Magic plays a huge role in the lives of most people. Since time immemorial, people have resorted to dark forces. In order to achieve the desired result or get something or someone for yourself.

Today, old rituals have faded into oblivion, but some rituals remain that are still very powerful.

Today we will try to look at some love spells for the waxing moon, which are often used in spells on a loved one.

Witches, warlocks, psychics and magicians use magical power for its intended purpose. But there are some conspiracies that you can do yourself at home.

The meaning and influence of the waxing moon

One of the planets in our galaxy has special significance in love magic. It is the moon that can influence and influence energy and life cycles and processes. By influencing the human body, the sun and moon once again prove their superiority over the intellect.

This is interesting:

Magnetic storms, which sometimes worry people, and some other processes are directly related to lunar changes. Some people cannot find peace in their dreams during the full moon. This is also another proof that the moon has a very huge influence on human life.

The phase state of the moon has been used by sorcerers and magicians for many centuries. It was they who at one point noticed the changes occurring in a person during this period and began to actively practice it in certain periods. The phases are used in witchcraft, love spells, healing and much more.

Under the influence of moonlight, conspiracies become powerful, due to the fact that the appeal goes directly to the moon. It helps to make the love spell permanent and in one of its periods such a spell simply cannot be removed. Most magicians consider the waxing moon phase to be the most successful and powerful and practice their magical powers precisely during this period.

Lunar spell for candles

In order to bewitch a loved one, one or another paraphernalia is very often used. This love spell uses a candle, or rather even seven red candles.

In order to proceed directly to the slander, you need to make sure that not a single living soul will see this or be present at it. So, the ritual consists of the following actions:

You need to go to the window and place one candle on the windowsill, they are placed on the very edge

Now you need to bring three stools and on two of them, also place one candle at the edges

The following candles are placed on the floor approximately one step from the central stool

As a result, there should be one candle left in your hand, you need to light it and bring the fire from it to the others

Now you need to raise the candle so that it seems to complement the missing part of the moon

Now it’s time to start reading the plot itself

“Day by day, baby by baby, I’m going to the moonlit path”

Having said the words, you need to step between the burning candles on the floor and read the following

“Day by day, baby by baby, here I am on the moonlit path.”

Now you need to kneel on the empty central stool and finish reading the plot

“I walked along the moonlit path and came to my dear one!”

With all this, it is necessary to represent your chosen one or chosen one as clearly as possible. You need to think about him and try to see his face. After everything is done, extinguish the candles in the following sequence, first on the windowsill, then on the chairs, then on the floor, and lastly the one that was in your hands. This conspiracy is very powerful and should only be done if you are truly confident in your feelings and will not change your mind under any circumstances.

Love spell on a photograph on the waxing moon

In magic there is the concept of black and white power. Each of them has its own characteristics in actions. Black mania is stronger than white mania and is dealt with with great caution. The slightest wrong action can lead to serious unpleasant consequences. White magic is softer, but can also influence a person, although it is done in a completely different way.

In order to carry out a spell with the waxing moon on a photograph using black magic. It is necessary to consult with witches, magicians or sorcerers in advance. They will be able to explain how to properly perform this ritual so as not to harm yourself. First you will need a photo of your loved one and any of his personal item. After all this is ready, you need to go directly to the love spell itself.

  • You need to choose a suitable day for the waxing moon and a completely deserted place.
  • Come and dig a small hole
  • Put your loved one's thing in it and bury it
  • Then lay out branches of any tree in this place in the shape of a cross.
  • In this case, you need to pronounce the following hex:

“I crucify (my lover’s name) with a tearful cross on a willow tree with longing for me (my name). Amen"

  • After the branches are laid out and everything is almost finished, you need to take out the photo and read the following love spell seven times:

  • After this, the hole in which the thing of your loved one is located must be completely filled up and leveled to the ground, stepped on with your foot and stuck in a knife, while repeating the following words three times:

This love spell is also very powerful. Having made it on the growing moon, you need to leave without looking back as quickly as possible. The result will not take long to arrive. Within a week you will be able to notice its results and understand that its effect has begun.

Powerful love spell

To bewitch a man, prepare the following things for the ritual:

  • saucer
  • white scarf
  • your photo
  • alcohol
  • matches
  • red candle (made of wax, naturally)

Sit in front of the altar, in the center of which place a lit candle.

Take a saucer and place your prepared image on it. Naturally, it should be fresh, clear, preferably in full height. The photo should be face up.

Move the lit candle over your image for 15 minutes. (Hold it in your right hand.) With this action, turn on the work of the left hemisphere, that is, begin to draw mental images of yourself and the object of the love spell, your relationship.

Say while doing this:

“I will bewitch the “name of the chosen one” to myself, I will connect our destinies with each other. You will only love me and go crazy with melancholy.”

Afterwards, place the candle on the altar (can be on the table) and light your photograph from it, let it burn completely on the saucer, and put the ashes from it in central part unfolded scarf.

Now prick the index finger of your right hand with a needle until it bleeds and let a few drops of blood fall on the ashes of your photo. Then moisten cotton wool with alcohol and wipe the pricked finger. Take the candle again in the same hand and let wax drops fall into the center of the scarf. After putting out the flame and throwing away the candle, tie the scarf tightly and place it under your pillow at night; the next day it is important to throw the created lining to the object of love magic.

Forged a year later.

Good love spell

Love spells for the waxing moon can be done using Wicca. This is one of the trends in magic, mainly light rituals that help attract a loved one. They do it only according to real feelings; if you do not have true love, then the Gods may get angry and doom you to unrequited feelings or loneliness.

To do this, you must first prepare an altar. Buy white fabric, hem the edges and draw a five-pointed star symbol in the center.

Place shells on the right, a magic knife on the left, and place a crystal ball at the top. and in front of him is a bowl in which you will place offerings to the Gods. For example, you can pour wine into it.

Summon the Gods, then perform the ritual.

Prepare the following:

  • Amethyst
  • Saucer
  • A candle
  • Bowl of water
  • King (queen) card

Place the card in the center of the altar so that it is associated with your partner.

Place a stone in the north, a saucer with a rose in the east, and a candle and oil in the southern part. And place the bowl in the west.

Choose a loving oil, such as rose oil.

You get a square, imagine that it is, as it were, inside a shining circle.

