Mashed potatoes for infants are one of the first dishes that babies try, so you need to approach its preparation with all responsibility. All purees for infants can be divided into several types: fruit and vegetable, single-component and multi-component. It is best to start complementary feeding with one-component purees, gradually introducing new fruits and vegetables and their combinations into the diet. It is believed that applesauce is best suited for the youngest children - it begins to be given from four to six months.

Mashed potatoes for infants are prepared from a wide variety of vegetables, fruits and dried fruits: cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, apples, pears, peaches, apricots, prunes, etc. To give the puree the desired consistency, add boiled water to the vegetable or fruit mixture water or milk. More complex purees for infants involve the use of rice and other cereals.

The general principle of preparation is to carefully process the products, further cook them (steamed or in a slow cooker) and chop them. To ensure that the mixture is homogeneous and free of lumps, it is best to use a blender.

Puree for babies - preparing food and utensils

Preparing puree for infants requires especially careful preparation of food and utensils. From dishes and kitchen utensils You will need: a saucepan, a grater, a knife, a cutting board, a bowl and a blender. You may also need a steamer or slow cooker. All dishes and utensils must be thoroughly washed (preferably boiled) and wiped dry.

Vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed in hot water, dry, peel and remove seeds (if any). The green parts must be cut off. The pulp needs to be chopped and steamed, in a slow cooker or boiled in water. After this, you can prepare the puree itself for babies.

Puree recipes for babies:

Recipe 1: Mashed potatoes for babies

Broccoli puree for infants is the optimal complementary food for babies. Broccoli contains many vitamins and other beneficial substances necessary for a growing body. Vegetable puree from broccoli is perfectly absorbed by the body and improves digestion.

Required ingredients:

Cooking method:

Cut the broccoli into pieces and rinse thoroughly in hot water. You can boil the cabbage in water, but it is better to steam it or cook it in a slow cooker. Broccoli is boiled in boiling water for 8 to 15 minutes, depending on the size of the inflorescences. Steamed for 10 to 13-15 minutes. Place the finished cabbage in a colander and cool. Place in a deep bowl and grind with a blender. Add 5 ml of oil (about 1 teaspoon) to the mixture and mix thoroughly. If the child is overweight, it is better not to add oil. On the contrary, if you notice a lack of weight, the oil will only be beneficial.

Recipe 2: Turkey Baby Puree

Meat puree for infants is important element nutrition, as it gives the body essential vitamins and microelements. Turkey puree can be given to children from eight months.

Required ingredients:

  • 100 g turkey fillet;
  • 90-100 ml of clean filtered water.

Cooking method:

Turkey meat puree is best prepared using a steamer or slow cooker. If meat is cooked in a double boiler, then place it in a bowl and set the cooking mode for 35-40 minutes (depending on the size of the piece). Cool the finished meat a little and cut into pieces. Place the pieces in a bowl or bowl and puree with a blender until smooth, adding a little while grinding. warm water. Turkey puree for infants can be made thicker or thinner depending on the amount of water added.

Recipe 3: Apple and pumpkin puree for babies

The first food for infants is usually applesauce. If the baby accepts this food normally, you can move on to more varied “dishes.” Pumpkin-apple puree for babies is best prepared in a double boiler, but you can boil the ingredients in a regular saucepan. You can use any pumpkin, but it is better to take apples of the Simirenko variety, which contains the least sugar.

Required ingredients:

1. 140-150 g pumpkin;

2. 1 small apple;

3. Some raisins (for older children).

Cooking method:

Wash the pumpkin, peel off the skin, cut the pulp into pieces, after removing the seeds. Place the pumpkin in a steamer. Wash, peel and core the apple. Also cut into pieces and place in a steamer with the pumpkin. We wash the raisins in hot water, cut off the stems and put them in a double boiler. If the child can already chew, then it is better to prepare puree with raisins. After 20 minutes, the apple and pumpkin should be ready. Place the prepared ingredients in a bowl and puree with a blender until smooth.

Recipe 4: Mango puree for babies

After your baby reaches six months of age, you can diversify the menu with more exotic “dishes.” Mango puree for babies is very tasty, so children eat it with great pleasure. In addition, it is very healthy and is perfectly absorbed by the body.

Required ingredients:

  • 30-35 ml of warm boiled water;
  • 1 mango.

Cooking method:

Wash the mango, peel it, cut it in half and remove the pit. Cut the pulp into pieces and place in a bowl. Add a little warm water and puree with a blender until smooth. Transfer the puree into a small saucepan and simmer over low heat for a few minutes. Cool the finished puree and give it to the baby immediately.

Recipe 5: Cauliflower and carrot puree for babies

Cauliflower It is perfectly absorbed by the child’s body, so this vegetable is one of the first to be introduced into children’s complementary foods. To make the puree even tastier and healthier, you can add carrots to it.

Required ingredients:

  • 145-150 g cauliflower;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1.5-2 cups of water;
  • 5 ml sunflower or olive oil;
  • Salt - 1-2 g (but it is better not to add).

