Roman Puzo Mario " Godfather"and the film trilogy of the same name are very well known and have become a cult work for many generations of readers and viewers. From television screens and the pages of novels, a world of brutal murders, drug cartels and gangsters, ruled by powerful and influential “Dons,” entered our homes forever. But the famous hero of the novel, Vito Corleone, is just a fiction created by the author’s imagination. But is everything in the novel fiction?
Gangsters action

Pablo Escobar

Gangster nicknames: Doctor, Patron, Don Pablo, Senor

Pablo Escobar is a gangster who lived relatively recently. Also known as the "King of Cocaine", Escobar led the Medellin Cartel. He was an incredibly powerful drug king who ruled a vast empire between the 1970s and 1980s of the 20th century. This continued until the end of 1993, when he was shot and killed. There is still no exact information whether it was suicide or whether he was killed by the police. The story of his death remains a mystery. A few years before his death, he was recognized as one of the fittest criminals in the world. According to Forbes magazine, his fortune was estimated at $3 billion.

Frank Costello

Gangster Nickname: Frank "First Minister" Costello

In Italy, the boy was born under the name Francesco Castiglia. At the age of 4, his family moved to New York. He grew up on the tough streets of New York during the very difficult years of the economic crisis. Later, through a series of events, he would become one of the most famous gangsters of all time. Frank Costello, the name he later adopted, was friends with another gangster, Charlie Luciano, as a child. Subsequently, Costello earned a reputation in the gangster world and made a large fortune through smuggling alcohol, gambling, participating in several large New York gangs: the Morello gang, the Lower East Side gang and joint affairs with the Luciano family.

Carlo Gambino

Gambino was a real gangster, flesh and blood. He was born into one of the Sicilian mafia families. It is therefore not surprising that he began to take part in “family” affairs from an early age. At the age of 19, he already became a full member of the gang, which was very unusual: such young members had never been accepted into the family. At the same time he moved to New York.

After a short, relatively “quiet” life in New York, Gambino became involved in the murder of Albert Anastasia, the Don of one of the most famous gangster families of the Lucianos. Thus, in 1957, Gambino himself became a Don. In the gangster world, reputation and ego played a very big role. And since Gambino had both, the famous family decided to change their last name to Gambino. Gambino successfully ruled the family for another 22 years before his death.

Mayer Lansky

Gangster nickname: "Accountant"

Mayer Lansky is one of the few famous gangsters born outside the USA, England or Italy. He was born Mayer Sukhovlyansky in Belarus and moved to New York with his family at the age of 9. Lansky started out in the Bugs and Meyer Mob and the National Crime Syndicate.

Lansky's forte is finance and gambling. He built a huge gambling empire, which spread its branches all over the world. He also managed to involve Swiss banks in his dirty deals. Lansky is known for his incredible intelligence and is recognized as the most cunning and resourceful gangster of all time. This is evidenced by the fact that Lanksy did not spend a single day behind bars. And this was commonplace for most gangsters.

Benjamin Schiegel

Gangster nickname: Bugsy

Benjamin Schiegel, born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, earned his nickname "Bugsy" thanks to his unpredictable nature. He was very powerful and was involved with Mayer Lansky's Murder Incorporated gang and also worked with the Luciano family. His specialization: trade in illegal alcohol and contract killings. However, he left a memory of himself that is associated not only with his criminal acts.

Flamingo is one of the very first casinos built in Las Vegas and Schiegel invested money in its construction. Thanks to this, he had many famous friends and acquaintances: singer Frank Sinatra, actors Clark Gable and Gary Grant. He was certainly a man with two different sides to his nature: a gangster and, at the same time, a man from high society. But nevertheless, his sworn enemies got to him and he was killed in 1947. His death remains mysterious to this day, and his life is a gripping detective story.

John Dillinger

Gangster nickname: "Gentleman John", "Hare"

You may remember John Dillinger from his role as Johnny Depp in the 2009 film Public Enemies. And if John Dillinger turned out to be famous enough for a Hollywood star to undertake to play his role, then he is certainly quite suitable for our list. The active phase of Dillinger's life occurred during the Great Depression in the United States. He was known as a gangster and bank robber. His life was very short - he was shot dead at the age of 31. He has two escapes from prison, as well as an affair with his own stepmother. It seems this man knew absolutely nothing about morality...

