Ministry of General and vocational education Rostov region
state budgetary professional educational institution
Rostov region
"Millerovsky College of Agro-Industrial Technologies and Management (DSHT)"
Methodological development
open extracurricular activity
Topic: “Oh, my steppe, free steppe”
teacher of professional legal disciplines: Tregubenko N.V.
Oh my steppe, free steppe
Goal: fostering love for the native land, respect for nature, responsibility for use and preservation natural resources, formation of correct environmental thinking, ecological culture
Form of implementation: extracurricular event
Time and place: 1 hour, assembly hall
Participants: students of different courses
Sphere: “I and society”
Social role: environmental
Decoration and equipment
Photo exhibition: “Oh, my steppe, free steppe”
Posters: “Don Cossacks”, “Steppe”
The azure Trans-Don steppe is unimaginably beautiful. This is known to anyone who has at least once walked along it on foot, shaking off heavy dew from fluffy clovers and honeyed meadow porridge, who has seen a young and hot horseman galloping headlong, kicking up distant dust, who has drunk the purest spring water from a dig in the heat...
A. Safronov
One of the leading problems of our time is the achievement of harmonious reciprocity between man and the environment. The idea that a person should be not only the master, ruler, conqueror of nature, but also its rational component is becoming clearer and clearer. Therefore, the topic of this open meeting of the Rodina club was not chosen by chance. We were born and raised on the Don land, but we don’t know enough about the history of the wealth of our region. During the preparation of an open meeting of the Rodina club, students study the history, customs and traditions of their native land. Once again they re-read the works of Russian writers and poets, where the steppe is described in different times of the year.
Objective: show students how rich, diverse animals are and vegetable world Wild Field - that’s how the Don region was called in the old days.
I Against the background of a song about the Don. Don land! The pearl of the south of Russia. The land of freedom-loving courageous people
II If you were born on the Don, you will forever remember the spicy smells of the Don steppe, the pearly shine of the will of the majestic quiet Don, the song of a lark over a field of gray feather grass, the pure light colors of the Don sky, willows bending over the river, austere poplars, silver willows
Calm blue sky;
Alone in the bottomless depths
The golden sun is shining
Over the steppe in rainbow fire;
The hot wind tilts
The grass wavy to the ground,
And the distance in the translucent darkness,
Like drowning in a milky sea;
And over the fragrant grass,
Irritated by the scorching sun,
The fragrant air flows
An intangible wave
The Don region was called differently at different times. In the old days, Russian people called it the “Don Field” or the “Great Meadow.” There were few forests here; the steppe, overgrown with lush grasses, stretched for hundreds of kilometers.
II Animals prowled the steppe, herds of wild horses grazed. Hordes of nomads swept across the steppe like a hurricane. Over time, freedom-loving Russian people rushed here, leaving serfdom and settling in new, uninhabited spaces, who began to call themselves Don Cossacks. DANCE
In complete peace
Above the Don River
Over the meadow and arable land,
Over the tired field
The month is swinging
In midnight peace
Cossack will!
Lying grass
Like the manes of horses
At the river crossing
Everything is quiet, calm
The ferry is resting
And it winds somewhere
The road is wild
Sail away into the moonlight Broken plows
Only the bollards creak, Like tight girths
And a little sad
And the steppe remembers
About Razin Stepan
And the winds fell
Like sleepy horses
And a quiet song -
There is something about Don in it
It says something about the days
That are long gone
THE SONG SOUNDS “A young Cossack is walking along the Don...”
I Centuries and years passed... Our steppe changed... And although very few areas now remain of the former Don steppes, we can still admire its beauty