  1. Place the amethyst in your hands, not in the center of your palms, but on your fingertips, rub the stone and ask it to materialize what you want. Then place it back where you got it from.
  2. Now set fire to the rose, after holding it in your hand and filling it with your intention, place it in the saucer. (dried bud). Let it burn.
  3. Lubricate the red candle with love oil. Light it with a match. And tell the fire about your desire. Speak emotionally, passionately, confidently.
  4. Taking a bowl of water in your hands, look at it and visualize in the water how you and your loved one are together, how happy you are. Put everything back in its place.
  5. Place your hands on the imaginary luminous sphere that you mentally created at the beginning of the ritual. Look at the map and say:

“We will be together as Earth, Air, Fire and Water are together. Because they connect useternal feeling."

  1. Leave the candle to burn out and express your gratitude to the elements.

Love spell with periods

This is a very powerful ritual, all rituals with blood are effective, but they should be approached with pure thoughts, otherwise the consequences may be negative, both for you and for the object of influence. They are done at night. It is very difficult to remove.

To perform the ceremony, prepare:

  • period blood
  • red candle
  • white fabric
  • matches
  • candlestick
  • love oil

1.Take a candle and lubricate it with menstrual blood and essential oil.

2.Take a white piece of fabric in which to wrap the candle. Place the package in a secret dark place before the full moon. It is important not to take out the package until the night of the full moon, so that it does not lose its properties.

3.At night during the full moon, take out a candle and place it in a candlestick. Light it and contemplate its flame, while brightly and passionately wishing for your loved one to be with you. So that he wants you and dotes on you. Visualize how you caress each other, how you have sex. Say his name out loud 3 times.

4.Then, with your hands, touch the mentally created shining energy ball, which you imagine around the candle. It was created from its glow.

5.Let the candle burn out.

You can strengthen the rituals of Wiccan magic by performing them in a circle.

Finally, I would like to say that almost all love spells are performed on the waxing or full moon. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with the rituals from this article, look for your own, which will accept your mind and will not cause rejection. Remember that before any rituals it is advisable to tune in to it. To do this, fast, take a walk in the forest, meditate. It is important to have high energy. And faith. All the best!

General rules

  • The rituals are carried out at night.
  • The best day is Friday.
  • Moon - full moon, waxing, new moon.
  • They do it in the dark, only candles can burn.
  • Magic is a mystery. Keep quiet about what you have done.
  • Before the ritual, get in the mood for it.
  • They do it in ISS.
  • Your faith is important.
  • Good intentions.
  • Privacy.
  • Cleanliness of the body and room during a love spell.
  • Candles are wax.
  • The window is slightly open
  • Taxes, Offerings
  • Protection.

Consequences of lunar love spells

Very often, most people act selfishly towards their loved ones. So, for example, if you really like a person, then many, without hesitation, decide to bewitch him at all costs and take possession of him completely. First of all, you need to think about all the consequences of such actions. You will have to pay for everything, including the love plot.

Any dark forces will definitely demand something in return for help in love affairs. Magicians and sorcerers know this and always approach such rituals with great caution. After a love spell is cast on a person, they may experience the following:

  • Frequent mood changes occur
  • Irritability appears
  • A person may suddenly fall ill
  • There is no joy from everything that is happening around
  • Men may have problems with sex life

All these consequences are nothing more than the result of a love conspiracy. Everyone, before starting a ritual, must clearly understand what they are doing. Love is a delicate matter and feelings can cool down even after a strong love spell. Therefore, you must first make sure that you are suitable for each other and that you have, albeit small, mutual sympathy. In this case, the love spell will be on time and will bring positive results.

You know, not every person is honest with himself in matters of love.

Many people spend their entire lives with someone who doesn’t bother their feelings and is simply comfortable. It's sad to realize, but that's how it is.

People do not dare to change when the first infatuation wears off and it turns out that they were not in love.

That’s why it’s so important to try to meet a real partner, with whom it will be good both in the hut and in the palace.

For this we need.

It is useful to all people: both those who are just starting their journey, and those who have already celebrated their silver wedding, but have not found love.

But courage and determination are required.

Do you have such qualities?

Then let's get started.

Choose the ritual that will evoke a response in your soul.

He will definitely help you.

Read all the descriptions and dare to change your destiny.

Full moon ritual

You should prepare for the ceremony.

  • buy a red rose;
  • same color;
  • go to a craft store and pick up a beautiful green ribbon;
  • You will also need a sheet of paper and a pen.

Try to organize everything so that no one will disturb you.

  1. Clean the apartment and ventilate it.
  2. Cover the table with an elegant tablecloth.
  3. Place a mirror on it.
  4. Dress yourself in a weekend dress, as if on a date (for men, in a formal suit).
  5. Light the candles.
  6. Place a flower between them.
  7. Looking between the lights at your reflection, imagine what kind of person would suit you.
  8. Write down your thoughts on paper.
  9. They can relate to the appearance, character, work, manners, habits of the one who will enter your destiny.
    • Think through everything thoroughly and slowly. Don't forget to write down that this person should be happy with you.
  10. Once finished, wrap the leaf around the rose stem.
  11. Tie with ribbon.
  12. Sit a little longer until the candles go out.
    • Think about the feeling you will feel when you are reunited with your soulmate.
  13. Then go into the yard and bury the rose with the leaf and the remains of the candles in the ground.
  14. Say it like this:

“Darling, grow through the path of the Universe! Amen!"

To the waxing moon

There is a legend that in ancient times girls entered the water along a lunar path to catch their luck.

If it is impossible to go to the sea or lake, then do everything at home.

Just put aside your doubts. Magic happens in your head and then becomes reality.

For the ritual you will need:

  • three-liter jar;
  • white towel or sheet;
  • elegant dress;
  • rose or lavender petals (in general, you can use any colors);
  • large mirror;
  • The comb is delicate and wooden.
  • bath.

Let's do it this way.

  1. Pour three liter jar water.
  2. Place it on the window so that a month can bathe in it. Let it sit for a couple of hours.
  3. Fill the bath with warm water.
  4. Then pour water from the jar that was soaked in moonlight into the bath.
  5. Throw rose or lavender petals into the water.
  6. Undress yourself and plunge into the water.
  7. Say a conspiracy and dive in headfirst.
  8. This should be repeated three times.
  9. Then get up and dry yourself with a white towel.
  10. Put on your prepared outfit.
  11. Sit in front of a large mirror and comb your hair with a comb.
  12. Think about how love is entering your life right now. She illuminates you with a timid light for now, but the sun of her radiance can no longer be stopped.
  13. Read the words of the conspiracy as follows:

"God! Help change fate, find and preserve love. Amen!"

