The choice of a company name should be approached with all seriousness. And anything can serve as inspiration. For example, the founder of the Kodak company, George Eastman, loved the letter “K” because it is in all alphabets and is written the same way. After going through a lot of words, he settled on Kodak. It was short, began and ended with his favorite letter, and imitated the sound of the camera he invented. Any very ordinary word can become a successful name, even if, at first glance, it does not evoke any associations with a specific business.

Salt and Fire are very simple names. There are no puns, metaphors, rearrangements of letters or anglicisms. However, these two names were invented on the hundredth attempt by the staff of these projects, after long painful discussions and disputes. The name “Salt” was invented by Ulyana Vordshilova, “Fire” was invented by Pasha Chukhlantsev.

It would be cool if someone came up with a technique for coming up with names, but I don’t know of one yet. As a rule, we take interesting meanings and work with a dictionary of synonyms. Thus, many options appear for discussion, we analyze them from various angles and... without much discussion we choose some option that was successfully thrown in by someone at the very last moment.

When choosing a name for your company, you can, of course, hope for luck. But it is better to use a scientific approach.

Naming algorithm

What does the process of creating a company name look like from the outside? We sit down, think, write down everything that comes to mind, then discard what is unnecessary. In principle, this is almost exactly what happens. Only the words included in the list should not be random. It is necessary to take into account many nuances that, at first glance, have nothing to do with naming. And you need to start with these global concepts, as the company’s values, gradually narrowing down to the target audience and the length of the name.

Company positioning and values

How should a client see your company - a fast-paced and energetic team or a stable and reputable company that does not make mistakes? Your message should be as simple and clear as possible. Of course, you want everything at once, but that doesn’t happen. Companies operating in the same niche may have diametrically opposed positioning. The name of the bakery “Pekarushka” sends us back to the past, when there was a Russian oven in every home, and all housewives baked pies and bread. The name is similar to an outdated word“Madame”, which also reminds of traditions. But in the name “Tortolino” one can immediately discern the influence of Europe, with its exquisite desserts.

Difference from competitors

No two companies are the same; there is always something that distinguishes one from the other. A company without a unique selling proposition is doomed (how to create one in our blog).

If you can’t find a difference from your competitors, invent them. Almost all companies selling drinking water, use the word “water” or “aqua” in the name: Ugorskaya water, “AquaVita”, “Aqua-Life”, etc. Try associations - lake, river, spring, spring, well. The theme is preserved, but the name immediately stands out - “Native Spring”, “Silver Star”.

The target audience

The name should be clear to the target audience.

It is unlikely that the Evpatiy Kolovrat store will attract the attention of teenagers, while the Hype pharmacy will be popular among pensioners.

This is easier to do when the audience is quite narrow. If your potential clients are men and women from 20 to 90 years old with different levels prosperity, you need to identify a core target audience for yourself. For a grocery store, these could be housewives; for a cafe, they could be residents of a certain area. You need to play on what these categories of consumers are looking for. What do most housewives look for when buying groceries? That's right, on the price. The “Monetka” and “Pyaterochka” chains literally scream with their names that they are cheap. The use of a diminutive form creates an atmosphere of “one’s own, dear and homely.” For a neighborhood cafe, the most obvious choice is to come up with a name based on geography.

Information or emotions

It’s quite easy to come up with an informational name - what the company does + any word or phrase: transport company “Garant”, construction company “Vasilisa”, taxi “Three Tens”. This approach is often used for naming companies operating in the b2b sector.

With emotions, everything is a little more complicated. Such names, as a rule, do not directly indicate the type of activity of the company, but they certainly evoke an association with it. For example, a cafe with national cuisine can be given the name of one of its popular dishes, a car service center can easily use the names of spare parts, and a pharmacy can use any words associated with health.


In Russia there are two versions of company names - in Latin or Cyrillic.

English names should be chosen if the company operates in foreign markets, wants to emphasize innovation, positioning, or create. For example, the names of restaurants serving European cuisines look quite appropriate in the Latin alphabet, but the Pelmeni cafe will most likely cause a negative reaction in the consumer.

According to research results, every year more and more consumers want to see Russian names. It is best to avoid the letters Zh, Shch, Ts, Y in names. Not only are they difficult to pronounce, but they are also not visually perceived very well. And the name should be euphonious and clear when written

Title length


The list of company names, labored through sweat and blood, seems ideal to its creator, so a sober look from the outside is necessary. Give it to your colleagues, partners, friends and relatives to read. It is possible that names that personally bring tears to your eyes will seem stupid to others or cause negative associations.