Do you know how many plant species grow in the Don region?
(up to 2 thousand according to the largest botanist scientist Novopokrovsky)
What plant is popularly called “Silk grass”
(Feather grass)
Huge balls up to 1 meter in diameter, driven by gusts of wind, they rush, overtaking each other
“Lazoriki” is the name of this flower on the upper Don, “Kubyshki” is the name given to it by the inhabitants of the lower reaches. What kind of plant is this (Steppe tulip)
Fragrant subshrub with stems creeping along the ground. Valuable medicinal plant. In the past, religious people sprinkled this fragrant herb on their earthen floors on their holidays. The plant is becoming rare (Chebrets)
It’s as if its petals are made of copper. And the stem is lead-colored. Stands on a mound near the river Flower, not bent by the wind (Immortelle)
What time of year do you think the steppe is the best? Why?
II... The steppe is especially good in spring. The colors are unusually clean and fresh. The greenery is so juicy and thick that it seems that if you step on the grass, emerald juice will flow from it. At the end of March - April, yellow stars flash on the green background of the steppe goose onions, a little later purple and yellow irises are added to them. A few more days and the steppe is covered with unusually beautiful red and yellow tulips
IMost of May the steppe is green, there are fewer flowers. Here and there fiery red steppe crow peonies glow. The slopes of the beams are filled with white, pink and yellow flowers sloe, wild almond and wolfberry. At the end of May, feather grasses bloom and the steppe turns white. Sholokhov Mikhail Aleksandrovich wrote “The feather grass has matured. The steppe for many miles was dressed in swaying silver. The wind, elastically pressing it, floated, roughened, and drove bluish-opal waves to the south, then to the west.”
Blooming scumpia pink smoke,
The intoxicating smell of a blooming oleaster -
In early June, across the steppe distances
They curled up as if from a giant’s sigh.
THE SONG SOUNDS “At the meadow, meadow”
I “Before the eyes of those traveling, a wide, endless plain stretched out, intercepted by a chain of hills... You drive, you drive, and you can’t tell where it begins, where it ends... Wheat flashed by, and again the scorched plain, tanned hills, sultry sky stretched out...” I saw this one in July Don steppe Anton Pavlovich Chekhov 120 years ago.
TEACHER: What other Russian writers and poets described the steppe in their works?
II Since then, much has changed in our steppe, but still at the end of summer the sun burns mercilessly. READER 1 Kulikov. DonshchinaNative steppe...
Endless mowing
Grasshoppers forge like a forge
Yes, the sun wanders knee-deep in dew,
Yes, the feather grasses are whispering about something
I inhale deeply the tart smell,
And feel giddy with joy
I follow the sun along the grass to the west,
I whisper good words to the earth.
My fields, my gardens are green,
Lakes like seas
My Donshchina, baked by the sun,
You, my heart, are my blood!
The winds are fierce. And there's so little rain
In July it's cramped by the stuffiness
But how many tears and blood have you absorbed,
Probably only you know
Seas of irrepressible Cossack blood
And widow's tears,
What is salty and bitter...
That's why there are such black soils here
And the salt marshes look like eyesores! II But not every human activity brings benefit to the Don steppe. The development of technology, the plowing of land, the long-term use of pesticides, poaching have led to the fact that you can hardly see bustards and little bustards in our country, you rarely see a turquoise kingfisher sweeping like an arrow over some erik, the golden eagle and the white-tailed eagle have disappeared. Only occasionally do fleet-footed steppe antelopes – saigas – appear here.
TEACHER: Questions for students
This is the only completely blind animal of our fauna. The entire organization of the animal is adapted to underground life. It digs with amazing speed and often manages to go into the ground, having already been noticed. (Blind man)
These steppe animals have extremely developed legs, thanks to which they jump perfectly, and their long tail also helps them in this (earthen hare or jerboa)
This is the most famous bird of our southern Russian steppes. She enlivens the steppe from morning to evening with her singing (lark)
Strange animal. Between the limbs and the body it has large leathery membranes and huge folded ears. The animals lead a twilight and nocturnal lifestyle. In flight, they have a well-developed sense of orientation, but their vision is very poor (bat)
What is the most voracious animal (shrew, weight - 3g, body length - 3-4 cm. Eats several times more weight your body
The rare bird looks like a chicken, but has highly developed legs. She slowly walks on the ground, looking for food, runs quickly, and flies heavily. The wingspan reaches 2.5 m. (Bustard)
I When film director Sergei Bondarchuk decided to film Chekhov’s “The Steppe,” the main obstacle was the lack of a sufficiently spacious area similar to the steppe that Anton Pavlovich Chekhov described with a brilliant word.
To the great joy of the creative team, it was with difficulty that such an untouched area was found in the steppe, and in front of the amazed members of the film crew, soft waves ran across the flowering feather grass, tulips and azure flowers flashed across the wet lowlands, Chekhov’s thunderstorms thundered over the living steppe
DANCE performed by the group "Fiesta"
The concepts of “harmful plant” and “harmful animal” were invented by man. In nature, all animal organisms are useful in their own way.
In the process of evolution of nature, the development of flora and fauna proceeded in parallel and interconnected. They have adapted closely to each other. And often the extermination of one species of animal organism leads to the disappearance of another.
Thistle A. Gritsenko
Walk the whole steppe along the beams, all around,
Stay in the silence in captivity -
A flower that is crimson and tenacious
You won't find it anywhere on the Don
Wide - wide-legged,
Prickly and sinewy, and to him
To demolish people is a cruel onslaught
Given by fate, like no one else
How old is his patience?
They torture the plow and the harrow,
But not to kill, if from birth
Sweet home side
They crushed him with wheels, trampled him with a dirty boot
And he rose from the stifling dust,
And lived and bloomed over the hillock
And I didn’t ask to see flower growers
In pots, where in room captivity
Flowers of the latest fashion are growing,
Having left my country
... And not everyone knows the beekeeper
Which of the fragrant warm honeycombs
He is collecting for the winter
Thistle difficult honey
Fighting by chemical means with pests cultivated plants, humans simultaneously destroy insects that pollinate plants, which leads to the extinction of these plants and to a reduction in the number of rodents and birds.
Even such a predator as a wolf is a kind of regulator of the number of ungulates. It has been proven that where there are fewer wolves, the number of moose has decreased significantly
DANCE performed by the group "Fiesta"
Each type of plant or animal is a wonderful creation, a gift from nature. Evolution is irreversible, those that disappeared will never appear on Earth again
And those living with us cry out: “People, we want to live!”
I love the land. There's a reason for this
Simple, everyday, what is there to split hairs with?
She taught me stupid since childhood
Understand the words and then speak.
She supplied me with bread when I was little,
For the first time she helped me get on a horse
And lay on a soft bed by my side,
When fatigue overcomes me
These are not just layers of black soil,
Swamp in spring, frozen in winter
The earth is a clot filled with a call,
The earth for me is the height
With which I see distances and depths,
And what has been experienced and what to survive On her, since the creation of tough and rough,
My handwritten book is lying there.
“I’ll go out into the field with my horse”

