Armed forces of the world

Despite the very weak economy and almost complete international isolation of the DPRK, its armed forces (KPA - Korean People's Army) remain one of the largest and strongest in the world. The KPA is being built under the slogans “juche” (“reliance on one’s own strength”) and “songun” (“everything for the army”). During the Cold War, North Korea received military assistance from the USSR and China. Currently, this assistance has completely stopped: from Russia - due to the low solvency of Pyongyang, from China - due to its extreme dissatisfaction with the policies of the DPRK. Almost the only partner of the DPRK in the military field is Iran, with which there is a constant exchange of military technologies. At the same time, Pyongyang continues to develop nuclear missile program and support enormous conventional forces. The country has a developed military-industrial complex, capable of producing almost all classes of military equipment: missiles, tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery pieces and MLRS, warships, boats and submarines, both based on foreign projects and our own designs. The only things that have not been created in the DPRK are airplanes and helicopters, although it is possible to assemble them from foreign components (if any).

Due to extreme secrecy North Korea, information about its aircraft, especially about the amount of equipment, are approximate and estimated, and this is exactly how they should be approached.

Rocket Forces KNA include significant amount ballistic missiles of various ranges.

Special Operations Forces The KPA are at least the fourth largest in the world in size (after the United States, China, and the Russian Federation), and perhaps even second after the American ones. CCOs include three components.

Special forces of the ground forces - 12 brigades, 25 battalions.

Airborne Forces - 7 brigades, 1 battalion.

Marine special forces– 2 brigades.

Ground troops , whose number is almost 1 million people, are divided into 4 strategic echelons. Includes up to 20 buildings.

The KPA tank fleet includes up to 4 thousand main and at least 250 light tanks.

There are more than 1.7 thousand infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers.

The total number of self-propelled guns, towed guns and mortars can reach 10 thousand units. The number of MLRS exceeds 5 thousand units.

In terms of the number of almost all classes of equipment, the KPA ground forces occupy at least 4th place in the world. Such a huge amount of it largely compensates for its archaic nature. This especially applies to artillery, in terms of the number of barrels of which the KPA is in second place in the world after the PLA. North Korean artillery is capable of creating a real “sea of ​​fire” in the front-line zone, but it is physically impossible to suppress such a quantity of artillery.

Air Force The DPRK organizationally consists of 6 air divisions and 3 anti-aircraft missile brigades.

There are up to 200 bombers and attack aircraft, up to 600 fighters, more than 300 training aircraft, and up to 300 helicopters for various purposes.

All ground-based air defense is included in the Air Force. It includes up to 80 air defense systems divisions, up to 6 thousand MANPADS, up to 11 thousand self-propelled guns and anti-aircraft guns.

Almost all of the KPA Air Force and Air Defense equipment is extremely outdated. To a certain extent this is compensated by large numbers, but in this case the factor of quantity is much less important than for ground forces. However, the actions of any enemy aircraft at low altitudes will be extremely difficult due to the mountainous terrain and the huge number of MANPADS and anti-aircraft guns in the North Korean air defense. Old planes may well be used as kamikazes, incl. and with nuclear weapons.

Navy The DPRK is divided into the Western Fleet (includes 5 naval regions, 6 squadrons) and the Eastern Fleet (7 naval fleets, 10 squadrons). Due to geopolitical reasons, the exchange of ships between fleets is impossible even in Peaceful time, therefore, each fleet relies on its own shipbuilding base.

In terms of the number of combat units, the DPRK Navy may be the largest in the world, but almost all of these units are extremely primitive. In particular, North Korean ships and boats do not have air defense systems at all. However, the DPRK Navy has very significant potential for operations in coastal waters. Their greatest strength is the presence of a large number of small submarines, capable of both landing special forces groups on the enemy coast and operating against enemy ships in shallow waters. During regular skirmishes between North Korean and South Korean combat boats, the advantage, as a rule, is on the side of the former.

There are up to 100 submarines of various classes, at least two patrol ships (frigates), up to 30 corvettes, and up to 40 missile boats.

The DPRK Navy is practically the only fleet in the world that continues to operate en masse torpedo boats(at least 100 units). There are up to 200 patrol boats, up to 30 minesweepers, and more than 300 landing ships and boats.

Coastal defense covers the entire coast of the DPRK. It consists of 6 brigades.

In general, the noticeable technical backwardness of the KPA is largely compensated by the huge number of weapons, equipment and personnel, a good level of combat training and the fanaticism of military personnel. In addition, the KPA is very well adapted to operate in the mountainous terrain that occupies most of the Korean Peninsula. This makes it the most dangerous enemy even for the three strongest armies in the world (American, Chinese, Russian) and completely invincible for everyone else.

DPRK Air Force North Korea photo , a people's democratic republic is one of the most secretive states in the world. Even in the era of dominance of satellite reconnaissance means, their composition and organization are far from completely known.

DPRK Air Force flag (left) and Democratic People's Republic of Korea Air Force emblem (right)

The date of creation of the DPRK Air Force is considered to be August 20, 1947. By mid-1950, they included one mixed air division (57th attack air regiment - 93 Il-10, 56th fighter - 79 Yak-9, 58th training - 67 training and communications aircraft) and two airfield technical battalions .
In the first days of the war on the Korean Peninsula, the DPRK Air Force acted quite actively, but very soon suffered heavy losses. By August 21, 1950, only 20 serviceable fighters and one attack aircraft remained in service. In the winter of 1950-1951, only light night bombers Po-2, Yak-11 and Yak-18 operated from the air force at the front. At the same time, within the framework of the United (Chinese-Korean) Air Army (UAA), North Korean aviation was being re-established on the territory of the PRC.
By mid-1951, it had 156 aircraft and 60 trained pilots. The arrival of MiG-15 jet fighters began, which gradually became the main type of combat aircraft of the North Korean Air Force. During the Korean War, North Korean pilots recorded 164 official aerial victories.