Cooking method:

Pour filtered water into a saucepan and put on fire. We clean the carrots, rinse them thoroughly, cut them into slices and throw them into boiling water. We separate the cabbage into inflorescences, wash them and add them to the almost cooked carrots. Cook the vegetables for another 10-12 minutes. As soon as the vegetables are cooked, remove the pan from the stove and let cool slightly. The water should barely cover the vegetables. Grind the contents with a blender until pureed. Add a little oil to the puree and mix thoroughly.

— You need to prepare the puree in small portions, immediately before feeding, since it is not recommended to store puree for infants;

— Ideally, vegetables should be pre-soaked in water (potatoes for about half to a whole day, other vegetables - from one to several hours);

The content of the article:

Every new mother has many questions. One of the most important of them is the baby’s nutrition. From the moment when it is time to introduce complementary feeding to the baby, the opinions of mothers are divided into two categories. Some believe that it is better to use ready-made baby purees in jars, while other women are sure that nothing can be healthier for the baby’s health than dishes prepared from natural products with their own hands.

If choosing canned food is a fairly simple task, then if you are going to prepare homemade puree for introducing complementary feeding to a child in the first year of life, you need to follow some rules.

Complementary foods should be introduced:

Not earlier than 6 months, if the baby is on breastfeeding, 4 months - if he eats formula milk (as for meat puree, it is administered no earlier than 6 months of age);

If the child begins to show interest in food;

The baby is feeling well;

Able to eat in an upright position.

In addition, the following rules must be observed:

A baby should not be given complementary foods three days before and three days after vaccination;

For the first time, a new product is introduced in an amount of no more than one dessert spoon;

Each time the volume is increased to the required amount - in six months a baby can eat 140 grams of vegetable puree and 60 grams of fruit puree;

A new product should be introduced within 5-7 days;

You need to offer your baby an unfamiliar product in the first half of the day.

Before introducing a new dish, you should consult with your pediatrician about at what months new foods can be given to your baby.

The best option for first complementary feeding, without a doubt, is vegetable puree, followed by fruits. Vegetables contain many useful substances that are necessary for an actively growing child's body. The fiber they contain helps normalize stool. It should be borne in mind that while some vegetables and fruits have a strengthening effect, others, on the contrary, have a laxative effect.

Stool firming purees:


Laxative purees for infants:




How to cook puree for babies? Recipes for meals for infants are usually simple, and preparation is not difficult. To prepare fruit puree or vegetable puree soup for babies, you will need a blender. If a mother is going to prepare meals for her baby on her own, it is better to immediately acquire a high-quality, powerful device.

Vegetable purees

As the first complementary foods, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots are introduced into the baby's diet. Vegetables contain a large number of vitamins and minerals, as well as plant fibers. In addition, vegetable puree very rarely causes allergies.

1. Zucchini puree. You should choose young zucchini. The vegetable is thoroughly washed and cleaned. Then it must be cut into small pieces and placed on the bottom of the pan. Place on the fire and bring the water to a boil. After 10 minutes, remove from heat and drain the liquid. Grind the vegetables using a blender.

2. Carrot puree. Wash and peel the root crop. Place in a saucepan with water, put on fire and boil until tender. A small carrot is cooked for approximately 20 minutes. When the vegetable becomes soft, remove it from the water and grind it in a blender.

3. Cauliflower or broccoli puree. To prepare this puree, you can take fresh or frozen vegetables, bought in a store or prepared yourself. First, the inflorescences must be washed and, if frozen cabbage is used, defrosted. Boil water and put vegetables in it, boil for about 20 minutes. Then the cabbage should be chopped in a blender.

Vegetable purees are prepared in the same way in a double boiler or slow cooker. For improvement taste qualities dish, you can add a drop of olive oil to it.

It is not recommended to add salt to children's dishes. Adults may find them bland and not very appetizing, but this is not at all true. Infants' taste buds are less sensitive, so they do not need to add salt to their food. Unsalted foods will be healthier for them.

When the baby has tried all the vegetables allowed for his age, you can prepare various mixes for him. Thus, the mother will be able to provide him with complete and high-quality nutrition, and, therefore, will do everything to ensure that he develops harmoniously.

Fruit purees

After the baby met healthy vegetables, his diet can be diversified with a tasty treat - fruit puree.

1. Apple puree. First of all, apples are introduced into the baby's menu. To prepare, you will need one fruit and a little time. Whole fruit should be placed in boiling water and cooked for several minutes. When the apple has cooled, you need to remove the seeds from it, remove the peel, and grind the pulp until smooth.

Apple puree can be prepared in a slow cooker. The recipe looks like this:

Wash one fruit, peel, remove seeds, cut into slices;

Place the blanks in a special bowl;

Turn on desired mode: “baking” or “multi-cook” and set the time: 20 minutes;

Grind the prepared fruits using a blender and give to the child warm.