With apple

If you want to perform this ritual, you should know that its effectiveness increases when it is picked from a tree rather than bought.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have become more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. Not for children once again You can’t buy toys, new things, you won’t please yourself beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought it new car, they built a dacha, it’s clear that there is wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Behind Last year we made excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

Of course, in winter you can also play with store-bought fruit.

But it's best after Yablochnogo Savior picking the fruit from the tree with your own hands. It will turn out much faster and more beautiful, or something.

  1. At dawn, go to the garden. Choose the most beautiful and ripe apple.
  2. Carry a sharp knife and a sheet of paper with you.
  3. When you find a suitable fruit, cut it in half.
    • If it turns out to be wormy, continue searching. A damaged apple is not suitable for a magical ritual.
    • You will find whole fruit, cut.
  4. On paper, write the name of the person you want to attract to you, or the words: “I let love in.”
  5. This should be written down.
  6. Place the folded piece of paper between the apple halves.
  7. Using a knife, dig a hole under the tree and bury the apple and knife in it.
  8. Read the words:

“Eve seduced Adam and passed on her talent to her daughters. I accept it, I invite love for myself. Amen!"

From candles

This ritual is more reminiscent of meditation.

For love to illuminate your life, you need to burn everything that interferes with it.

In fact, in the fate of any person there is a line of love.

We ourselves prevent it from being realized.

  • Some were not raised that way by their parents;
  • Others chase someone else's dream, but do not notice their own happiness.

The ritual is somewhat difficult for beginners. But the effect will be such that it is impossible to imagine.

  1. go to church, buy more candles.
  2. Place one to the Mother of God and ask her for help.
    • You will have to go to the temple every Saturday (for women) or Sunday (for men) until you see the result.
  3. You also need to purchase fir oil and ylang-ylang.
  4. That same evening, take one candle.
  5. Apply ylang-ylang to it.
  6. Light it up.
  7. Look at the fire and don't think about anything. This, you say, is impossible. And you'll be right.
  8. All sorts of nonsense or nasty things will begin to creep into your head, as usual. You take them one by one and burn the candles in the fire.
  9. Watch him. Continue this way until the candle runs out.
  10. Repeat the next day with fir oil. Then again with ylang-ylang and so on.

What will happen?

At the moment of the ritual, you burn the obstacles to Great love. If you don't have it, it means there are a lot of them.

The work is difficult, but interesting.

When that cockroach crawls into your head, which is caused by an enemy or an envious person, and you begin to burn it, the candle will glow blue. Sometimes it reaches the ceiling.

It is advisable not to communicate with the person.

As a rule, the ritual gives the first results in one to two weeks.

This is not much, of course, when compared with a whole life filled with loneliness!

Ritual to attract love for men

Men's ritual is a separate matter.

A sufficient level of masculinity is required. And this means the ability to take responsibility.

It would be good to conduct meditation on this issue.

But additionally:

  1. Go to the forest and collect seven birch branches.
  2. Using a knife, cut out on each one: “I am responsible for my beloved!”
  3. Make a fire and burn birch branches.
  4. In the fire try to see the image future wife. He will definitely appear there.
  5. When only coals remain, stick a knife into the center, accompanying it with the words:

The luminary of the night has always attracted attention with its unusualness, strangeness and peculiarity. No wonder. Even before the adoption of Christianity, our ancestors worshiped him as a deity. Ancient people, thanks to the moon and the month, created calendars, and various signs related to this. Observing the changes of the moon, we can now say with confidence that all its phases invisibly influence our lives.
Since ancient times it was believed and confirmed today that conspiracies for the waxing moon are more effective and serve to increase. You can increase not only your hair if you cut it during the initial phase lunar calendar. Any conspiracy for love or profit is read precisely on these days. Today we will get acquainted with rituals that are effective and are not elements of black magic.

In most cases, in order for a guy to love a girl or for a husband’s love, conspiracies are used. Not every one of them carries goodness for the person under the spell. White conspiracy you need to find and make sure that it will not harm either you or your couple. It is better not to use black rituals and texts, since dark forces always take something in return. For example, you get the person you want, but life with him will not work out, since he will definitely be changed. As a rule, after a love spell, men become drunkards.
When resorting to black magic, you should consider the following:

  1. Everything will have to be paid for.
  2. What is given will not always be used exactly where you intended. In other words, making a strong spell on the moon to attract money, the amount received will not bring joy and pleasure (quite often the money is spent on treatment).
  3. By bewitching your loved one, you will not receive his love, but only his body and the opportunity to live with him. Sooner or later, such marriages either break up, or the victim of witchcraft commits suicide.
  4. It often happens when dark forces give the opportunity to enjoy what they have received, but the time comes when a person forgets about his action, and not only what was given, but much more is taken from him.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that when using black magic, there will be a catch.

White conspiracies for prosperity

For a white magician or healer, there are no secrets about the secrets of getting money. They only help those who really need help, and finances are necessary for important things. If you use a money plot for evil, you will be punished. Here are some of them. Use them only in extreme cases.

  1. It is read, looking at the young moon: “The silver bull has come, what secrets have you kept. I ask for your help, I want to borrow gold and silver from you. There is need, sadness, problems. Help us dispel them."
  2. We select days according to the days of the week. If a woman, then Wednesday, Friday, Saturday are suitable. For men - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. There are no rituals performed on Sundays. It is necessary to go outside after the new moonrise and stand under its light. Make sure that the rules are followed: read, turn over your right shoulder and silently go to bed. “A month, a month. We grew up with you, we will continue to grow. You see, you know about my trouble-problem. Help as best you can, not for evil or deceit, but for good and happiness.”
  3. The last effective and very powerful ritual for wealth should be performed three days in a row on the first days of the lunar calendar. The text is read 7 times in one ritual day. The main thing is not to mix up the days, but to pronounce the words clearly and understandably. After it, a decision will come not only on how to earn enough money, but also all money issues will be resolved quite quickly. “The stars in the sky cannot be counted, there are countless luminaries, there are thousands of fish in the sea, and each one cannot be counted. Month, help, good luck in everyone financial matters give me so that I have enough wealth, so that I don’t have to worry and don’t worry, and I’m tired of counting money.” Before reading the plot, open your wallet, read it and leave it on the windowsill overnight. Continue this way for three days.

Spells to return love

Such conspiracies will help not only a woman, but also a man. Quite often used if a partner has found a (new or new) boyfriend (mistress), and can leave the family, despite children and a long marriage.

