The hieroglyph has philosophical and artistic origins. An odd number of strokes corresponds to Yang, an even number to In. Using hieroglyphs in feng shui - great way attract various blessings of life into your home. Be it luck, wealth, harmony in personal and social life, health and prosperity. Placing a printed or embroidered hieroglyph in the appropriate area is quite simple. The hieroglyph promotes the success of your personal energy. Each hieroglyph brings good luck in a certain area of ​​life.

Hieroglyph "double happiness"

It consists of 2 hieroglyphs meaning “happiness”. This is an ancient Chinese symbol of union. Brings prosperity in marriage and helps all your dreams come true. Its peculiarity is that it equally helps its owner and his other half. Success becomes shared and happiness doubles! Such a hieroglyph is given as a sign of deep, sincere friendship.

Hieroglyph "Wealth"

Everything is simple here. The hieroglyph serves to increase wealth and attract all kinds of material benefits. To increase income, place this hieroglyph in the wealth zone. The southeastern sector corresponds to it. It’s good to place it in any “money” places: wallet, safe. In addition to the acquisition of material goods, the hieroglyph “Wealth” also attracts spiritual benefits. Positive energy will be created by his presence at home and in the office. Like other hieroglyphs, it is customary to give it to relatives and friends. The more good you desire, the more you receive.

Hieroglyph "Money"

Very popular . Favorable for attracting the energy of cash flow. Increases the number of sources of income. The money will make the owner free, and he will be able to do whatever he wants. It can be placed not only in the money area, but also in a wallet, safe or desk drawer where you keep money.

Hieroglyph "Prosperity"

Beneficial in all aspects of life. It can be placed in any sector that needs additional activation. Attracts the energy of growth and abundance. This hieroglyph symbolizes not only cash flow, but also prosperity in any business that you do. The main condition is that the deed must be good.

Hieroglyph "Happiness"

Everyone has their own idea of ​​happiness. The hieroglyph will attract into your life exactly what you consider happiness. For one it is financial stability, for another it is family, for a third it is success, etc. the main objective, the task, the mission of the hieroglyph “Happiness” is to bring harmony to your home, to your family, to your consciousness and to saturate your environment with Qi energy.

Hieroglyph "Abundance"

Depicts a bowl of wheat. Will bring abundance to any area of ​​your life. It will help the owner discover and develop numerous talents and make friends. Powerful talisman is given with sincere wishes for a life filled with blessings. Good for home and office.

Hieroglyph “Wish Fulfillment”

Just like other feng shui hieroglyphs, each line of an intricate sign contains a powerful potential of energy. Will help in the implementation of your plans, ideas and endeavors, cherished desires. This applies to both personal life and business sphere. In addition, a hieroglyph (drawn, embroidered, knitted) will be an excellent gift for close friends. The main thing is that they understand its purpose.

Hieroglyph "Business success"

It will be useful for both businessmen and creative workers. Attracts new partners and clients to the owner. Ensures success. Helps develop any endeavors, promotes the discovery of new opportunities, the birth of ideas. Awakens the energy of activity and creativity. It is customary to use it in offices, personal offices and desks.

Hieroglyph "Love"

Will serve those who dream big mutual love. Will bring happiness in love. It will help married couples find harmony and understanding. Strengthens marriage ties and at the same time extinguishes conflicts. A new breath will open in your relationship with your loved one. If you have not met him yet, then place the hieroglyph in the zone responsible for love and marriage. The beloved will not keep you waiting.

Hieroglyph "Eternal love"

Used as a talisman. Protects the feeling. A symbol of eternal unquenchable love. It is good to present it to parents, married couples and just those who love it. This hieroglyph will help refresh faded feelings and strengthen existing ones. Embroider this hieroglyph on the pillow and place the pillow on the marital bed.

Hieroglyph “100 years of married happiness”

Family amulet. The name speaks for itself. Protects against intrusion into the family by strangers. Prevents cheating. Happiness and love reign between the spouses. Over the years, the family becomes stronger and stronger.