You can prepare applesauce for babies for the winter, this is done as follows:

Take one kilogram of apples;

Take one spoon of sugar (preferably cane);

Peel and finely chop the fruits;
pour 500 ml of water into a saucepan, put chopped apples, put on fire;

Bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes;

Prepare small jars that need to be sterilized in advance;

Place the prepared puree into jars, close the lids and place in a dark place.

2. Pear puree. Pear puree For an infant, it should be prepared from soft fruits. Don't forget that you can only use pear pulp for up to 12 months.

The fruit must be washed well, the skin removed, all the seeds removed, and cut into small pieces. Then the fruit is thoroughly crushed until smooth using a blender. If desired, you can add a little milk mixture to the prepared puree or breast milk.

3. Banana puree. Banana puree, which is prepared independently at home, has a beneficial effect on the baby’s sensitive gastrointestinal tract, as well as on its immunity. If your baby has upset stool, a banana will help normalize it and reduce gas formation.

To prepare a banana delicacy, you should take only ripe yellow fruits. The fruit must be thoroughly chopped, mashed with a fork, or crushed through a sieve. You need to add a little breast milk or formula to the finished puree. This is necessary so that the consistency of the dish becomes more liquid.

4. Prune puree. This puree should be given to infants with caution, as it has a powerful laxative effect.

To prepare dried fruits, pour boiling water over them and soak for 30 minutes. Then the berries are thoroughly crushed with a blender until a puree of uniform consistency is obtained.

How to store baby puree

Homemade puree can be stored. To do this, you need to put it in small portions into ice trays and put it in the freezer.

When vegetable preparations Once cooled, they must be removed from the molds and placed in a container intended for long-term storage in the freezer. For this you can use simple plastic bags or plastic containers. The date of preparation must be written on the container. Maximum term The shelf life of such products is 3 months.

Do not forget that all utensils and other accessories used for preparing baby food must be kept strictly clean.

You need to defrost the prepared puree in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

Portion-based preparations will help the mother increase the volume of food as the baby’s appetite increases. In this way, it is very convenient to prepare several products and alternate them throughout the week.

Please note that frozen foods retain all their nutritional value. This means that it makes sense to prepare a certain amount of puree, enriched with vitamins and useful microelements, at the end of the vegetable season, so that there is a supply of healthy food.

Your baby is ready to try something new when he can no longer get enough of his usual mother’s milk or formula; if he shows interest in your food, he can grab a piece and put it in his mouth. This usually occurs between about 5 and 9 months of age. So, it's time to introduce your child to vegetables. And for this you need to find out how to prepare vegetable puree for the first complementary feeding yourself or choose the right ready-made one, when to give it and what to expect from this innovation.

First vegetable puree: when and what to give

On the issue of complementary feeding - the timing of its start and the choice of ingredient - baby nutrition specialists do not have a common opinion. Much depends on the health status of each baby, the individual pace of its development and the method of feeding.

If your baby is fed breast milk, he will not need anything else until he is six months old. And after six months, mother’s milk alone is not enough to provide the developing baby’s body with all the important substances. Then it comes " finest hour» vegetable puree. By this time, not quite strong digestive system is already able to handle a new product without the risk of gas or diarrhea. For kids on artificial feeding the most suitable time is the age of 4 or 4.5 months.

By the way, the actual date of introduction vegetable complementary foods It differs in different parts of the world: in Europe, for example, this occurs at 3-4 months of a baby’s life. In particular, German pediatricians do not hide the fact that the goal of these activities is the gradual persistent weaning of the child from the breast to a more advanced age. early date, mainly so that my mother could return to work sooner.

Its time to begin

Your baby can already try vegetable puree if:

  • his weight has doubled since birth;
  • he can eat in an upright position;
  • he can chew food with large pieces.

Experts recommend starting complementary feeding with vegetables, not fruits. Otherwise, an early addiction to sweets will form, followed by a refusal of other healthy foods, caries may develop and metabolism may deteriorate (plus an extra load on the pancreas and kidneys). Vegetables are less “interesting” than fruits, but they contain all the vitamins and microelements necessary for growth.

If your baby’s weight gain is poor, the pediatrician may recommend introducing porridge into the diet first. In other cases, vegetables - best option.

It is better to start giving vegetable puree in the first half of the day so that you have time to monitor the child’s condition and track possible consequences feeding (allergies or digestive problems).

It’s okay if the baby turns away from the spoon, cries or spits out healthy food - just give him a little time and try these methods:

  • give new food at the next feeding or after a couple of days;
  • add some breast milk/formula to make the taste more familiar;
  • After a few days, give a puree of another type of vegetable.

You can feed your baby little by little, more than once or twice. Experience shows that children may agree to try puree only after ten or even fifteen unsuccessful attempts. But refuse to introduce complementary foods if the child is unwell or has Bad mood: He is unlikely to respond positively to experiments with his menu.

First vegetables

So, what vegetables should you start feeding with? With so many products to choose from, it can be difficult to know which ones are best for your baby and which ones you should hold off on. It is most convenient to use the universal advice of children's nutritionists, who have studied suitable vegetables for first feeding, their composition and beneficial features, and also determined the risk of an allergic reaction.