How was the name of the company IT-People born? In general, I’m not very good with naming. I didn’t come up with all the names of our conferences (I had other options, and my employees managed to argue with me every time, for which I was subsequently grateful to them), but my husband gave the names to the children. But IT-People is my idea and I really think this name is a good find.

In 2010, I decided to open an IT personnel recruitment agency (at first there was no idea to organize training or hold conferences). Accordingly, I began to select some thematic combinations of words and immediately see if the domain was free. What's the point of giving a company name if the domain name is already taken by someone?

Since we were talking about IT specialists, I immediately started looking at versions of domain names containing IT. There was such a service on - searching for a domain containing a certain combination of characters. IT-Master was free, but a survey of friends showed that he was associated more with system administrators and ambulances. computer help at home."

Then there, on, I noticed a link “list of domains being released.” For a month there were domains hanging around that had not been paid for by the owners, and you could try to buy them at auction if the name became available. There I found a perfectly suitable and for a whole month, crossing my fingers, I waited to see whether the old owners would need it or not. And now the decisive day - the beginning of the auction! I place a bet on the minimum step (200 rubles) and wait with bated breath... The old owner did not show up, no one except me took part in the race, hurray, the domain is mine!!! Then I quickly created a website using a simple website builder and ordered a designer I knew to develop a logo (2,000 rubles). Everyone, let's go!

Life has shown that the name is really successful; it fell easily on the ears of programmers and directors of IT companies. Only the pizza delivery people had problems; it was hard to explain to them: “16th floor, IT-People office.” “Ai-pi-pi?” they asked. But it doesn’t matter, the company’s target audience remembered the name perfectly.

After just a few years of working under this name, I found out who previously owned the domain. This was the first title social network, which now bears the name

Legal title verification and registration

All names that remain on the list must be checked against the database of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property. You won't be able to do this on your own. There are two ways to check for uniqueness:

  1. Contact Rospatent, the verification will take about a month.
  2. Contact patent experts. Specialized companies will quickly check names for a fee.

If all your names are already taken, you can try to modify or buy one from the owners. In addition, each title has a registration period. And if one of your names is about to cease to belong to someone, then you can just wait. All this is done by patent attorneys. Once a name is selected, it is registered.

Naming techniques

  • Personal names. The simplest and most banal thing is to name the company after yourself. McDonald's and Gillette succeeded. Or you can take the first or last name of a figure you really like.
We were amazed by the name of the company Tesla Mask, so we also wanted to call ourselves a scientist. They chose Landau. Firstly, beautiful word. Secondly, Landau himself was a fucking dude, and the image of Landau is recognizable.
  • Abbreviation. Perhaps not everyone knows International Business Machines, but everyone has heard the name IBM. Sometimes abbreviations become full-fledged names and no one remembers the decodings. The SKB Kontur company was originally a specialized design bureau. Years passed, activities changed, it was no longer a design struggle, but the abbreviation stuck and became part of the company name.
  • Acronym. One of the types of abbreviations. Distinctive feature- presence of vowels. This helps to read the abbreviation as a word, and not as a set of letters: GAZ, VAZ, IKEA.
  • Compound name. The technique is similar to the previous one, but not the first letters are used, but parts of words. The name Intel comes from an abbreviation of the words Integral Electronics.
  • Repeating the same sounds. In Russian this is called alliteration and assonance. An excellent example of both techniques is the name Coca-Cola. There is a repeating consonant letter “k” (alliteration) and alternating vowels o/a (assonance).
  • Analogy or association. The name can be some well-known concept or phenomenon, as well as animals, personalities and plants. When we hear “Jaguar”, we immediately imagine something fast.
  • Sound imitation. A company specializing in pet products may well be called “Woof” or “Meow”.
  • Secret meaning or mythology. This includes all names derived from the names of gods and mythological creatures. Canon was named after the Buddhist goddess Kwanon, and Nike refers to the ancient Greek goddess of victory Nike.
  • Pseudo-foreign names. The company can be called by some foreign name, as the Russian brands Bork and Vitek did. You can take a foreign name and write it in Cyrillic.
I am not in awe of French desserts, but I even really like Spanish and German ones. My husband and I were once sitting in a pastry shop in Hamburg and thinking about how to turn my luxurious baking skills into income. We looked diagonally across the road, and there was a sign “Konditorei”. All that remains is to transform it into Russian.