Hieroglyph "Health"

Helps restore good health. This is a symbol of life. A powerful remedy that gives good health, helps to quickly restore strength. It will help your suffering loved ones get better. This is the most important thing we wish for dear people. Place it in the health sector or at the head of the bed. This is also a very good gift for your loved ones.

Hieroglyph "Longevity"

Has several image options. Symbolizes long life and health. It is customary to give it to older people. He is attributed magical property- prolong life. Previously, they were often glued to the walls and kept on the chest.

Hieroglyphs in Feng Shui are used as a talisman or a reinforcing element. Reinforcing elements can be numbers, wishes written on the talisman, or the hieroglyphs themselves. The hieroglyphs are very symbolic. Deep meaning is often encrypted in a laconic style. The efficiency of their use is high.

Simple rules

  • Use those hieroglyphs whose meaning you know.
  • Hieroglyphs of development and self-knowledge should be placed in the best sector for yourself (depending on your horoscope).
  • Do not use protective hieroglyphs and activating talismans together.
  • Select hieroglyphs for the talisman using logic (be sure to take into account the relationship to a particular element and)

Writing ability oriental symbols, such as the hieroglyph money, wealth and others, materialize the desired into the real. According to Eastern teachings, the correct image of the hieroglyph for material wealth opens the chakras responsible for the desire for enrichment.

Hieroglyph of money

To be financially independent is a normal, natural desire for a person. Therefore, the hieroglyph money is one of the most common signs in the practice of Feng Shui.


This symbol consists of two parts. The meaning of the first is wealth, value. Presented in the form of the grapheme Gold. On the sign it is located on the left.

The element on the right is the background element. Allows you to understand what the pronunciation should be. But it also carries a certain meaning - to harm, to kill. This means that by owning finances, gold or other forms of money, people are able to fight, kill, and start wars. This is how the Chinese mean that money is not the most important value in life.

Effectiveness of the hieroglyph

The hieroglyph money and wealth is used to attract energy into life that will attract finance. People believe that it allows them to quickly find sources of income. Another positive effect is that it helps in finding a profitable business and contributes to the prosperity of the business.

This sign warns a person against thoughtless squandering and neglect of money. It is often used by bankers, financiers, those who start new business or project. But according to Chinese teachings, the sign brings good luck, love and happiness to other categories of people.

Rules for using the money hieroglyph

In order for cash flows to start flowing, it is best to write this sign by hand. To do this, you can use a homemade stencil. To make it, you need to download an image of the hieroglyph, print it and cut it out. It must be attached to paper or other material and circled. Then paint the lines black or red. Using just a printed image will not bring any benefit.

Other principles and rules:

  1. It is advisable to use natural materials. They need to be painted on. These include stone, leather, wood.
  2. When writing, you should direct all your thoughts and concentration to receiving money, visualize the process of receiving and using it. You must try to materialize all your wishes.
  3. You should write according to all the rules of Chinese writing. The hieroglyph is displayed from top to bottom, then from left to right. This must be done slowly and carefully. Violation of these basic rules may cause a lack of positive effect from using the talisman.
  4. An item with the applied element should be stored in places where money is found. That is, in a wallet, handbag, purse, safe.

When receiving income, you should not keep it in the house for a long time. It is important to put it into circulation, helping to increase it.

Do not wrinkle, stain or bend banknotes or scratch coins. This will be a sign of disrespect on the part of the person. Money should be handled carefully.

Hieroglyph of wealth

The hieroglyph of yuogathism carries the concept of great spiritual and material potential. It is not enough to buy it and wait for the profits to start flowing.

To achieve results, a person must work hard and hard to provide for his own needs. Only in this case, the image of the hieroglyph will increase your income.


It consists of two elements: home and abundance. It means not only financial independence, but also grace in various aspects of a person’s life, prosperity in the home, harmony with oneself.

If a person stays indoors with supplies of food, water, and clothing, his primary needs will always be satisfied. It aims to attract spiritual benefits such as love, happiness, longevity, and good luck.

