An extrovert and an introvert are two completely opposite personality types. Their characteristics have nothing similar - the former are used to living to the maximum, while the latter prefer peace and tranquility. But there is also a mysterious ambivert - something in between these two extremes. To understand your type, you need to understand all these complex concepts in detail.

General information

The concepts of extraversion and introversion were first introduced by the Swiss psychiatrist, founder of analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung. The scientist focused on interpersonal behavior and, according to his teachings, an extrovert is a person whose interests are concentrated on external objects, and an introvert is a person whose life direction focuses on subjective mental content.

Simply put, extroversion is characterized by talkative, active and friendly behavior, while introversion is characterized by a certain isolation and isolation. Both concepts are usually considered in one dimension; accordingly, high levels of extraversion in a person characterize low performance introversion, and vice versa.

Carl Jung argued that this personality typology is characterized by the direction of movement of libido (vital energy). According to this theory, the libido of extroverts is directed specifically to the outside world and manifests itself in the form of social activity, practicality, and a desire to communicate and explore new horizons. Such a person is not afraid to waste his own energy on surrounding objects.

An introvert accumulates energy and directs it to the formation of an inner world. This type of personality prefers immersion in imagination and reflection, detachment and loneliness to social activity. They are prone to deep introspection and self-criticism, do not like spontaneity and rarely express their own emotions.


To find out what type of personality you are, we recommend taking a test.


An extrovert filled with energy cannot imagine his life without friends, acquaintances and comrades. It is very important for him to be in the center of events and keep abreast of the latest news.

Main features and features

Representatives of this personality type are characterized by an active life position - it is important for them to be on time everywhere and always, to be as busy as possible. Such people often have not one, but several hobbies at once, in which they are ready to completely immerse themselves.

In addition, while walking around the city, an extrovert can say hello to dozens of people - their social circle is extremely large. Being alone with himself, such a person may begin to feel emptiness and loneliness. The main problem of extroverts is that they do not know how to relax. Inaction is alien to them, and sometimes such activity can affect their physical health.

Since extroverts draw vital energy from the outside world (people, pastimes, places and things), prolonged inactivity or communication with only one person devastates them and even to some extent deprives them of the meaning of life. But, despite the fact that such people are simply wasteful of energy, they should sometimes alternate between their time of superactivity and normal life, so as not to get bogged down in a whirlpool of incomprehensible events.

The main characteristics of extroverts are:

  • sociability and openness;
  • desire to be the center of attention;
  • love of performing in public;
  • initiative;
  • love of praise;
  • adaptability to new living conditions;
  • assertiveness in any matter;
  • determination;
  • communication skills;
  • increased emotionality;
  • tendency to aggressive behavior;
  • excessive facial expressions and gestures.


Dividing all people into “white and black” would be strange, to say the least - everyone has special character traits that must not be overlooked. That is why in psychology it is common to distinguish between “types” of extroverts and introverts.


Such extroverts make excellent entrepreneurs. They have that “gut feeling” that allows them to achieve stunning success in business. These people are quite purposeful and self-confident, they know how to get things moving so that even a hopeless idea can generate maximum profit.

In addition, representatives of this type love to engage in dynamic sports - among them you can often meet masters of sports in water skiing, athletics, boxing, squash. They don't accept "pants-wagging" - people who waste their lives and show no interest in anything are disgusted by such extroverts.

Also, people of this type are characterized by a certain thirst for power - they love to control everything and everyone, and they do it masterfully. The logical-intuitive extrovert is fair and even sometimes reasonable. He is used to studying own mistakes and often analyzes what is happening so as not to repeat similar mistakes in the future.

An optimist by nature who is not afraid to fall. It is quite problematic to dislodge such an extrovert. But it’s very possible to get angry (these people perceive the stupidity of others especially acutely).


This type of extrovert is distinguished by prudence and endurance. They tend to take on any job in the hope that it can eventually develop into a lifelong endeavor. Despite the fact that the efficiency of such people can amaze, they are not used to slacking - everything they undertake is done on time and at the highest level.

They know how to save when it is absolutely necessary. IN Everyday life They are not particularly extravagant, but they are never greedy with money. This is exactly the case when financial issue completely balanced.

Logical-sensory extroverts are not afraid to make non-standard decisions. They are confident that even the craziest idea can bring unexpected results over time. They are not used to spreading themselves thin - if they take on one thing, they will first complete it and only then take on something new.

They treat family members very warmly and do everything so that they do not need anything. In addition, they will always come to the rescue at the first SOS call, even from strangers - they consider giving a hand to a drowning person their life purpose.


The most impulsive, and sometimes even slightly unbalanced type of extrovert. Such people are characterized by chaotic thinking and frequent panic attacks. Very emotional - easily switches from a dramatic mood to a cheerful one and vice versa.

These extroverts have well-developed intuition, and they are especially able to “anticipate” bad events. Despite this feature, ethical-intuitive extroverts take a very long and painful time to make decisions. But, if such people still manage to decide on their thoughts, then they become unshakable.

They are very sensitive to lies, so it is simply impossible to be disingenuous with such a person. Quite often they retire and reflect on the meaning of life, which is extremely rare for other types of extroverts.