Type of vegetableCharacteristicsAllergy risk
Zucchini/squashUseful for children prone to allergies. Removes excess water from the body. Suitable for overweight children.
Not recommended for loose stools
CauliflowerContains a high proportion of vitamin C, it has a lot of iron and protein. Suitable for overweight children
PotatoIt contains potassium, phosphorus, and vitamins. High in calories. Lots of starch (to remove excess starch, you need to soak it in water for an hour before cooking). It is better to consume in small quantities.
Not recommended for constipation
CarrotIt contains more vitamin A than other vegetables (which is why it is good for the eyes), and many natural antibiotics. It has a pleasant taste.
It is better to start feeding with boiled carrots
PumpkinSaturated with pectin and vitamins. Low in calories. Suitable for overweight children

When deciding which vegetable puree is best to start complementary feeding with, give preference to zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli. After two weeks, when you are sure that the child is used to it, try giving him pureed pumpkin, carrots, white cabbage, green peas or spinach. Beets, tomatoes, and onions are offered from 9-10 months, when the child’s body can perceive them normally, and do this with caution, because they can cause allergies.

You need to choose foods especially carefully if the baby’s father or mother has had or has food allergies.

Vegetable purees from 4 months, and generally at the beginning of complementary feeding, should be monocomponent (from one specific vegetable). After becoming familiar with the listed products, if there is no negative reaction, you can offer your child multi-component nutrition.

Complementary feeding scheme

From the very beginning, vegetable puree should be an independent meal - breakfast or lunch. Vegetables will become a side dish only when meat and fish appear in your child’s diet.

So, a new dish should be included in the children's menu gradually, almost imperceptibly. When you introduce vegetable puree to complementary foods, the feeding pattern may look like this.

  1. Start in the morning with 1/2 teaspoon, then feed your baby breast milk/formula. Every day, double the volume and bring it to 50-100 ml, if the baby’s well-being and stool character have not changed.
  2. If the baby no longer wants to eat, do not insist - immediately offer him his usual food (breast milk, formula).
  3. If a negative reaction occurs (redness/rash/itching, diarrhea/constipation, abdominal pain) - discontinue the product, wait until the symptoms disappear and try another.
  4. Have you had a reaction to an increased amount of a product that was previously perceived as normal? Stop for a couple of days and then return to the previous amount of food.
  5. After the first week (with feeling normal child) completely replace one feeding with vegetables. Over the next seven days, adaptation to the new food will occur.
  6. How to introduce vegetables into complementary foods: each the new kind add one at a time to your diet, after 7 days (this makes it easier to track a possible reaction and understand what exactly it occurred to; it is recommended to keep records - date, type of food, dosage, reaction).

A “microdose” at the very beginning is the best solution. And the slower the volume per feeding increases, the less likely it is that the child will develop diathesis.

Buy or cook

Factory-made baby food is recommended for consumption by leading global and domestic health organizations. European and Russian manufacturers provide products of the highest quality, so the choice of parents depends only on their preferences and financial capabilities.

When purchasing ready-made baby food in a store, you should pay attention to:

  • integrity of the packaging (no dents, tightly closed lid);
  • color of the contents (if it can be seen through the packaging);
  • markings on labels (minimum age of the child, expiration date, manufacturer’s contacts);
  • compound.

Ideally, vegetable puree has an optimal uniform structure, natural color, is additionally enriched with useful substances, is hypoallergenic, and does not contain spices, preservatives, or “strange” additives, including starch as a thickener. It is sterile, it has everything you need nutrients regardless of the season.

If you want to make your own baby puree, choose your vegetables carefully. They should not have any defects, but they should not look too “glossy” (most likely, during cultivation they were fertilized with fertilizers unknown to you). The best thing is vegetables from a proven “grandmother’s garden.”

You can stock up on food for future use: for example, cabbage is well stored in the freezer, and carrots and potatoes are stored on the balcony in winter.

It is good to use a double boiler for cooking vegetables: this quick way, which will also preserve vitamins. Grind the vegetables through a sieve (for small volumes) or mash with an immersion blender. At about 10-11 months, you can knead food with a regular fork: inclusions large pieces will help your baby learn to chew.

Here general principles preparing a healthy vegetable dish for your child.

  1. Take one type (let's say broccoli), rinse in running water.
  2. Pour boiling water over the vegetable, chop and place in a saucepan.
  3. Pour the product with clean bottled water, cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes until soft.
  4. Drain the water (not completely), mash the still hot vegetables along with the broth.
  5. Add 2-3 drops of olive or sunflower oil(later you can increase it to 1 teaspoon), you can use a small amount of boiled milk.
  6. Stir until smooth. Don't add salt.
  7. Let the puree cool or slightly warm.

Important: Be sure to prepare fresh food before each feeding.

If you would like to try making different vegetable purees for children, the recipes we offer will help you with this. We remind you that these products can appear first in the diet, they will not cause allergies, will be well absorbed and will bring many benefits.