Charles Luciano

Gangster nickname: "Lucky"

Charles Luciano is considered the father of organized crime and therefore he fully deserves his place on this list. At the young age of 10, Charles and his family moved from Sicily to New York, Lower East Side. It was thanks to him that the entire New York mafia was divided into 5 famous families. Naturally, after organizing the entire mafia in a similar way, Luciano headed one of the families - the Luciano family.

Charles Luciano was an incredibly powerful man. He is so influential that during World War II, the US Navy turned to him for advice. Despite the fact that Luciano was in prison at that moment... For his useful tips and help he was subsequently released. But he was deported to Italy, where he spent the rest of his life.

Kray Brothers

Reginald "Reggie" Kray and Ronald "Rony" Kray were twin brothers who lived and worked in London. During the 50s and 60s they created the gang "The Firm" - a name similar to the names of countless gangs of the time and intended to demonstrate the influence and reputation of the gang. These people were involved in arson, murder, blackmail and armed robbery.

The Kray brothers opened nightclub in London (a rather unusual occupation for gangsters of that time), which was often visited by many film and show business stars, including Judy Garland and Frank Sinatra. Frank Sinatra definitely gravitated towards the gangster circle of the time and maintained friendly relations with many.

Rotating in such a society, the Kray brothers eventually became famous themselves. They have appeared on TV shows many times, something that no other gangster on our list seems to have done. It would seem that they could have achieved incredible success, but the end of the Kray brothers was sad... In 1968, they were sentenced to life imprisonment. In addition, Reggie was diagnosed with cancer. He was released from prison 8 weeks before his death. His brother Rony was sent to Broadmoor Hospital for treatment of schizophrenia, where he died a few years later.

Al Capone

Gangster nickname: Scarface

Without a shadow of a doubt, Al Capone is one of the most... famous gangsters in the world. He embarked on a criminal path at the age of 14, attacking a teacher at school - of course, even then this was a very alarming omen. He later joined the New York gang Five Points. His main activities were illegal trade in alcohol, brothels, and contract killings.

At the end of his life, Al Capone was in Alcatraz prison, but was released 8 years before his death. Towards the end of his life he suffered from illness. He was a very smart and tough man who managed to achieve enormous power during his life.

Jesse James

Jesse James was one of the world's first famous gangsters. He lived during the Wild West and participated in the American Revolutionary War. He later became a member of the James-Younger gang. James participated in bank robberies, stagecoaches and train attacks, which made him a legend during his lifetime.

There are many criminal groups in the world, which, due to their high organization and large numbers, have come to be called the mafia. This post will introduce you to the most powerful and brutal mafias in the world.

Sicilian mafia

Valid in Sicily from early XIX century, turning into an international organization at the beginning of the 20th century. Initially, the organization was engaged in the protection of owners of orange plantations and nobles who owned large land plots, mostly from themselves. These were the beginnings of racketeering. Later, Cosa Nostra expanded its area of ​​activity, becoming criminal group in all respects. Since the 20th century, banditry has become the main activity of Cosa Nostra.

Russian mafia

This is officially the most feared organized crime group. Former FBI special agents call the Russian mafia "the most dangerous people on Earth." In the West, the term “Russian mafia” can mean any criminal organization, both Russian itself and from other states of the post-Soviet space, or from the immigration environment in non-CIS countries. Some get hierarchical tattoos, often use military tactics and carry out contract killings.

Mexican Mafia (La eMe)

This gang is an ally of the Aryan Brotherhood from the south coast of the United States. Known for her active involvement in the drug trade. Gang members are easily identified by a special tattoo in the form of a black hand located on the chest.

The Mexican Mafia was created in the late 1950s by members of a Mexican street gang incarcerated in Deuel Prison in Trici, California. The gang was founded by thirteen Mexican-Americans from East Los Angeles, several of whom were members of the Marawila gang. They called themselves Mexicanemi, which translates from the Nahuatl language as “the one who walks with God in the heart.”

The Yakuza are organized crime syndicates in Japan, similar to the Triad in other Asian countries or the Western Mafia. Nevertheless, social organization and the work characteristics of the Yakuza are very different from other criminal groups: they even have their own office buildings, and their actions are often and completely openly written in the press.

One of the iconic images of the Yakuza is their intricate, colorful tattoos all over their bodies. The Yakuza use a traditional method of manually injecting ink under the skin, known as irezumi, as a form of proof of bravery as the method is quite painful.

Chinese Triad

The triad is a form of secret criminal organizations in China and the Chinese diaspora. Triads have always had common beliefs (belief in the mystical meaning of the number 3, which is where their name comes from). Currently, triads are known primarily as mafia-style criminal organizations found in Taiwan, the United States and other Chinese immigration centers, specializing in drug trafficking and other criminal activities.

