List of questions: Forest and cleanliness of the atmosphere. Forest and the composition of the atmosphere, its effect on pathogenic bacteria. The influence of the forest on environment. The influence of forests on the accumulation of organic matter in the biosphere.

When presenting the topic, show the biosphere role of the forest, based on the thesis: “The forest is the largest accumulation of life on Earth,” show its irreplaceability by other landscapes, draw attention to the reduction in the forested area of ​​the Earth, to the harmfulness of this process.


List of questions: Cost of forest benefits, products and raw materials harvested from the forest. The productivity and productivity of forests compared with the productivity and productivity of farmland and other landscapes. The importance of the recreational functions of the forest.

Compare the forest with other ecosystems, show its place among biogeocenoses and components of the biosphere. Draw attention to the superiority of forests over farmland by comparing the cost of growing a unit mass of organic matter. Talk about the so-called weightless benefits of the forest.


List of questions: Anthropogenic factors influencing the reduction of forested area of ​​the Earth. The impact of a reduction in forested area on the forest raw material balance, on changes in the range and number of forest animals and birds, on the microclimate, biological and energy processes in the biosphere. Forest as a component through which an energetic connection is made with the cosmos, with the Sun. Dynamics of forested area on Earth within the boundaries of a region, forestry enterprise or other forestry unit and its consequences.

The main task in presenting the topic is to show the detrimental nature of reducing forest areas for the biosphere and life on Earth. Please note that over the past centuries, due to the transfer of forest lands to other types of land use, forest fires, and clear cuttings for final use, the forested area of ​​the Earth has decreased by two-thirds.


List of questions: Climate-regulating, wind-protective, water-regulating, soil-protective functions of forests. The influence of smoke due to forest fires on the most important functions of the forest, on the timing of ripening and the yield of agricultural crops.

Focus on beneficial influence forest cover on the stability of crop yields and on the productivity of farm animals. Give examples of increasing yields by creating shelterbelts.


List of questions: The most important components of forest benefits. Weighty and weightless benefits of the forest. Sanitary, hygienic and recreational functions of the forest. Loss of useful functions by forests as a result of forest fires. The main goal is to show the variety of utilities inherent only in the forest, and the convention of dividing them into weighty and weightless. As an example, give the productivity of pine forests in terms of wood and resin (significant benefits) and the sanitary and hygienic impact on the territory (weightless benefits). Show that as a result of a forest fire, especially a crown fire, for many decades, and often forever, the beneficial features and functions of the forest.


List of questions: The meaning of the concept of “incidental forest use”. Essential information about native species forest mushrooms, berries, medicinal plants, flowers. Rules for rational (gentle) collection of forest products.

The main goal is to show that the forest is not only a source of wood, but also of many other benefits, in particular food products, medicinal and technical raw materials. Pay attention to the duration of growth and reaching the age of productive maturity, to the rapid depletion of non-timber raw materials due to excessive, improper exploitation, give examples using local material of a reduction in the range, abundance and productivity of certain plant species due to forest fires and violation of the rules of secondary use in the forest. "


List of questions: General information on tourism in the territory of the administrative district, forestry enterprise. Intensity of recreational load per unit of forest area. Examples of tourists violating the rules fire safety in the forest and the damage caused. Commentary on Fire Safety Rules in Forests of the Russian Federation. It is recommended to give brief description advantages of forests in the region, show the distribution of load by territory, months, days of the week (people, cars per thousand hectares). List the most common types of tourism - one-day, multi-day, horseback, on foot, by vehicle, organized. On specific examples demonstrate violation of fire safety rules by tourists and vacationers. In the forest. Particular attention should be paid to those violations that resulted from forest fires. Provide and comment on excerpts from the Fire Safety Rules in the forests of the Russian Federation. Show the unattractiveness of forest burnt areas for tourists and vacationers.


List of questions: Cedar is the most important tree species. Cedar forests are the habitat of sable, bear, elk and other animals and game birds. Water-protective and soil-protective role of cedar forests. Nutritional and healing benefits of pine nuts. The value of cedar wood. Damage and death of cedar forests as a result of forest fires, difficulty and duration of regeneration of cedar forests.

Using the same scheme, material on pine, spruce-fir and other forests can be developed.

In materials on similar topics, it is necessary to strive to show the indispensability of the forest - the source of its unique benefits, which are lost as a result of forest fires.


List of questions: Classification of forest fires. The rate of combustion spread during forest fires. Hazardous factors of forest fires. Safety measures in forest fire areas.