Zucchini puree

You will need a small zucchini (no cracks, dents or other damage) and bottled water.

  1. Wash the vegetable thoroughly, remove the peel, remove the core and cut into small cubes (about 1x1 cm).
  2. Pour a small amount of clean water over the pieces, let them boil, reduce the heat and cook for 15-20 minutes until they become soft.
  3. Drain almost all the broth, grind the boiled zucchini until smooth, without lumps (wipe with a sieve or use a blender). If the consistency is thick, pour in a little broth and stir.

Cabbage puree

You will need cauliflower (7-10 inflorescences) and 50 ml of purified water, breast milk or an adapted formula).

  1. Rinse the small inflorescences thoroughly, place in boiling water, leave to simmer for 10-15 minutes (the same amount of time will be required if cooked in a double boiler).
  2. Drain the boiled vegetables in a colander and cool.
  3. Mash with a blender or rub through a sieve, gradually adding water/cabbage broth (gr. milk or mixture). Bring to the consistency of liquid sour cream.

Carrot puree

Take 100 g of root vegetables, 25 ml of boiled milk, three drops of vegetable oil.

If you observe an atypical reaction of your child to a new food, you need to consult a pediatrician or contact an allergist for examination. And to avoid problems, it is best to try first of all hypoallergenic vegetable purees for the first complementary foods - they are perfectly digestible, provide the baby’s body with the necessary macro- and micronutrients, fiber, and vitamins. And only after getting used to them should you treat your child to purees from other vegetables.


Prepare delicious puree for children, one of the parents will be able to.

You just need to familiarize yourself with the secrets of proper cooking.

How to prepare puree for a child?

The dish is prepared from vegetables, dietary meat or a mixture of these products. It is recommended to use zucchini, broccoli, beets, carrots, cauliflower, and potatoes. Vegetables should be washed thoroughly in water. Next, peel off the top layer. Then rinse again in boiled water.

It is better to cook the ingredients in a glass or ceramic vessel with a small amount of water. The liquid should slightly cover the food. Each type of vegetable requires a different amount of time to cook. This needs to be taken into account. It is not advisable to cook different vegetables in the same container. It is better to choose a separate pan for each fruit. Then neither the taste nor the aromatic properties of the ingredients will mix.

As soon as the vegetables are ready, they need to be pressed through a sieve. A blender is also used to grind the mixture. If the puree is too thick, you need to add a small amount of milk, vegetable broth or boiled water. At the very end put a small piece butter or a little vegetable oil. In purees for children over 12 months old, it is recommended to add yolk and carefully chopped greens. There is no need to add salt and sugar to the first feeding puree.

How to prepare meat puree for a child? For this dish you need to choose lean poultry, rabbit or horse meat. The raw ingredient should be washed thoroughly under running water. cold water. There is no need to place the meat in water in advance. It is necessary to remove tendons, excess fat and films to make the dish soft.

The meat must be chopped into small pieces across the grain and placed in a pan with cold water. When the water boils, it must be drained. Next, wash the meat slices and collect new water. Blend the finished product in a blender until pureed. After the mass has cooled completely, add a little broth in which the meat was cooked. Sprinkling seasonings is not recommended. You can add vegetables to the main product, after boiling them and grinding them into puree.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that food for a child over 1 year old does not need to be crushed. After all, the baby needs to learn to chew food.

Before serving the puree to your child, you should try the delicacy yourself. This will avoid such troubles as feeding a cold product or scalding with hot food.

Meat baby puree


saline solution– 2 ml

boiled meat – 170 g

low-fat milk – 12 ml

butter – 6 g

flour – 4 g

Cooking method

1. Grind the boiled meat in a meat grinder.

2. Dry the flour to a pale cream color.

3. Brew with hot milk.

4. Stir the mixture thoroughly.

5. Mix the mixture with chopped meat.

6. Add the required portion of oil.

7. Pour in the saline solution.

8. Grind the mixture until pureed.

9. Place the dishes and contents into a container of boiling water.

How to prepare delicious vegetable puree for your child


carrots – 70 gr.

cabbage – 55 gr.

potatoes – 75 gr.

turnip – 190 gr.

milk – 130 ml

sugar – 11 gr.

butter – 7 gr.

sea ​​salt – 3 gr.

