On the vast, arid continent of Africa, rivers represent life and well-being. The life-giving power of water arteries penetrates mountains, plains, deserts, and goes out into the sea. Some African rivers are recognized as the deepest and longest on the planet.

general information

The river system belongs to the world waters of the Atlantic and Indian. The third factor is determined by internal runoff.

The watercourses of the Atlantic waters occupy half of the land in Africa. 30% of the territory is covered by internal drainage reservoirs. Indian Ocean receives flows from a fifth of the continent.

The characteristics of the flow intensity are determined by undeveloped river channels. The upper reaches are marked by turbulent, rushing streams. In the lower reaches there are rapids areas with waterfalls. Among them, Victoria Falls on the Zambezi became world famous. The stepped surface affects the limitation of navigation along the entire length of watercourses. It is carried out only in certain areas. However, this deficiency is being made up for by the development of hydropower, which accounts for 20% of Africa's energy resources.

The state of the water area is influenced by climatic zones. Most reservoirs are filled by rain. Reserves from sediments are available to a few reservoirs in mountainous areas. At the equator, high water levels are observed throughout the year.

Another characteristic of water content in subequatorial belt where the shallow water begins. In the tropics, river reserves are becoming scarce. Moisture occasionally enters dry riverbeds. The African platform, with its slope, influences the geography of rivers. A significant flow goes into the bowels of the Atlantic.

Nile - River of Africa

Neil is the most long river in Africa. She is welcomed on the lands of numerous countries in the north of the continent. Along its route, the Nile is subject to a variety of weather and terrain conditions. The river is recognized as the longest not only in Africa. On a planetary scale, it is second only to the Amazon.

Characteristics of the watercourse:

  • length – 6680 kilometers;
  • filling – 2.9 million km2;
  • flow rate - 2590 m3/sec.

The Nile remains a geographical mystery to this day. Scientists cannot reach a consensus regarding the birthplace of the natural miracle. The ancient thinker Herodotus wrote that the Nile begins in southern Africa. The version of Ptolemy Claudius claimed that the beginning is the Rwenzori range (in ancient times the Moon Mountains). The truth came with the discovery of Lake Victoria in the 19th century. Research has confirmed that the source is located in one of the tributaries of the Kagera River - Rukarara.

Throughout its entire length, the Nile's bed changes character - calm and rapids, deep and shallow.

The current rushes north, rushing from above into the lowlands. Falls down with powerful waterfalls. From a height of 40 meters, the Murchison Cascade flows into Lake Albert, from which the Albert Nile originates. The Ugandan plain calms the rushing stream. Neil reaches South Sudan, where it is divided into many branches.

The further course of the watercourse intersects with Lake Net and reaches the capital of Sudan - Khartoum. At this point, the water changes color from yellow, due to clay impurities, to a transparent color. For this reason, they begin to call it not the White Nile, but the Blue Nile.

The next tributary, the Atraba, further fills the basin in front of the Sahara Desert. The great Nile flows in a wide strip across the Egyptian expanses to the Suez Canal, where it flows into the Mediterranean Sea. The end of the path is characterized by spreading into separate branches, the formation of a huge estuary.


The Congo, or Zaire, is one of the significant rivers in Central Africa. It is the deepest on the continent.

The streams fall from the 1580 m highlands of Zambia called Chambezi. As it flows, it leaves behind cascades and turbulent streams of Central African territory. It reaches the shores of the Atlantic through a 12-kilometer deep channel.

Characteristics of the watercourse:

  • length – 4376 kilometers;
  • volume – 3675 km2;
  • maximum depth – 240 m.

The African river has many diverse tributaries.

Shipping is developed in many areas. Africans extract oil, clay, sand. The main source of food remains river resources - fish and plants. There are many power plants in operation.


The third longest river in Africa has its main advantage - fresh water. The Niger River, which originates in Guinea, is an indispensable source of life-giving moisture in West Africa.

Characteristics of the watercourse:

  • length – 4155 kilometers;
  • volume – 2096;
  • annual flow – 270 km3

From the mountain peaks of 850 m, the watercourse moves north along the Malian plain, where it abruptly changes direction to the south. It flows through the territory of Nigeria, Benin to the Gulf of Guinea - the mouth of the Niger. The intricate winding river route has always instilled mystical sentiments in the aborigines. Local residents consider the source sacred, believe in ancient spirits and protect it from foreigners.