Attached files

At the height of the tulip bloom in April, Kalmyks celebrate Steppe Day. It was celebrated for the first time in the spring of 2015. The authors of the idea hope to draw attention to the problems of the flora and fauna of Kalmykia.

Every year spring breathes life into thousands of kilometers of the Kalmyk steppe. Endless Plain covered with a tulip carpet. The life of a tulip is short - only two to three weeks. The height of the flower is ten centimeters, which makes it easier to protect from the continuous wind. For many centuries, the tulip was the pride of Kalmykia, but now it needs protection.

Previously, the steppe was almost completely covered with yellow, purple, white, red and even black tulips. But his love for the flower played a cruel joke on him: people cut off the plants, picking off the largest ones. These tulips will no longer produce new flowers. Their numbers are also declining due to land plowing, natural fires and livestock grazing. Today the flower is listed in the Red Book as an endangered plant species.

Kalmyks have always called the steppe the nurse. To a visitor, it seems deserted and lifeless. But the Kalmyk hunter will always find prey here. In the old days, the archer's family was always well-fed. Several centuries ago, Kalmyks obtained food by hunting. It was necessary to hit the victim at full gallop - the animal would not allow the hunter to come closer than 200-300 meters. If you miss, you'll be left without lunch. Nowadays, hunting has ceased to be a vital trade, but Kalmyks preserve traditions and organize competitions on holidays.

The national ornament “Zeg” is a symbol of the difficult nomadic life and the cyclical nature of the world. Steppe motifs were decorated on clothes with silver and gold threads. The pattern is complex, there is a certain technique of “zega” embroidery. Today, only a few craftswomen in Kalmykia possess the unique skill of embroidery. Women pass on their knowledge to young students. Nowadays stage costumes are decorated with traditional ornaments. The famous Kalmyk dance Chichirdyk. The men wear black beshmets, symbolizing the earth, the girls wear red dresses, a symbol blooming steppe.

Kalmyks are a nomadic people. Nomads lived in portable yurts. This tent, consisting of wooden poles covered with felt, can be assembled and disassembled in a matter of minutes. The Kalmyk dwelling can be divided into three parts: folding bars, poles and the upper circle of the harachi. It allows the smoke to leave the room and illuminate the yurt. The doors of the wagon were always installed to the south, since this side was always light and brought warmth into the home. This tent is comfortable in any weather: cool in summer, warm in winter. The floor is covered with skins, there is a fireplace in the center, and the dome of the wagon, if necessary, is covered with a special lid.

Today Kalmyk carts can be seen both in the museum and in the steppe. The owners of such dwellings are engaged in animal husbandry and roam with camels. In the old days, almost every steppe family had these desert ships. Now camel breeding specialists have to be invited from Mongolia.

The Mongols are considered one of the the best specialists for dressing skins and shearing camels. Animal wool is more valuable than sheep's wool, and camel milk contains more vitamins and microelements than cow's milk. A Mongolian family can have, from the benefits of civilization, solar panels, cellular telephone. The main luxury of the steppe is a well. The nearest store is tens of kilometers away, so the variety of food does not differ.

Steppe cuisine is predominantly meat and dairy. The owner of the yurt spends several hours every day near a wooden tub - whipping butter, making kumiss, cheese and arhi - steppe alcoholic drink. Meat here is a delicacy. It is not eaten often; usually the sheep is slaughtered for guests and on holidays. But not a single dish is complete without milk. For example, national tea is prepared with the addition of milk and salt. The hostess pours a cup of this drink to the altar every morning - this is an offering to the saints. There is a Buddhist altar in every yurt, where spouses pray for the well-being of the family.

Chermen Ulubiev

On May 30, 2015, within the framework of the International Steppe Forum of the Russian Geographical Society, the first official opening of the annual regional environmental holiday Steppe Day will take place.