The main goal of this topic is to familiarize citizens working in the forest, as well as those involved in extinguishing, with the types of forest fires, the speed of combustion, the dangerous factors of forest fires, safety rules and measures to prevent accidents.

For the most part, forest fires are accompanied by an intense release of thermal energy, gaseous substances, smoke, and affect the transparency of the atmosphere and air flows in the area of ​​their action. The negative consequences of forest fires, especially large ones, are colossal and manifest themselves over decades. All this gives reason to consider large forest fires a real disaster.

Conversation about the culture of behavior in nature

Conversations - the most common forms environmental education. They can be used as complementary components to topics or simply as part of a work plan for an afterschool group.

One of the most significant is a conversation about the culture of behavior in nature. It is advisable to conduct it, preparing children for spring and summer walks and excursions, in September–October, analyzing children’s attitude towards nature and safe behavior on the street. To make the conversation varied and rich, the teacher uses a set of illustrations.

Purpose of the conversation: to instill in children a sense of responsibility for their behavior in nature, to form in students knowledge about the norms and rules of behavior in nature, to develop the need to communicate with nature.

Equipment: an exhibition of children’s drawings on the theme: “Our walk into nature”, illustrations on the rules of behavior in nature, plates “Voices of birds in nature”.

Participants: teacher, parents, children.

Progress of the conversation

Educator . Guys! You and I already know a lot about the fact that nature must be protected. Do we know how to behave correctly while walking in nature? Does everyone remember these rules?

So that the river and streams do not become cloudy,

The fish frolicked and the birds sang,

Greenery would save you from the sun in the heat,

It didn’t hurt for everyone to know the rules.

Let's think about what makes us happy in nature. Yes, beauty, clean air, the silence of the forest, the voices of birds and animals, the rustling of leaves, the babbling of a brook. For other people to see this beauty, we must learn to communicate with nature. Pay attention to the exhibition of your drawings.

What do you do most when you go for walks? Play ball, fish, ride a boat, swim in the river, pick mushrooms, relax by the fire.

Do you always follow the rules of conduct? How many of you take a receiver or tape recorder with you when going for a walk? Is it possible to do this? Why? Look at the poster “Don't make noise in nature!” What did the artist want to tell us? When children make noise or listen to music, the animals become anxious and try to run away. Don't scare the forest inhabitants. We must learn to listen to the voices of nature. Listen, isn't this the music of the forest?

In the depths of the forests,

In the green wilderness,

Always shady and damp,

In a steep ravine under the mountain

A cold spring gushes out of the stones.

I. Bunin

Man takes a lot from nature, but how does he pay it back?

The teacher retells the story of I. Okilsky from the magazine “Young Naturalist”:

It is difficult to imagine an earth without forests, without trees, but there are people who do not understand or do not want to understand this. I often see mutilated trunks ( different drawings, inscriptions on them). Those “lovers” of nature who do this probably don’t even imagine what harm they cause to the tree, to the entire forest. After all, as soon as you make even a tiny wound on the bark of a tree, spores of tinder fungi get there or harmful insects settle in. In addition, the tree loses a lot of sap and may simply weaken and die. Is it really difficult to remember?

“Lovers” of nature also cause other damage to trees.

What is the artist telling us with this poster?(Illustration “You are not alone in the forest.”)

Yes, you can’t light fires in the forest. Why? This could cause a forest fire. Not only trees will die, but also birds and animals, and the grass will burn out. Where can you make fires? Away from trees, on the edges of a forest or near a river, using old fire pits.

Did you know that the area under the fire does not become overgrown with grass for 5–7 years? Please don't make any new fire pits!

What kind of firewood can be used for fires? That's right, dry wood, dead wood. By collecting them, you will clear the forest area of ​​dead trees and dry branches.

Look at the poster that shows a pot of food hanging over a fire. What is depicted here incorrectly, what gross mistakes did the vacationers make?(A new place was chosen for the fire. Young, healthy trees were used for firewood and the crossbar for the pot.) What will remain in this place? But under the fire, the top, fertile layer of soil will also burn out. Soil is formed from minerals and rocks, as well as from decaying organic matter (residues) 0.5-1 cm of soil is formed in 100-300 years. Take care of the soil!

Can you walk in the forest? It turns out that many plants die due to trampling.

English oak lives up to 500–1000 years, reaches a height of 40 m, a diameter of 1–1.5 m, and begins to bear fruit at the age of 40–60. Young shoots die due to trampling. Don't create new paths!

Children, what will you do if you need a stick while walking in the forest? Where will you get it? Explain your answer.(Children answer the question after viewing the illustration “Don’t destroy plants in nature!”.)