The leader of North Korea, has the military rank of marshal, Kim Jong-un photo with employees of the 1st Guards Air Force and Air Defense Division

Despite the presence of a fairly developed military industry (including missiles), the Democratic People's Republic of Korea does not produce its own aircraft.
In subsequent decades, the DPRK Air Force developed on the basis of supplies of Soviet aircraft. Airplanes also arrived from China. To date, the North Korean air force numbers (according to various sources) from 1100 to 1500 and even (according to data from various sources) 1,700 airplanes and helicopters. The number of personnel reaches 110 thousand people. The structure and locations of air units are not completely known.

Air Force bases of the DPRK (North Korea), far from complete data

The most numerous branch of combat aircraft of the DPRK Air Force is fighter aircraft. The most modern aircraft in its composition are the MiG-29, delivered from the USSR at the turn of the 80s and 90s of the last century. Vehicles of this type are in service with the 57th Fighter Aviation Regiment, stationed in Onchon and included in the air defense system of the DPRK capital Pyongyang.

The MiG-29 fighter is in service with North Korea, judging by the photo, the state of the fleet is deplorable, the plane is painted with paint reminiscent of oil, and this is one of the government’s propaganda, after all, the leader is present in the photo

The 60th Air Regiment (Pukchang) serves MiG-23ML fighters. The most popular type of fighter is the MiG-21 - the DPRK Air Force has about 200 such aircraft of several modifications, including Chinese copies of the “twenty-first” (J-7). They are armed with the 56th IAP in Hwangju, the regiment in Toksan and a number of other units. Finally, there are approximately a hundred extremely outdated J-6 and J-5 aircraft in service (Chinese “clones” of the Soviet MiG-19 and MiG-17F, respectively), completely unsuitable for combat air combat in modern conditions.

MiG-19 of the DPRK Air Force at the air base of South Korea (relations between the two neighboring states are very tense), in fact, a Chinese-made aircraft making exact copies of our MIGs

In the photo - J-6, hijacked on May 23, 1996 by Captain Lee Chol Soo to South Korea, see photo above - this is the same plane. There are about a hundred extremely outdated J-6s and J-5s in service.

Aircraft and helicopter fleet of the DPRK Air Force (approximate data)

Fighters DPRK Air Force North Korea photo

  • MiG-29/29UB - quantity 35/5
  • MiG-23ML - 56 pcs.
  • MiG-21 PFM/bis/UM - 150
  • J-7 - 40
  • J-6 - 98
  • J-5-approx. 100

MiG-21 is the most popular fighter of the DPRK Air Force, about 200 are in service

Bombers North Korean Air Force

  • N-5-80

Fighter-bombers, attack aircraft North Korea photo

  • Su-7BMK -18 Su-25K/UBK - 32/4

Transport aircraft, Il-76-3 pieces, Il-62 - 2, An-24 - 6, An-2 - about 300

  • CJ-6-180
  • JJ-5-135
  • L-39C-12

Korean Air Force helicopters

  • Mi-26-4
  • Mi-8-15
  • Mi-2-ok. 140
  • Z-5 - approx. 40
  • MD 500 - approx. 90

Also outdated is the bomber force, which numbers approximately 80 N-5 aircraft - Chinese copies of the Soviet Il-28 front-line bombers, dating back to mid-20th century technology. They staffed the regiments in Orang and Uizhu. According to Western sources, no more than half of all N-5s are in flight condition. Probably, approximately the same percentage of combat readiness is in other types of aviation. Fighter-bomber and attack aircraft are concentrated in the 55th Air Regiment, stationed in Sunchon. It includes about two dozen obsolete Su-7BMKs and approximately twice as many relatively modern Su-25s.
Auxiliary aviation
The basis of military transport aviation is a large number of(about 300) light single-engine An-2. Carrying out routine transportation in peacetime, in wartime they are supposed to be used for landing reconnaissance and sabotage groups behind enemy lines. There are only a few heavier aircraft (for example, An-24 or Il-7b) in the Air Force. The situation is somewhat corrected by the use of Air Korea for military transportation - formally civilian, but actually part of the Air Force. 1996 Training aviation is represented by approximately three hundred Chinese-made G-6 (a copy of the Yak-18) and JJ-5 (a two-seat version of the J-5) aircraft, as well as a dozen Czechoslovakian L-39Cs. Flight training is carried out at several air bases concentrated in the northeastern part of the country. North Korea's helicopter fleet is dominated by light aircraft.
Among them, American-made MD 500 helicopters stand out, purchased in Germany as civilian ones, and already armed in North Korea.

MD 500 Helicopters Inc purchased from Germany, later they were armed with the Malyutka ATGM

North Korean air defense systems

S-200 on launcher at the Hungary Museum

The DPRK has a very powerful and deeply echeloned (albeit obsolete) air defense system. In particular, there is:

  • 24 PU long-range air defense systems S-200,
  • 240 medium-range complexes S-75 and 128 - S-125.
  • Military air defense is represented by the Krug, Kub air defense systems, Strela and Igla MANPADS. And the anti-aircraft artillery fleet is measured at an astronomical figure - 11 thousand anti-aircraft guns!

After the Iraqi Navy and the Bulgarian Air Force, I decided to devote the next block of articles to an equally unexplored topic - the Korean People's Army (KPA). The DPRK itself is a mystery country, and what the KPA is armed with is even less known. so I'll start with small arms.

The armed formations of the Korean anti-Japanese resistance were armed primarily with captured Japanese: 9-mm Hino "type 26" revolvers mod. 1893, 8-mm Nambu pistols mod. 1925 and 1934; 7, 7-mm rifles "Arisaka" "type 99" mod. 1939, 6.5 mm light machine guns "type 96" mod. 1936 and "type 97" mod. 1937, 7, 7-mm heavy machine guns "type 92" model 1932

Japanese revolver "Hino" "type 26" mod. 1893

Japanese pistol "Nambu" type 14 mod. 1925

Japanese 7, 7-mm rifle "Arisaka" "type 99" mod. 1939

Japanese 6.5-mm light machine gun "Nambu" (Type 96) mod. 1936

Japanese 7, 7-mm heavy machine gun "type 92" model 1932

The partisan detachments operating on the border with China and in Manchuria were armed with Chinese weapons: 7.63 mm Mauser K-96 pistols (for example, the Mauser K-96 was the personal weapon of Kim Il Sung), 7.92 mm rifles Mauser arr. 1898 and its Chinese copy of the Chiang Kai-shek Mauser, 7.92 mm ZB vz.26 light machine guns, purchased in large quantities by China from Czechoslovakia in the pre-war period.