At the mouth there is a vast delta. The unique reservoir has an internal mouth called Masina. The swampy valley is flooded by rivers and lake overflows for a length of 427 km.

One of the important tributaries, the Benue, makes the watercourse deep and wide - up to 3.5 km. Heavy rainfall combines the tributary with Lake Chad.

Navigation depends on the topography and the fullness of the basin, so it is not present on the entire river.

Rivers of Africa on the Map

The water system of the continent consists of lakes and rivers of Africa, marked on the map. The hydraulic system of antiquity has been modified over the centuries, thanks to large reservoirs on the site of current deserts. With climate change, the surface of the earth changed, becoming mountainous on the outskirts of the plateau. Their slopes were sources of new reservoirs. Today, modern maps of water areas, deserts and savannas are being compiled.

Largest African rivers

Noting the largest rivers in Africa, we should characterize the fourth longest - the Zamzebi, stretching for 2570 km. The Zambezi, crossing the Angolan savanna, ends up in Mozambique. The long river of Africa ends its journey in the waves of the Indian Ocean.

The Orange River originates in the mountains of South Africa. A section of 2190 km washes the shores of South Africa and Namibia, ending in the waves of the Atlantic. Vessels do not sail along the Orange River due to the shallowness of the watercourse. The name of the watercourse has nothing to do with color scheme. The name is associated with the name of the Dutch nobleman William of Orange. Over the years, the name has transformed and turned from Orange to Orange.

Which African river is the most famous in Russia? The river, glorified by the writer Korney Chukovsky, is known to everyone as the Limpopo. Throughout the 1,590 km waterway it is fed by numerous small and medium-sized streams. Flows into the Indian Ocean.

Senegal, a large river in West Africa, creates a natural border between states. The reservoir's capacity is more than 400 thousand km2.

List of important river arteries in Africa

  1. Atraba - plays the role of a right-hand tributary of the Nile at a distance of 1130 km. It is a geographical landmark for Ethiopian and Sudanese settlements. During the dry season, the lower reaches dry out; during the monsoon season, it fills and reaches the Nile.
  2. Juba is a watercourse of Ethiopian and Somali lands with a shared basin of 748 thousand square meters with Webi-Shebeli. km. Full-flowing river Africa has important economic importance, thanks to shipping.
  3. Lualaba is the name of the upper reaches of the Congo, which is 2100 km long from the source to the Boyoma cascades.


The river basins of the African continent give life to its inhabitants. Many rivers are not so significant in scale and not the largest, but they enliven the landscape and contribute to the development of livestock and agriculture.

Given that most of the continent's peoples live in poverty, water supply is of strategic importance. Hydroelectric power stations are being built on rivers. They supply the local population with resources and contribute to the development of industrial facilities. Many bodies of water are taken under the protection not only of individual states, but also on a planetary scale.

The continent lies entirely on the African Plate. Due to its slope in the west, the main flow goes to the Atlantic. A third of all rivers have internal flow. Most waterways have rapids and waterfalls, making them unsuitable for navigation. The water level in rivers is mainly affected by the presence or absence of rain. Melt waters snow and glaciers feed the rivers that originate on. This article provides a list of the ten largest, deepest and longest rivers in Africa in ascending order, as well as a map of the continent's great river basins.

Map of the largest river basins in Africa / Image: Wikipedia

#10: Jubba

The Jubba River has a length of 1004 km. The basin area is 497,504 km², the average water flow is 187 m³/s. The source of the Jubba is formed in Ethiopia, and most of the channel is in Somalia, where it flows into the Indian Ocean. There is a lot of rainfall throughout the river, so its banks are covered with abundant vegetation. Gazelles, chamois, hyenas and giraffes come to the river to drink. The Jubba watercourse is located in only two African states: Somalia and Ethiopia.

#9: Shari

The length of the river is 1,400 km, the basin area is 548,747 km². The average water flow rate is about 1159 m³/s. Shari is formed at the confluence of the Uam, Gribingi, and Bamingi rivers. The mouth of the artery is located in Chad. The river is not afraid of drought, and it does not dry up during the dry season. Chari is the main drinking source and center of the fishing industry for the Chadian population. The river has many tributaries, the main ones being Logon, Bahr Sarkh and Bahr Salamat. Due to the fact that large cities are located along the banks, the river is too polluted. If measures are not taken to protect rivers, the region faces ecological catastrophy. The Shari flows through Cameroon, Chad and the Central African Republic.