Coming up with a name is not at all as simple as most new businessmen believe. Underestimating the importance of the “name” of their own company, they commit the first and fatal mistake. And this mistake becomes an insurmountable obstacle on the path to success and prosperity.

In fact creating original commercial names is a whole science, and it is called semonemics or naming. Specialists in this field are widely in demand abroad, but have not yet received due recognition in our country.

However, if you set a goal, you can study the basic techniques yourself - this will certainly help you come up with a catchy name for your future company, which means taking the first step towards achieving your goals.

Who is he, your future client?

First of all, you should determine for yourself a “portrait” of a future potential client - his social status, age, gender and even life values. It has much higher value than it might seem at first glance. What is perfect for a wealthy businessman will most likely be inappropriate for the average resident of a residential area.

It is better to attract young people with the help of creative and extraordinary names, but they are more likely to scare off older people - come up with something more ordinary and conservative for them. It’s great if you have the opportunity to conduct a kind of survey among your target audience - people who are most likely to use the company’s services in the future. Consult with them, offer several options and find out their opinion on this matter.

The video explains how to name an LLC company and what factors should be taken into account. We invite you to take a look.

Select by profile

Naming experts recommend using words in the name: the meaning of which is most directly related to the type of activity of the company. They consider it a win-win option, and this is quite logical - the consumer will initially be aware of the products produced and services provided. If desired, you can indicate not only the profile of the company, but also its geographical position. So the name “Moscow Windows” eloquently speaks about what the company does and in what region it is located.

Everything ingenious is simple

Sometimes entrepreneurs try to make the name the most functional and put into it as much information as possible about the activities of the enterprise. This is where the ponderous, poorly pronounced “Interspetsrestavratsiya”, “Remstroyservis”, “Mosgorkhimpromstroy” and the like appear.

Such names are unlikely to serve their owners well. Firstly, they are almost impossible to remember and distinguish from a huge number of analogues. Secondly, the Russian language is becoming too lazy: if a word is difficult to pronounce, then they prefer not to use it, replacing it with a synonym.

Positive and more positive

We have already determined that the company name must be quite simple, concise, understandable and memorable. But there is one more important detail– the name should be positive, that is, evoke pleasant associations and emotions.

As you know, the first impression often determines our further attitude towards a particular person. Likewise, the name of a company either makes you want to know more about it, or repels you and forces you to switch your attention to something else. This happens almost unconsciously - as a result of certain images and associative chains that a person’s memory builds.

Certain words, for example “euphoria”, “carnival” always evoke positive emotions. The first of them can become the name of a massage parlor, and the second - the name of a party organization, but both will work equally well for the company’s image.

It is clear that words associated with something unpleasant will not only not contribute to the prosperity of a business, but will rather kill it in the bud.

What words cannot be used in the name of an LLC?

Existing legislation has its own requirements for company names, and this must also be taken into account when choosing. So, under strict prohibition:

  1. The word “Russia” and all its derivatives, including the word “ros”, as well as the words “federal”, “Moscow”. To obtain the right to use these names, you need to obtain permission from the government of our country and pay a fee.
  2. Names (full or abbreviated) of organs state power, international organizations, public associations.
  3. Names of subjects, regions and cities of the Russian Federation.
  4. Designations that in one way or another contradict the principles of morality and public interests.
  5. Obscene expressions; words and phrases that discriminate against part of the population.
  6. Latin, punctuation symbols &, @, +, abbreviations Vip, Ltd.

Caution - someone else's property

In the recent past, twin companies, that is, bearing the same names, could not exist. Now the situation has changed somewhat: you can safely register Mir LLC, even if it is the twenty-fifth among companies with the same name.

However, you should be careful here - often the name is already owned by another legal entity as a trademark. Unfortunately, this will lead you to legal action for illegal use of intellectual property, and you will act as a defendant in it.

Name in your honor

Should you use first and last names as business names? Most experts are inclined to a negative answer - there are not so many successful examples that everyone knows, but there are a great many companies bearing the name “Svetlana”, “Alyonushka”, “Katerina”. It is unlikely that you will be able to claim individuality if you are added to their number. In addition, bad reviews about the namesake company can significantly damage your reputation.