Cooking method

1. Wash the carrots.

2. Remove upper layer.

3. Rinse the cabbage under running water.

4. Remove the skin from the turnips.

5. Place vegetables in a saucepan.

6. Pour a small amount of water into it.

7. Pour in half the amount of sugar.

8. Cook vegetables for 20 minutes. Stir.

9. If necessary, add water.

10. Remove the skins from the potatoes. Wash.

11. Cut into large pieces.

12. Place in a pan with a mixture of vegetables.

13. Cook the dish for 30 minutes.

14. Press the cooked ingredients through a sieve.

15. Pour the milk into a separate container. Heat.

16. Pour into puree.

17. Add salt.

18. Boil the mixture.

19. Add the indicated portion of butter to the finished puree mass.

20. Whisk until the mixture is lump-free.

Purees for the little ones


fructose – 8 g

carrots – 65 g

breast milk – 78 ml

zucchini squash – 110 g

Cooking method

1. Wash the vegetables well.

2. Place in a saucepan.

3. Fill completely with water.

4. Place the container on fire.

5. Boil the ingredients until all the liquid has evaporated.

6. Pour milk over the boiled vegetables.

7. Add fructose.

8. Beat the mass in a blender.

9. Serve the puree warm.

How to prepare baby vegetable puree with beef


beef – 110 g

new potatoes – 120 g

carrots – 45 g

Cooking method

1. Chop the meat into medium pieces.

2. Boil until done. Don't forget to remove the foam.

3. Cut the thin skin off the potatoes.

4. Chop into strips.

5. Remove the top layer from the carrots.

6. Cut into cubes.

7. Add to the container when the meat is almost ready.

8. Grind the cooked meat in a food processor with a special attachment.

9. Pour the mixture over the vegetables.

10. Grind using a masher.

11. When the potatoes cool, the mashed potatoes will thicken slightly.

12. Lunch for the child is ready to eat.

How to prepare vegetable puree for a baby from 5.5 months


broccoli – 320 g

Cooking method

1. Peel the cabbage.

2. Divide into inflorescences.

3. Pour boiling water.

4. Cook in a small amount of water until soft for about 9 minutes.

5. Pour the broth into a separate bowl.

6. While warm, rub the cabbage pieces through a sieve.

7. Dilute the too thick mass to the required consistency by adding a decoction.

8. Pour breast milk into it.

How to make tongue puree


Boiled beef tongue – 220 g

Cooking method

1. Rinse your tongue.

2. Place in a saucepan.

3. Fill with water. Cook for 3 hours.

4. Lower for 5 minutes in cold water.

5. Remove the ingredient from the skin on all sides.

6. Chop into medium-sized pieces.

7. Grind into puree.

8. Add boiled water.

9. Serve the dish with a delicate consistency for dinner.

How to make baby meat puree


young veal meat – 65 g

vegetable broth – 55 ml

butter – 12 g

greens – 8 g

Cooking method

1. Wash the meat thoroughly.

2. Cut out bones and tendons.

3. Grind the fillet.

4. Place the pieces in a small container.

5. Simmer until done.

6. Cool the finished meat.

7. Scroll through a meat grinder with a mince attachment.

8. Press the resulting mass through a sieve.

9. Add broth.

10. Add a pinch of salt.

11. Bring the mixture to a boil.

12. Stir.

13. Put butter.

14. Add chopped dill and parsley.

15. Flavored puree for children can be served for lunch.

How to prepare vegetable puree for a child with dietary meat


milk – 26 ml

butter – 2 g

lean meat – 55 g

wheat flour – 5 g

potatoes – 95 g

meat broth – 66 ml

Cooking method

1. Wash the meat.

2. Chop into medium-sized pieces.

3. Place in a saucepan with hot water.

4. Cook with closed lid.

5. Sauté the onion.

6. Grind the cooked fillet and peeled onion through a meat grinder.

7. Place in a saucepan.

8. Pour the broth there.

9. Cook for 4 minutes with constant stirring.

10. Pour the browned flour onto a dish.

11. Pour in a small portion of broth.

12. Stir the mixture.

13. Pour into meat.

14. Cook the dish for 6 minutes.

15. Add butter.

How to prepare baby meat puree with rice cereal


rice – 44 g

butter – 13 g

milk – 130 ml

salt – 1 g

young and fresh veal meat – 105 g

Cooking method

1. Separate the meat from the film.

2. Cut the pieces into middle pieces.

3. Boil in a saucepan with water. Cook for 50 minutes.

4. Rinse the rice in clean water.

5. Boil in a separate bowl.

6. Grind the finished rice through a meat grinder.

7. Grind the minced meat using a meat grinder.

8. Mix rice with minced meat puree with a blender.

9. Place the finished mixture in a deep saucepan.

10. Pour milk into it.

11. Add salt.

12. Mix ingredients. Bring the mixture to a boil.

13. When the baby puree is ready, add the required portion of butter.

14. Appetizing dish ready. You can feed the baby.

    If several types of vegetables are cooked in a container, they must be added gradually. After all, every product has at different speeds softening.

    A dish prepared from different types vegetables

    It is better not to add salt to test portions of puree for children.

    You can add a few milliliters of sunflower oil to a dish prepared for children over 7 months old.

    Spicy herbs and feathers onions It is better to finely chop or beat together with other ingredients using a blender.

    Creamy and vegetable oil, as well as breast milk is added to purees to increase its calorie content.

    Too thick a mass can be diluted with boiled water or vegetable broth.

    During preparation mashed potatoes, it is better to place the potato cubes in a container with cold water. When you cook the product immediately in hot water, the outer layer of each slice will be more watery. This will affect the taste of the finished treat.