#8: Volta

The river stretches for about 1500 km. The basin area is 407,093 km², the average water flow is 1288 m³/s. The river was formed by the confluence of two waterways of West Africa: the White Volta and the Black Volta. The mouth of the reservoir is the Gulf of Guinea (Atlantic Ocean). The most important tributaries are the Daka, Afram and Oti rivers. The river flows through the Republic of Ghana and is famous for its developed shipping.

#7: Okavango

The length of the river is 1600 km. The basin area is 530,000 km². Average water flow is about 470 m³/s. The source of the Okavango is located in the mountains of Angola. The unique feature of the water artery is that it does not go anywhere. The Okavango forms the largest river delta, and dissolves into the Kalahari sands.

The river is primarily fed by rain. The largest tributary is the Quito River. The water in the Okavango is clean because the shores are practically uninhabited and there is no industry.

The river delta is a unique place. The banks are overgrown with water lilies and reeds. Acacia grows in the meadows. Water from the Okavango is a source of drinking for many animals: antelopes, giraffes, hippos and crocodiles. The river flows through Angola, Namibia and Botswana.

#6: Limpopo

The length is 1,750 km, and the basin area is 415,000 km². Water flow 170 m³/s. Limpopo begins in South Africa, where it stretches Mountain chain Witwatersrand, and flows into the Indian Ocean. The river is shaped like a zigzag; it crosses deserts, savannas and chains of mountains. The Limpopo has several large tributaries: Shangane, Olifants, Notwani.

The food is predominantly rain-fed. In the summer in southern Africa there are often thunderstorms and heavy downpours. In dry years, Limpopo dries out at the top. The shipping route extends 160 km from the mouth. Due to the peculiar bend of the river, the water flows slowly, so a lot of silt forms in it. The lands along the banks of the river are very fertile. Floods rarely occur, so deciduous forests grow in the lower reaches. Closer to the mouth, you can find cod, mackerel, herring, octopus and oysters in the river. Along the entire length of the Limpopo, hippos and crocodiles live on its banks. The river flows through the states of Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and South Africa.

#5: Orange

The length of the river is 2200 km. The area of ​​its basin is 973,000 km². The average flow rate does not exceed 365 m³/s. The Orange River originates in the Drakensberg Mountains. There is a lot of precipitation here, which is a source of food. The Orange River flows into the Atlantic. It crosses almost the entire South Region continent and plays a vital role in its economy.

The main tributary is the Vaal River. Due to the abundance of rapids, navigation on the Orange River is impossible. The main wealth of the river is all kinds of minerals. Due to the hot climate, there is little diversity of animals living here. The river crosses Namibia, the Republic of Congo, South Africa and the Kingdom of Lesotho.

#4: Zambezi

The length of the river is 2574 km. The basin area is 1,390,000 km². Water flow is approximately 3400 m³/s. The river originates in northwestern Zambia and its mouth is in the Indian Ocean. From the north, the Zambezi turns sharply to the southwest. In the south the river becomes significantly more rapid. On the border of the Central African Plateau lies the Victoria Falls, formed as a result of the faulting of a tectonic plate. Then the channel turns to the northeast. In its lower reaches it faces south and rushes towards the ocean. The river crosses African countries such as Angola, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

The main tributaries are the Luangwa and Kafue. Food - rain. The Zambezi is most flooded in the summer, from November to March. Due to seasonal high water, shipping is not very developed. The upper and middle part of the river flows through savannas. Dense forests grow between the river beds. The lower part of the Zambezi is represented by.

There are many fish in the waters. Species diversity divides Victoria Falls. Bream and pike are found in the upper reaches. Where there is no fast currents, inhabited by crocodiles and monitor lizards. There are many animals in the forests and... It is convenient to watch them during the dry season, when all the animals go to the banks of the Zambezi to drink. The fauna is represented by monkeys, baboons, wolves, cheetahs, zebras and giraffes. The banks of the river are home to pelicans, herons and flamingos.

#3: Niger

The length of the river is 4180 km. The basin area is 2,117,700 km². Water flow 5589 m³/s. The Niger is the third largest river in Africa, originating on the slopes of the Liberian Highlands. The mouth is located in the bay of the Atlantic Ocean.