By nature, they are very impatient, and because of this they often abandon what they started without bringing the matter to its logical conclusion. But if they like the work, they will do everything possible to get the maximum result.

Often representatives of this type are in constant tension and cannot fully relax even during a night's sleep. That is why among them there are many irritated and nervous people who often perceive others with aggression.


Easily influences people around him through sudden emotional outbursts. They are very perceptive and easily determine what mood the interlocutor is in. This allows them to establish contact with people as effectively as possible and remain the “life of the party” for everyone.

They often joke and encourage others; they are optimists by nature. Ethical-sensory extroverts highly respect family and are ready to sacrifice everything (including themselves) for the sake of loved one. In addition, quarrels with loved ones are very difficult for them, so most often they simply do not allow conflict situations.

Charity is often chosen as a hobby - people of this type are happy to help everyone who needs it. But if they notice that others are being disingenuous and simply taking advantage of his kindness, the extrovert will become furious.

They are very courteous in everyday life, love to receive guests and try to please everyone. In addition, people of this type easily create comfort at home even from scrap materials.

They rarely listen to intuition and are accustomed to going ahead, which is why they often fail. Despite the difficulties, they are accustomed to solving problems on their own and rarely ask for help.


These representatives of extroversion often change their opinion and type of activity - it is important for them that their current hobby brings profit and pleasure. If one of the components disappears, the intuitive-logical extrovert will immediately begin to look for a more profitable business.

Such people are inclined to study everything new and ambiguous. They are often interested in esotericism and archaeology. In addition, many extroverts of this type are confident that they are endowed with “superpowers” ​​to some extent, and try to convince others of this.

But in fact, the most “mystical” feature of such extroverts is their developed intuition. But even despite their “gut instinct,” such people rarely use it and rely on chance.

They do not tolerate any boundaries or restrictions, so they change their place of work quite often. If you allow such a person to express himself as he pleases, you can achieve good results in any business.


The most “sensitive” representative of extroverts - perfectly determines the character of people, their desires, fears, tastes and life goals. He easily recognizes lies from his interlocutor, for which he often punishes him.

Possess developed imagination and out of the blue they can come up with a whole fairy-tale world. In addition, they are used to looking up to talented and famous people; they know exactly what they want from life.

They know how and love to give compliments just to please a close (or even not very close) person. They are happy to meet new people, since for an intuitive-ethical extrovert it is very important to discover new emotions and impressions more often.

Also, this type of extrovert is close to the logic of human relationships - they make excellent psychologists who really help people solve their problems. If an intuitive esthetician has chosen a different field of activity for himself, then, most likely, everyone in the team will still ask his advice, calling his colleague a “full-time psychologist.”

They are independent in life and do not need any help. But in emergency situations they can get lost, and then they turn to only those closest to them for support.


These extroverts have a powerful inner core and are not afraid of obstacles in their path. They try to find benefit in everything and do not waste their energy on trifles. In addition, such people have strategic thinking and are ready to lead an entire regiment to achieve one goal.

Sensory-logical extroverts know how to carefully influence people and can easily inspire anything. Their sharp mind and quick wit help them find a way out of even the most difficult situations. difficult situations. However, unexpected turns of events can unsettle them. Accustomed to always following a plan, such people are afraid of sudden turns, and I can’t always pull myself together quickly.

They are very assertive - this manifests itself in work and everyday life. They always work for results, so the process of performing any action worries them little. They can go overboard to achieve the desired success.

In the family they take on the role of “leader” and try in every possible way to “crush” their soulmate. They love to manage and do not always know how to stop it, which is why they can often cause pain to loved ones.

These extroverts love to be right and receive praise from others. It is important for them that the last word it was behind them, they do not tolerate disputes and refutations.


On a subconscious level, he senses people’s position in life – he has a strong influence on those who are weaker in spirit. But he is not interested in stronger personalities - with them he does not feel power, but remains on an equal footing.

He understands people very well and can find an approach to them in any situation. But a sensory-ethical extrovert should not cross the road - being in a bad mood, he can begin to take revenge and plot intrigues.

Doesn't always keep promises, especially in cases where he himself cannot benefit from it. He often acts as a conciliator, but if one of the parties “lures” him over with an interesting proposal, he will change his position without hesitation.

He always presents himself as an extraordinary person, and often compares his own successes with the failures of others. He likes to assert himself at the expense of others, which quite often irritates those around him.

He does not exchange friends - if a sensory-ethical extrovert develops warm feelings for someone, he will not be able to break off such a relationship even if there is a misunderstanding with his partner.

Extroverts should understand that society is not always ready to be “on the same wavelength” with them. To coexist normally with other types of people, you should adhere to the most basic advice.

  1. Sometimes it's good to be silent. Constant communication is, of course, wonderful. But sometimes you just need to listen to the silence and to yourself.
  2. You need to rest. Inaction is also action; if you never stop and live at a crazy pace, you can very quickly lose your passion. You should sometimes give yourself and your loved ones a short break from everything.
  3. It's important to start listening. When communicating with people, it is very important to listen to their opinions, and not constantly interrupt and impose your thoughts.
  4. You shouldn't control everyone and everything. No one likes to be closely watched - it’s better to give vent to your loved ones so that they don’t feel like they’re being “in control.”
  5. People can have their own things to do. If someone doesn’t write or call, it’s not because he’s such a bad friend who forgot about you. Everyone can have their own affairs, personal life - it’s worth finally understanding this and coming to terms with it.