Effectiveness of the hieroglyph

The hieroglyph of wealth promotes prosperity in current affairs and other endeavors. If the goal in itself is not to receive huge sums of money, but spiritual and moral benefits come first, then this element will be an excellent helper.

Rules for using the hieroglyph of wealth

It is worth giving items with this sign:

  • from the heart;
  • with a good attitude;
  • with good intentions;
  • with a smile.

When giving a gift, be sure to say your wishes. First of all, wish the recipient an increase in income. In return, the donor receives positive energy and an even greater increase in benefits and wealth.

The hieroglyph wealth refers to activating talismans. When placing the poem indoors, you should not keep protective feng shui symbols nearby: the image of the Dragon, or the Fu dog. Otherwise, both talismans will not perform their functions, since their energy will block each other.

These ancient Eastern drawings contain the power aimed at achieving harmony between a person and himself, with environment. Brings love and happiness. In order for the hieroglyph to take effect, a sufficient amount of time is required (from 2 to 6 months).

Application of hieroglyphs

Usually things and objects with these designs serve as talismans and amulets. Girls use them as original jewelry and tattoos with the goal of increasing love and happiness in your life.

Often, wanting to please a person, a specific souvenir is purchased with an error in the spelling of the sign. And often the donor does not understand the intricacies of this culture and is not always able to notice the mistake. As a result, such a thing, when it gets into the house, is of no use.

As souvenirs, the hieroglyph is applied to:

  • piggy banks;
  • ceramic and clay sculptures;
  • paintings;
  • sky lanterns;
  • watch;
  • costume jewelry, etc.

Real craftsmen paint dishes very beautifully. They put the hieroglyph for money on Gift Baskets, vases, teapots, wooden planks.

Chinese craftswomen love to sew hieroglyphs on clothes, silk dresses, and cotton sweaters. Some people decorate bags and wallets with this symbol. Young people prefer designs on the body in the form of tattoos, manicures, and makeup.

If you have been teaching for a long time Japanese, then it is quite likely that Japanese characters entered your daily life and are not something outlandish. However, for a beginner or someone completely unfamiliar with Japanese writing, Japanese characters can evoke a lot of feelings, from complete misunderstanding of the meaning of these mysterious squiggles to intense curiosity.

If you see a hieroglyph, for example, as a tattoo or on someone's wall as a decoration, then it is likely that you will want to know its meaning. Well, it’s not just that a person chose this set of lines and sticks, which intricately adds up to a meaning accessible to a select few.

Eastern culture remains popular in Russia, and a large number of people strive to understand the mysterious eastern world.

For what purposes do people look for specific hieroglyphs?

First of all, for tattoos. A hieroglyph tattoo attracts the attention of others (it is likely that many people, having seen the tattoo, will want to know the meaning). A stuffed hieroglyph is an identifier of belonging to a secret for its owner, and can also tell others (if they know the meaning of the kanji) what the person with the hieroglyph pays attention to, for example, health, love or wealth, and in some cases all of this at once.

Hieroglyphs for humans European culture carry an aura of mystery and a kind of magic. For the same reason, people buy talismans or amulets in the form of hieroglyphs and believe in their protection, trying to join Eastern wisdom.

Some people are fascinated the magic of calligraphy. Beautiful writing of hieroglyphs is an entire art, which consists not only of using a brush competently, but also focusing your mind on the meaning of the hieroglyph, gathering all the power of the brush, drawing the treasured sign.

Another area of ​​application of hieroglyphs is Feng Shui. This is an ancient Chinese teaching about the harmonization of space. It is believed that characters placed in the right place (for example, the Japanese character for “Wealth” in a wallet) attract what they mean. They contain deep meaning and are believed to have great power.

So, below you can get acquainted with the hieroglyphs that are in greatest demand, as well as the order in which they are written. Imagine the surprise of your friends when you can easily not only tell the meaning of a hieroglyph depicted, for example, on the hand of your interlocutor, but also read it.

Japanese character for “happiness”

幸 (sachi). You can also find the character 福 (fuku), which also means “happiness,” and sometimes a combination of the two, 幸福 (koufuku). It is placed in almost any corner of the house; it is believed that it harmonizes the space very well.