What happens if there is a need to sell the business in the future? This will entail a number of problems - a potential buyer is unlikely to be delighted with the prospect of working under someone else's name. The same goes for last names. However, if we're talking about about famous people with an already established reputation - the advice may be somewhat different. For example, a well-established lawyer can easily afford to open the company Reznik and Partners.

Changing your name - is it possible?

Just as a person at a certain conscious age can change his name, a legal entity has the right to rename its company. Another thing is that the consequences of this are not always favorable - loss of recognition, deprivation of a significant part of clients and partners, waste of precious time gaining popularity and trust...

After such troubles, your boat may not stay afloat, but may end up being sunk by the efforts of numerous competitors. Therefore, do not rush, choose a name responsibly and remember that it is the main and initial asset of your business.

What is the name of the LLC organization? Practical advice also contained in the video below. Enjoy watching!

Name the company correctly- means taking the first step towards success. Managers set different goals for this. Some people want to promote a brand, others want to perpetuate their name or create a name from the names of their partners.

Some people are leaving altogether semantic load in a new name. What really matters is how the company shows itself later. Her activities will glorify any name. But there are still some guidelines in his choice.

  1. To begin with, the sphere is determined the company's activities and the range of its clients. For example, if a company provides services or sells premium goods, then there is no need to use the words “economy” or “cheap goods” in the name.
    This will discourage customers who want high quality and expensive services and products. The title should provide a clear guide to the content of the activity.
  2. Using names does not provide specifics in informing the client. Moreover, this is inappropriate in the name of a construction organization.
  3. The name should be easy to pronounce and read. If you “break your tongue” about it, then clients will come up with it themselves. And this already introduces the risk of misinformation. They will simply confuse you with someone else.
  4. Comfortable name. If a potential client hears it, even by chance, and becomes interested, he may become your client. For example, a person is looking for good deals on buying housing in a cottage community.
    What attracts him in the first place? Remoteness from the bustle of the city, picturesque nature. Therefore, he will probably be interested in housing companies with a name like “ Birch Grove", or "Golden Dune".
  5. Please indicate your occupation in the title. When choosing a company, the client wants certainty.

Choosing a name for a construction company (examples)

Future employees can help. This will force them to delve deeper and think about the concept of the enterprise and unite the team with a common idea.

This kind of brainstorming will give many options from which you can choose the best by voting. For example, when choosing a name for a construction organization, it is necessary to emphasize the high level of service and reliability in cooperation.

Therefore, from the options - Domostroy, Capital Developer, Eternal Fortress, VashDomStroy, StroyDomServis, MigDomStroy, the name StroyNadezhServis is suitable. It reflects the company's main goals for working with clients.

This is a reliable home construction service. "ZhilStroy" - appropriate name for a house construction company, "Masterok" - a company selling construction tools.

Choosing a company name based on its owner's name

This option occurs. But then the owner should just make his name famous like Ford, Porsche and the like. If you are confident that you can turn the desired name into a brand, go ahead and name the company with your name or one you personally chose.

Assigning a company name upon registration

When registering a company need to know for sure, what will you name your brainchild? For people who will use the company’s services, it is important to understand by the name the nature of the activity and services provided. The name should be easy to read and harmonious.

If, for example, there are already 4 companies in the city with the same name, then it is better to name the fifth company differently. Such companies differ only in their registration number.

But people will not understand the registration number of your organization and can easily confuse it with competitors and go to them.

Another aspect against identical names. If the namesake company commits fines in front of clients and gets a bad reputation, then the shadow may fall on you. Therefore, when registering in the state register, choose a meaningful, meaningful and original name for the new company.

The use of abbreviations for better memorability and convenient perception of the name

When registering they legitimize both the full name of the organization and an abbreviated version. The first option is used for paperwork, and the second option is used for business correspondence, internal use. The law requires that the full name must be in Russian.

But the shortened version may include foreign words. After all, many companies operate in the international market. All names must be officially registered, otherwise they will not be valid in the documents. The use of abbreviations shortens and makes the name more informative.

The words Russia and Moscow are prohibited from being used. To use them, you need permission from the Government and payment of a state fee.

Coming to government bodies To register a company, you need to have several options in stock to avoid repetitions of existing ones.

