mastering the means of working with oneself and optimizing one’s mental and physical state.
Main methods: psychological education; psychodiagnostics; psychoprophylaxis; psychological support; psychological help; psychotherapy of a psychological direction; psychological preparation individual and group; psychocorrection individual, family, group; psychological counseling individual and family.


Goals: formation of knowledge, skills and abilities (for parents and child)
Objectives: pedagogical preparation for parenthood; mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities of teaching and raising a child; pedagogical education, pedagogical support and pedagogical assistance to the family during the period of planning, anticipation and early development of the child.
Subject of activity: the process and methods of teaching and mastering by parents and children the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.
Object of activity: child; parents; dyad "mother-child", triad "mother-child-father".
Theoretical approaches: natural science; teaching and educational methods based on a scientific approach.
Terminology: man as an object and subject of training and education; education; problems of teaching and education; methods of training and education.
Methods of working with families and children: methods are focused on the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, assistance in mastering the means of teaching, training and education.
Main methods: pedagogical education; training and development methods; pedagogical correction group and individual.


Goals: optimization and treatment of physical and mental health disorders
Objectives: identification, prevention and treatment of disorders of the physical and mental health of the child and the reproductive health of parents; creating conditions for optimizing the physical and mental health of the child and the reproductive health of the population; health education, medical support and health care family during the period of planning, waiting and early development of the child.
Subject of activity: physical and mental health of the child and parents; reproductive health of parents.
Object of activity: child; woman; man.
Theoretical approaches: natural science; medical practices based on a scientific approach.
Terminology: health; health impairment; disease; health factors; medical methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment.
Methods of working with families and children: methods are focused on identifying, preventing and treating disorders or the risk of disorders in the physical and mental health of the child and the reproductive sphere of parents

Main methods: health education; medical diagnostics; medical measures to prevent health problems; medical treatments; medical supervision and support; medical psychotherapy.


Goals: optimizing the social health of the population and creating conditions for the full functioning of the family
Tasks: provision social conditions for optimal family functioning and child rearing; prevention of social maladjustment; social assistance to the population.
Subject of activity: family and child as members social structure society.
Object of activity: family; child; parents.
Theoretical approaches: natural science; cultural; spiritual.
Terminology: society; personality as a member of society; family as a unit of society; social problems of the individual and family; social help; factors influencing social adaptation of the individual and family.
Methods of working with families and children: methods are focused on identifying and optimizing factors that influence the social well-being of the individual and family.
Main methods: sociological survey of the population; design and implementation of activities for social support and assistance to individuals and families; prevention of social maladaptation of the individual and family.

Health-improving, educational and training practice of working with families and individuals on issues of parenthood and child development

Goals: optimization and correction of a person’s mental, physical and spiritual health and creation of conditions for the full development of the individual.
Objectives: physical, mental and spiritual preparation for parenthood; assistance in overcoming personal problems of parents; education, support and psychological and pedagogical assistance to the family during the period of planning, anticipation and early development of the child; optimization of a person’s relationship with the world, himself and family relationships.
Subject of activity: physical, mental and spiritual health of a person.
Object of activity: parents; child; family.
Theoretical approaches: natural science; cultural and historical; traditional-ritual; spiritual practices based on religious, mystical approaches and personal life experience.
Terminology: physical, mental and spiritual health; personality; child; family; parental purpose, duty, responsibility; self-development; self-realization and achieving the ideal.
Methods of working with families and children: methods are focused on proposing rules and means to achieve set goals; in most cases, the principle of faith and mandatory adherence to the proposed strategies of influence, training, education, etc. are used.
Basic methods: proposing a certain paradigm of understanding and action; belief; suggestion; organization of group support and control; training in specific techniques and methods of working with oneself, training, education;

As you can see, all the components of modern perinatal psychology and parenting psychology partially overlap in many respects (especially the practical direction, which seeks to solve all problems at once), but nevertheless have their own specifics. Actually, this specificity determines the need to combine them into a single area, the subject of which, in a broad sense, is to ensure the success of birth and personal development, carried out in the family in the process of child-parent interaction. The proposed classification indicates that productive cooperation in such different areas is possible only on the basis of a clear understanding of the specific tasks and methods of work of each of them.

This will allow us to avoid the now common situation of expanding the powers of individual specialists (primarily this applies to teachers and psychologists, who often strive to solve the problems of doctors) on the one hand, and a rather pronounced position of confrontation between specialists in different fields on the other hand (this applies more to doctors, often psychologists and teachers are very wary). A serious problem is the differentiation of the tasks of psychology and pedagogy, which have different subjects and methods of work. To a large extent, the described situation is based on differences in terminology, which is aggravated by the use of the same concepts both in different sciences and in everyday language (which further exacerbates the complexity of mutual understanding between different specialists working in the field of perinatal psychology). An example of constructive cooperation is the interaction between teachers and psychologists in educational psychology.

All of the above allows us to say that the primary strategic objectives of the development of perinatal psychology and the psychology of parenthood are two interrelated processes:

Further specification of subjects, objects and methods of each direction (primarily this concerns psychology, pedagogy and sociology, which are mastering this area as new for themselves).
Development of a unified conceptual and categorical apparatus that allows us to achieve mutual understanding and develop a unified strategy for interaction in achieving the common goal of ensuring the reproductive health of the population and optimizing the physical and mental development of the child.


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