North Korean painting depicting Kim Il Sung and his wife Kim Jong Suk firing Mausers at the advancing Japanese

Chinese copy of the 7.92 mm German rifle "Mauser 98" - "Mauser "Chiang Kai-shek"

Machine gun Zbrojovka Brno ZB vz.26

After the defeat Soviet troops The Japanese created people's militia units, which later became the backbone of the Korean People's Army, the creation of which was officially announced on February 8, 1948, that is, seven months before the proclamation of the DPRK itself (September 9, 1948).

Soviet small arms began to enter service with both the people's militia and the established KPA: 7.62 mm TT pistols mod. 1933 and 7, 62-mm Nagan revolvers mod. 1895, 7, 62-mm pistols, machine guns PPSh-41 and PPS-43; 7.62 mm repeating carbines mod. 1938 and arr. 1944; 7.62 mm Mosin repeating rifle mod. 1891 – 1930; 7.62 mm self-loading rifle SVT-40 mod. 1940; 7.62-mm light machine guns DP (DP-27) mod. 1927 and DPM arr. 1944; 7.62-mm company (light) machine gun RP-46 mod. 1946; 7.62 mm heavy machine gun SG-43 mod. 1943; 7.62 mm heavy machine gun "Maxim" mod. 1910 and a 12.7-mm heavy machine gun DShK mod. 1938

Thus, in March 1950, the USSR decided to supply the following small arms to the DPRK:
7.62 mm rifle mod. 1891/30 - 22,000 units;
7.62 mm carbines mod. 1938 and arr. 1944 - 19,638 units;
7.62 mm sniper rifles – 3000 pcs.
7.62-mm light machine guns "DP" - 2325 pcs.;
7.62-mm heavy machine guns "Maxim" - 793 pcs.;
14.5 mm PTRS anti-tank rifles – 381 pcs.

And in total, before the start of the Korean War, more than 300 thousand rifles were supplied, more than 100 thousand carbines, more than 110 thousand submachine guns, more than 36 thousand machine guns (light, heavy and anti-aircraft).

Soldiers of the Korean People's Army during the Korean War of 1950-1953:

1. Sergeant in summer field uniform, 1950.

2. Private in winter field uniform, 1950 (The picture is controversial; the use of SKS in Korea is unlikely).

3. Colonel in service uniform, 1952.

During the Korean War, Chinese copies of Soviet weapons arrived in the DPRK from China: pistols "type 51" and "type 54" (TT), submachine guns "type 50" (PPSh) and "type 54" (PPS), light machine guns " type 53" (DPM), as well as a copy of the American M-3A1-"type 36" submachine gun

student members of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Guard (RKKG) with Chinese Type 36 submachine guns at a parade in honor of the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean War, July 28, 2013

In the DPRK itself, the production of PPSh-41 under the designation “Type 49” and PPS-43 was established.

After the end of the Korean War, the KPA continued to enter service, both Soviet and Chinese weapons, and weapons of our own production. In the DPRK itself, the production of pistols, self-loading carbines, machine guns, light machine guns, and anti-tank grenade launchers was established. Thus, currently the North Korean military-industrial complex independently produces 11 types of small arms and its annual production capacity is estimated at 200 thousand units.

Let's move on to the products they produce:

The main personal self-defense weapon of KPA officers is the Type 68 pistol, created on the basis of the Soviet TT. Its production began in 1968. It is shorter and more bulky than the TT or the Chinese analogues of the Type 51 and Type 54 TTs. They are easily distinguished by the presence of notches in the rear of the bolt of the Type 68 pistol. The internal mechanisms have undergone major changes. The swinging earring under the breech of the barrel has been replaced by a cam cut into the lug under the chamber, according to the principle used in the Browning High Power pistol. The magazine latch has been moved to the outer lower end of the handle. The TT magazine fits this pistol except for the mismatch of the catch cutout. The firing pin is held in the bolt by a plate rather than a cross pin as in the TT. The shutter lag has been significantly strengthened. The disadvantage of the pistol is that the radius of the arc is too large at the rear of the frame at the junction of the bolt and the handle, which puts a lot of pressure on the shooter’s hand between the thumb and forefinger. This cannot be corrected without a major change in the design of the trigger mechanism. The locking method is according to the Browning High Power scheme. Currently, production of the Type 68 pistol has been discontinued.

Caliber - 7, 62 mm
The cartridge used is 7.62x25 TT
Initial bullet speed - 395 m/s
Weapon length - 182 mm
Barrel length - 100 mm
Height - 132 mm
Weight - 0.79/0.85 kg
Magazine capacity - 8 rounds

Based on the Browning pistol of the 1900 model, the Type-64 pistol is produced, using the Browning 7.65 × 17 HR cartridge. With the exception of the name, the Korean pistol is completely consistent with its prototype.

The automatic action of the Type 64 pistol is based on the use of recoil energy. It has a fixed barrel and a massive bolt. The return spring is located above the barrel. The magazine holds 7 rounds. Sighting device stationary, lethal range - 30 m. The safety is located on the left side of the handle and is activated by the thumb of the right hand. In addition to the standard model, there is a version with a silencer that is screwed onto the barrel thread. This weapon has a shortened bolt body.

Caliber - 7.65 mm
The cartridge used is 7.65x17HR
Initial bullet speed - 290 m/s
Weapon length - 171 mm
Barrel length - 102 mm
Weapon height - 122 mm
Curb weight - 0.624 kg
Magazine capacity - 7 rounds

Pistol Baekdusan ("Pektusan") - a North Korean copy of the Czechoslovakian pistol CZ-75

Caliber - 9 mm
The cartridge used is 9×19 mm Parabellum
Initial bullet speed - 315 m/s
Weapon length - 206 mm
Barrel length - 120 mm
Weapon height - 138 mm
Weight in running order - 1.12 kg
Magazine capacity - 15 rounds

Baekdusan pistol

"reward version" of the Baekdusan pistol

In addition to pistols of our own production, Soviet PMs and their Chinese copy, Type 59, are in service.