The absolute opposite of extroverts are introverts. Quiet, calm, often flexible and reserved people who draw inspiration from their inner world.

Main features and features

Vulnerable and somewhat detached introverts prefer a solitary lifestyle. It is very important for them to remain in harmony with themselves in order to achieve the desired success in all endeavors.

For introverts, their thoughts, feelings and fantasies are much more important than real events. They can remain completely alone for a long time, without feeling sadness or melancholy at all. Quite the opposite - for representatives of this personality type, prolonged exposure to society is stress. Noisy and crowded places unsettle introverts, forcing them to adapt to the rhythm of life that is unusual for them.

People of this type are much more comfortable at home - it is introverts who most often create the most comfortable living conditions, supplementing their housing with the necessary details.

Despite the fact that many argue that introverts are not at all adapted to society, this is not true. This type of people gets along well with others if they do not cross their “borders.” In addition, introverts are very reasonable and, as a rule, make informed decisions, which is why many people like them. There are also several main criteria by which internal introversion can be easily recognized.

  • lack of spontaneity in character;
  • can be painlessly for a long time all alone;
  • hot temper and touchiness;
  • isolation and isolation;
  • a narrow circle of friends;
  • observation;
  • Analytical mind;
  • thoughtfulness;
  • fantasy and imagination are very developed;
  • patience;
  • ability to control emotions;
  • determination;
  • slowness.


As with extroverts, there are a number of types of introverts. According to the classification, there are two main types - sensory and intuitive, which, in turn, are divided into separate subtypes.


Such introverts are not used to imposing themselves on others and are used to solving all problems on their own. It is extremely rare to ask for help, but even in emergency situations they do it with great caution.

For sensory introverts The following features are characteristic:

  • absolute precision and pedantry in everything;
  • focusing on current affairs without much plans for the future;
  • the result they strive for in their work should be noticeable to them and others;
  • they love order and cannot stand scattered things;
  • always rely on accurate facts and do not listen to speculation;
  • believe that daydreaming and fantasy are a waste of time;
  • To do the job efficiently, they need precisely formulated instructions;
  • even minor details are noticed.

If we talk about more precise characteristics of sensory introverts, there are 2 more subtypes:

  1. Logical-sensory - these are people with strong logical thinking and able to structure even the most chaotic situation. They approach any issue from a practical perspective and do not accept various unfounded assumptions. As a rule, these people are careerists striving to occupy a high position in society. They like to command and often “go too far” - they can offend a person and won’t even notice.
  2. Ethical-sensory is a calmer subtype of introverts. These people are drawn to creativity, and the most important component in life for them is spirituality. They often engage in self-analysis, but are extremely rarely able to give themselves an adequate assessment. As a rule, ethical-sensory introverts are very closed - it is difficult for them to meet new people. But at the same time, such people are very charming, society is drawn to them despite their secrecy and privacy.


Introverts of this type are softer and more vulnerable than their sensory “brothers”. They are compassionate and merciful, often helping homeless people and participating in volunteer programs. They are used to living one day at a time and rarely make plans for the distant future.

The main character traits of intuitive introverts:

  • having your head in the clouds;
  • looks at any matter superficially and does not understand the details;
  • has excessive curiosity, so he often tries himself in new areas;
  • cannot plan a budget correctly;
  • afraid to solve problems on their own;
  • finds common language only with people he is interested in, considers everyone else useless;
  • loves to travel and is ready to go in search of adventure at any moment;
  • prefers quiet loneliness to uncontrollable fun.

To learn more about the nature of an intuitive introvert, you need to figure out what type he belongs to:

  1. Logical-intuitive - a person with an analytical mind. He loves to look for a scientific approach to any problem and successfully analyzes his own mistakes and the mistakes of his predecessors in any matter. When communicating with people, he is quite objective, but does not hesitate to point out the shortcomings of his opponents. Rarely shows emotions, for which others consider the logical-intuitive extrovert to be quite cold. In search of positive emotions, he makes acquaintances with bright and extraordinary personalities - it is they who inspire the somewhat antisocial introvert to new achievements.
  2. Ethical-intuitive - such an introvert is entirely driven by emotions. All decisions, even the most important ones, are made solely based on with your own feelings. It lights up easily, but also goes out quickly - the ethical-intuitive introvert often does not bring the things he starts to their logical conclusion. As a rule, he is endowed with a good sense of humor, but can joke and feel “at ease” only with the closest people.

How to interact with people

In society, it can be quite difficult to find common ground with every person. This is due to the difference in characters, interests and outlook on life.

Introverts by nature are rarely overly sociable, so to some people they may seem cold and even sometimes heartless. To make it easier to get along with others, there are a number of recommendations for introverts of any type.