"Triad" is one of the most patriotic mafias. During international events, militants guarantee the safety of foreigners, and during the SARS outbreak they even announced a $1 million bonus to a doctor who finds a cure for this disease.

Hell's Angels (USA)

One of the world's largest motorcycle clubs, with its chapters (branches) all over the world. It is included, along with Outlaws MC, Pagans MC and Bandidos MC, in the so-called “Big Four” outlaw clubs and is the most famous among them. Law enforcement agencies in a number of countries call the club a “motorcycle gang” and accuse them of drug trafficking, racketeering, trafficking in stolen goods, violence, murder, etc.

According to the legend posted on the official website of the motorcycle club, during the Second World War, the American Air Force had the 303rd heavy bomber squadron called “Hell’s Angels”. After the end of the war and the disbandment of the unit, the pilots were left without work. They believe that their homeland betrayed them and left them to their fate. They had no choice but to go against their “cruel country, get on motorcycles, join motorcycle clubs and rebel.”

Mara Salvatrucha

This mafia is involved in many types of criminal businesses, including trafficking in drugs, weapons and people; robberies, racketeering, contract killings, kidnappings for ransom, pimping, car thefts, money laundering and fraud.

Many street vendors and small shops located in the Mara Salvatrucha territories pay the gang up to half of their income for the opportunity to work. Many Salvadorans living in the United States are also forced to pay MS-13; if they refuse, the bandits will mutilate or kill their relatives in their homeland.

Montreal Mafia Rizzuto

The Rizzuto are a crime family that is primarily based in Montreal but also operates in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. They once merged with families in New York, which ultimately led to the mafia wars in Montreal in the late 70s. Rizzuto owns hundreds of millions of dollars worth of real estate in different countries. They own hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, construction, food, service and trading companies. In Italy they own companies producing furniture and Italian delicacies.

Mungiki (Kenya)

This is a Kenyan political-religious group, banned since 2002, reviving traditional African religion. Originated in the wake of the Mau Mau uprising. Gained fame due to massacres and clashes with the police.

Mungiki considers itself a religious group that advocates for the preservation of traditional "African way of worship, culture and way of life." Its adherents pray, turning their faces towards Mount Kenya. They also practice vows and sacrifices.

If you believe Hollywood, then all members of criminal gangs are exceptionally kind and sweet people whom evil fate has thrown into this environment. The gangster appears to us as a taciturn, handsome Italian in an Armani suit, with a cigar in his mouth.

In reality, every country has its own organized crime syndicates. At the same time, as their numbers grow, their methods of influence become coarser. There are probably few countries in the world that have not suffered from organized crime.

If at a small level we're talking about If we talk about racketeering and extortion, then at the international level we have to talk about drug trafficking. We will tell you about the 10 most famous criminal gangs in the world, indicating not only their place of operation, but also their area of ​​specialization, as well as the name of the alleged leader.

Five families. This group is based in the USA. Its areas of activity include bookmaking and gambling, racketeering, drugs and usury. The names of the leaders are also known: Vincent Basciano, Nicholas Corozzo, Carmine Persico, Daniel Leo, Vittorio Amuso. The group united five mafia families, which were mainly based in New York. It included the Bonnano, Gambino, Genovese, Lucchese and Colombo clans. These mafia structures control almost all criminal activity in the country since the time Great Depression 30s. The FBI and the New York prosecutor's office are trying in every possible way to destroy the crime syndicate, but all they have managed to do is slightly reduce its influence. Among the five families, the most influential and numerous is the Genovese clan. The progenitor of the American “Cosa Nostra” is considered to be the notorious Lucky Luciano, who came to the United States from Italy in the mid-20s. In addition to luggage, he also brought methods of influencing the Italian mafia.

"United Bamboo". The group is located in Taiwan. Her main occupation is contract killings and debt collection, bribery and gambling. It is still unclear who runs the syndicate; we only know that it is not just one person, since there is a complex horizontal hierarchy. This is the largest criminal group in Taiwan, with about 10 thousand members. "United Bamboo" professes rather old-fashioned principles: members of the triad value unity and harmony with people most of all. United Bamboo is suspected of drug trafficking, and the criminals are believed to be connected to politicians (in particular, the ruling Taiwanese KMT Party). The leaders of the group themselves, naturally, deny such connections in every possible way. "Bamboo" operates not only throughout Asia and countries Pacific Ocean, but also in Europe and the Americas.