The celebrations will be attended by the Vice-Governor - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Orenburg Region for Social Policy Pavel Vasilievich Samsonov, participants of the International Steppe Forum of the Russian Geographical Society, representatives of authorities state power and local government, the scientific community, representatives of non-governmental organizations, the press, teachers and students of higher education educational institutions, local population.

The idea of ​​organizing and holding Steppe Day belongs to the Institute of the Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Orenburg branch of the Russian Geographical Society. The basic principles of holding the regional holiday of Steppe Day were developed by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Aleksandrovich Chibilev and Doctor of Geological Sciences. Sergei Vyacheslavovich Levykin.

The events will begin with an excursion to the Pre-Ural steppe, located on the territory of the Belyaevsky and Akbulaksky districts of the Orenburg region. Participants of the holiday will enjoy a “Landscape Therapy Session” - a kind of ritual of worship of the feather grass steppe, botanical, geological, archaeological excursions. As part of the holiday, there will be a presentation of the Center for Breeding Steppe Animals, created with the support of the Governor of the Orenburg Region Yuri Aleksandrovich Berg and a group of philanthropists led by Alexander Ivanovich Zelentsov.

Next, the events will move to the village of Ugolnoye Sol, Iletsk district. Here, in a solemn atmosphere, the opening of the holiday will officially take place by the Governor of the Orenburg Region, Yu.A. Berg. During the holiday, exhibition equestrian competitions, performances by young jockeys of the Orenburg Cossack Army, demonstrations of horse and dog breeds, horseback riding, a steppe ethnographic show and a folk costume competition, demonstration of national farmsteads with elements of traditional cuisine are planned.

There will be a variety of competitive program, dedicated to the steppe theme - a competition of steppe muses and a steppe quiz. Steppe Day participants will hear a Cossack folk choir, a Hungarian flute, a Bashkir kurai and steppe poetic masterpieces.

The culmination of the holiday will be the solemn adoption of a manifesto - an appeal to the residents of the Orenburg region and Russian regions with a request to preserve the unique features of the steppe landscape of Eurasia.

Day of the steppe is very important event for the Orenburg region and all of Russia, as it draws attention to serious problems conservation, restoration and rehabilitation of steppe landscapes of Northern Eurasia. Unfortunately, most of them were destroyed in the 19th and 20th centuries. The pristine steppe nature is now replaced by arable land, agricultural wastelands, settlements, quarries, dumps, etc. The remaining steppe territories are used as pastures and hayfields, and are partially occupied by a special land fund and hunting grounds. Steppe ecosystems in Russia are the least represented in the system of specially protected natural areas. Preservation and enhancement of the natural, cultural and historical heritage of the steppes may, over time, become the most important component of the national idea of ​​modern Russia. Like V.I. Vernadsky, we believe that the former “silence and power of natural forces” will return to the steppe and that the steppe landscape, “which we know from previous descriptions ... can be restored on the basis of the few surviving corners of the former world.”

Also, incl. , incl.

Steppe and steppe all around... the path is long
On the occasion of Steppe Day, REGNUM news agency publishes a story by Natalia Sudets about the origin of this holiday, as well as the fate and secrets of the Russian steppes / Story “National Parks and Nature Reserves” wildlife» / Photo projects REGNUM / May, 2018

You wake up in the steppe at dawn, reach out with your hand to the window, draw the curtain on the laboratory window and see that the sun has already caught its paws on the edge of the earth and is pulling itself up, stretching into the horizon, brightening its edge. More and more

Orenburg Reserve

Trying to open your eyes, you roll off the sofa, stuff yourself into your boots right in your pajamas, sleepily grab someone’s jacket with one hand, a photo backpack with the other, and walk into the dawn. I made it! And now you are walking, squinting, dragging your sleepy feet, towards the sun. You choose a point, set up a tripod and camera, take pictures, hear the larks singing, look up, smile, take a deep breath: “ Good morning, Steppe! Steppe heart of Russia

In the Orenburg region, on the border of Europe and Asia, there is the steppe heart of Russia - the Orenburgsky Nature Reserve. The first completely steppe reserve in Russia, created on May 12, 1989 specifically for the conservation of steppe ecosystems. The fact is that the steppes are not legally protected in any way, and the only chance to protect them from human activity is to create a specially protected natural area, national park or a nature reserve.

2. Orenburg Nature Reserve

3. Same

4. -/-

5. Steppe flowers

This year the reserve celebrated its 29th birthday, and next year it will celebrate its anniversary. And although 30 years is quite a long time, the reserve became widely known only at the end of 2015, when new residents settled in its steppe. But first things first.