You can write this hieroglyph for good luck, here is the order of the strokes of this hieroglyph.

Japanese character for “luck”

It may look like 幸, but more often the Japanese character for luck is written as 吉 (kichi). It is believed that this kanji will ensure success in any undertaking and give confidence.

Japanese character for “wealth”

富 (tomi). This hieroglyph is in the name of our beloved Mount Fuji - 富士山. Inscriptions with it are placed in the place where the money is stored, or in a wallet.

The order of strokes of the character 富:

Japanese character for “love”

愛(ai). Perhaps one of the most popular hieroglyphs, especially among married couples. Helps attract true feelings. Not to be confused with 恋 (koi). In the first case, we mean love not only for opposite sex, but also to nature, life, art. In the second case - romantic love for to a specific person, even to some extent manifested in the desire to possess.

The order of strokes of the character 愛:

Japanese character for “health”

健康 (kenkou). It is the combination of two kanji that forms the word “health”. It is believed that the image of this hieroglyph helps to improve the well-being of its owner. Sometimes you can simply find the character 健, but separately it means “healthy.”

What else can you do with hieroglyphs?

In addition to tattoos, Feng Shui and talismans, Japanese characters can be used in the following cases:

    Use your favorite hieroglyph when creating a hand-made postcard. This will be a memorable gift with which you will express your feelings or wishes in an unusual way. The postcard will be especially valuable for those who are interested in martial arts.

    In addition to the postcard, a mug with a hieroglyph would be a great gift idea

    Writing on a T-shirt is much less risky than getting a tattoo. Moreover, it is much more pleasant to wear a T-shirt with an inscription, the meaning of which is close to your spirit, than to try with difficulty to find a thing with an inscription on which would suit you.

    Japanese-style interiors are very popular these days. Well, what is Japanese style without a hieroglyph? If you want to contemplate a Japanese symbol on the wall of your room, you can watch a video with calligraphy lessons and create a real masterpiece on beautiful paper or a bamboo napkin. Another option is to make a custom photo wallpaper or poster.

    For those who are fond of needlework (embroidery, beads, etc.), creating a pattern on a pillow or panel will be akin to calligraphy. The main thing is to choose a beautiful layout.

    If you are invited to a Japanese-themed party (or even a simple party), bring candy, but not plain candy. Wrap each candy with a wish in the form of a hieroglyph to the person who will receive this candy.

If you want to learn how to write the most popular Japanese characters, then remember the most important rule - kanji are always written in a strict sequence of strokes. According to one Japanese scholar, if you write a hieroglyph without following the sequence, then you are committing a violent act on it.

It is also necessary to pay special attention to the meanings of hieroglyphs, so as not to get into an awkward situation when meeting a native speaker or a person who understands hieroglyphs. It is better not to spontaneously search for the meanings of hieroglyphs on the Internet, but to contact a Japanese friend (if you have one) or an experienced Japanese scholar.

But, you see, just knowing a few hieroglyphs is not that interesting. Especially if you plan to seriously study the Japanese language, you will face many difficulties, which often become the reason for the fading of interest in learning the language. And all because many people simply do not know how to learn kanji correctly. But we have great news for you - you can learn how to effectively memorize hieroglyphs using our course. Thanks to these classes, you will be able to predict not only the sequence of features even in hieroglyphs that are unfamiliar to you, but also the meaning and even the reading! There are not very many places in the group, so hurry up before all the basics are covered without you! You can find out more and purchase the course here.

Hieroglyphs were and remain to this day a beautiful and fascinating type of writing that can be mastered and improved endlessly.

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The Chinese custom of hanging the character for wealth on their doors is shrouded in mystery. According to some legends, this tradition was introduced into use by Jiang Taigong, who was on the throne during the reign of the Zhou dynasty. Other sources of the chronicle of China refer to the story of Zhu Yongzhang: he became the founder. The first story is more epic because it concerns the relationship between the Chinese gods: Jiang Taigong became a god, and called his wife the Goddess of Poverty, which she was very happy about. Then he ordered her to rule where there was no symbol of prosperity. With this belief came the tradition of keeping poverty out of your home by hanging the hieroglyph of wealth on the door.