Tijuana cartel. This mafia group operates in northwestern Mexico in the Tijuana and Baja regions. The main area of ​​activity is drug trafficking, banditry, bribery and contract killings. The leader of the group is Eduardo Arellano Felix. IN South America until the 90s, the Colombian cartels reigned, but with their collapse a certain vacuum was created, which was appropriately filled by three Mexican cartels - Sinaloa with Jochin Guzman at the head, Juarez with Vicente Fuentes and the already mentioned Tijuana cartel. He is also called the Arellano Felix organization and is considered the most aggressive and brutal of the three. It is quite natural that there is a constant war between the cartels for spheres of influence, in which dozens of people die every year. According to rumors, in order to stay afloat the cartel pays more than a million dollars in bribes alone every week.

Tai Huen Chai. This gang operates in China. It does not have a clearly defined leader, but it is the largest and most influential in the country. The name of the group literally translates as “Guys of the Big Circle,” and they are still engaged in the same drugs, extortion, prostitution, usury and even human trafficking. The merger was an unexpected fruit cultural revolution the great helmsman Mao Zedong. After his death, most of the Red Guard soldiers were sent to re-education camps, where they were subjected to cruel torture and monstrous humiliation. Is it any wonder that they emerged from the camps even more embittered and cruel than they were? This is how this gang was born. Its difference from other crime syndicates is that there is no specific organizational structure. Group members are often compared to strangers who suddenly decided to play basketball together one day. The criminals are practically strangers to each other, but their fame resounds throughout Asia, reaching even Australia and America.

Sicilian mafia. This organization is based on the Italian island of Sicily. The mafia deals not only with drugs and arms trafficking, but also with murder, arson, corruption and counterfeiting. The leader of the group is considered to be Matteo Messina Denaro. The community was initially organized along territorial lines and included about 100 criminal families. This mafia arose back in mid-19th century, but it acquired its influence and organization only at the beginning of the 20th century. With the export of the Lucky Luciano mafia to the United States in the 30s, the number of its members began to grow rapidly. Some experts believe that in America alone the number of members of this group exceeds 2,500 people. In Sicily, the mafia was able to seize power thanks to its control over construction contracts. After receiving the first tangible fruits in the form of influence and funds, the group began selling weapons and drugs. The subsequent series of arrests did not change the situation - the mafia retained influence not only in Sicily, but throughout Italy. In the mid-90s, they started talking about the group again - the murders of two members of the Italian magistrate were organized.

14K. This triad is based in Hong Kong and is believed to be the strongest, largest and most ruthless there. She is involved in extortion, contract killings, kidnappings, prostitution, drugs and counterfeiting money. The leader of the group is still unknown. In the 90s, it was 14K that was considered the largest criminal community in the world, until the trial of one of the leaders of numerous cells took place in Portugal. This slightly undermined the group's power. The region of its influence now extends throughout Asia, while there are 14K cells in almost all major American cities. The triad has no special moral principles - it uses any means of earning money, the group is accused of almost all violations provided for by law.

"Battalion D" This structure is located in India and the United States United Arab Emirates. Criminals do not disdain drug and weapons trafficking, extortion, contract killings and counterfeiting money. The leader of the gang is Daoud Ibrahim, who has long been on the international wanted list. India's leading gangster group is also accused of having links with Islamic terrorists, in particular Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, and carrying out their orders in the country. It is “Battalion D” that is credited with a series of terrorist attacks in Bombay in 1993, when 257 people were killed and more than 700 were injured. Ibrahim is well known in India; they even say that he has his own professional interests in Bollywood. American intelligence has information that the gang leader is currently hiding in Pakistan, and he has already managed to commit a number of plastic surgery by changing your appearance.

'Ndrangheta. The group with such an unpronounceable name is based in Calabria, in southern Italy. The main areas of activity are the same: drug trafficking, extortion and contract killings. There is no clearly defined leader here; the principles of horizontal hierarchy are used. The 'Ndrangheta, unlike other criminal organizations that are forced to narrow their sphere of influence, are expanding their controlled territories. The task of fighting criminals is complicated for the authorities by the fact that cases of betrayal are practically unknown among Calabrians. Today, the 'Ndrangheta consists of more than 10 thousand people, and the family's annual income amounts to tens of billions of dollars. This group is Europe's largest supplier of cocaine, but the path to power and big money began with a chain of fast food restaurants.