Chinese PM clone - "Type 59"

The DPRK special forces units are armed with the Czechoslovakian Vz submachine gun. 61 "Scorpio" and its modification with a silencer.

mannequin at the Seoul War Museum depicting a North Korean underwater saboteur with a Vz submachine gun. 61 "Scorpio"

The PPSh-41 and PPS-43 submachine guns, as well as their Chinese and North Korean copies, as well as Chinese copies of the American M-3A1-"Type 36" have now been withdrawn from service and transferred to units of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Guard (RKKG), which is the North Korean equivalent of the people's militia.

North Korean female members of the RKKG with PPS-43 submachine guns at a parade in honor of the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean War, July 28, 2013

In the DPRK, the Soviet SKS-45 self-loading carbine was also produced under the designation “type-63”. The carbine was produced in three versions: with a needle bayonet, similar to the Chinese "Type 56", with a blade bayonet, with an elongated barrel, equipped with a barrel grenade launcher, similar to the Yugoslav Zastava M59/66 carbine. Moreover, unlike the Yugoslav version, the North Korean version had a barrel attachment for firing rifle grenades that could be removed. Currently, Type 63 carbines are being removed from KPA service and transferred to the RKKG, and are also used as ceremonial weapons.

North Korean self-loading carbine "Type 63"

KPA honor guard with Type 63 carbines in “ceremonial” performance

Of course the main small arms The KPA is a Kalashnikov assault rifle. The first to appear were Chinese copies of the AK-47 under the designation "Type 56".

Chinese copy of AK-47-"Type 56"

The North Korean comrades were satisfied with the machine guns they received, and already in 1958, state plant No. 22 began producing copies of the Soviet AK-47 called “Type-58” and its landing version “Type 58B”, made of stamped steel with a folding butt.

North Korean copy of AK-47 - Type 58 assault rifle

KPA soldiers with Type 58 machine guns

The machine guns produced in North Korea were quite rough in the quality of their finish, however, like their Soviet counterparts, they were quite reliable and fired in any conditions.
In 1968, the DPRK weapons factories launched production of a modernized Kalashnikov assault rifle called “Type 68” and its version with a folding stock “Type 68B”. The North Korean AKM differed from the prototype in that its trigger was more curved. The folding metal shoulder rest had a different shape, while the Type 68B was lighter than any modification of the Soviet AKMS assault rifle.

KPA soldiers with Type 68 machine guns

North Korean soldier on duty with a "ceremonial" version of the Type 68B assault rifle

Some Type 68 assault rifles were equipped with a barrel attachment that allowed them to fire rifle grenades, similar to the Yugoslav version of the AKM Zastava M70.

According to rough estimates, at least 50 million units of Type 58, Type 68 assault rifles and their modifications have been produced in the DPRK, and this is in a country with a population of about 25 million people. Currently, these samples are being actively removed from KPA service and transferred to the RKKG, being replaced by a copy of the AK-74, chambered for 5.45x39 mm, which has become the main small arms of KPA soldiers, the production of which began in 1988 under the designation “Type 88”.

For a long time, due to the fact that the leaders of the WPK (Workers' Party of Korea) were stubborn people and did not have the spirit of bargaining characteristic of the Romanian or Chinese leadership, North Korean weapons were very rare in the world. However, in Lately Due to a catastrophic shortage of freely convertible currency, the DPRK began to quite actively sell off stocks of 7.62x39 mm assault rifles.
"Type 88" (other sources have the designation "Type 98") is a copy of the AK-74, but there are minor changes in the design: a different shape of the butt, variant Type 88A (analogous to the AKS-74), similar to the GDR MPi-74, metal magazines identical in design to stamped magazines of an AK assault rifle.

Some of the machine guns have a wooden frame, and some of the weapons have plastic fittings, like the AK-74M. That is, most likely, imported from Russia. On the early versions, the fore-end was wooden, the butt was plastic. On modern versions, both the forend and butt are plastic.

It is possible to mount a Type 88 underbarrel grenade launcher (a copy of the GP-25 Koster).

Once again, I draw your attention to an interesting phenomenon - in the DPRK army, ceremonial units, as well as distinguished soldiers, have polished chrome-plated weapons.

a distinguished soldier of the KPA army with a chrome-plated Type 88 assault rifle, given to him by Kim Jong-un, when visiting a military unit

Various types of sights have been created for Type 88 assault rifles in the DPRK.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un with a Type 88 assault rifle with an optical sight

However, recently the North Koreans again managed to surprise the whole world. Photos have appeared in which Kim Jong-un, the leader of the DPRK, communicates with the people, and is accompanied by military personnel armed with unusual machine guns with auger magazines made in the form of a long cylinder.

Experts believe that this weapon is nothing more than a North Korean variation on the AK theme. Gun blog TFB estimates the new auger magazine capacity is 75-100 rounds. There are no details yet regarding this North Korean modification of the Kalashnikov-type assault rifle. In particular, it is not known whether the North Korean leader’s security guns are equipped with auger magazines or whether this is a common combined-arms modification.

In a screw magazine, the cartridges are arranged parallel to its axis in a spiral. In such a magazine, cartridges are fed forward by bullets along a special spiral guide (auger) additionally charged by a spring. Screw magazines have the highest relative capacity.

When infiltrating South Korean territory, North Korean special forces fighters use unlicensed Chinese copies of American M-16-CQ 5.56 automatic rifles and Colt M4-CQ-M4 (5.56) carbines.

Thus, among the weapons of dead North Korean special forces from a submarine carrying out a reconnaissance mission in territorial waters South Korea, and due to carelessness, a North Korean submarine ran aground near the coast near the city of Gangneung on the night of September 18, 1996; in addition to Kalashnikov assault rifles, Chinese CQ 5.56 assault rifles were discovered.