  1. You shouldn't look for perfect people. You should perceive others with their shortcomings and characteristics, since in the search for an “absolutely good” person you can lose sight of your soul mate.
  2. There is no need to impose your opinion. Many introverts are quite stubborn; they tend to argue about any issue, proving that they are right. You should accept that the truth may be on the side of someone else and accept this thought.
  3. It's better to stop loving loneliness. Nobody says that it is necessary to always be in society. However, scientists have proven that socially active individuals live longer bright life than those who seek a friend within themselves.
  4. It's worth learning to be active. Lying on the couch and doing nothing is a sacred thing. But the more activities and hobbies a person has, the more interesting he is as a person. Accordingly, his horizons expand and many opportunities appear on the horizon.

Who is an ambivert?

An ambivert is a middle concept between an extrovert and an introvert. These people combine the character traits of both psychotypes - they are characterized by sociability and openness to people and society, which is also intertwined with love for their own inner world. As a rule, ambiverts are opportunists - they easily change their mood depending on the situation.

You can determine that a person is an ambivert even by his external signs:

  1. “Blossoms and smells” - ambiverts easily abstract from any situations, so they endure stress and life’s difficulties without problems. This affects their health - as a rule, ambiverts rarely complain of illness and are always full of energy.
  2. Restrained facial expressions and gestures - their every word and action is thought out and logical, they have laconic gestures. Ambiverts rarely say anything too emotionally and do not argue in a raised voice.
  3. Clear speech - representatives of this psychotype know exactly what they want from life. They know how and love to speak competently, which easily charms their interlocutor.

Regarding the most expressive character traits of ambiverts, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • communication skills;
  • sacrifice;
  • observation;
  • creativity;
  • unpredictability;
  • reliability;
  • self confidence;
  • developed intuition;
  • equilibrium;
  • tact;
  • wit;
  • consistency;
  • independence.

People who belong to the borderline psychotype between introverts and extroverts are prone to the following actions:

  • frequent and abrupt changes in decisions;
  • quick and painless adaptation to society;
  • duality in behavior depending on the situation;
  • communication skills and the ability to smooth out conflicts in any difficult situation;
  • thirst for new acquaintances;
  • creativity in any business and a complete rejection of stereotyped thinking;
  • protecting personal space from strangers.

When planning your work, take into account not only your personality type, but also the characteristics of your colleagues

Illustration: SXSW

The fact that each person has their own working style is immediately apparent as soon as you enter the office.
Some people are drawn to others and always seem to hang around with like-minded people. Others are much more effective if they work at home or in a quiet place. At lunchtime, some people like to read, while others meet up with former colleagues at a new restaurant.

The way you choose to work, socialize and recharge your batteries says a lot about your personality type. And we're not talking about the kind of surveys you can take on BuzzFeed. We're talking about what personality type you fall on the extroverted-introverted scale.

Are you an introvert, extrovert or ambivert?

Introverts are shy, while extroverts are relaxed. Simple enough, right?

Not really. This personality typology, coined in the 1920s by psychologist Carl Jung, boils down to energy. For example, introverts recharge their batteries and find “me time,” while extroverts seek connections at a party.

Here's a quick overview of each personality type and their variations.


Introverts recharge by spending time alone. And according to a paper written by Wellesley psychologist Jonathan Cheek and his graduate students, there are actually four levels of introversion: social, thinking, anxious, and reserved.

  1. Social introverts are closest to the general understanding of introversion. They prefer to spend time alone or socialize in small groups, but they are not shy or worried about others.
  2. Thinking introverts do not have an aversion to social events, but they tend to get lost in their thoughts. They are introspective, thoughtful and self-reflective.
  3. Anxious introverts are prone to loneliness because they often feel out of place around other people. And this anxiety does not always go away, even when they are alone. They tend to ruminate about everything that went - or could go - wrong.
  4. Reserved introverts think before they act. They move a little slower, their every action deliberate and thoughtful.


Extroverts are energized when there are a lot of people around. They don't mind being the center of attention, while too much time alone can drain them mentally. According to research published in the book Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, there are two types of extroverts: proactive and affiliative.

  1. Active extroverts are energetic guys. They are assertive, persistent and driven by success. They are comfortable in the spotlight and take on leadership positions when the opportunity presents itself.
  2. Affiliative extroverts are social butterflies. They are friendly, warm and can easily break the ice when talking to new people. Close relationships mean a lot to them, and they tend to have a very large group of friends.


Ambiverts are right in the middle and actually make up the majority of the population. According to Barry Smith, director of the Human Psychophysiology Laboratory at the University of Maryland, “ambiverts make up 68% of the population.”

Ambiverts thrive in social situations, but also value time spent alone. But for a long time they cannot do either one or the other. For ambiverts, balance is key, and whether they prefer introversion or extroversion can change depending on the situation.

Find out what type you are

Still not quite sure whether you are an introvert, an extrovert or an ambivert? Take this test from organizational psychologist Adam Grant and ask your colleagues to take it too.

After all, as Grant says on the Life Life podcast, “to work well with other people, you need to understand their personality, and they need to understand yours.”

There's no right or wrong personality type, but understanding whether you're an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert can help you determine what you need to do your best work.