"Yamaguchi-gumi." The group is based in Kobe, Japan. Bandits are involved in gambling, extortion, selling weapons and drugs, prostitution and buying stolen goods. The leader of the gang is Kenichi Shinoda, also known as Shinobu Tsukasa. The Yamaguchi-gumi is the largest Japanese clan, founded back in 1915. Its status as the most influential and cruel clan was achieved thanks to the leader Kazuo Taoka. "Yamaguchi-gumi" almost broke up. Now the group consists of 40 thousand people. Since 2005, Shinobu Tsukasa has come to power, more diplomatic than the famous Taoke, but no less cruel. This criminal is currently serving a prison sentence for carrying firearms, but from prison he runs a gang, trying to expand its sphere of influence in the north of the country.

Solntsevskaya lads. The legendary Russian group is based in Moscow. The scope of activity of the “brothers” is wide: extortion and murder, trafficking in drugs, weapons and stolen goods, car theft and money laundering, oil. Prostitution and even trade in nuclear materials. The leader of the gang is considered to be Sergei Mikhailov. Assessing the Russian mafia, former FBI special agent Bob Levinson called it the most dangerous criminal group on the planet. Such a statement inspires respect and horror, especially when you consider that, according to the most conservative estimates, the criminal association includes about 300 thousand people. In general, the “brotherhood” includes 450 groups, the most famous of which is Solntsevo. This syndicate stands out for its particular cruelty. Its leader is rumored to be Sergei Mikhailov, nicknamed Mikhas. A short stay in the camp gave him connections with many crime bosses, including the world-famous Semyon Mogilevich. Small disparate gangs of racketeers of the late 80s were united, and the American model was taken as a basis rather than the Italian one. A Russian flavor was also introduced. The bandits worked out a lot in gyms, they were prohibited from drugs and alcohol abuse. The strength of faith and family relationships was welcomed.

The most dangerous gangs in the USA ( New York, Los Angeles)

Of course, there are many more dangerous gangs in the United States that deserve close attention, but we will focus on the five very best.

(slang for “gang of wandering ants”) or MS 13- is by far the most powerful and dangerous street gang operating in the United States, El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala and a number of other Central American countries. In 2012, US authorities declared MS 13 the first ever international criminal organization.

Mara Salvatrucha formed in Los Angeles in the early 1980s, when hundreds of thousands of emigrants from Central American countries poured into the United States. Initially, the core of the gang was formed from citizens of El Salvador, and then people from Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras began to join it.

At first, it was one of the many street gangs that operated on the streets of Los Angeles and spent a significant part of their time in brutal wars with hostile groups, primarily with blacks. Then the Salvadoran smart boys were swept away by respectable guys from the Mexican mafia and proposed a criminal alliance - Surenos (Sureños). According to the agreement, the ants were tasked with supplying fighters for the dirty work that the Mexicans entrusted to them, and they, in turn, pledged to provide all support to the Salvadorans in street wars and in prisons. After this, the authority and power of Mara Salvatrucha grew by leaps and bounds.

Today in the United States there are about 10-12 thousand members of this gang, while the total number of Mara Salvatrucha in all of America reaches 70 thousand people. The geography of MS-13 in the USA is quite extensive, judge for yourself: California, Washington, Texas, New York, Maryland, Illinois, Florida, Virginia, Oregon, Michigan, Nevada, Utah, Georgia, Oklahoma and even. The Ants have their own branches in at least 40 American cities.

Tattoos: tattoos of a member of MS 13, often covering their owner from head to toe, can tell knowledgeable people about a lot - who he is and what he is, why and how long he was imprisoned, who he killed, etc.

Criminal activities: drug trafficking, control of prostitution (including children's), racketeering, protection of criminal and semi-criminal businesses, extortion, arms trafficking, murder, organizing the delivery of illegal immigrants to the States, various dirty work on behalf of the allied Mexican mafia.

Also known as Barrio 18 or M-18- a large street gang from Los Angeles, whose brigades, in addition to the “City of Angels,” operate in 120 American cities in 37 states. For decades now, the main enemies of the M-18 have been the Mara Salvatrucha and a number of African-American groups. The main ally is La Eme (Mexican mafia).

The gang appeared in the 60s of the last century in Los Angeles. Its backbone was made up of Mexicans and immigrants from Central America. Today, the 18th Street Gang is considered the largest gang in Los Angeles - in this city and surrounding areas alone there are about 10 thousand members of this group, and in total, according to some sources, up to 30 thousand people are loyal to it.

The main income of M-18 comes from street drug trafficking. Gang members are also involved in protecting businesses, illegal immigration, forgery of documents, extortion, underground gambling, kidnapping, murder, in general, everything that such gangs do.