Regulatory acts

Choosing an organization name is, of course, important aspect . Preference is given to the most incredible names. But there are regulations that regulate this. When choosing a name for a new organization, get acquainted with the basic provisions Civil Code RF.

Exist special rules LLC names:

  • The name reveals the organizational and legal form;
  • You can use foreign words in Russian pronunciation;
  • An indication of territorial affiliation with the Russian Federation or a specific region of it;
  • You cannot use the names of proprietary brands of other organizations;
  • It is necessary that the name does not contradict the principles of humanity and morality.

Definition of its main concept in the name of the company

Each construction company has its own profile activities in a wide range of construction works. Some are engaged in construction, others are in the repair of buildings and objects. If possible, the profile should be “viewable” in the title.

This will make it easier for a client to choose your company. ZhilStroy, RegionStroy, UniversalStroy, StroyMaster, StroyGarant - these names show what the company does and how it does it - with a guarantee, universally.

The leaders are so reverent concern the future of their business that they resort to the services of astrologers and Feng Shui specialists to help them choose the right “magical” name for the enterprise.

They trust the development of a special logo that attracts good luck in business. Color is of particular importance, the shades of which are used to decorate all advertising projects and even the company’s office premises.

What is quality naming?

Naming is the area of ​​expertise in choosing a brand name. Many years of development and research have made it possible to identify a number of fundamental points in choosing a company name. Reflection of activities in names like “Windows-Grad” - production of windows in a broad aspect.

Abbreviated, capacious and sonorous names are well remembered and interest the client. For example, a company that installs ceilings and doors is PiD. The territorial affiliation of the organization may also be in the name - “Saratov Windows”.

Prohibited names

In fact, all techniques and phrases prohibited in naming are reflected in the relevant articles of the Civil Code. This:

  • Prohibited to use full and abbreviated names of states;
  • You cannot use the names of government structures Russian Federation and its subjects;
  • You cannot use the names of international, intergovernmental and public organizations;
  • Obscene, immoral, offensive for any segment of society, words cannot be included in the official name of the company;
  • Similar in sound and spelling famous brands words should also be excluded. This is a copyright violation.

Failure to comply with these standards may threaten the owner of the company with claims and litigation, as a result of which he may lose his well-known and well-known brand.

How to name a construction company

If you work with ordinary people, the name should not scare them away. It should be simple, concise and understandable. In this case, you should not resort to foreign words.

Introduction of foreign words into the name

If you are working with major partners, enter the foreign market, then the name should reflect the scale of your activities and the seriousness of your intentions.

In this case, it would be quite appropriate to name the company so that foreign partners would be interested in it. Foreign words in the title will be understandable and close to them.

It is inappropriate to name a company only by its abbreviation. It won't tell the general user anything.

For example, a modern housing construction company registered as SGS. The client will not delve into deciphering the letters; he will find a company with a clear name.

Turn on your imagination

To get a meaningful meaning for the name, use your imagination. Come up with original names with puns. For example, if a company builds housing or industrial facilities using accelerated technologies, call it ByStroy, ShuStroy, StroyMig.

Involve as many people as possible in this important decision. You can announce a competition for best name companies. Set a cash prize. Encourage your employees to be creative about the very idea of ​​the company.

The question of what to name an LLC is one of the determining ones for the founders. Without choosing a business name, a company simply cannot be registered. The Civil Code requires the title legal entity certain requirements, but for a successful choice this, of course, is not enough. How to name your company so that it brings commercial success?

But before we name an LLC, let’s define the boundaries that the law has established, otherwise no amount of luck will help - a limited liability company simply won’t be registered. There are few of them and they are listed in Article 1473 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The company name of a limited liability company should not include:

  • Concepts that do not meet the standards of humanity, morality and public interests;
  • Official names foreign countries in full or abbreviated form and derivatives thereof;
  • Official names of government bodies (federal, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments), as well as public associations;
  • Foreign language borrowings of terms and abbreviations that reflect the organizational and legal form of a legal entity (for example, Ltd).

In addition, some local regulations may restrict the inclusion of words identifying a region or locality in the LLC name. In particular, the Moscow Government allows the use of the name of the capital only with the permission of the Heraldic Council.

Uniqueness of the company name

Or maybe you shouldn’t rack your brains about what to name an LLC, but take the name of a well-known and successful competitor as a model? If you search the register of legal entities using the Federal Tax Service program, then, for example, there will be more than a hundred companies with the name “Auto Service”. However, for the tax inspectorate all these organizations are unique because they have different registration codes (OGRN, KPP).