The river is fed by monsoon rains. The channel first points north. In Mali the direction changes to southeast. The main tributaries are the Benue, Kaduna, Sokato, Bani and Milo. The waterway passes through the territories of the following countries: Guinea, Nigeria, Niger, Mali, Benin.

Along the banks of the Niger there are major cities, including Bamako, the fastest growing city on the continent. Shipping is developed only in the upper reaches. There are two dams and one hydroelectric power station on the river. Thanks to the abundance of ichthyofauna, fishing is developed. Carp, barbel and perch are caught in Niger.

#2: Congo

The length is 4,700 km, the basin area occupies 4,014,500 km². The approximate water flow is 41,200 m³/s. The river originates near lakes Nyasa and Tanganyika and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The Congo is fed by rain, and the river is the deepest on Earth. In some places the depth exceeds 200 m.

Main tributaries: Mobangi, Alima, Rubi, Lulongo, Lefeni. Livingston Falls prevent ships from reaching the ocean. On flat sections, between major cities, shipping is well established. Densely populated cities are located along the banks of the Congo. The reservoir has a large energy reserve: two dams and 40 hydroelectric power stations have already been built here.

The mighty waterway provides water equatorial forests. They are a favorable habitat for various dangerous animals: spiders, snakes and crocodiles. The Congo crosses Angola, the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

#1: Neil

With a length of 6853 km, the Nile is probably the longest river in the world. River basin - 3,400,000 million km², water flow 2830 m³/s. The Nile originates in Lake Victoria and flows into. Major tributaries are the Achwa, Sobat, Atbara and Blue Nile. The river fills with precipitation. Flood occurs at the end of summer - beginning of autumn, then the river can overflow its banks. Navigation is well developed in the north.

The Nile gives life to many species of plants and animals. Big number Species of fish live in the river delta: perch, sunfish, sea bream and barb. The Nile crocodile and hippopotamus live along the banks. The number of birds, including migratory ones, is about three hundred species. Giraffes and antelopes live in the river valleys.

The fertile soil layer along the river allows for the growth of rare species palm trees and shrubs that contrast sharply with the nearby desert lands. The Nile flows through the territories of Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.

Large rivers and the lakes of Africa play a very important role for the continent, because due to them its watering and irrigation are carried out. A number of reservoirs have been created on large rivers, the total volume of which exceeds fifteen cubic kilometers. The largest of them include such as Nasser, Kariba and Volta. Most of the large lakes are located on the East African Plateau and have considerable depth. For example, Tanganyika is second only to Baikal in this indicator on the entire planet. Its deepest point is located at a distance of 1470 meters from the surface of the water. continent is Victoria.

The rating of “The largest rivers in Africa” is headed by the Nile. Its total length is 6671 km. It begins as the Kagera River and after passing through several lakes flows out of them under the name White Nile. Further, near the town of Khartoum, the Blue Nile flows into it, which comes out of the Ethiopian Highlands. Combining into one, these large rivers of Africa form a very wide current called the Nile. In its upper reaches there is a large number of lakes, waterfalls and rapids. Many tributaries and branches appear on the plain, and therefore the valley becomes quite swampy. Behind the swamps, downstream, a kind of green corridor of narrow strips of trees forms along the banks. It looks quite contrasting against the background of yellow deserts.

A significant part of the river is surrounded by waterless desert. Despite the fact that it is always full of water, especially in summer and autumn time. Like other large rivers in Africa, it has a very great importance for agriculture. The fact is that after the water subsides, a layer of silt remains, which fertilizes the earth. This allows you to get decent yields. It is not surprising that the Nile Valley became the real cradle of humanity several thousand years ago. Thanks to him, it was on the territory of modern Egypt that the Agriculture and one of the first powerful states on the planet was formed.

Second on the list of “Large Rivers of Africa” is the Congo with a length of 4320 km. It is considered the most abundant in the entire Eastern Hemisphere. Along the course of the river, it is adjacent to many tributaries from the southern and northern regions of the continent. In the period from March to November, the Congo is fed mainly by the right tributaries, and from September to March - by the left ones. The explanation for this is quite simple: the fact is that the rainy season in different hemispheres of the continent falls on different time. This nuance plays a positive role, because thanks to it the river is full of water throughout the year.

When the Congo flows into the river, a huge mouth is formed, so the water from it flows far into the river (up to 17 kilometers). Under its influence, the surface waters of the ocean remain fresh at a distance of about 75 kilometers from the mouth. The waters off the Congo are first brown and then yellowish. It stands out against the backdrop of blue ocean waters even three hundred kilometers from the coast.