  1. There is also a waxing moon here, but the plot is read not in the first days, but three days before the full moon. Melt the honey (only light honey is used), smear it on your lips and with the window open, read the following words: “Melted honey, light honey. On the lips of the servant of God (name) the servant of God (name) flowed towards him, like a bee beckoning, drawn with sweetness. Let the slave (name) return to me, bow down, and never return to the homewrecker. Like honey sticks to my sweet lips, he follows me on my heels and bows. That’s how I want it, that’s how it will come true. The moon is a witness, and the stars are like matchmakers. Amen".
  2. The plot is used for the love of a husband who has lost interest in his wife, but does not cheat: “The moon and the moon walk together as a couple. So the slave (name) and I live together, follow each other. The love between us is strong, and the coolness in the river is steamy for the fish. They won’t come to us, but they’ll freeze forever in the river. Key, language. Lock".
  3. Moon spell for the love of husband, wife and boyfriend (girlfriend) as well. Conducted outdoors near a pond or well. You should turn to the reflection of the growing moon: “Advise me the sad stars, how to preserve love, how to turn back a loved one. Who brings trouble into relationships, and who wants to break us up. The moon brings us together, and asks everyone to forget about sorrows and quarrels. Everything will be forgotten as a month passes across the sky, and the slave (name) will never leave me. Amen".

The period during which the new moon grows is considered special. Being in the growth phase, it accumulates the strongest energy. It is for this reason that conspiracies for the waxing moon, read at home, have enormous power.

Waxing moon conspiracies are popular. Many people perform rituals to attract wealth, return or bewitch a loved one, and improve health. Women often read pregnancy conspiracies. The features of this phase of the moon are as follows:

  1. The new moon is ideal for a complete cleansing. In particular, this is an excellent time for white magic rituals.
  2. The waxing moon phase is a favorable time for magic that will bring marriage, pregnancy, finances, etc. closer.

Video “Strong conspiracy for money on the waxing moon”

This video explains how to do magic ritual for improvement financial well-being families.

Spells for money

As a rule, many rituals require the use of additional items. Their function is to enhance the impact directed by the text of the conspiracy. The main rule is to carry out the ceremony only when a new moon is visible in the sky. The power of magic is reduced if the sky is overcast.

With water

To make a profit, you need to do a ritual using salt water. First, dilute three teaspoons of salt in a glass of spring water. Then about open window you need to take three sips while saying:

“I, Slave(s) of God(s) ( given name) I exchange salt water for gold and silver, and take the profit from such a transaction into my wallet. I will save the magic salt and preserve my wealth for centuries. Let what is said come true. Amen".

At the end of the reading, the forehead and temples are moistened with salt water. You need to spray the remaining liquid on yourself so that it gets down your collar. The last drops splashed out on the doorstep of the house.

With bills and coins

A coin or bill will come in handy, as well as the light of the growing moon. As soon as dusk comes, you need to go to the window, put money on the windowsill and read the following text:

“The moon grew and gave strength to all living things. The lunar path leads to the house and opens a money passage. I’ll charge the money with light and put it in my wallet. Magic power will help me and increase my wealth.”

Leave the bill or coin on the windowsill until the morning. Put it in your wallet. Ideally placed in a separate pocket in your wallet. Such a talisman will help attract profit and avoid financial losses.

With honey

Since ancient times, people have used this ritual to attract prosperity to their families. To implement it, you need to prepare a little honey. It is important that the ceremony takes place after dinner, when the whole family has already left. You need to collect the crumbs on the table, after dipping your palms in honey. Collect the bread crumbs with your sticky palms, saying the following words:

“I collect trash and attract my luck. Stick the money to my hands like rubbish from the table to honey. My word is strong, sanctified by the young moon. Amen".

While washing your hands, you should say quietly:

“I wash my palms, I attract money to me. Litter go, good luck come. The water runs away, the moon waxes, wealth attracts me. Amen".

From photo

It is important to choose a photo where the person who will perform the ritual is depicted in close-up. Another condition is that he must be alone in the photo. In the evening, the photograph should be placed on the windowsill so that it is charged with the light of the growing moon. A little later, coins should be placed around the photo. After enclosing the photo in a circle, light the candle. Place a large denomination bill in the center of the circle. Make a circle with a candle, drop wax on the coins four times - once on each side. Say the following text:

“I show my photograph to the moon, I call upon wealth, I connect myself with money. Wherever the candle wax drips, the money will come to me from there. From the south, west, north and east - goodness awaits me from everywhere. Coins marked, seen by the moon.”

After the ritual, hide the coins in the place where the money is. The next time the month grows again, you need to put the coins on the window. This way they will be charged with the necessary and powerful energy.

From poverty

When the moon is in its growth phase, you need to write on a piece of paper a list of what “poisons” life. That is, something that negatively affects financial well-being. As soon as the list is ready, you need to go out onto the balcony or street, burn the leaf and scatter the ashes. Then read the following words:

“The moon sees everything. My efforts and aspirations will be reinforced by her growth. Dejection and poverty will fly away to the wind. I burn away negativity and attract goodness. I'll sacrifice a few coins to the moon. They will return to me and multiply. As I said, so it will be. My word is strong. Confidence is strong."

For the ritual you will also need change, which is thrown towards the moon after reading the plot. After this, the person goes home and goes to bed. If on the night after the ceremony you dreamed good dreams, this is a guarantee that the magic has already begun. In the near future, new prospects and opportunities will open up for you.

For love

There are two common love spell rituals that are performed to attract love. Most often, love rituals are interesting to women.

To carry out the first conspiracy you will need bread. It is left on the windowsill and placed so that moonlight falls on it. As soon as dusk comes and the piece of bread is illuminated, read:

“Far, far away in a vast and spacious field, a maiden stands. In her hands is a basket containing a lot of bread products. Whoever tastes grain products will be able to dry out another person with love for himself. I, the servant of God (proper name), will take a piece of bread from the virgin in the basket and eat it. With this, I will use self-love as a reliable assistant. I will attract a sweetheart to me from any side: from the south, from the north, from the east or west. The growing moon will help me with this, and the path of my dear one will be illuminated with moonlight. So it will be. Amen".

Leave the bread slice in that place until the morning. Eat it on an empty stomach early in the morning. The ritual is effective when a woman already has a chosen one and she wants to strengthen this connection.

Sometimes a passionate knot is made on the waxing moon. A woman will need ropes or two laces. Sometimes red thread or shoe laces are used. A loop is made from one. The second one is placed on the loop, weaving both laces together. During the weaving process, you need to think that you are weaving feelings and hearts. After this, say the following phrase:

“When the sun rises, my love will be with me. When it sets, I will be with her.”

If you are just dating, give a charmed knot young man. If you live together, put the bundle in the bedroom. If the rules are not followed, it works like a lapel.