The tax office does not check the company's company name for uniqueness when registering a business, but we do not recommend using this. Article 1474 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation warns that the copyright holder whose company name was used has the right to go to court and oblige the namesake company if:

  • The plaintiff's business name used to be;
  • Organizations do one thing.

And if we talk about protecting the rights to a registered brand, i.e. trademark or service mark, the violator may be forced to pay damages caused to the copyright holder.

How many names can an LLC have?

By the way, the usual abbreviated name, for example, Liga LLC is only one of the possible names of a legal entity. In addition to the abbreviated form, in the application for registration in form P11001 they indicate full company name, in our case, Limited Liability Company "League".

You can also add to the charter abbreviated and full name in English:

  • LLC Liga
  • Limited Liability Company League

Plus you can add LLC name in the language of the peoples of the Russian Federation, i.e. There will be a total of six brand name options.

You can also register a trademark, then there will be even more options for names by which the company will be recognized. For example, the limited liability company Basis-Renaissance, which produces furniture for children, registered the KIDS Renaissance brand. Accordingly, it can be promoted on the market both under the brand name Basis-Renaissance LLC and under the KIDS Renaissance brand.

What to consider when choosing a name

Marketers have a whole science of choosing a brand name, product or service, the so-called naming. Naming methods can also be taken into account when searching for a name for a limited liability company.

For example it could be:

  • Association with the type of activity of the company;
  • Adjustment to a standard or a successful competitor;
  • Abbreviations that abbreviate numbers and words that are important to business owners;
  • Neologisms, i.e. invented and fantasy concepts that do not yet mean anything;
  • Personal and associative benefits;
  • Funny rhymes;
  • Truncation of words and their combination.

Here is about naming for an LLC in the Russian Federation:

If we talk about the semantic component of the brand name, then you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. The name of the legal entity should evoke a positive or at least neutral association. As a negative example, we can cite the name of the Children's regional human rights public organization operating in the Sverdlovsk region - “Snake”. On the one hand, this word does not violate either morality or humanity, but on the other hand, it has an ambiguous connotation, especially when it comes to children.
  2. The types of activities of a commercial organization can be divided into more or less “solid”, and this should be reflected in the name. For example, banks, insurance, legal, and consulting companies must inspire trust and reliability among clients. And business areas related to leisure or tourism should set the mood for relaxation and pleasant associations with travel. There are, of course, interesting exceptions. Thus, in 2002, the limited liability company “Razdolbay Service” was registered in Rostov-on-Don. Worked here interesting game words: “gouge”, as an optional person, a slacker, a slob, and the form of the verb “gouge”, i.e. break, destroy, dismantle. This company has been engaged in the dismantling of various structures for 15 years, and at a very high level, using advanced diamond technology.
  3. The scale of the business and the name of the company should not be in conflict. For example, a store near your home should not be called something pompous, such as “Empire of Taste” or “Elite,” because this will make customers smile. And vice versa, if you are aiming at large-scale activities, you do not need to use diminutive suffixes.
  4. Consider the regional affiliation of your business. In some cases, the use of names of small cities evokes associations with parochialism and lack of scale of business. But if, on the contrary, you produce a unique and high-quality product, then the name of the city can become a kind of feature and help with promotion.
  5. If you want to include the owner’s name or surname in the name of the company, then it is advisable that he himself personally participate in the business, and not just invest capital. For example, the traditional name for law firms includes the name of the practitioner and his/her associates. At the same time, using the name or initials of the founders may complicate the subsequent sale of the company.
  6. Choose words that are easy to hear and easy to spell without errors. Avoid cumbersome abbreviations like “StroyServisPromTech”. It is better to use a combination of two or three short and understandable words than such a construction. By the way, the corporate name of a legal entity can consist of just one letter. It's certainly funny, but not that original. At least in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities there are several LLC “Yo”, as well as “Y”. There is even a limited liability company “Ya-Yo”. It’s hard to even imagine how such a name is perceived by ear.
  7. If you choose foreign language borrowings, then consider the meaning of this word and what association it evokes among Russian-speaking consumers. Remember, for example, “Duru” soap, which means “clean” in Turkish. Or the “Wash&Go” shampoo, which for English-speaking consumers was perceived as the slogan “Wash and go”, but for Russians it had a dissonant meaning. True, these are brand names, but similar mistakes are made when choosing a brand name.