Other major rivers in Africa are the Niger (4160 km), Zambezi (2660 km) and Orange River (1860 km).

The African river system is characterized by relative youth. In ancient times, the continent had a completely different appearance, because there were many more reservoirs of all kinds here, but the flow was always mainly internal.

In ancient times, in the areas of today's deserts there were lakes and even seas. However, the climate changed, as did earth's surface, the plateaus on the outskirts rose more and more, as a result, modern African rivers formed on their slopes, which had previously captured existing systems. These reservoirs differ from the previous ones in their short length and deep water.

Since the river beds are not mined out, many rivers have sections with rapids and ponds. This feature negatively affects the possibility of navigation, but provides enormous potential for hydropower. It is believed that Africa's hydropower resource accounts for 20% of the world's.

Modern rivers in Africa are very dependent on climate zone, namely the amount of annual precipitation and seasonality, are also important:

  • relief;
  • soil.

The main part of the rivers is filled with rain; it is clear that other methods of nutrition (snow, ice) are available only to a few mountain reservoirs. Within equatorial belt, where the rivers are located and are full-flowing all year round, because the best conditions exist for this.

Total area distribution river basin like this:

  • Atlantic Ocean - more than 1/3;
  • internal drain - about 1/3;
  • Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Sea - less than 1/3.

Since the continent is inclined, a significant part of the runoff belongs to the Atlantic Ocean; a large area also forms internal runoff (Sahara, part of East Africa, the Araf depression, the Abis-lsha graben, a section of the Kalahari depression).

But the main rivers of Africa are classified as external flow:

  • Congo;
  • Niger;
  • Zambezi;
  • Orange.

Main rivers of Africa

About Nile Much has been said and written, this river gives life to the Egyptian people, passing through the desert. It stands out for its length, because it passes through a lot of African countries and various natural conditions. It starts not far from and flows into the Mediterranean Sea. Its channel can be both calm and rapids, both shallow and deep.

river Congo Also called Zaire, it, after the Nile, ranks second in Africa in terms of basin size. Located in the center of the mainland, it crosses the lands of Angola and the Republic of Congo. The final destination is the Atlantic Ocean. Its fullness is greatest here on Earth - this is the second indicator.

The Congo has a huge number of tributaries, many areas are heavily trafficked, and waterfalls are common. Every second, this one of the main rivers in Africa brings about 50 thousand cubic meters of fresh water into the ocean, and during floods such a muddy stream is released into the ocean for hundreds of kilometers.

The river is used not only for crossing ships, but also for other activities:

  • fishing;
  • oil production;
  • operation of hydroelectric power stations.

River Niger located in West Africa, and here it is of enormous importance. Its pool is huge, the third on the continent. It starts in Guinea, passes through Mali, Nigeria, Niger, Benin, and flows into.

The natives call the source of this African river sacred, so they protect it from visitors. In addition, in each locality Niger is called differently - the ancient names are still used by coastal tribes.

Many areas are navigable, which, in addition to the topography, depends on the temporary high water level. There are also waterfalls. When there is heavy rain, one of the important tributaries, the Benue, connects with it.

There are a lot of fish here that are often caught:

  • perch;
  • carp;
  • barbel.

The main rivers of Africa include Zambezi, which flows from a swampy area in Zambia, then travels through the following countries:

  • Angola;
  • Botswana;
  • Namibia;
  • Zimbabwe;
  • Mozambique.

The latter flows into the Indian Ocean. A special object is one that is known throughout the world for its beauty and size. There are also other waterfalls along the river. There are two large hydroelectric power stations and one small one.

Since the Zambezi is accompanied by lush forest vegetation, in some areas - tall grass savannas, there are various inhabitants on the banks and in the waters:

  • crocodiles;
  • pelicans;
  • drops;
  • hippos;
  • catfish;
  • bull sharks;
  • sichleads.

In the south of the Dark Continent flows Orange River, starting in the Dragon Mountains, crosses South Africa, and Namibia, ending in Atlantic Ocean. Almost everywhere it is shallow, so I don’t use this largest river in the region for transportation. The main part of the Orange River basin is deserted.

A special phenomenon was the frequent ingress of water from the ocean into the river, and salty liquid can also be found high up the riverbed.