From the evil eye

At least once a year you need to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage when the moon is waxing. This ritual has incredible power that will protect you from everyone. negative events and impacts, including diseases. Although simple, the ritual is still very powerful.

A person goes outside, finds a place where he will be alone, and no one will distract him. You need to concentrate, look at the month and say:

“I, servant(s) of God(s) (proper name) am stronger now than ever. I envelop myself in the moonlight of the waxing moon. I am in armor and no one can penetrate it, I don’t wish harm or trouble on anyone, but I also reliably protect myself. Amen".

To protect yourself from negative consequences, you need to perform the ritual, strictly following the recommendations.

For pregnancy

When a woman asks the moon for a child, you need to understand that the child is God's gift. That is why it is necessary to combine Christian motives and white magic. These are the main components with which you can conceive a child quickly. For this reason, before the conspiracy, it is necessary to go to church with a man to receive communion.

During the hike, be sure to give alms to the poor. Afterwards, the marital bed is spoken for twelve days. Before going to bed, you need to open the curtains so that the bed is charged with the light of the waxing moon. A woman needs to dress in clean sleeping linen. After this, slowly say the words:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Have mercy on me and forgive all sinful acts. You give us new life And Orthodox faith for the salvation of the soul. Bless me for my birth healthy child and protect him from terrible diseases. Save my future child from the devil's temptation and carnal temptation. Thy will be done. Amen".

Read them three times and call your husband to go to bed together. For even greater effectiveness, the plot can be read by two people.

For trade

Conspiracies for excellent trading are read in dreams where a person sells his products. If you want the plot to be profitable and effective, read it on your day off. Otherwise, it can be done on Wednesday, but not on the thirteenth.

To carry out the ritual, it is better to exclude the numbers 27 and 23. They are ideal for conspiracies that carry negative energy.

Take coins and salt. Make a circle of salt, place coins in it and read the words:

“My work is correct, I am building a stone house with a copper porch. I will meet and say goodbye to a third person. The first person is the king, the second is the prince, and the third person will bow to my belt. Not he, but I will be the power for him. My word is true, my deed is strong. Whatever I ask in that house, everything will be allowed. The fish has the key, the fish is in the water, the lock is in the swamp. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After the spell, pour the salt into the red bag and the coins into the green bag. Place the red bag near the entrance to outlet, green - as close as possible to the cash register. One of them will attract customers, the other will do everything to ensure that money is always in the cash register.

It is important to concentrate, prepare all the accessories and read the text slowly, thinking about the desired result. All amulets and enchanted items should be kept even after you receive what you intended.

The most Full description in all details - read a love spell on the growing moon for a woman’s love with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

A love spell without a photo can be just as effective as using a photo of the victim. The absence of a photo of your loved one is not a reason to abandon a proven way to attract attention and awaken love. For many centuries, women could do this without images of a man. The main thing is to choose a time-tested strong ritual.

Always remember that a love spell is akin to damage. It also blocks the victim’s desires and leads him to the inevitable. Be afraid of the consequences. It is almost impossible to perform a love spell without negative consequences. You always need to pay a ransom to those dark forces that helped you in the fight for the love of a guy or a man. Sometimes this can be done symbolically during a ritual, but more often you have to pay the bills with health, happiness, peace of mind. Sometimes it happens not only to our own people, but also to our relatives and loved ones.

Nuances of performing rituals

  • You should always perform a love spell on a waxing moon, so that as it grows, the object’s attraction to you also increases.
  • Let your hair down and remove any hairpins, bobby pins, etc., so as not to impede the flow of energy.
  • The more contact and communication you have with your loved one, the easier it will be to bewitch him.
  • Before you do strong love spell at home, weigh on the scales of reason, not emotions, whether you are truly driven by love. A love spell due to hatred, feelings of revenge or curiosity is not only doomed to failure, it can result in consequences such as illness, endless mental suffering, even death.

The first one is on red candles

Fast-acting love spell without a photo for love young guy, with whom you were not married and did not live together. The ritual will take more than one day, but the result will please you.

  • Two red wax candles
  • Red ribbon
  • thick needle

The plot is performed at home, on the waxing moon.

At midnight, stay in the room alone. Sit at the table, facing east. Heat a needle over a fire and scratch your name on one candle and your boyfriend's name on the other. Tie the candles with ribbon and light them. In their light, slowly and thoughtfully, imagining how happy you will be together, read the spell for an hour

Let the longing of love come to the slave (the name of the beloved) for the slave (your name). Let him die rather than deny me love. Demons and demons, drink the blood of the slave (the name of your loved one), Until he comes to my doorstep, groaning with love. My word will be as strong as underground springs, hot as fire, hard as stone. Let it be so.

Then blow out the candles and hide them in a secluded place.

The next night the ritual must be repeated. Read the plot for a guy’s love for 50 minutes. The third night is forty minutes, the fourth is thirty, and so on.

On the last, seventh day, you need to cast the spell for only ten minutes. Then collect all the ritual attributes and burn them that same night near the guy’s house.

When leaving, do not turn around so that you are not heard behind you. At home, you must wash yourself and go to bed, without eating or drinking, and without talking to anyone.

The second one is for forty candles

An equally powerful ritual that can be easily done at home. It will not take much time, but it will not cause serious negative consequences if performed correctly, and will allow you to tie a guy or man to you forever.

  • Forty small candles
  • Rope
  • Any bag that will fit the candles
  • red saucer
  • Sheet of white paper

The ritual is performed on the waxing moon. First you need to collect the candles in a bunch and tie them with rope. Light them all like one candle and extinguish them at the same time. You can turn the bundle over and dip the wicks in water. Then collect the candles in a bag and hide them.

The next night, take out one candle, light it, and whisper the words of the love spell over it. This must be done by imagining your beloved guy or man

It’s not God’s work, but I frighten the Devil with the aisle, I entangle, I conjure with darkness. Let melancholy come and bind the slave (name), it’s better to let him die, or let the slave (name) deny me love. Devils, drink the blood of slave (name), without sparing him. Until he comes to me out of love, sick for me. Let it be so!

Third - prayer to the moon

Ancient magicians called the moon the goddess of love, Selene. She was famous for her ability to help unhappy lovers. A very powerful ritual to attract sympathy can be done at home, turning to the moon.