Here are our productivity tips for every personality type


  • Monitor your surroundings. Open spaces were created to encourage collaboration, but it's not just the ease of communication that comes with your neighbor's dubstep music and dozens of conversations every day. An open office layout isn't for everyone, so don't feel like you're tied to your desk. If you need silence, find a quiet office corner or cafe. Or ask your office manager to set up separate cubicles for people who need to concentrate.
  • Focus on one-on-one interactions. Group projects and events in huge halls can be a nightmare for introverts. Depending on your role, you may not be able to avoid large meetings or group work, but you can still set aside time for more personal and meaningful one-on-one conversations. Chat privately with key stakeholders or meet with colleagues individually to feel more comfortable.
  • Slow down. The go-go mentality thrives in office life, but introverts tend to thrive when they dive deep into a topic or take the time to really think about an issue. But your team will never know about it unless you tell them. Be sure to let your manager know what style of work you prefer and get involved in projects that require deeper thinking.
  • Prepare for meetings: In meetings there are always two or three people who dominate. If you wait for the opportunity to speak up to present itself to you, you will have to wait a long time. To motivate yourself to attend meetings, review the agenda in advance and write down what you want to say. And try to do this early on, as meetings can easily stray from the main topic.


  • Create activity. A quiet office can be deafening. You need the white noise of music, chatter and movement to get your creative juices flowing. If you don't feel inspired at your work place, go to a coffee shop. Yes, just like your introverted colleagues. A cafe can be beneficial for any personality type. After all, who wouldn't want coffee and baked goods while working? Another option is to take a break, go outside and walk around the block. Sometimes all you need to feel refreshed is a change of scenery.
  • Load yourself with things, but be careful. If someone has a growing to-do list and running back and forth between different appointments can be stressful, then you are enjoying it. Use this to your advantage and offer to take on large projects with many components. But remember: it's easy for extroverts to overdo it. Keeping yourself busy will motivate you to perform at your best, but set boundaries to avoid burnout.
  • Schedule time to chat. You get energy from social interactions, but meetings aren't always "social time." Plan it for yourself. For example, lunch or coffee with someone new every week. This is especially important for extroverts who work in a distributed team and don't have the natural ability to socialize. If you work remotely, try working in a coworking space, take a group fitness class, or attend some local events.
  • Leave time for reflection. You excel at multitasking and easily cross off item after item on your to-do list, but this usually means you move from task to task without thinking about what you just did. So, after a big milestone, take 20 or 30 minutes to reflect on what worked, what didn't, and analyze the results.


  • Use your flexibility. Ambiverts can usually feed off the energy of those around them. Because you are a little introverted and a little extroverted, you can easily adapt to social, noisy environments while also enjoying a calm, reflective mood. When optimizing your productivity, consider the styles of the people you interact with and remain flexible so you can meet your own needs without compromising them.
  • Experiment and find what suits you. Depending on where you fall on the introvert or extrovert spectrum, you may find that some of the tips above apply to you as well. Or your mood may change different days. Try tips for both introverts and extroverts and see which ones work.

These tips are designed to optimize performance based on your personality type, but don't paint yourself into an introverted or extroverted corner. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone and try things that seem scary or uncomfortable.

Remain flexible to collaborate

Few of us are pure introverts or extroverts. Usually we, with all our individual quirks and habits, fall somewhere in the middle.

And while we tend to associate ourselves with one group of people more than another, this shouldn't get in the way of collaboration in the workplace. Introverts don't always have the luxury of quiet, deep reflection. Extroverts may have to work on projects individually. Both sides need to compromise and then everything will be okay.

After leaving the office, you can go back to that good book you were reading or meet up with friends and have fun. You replenish your energy in your own way and return to the office the next day ready to adapt to the unique types of other people.

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Extrovert, Introvert, Ambivert- these are the types of human orientation - to the outside world, inside oneself, or in between.

For selection future profession It is very important to know your personality type, because many specialties require a certain focus.

If you are an extroverted person, then professions that require a lot of perseverance and endurance are unlikely to suit you, and vice versa, if you are an introverted person, then it will be difficult for you to work, say, as a politician or to be a speaker.

To get to know yourself and choose the right profession, you are invited to take a test according to Jung: Extrovert, Introvert, Ambivert, or personality type.

Jung test questions extrovert, introvert, ambivert - personality orientation

Answer the questions extremely truthfully, representing your actual behavior in life. And answer questions less often Sometimes, since they stimulate the average response to the test.

Go through a full psychodiagnosis and testing online to know yourself in everything.

Extroversion, Introversion and Ambiversion are related to a person's temperament types, and the latter is related to character.

For example, Cholerics and Sanguines by temperament are Extroverts, and Phlegmatic and Melancholic - Introverts.

Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - extraversion, introversion

Ambivert is a personality type of people who fall between introverts and extroverts. They have characteristics of both of these personality types, and can even adapt depending on the situation.

It actually looks like you are equally good with both left and right hand, only such a comparison applies to personality types. "Ambivert" is a relatively new term.

You may be an ambivert if you feel that the terms “introvert” or “extrovert” do not fully describe you.

Watch this video to see the characteristics of extroverts, introverts and ambiverts

Now let's define it in detail for you. You are an ambivert if:

1. You feel comfortable talking to new people, but also like to be alone

When you need a recharge, sometimes a day alone will be a nice change of pace, and other days it will be great to spend time with friends.

If you have plans for the weekend, that's great. But if they are cancelled, that's also good, since in any case you have something to do.