    Zucchini and cabbage puree is low in calories and is more suitable for feeding an overweight baby.

    You can add iodized salt to purees for children in the second year of life.

    To improve the nutritional properties of purees for children, it is recommended to beat in the yolk. The product must be whipped in a hot liquid and then added to the dish without bringing it to a boil.

    It is not recommended to reheat mashed potatoes that the baby has not finished eating. Treats may contain germs.

    Even after thorough chopping, cauliflower retains its graininess.

    It is advisable to serve the puree immediately after preparation. The longer a dish sits, the less vitamins it contains.

    You can dilute too thick puree with special baby water.

    Vegetables and meat must be of only the highest quality. The ideal option is products grown independently.

    To prepare the puree, it is advisable to use spring or filtered water.

Your baby is already quite an adult and you think it’s time for him to start feeding? Then you came across our article at the right time. Puree for babies is the best option, which is easily digested by the baby’s stomach; moreover, almost all children love this particular consistency of food. It is also good that pediatricians recommend starting the transition to “adult” food with various purees. To choose the right one or prepare the most delicious and healthy puree for the first feeding yourself, just follow our advice.

Purees for babies are adored not only by children, but also by their parents for their ease of preparation. The process consists of only a few simple steps, so it is remarkable for the everyday life of mother and baby: the daily bustle of the first year of life simply does not allow spending a lot of time on preparing extremely complex dishes. But in order for the introduction to a new type of food to go off with a bang, you need to offer it correctly. We'll look at another one important aspect: which puree for feeding your baby will be the best - purchased or made at home.

Why puree?

Puree is an ideal food for feeding infants, and there are several reasons for this:

  • Soft food is best absorbed by children's digestion.
  • To prevent introducing new food to stress for the baby, you can add a few drops of the usual breast milk or formula to the puree: this way the dish will not lose its taste, and it will not be so foreign to the baby.
  • The puree-like consistency allows the baby not to make any serious effort in order to get his portion of food: he practically does not have to chew (and, perhaps, there is nothing else to eat).
  • You can simply prepare the dish yourself or buy a ready-made product: the quality of modern baby food from well-known brands is beyond doubt.
  • If you decide to cook baby puree at home with your own hands, you can do it for future use. This luxury of saving time and effort is not available with all types of children's dishes, because most of them need to be eaten only freshly prepared.

When the time comes

In the first six months to a year of life, a baby can easily receive all the necessary substances from breast milk, and the inclusion of other products will be more of an addition than a replacement.

If grandmothers used to introduce a child to new tastes at the age of 3 months, today pediatricians strongly recommend starting the first complementary foods no earlier than six months.

Until reaching this age, the baby does not need any other food except his favorite sweet milk. As a rule, his immature digestion is not ready for gastronomic experiments. Another argument against early complementary feeding is that the sooner you offer your baby a new product, the more likely he is to react to it with an allergy.

For babies fed with artificial formula, the timing for the first complementary feeding is usually earlier.

Probably every mother wonders at what age it is possible to give her baby new food, and almost always doubts whether her child is really ripe for such a “revolution” in his diet. Often worries are in vain: the baby himself will begin to hint to her that he is ready for innovations. You will understand his signs by the following signs:

  • the baby will begin to observe with interest what and how you eat;
  • will ask for food more often;
  • will try to eat on his own;
  • if you give him something to try, he won't protest.

But when it is possible to give a child this or that complementary food is an individual question for each new item on the baby’s menu. Types of foods are differently suited to children's digestion and are characterized by varying degrees of allergenicity.

Fortunately, basic rules from pediatricians still exist and have been successfully tested for personal experience many mothers.

Memo for mom

Making puree for babies is quite simple. This dish usually quickly becomes a child's favorite. And if you decide that the time has come for your child to eat “adult” food, remember some important rules:

  • The ideal option for complementary feeding at the age of 6 months is a one-component vegetable puree, consisting of one ingredient. A little later, when the baby’s menu includes 1 introduced vegetable or more, you can mix the acquired ingredients and prepare a monocomponent puree.
  • It is recommended to start getting acquainted with new products in the form of purees according to the following scheme: the baby is first offered a teaspoon of the treat, then gradually, by slowly increasing the portion, the dosage is increased to 50 grams.
  • The first step on the path to adult food often causes bewilderment in the baby, and more often - whims and protests. In this case, the mother needs to be patient and not give up her attempts to introduce the stubborn little one to new food. Offer one type of food at least 10 times, and if the reaction to the product is equally negative, try using another vegetable to make puree for the baby.
  • No matter how bland and tasteless baby puree for complementary feeding may taste to you, it is forbidden to dilute it with salt, oil and spices. Your child is not yet familiar with other tastes, so the product will seem very edible and incomparable to anything, in the literal sense.
  • Even if you tried baby puree and wanted to spit it out, the baby should not suspect this. Here you need the opposite approach: share a new dish with your baby and eat it with great pleasure: this way you will arouse his curiosity about the product.