Kneel before the luminary and say the following prayer

Moon, you conquer the thick darkness, you help every living soul in the darkness of the night to find the right path. You are the only one who possesses true love, you know how to find the way to loving but lonely hearts. Hear me, descend and grant my request, since I can’t do anything without your help. Look with your pure face at my dear (name), turn his warm heart, turn his soul and all his thoughts to me. Like every dark night Your bright and clear disk invariably shines in the heavens and shines above the earth, so may my dear (name) remember me (name) every night. Let my dear (name) look at me only once, but he will never forget me, and he will no longer be able to live without me. Only with me alone may he be happy until the end of his days. Amen.

It is advisable to do the ceremony in the spring. At other times it will be less effective. The ritual is performed on a full moon, when the moon is not hidden behind the clouds.

Fourth - for drinking

This harmless drinking spell belongs to the rituals of white magic and does not entail bad consequences. It couldn't be easier to do it at home. Nevertheless, it will very effectively and firmly tie a man to you.

Say words on milk or any other non-alcoholic drink

Oh, Lord Jesus Christ, help the servant of God (name). Grant, Lord, the power to inspire the servant of God (name) with love. Just as a baby needs mother's milk, so that the servant of God (name) needs the servant of God (name). So that he couldn’t sleep, drink, or eat when I’m not around. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The charmed drink must be offered to the object of love three evenings in a row. If for some reason your desired one refuses what is offered, then nothing can be done with the help of white magic.

Fifth - on a ball of thread

A time-tested and quickly done at home love spell with elements of fortune telling. To make it, you only need a ball of thread. Preferably red.

The ritual does not have any bad consequences, as it relates to white magic.

As you wind the thread from the ball onto your finger, whisper the words of the spell

Just as a thread spins and twists, so you, servant of God (name), languish and spin around me, reach out to my body. Just as a man of God prays to an icon, so pray to me, yearn for me, miss me, know no peace without me. My words are strong. From now on and forever. Amen.

Now carefully remove the resulting skein from your finger and try to wind it back onto the ball. The less the thread gets tangled, the more likely it is that everything will be good and calm in your relationship, and vice versa.

If the thread gets tangled, then you cannot do without such consequences of love as quarrels, scandals, problems.

If suddenly the thread breaks, this is a sign that you cannot bewitch this man, he is not suitable for you, and if you still use another love spell, then negative consequences cannot be avoided.

Sixth - on a towel

This powerful love spell only works if you live together. Or, if your boyfriend or husband left you, but it was recently, and the feelings have not completely faded away in his heart.

Take the towel that the victim used to dry himself. It should not be washed. Cast the following spell on him while tying the fabric into a strong knot

My beloved washed his little hands and put them in a towel. I’ll twist a towel and turn a mile’s head. The towel is still damp - my dear darling is aching for me. Let the towel dry - the little one sighs for me. No one will untie the towel, because my beloved will show me his love.

The towel should be put under the mattress or pillow and not taken out until the man returns to you or begins to show sympathy.

Seventh - for clothes

An easily performed ritual, the consequences of which will be uncontrollable passion on the part of the desired guy or man.

Obtain any item of the victim's wardrobe. It could be a shirt, jacket, even a handkerchief. The main thing is that it belongs specifically to the object of the love spell. In addition, you will need:

  • A little clay
  • Three small new needles
  • Dark wax candle

You need to make a doll out of clay that will symbolize a guy or a man. Wrap the doll in a piece of clothing that you found and light a candle.

Heat the needles over a candle fire and stick them successively into the head, the heart area (as deep as possible) and the groin area. At the same time, driving each needle, whisper a spell

Beloved (name of beloved)! Bewitch me, touch me! Don’t look at another girl even once, don’t hurt me with huge dislike!

After this, the needles need to be pulled out, the candle should be extinguished without blowing it out, and at night all the ritual attributes should be buried under a young fruit-bearing tree.

The ritual refers to dark magic. To avoid consequences in the form of problems with physical and mental health, while burying, say thirteen times

Love spell – effective remedy in order to achieve your goal and make a man become attached to you. But it is important to have time to think about what true love does not force and does not hold by force.

How I, a teacher from Saratov, married an American rich man

I am 30 years old, I have a small daughter. It would seem, how can I, a simple teacher, marry a millionaire? However, this story can instill faith even in those who are already despairing. I hope it inspires you.

My story begins with a failed marriage. I married for love at 19, and lived with an absolute loser for almost 10 years. At first he seemed sweet and good, but after the birth of the child he started drinking and turned into an alcoholic, spending my meager salary on vodka.

How to make a love spell on the waxing moon

All rituals of love magic are subject to certain laws, the observance of which determines the result of each of them. When performing magical rituals, literally everything is taken into account: the phase of the moon, the day of the week, and even the date and month. Eat special category influences that are carried out on Christmas, Easter or Trinity. We will look at how to “according to the rules” make a love spell on the growing moon for a man’s love.

Love spell on the waxing moon

The magical power of the moon

It's no secret that the Moon, as the planet closest to the Earth, has a huge impact on all terrestrial processes and phenomena. Its movement is taken into account not only by astrologers, but also by gardeners, doctors and even economists. Love magic is not “lagging behind” in this regard. As you know, there are four lunar phases:

Looking at these periods in detail, we can say with confidence that each of them affects a person’s life differently. Thus, the new moon phase symbolizes the birth of something new. During this period, the moon rejuvenates before appearing in its full glory. The new moon is a good time for rituals related to the performance cherished desires, renewal of life, cleansing of “body and mind.” This is the period when everything old has already gone, and the new has not yet arisen, therefore this particular phase of the night luminary is conducive to “launching programs” to fulfill desires, even the most unrealistic ones.

In the waxing phase, which is between the third day after the new moon and the day before the full moon, the Moon enters its full strength. During this period, rituals are “obtained” aimed at attracting money, getting rid of physical and psychological ailments, and restoring beauty and attractiveness. This is the most suitable period of time for a person to make adjustments to his personal life and even find family happiness. On the waxing moon, it is customary to cast love spells for the love of a man or woman. During this period, you can return old feelings and find new ones.

During the full moon phase, the night luminary appears before us in all its glory. In total, this period lasts three days. It includes the day before exact date the full moon, the day of the full moon and the day after it. The full moon is the most good time to make a protective talisman, perform a strong magical ritual to attract love or restore health. The crazy release of energy into the surrounding space these days contributes to the fact that it is during the full moon phase that the most people read strong prayers and perform the darkest and most powerful magical rituals.

The phase in which the Moon goes from its full state to the new moon is called the waning period. During this period of time, it is customary to perform rituals aimed at getting rid of what is no longer needed. During the period of waning night light, you can get rid of bad habits and prolonged illness. This is the best time to break off old ties and outdated relationships. On the new moon, it is customary to “fight” damage, evil eyes and love spells that poison the life of a person and his loved ones.