Title generators

Free name generators, which can be easily found in any search engine, can help you choose the right words. Such services will put all examples of names with the necessary words into a neat list.

Let's try to find the name of the LLC using the generator:

  • By the word “house” - DomStroy, EuroDom, DomExpert, SuperDom, DomShop, RusDom, EcoDom, BestDom, InterDom;
  • By the word “law” - PravoLand, PravoMarket, RusPravo, PravoTime, PravoLife, MasterPravo;
  • By the word “bargaining” - TorgOffice, TorgPlus, TorgClub, SuperTorg, TorgOnline, TorgPartner, VipTorg, TorgShop.

In principle, many of them can be immediately used as the company name of a limited liability company.

A good video about “5 ways to come up with a company name”:

How are the success of a company and its name related?

What does the phrase “wild berries” tell you? What can a company that chooses this name do? Production of dietary supplements or soft drinks, landscape design, freezing of fruit and berry products?

Meanwhile, this is the largest online store of clothes, shoes, and accessories Wildberries. Its owner Tatyana Bakalchuk wanted Russian women began to wear bright, beautiful clothes, which against the usual gray background looked as noticeable as wild berries in the forest.

Tatyana Bakalchuk’s company is called “Wildberry Limited Liability Company,” and this word is difficult for a Russian-speaking buyer to hear. The English spelling of Wildberries is also difficult to pronounce or enter into the search bar without errors.

However, neither the complex pronunciation and spelling, nor the lack of a direct semantic connection with the type of activity prevented the owner of Wildberries from being among the ten richest women in Russia.

But another hypermarket on the Russian Internet chose a really simple, sonorous name - Ozon. This word is easy to remember, pronounce, and write in Russian and English. In addition, for the Russian-speaking buyer there is an association with fresh air, and this is always well received. Although there is an opinion that the owners of Ozon did not think about anything like that, but simply shortened the name of the world giant Amazon.

By the way, if we talk about the name of the hypermarket “Amazon”, they say that at first its owner Jeff Bezos chose the name “Cadabra”. But then I listened to the opinion of my employees, to whom this word reminded me of “cadaver”, i.e. "dead body". As a result, the name was given in honor of the long river world - Amazon.

And if you believe that there are variant names that bring good luck, then you can contact a numerologist or astrologer. It is quite possible that esoteric secret knowledge will help you choose a company name for a successful business start.

The name of the company is the first thing that potential clients, suppliers and other partners pay attention to. Therefore, its selection is an important step for building successful business. The name must be unique, catchy and memorable in order to stand out from competitors and evoke a positive reaction from consumers.

Below are tips for choosing an LLC name, examples of business names from different industries, and legal restrictions.

How to choose a company name that brings good luck?

When choosing a name, a company should take into account the reaction of customers. If it is understandable to the consumer, evokes positive emotions and thus contributes to sales growth, then it can be considered successful.

It is worth paying attention to the following nuances:

  • The company name should not mislead the client. For example, you should not call Bogatyr LLC if the company sells flowers.
  • It is better to abandon name options tied to the location of the company. This may become a problem if the sales geography expands and may require renaming.
  • The name does not have to be directly related to the organization's activities or products. It is better to focus on memorability and ease of pronunciation.

Advice: When using foreign words in the LLC name, clarify their meaning so that consumers do not have problems with interpretation.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kommersant Y b E YU I

To find out whether the energy of the LLC name corresponds to the type of activity of the enterprise, it is necessary to represent each letter of the name as a number and sum until a single digit number remains. Example:

  • “Magnet” - 5 (M) + 1 (A) + 4 (G) + 6 (H) + 1 (I) + 2 (T) = 19.
  • 19 is 1+9 = 10.
  • 10 is 1+0 = 1.

Having made the calculations, you need to turn to the decoding:

  • 1 - a good choice for companies engaged in innovative developments, new technologies, etc.;
  • 2 - suitable for medical and educational organizations, design firms, hairdressing salons, cleaning companies;
  • 3 - for business in the field of entertainment, catering, advertising;
  • 4 - a number that brings good luck to large LLCs whose activities are related to agriculture, mechanical engineering, design, construction;
  • 5 - the energy of the five favors the field of sports and recreation (sale of equipment, sanatorium complexes, fishing supplies);
  • 6 - will bring good luck in the creative industries, floristry, decoration, cosmetology and medicine;
  • 7 - suitable for companies producing expensive and exotic products;
  • 8 - contributes to the success of accounting, audit business and everything related to finance;
  • 9 - promises good luck to charitable and educational organizations.