6. Przewalski's horses brought to the Orenburg steppe

7. Same

9. -/-

10. -/-

11. -/-

Steppes as an ecosystem were formed under the influence of grazing large number gregarious ungulates that regularly devoured and killed it. And in the steppe, its own way of life reigned; those animals and birds lived who liked this way of life. But in Soviet time the steppes went under the knife of tractors. Steppe chernozems turned into arable lands, cities, forest plantations, industrial facilities, and landfills. And the steppe, which was not protected by law, was under threat as an ecosystem. When people realized this, they began to create nature reserves. However, the creation of specially protected natural areas only partially solved the problem, while simultaneously giving rise to another. The fact is that by the beginning of the 21st century there were practically no wild ungulates left in the steppes, and grazing livestock in nature reserves is prohibited by law. And an incident arose: the reserved steppe without ungulates began to gradually overgrow and degrade.

12. Sky over the steppe

13. Orenburg Reserve

14. Steppe inhabitants

15. Same

16. Steppe flowers

Scientists have long understood that to maintain the steppe in its standard form, ungulates are needed. In July 2015, a former military training ground with an area of ​​165 square kilometers (approximately the area of ​​the Khabarovsk urban district) was added to the Orenburg Nature Reserve, where, thanks to the military, the largest area of ​​feather grass steppe in Russia remained unplowed. The new territory became the fifth section of the reserve and was named “Pre-Ural Steppe”, and the total area of ​​the reserve increased by 76%. An unprecedented case in our country. And this was done in order to begin the implementation of a unique project - the return to the nature of the Orenburg region of the wild Przewalski's horse that once lived here. This species completely disappeared from the wild due to human fault in the late 70s of the last century and survived only in zoos and semi-reserves.

17. Steppe inhabitants

18. Sky over the steppe

19. Same

20. Orenburg Reserve

21. Same

The reserve's staff, with the support of the Steppe Project of the UN Development Program/Global Environment Facility and the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, have developed a program for creating a semi-free population of Przewalski's horse. Its practical start began in July 2015, as soon as an area of ​​sufficient size appeared to create a full-fledged population of wild horses. The first group of animals was brought from France, from the Tour du Valais biological station, and in the next two years several more groups from the Hungarian national park"Hortobágy". The last delivery occurred in October 2016. Then the Orenburg Nature Reserves team casually set a world record for one-time air transportation of wild ungulates. No country in the world has transported 16 wild horses at one time, in one airborne flight. And even though the Russians take a long time to harness, they travel quickly. This is the twelfth such project in the world and the most dynamically developing. With its beginning, the ancient union of steppes and ungulates was actually restored. Today, three herds of real wild horses already live in the reserved steppe of the Orenburg Nature Reserve, and two more are preparing for life in the wild in acclimatization pens.

22. Przewalski's horses brought to the Orenburg steppe

23. Same

25. Orenburg Reserve

26. Steppe flowers

Steppe Day

Before arriving in the Orenburg region, the steppe seemed to me something dull and uninteresting. There’s nothing for the photographer’s eye to catch on, I thought naively. But for three years now I have been in love with the steppe, and it reciprocates my feelings, revealing new facets of itself. And every spring I return here to celebrate two birthdays at once, the reserve and the steppe.

27. Steppe inhabitants

28. Przewalski's horses brought to the Orenburg steppe

29. Same

31. -/-

It's hard to imagine, but even in the most steppe country in the world, Mongolia, there is no official holiday dedicated to the steppe. Until 2013, no country in the world celebrated it. This idea seemed so unexpected to me and, needless to say, brilliant that I took advantage of my official position (and I was then working as a PR consultant for the UNDP Steppe Project) and proposed to the project management the idea of ​​​​creating an official holiday in the Orenburg region. The governor liked the idea, and after a couple of months, on May 7, 2013, by decree on memorable and holiday dates, the last Saturday of May became the official regional holiday “Steppe Day.” This year it was celebrated on May 26th. By the way, the example of the Orenburg region was followed by Kalmykia, where there are also steppes and where this holiday is now also celebrated. The steppe has an official birthday and a reason to attract the attention of officials to its problems and show its beauty to tourists. The Steppe Project completed its work in Russia, making a great contribution to the conservation of the steppes. My work was completed, but the steppe had other plans for me. At the end of 2015, she finally took possession of me, luring me to work at the Orenburg Nature Reserve. And now she and I have a secret alliance, which grows stronger with every visit I make. After all, the steppe is not at all dull and very interesting. And the photographer’s eye has something to grab onto and never get untangled.

32. Orenburg Reserve

33. Steppe flowers

34. Orenburg Reserve

35. Steppe flowers

36. Orenburg Reserve

It's spring again. Reserved steppe. You tremble like a blade of grass in the wind. Not from the cold - from lack of sleep. But is it possible to sleep and miss a miracle? This thin morning air, drunk without a straw with one movement of the lips. These swollen drops of dew on fescue sticks, you can even lick them off with your tongue. This tart and rough smell of wormwood, which is sprayed around by your own shoes. This muffled sound of footsteps, which only happens at dawn on wet ground - and in the melting silence the beating of the heart in the temples: one, two, one, two. And now the dawn glassblower is pulling a thin golden thread over the horizon, weaving bright ribbons into it, like into a girl’s wreath...