It should be noted that the name does not have any color explanations, because in fact, the river was originally named in honor of the Dutch Prince William of Orange - the Orange River, but at a certain moment during the translation there was an error that stuck.


  2. Flows in Ethiopia and Sudan. Length 1120 km. Atbara is the right tributary of the Nile.

  4. Occurs in Africa. The basin area is 1059 thousand square kilometers. Length 957 kilometers. The WHITE NILE flows into the mouth of the Blue Nile.

  6. Occurs in Cameroon and Nigeria. The basin area is 441 thousand square kilometers. Length 1300 kilometers. Benue is a left tributary of the Niger.
  7. VOLTA

  8. Occurs in West Africa. The basin area is 394 thousand square kilometers. Length 1600 kilometers. It begins at the confluence of the White and Black Voltas and flows into the Gulf of Guinea.

  10. Flows in Ethiopia and Sudan. The basin area is 330 thousand square kilometers. Length 1600 kilometers. The Blue Nile is the right, most abundant tributary of the Nile.
  11. JUBA

  12. Flows in Ethiopia and Somalia. The basin area is 750 thousand square kilometers. Length 1600 kilometers. Juba flows into the Indian Ocean.

  14. Leaks in South Africa. The basin area is 1330 thousand square kilometers. Length 2660 kilometers. The Zambezi flows into the Indian Ocean. Main tributaries: Kafue, Luangwa, Shire.
  15. KAGERA

  16. Occurs in Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. Length 420 kilometers (800 km from the source of the Rukarara River). CATERA, a river in East Africa, (partly along the borders between them). It originates at the confluence of the Nyai-arongo and Ruvuvu rivers and flows into Lake Victoria.
  17. KASAI

  18. Occurs in Central Africa. The basin area is 880 thousand square kilometers. Length 2000 kilometers. The Kasai is a left tributary of the Congo River (Zaire).
  19. CONGO

  20. Occurs in Central Africa. In terms of basin area (3.7 million km2) and water content (average water flow 46 thousand mUS), it ranks first in Africa and second in the world after the Amazon. The basin area is 3,700 thousand square kilometers. Length 4320 kilometers. Congo (Zaire) - flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

  22. Occurs in South Africa. The basin area is 440 thousand square kilometers. Length 1600 kilometers. The Limpopo rises on the slopes of the Witwatersrand ridge and flows into the Indian Ocean.

  24. LUALABA is the name of the upper reaches of the Congo River (Zaire), from the source to the Boyoma Falls. Length is about 2080 kilometers.
  25. NIGER

  26. Occurs in West Africa. The basin area is 2092 thousand square kilometers. Length 4160 kilometers. Niger - flows into the Gulf of Guinea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. Major influx- Benue River.
    Flows in Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan, Egypt. The Nile is the longest river in the world. The basin area is 2870 thousand square kilometers. Length 6671 kilometers. The Nile flows into the Mediterranean Sea, forming a large delta with an area of ​​24 thousand square kilometers. Main tributaries: Sobat, Blue Nile, Atbara, Bahr el Ghazal.

  28. Occurs in South Africa. The basin area is 800 thousand square kilometers. Length 1600 kilometers. The Okavango originates on the plateau and ends in the Kalahari inland drainage region, forming a delta. The southern branch of the delta flows into Lake Ngami, the northern (periodically) into the Kwando River (a tributary of the Zambezi); the Botlenle sleeve feeds the swamps of the Makari-kari depression.
  29. ORANGE

  30. Occurs in South Africa. The basin area is 1020 thousand square kilometers. Length 1860 kilometers. Orange flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
  31. RUVUMA

  32. Occurs in East Africa. The basin area is 150 thousand square kilometers. Length 800 kilometers. Ruvuma flows into the Indian Ocean.
  33. RUFIJI

  34. Occurs in Tanzania. The basin area is 178 thousand square kilometers. Length 1400 kilometers. Rufiji flows into the Indian Ocean.

  36. Occurs in West Africa. The basin area is 441 thousand square kilometers. Length 1430 kilometers. Senegal flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
  37. UBANGI

  38. Occurs in Central Africa. The basin area is 773 thousand square kilometers. Length 2300 kilometers. Ubangi is a right tributary of the Congo River (Zaire).
    Occurs in Central Africa. The basin area is 700 thousand square kilometers. Length 1450 kilometers. SHARI is formed by the confluence of the Ouham and Gribingui rivers and flows into Lake Chad.