North Korean sailors and special forces decided to break through to their homeland, but were spotted by a local taxi driver. For weeks, tens of thousands of South Korean soldiers combed the surrounding mountains in search of them. 12 North Korean special forces and 5 submarine crew members were killed, and the surrounded North Koreans committed suicide. By the way, none of the special forces themselves surrendered. With incredible difficulty, the armada of pursuers managed to capture only one of the northerners' team - Li Kwang-su. The South Koreans suffered incomparably large losses - total number the number of victims came close to 140, with a ratio of almost 1:1 in terms of the number of killed and wounded, in addition 4 died American soldiers. Several years later, according to information leaked to the South Korean press from local intelligence, it became known that the only North Korean special forces soldier who survived from that ill-fated boat, even after being wounded in the stomach, managed to pass through the heavily fortified demilitarized zone and return to his homeland, where he was accepted as hero. Moreover, the submarine crew itself, as we are now sure, was shot immediately after landing on the shore by their own special forces. Probably the commandos thought that the sailors, due to their poor physical fitness, would not be able to make the way back and might surrender. The government of the Republic of Korea paid the taxi driver who discovered the North Koreans a reward of several hundred thousand dollars.

The ending follows...

Based on materials from sites:

Despite the very weak economy and almost complete international isolation of the DPRK, its Armed Forces (KPA - Korean People's Army) remain one of the strongest in the world. The KPA is built under the slogans “juche” (“reliance on one’s own strength”) and “songun” (“everything for the army”).

During the Cold War, North Korea received military assistance from the USSR and China. By now it has completely stopped. Moscow is not satisfied with Pyongyang's low solvency, and Beijing is extremely dissatisfied with its policies. The DPRK's only partner in the military field is Iran, with which there is a constant exchange of technology. At the same time, Pyongyang continues its nuclear missile program and maintains huge conventional forces.

The country has a developed military-industrial complex capable of producing almost all classes of military equipment: missiles, tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery pieces and MLRS, ships, boats and submarines - both based on foreign projects and its own development. The only things that have not been created in the DPRK are airplanes and helicopters, although it is possible to assemble them from foreign components, if available.

Due to the extreme closeness of North Korea, information about its armed forces, especially about the amount of equipment, is only an estimate.

Rocket Forces include a significant number of ballistic missiles of various ranges. There are up to 16 divisions of Hwasong-7 missiles, also known as Nodong-1 (3 launchers in each division, a total of 200 to 300 missiles, flight range up to 1300 km), 1 OTR R-17 regiment (28 launchers , flight range - 300 km), as well as the Hwasong-5 OTR created on the basis of the R-17 (up to 180 launchers, 300-400 missiles, range - 330 km) and Hwasong-6 (up to 100 launchers, 300- 400 missiles, range - 500 km), up to 8 divisions of TR KN-02, created on the basis of the Russian TR "Tochka" (4 launchers in each, a total of at least 100 missiles, range - 70 km), 6 divisions of old TR " Luna" and "Luna-M" (4 launchers each, 70 km). IRBMs or even ICBMs of the Taepodong series are being developed.

KPA Special Operations Forces are at least the fourth largest in the world (after the USA, China, Russia), and perhaps even second after the Americans - up to 90 thousand people. The North Korean MTR is led by the Light Infantry Control Bureau and the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff. CCOs include three components.

Special forces of the ground forces: 9 light infantry brigades, 3 sniper brigades (17th, 60th, 61st), 17 reconnaissance and 8 “regular” battalions. Airborne Forces: 3 “regular” (38, 48, 58th) and 4 sniper (11, 16, 17, 21st) airborne brigades, parachute battalion. Marine special forces: 2 naval sniper brigades (1 each in the Western and Eastern fleets).

Ground troops, numbering almost a million people, are divided into four strategic echelons. First echelon located directly on the border with South Korea and consists of infantry and artillery formations. If the DPRK starts a war, its task is to break through the South Korean border fortifications. If the first strike is delivered by South Korea and the United States, the task of this echelon is to prevent enemy troops from advancing into the interior of the country. The first echelon includes four infantry corps and one artillery corps.

1st Infantry Corps: 2, 13, 31, 46th Infantry Divisions, four brigades - tank, light infantry, self-propelled guns, MLRS. 2nd: 3, 6, 8th infantry divisions, 32nd light infantry brigade, two more light infantry brigades, as well as tank, self-propelled gun, MLRS, and airborne brigades. 4th: 26, 28, 33, 41st infantry divisions, four brigades - tank, two light infantry, airborne crossing. 5th: 5th, 12th, 25th, 45th infantry divisions, 103rd tank brigade, 75th and 80th light infantry brigades, self-propelled gun brigade, MLRS brigade, airborne brigade. The 620th Artillery Corps includes seven self-propelled gun brigades and six MLRS brigades.

Second echelon located directly behind the first and consists of the most powerful tank and mechanized formations of the KPA ground forces. If the DPRK starts a war, its task is to develop an offensive into the depths of the South Korean defense (including the capture of Seoul) after its breakthrough by the forces of the first echelon. If South Korea and the United States start a war, the second echelon of the KPA must eliminate possible enemy breakthroughs through the location of the first.

The second echelon includes a tank and two mechanized corps. 806th MK: 4th, 7th, 47th and two more mechanized brigades, a light infantry brigade, a self-propelled gun brigade. 815th MK: 26th and four more mechanized brigades, a light infantry brigade, a self-propelled gun brigade. 820th Tank: 105th Armored Division, three armored brigades, 15th mechanized brigade, self-propelled gun brigade, MLRS brigade.

Third echelon provides the defense of Pyongyang, is a reserve and educational base for the first two echelons. Includes five infantry and one artillery corps. 3rd Infantry: five infantry divisions (including two training reserves), tank and artillery brigades. 6th Infantry: three infantry divisions (including two reserve training divisions), an artillery brigade. 7th Infantry: 10th and 20th Infantry Divisions, four training reserve divisions, 87th Light Infantry Brigade, artillery brigade. 12th Infantry: motorized infantry and infantry divisions, tank and artillery brigades. 91st Capital Defense Infantry: four motorized infantry brigades, an MLRS brigade. Kandong Artillery Corps - six artillery and MLRS brigades each.