The FBI began to take a closer look at the M-18 guys back in the 1990s, but they really only got their hands on them in the mid-2000s, when a series of large-scale raids were carried out against its members.

M-18’s main enemy is considered to be the famous Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), with whom it continued to have a bloody showdown for many years, and this despite the fact that these two gangs have the same main ally - La Eme(Mexican Mafia).

One of the most famous and brutal prison gangs in the United States. Initially, having originated in 1964 as an ordinary racist group, over time AB transformed into a full-fledged criminal syndicate, where today money comes first and ideology comes only second.

The Aryan Brotherhood accounts for approximately 20% of all murders committed in federal prisons in the country. Despite the racist ideology, one of the gang's main allies is the Mexican mafia, for which the "Aryans" sometimes carry out contract killings. AB also has contacts with some Asian groups that deliver drugs to the United States, but it is believed that the “Aryans” will never have anything to do with blacks. By the way, the main enemy of AB is the black group “Black Guerrilla Family”.

Today, there are more than 10,000 people in the ranks of the Aryan Brotherhood. To join a gang for a white prisoner in mandatory you need to kill another prisoner, preferably black or Latino. Leaving the gang means death.

ABs are involved in drug trafficking, murders for hire and on racial grounds, racketeering, arms trafficking, etc. As mentioned above, it is impossible to leave the ranks of the gang - AB members released from prison must supply their brothers with money, drugs and other contraband.

Characteristic tattoos: abbreviations SS and AB, swastika, zig runes, 666.


Crips- one of the oldest criminal alliances in the United States. The Crips are made up of many African-American gangs, without any central control. The gang was founded in 1969 by teenagers Raymond Washington and Stanley Williams in Los Angeles. Today, there are up to 40 thousand fighters in the ranks of the “cripples”.

Another African-American group, bloods(z), has been considered the sworn enemies of the “cripples” for many years. In addition to the "bloody", crips are at odds with such well-known gangs as the Neighborhood Pirus, Mara Salvatrucha, the Nazis from the Aryan Brotherhood and Nazi Lowriders, as well as the Surenos. Often, gangs belonging to the crips alliance fight among themselves.

Criminal activities: murder, drug trafficking, robbery, theft, car theft, document forgery, arms trafficking, extortion.

Gang paraphernalia: Blue color, blue bandanas, British Knights sneakers, specific tattoos, gangster graffiti. It has its own slang.

Initiation: A Crips candidate must commit a crime in front of one of the gang members. The girls are accepted after having sexual intercourse with several older “cripples.”

Bloods/bloodz (bloody)

Bloods/bloodz (bloody)- an alliance of African-American street gangs formed in South Los Angeles. A distinctive feature of the gang is wearing red clothing, which is supposed to symbolize blood. The “bloody” alliance primarily consists of African-American groups (sets), although it also includes Latinos and white fighters. The ranks of bloods number about 15-20 thousand fighters.

The Bloods were formed in 1972 in famed South Central Los Angeles. The main reason that some street gangs had to urgently organize an alliance was another, no less famous group, the Crips (cripples), whose power and appetites grew by leaps and bounds. All gangs that were attacked by the “cripples” received an offer to join new union, and thus become much more competitive in relation to crips. For decades now, Bloods and Crips have been irreconcilable enemies of each other.

Criminal activities: drug trafficking, robberies, murders, extortion.

It was about the African-American gangs Bloods and Crips, who made red and blue colors, sneakers and sports jerseys fashionable. Today we will talk about Latin American gangs led by the all-powerful Mara Salvatrucha.

Latin Americans became part of American life a little later than African Americans. After vast Mexican territories became part of the United States as a result of the 1846-1848 war with Mexico, the presence of a Spanish-speaking population became the norm for the country. Even more Latinos appeared in the states after the annexation of Puerto Rico and Cuba following the war with Spain in 1898.

But a truly powerful wave of migration of the Spanish-speaking population hit the United States after the war in the 1960s and 70s. Hispanics are now the largest minority in the country, at 18 percent, and total number falls slightly short of 59 million people. However, only 10 percent of this number are the so-called Chicanos - descendants of the colonists who settled the southwest of the modern United States during the period of Spanish rule.