Cooked on our own It is better to offer puree to the baby immediately after cooling: the benefits and taste of a fresh dish are always higher.

We carefully select ingredients

In such an important issue as the introduction of complementary feeding to a baby, it is useful for every mother to know which products are optimal for the child’s body at the age of about 6 months.

The first dish for a baby is usually vegetable purees and sometimes porridge. Today we are talking about puree. The main criteria when choosing a product for its preparation are hypoallergenicity, benefits, safety and ease of absorption by children's digestion.

Universal components for complementary feeding include zucchini and broccoli: it is from them that most parents prepare the first puree in their baby’s life. When will he learn these simple vegetables, it will be the turn of pumpkin, potatoes, green peas, carrots, spinach and kohlrabi.

But the question arises: which puree is better, homemade or store-bought?

From mom with love

Many mothers with the best intentions prefer to prepare baby puree at home in order to provide the baby with the most natural food. This solution has both pros and cons.


  • you cannot be deceived in the naturalness of the process: after all, you do everything yourself;
  • in this case, the mother is the main expert on storage conditions and compliance with expiration dates;
  • baby purees prepared at home are always the freshest and healthiest;
  • guaranteed absence of preservatives, dyes and other harmful additives;
  • You can prepare the treat “in bulk” and store it in the freezer;
  • confidence in sanitary cooking conditions;
  • saving money, because it’s easier to buy necessary products for future use, rather than spending money on a jar of puree every time;
  • you determine the portion yourself and, depending on it, select the right amount of ingredients;


Making puree at home also has its disadvantages:

  • the complexity of the process is familiar to every mother of a baby who has chosen complementary feeding homemade;
  • making puree yourself takes a long time, and this time could be spent on more enjoyable activities: for example, playing with the baby;
  • the quality of purchased vegetables and fruits is often questionable, especially if you purchase them out of season;
  • The shelf life of a fresh product is limited to a day in the refrigerator, and even this is undesirable;
  • homemade purees are more difficult to take with you;
  • It is problematic to prepare small portions: especially in a blender, when minimal amount you literally have to scrape it off the walls.

Feeding from a jar

Often, due to lack of time or the presence of any convictions, parents of infants decide that making purees at home is not practical. Then store-bought products come to their aid.


Puree bought in a store is often also a good option, because it has significant advantages:

  • its quality is subject to strict government control;
  • Manufacturers have thought through everything for convenience: sealed packaging and long shelf life;
  • the main advantage for many women is that they do not have to waste time on cooking;
  • the food is completely ready to eat;
  • Manufacturers take into account the characteristics of the baby’s age and make the product in accordance with them;
  • In many purees, several ingredients are mixed at once: for example, vegetables and cereals;
  • often children's products contain additional vitamins;
  • You can read the entire composition on the jar to be sure of your purchase.


Unfortunately, store-bought purees for babies also have some disadvantages:

  • the nutritional value of store-bought treats is often lower compared to home-prepared treats due to the high water content;
  • the taste is sometimes less intense;
  • sometimes quality control is not the strictest and you can lose sight of the freshness of the ingredients and the correctness of the cooking technology;
  • the high price for one jar is also not encouraging;
  • Many store-bought purees contain unwanted salt and sugar.

Parental control

To make buying baby puree for complementary feeding a joy, you should know what to look for in the store.

How to choose

In fact, everything is very simple and, taking these points into account, any mother will choose the best quality product:

  • Evaluate the tightness of the packaging: the lid should be tightly closed, and the entire jar should be wrapped in film.
  • Don't forget to check the expiration date.
  • Special attention The composition deserves: there should be no unnecessary components.
  • The color of the puree should be the same as that of the main product in the composition.

Rating of the best manufacturing companies

Many mothers of infants are interested in which brand of baby purees for complementary feeding is the best. Parents make their ratings empirically and then share their observations. Among the most popular and high-quality ones are:

  • "Gerber";
  • “Grandma’s Basket”;
  • "FrutoNyanya";
  • "Subject";
  • "Agusha";
  • "Hipp";
  • "Semper";
  • "Humana";
  • "Haines"
  • "Nutrition".

Easy preparation

Don't know how to make baby puree at home? Basic delicious recipes children's dishes will help you navigate the technology:

  • The first puree for a baby is often made from zucchini. How to do? Very simple! Cook several rings of peeled vegetables for 10 minutes in a double boiler. Then grind the vegetable in a blender and rub through a sieve: the dish is ready.
  • Making broccoli puree is just as easy. Boil the washed inflorescences in a double boiler for 20 minutes. In a saucepan, frozen broccoli will cook for 15 minutes after boiling, while fresh broccoli will take only 5-7 minutes. Please note that the water should only slightly cover the vegetable. After this, puree the broccoli using a blender or strainer.

Preparing complementary foods at home: video

It is enough to learn how to prepare one puree for a baby, and the rest of the recipes will already seem simple.

We wish your baby delicious and easy complementary foods made from purees!