Fourth echelon located along the border of the DPRK with the PRC and the Russian Federation. It is, like the third, a training reserve, as well as a “echelon of last hope”. Includes two mechanized and four infantry corps. The 108th and 425th MK have the same structure - five mechanized brigades, a light infantry brigade, and a self-propelled gun brigade. The 10th and 11th infantry regiments each include one infantry and one training reserve division, and an MLRS brigade. 8th Infantry: three infantry divisions (including one training reserve), tank and artillery brigades.

9th Infantry: 24th and 42nd Infantry Divisions, training reserve infantry division, MLRS brigade. It is this corps that has the border with the Russian Federation in its area of ​​responsibility. The ground forces also have 4 border guard and 22 engineering brigades.

KPA tank park has up to 4 thousand main and at least 250 light tanks. The oldest are the Soviet T-54 and T-55 (1000 of each) and their Chinese copies Tour 59 (175). There are 500 Soviet T-62s. On their basis, the DPRK created the Chonma family of tanks (at least 470 units).

The most modern North Korean tank is the Songun-915, known in the West and in Russia under the name Pokpun-ho. It is also based on the T-62, but using technologies from the more modern T-72 and T-80. It carries a 125-mm cannon, a 14.5-mm KPVT machine gun, coaxial launchers for the Balso-3 ATGM (a copy of the Soviet Kornet ATGM) and the Hwa Song Chon MANPADS (a copy of the Igla-1). No tank in the world has such a set of weapons. To date, 200–400 units of Songun-915 have been produced. Light tanks: 100 Soviet PT-76, 50 Chinese Toure 62, at least 100 own PT-85 "Shinhen" (an amphibious tank with an 85 mm cannon).

There are 222 Soviet BMP-1s, as well as more than 1,500 armored personnel carriers. The oldest are BTR-40 and BTR-152 (about 600 in total). Slightly newer are the Soviet BTR-60 (250 units), BTR-50 (50) and our own Type-73, created on the basis of the Chinese Toure 531 and better known as VTT-323 (at least 500). The most modern are 32 Russian armored personnel carriers-80A and up to 100 Type-69 armored personnel carriers created on their basis in the DPRK.

The KPA artillery includes numerous towed guns of Soviet, Chinese and domestic production. These are 500 A-19 and M-30, 300 D-74, 188 D-30, 50 Toure 59-1, 160 M-46 and up to 1000 similar guns of our own production, 200 D-20 and 100 ML-20. A significant part of these guns was converted into self-propelled guns by mounting them on the ATS-59 tracked transporter. There are at least 60 M-1973 and M-1983 Juche-po self-propelled guns with a firing range of up to 60 kilometers. Thus, the total number of self-propelled guns and towed guns exceeds 3000. Mortars (up to 7500) are mainly of our own production: M-1976 (82 mm), M-1978 (120 mm), M-1982 (140 mm).

There are also 1,000 Soviet 120mm M-43 mortars. The number of MLRS exceeds 5000. This is at least 3774 Chinese towed Toure 63, produced under license in the DPRK, 500 Soviet BM-21, our own BM-11, M-1973, M-1990, 100 Chinese Toure 63, 50 Soviet towed RPU-14 and 100 BM-14, 200 own M-1968 and Soviet BMD-20 (200 mm), from 200 to 500 Soviet BM-24, own M-1984 and M-1990 (240 mm).

Anti-tank weapons: ATGM "Malyutka", "Konkurs", up to 1100 ATGM "Fagot", as well as at least a thousand self-propelled anti-tank missiles M-1974 (100 mm).

In terms of the number of almost all classes of equipment, the KPA ground forces occupy at least fourth place in the world. Such a huge quantity largely compensates for its archaic nature. This especially applies to artillery; in terms of guns, the KPA is in second place in the world after the PLA. North Korean artillery is capable of creating a real sea of ​​fire in the front-line zone; it is physically impossible to suppress such a number of guns.

North Korean Air Force Organizationally they consist of 6 air divisions and 3 anti-aircraft missile brigades. 1st AD: 24th bomber ap (equipped with old Chinese N-5 bombers, created on the basis of Il-28), 35th fighter ap (Chinese J-6 fighters, copies of MiG-19), 55th attack ap (the most modern attack aircraft - Su-25 attack aircraft), the 57th fighter aircraft (the most modern - MiG-29), the 60th fighter aircraft (MiG-23ML/UB and MiG-21PFM fighters), two transport aircraft (An- 2 and their Chinese counterparts Y-5), helicopter regiment. 2nd AD: bomber ap (N-5), 46th IAP (J-6, MiG-21), 56th IAP (MiG-21PFM/bis), 58th IAP (MiG-23ML/UB) , 72nd IAP (MiG-21, J-7), as well as three more IAPs, a transport ap (An-2/Y-5), a helicopter regiment. 3rd AD: 4th and 11th IAP (armed with the oldest J-5 fighter, a Chinese copy of the MiG-17), 86th IAP (J-6, MiG-21), 303rd IAP (J-6) , helicopter regiment. The 5th Transport Hell includes five regiments.

The 6th transport hell includes the airline Air Koryo, which includes passenger planes transporting top officials DPRK and KPA, as well as seven helicopter regiments, including the only regiment of Mi-24 attack helicopters and the 64th regiment of American MD-500 helicopters, acquired in the 80s through intermediaries. The 8th Training Hell includes an aviation academy and four training aircraft regiments. Anti-aircraft missile brigades: 3, 66, 116th.

KPA Air Force Strike Aviation includes up to 86 extremely outdated Chinese N-5 bombers, from 18 to 27 Su-7 attack aircraft, 34–35 relatively new Su-25s (including 4 UBK) and up to 40 intermediate-aged Chinese Q-5 attack aircraft. Fighters: up to 107 extremely outdated Chinese J-5 and Soviet MiG-17, up to 109 J-6 and MiG-19, up to 232 MiG-21 and J-7, up to 56 MiG-23, 16–35 MiG-29 (in including up to 6 combat training MiG-29UB). There are 2 electronic warfare aircraft based on the An-24 (another may be in storage).