37. Przewalski's horses brought to the Orenburg steppe

38. Steppe flowers

39. Orenburg steppe

40. Orenburg Reserve

41. Same


The ethnographic reserve festival “Breath of the Steppe” was held in the Orenburg region
At the festival, the symbol of which was the Przhevalsky horse, several exhibition areas were organized / Plot “Volunteering and volunteering in the Russian Federation” / May, 2018

The ethnographic reserve festival “Breath of the Steppe” was held on the “Pre-Ural Steppe” site of the state nature reserve in the Orenburg region on May 26. About it reports press service of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Reserves of the Orenburg Region".

42. Ethnographic reserve festival “Breath of the Steppe” in Orenburg / Photo: Alexander Zhuchkov

43. Photo: Irina Latypova

44. Same

45. -/-

46. -/-

The purpose of the festival, which has been held in the Orenburg region for the sixth year in a row, is the civic and patriotic education of children and youth, the formation of an environmental culture of the population through the joint activities of volunteer and public organizations.

47. Ethnographic reserve festival “Breath of the Steppe” in Orenburg / Photo: Irina Latypova

48. Same

49. Photo: Irina Sukhova

50. Same

51. -/-

It is noted that in the preparation and holding of the event, the idea of ​​which belongs to the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Reserves of the Orenburg Region", took part volunteer associations universities of the Orenburg region, the military history club “Rusich” and a permanent partner of the festival RO “Peresvet”.

According to the latest data, about sixty people gathered in the protected area, despite the cool weather.

52. Ethnographic reserve festival “Breath of the Steppe” in Orenburg / Photo: Irina Sukhova

53. Same

56. Photo: Irina Latypova

At the festival, the symbol of which was the Przhevalsky horse, several exhibition areas were organized where the history of the steppe through the eras was presented. The ethnographic tent camp “Luchezar” of the Russian society “Peresvet”, which is located in the visitor center of the reserve, became the semantic center of the holiday.

57. Ethnographic reserve festival “Breath of the Steppe” in Orenburg / Photo: Irina Latypova

58. Photo: Maxim Chumakov

59. Same

61. -/-

After a live presentation of the site, during the day the event organizers held master classes and various activities on a historical theme. Festival guests could practice sword fighting or shoot with a bow. In addition, the event organizers invited guests to weave together a “Friendship Belt.”

62. Ethnographic reserve festival “Breath of the Steppe” in Orenburg / Photo: Maxim Chumakov

63. Same

64. -/-

66. -/-

“A common cause united the guests who were freezing under the steppe wind, so the FGBU team decided to give all festival participants a gift - a free tour of ecological trail“Breath of the steppe” and a close acquaintance with Przewalski’s horses,” the message says.

Gilana Boldyreva
Scenario of the holiday for the implementation of the Kalmykia EDS “How beautiful is my steppe in April”

Holiday scenario

"How my steppe is beautiful in April»

Goals and objectives:

Fostering a conscious sense of responsibility for the Earth, love for one’s native land, and preservation of natural resources;

Introduce the history of the appearance of tulips in Kalmyk steppe;

Developing a sense of patriotism and a tolerant attitude towards each other.


In the spring steppe- that same wondrous paradise,

Music is playing. Background. Kalmyk melodies"Tsetsgyarich".

Dance with the Hadaks

1 presenter. Mendtv, kundte uurmud boln enkr bichkdyd!

2 presenter. Hello, dear guests, guys! We invited you to holiday"How my steppe is beautiful in April» .

1 presenter. How our Kalmyk steppe is beautiful in spring, you know everything. Thick grass, green as a carpet, covers it. Fresh air! And against the background of greenery, tulips bloom in bright carpets, red, yellow, orange, burgundy, two-tone, purple. Beauty!

1 child. How are you beautiful, my steppe, V April

Crystal clear air and space;

And the bell - the lark trills!

You are the music whose sounds have long been

Some genius, having sunk into obscurity,

Transferred to painting tulips.

1 presenter. Tulip in Kalmykia is more than just a flower. This is a symbol steppes, spring and the rebirth of nature, "the soul of our ancestors".

2 presenter. Mass death tulips in the 80-90s of the twentieth century led to the need to solve the problem of preserving this species at the state level, so the tulip was listed in the Red Book.

1 presenter. June 16, 1994 President of the Republic Kalmykia signed the Decree on the organization of the national park "Bamb tsetsg" in the territory Kalmykia, in order to preserve the reference area steppe landscape, whose symbol and decoration is the tulip.

2nd child. Tulips of my homeland!

What is more elegant and modest than them?