As you can see, the first story is implausible and looks more like a joke. The second one talks about completely natural behavior. ruling man. Zhu Yongzhang once heard a crowd making fun of a painting of a barefoot young girl living in Anhui Province. The emperor did not understand why these people were laughing, and thought that they were making fun of his wife: she was from the same province. In fact, they were simply not used to seeing a woman barefoot: it was customary to tightly bandage girls’ feet from the very beginning. early childhood by wearing tight shoes. The leg was deformed and remained small - this was considered a sign of grace. The emperor ordered the hieroglyph of wealth to be hung on the doors of those who were not in the crowd, and executed the rest.

The "Fu" symbol is not just monetary happiness, career success and family relationships, because the word “wealth” comes from the word “god” and indicates favorable development not only in the monetary sphere, but also in other aspects of life. There are many symbols similar in meaning to the "Fu" symbol. For example: a symbol of prosperity and wealth - “Lu”; symbol of money and material wealth - “Tsai”. If a person needs not only material security, but also his harmony inner world with the external one, then he must choose the hieroglyph “Wealth”. A photo of this symbol is at the top of the page.

Under New Year The Chinese often hang or draw the character "Fu" upside down: there is another legend on this topic. Once upon a time, during the Qing Dynasty, before the New Year, a slave was told to hang a symbol of wealth on his door. The hieroglyph was installed upside down due to the servant's illiteracy - this greatly angered the rich owner. Another servant - the chief steward - stood up for the unfortunate man and said that he was not mistaken, because in China “wealth is upside down” means the same as “wealth has arrived.” Thus the servant's life was saved.

In the ancient "Historical Records" ("Shang Shu") there is a mention that the hieroglyph of wealth has five aspects, which should be followed, like rules, strictly and responsibly. The first is longevity, that is, a reverent attitude towards one’s health; the second is prosperity, which means taking care of the material sphere of life; third - peace, because you need to be in harmony not only with yourself, but also with the people around you; fourth - dignity, because you need to be able to maintain respect for yourself; and fifth - death without illness, in order to depart into another world with a calm soul. This lifestyle can rightfully be considered the life of a rich, happy and successful person.

Eastern culture has become very popular all over the world. In our country, two of its branches have become particularly widespread: Chinese and Japanese. In particular, it has become very fashionable to apply Chinese and Japanese characters to furniture, dishes, paintings and clothing.

Most often this is done simply as an element of style. However, not everyone knows that with their help you can change your life for the better or at least simply improve your financial condition.

Hieroglyphs in Feng Shui philosophy

Eastern hieroglyphs appear in attracting happiness and wealth according to Feng Shui. This ancient Eastern philosophy of success and prosperity is at the same time a science that, through the influence of the positive energy of various symbols, should attract happiness and prosperity to a person. One of these ways to create an appropriate aura around yourself is to write hieroglyphs.

For Europeans, as well as for any other people unfamiliar with this writing, hieroglyphs are an incomprehensible set of squiggles and dashes. But it's not that simple. Each of these symbols represents a certain prototype of the surrounding world.

They can represent water, mountains, people, trees, and the like. This gives the hieroglyphs the power that rightfully makes them one of the most effective talismans for attracting money into a person’s life, as well as happiness, love and good luck.

Types of hieroglyphs

The Japanese and Chinese alphabets are very rich in various symbols, but this is precisely what makes it difficult to choose the most suitable one, because not all of them have positive energy. In addition, some of them are very similar when translated into Russian, but have different meanings for native speakers. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a hieroglyph with the utmost care if you want to attract good luck, fame or success.

The first of these symbols is the Chinese character for Wealth. Most people with this phrase imagine something material. But the Chinese character for “Wealth” means great creativity and spiritual benefits. It all depends on the area where this symbol is located. If you are directly interested financial well-being, then it should be placed in the zone responsible for the monetary side of life. It is recommended to give it to relatives and friends. And the more positive energy is given, the more it comes to the giver.