And how many mushrooms necessary for nature die in the forest due to the thoughtless attitude of man! Look at the poster. What rule does the artist remind us of?(Poster: “Don’t knock down fly agarics!”) Under no circumstances should you destroy mushrooms that are inedible for humans. Why? It is very important not to offend the local inhabitants while walking in the forest. Ants often get it from children. Whose houses attract attention?

The teacher reads to the children A. Tumbasov’s story “The Pyramid House”, showing the illustration “Don’t ruin the anthills”:

Ant paths wind through the grass, scatter through the forest, and each leads to an anthill. Ants are moving along the path. Some drag insects many times larger than themselves. Others drag needles, seed flakes, and various forest debris. And they raise it all to the anthill. Day after day, the ants set up their home, building a pyramid house with a sloping top. So no rain is scary: water rolls off the top of the roof, like from a well-swept haystack. But it happens that someone stirs up an anthill, then water gets inside, the owners are confused: trouble has come. What kind of housing with a thin roof!? The ants do not have time to quickly restore it, and in bad weather the nest dies.

The ants need help: carefully trim the pyramid house and fix the top of the roof. Of course, this will be rough work, but the ants will finish the rest themselves.

Observe how ants build an anthill, how they drag a blade of grass, what they eat, how they behave before the rain. You must be able to observe nature without touching it, without destroying its beauty.

Reading a poem by P. Gvezdoslav:

I picked a flower and it withered.

I caught a moth and it died in my palm.

And then I realized that touching beauty

You can only do it with your heart.

Unfortunately, people often treat nature not with care, not economically, but selfishly and wastefully. Now think about why the poet said that.

Take care of these lands, these waters,

Loving even a small epic,

Take care of all animals within nature,

Kill only the beasts within yourself!

E. Yevtushenko

The poet encourages us to fight our soulless attitude towards nature.

We all love to relax among nature. But do we always leave our place of rest in the same form as it was before we arrived? Look at the poster “Don’t leave trash in nature!” People who leave trash behind are acting dishonestly. They do not think about the fact that they are destroying the beauty of nature and causing harm to it.

Children, what do you do with the trash you collect on your walks? With cans, bottles, bags, paper and leftover food?

Did you know that paper you throw away will last more than 2 years, tin cans - more than 30 years, plastic bags– more than 200 years, glass – 1000 years? Yes, guys, our nature is patient, it forgives a person a lot, but it also calls for our help, asks for protection.

It's extremely simple

She is dressed in colorful feathers...

It's not her beauty that surprises me,

Her patience is amazing.

And when through the asphalt

Lepestkov five

Struggling after midnight

I don't rejoice in the power of the Earth,

This is first of all -

A cry for help!

R. Rozhdestvensky

Let's formulate and remember the rules of behavior in nature and try to follow them.(The teacher listens to the children’s answers and writes them on the board.)

Rules of behavior in nature

1. Never harm nature.

2. Do not kill animals and birds, save the lives of everyone who comes across in nature.

3. Do not touch animal houses or their babies.

4. Don't touch bird eggs.

5. Don’t destroy trees (don’t break them, don’t write on them, don’t cut the bark).

6. Do not light fires in the forest, do not make new fire pits. Take care of the soil.

7. Help animals and plants in trouble.

8. Feed animals and birds in winter.

9. Don’t litter your vacation spot.

10. Take the gifts of nature in moderation.

11. Don’t make new paths in the forest.

12. When in nature, learn to observe it.

14. Do not clog rivers and springs; if necessary, clear out clogged areas.

15. Don’t make noise while walking, don’t scare animals - our little brothers.

Ecological conversation on the topic "Let's help nature"

The purpose of the conversation. To develop in children knowledge about various types of activities of schoolchildren to protect nature, to arouse a desire for this activity, to show joy from the work done, to give instructions for carrying out some activities to protect nature.

Equipment. Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: “We help nature.

Progress of the conversation:

Guys, you already know that nature needs our protection, our help. Scientists, engineers, and the entire population of our country and planet are now thinking about this. Why has the problem of nature conservation become so important and necessary? If we don't urgently help nature, it will die. What will happen on earth then?! Do you think nature conservation is only the job of adults, or can schoolchildren also make their contribution? What can and do schoolchildren do? Yes, schoolchildren can do a lot. Their activities in nature are varied. For example, protecting the natural environment: feeding and rescuing animals in trouble; garbage control; production of bird feeders and houses; feeding animals and birds; installation of signs in places where protected plants are distributed; helping sick trees.

Now tell me about what you did. Let's now look at our exhibition of drawings “We Help Nature.” You do a lot of things that are beneficial to nature. Some drawings can even be described in poetry. (The teacher invites the children to match the drawings with poems written on separate pieces of paper and read them.)