Facing the dawn,

They took in all the colors.

Breath of juicy petals,

Having broken through the dense layer of centuries.

The petals formed into a turban -

This is where the tulip came from.

Song "Bamb tsetsg" "Tulip"

1 presenter. The tulip is considered the flower of Holland. But it has been brought here for four hundred years

back from Turkey, and the tulip culture came there from Iran.

The 17th century was the golden age of the Dutch bourgeoisie, which amassed enormous treasures through the brutal exploitation of its vast colonies. The rich spent huge amounts of money on luxury, and of course, on flowers. The Dutch's favorite flower was the tulip. Once, for one bulb of a varietal tulip, 4 bulls, 8 pigs, 12 sheep, 2 large barrels of wine, 4 barrels of beer, 2 barrels of oil, 1 bed with accessories, 1 bunch of dresses and 1 silver cup were paid. Farmers realized that growing tulips would bring them great income. Trade in tulips expanded widely. Because one carpenter almost ate a tulip bulb, the judge sentenced him to 4 years in prison.

In 1673, a competition was announced to breed a black tulip, for which a reward of 100 thousand gold guilders was promised. The black tulip was grown, and the award for it was presented by the head of state, William of Orange. Holland became a country of floriculture.

2 presenter. Today, about three and a half thousand varieties are registered in the international book of tulips. Among them there are also new varieties of the famous Dutch royal tulips. But not everyone knows that their story began in Russia, in Primanych steppes. IN civil war ended up in Primanychskie steppes with the white army, Dutch officer Derrick Leferb. Seeing in steppes wild tulips of unprecedented beauty, he dug up several bulbs, hid them in a duffel bag and, even when he fled from Budenov’s men, managed to save them and take them home to Holland. For a long time collectors "they cast a spell" over the bulbs until they finally turned into the famous "royal tulips". Derrick Leferb became the owner of one of the large flower growing companies, but did not forget this story, and in gratitude to the country that gave him the magic bulbs, he gave new varieties to the Russians names: "Yuri Gagarin", "Galina Ulanova", "Big theater". Holland has been famous for its magnificent varieties of tulips for more than 400 years, but it still owes their appearance to « steppe Primanych roots» .

Children of the senior and preparatory groups read poetry.

3 child. I love Kalmyk steppe,

It's easy to breathe here,

And my life is not easy

I have been given the opportunity to live here.

ABOUT, my beautiful steppe!

The aroma of flowers is alluring.

Carpet of live tulips,

Which I'm so glad about.

Above the mysterious land

colorful meadows

Soars smoothly in the sky

A pair of strong eagles.

Cutting through the air

Wings of a crane,

My sad song

Hears my steppe!

4 child. In the spring steppe- that same wondrous paradise,

A continuous carpet of flowers in the green grass.

And who ever sees this land,

He will forever remain in love with her.

5 child. Where else can you see

Such a variety of tulips?

How will they be reflected in the mirror?

Only the waters of simple estuaries.

6 child. So let the flowers show off in steppes

Let them drive us crazy with their satin shine!

My friend, please don’t tear them,

Let steppe In the spring she will dress up as a bride again.

1 presenter. A legend came to us from the distant past “about the tulip, the repository of human happiness”, which says that human happiness is stored in a golden, tightly closed bud, and no one could get to it, neither old nor young. Neither by cunning nor by the power of spells. But one day, where such a flower grew, a poor, exhausted woman was passing by, leading her son by the hand, when she suddenly noticed from a distance a golden bud, about which she had heard a lot. She did not think of opening it, as she thought. That this was completely impossible, she wanted to look at the flower that contained happiness. Which she had not seen all her life. The woman slowly, with a sinking heart, approached him, like her boy. Breaking free from his hands, and with a loud laugh, waving his little arms, he rushed to the flower. And - oh, miracle! - at that very moment the bud opened on its own, something happened that neither strength nor spells could do, but the laughter of a child did.

2 presenter. Hungarian proverb reads: “He who loves flowers cannot be evil”. Each of us should know that when picking a flower, it kills the plant, and a new one will not appear in place of the one picked, because the tulip bulb, without having time to accumulate nutrients due to the loss of the flower, leaves and stem, it also dies.

7 child. The tulip petals fluttered.

And the bud slowly unfurled,

It was as if a pink wound had opened...

I think I even heard a groan.

By the will of secret forces,

From the beauty that is so sweet,

From the bitterness of wormwood

The music of the flower is created.

(D. N. Kugultinov "Music of Verse".)

8 child. The tulip is burning.

Trembling over steppe flame.

And there is no strength to calm him down,

Fire April!

Scarlet flowers

Raging steppe. And it makes me happy!

Fills the soul with an alarming light

This is the contemplation of beauty.

And I'm afraid to break the silence.

I'm standing. I look at the bright flowers.

9 child. But very soon the scarlet light will go out.