The hieroglyph “Money”, in contrast to what was described above, is ideal for financial well-being. It attracts finance to the place where it is placed. It can contribute to the formation of several sources of income. A person, having received such a symbol, begins to make a profit from literally everything he undertakes.

The hieroglyph “Prosperity” can awaken all aspects of life. It can be placed anywhere, but it is advisable to use it in a sector where at a given period there is a certain stagnation that needs to be moved. This sign will bring health, love, monetary success and good luck to the home.

“Wish Fulfillment” awakens the energy associated with dreams and desires. It's very good if you have it in the house. So he will help to realize all plans and ideas of both a business and personal nature. It will serve as an excellent gift for friends and family. Moreover, the more people you give it to, having previously purchased it for yourself, the stronger the effect of the amulet will be.

The Abundance symbol attracts not only wealth, but also fame. It attracts exactly what a person wants to achieve most. It attracts abundance into all areas of life. Well suited for use in combination with other hieroglyphs that are important at a certain period of life.

The Business Success sign is equally suitable for both business and creative people. He is able to attract clients and partners to business, ensure the successful completion of any undertakings and help a person find new opportunities and ideas. The most suitable places to place it are offices and desks. With it, the energy of creativity and activity will be concentrated in the workplace.

Symbol "Happiness" - sign good wishes. It's meant to wake you up internal energy and mental strength. Each person understands the meaning of happiness in his own way. For some it is newfound love, for others it is creative success, for others - achieving heights in their career. This symbol will contribute precisely to the area that is the criterion of happiness for a particular person.

There is also the “Double Happiness” sign, which in China is considered a symbol that brings harmony in marriage and the fulfillment of all dreams. This amulet helps not only its owner, but also his other half. Accordingly, there is twice as much happiness and good luck in the family. Presentation of such a sign to a loved one as a gift means sincerely wishing him all the best and serves as a manifestation of deep friendship.

How to use hieroglyphs correctly

If you want to achieve luck, wealth, etc. from hieroglyphs, you need to remember the following recommendations:

  1. Use only those symbols whose meaning you are sure of.
  2. Select signs in accordance with the effect you want to achieve.
  3. Use hieroglyphs of protection separately from activating amulets.
  4. It is advisable to place symbols that promote personal improvement and self-knowledge in their best sector and use them separately from activating amulets.

The following tips will also help increase the effectiveness of hieroglyphs:

  1. The design is most effective if applied to a material of natural origin, such as stone, wood or fabric.
  2. To attract wealth, it is better to place the amulet in a place where money is most often found. It would be optimal if the money is always there, for example, in a safe or wallet.
  3. Also, according to Feng Shui philosophy, the southeastern part is responsible for financial well-being in the house. Therefore, it is best to place the talisman there.
  4. There is a rule according to which you can turn on the energy of the influx of money. To do this, you need to give a banknote to another person. At the same time, the gift must come from the heart, as well as wishes for happiness and prosperity. If these conditions are met, the giver will receive much more than he gives.
  5. The hieroglyphs that bring financial well-being receive the greatest energy if you draw them with your own hands. If a person who wants to attract money doubts his calligraphic abilities or the correct spelling of a particular symbol, then he can print it out and make a stencil, with which everything will work out very well.
  6. Great importance has the correct sequence of character writing. It should only be depicted from top to bottom and left to right. However, this should not be done mechanically. While slowly drawing a hieroglyph, you need to fully concentrate on the desire to attract wealth, think only about increasing your capital and improving your financial well-being.
  7. Before installing a hieroglyph in any place, you should make sure that there are no protective talismans nearby. Their presence can partially or completely block the energy of hieroglyphs to attract money. This will reduce all efforts to zero.

If everything is done correctly, the effect of these talismans will not be long in coming. This will happen quietly, but also inexorably. Money will gradually come even from those sources that, it would seem, should not bring it.