Ritual with a photograph

Let's look at how to make a strong love spell on the waxing moon for a man's love, using his photo. According to reviews from people who have already “tried” it, this is quite a powerful, but at the same time simple ritual that any woman can do at home. To perform a photo ritual, you will need to prepare a photo of the guy you like, a red or white candle, three coins of any denomination and a small piece of red or white fabric of such a size that you can wrap the prepared photo in it. As for the photograph, it should be relatively recent, with a clear image and clearly visible eyes of the victim. The man in the photograph should be captured “without anyone,” that is, alone.

The best time to perform the ritual from the photo is considered to be the time period between midnight and three o'clock in the morning. You will have to do the ritual in three stages, that is, it will take you three nights to complete it completely. On the first night, staying in a room “without anyone,” light a candle and place a photo of your lover in front of you. Now attention, this is the most important thing - you need to concentrate very well, throw all extraneous thoughts out of your head and focus your attention exclusively on the one who is dear to you.

Look into the eyes of your loved one and imagine that he is at that moment next to you in the room. Try to inspire a man with what you want to achieve from him. To do this, you can dream up a little, drawing in your imagination pictures of your happy life together or stormy sexual relations. When you feel that contact has been established, you can begin the “second part” of the ritual.

Take a coin and, holding the photo in your hand, go outside to the first nearest intersection of four roads. Stand in the center of the intersection and read the following plot:

“Brother Moon, you walk high, you see everything, you know everything. I will bow my head before you, I beg you to fulfill my request. Look through the window, Brother Month, to my dear (name of your loved one) and tell him that he is destined to be only with me (your name). Let me dream of him, let him think only about me from now on. Let his heart suffer from love, and let his loins burn with fire from desire for me. I will give you a gold coin, Brother Moon, and thank you for your kindness to me.”

After these words, throw a coin with your right hand over your left shoulder, say “Be as I said,” and immediately go home without turning around or entering into conversations with anyone. At home, put out the candle, wrap the photo in a cloth, put the bundle under your pillow and go to bed.

The next night, at the same time, the ritual is repeated exactly. On the third night after you have completed the “manipulation” at the crossroads, wrap the photo of the man and make three knots on the package. In this case, you should read the words of the conspiracy:

“Sealed with a triple seal, securely hidden from everyone. No one can break those seals, no one can lift my conspiracy.”

The next morning you will need to get rid of the candle wax as quickly as possible - take it out of the house and bury it in the ground or throw it into a pond with running water. At first glance, the love spell in the photo seems quite harmless, but this is far from the case. Its negative consequences can affect both the victim and the customer himself, that is, you. These could be health problems, problems in your personal life, or psychological disorders. Therefore, before you decide to perform a ritual, carefully weigh what you will gain if you are successful and what you will lose as a result when all the negative consequences of the influence “fall” on you.

Ritual with thread

On the waxing Moon, you can make a love spell on a thread at home. To carry it out, you will need to purchase a skein of scarlet cotton or wool thread and three white candles. Casting a love spell on a man on the waxing Moon on a string requires the one doing it to be able to concentrate well on his loved one and his desire to win his heart. If you are not completely confident in yourself in this regard, use the image of a man, it will help you constantly “keep his image in mind.”

You need to carry out the ritual on the waxing Moon after midnight, left “alone with yourself”, without “extra eyes”. To minimize possible consequences When using love magic, follow all instructions exactly, avoiding any “gags”. If you are mentally and physically ready, let's get down to business. To begin, light the candles and place them on the table in the shape of a triangle, in the middle of which you can put a photograph of the “object of passion.”

Place your chair in such a place that you are at the level of one of the three candles. Then take a thread in your hands, the length of which should not exceed thirty centimeters and, tying a knot on it, begin to read the words of the conspiracy:

“I will tie a knot (your name) and bewitch dear (name of your loved one) to me (your name). I will tighten the thread (your name) tightly - I will order my dear (name of a loved one) to love me alone. No one can untie my knot, no one can remove my conspiracy.”

Next, you should move the chair so that you can see the second candle and, tying a new knot, read the plot again. Then you move the chair again to the remaining third candle, tie the third knot, not forgetting to read the same plot.

After three knots are tied, place the thread under your pillow and go to bed. Let the candles burn until the morning. At sunrise, carefully collect the wax from the burnt candles, wrap it in cloth and take it out of the house. Keep the thread with knots in a secluded place and do not show it to anyone and under no circumstances tell them that you performed the ritual. According to "conditions" knot magic, the love spell will work as long as the thread is “alive” and the knots are not untied, which you can tighten from time to time.

Love spell on the moon - VERY STRONG LOVE SPELL, love spell �

How to read a waxing moon love spell for a man's love

You shouldn’t think that magic is like magic from a fairy tale, when everything is done instantly, you just have to read the spell and wave it with a magic wand. Magic is esoteric, and esotericism is inextricably linked with the forces of nature. Therefore, it is worth performing any magical ritual only if it is coordinated with nature. A good helper for achieving certain goals is to read a love spell on the waxing moon.

The night star is closely connected with life on Earth; it influences many processes occurring on our planet. The Moon also influences magic: many witchcraft rituals are carried out during a certain period of the lunar month. Depending on what goals the ritual is aimed at, the corresponding phase of the Earth’s satellite is selected.

The influence of the waxing moon on love spells

A large number of rituals, including various love spells, are performed during the waxing moon. And this is no coincidence: as the night luminary grows and gains strength, so does the power of the ritual, which helps achieve the desired goal.

Among the love spells for the waxing Moon, the most effective are spells for:

  • finding a partner;
  • strengthening relationships between spouses;
  • improved health;
  • money and financial well-being.

All these rituals are united by the fact that they are aimed at multiplication and acquisition, and the growing satellite of our planet contributes to this in the best possible way. The moon in its growth phase (first and second phases) helps to achieve success in almost any area of ​​human life. This best time for the construction of new plans, the implementation of new beginnings in life, the manifestation of activity in personal life or in any business.

The Moon especially patronizes women. Since ancient times, representatives of the fairer sex have used its strength and influence to gain power over their chosen one. That is why many love rituals are associated with the growing Moon.

Love spells for the waxing moon

Let's consider several of the most effective love spells performed during the active growth phase of the Moon and designed to help achieve what you want in various areas. human life. Performing any of the following rituals requires deep psychological and emotional readiness for them on the part of the subject, because the Moon, penetrating into the depths of the subconscious, can have a significant impact on the state of the author of the ritual.