2. You know when to actively communicate and when to be reserved. It is natural for you to adapt to the situation.

When you're with someone who exhibits extroverted or introverted qualities to the extreme, you tend to balance the situation by becoming the opposite personality type.

It became a subconscious habit. With a group of outgoing people, you are not trying to “throw wood on the fire.” And when there are quiet and modest people around, you feel the need to liven things up.

3. When you read about the characteristics of introverts or extroverts, you may notice qualities of both types in yourself.

Even if you lean slightly towards a certain personality type, it looks like this: some days you consider yourself an extrovert, but other days you exhibit the qualities of an introvert.

You tend to draw attention to yourself in more intimate settings at dinner parties or barbecues, but at larger events such as concerts, you don't want to stand out from the crowd.

4. Sometimes you actively express yourself, and at other times you simply observe the environment and people around you.

Being alone is not difficult or stressful for you. But with company you feel good when you just listen or laugh with everyone. You are comfortable thinking about yourself, especially when you understand that you can say nothing and the communication will continue.

5. Small talk doesn't intimidate you, but it does seem a little disingenuous at times.

You see the point in starting small talk as it leads to the opportunity to have a full conversation. After all, you still need to start somewhere.

6. You can do something alone or with a group, you are comfortable either way.

Introverts really like to do things alone, while extroverts like to spend time in company. You will be equally comfortable in both cases. Some days you would prefer one option over the other, but most days you don't have a clear preference.

7. Some people would describe you as a quiet person, while others would say that you are very outgoing.

Colleagues or classmates who have only seen you in professional and academic settings know you as a reserved person because that is how you behave in these situations.

But what they don't know is that when the time comes, you can be completely comfortable in another role.

8. Spending a lot of time in company can make you feel exhausted, but being alone for a long time can also leave you depressed.

When you've been working on your own for a while, you like to take a break and talk to people. Your worst option would probably be to work alone for long periods of time.

However, getting away for a while after spending some time with people is also great. Perhaps you didn't even realize that this was exactly what was needed.

Essentially, being an ambivert is being a "jack of all trades." Ambiverts are quite flexible individuals and can adapt well to any environment.

Among them there are those who exhibit the qualities of an introvert or an extrovert, but a significant proportion of ambiverts exhibit these qualities in equal proportions.

Wouldn't it be great if personality tests like the Myers-Briggs included an ambivert option?

Reading time: 2 min

Introvert and extrovert are fundamentally different psychological personality types. In psychology, there are three psychotypes: introvert, extrovert, ambivert. The terms introvert and extrovert refer to two extremely opposing personality types. An extrovert is a type of personality whose behavior is directed towards the people around him and actively interacts with them. An introvert is a type of personality whose actions are directed inward, that is, towards oneself. An ambivert is a person who combines all the qualities of an extrovert and an introvert.

The definition of extrovert and introvert is the following characteristics. Extroverts prefer to communicate with by different people, try to attract the attention of others, so they often participate in public speeches, competitions, and crowded events.

Introverts are not so focused on communication and various activities; they are more comfortable spending time alone with internal thoughts, worries or feelings. Introverts are often creative people, they also prefer to observe any social processes from the side, but not take part in them.

For an extrovert to feel comfortable, he needs to have people around him whose help he can also use in a collective matter. An introvert, on the contrary, is alien to everything that involves interaction with others; he is comfortable working alone, with on our own without expecting or accepting help from anyone.

The concepts of introvert and extrovert are one of the basic characteristics of a person, since they determine the direction of behavior, basic motives and the nature of relationships.

Introvert and extrovert, who is it?

The definition of an extrovert and an introvert lies in the characteristics of their energy. Since all vital processes are energy-consuming, the method of compensating for this energy is very important process for every person. Typically, recuperation occurs through food and sleep; only individuals need additional resources. Thus, extroverts need company; from communication they receive an additional charge of positivity and strength. Without active interaction with other individuals, extroverts begin to “wither” before our eyes. Introverts have enough sleep; they can go through the day without communicating with anyone. From this definition it follows that an extrovert is to some extent " energy vampire" An “energy vampire” is a person in need of energy recharging. He replenishes his reserves by absorbing the energy of other people, doing this in a non-constructive manner.

Thus, an energy vampire is an extrovert who gains energy through causing pain to other people (offending, threatening, blackmailing, criticizing).

But if we say that an extrovert is an energy vampire, then we must first indicate that not all extroverts are such. Most extroverts who gain energy from people do so through kindness, benefiting those around them.

To understand the difference between an extrovert and an introvert, you need to observe a person’s behavior. Behavior best expresses the whole essence.

Often, almost all people in friendly companies tell jokes to each other from time to time, but there is a person in the company whose jokes always seem to be the funniest, most cheerful and amusing, and everyone is ready to listen to this person for hours. This person is without a doubt an extrovert who brings pleasure to other people and enjoys it himself.

In every office, every company or factory, you can find an extrovert and an introvert among the workers. And each of them, both extrovert and introvert, has advantages and disadvantages. For effective activity and performance, it is necessary that all the advantages of an extrovert and an introvert are fully used one hundred percent. Disadvantages, in turn, on the contrary, must be tried to be processed in order to turn them into advantages.