Nature, you are clearly right here.

Well, you couldn’t have arranged it.

So that the tulip lives all summer like grass?

Or maybe the beauty is in this flash?

And maybe this is the meaning of my flowers?

And maybe life is too long

They would forget who they are and what?

(B. Dzhimbinov "Tulip".)

1 presenter. In spring, sakura blooms in Japan - a barren, beautifully blooming cherry tree - and all residents and guests of the Japanese islands come to this tree ( national symbol land of the rising sun, admire the color. Meet friends in nature. Show children the beauty of nature and careful attitude To her. Of course, no one would even think of picking an armful of blooming sakura branches and taking them home or as a gift to acquaintances and friends, much less selling them. No, the Japanese come to the tree and admire it. It has become a cultural tradition, national holiday of the islanders.

2 presenter. Tulip blossom in Kalmyk steppe became a national holiday, which attracts not only residents Kalmykia, but also guests from all over the world.

1 presenter. Mana halmg teegin keerul – bamb tsetsg. Once upon a time there lived Bolhn Tsetsgin to Bahrad Yovna. Teged madn, shulg bichlevidn. En shulgern zug emtnd bamb tsetsg heerlj hadhly gizh duudvr kezhenavidn:

Verse on Kalmyk language.

2 presenter. Remember that there will be more tulips if we don’t pick them and leave them in steppes so that they can go through the period of development intended for them by nature from the first leaf to flowering and ripening of the seeds with which they reproduce.

10 child.

Wonderful tulip lights

Seen less and less these days

People mercilessly tear them

And they sell it in the markets.

Or they will pick such a bouquet,

Which is hard to hold in your hand.

For what? After all, they are in the room

The lights of the petals will be extinguished,

They will hang their proud heads,

You cannot revive with living water.

And the tulip degenerates

This is how the tarpan disappeared.

And it hurts me, dear tulip,

How they treat you

Fools, ignoramuses, hucksters,

Who has little kindness of soul.

Should tulip shoots

Tolerate robberies?

The dawns are carried away in petals

On foreign cars, "Zhiguli".

Tulips are running from the roads,

So that no one can rip them off.

They are in a hurry to get the window:

Danger is visible all around.

But to reserved places

Beauty is calling tulips.

(G. Kukareka "Tulips".)

Dance "Tulips".

1 presenter.

Due to the fact that the tulip islands in the Priyutnensky district are a natural monument, they are listed in the Red Book.

In subsequent years, there has been a significant decrease in the number of tulips on the islands. Their color diversity, as well as individual species, are on the verge of extinction.

This suggests that people mercilessly pick flowers, they destroy them. And if this continues, then soon these flowers may disappear completely.

In connection with the decrease in the number of relic plants in the district, a resolution was adopted on March 27, 2002 “On measures to protect the population of tulips in the Priyutnensky district” in order to comply with the regime of the ornithological branch "Manych-Gudilo" and creating conditions for the restoration of tulip flowering sites in the area in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "About specially protected natural areas» . This resolution also includes the protection of the state reserve "Black Lands". Now they provide organized visits to the islands during the tulip blooming period, when visiting flowering places tulip picking is prohibited.

11 child. Why is there less and less every year?

Tulips bloom in steppes?

Why do we tear it down without regret?

After all, tulips are holy flowers!

Why are we destroying nature?

After all, she has been dear to us since childhood!

In words we love her so much

But in reality? We tear it down, we tear it down...

Don't destroy nature, people!

Don't let evil have a feast

After all, everyone has known for a long time

Beauty will save the world.

Song "I. Scarlet tulip"

vocal group MKDOU " Kindergarten "Tulip"

2 presenter. Because of this attitude of people, many plants have disappeared. In the end, they realized that if nature is not helped, then animals and plants will disappear from the face of the earth. To prevent this from happening, scientists have compiled a special book - "RED BOOK".

295 species, subspecies of animals and 312 subspecies of birds are already listed in the Red Book of the World. This is already an alarm signal to humanity. The Red Book itself does not protect, but only establishes, records, and warns.

12 child. If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower

If all: Both me and you,

If we pick flowers -

All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty.

1 presenter. How important it is to protect the Earth so that the Eternal Pole does not occur on the entire planet. We must take care of our village as a beloved part of the Earth, and for this we need to know it well, know its problems. Today we took the first step in studying environmental problems.

13 child. Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.

14 child. You're walking along steppes, don't touch the animals!

Don’t pick flowers in vain, don’t hit swans!

You save everything that needs to be protected!

All our nature must be protected!

15child. If you cut down forests, then beauty will leave us,

If you destroy the fields, the earth will become bare,

If you pick out all the flowers -

There will be no former beauty,

Never destroy what nature has created.

Song "Tag" (Steppe)

vocal group MKDOU "Kindergarten" "Tulip"

Good wishes on Kalmyk language.