Ancient love spell

A mandatory feature of this ritual is that it is performed only on Thursday; performing it on another day of the week is fraught with unpredictable results. To perform the ritual, a woman must obtain her man's unwashed underwear.

During the ritual, your loved one’s underwear needs to be rinsed in a running water cold water, then hang it next to a heat source (a radiator, for example) to let it dry faster. This process must be accompanied by a slander:

“As this linen of yours dries, (name of your loved one), so for me, (your name), you will dry out of love more and more every day. Let it be so".

This ritual will help to bind any desired man to you.

See another way to bewitch a man on the waxing moon from Tatiana Moskovskaya in the video:

A powerful plot for happiness in family life

Brew strong tea with sugar, think about your desire (related to family happiness, of course) and say the following words:

“I, God’s servant (name), will get up, having been blessed, I will leave the house, crossing myself. I’ll go to a clean field, a green seaside. Jesus sits there and teaches the commandments. May God's servant (name) leave his father and mother, so that he and his wife can know happiness and become one with God's servant (name). What the Lord put together, man did not break. This commandment is strong. Amen".

Blow on the tea and give it to your fiancé for him to drink.

Love spell to improve health

You will need a glass glass, spring water (or water from another, certainly natural, source), a white pebble or any silver item (or both items at once). Pour water into a glass, place a pebble or a silver object in it (you can do both at once).

Leave the glass overnight on the windowsill so that the moon's light is reflected in the water. When the water absorbs lunar energy, they recite it 9 times:

“As the moon grows, so does my health. As the Moon grows, so will my health. May my health be heroic, my strength mighty, my energy vigorous. Let it be so".

Water is left on the windowsill until full moon. Then it is drunk, and the item is washed under running water. The ritual is repeated for every moon month(from the growth phase to the full moon) until recovery occurs.

Conspiracy for prosperity and wealth

For the ritual you will need a small stone white. On the growing moon they hold it in their palms and whisper a conspiracy:

“As the moon grows, so does my income. Just as the Moon draws water with it, so money will be drawn to me. Amen" .

After the hex, the stone turns into personal money talisman, they hide it in their wallet. You cannot show your talisman to anyone. The ritual must then be repeated every new moon in order to charge it with a new portion of magical energy.

A strong spell for money on the waxing moon

This love spell helps to attract good luck in a new project, money, business, it is recommended to carry it out on a new moon. An item that is associated with this matter (contract, product, etc.) and a yellow or orange wax candle are required. A lighted candle is placed near the object, then the object is stroked with the right hand and spoken of good luck:

“Just as the Moon was born today, let my business (name the business) begin with luck. Just as the Moon grows and becomes prettier every day, so will my business grow and prosper. Amen".

After which you need to turn on all your imagination and imagine in the smallest detail how things will develop and go - until the candle burns out.

Love spell for pregnancy

Carry out during the new moon or waxing moon. To conceive a child, a woman needs to read the spell over a glass of clean water 3 times:

“As a new moon was born in the sky, let a child be born to us. Amen" .

Spouses should wash themselves with enchanted water before and after sexual intercourse.

Love spell on the waxing moon. A unique love spell on the waxing moon


In Rus', it was customary to read love spells on the waxing moon; it is in this lunar phase, along with its growth, that you can quickly and forever bewitch any person, and no matter whether a man or woman is bewitched by the waxing moon, no one will ever be able to remove this strong love spell which you need and can do yourself during the waxing of the moon right at home!

If you do it yourself strong love spell men, it is better to read a love spell on the waxing moon and perform a ritual of love magic using a photo or no photo the person being bewitched, mentally imagining the image of the person being bewitched. Someone does period love spell, but a love spell on menstrual blood is black magic, the consequences of which are very difficult to predict. Those who specifically wait for the moon to rise in order to do love spell on apple They are just wasting their time - apple love spells can be done regardless of the moon and even during the day.

Unique love spell

In general, the love spell that you can read today is very good, even the best of all, since it belongs to white magic and does not affect the will of a person, making him an obedient slave. This love spell for a man or guy so that he gets married and proposes it is not possible to find either in books or on the Internet, it is unique - it is a family “heirloom” with the help of which women of the family could meet their soul mate and live with her in love, joy and mutual understanding all their lives, without quarrels and offenses. And the day before the waxing moon, love spells share with you this best love ritual of white magic. Do love spell on the waxing moon which does not harm either the one who did it or the one on whom the love spell was cast on a candle and a waxing moon- this is a great rarity in love magic. But there is one very important condition success of the love spell, you must definitely cast a love spell on the waxing moon on the very first lunar day! Next, we will tell you how to cast a spell on the waxing moon and what is needed to perform a lunar love spell.

How to bewitch the waxing moon

How to make a love spell it was said earlier, white love spell is done on the waxing moon on the very first day of its growth. There is no need to wait for the night; you can do the ritual and read the love spell for the waxing moon in the evening, after 7 pm. Before performing the ritual, you must buy a white handkerchief; if you cannot find it, take a white cloth and make something like a handkerchief and a small mirror out of it. But that’s not all you need to cast a love spell on your soulmate. To bewitch your betrothed, you need 2 candles bought on any Friday in different churches - this is very important! A man's love spell on the waxing moon begins with you taking a bath and drying your hair; you can take a bath until 7 pm. Put on your most beautiful clothes and let your hair down and retire to the room to begin the love ritual.

Love spell for the waxing moon is unique and the best

Go to the window - there is no need to open it. If you have a photo of your loved one, place it behind the mirror; if not, imagine his image for a moment. Place a mirror and 1 candle so that you can see it in the mirror and light it. Now take the second candle in the handkerchief right hand and light it from the fire of the first candle while looking at the fire in the mirror read a love spell for the waxing moon :

Luna sister, dear girl.

How are you destined to grow up,

So my dear (name) is sad and misses me.

To walk on earth, only to love me.

Don't walk around, don't cheat.

Listen to me, respect me.

As the moon rises,

Destiny will come to me.

On the waxing moon you will dream of me.

First blow out the candle in your hand, and let the second one burn out completely. After the love spell, put the handkerchief under your pillow saying text of a love spell - a spell on the waxing moon :

My betrothed is now always with me.

Come to me and take your scarf.

This is where the beauty lives

And your beloved is waiting for you.

I read a love spell on the waxing moon

I invite you, my beloved, to be my husband.

In the morning, take the candle stub to the church and light it near the icon of the Mother of God. The words “Amen” should not be said here when reading a strong love spell on the waxing moon!