We can highlight the main advantages of an introvert in his professional activity. An introvert's tendency to individual work prevents many problems, since all responsibility for implementation lies with him alone and in the event of any misunderstandings, all questions will be put to only one introvert, and he, in turn, knows well what he is doing and he will have no one to shift the blame to.

Professionally significant advantages of an extrovert: the ease of making new contacts allows an extrovert to conclude successful deals and conduct interviews. Extroverts are so self-confident and sociable that it doesn’t really matter to them who stands in front of them, whether it’s an ambassador or an ordinary worker, they know their job, their work is their life.

Extroverts are sociable among friends and no less sociable at work. Extroverts do not have public speaking; on the contrary, the more they see people in front of them whose eyes are fixed on them, they feel more and more self-confident because they are saturated with the energy of those gathered.

In addition to the advantages of introverts, they also have disadvantages. Due to their personal characteristics, introverts do not communicate well with their boss or work colleagues if they have to meet. Through too solitary work, introverts' communication skills may become even more difficult, since there is no need for communication, and they do not have to talk to anyone at all at work. Lack of ability becomes big problem for introverts, but if their work involves solitary activities, then they will do it on high level.

Although extroverts are loved and accepted by almost everyone in their circle, because they are active, sociable, want to develop, and self-actualize, at first it seems difficult to identify any of their shortcomings. But precisely because extroverts are too active, they are mistaken for irresponsible people, since their mood can change quite often, and this affects their performance. An extrovert in business and personal communication, in most cases, does not worry about the comfort of the interlocutor or client. Even if a person expresses negative reactions, the extrovert also accepts them, because this is also energy. Extroverts have a weakness in public speaking, so if an extrovert gets too carried away with his performance, he can turn it into a farce.

Extroverts and introverts can be given some recommendations, using which they can develop patterns of behavior similar to those of the opposite personality type.

Introverts must learn to communicate with people in such a way that they receive only positive reactions from the interlocutor or from his listener. To do this, they need to be patient and force themselves to communicate with others, especially with those with whom they should bring certain success.

Introverts who do not like to communicate, but must do so, due to business or personal circumstances, can find among people a person who likes to talk a lot, then there will be no need to put much effort on the part of the introvert, since a talkative, especially superficial person will enjoy the company of such a “ active" listener and will talk incessantly, and the introvert, in turn, will receive what he wanted - the necessary connections.

Extroverts may wish to learn to control the communication process in order to be able to stop the moment they see that the interlocutor is tired of their monologue or the expression of any other negative reaction. An extrovert needs to learn to curb his emotions and put the interests of his interlocutor in a high place, and not show dominance of his own interests.

In individual psychology, there are three types of personalities: introvert, extrovert, ambivert.

Extrovert and introvert have already been discussed above; it remains to define the type of ambivert. An ambivert is a person who combines the properties of two types: an extrovert and an introvert. That is, an ambivert at times becomes the life of the party, that is, an extrovert, but often he may have a desire to be alone, like an introvert. These are people whom you sometimes don’t immediately notice in big company, but in a close circle they are quite sociable. An ambivert is capable of speaking publicly in front of people, but may have trouble making new contacts.

How to determine an introvert or an extrovert

You can determine whether you have an introverted or extroverted psychological type using special tests designed to determine your personality type. Here is an example of the most frequently asked questions to determine the psychological type of an extrovert or an introvert: am I comfortable working alone, is it easy for me to communicate with people, especially new ones, do I have a craving for public speaking or a tendency to be in the center of attention, and other similar questions.

To understand how an extrovert differs from an introvert, you can even just look at any of them. public speaking. The emotional content of this speech will be completely different for both an extrovert and an introvert. An extrovert will begin his speech with humor, ask the audience how they are doing, and pose some leading questions regarding the topic, which an introvert will never do.

The introvert begins his speech with a measured, calm narrative, gradually increasing the emotionality of his speech.

To determine how an extrovert differs from an introvert, you need to take a good look at the people around you, observe the differences in their behavior and draw conclusions about what type of person you just interacted with.

An introvert likes solitude, self-absorption, during which he dreams, fantasizes or thinks. Introverts, even if they come to some kind of party, try to stay away from others; they like loneliness and tranquility. Introverts can use their characteristics for professional purposes, certain life events that require concentration and planning from a person. An introvert knows well what and why he is doing, he will not make unnecessary movements or interact with outside world, if there is no reason for it. The character of an introvert is calm. He is a reasonable and balanced person. An introvert will not make categorical hasty decisions; he will think through all the options and choose the most effective one from all sides. Often such deliberation borders on indecisiveness and slowness. In their personal lives, introverted women are guardians hearth and home, caring mothers. Introverted men are wonderful and faithful husbands, but they can often be used by manipulative wives.

Extroverts are distinguished by high activity, courage, and spontaneity. This is both their strength and weakness. Extroverted individuals strive to be leaders in everything and to be publicly recognized. For them, the most important are manifestations of recognition of their merits, rather than the real value of their actions and achievements. They never get tired of the company of people, because communication adds energy to themselves.