The DPRK does not have transport aviation in the classical sense. Air Koryo has 3 Il-76, 4 Il-62, up to 5 An-24, up to 14 Il-14, 2–3 Il-18, 2 Tu-134, 3 Tu-154 (1 more in storage). Two Tu-204s are designed to transport management and some critical cargo. Up to 300 An-2 and Y-5 are used by the Special Forces to transport special forces. Training aircraft: up to 35 MiG-15bis, MiG-15UTI and JJ-2, up to 49 CJ-6, up to 97 CJ-5 and Yak-18, up to 135 JJ-5 (training version of J-5) and MiG-17U.

Combat helicopters: 20–47 Mi-24D. Multi-purpose helicopters: up to 68 Mi-8T and Mi-17, 4 Mi-26, up to 108 Mi-2, up to 23 Z-5 (Chinese copy of Mi-4) and Mi-4 (1 more in storage), 5–8 amphibians Mi-14, up to 87 MD-500.

All ground-based air defense is included in the Air Force. It consists of 2 regiments (6 divisions) of the S-200 air defense system (36 launchers), 41 divisions of the S-75 air defense system (246 launchers), 32 divisions of the S-125 air defense system (128 launchers), at least a division of the KN-06 air defense system (from 8 PU). The KN-06 is a local version of the Soviet S-300PT/PS air defense system or the Chinese HQ-9. In service are up to 6,000 MANPADS (4,500 Strela-2 and their Chinese copies HN-5, 1,500 Igla-1 and their local analogues NT-16РGJ), several thousand ZSU and anti-aircraft guns, including up to 250 ZSU-57 -2, 148 ZSU-23-4, 1500 ZU-23, 1000 61-K, 400 KS-12, 524 KS-19.

Almost all of the KPA Air Force and Air Defense equipment is extremely outdated, even the Su-25, MiG-29 and KN-06 can only be considered relatively new. To a certain extent, this is compensated by quantity, but in this case this factor is much less important than for ground forces. However, the actions of the aviation of any enemy of the DPRK at low altitudes will be extremely difficult due to the mountainous terrain and the huge number of MANPADS and anti-aircraft guns in the North Korean air defense. Old planes may well be used as kamikazes, including those with nuclear weapons.

Naval forces are divided into the Western Fleet (includes 5 naval regions, 6 squadrons) and the Eastern Fleet (7 naval fleets, 10 squadrons). Due to geopolitical reasons, the exchange of ships between fleets is impossible even in peacetime, so each fleet relies on its own shipbuilding base.

In terms of the number of combat units, the DPRK Navy is perhaps the largest in the world, but almost all of the ships are extremely primitive. In particular, they do not have air defense systems at all. However, the DPRK Navy has very significant potential for operations in coastal waters. Their strongest point is a large number of small submarines, capable of both landing special forces groups on the enemy coast and operating against enemy ships in shallow waters. In regular border skirmishes between North Korean and South Korean combat boats, the advantage, as a rule, is on the side of the former.

The basis of the submarine fleet is made up of 22 old submarines of Project 633/033 (Soviet, Chinese and our own). It is possible that up to 4 very old Soviet submarines of Project 613 have survived. There are 30–40 small submarines “Sang-O” (built according to our own design), 23 ultra-small submarines “Yugo” of Yugoslav design (another 10 in reserve) and up to 10 “Yono” (Iranian "Ghadir").

In service are at least 2 patrol ships (frigates) of the Najin type, 1 catamaran Soho (possibly decommissioned), up to 30 corvettes (including 2-3 of the newest Nampo type). Missile boats: up to 8 old ones Soviet project 205, 4 of their Chinese analogues of Project 021, up to 10 of their local analogues of the Soju type, up to 6 very old Soviet Project 183R, up to 6 of their local analogues of the Sohung type, up to 6 of their newest own Nongo type (with local analogues of the Russian Anti-ship missiles X-35 "Uran").

The DPRK Navy is practically the only fleet in the world that continues to operate torpedo boats (mostly of its own designs) on a large scale. This is up to 100 "Sing Hong" hydrofoils, 42 "Kusong" types, up to 3 Soviet project 206M, up to 13 Soviet project 183. Patrol boats: 54 "Chongjin" type, 18-33 "Sinpo" type, 59 "" type Chaho", 6 Jeongzhu type, 13–23 Chinese project 062 Shanghai-2, 19 Soviet project 201M. Minesweepers: 19 Yukto-1 type, 5 Yukto-2 type, up to 6 Pipa-go type boats.

Landing ships and boats are focused on conducting operations only within the Korean Peninsula itself, so they are small, but there are a lot of them. These are 10 Hanto-type TDKs, 18 Hunnam-type TDKs, 15 Hanchon-type TDKs, 51 Chongjin-type landing craft, 96 Nampo-type TDKs, 140 Konban-type hovercrafts.

Coastal defense covers the entire coast of the DPRK. It consists of 6 brigades (11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21st). Includes a significant number of Chinese HY-1 and HY-2 anti-ship missile systems, Soviet Sopka anti-ship missile systems, SM-4-1, M-1992, M-46, ML-20 guns.

In general, the noticeable technical backwardness of the KPA is largely compensated by the huge number of weapons, equipment and personnel, a good level of combat training and the fanaticism of military personnel. In addition, the KPA is very well adapted to operations in mountainous terrain. This makes it a dangerous opponent even for the three strongest armies in the world (American, Chinese, Russian) and completely invincible for everyone else.