The majority of U.S. Hispanics are of Mexican descent, at 64 percent. Puerto Ricans come in second with nine percent. Third place with three percent is shared by Dominicans, Cubans and Salvadorans. But it was the latter who organized the most brutal and powerful organized crime group: MS-13 or Mara Salvatrucha (Mara Salvatrucha - “Brigade of Salvadoran Stray Ants”). Like the cult black organized crime groups Bloods and Crips, it originated in Los Angeles. And, as in the case of gangs of African-Americans, the authorities can only blame themselves for its appearance.

Gangsta Latino

Until the early 1980s, there were very few Salvadorans in the United States. Everything changed with the start of the bloody war in the country in 1979 civil war between government forces and the armed opposition. The United States actively supported the government of El Salvador with money and weapons. The administration declared El Salvador a “battlefield against international communism,” and from 1983 to 1985 alone, the country’s authorities received about a billion dollars.

Ultimately, a peace treaty was signed between the authorities and the armed opposition in 1992, and the left was defeated in the first free and democratic elections. During the war, about 75 thousand people died, 12 thousand went missing, and a million people became refugees. Most of the refugees just headed to the United States - the closest ally of the ruling regime. El Salvador by that time had managed to quarrel with all its neighbors and most countries Latin America, so the refugees didn’t have much choice.

In Los Angeles alone, which became the center of Salvadoran migration, by the end of the 1980s there were about 300 thousand Salvadorans living. Naturally, Salvadorans who fled the war could not afford housing in more or less decent neighborhoods and settled in the Pico Union area, located in the center not far from Downtown Los Angeles. Alas, his best years remained in the 1960s.

Since the American middle class has poured into the suburbs, housing in the center has become cheaper, migrants and African Americans have flocked to the area, which has completely marginalized it. In Pico Union and other areas where Salvadorans settled, the real power on the streets was the Bloods, Crips and the Mexican 18th Street gang (aka La18, Barrio 18, Mara-18 or simply M-18). Considering that even police patrols in some areas of the ghetto of South Los Angeles are trying once again not to stop by, there was no one to protect the Salvadorans.

Racketeering, extortion, robbery - Salvadorans found themselves at the very bottom of the ghetto food chain. And since the state is unable to fulfill its functions of protecting citizens, this work is taken over by the anti-state in the person of the organized crime group. Quite quickly, the streets of areas with a large percentage of Salvadorans were filled with their own gangs, which the Salvadorans called las clicas - cliques. The common name for the cliques became Mara Salvatrucha.

Salvadoran gangsters quickly adopted the aesthetics of Los Angeles gangsters: tattoos, fingering, bright clothing, including sportswear, rap, graffiti and other attributes of hip-hop culture. If on the streets “cholos,” as representatives of criminalized youth of Mexican origin called themselves, were enemies of the Salvadorans, then in the zone the situation changed.

Members of the Mara Salvatrucha, who did not have prison authority, integrated into the structure of La Eme, one of the oldest and most powerful Mexican gangs. Actually, the name of the gang means the letter “M” - Mexico, which is why La Eme in Russia is often called the Mexican mafia. The connection with "La Eme" gave Mara Salvatrucha its second name, MS-13. The number 13 stands for the thirteenth letter of the Latin alphabet - "M" or La Eme in Spanish. The number 13 is also reflected in the rite of initiation into gang membership - a 13-second beating of a newcomer by its experienced members.

Since MS-13 members are part of the Mexican mafia in prison, they wear Nike Cortez sneakers. Recall that in American prisons, gang members wear sneakers as an identification mark. Mexicans - Nike, Bloods - Reebok, Crips - Adidas.

In the early 1990s, US authorities finally realized the full scope of MS-13 and began mass deportations of Salvadorans involved in illegal activities. The deportations coincided with the end of the civil war in El Salvador. The war-torn country turned out to be ideal ground for the activities of the group, which became the only real power in many villages and towns. So in the 1990s, Mara Salvatrucha became an international criminal group. As MS-13 expanded internationally, it began a partnership with the Mexican Cartel, also known as the Pacific Cartel.

Between the devil and god

Mara Salvatrucha is a notorious Satan-worshipping group. It all started when gang members began to use a gesture reminiscent of a punk “goat” as their signature sign. The whole difference is that the index finger and little finger are spread more apart. Initially, this gesture meant an inverted letter "M", but then many began to consider it to be an image of a goat's head - a symbol of Satan. Then satanic symbolism began to appear in the form of tattoos.

To begin with, the gang members who committed the murder began to decorate themselves with the image of a skull and crossbones. Then images of the devil with horns and a tail, a goat skull and other images associated with hell appeared. Those MS-13 members who are somehow associated with the Mexican drug cartels wear tattoos of Santa Muerta, the saint of death.