LLC name - examples (list)

Let's look at options for different companies.

Construction company names

In this area, it is important to create a sense of reliability in clients. The most popular prefixes in the names of construction companies are “house” and “build”. List of examples:

  • "DobroStroy";
  • "Your home";
  • "ZhilStroy";
  • "MasterStroy";
  • "Comfort Town".

Law Firm Names

The name should instill confidence in the client that his problem will be solved by competent specialists. The sonorous surnames of the founders and words related to law and law are often used. List of examples:

  • "Smirnov and Partners";
  • "Your right";
  • "Hand of Themis";
  • "Code of honor";
  • "Letter of the law".

Names of transport organization

Name transport company, as a rule, should evoke associations with the road, delivery and cargo. List of examples:

  • "Cargo Technologies";
  • Vesta-Trans;
  • "Azimuth";
  • "Alfa Logistic";
  • "Steam Trans".

Travel company names

Associations with the sea, sun and relaxation would be appropriate. If the company is highly specialized (only last minute tours, trips to certain countries, etc.), this should be reflected in the name. List of examples:

  • "Let's go with us";
  • "Fire Tours";
  • "Fly Asia";
  • "Tropic Tour";
  • "Holiday Time".

Accounting company names

For a positive perception of the company, you should choose solid names that directly or indirectly indicate the type of activity. You can play with the words “audit”, “expert”, “balance sheet”, “accounting”, etc. List of examples:

  • "Audit Premier";
  • "Predicate";
  • "BukhBuro";
  • "Audit 911";
  • "Phoenix Account".

Names of medical organization

Clients understand medical terms and health-related words best. List of examples:

  • "Best Clinic";
  • "Good Doctor";
  • "Harmony of Health";
  • "Family doctor";
  • "Paracelsus".

Furniture company names

The company name can be associated with luxury, comfort, style or home furnishings. List of examples:

  • "Trio-Interior";
  • "Pan Divan";
  • "Chair and table";
  • "Mebellion"
  • "33 chests of drawers."

Advice: if you are planning to open a business, check out.

What is unacceptable to use in a company name?

According to the norms of Russian legislation, prescribed in Article 1473 of the Civil Code, the following cannot be used in the name of an LLC:

  • offensive designations and words towards individuals or groups of the population;
  • full or abbreviated names of foreign countries - for example, Sweden LLC;
  • names of public associations;
  • names of state authorities and local governments;
  • words " Russian Federation", "Russia" without special permission;
  • names that are intellectual property and protected by copyright law.

In general, the following requirements apply to LLC names:

  1. The full name of the enterprise must consist of letters of the Russian alphabet - transcription is used for foreign words, Roman and Arabic numerals can also be included.
  2. IN constituent documents the name must be written in Cyrillic; the Latin alphabet is used only when filling out forms in a foreign language.
  3. The unique name of the LLC is indicated in quotation marks and follows the legal form; An example is the limited liability company “Health Key”.

In addition to what is prohibited by law, the following is not recommended in the name:

  • use long and difficult to pronounce words - they are difficult to remember, and they often look overly formal;
  • abuse abbreviations - the name may turn out to be faceless;
  • speculate on the names of popular brands - as a rule, names like “Adibas” and “Dolci Gobana” only cause distrust among customers;
  • use adjectives “selected”, “exclusive”, “elite” - often they have the opposite effect, and the name looks cheap in the eyes of consumers.

Where can I order a name for my organization?

Often, businessmen entrust the development of a name for their company to professionals in the field of naming - this is the name of the process of creating an original name for an organization. The specialist’s task is to come up with a commercially successful name that will be used as a marketing tool.

You can turn to numerous design studios for help by entering the phrase “order naming” in a search engine. Freelance copywriters also provide this service. You can find a contractor for an order or hold a competition among authors, for example, on the website

Let's sum it up

When coming up with an LLC name, it is recommended to focus on ease of pronunciation, memorability and originality. If you need a name that brings good luck, you can create it based on the principles of numerology. The name must not be offensive or violate intellectual property rights. You can order a company name from a studio that provides naming services.