Extroverts are very easy-going, proactive and decisive. Sometimes their determination borders on recklessness. They are the soul of the company, they are leaders and leaders. Using their power, they can become arrogant and selfish. Nothing will stop them on the path to achieving success; they are confident in their actions and don’t need anything else. IN love relationships extroverts always take charge. Therefore, if a couple in love consists of two extroverts, then in the event of a quarrel they will defend their rightness to one another, loudly sorting out the relationship.

It should be noted that there are not so many clearly defined psychotypes. Often an extrovert is simply a person who likes to talk more than others. In fact, every person has qualities of both types, it’s just that their manifestation is different, some traits may be more revealed, others less.

For example, a person can be cheerful, cheerful, smile at everyone and always, but he has periods when he does not want to communicate with anyone, he is immersed in his own inner world, can mask their problems by being overly active and sociable. This kind of extraversion is false. Introverts, who are so slow to react, can make a decision quickly enough at the right moment and then not regret it.

The compatibility of an introvert and an extrovert can be most clearly observed in the relationship between a man and a woman. Such opposite types are examples of fairly strong unions. They complement each other perfectly. At the right moment, they can cheer up or, on the contrary, calm down their partner, and it doesn’t matter at all which of them has which type.

Introverts quickly tire of each other, since none of them is the first to take the initiative and they can remain inactive for a long time, immersing themselves in themselves. A couple of extroverts often conflict, their quarrels can last a very long time, since none of them wants to give in, they feed on each other’s energy, such relationships require strong nerves.

As you can see, the compatibility of an introvert and an extrovert is quite natural, although at first glance it would seem to some that this is far from the case.

In both psychological types there are both positive and negative qualities, why choose which one is better is reckless. Therefore, both introverts and extroverts must be present in life, as has already been demonstrated in the examples of couples above. It’s just that each person, due to his understanding of his personal characteristics must be able to adapt to other people in order to ensure a fulfilling life, a good relationship with the surrounding world and people.

How can an introvert become an extrovert?

Surely there are individuals who are concerned about the question: can an introvert become an extrovert? The answer is: “if you really want...”. But it is important to understand that it will be very difficult for a person who has lived his entire adult life as an introvert to rebuild his attitudes, worldview, and behavior.

In fact, why do this at all if a person is comfortable being an introvert and feels comfortable in his body. But, if an introvert personally wants to change his worldview, reconsider his views, transform his personality, because he needs it, then he can try to change.

It is important to understand that the attempts of introverts to become an extroverted person may at first seem clumsy and smack of affected behavior, but gradually the person will acquire new skills and abilities. This is unlikely to greatly affect his personal attitudes, but from the outside an introvert may well appear to be an extrovert. So, can an introvert become an extrovert? Answer: partially. Below are some ways to become an extrovert.

The first piece of advice that will be given to introverts is to find a zone of “productive discomfort” for themselves. This means finding a state that goes beyond the ordinary, in which a person will feel more productive and active. It is this state of discomfort that leads to increased productivity. So, a person finds new job and feels a certain awkwardness or discomfort, but he gets over himself and tries to work effectively.

You can also go traveling to places where there are no privileges material world. Only by leaving the personal comfort zone, opening up to the world, can an introvert experience the feelings that an extrovert feels when enjoying novelty.

You just have to start doing it small. For example, if an introvert always stayed alone in the office during his lunch break, ordering food for delivery, then he needs to go out with his colleagues for lunch at a cafe once.

A useful way to change yourself is to challenge yourself, for example, you need to do something completely out of character once or twice a week, something that you always wanted to do, but your internal complexes did not allow it. Extroverts do not feel prohibitions, they succumb to internal impulses, and it does not matter whether they greatly regret it. You need to push yourself to stop giving in to internal barriers; they need to be destroyed.

Just don’t immediately make plans for Napoleon, you need to gradually enter a new state for yourself. For example, start saying hello to your neighbors, stop to chat with them for a minute, ask people on the street what time it is, sign up for some courses, and much more.

If an introvert decides to attend some event, a crowded event, he can find others like himself at it. There, often there are always people who do not do what everyone else does, they do not play games, do not take part in competitions, and stand aloof. Perhaps they have a similar situation, maybe they came to such an event in search of new acquaintances, but are afraid to take the first step. In this case, you can be the first to take the initiative, demonstrate your unobtrusive company and begin a good acquaintance.

It might be even better if you use your indecision for your own purposes. For example, start a conversation by saying that you are here for the first time and don’t know anyone, don’t know how to start a conversation with all these strangers. Thus, due to your sincerity, you can win over a person and relieve tension. You just need to think in advance what questions you can ask other people, what exactly to tell about yourself, so that there are no awkward pauses in conversations.

You can use one proven method: simply ask the person how he got to this event, what attitude he has towards it and what he actually does during his usual time. People love to talk about themselves. Thus, it turns out that the introvert doesn’t say much, but he has established contact, and his partner will remember him as a pleasant interlocutor.

If it is not possible to attend some events, then you can organize them at home, this way you can get to know people better, and the atmosphere will help relieve tension.

It is important, after the efforts spent on increasing social activity, to take a restorative rest. Still, an introvert has to spend a lot of moral and physical strength to communicate with people. At home, alone, he can spend time as he feels comfortable, in complete silence.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"