This syncretic religious cult was born from a mixture of Catholicism, Indian beliefs and the cult of voodoo. It is based on the veneration of death as the main deity capable of influencing people's lives. Members of drug cartels consider Santa Muerta their protector, helping them in their difficult criminal life. Some Salvadorans also adopted this cult from the Mexicans.

Some cliques began to consciously create an image of Satanists around themselves. There are known cases when bandits left various satanic symbols on the bodies of victims, performed ritual sacrifices and stuffed their bodies with satanic symbols. However, most often this is more of an image move aimed at creating an atmosphere of fear around the clique, an attempt to distinguish it from other Salvadoran cliques.

However, there are also plenty of tattoos with Christian themes, traditional for all Latin American gangs. The Virgin Mary, the crucifix, hands folded in prayer - these are the most popular subjects. However, there is not much Christianity in them. For example, folded hands are not an appeal to God at all, but the phrase “forgive me mom for my crazy life.” And the image of Christ is most often supplemented with the letters M and S, which is interpreted by experts interviewed by the Honduran newspaper El Heraldo as recognition of the primacy of the gang in the life of each of its members. For bandits, their clique is god.

People with picturesque faces

The main thing that distinguishes the members of Mara Salvatrucha from other gangsters is not the theme of the tattoos, but their location. Unlike Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and other Latin Americans, who only get tattoos on the neck and behind the ears, Salvadorans cover their entire face with them. Many members of MS-13 cliques even shave their hair to apply the design to the back and crown of their heads. There are practically no special subjects intended exclusively for application to the face.

Most often these are the letters M and S, number 13, the inscription Mara Salvatrucha, the coat of arms of El Salvador, as well as various Indian ornaments. A rare exception is the very skull that is applied between the eyes after the first murder. Another popular tattoo theme for the head is an imitation of a skull, flayed flesh and cervical vertebrae. Moreover, Salvadoran gangsters don’t just apply individual tattoos to their faces, but completely cover them, leaving no free space.

At the same time, removing a tattoo is considered a mortal sin for a gang member, equated to betrayal and punishable by death. Tattoos are the main sign of gang membership, and facial tattoos are a sign of the "Mara Salvatrucha". Downtrodden individuals became so associated with the gang that during police raids, members of the clique were identified precisely by them. In prisons, inmates with facial tattoos immediately came under special control, and students with facial tattoos typical of MS-13 were expelled from schools.

All this led to the fact that the Council of Nine - governing body groups - allowed new gang members not to hide their faces in order to remain incognito. But in recent years, prison administrations have demanded that they stop wearing Nike Cortez in prisons - labels are torn off sneakers, and the manufacturer’s emblem must be covered or painted over.

As for clothing, Mara Salvatrucha does not have such a strict dress code as the Bloods and Crips. The traditional colors of the group are white and blue, so most of the bandits wear regular jeans and white T-shirts, occasionally adding blue sports jackets.

Face trading

In parallel with the fact that MS-13 leaders allowed members of the organized crime group not to have their faces tattooed, the fashion for facial tattoos spread across the United States. Of course, it is impossible to say unequivocally that it was the members of the “Mara Salvatrucha” clique who influenced the young rappers. After all, facial tattoos are present in the culture of many peoples around the world.

However, the fact remains that facial tattoos have spread beyond the Salvadoran community and become popular among both white (non-Hispanic) and black people. Rappers played a major role in the popularization of facial tattoos, whose aesthetics are based on gangster culture interspersed with traditional African culture. And facial tattoos, with their dual origins, fit perfectly into this aesthetic.

Young Thug, Soulja Boy, Lil Wayne, Lil Peep, Lil Pump, Lil Xan, 69, The Game, 21 Savage - these are just some of the rappers now popular in the United States whose faces are decorated with tattoos. And while representatives of the older generation like The Game and Lil Wayne adorned themselves with tattoos that are far from “Mara Salvatrucha” in style, 69 has his pseudonym stamped on his forehead in a font suspiciously reminiscent of the one that Salvadoran bandits use to write the number 13.

The universal popularity of facial and MS-13 tattoos could be even greater if the Salvadoran gangster subculture had its own singers like N.W.A. and 2Pac among African-American gangsters in the 1990s. Unfortunately or fortunately, Spanish-speaking gangsta rappers have not yet even reached the national level, let alone the international one. Therefore, now the aesthetics of “Mara Salvatrucha” are being brought to the masses documentaries, crime series and social dramas.