/Alexander Khramchikhin, Deputy Director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis,

The reality of military conflict, not to say war, including nuclear war, on the Korean Peninsula these days is unusually great. And it threatens not to be limited to armed clashes between southerners and northerners at the 38th parallel, separating the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea. The United States openly declares that the “era of strategic patience” is over and is drawing aircraft carrier strategic groups to the region. North Korea responds by showing a figurine from Pyongyang that looks more like a fist, declaring that it will continue nuclear tests. What is it, the military power of North Korea? We must pay tribute to the courage of the North Korean people: they are openly threatened with blows from the most powerful army in the world, and in Pyongyang on April 15 a grandiose military parade is being held in honor of the 105th anniversary of the birth of the first leader of the DPRK Kim Ir Sena. On which, among other things, a new ballistic missile for Pukkuksong-2 submarines. They say that American President Donald Trump, a big fan of various kinds of shows, was so impressed by what he saw that he even slowed down the start of military action against the DPRK. As with any joke, there is some truth here. Despite the fact that a large share of the weapons of the North Korean army consists of very outdated Soviet and Chinese military equipment, Pyongyang has something more modern, including a nuclear one. Let's return to the parade in Pyongyang. It showcased North Korea's newest Pokphunho tank, which has been called "the most secret tank in the world," although it is just a modernization of the T-72M, equipped with a 125 mm cannon. New long-range 170 mm self-propelled artillery installation M1989 "Koksan". A 300-mm multiple launch rocket system (American designation KN-09) with guided missiles with various warheads - an analogue of the Russian Smerch MLRS and the Chinese PHL-03. SAM system similar to Russian anti-aircraft missile complex"Strela-10".
Several types of ballistic missiles were also demonstrated, including the aforementioned Pukkyukson, which, according to their characteristics, are capable of overcoming the American missile defense system being deployed in South Korea. And here’s something else that military observers noticed: at the last military parade in Pyongyang, there were no outdated models of tanks and artillery systems, which gave rise to irony in Seoul and Washington. Missiles, including new ones, predominated. “The North Korean army cannot be called the most powerful in terms of technical equipment, even in the southeastern region,” says Leonid Ivashov, president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems. “It is undoubtedly inferior to neighboring China, Japan, and, with American support, South Korea. But this is purely theoretical; it is not for nothing that this army is called the strongest in the world. With a population of approximately a million people, its mobilization resource is capable of increasing the composition of the armed forces to eight million well-trained fighters in a matter of hours. Let’s not discount the powerful ideological training that allows us to believe that these people will go for barbed wire and machine guns without hesitation , there is a high probability of self-sacrifice, when every person can become a “living bomb”. Unlike the pampered and spoiled South Korean soldier, the North Korean soldier is unpretentious, hardy, and capable of fighting in any weather and climatic conditions.
One cannot be completely skeptical about the military-technical potential of the DPRK army, which possesses all the main components of a modern army. Among them, in addition to traditional tank and artillery troops, there are very powerful air defense, air force, naval and strategic weapons. rocket troops(since 2012), and since 2017 also Special Tactical Forces. The nuclear component only increases this potential. The imperfection of the launch vehicles, of course, does not allow them to “reach” continental North America, but the North Koreans are able to hit South Korea and Japan with their missiles. Moreover, they will immediately use all types of weapons in the event of a real threat to their own security. This is a deterrent to American aggression.” In the event of hostilities, the DPRK Ground Forces can immediately deploy 20 corps, which include 12 infantry, four mechanized, armored, two artillery and the capital defense corps (Pyongyang). 27 infantry divisions, 15 tank and 14 mechanized brigades, a brigade of operational-tactical missiles, 21 artillery brigades, nine MLRS brigades, and a tactical missile regiment will go into battle.
The “Tank Fist” (3,500 units) is mostly represented by the Soviet T-64 and T-72, as well as its own modifications of these armored vehicles. The same can be said about infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, artillery and anti-aircraft guns, ATGM installations, and MANPADS. Some of the weapons are made in China. The Air Force is represented by approximately 600 combat aircraft. Most of them are modernized MiG-17, MiG-19 and MiG-21. The company is armed with Su-25 attack aircraft and 20 fourth-generation MiG-29 multirole fighters. Of the helicopters, the most popular is the Soviet Mi-2 (140 vehicles); in addition to the transport and combat Mi-8, there are also more than two dozen attack Mi-24.
There are also about 80 American light multipurpose Hughes-500 helicopters (the civilian version of the OH-6 Keyuse), the military use of which can only be considered as reconnaissance helicopters. By the way, the only weapons the DPRK does not independently produce are helicopters and airplanes, although if components are available, it is also capable of assembling them. In the event of an attempt to penetrate into the airspace of the DPRK, the enemy will have to face a powerful air defense system, but equipped with outdated anti-aircraft installations. It is armed with both anti-aircraft artillery systems - 100-mm guns, ZSU-57 and ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" anti-aircraft guns, as well as S-75, S-125, S-200 air defense systems, mobile complexes "Kub" and " Strela-10". A significant disadvantage of the North Korean air defense is the lack of modern anti-aircraft missile systems, at least at the S-300 level.
The DPRK is covered from the sea by two fleets - Eastern and Western. With a total number of approximately 650 ships, the Navy has five guided missile corvettes, 18 small anti-submarine ships, as well as more than 400 various types of boats - torpedo, artillery and landing craft. The submarine fleet is represented by Project 633 diesel submarines (produced in the Soviet Union in the late 50s of the last century), equipped with anti-ship missiles of the P-15 Termit type, also Soviet-made from the same period, as well as small submarines of the San- O" North Korean production. The missile armament of the DPRK army is represented by a wide range of short- and medium-range ballistic tactical missiles capable of striking targets at a distance of 100 to the stated 4000 km. One of them, the Hwasong-11 single-stage solid-propellant missile, is an analogue of the Tochka-U missile system, the own production of which was established in North Korea in 2005.
All other missiles also have a “Soviet component” at their core: they were copied from either Russian or Chinese missiles. The DPRK's most serious bid is the Hwasong-13 intercontinental ballistic missile with a range of 5,500–6,000 km. However, it can only fly as far as the American Anchorage in Alaska, without posing a threat to large cities in the United States. There will definitely not be a quick and victorious war in North Korea - its potential will allow it to conduct a deterrent defense even against such a serious enemy as the United States. At the same time, having received the call, the DPRK will immediately begin a ground offensive operation in the direction of Seoul. And, which is fraught with very serious consequences, he will use even imperfect nuclear weapons, which are capable of leaving “atomic radiation” in the entire region for many years. Americans will think a hundred times before they decide on another “public flogging” of a country that does not fit into the US world order.