Many of you depicted planting plants in your drawings: flowers, trees, shrubs. This is a very kind and feasible thing. You know, there is even a saying that a person has not lived his life in vain if he has planted and grown at least one tree in his life. It’s not for nothing that people say: “The one who plants a tree will be thanked by his grandchildren, and the one who destroys it will be cursed by his children.”

Who can tell us how to plant trees correctly? (If necessary, the teacher introduces students to the rules of planting.)

One of the schoolchildren reads a poem:

We will plant linden and maple trees,
The city will be elegant and green.
We will plant poplars in rows,
Our squares will become gardens.
We will surround the school with trees -
Let the cheerful hubbub ring over her.
Happy children love greenery.
They love to see trees in bloom.
Let it bloom more and more beautiful every year
Our young planet.
(N. Kutov)

Everyone loves to relax in the shade of trees, listening to the sound of leaves, but, unfortunately, not everyone participates in tree planting, for example, like this boy.

This boy loves it in the heat
Relax in the shade of the forest.
And tell him:
If the forest is so dear to you,
Why are you nowhere?
Didn't plant a tree?
(M. Mirshakar)

Children, it is important not only to plant a plant, but also to carefully and carefully care for it, protect it from damage, from pests, and water it regularly.

The beautiful birch tree's dress is silver,
The beautiful birch tree has green braids.
Goats jumped out from the yard to the birch tree,
They began to gnaw the birch tree, and the birch tree burst into tears.
We began to defend the birch tree in a crowd,
So that the beautiful birch tree grows big.
(P. Voronko)

In early spring you can see such a picture.


The shepherd cut the bark of a birch tree,
Leaning over, he sips the sweet juice.
Drop by drop falls into the sand
Birch blood, transparent as tears.
(F. Sologub)

Tree bark must not be cut! Your heart clenches painfully when you see a crippled tree - after all, it is alive! What will happen to the tree next? It will wither by next year, the trunk and branches will gradually dry out, and the roots in the soil will die.

Schoolchildren provide great help to birch forests during the spring sap collection. They cover the wounds with clay and explain to the sap collectors what harm they cause to the trees.

Some boy injured a birch tree,
I cut birch bark with a knife.
Birch, don’t cry: I’ll go get the first aid kit,
I'll cover the deep wound with a bandage.
(V. Suslov)


Wounds on trees are covered with wax, garden varnish, clay, putty or plasticine. The wound should be bandaged.

How do you understand the proverb: “If there is a lot of forest, take care of it, if there is a little forest, don’t destroy it, if there is no forest, plant it?”

Which one of you planted a tree? Where? How do you care for it? Did you know that planted trees need watering?

Don't stop me from working,
I'll bring some water
And well water
Of course, I will treat everyone.
Drink, drink, don't regret it,
Do you want to pour it into a watering can?
Water the garden:
He drinks water too!
(E. Blaginina)

The children have a lot of concerns about nature at all times of the year. Schoolchildren are worried about their friends - plants and animals. This is how our guys describe their concerns. (The teacher reads excerpts from the children’s essays, especially paying attention to the manifestation of moral feelings of pity, compassion, duty, responsibility.)

Our guys have been helping wintering birds for a long time: they make feeders, feed the birds, as described in the poem by O. Vysotskaya.

For guests on the window
Kostya pours millet,
Water pours onto a saucer:
Let them get drunk.

The titmouse's paws are freezing:
They feel bad without mittens
Yes, and hungry in the cold...
I brought them some seeds:
Look here
This is delicious food!..
They sit on my palm.
Paws are warm. Not to be afraid of.

Let's see together what kind of feeders our guys made. (Children look at the exhibition of feeders and choose the best one.)

Schoolchildren will also have things to do in the summer.

How did you help nature in the summer, in the camp, in the village with your grandmother or in our city?
The main concern in the summer for adults and children is weed control. People have long disliked them. It is no coincidence that they say:

Get the weed out of the field!
The weed is strong on the root.

What weeds do you know?

He grew up angry and prickly in the field,
Needles in all directions. ( Burdock)

Prickly, but not a hedgehog,
It will grab you if you pass by. ( Burdock)

Just touch and withdraw your palm,
The grass burns like fire! ( Nettle)

Nettle is a tricky herb.

Nettles are hiding in the grass,
Burns the kids patiently.
Evil and good - it bites everyone,
Doesn't let anyone through!

There are many types of weeds, including meadow bluegrass, creeping wheatgrass, wild oats, bromegrass, meadow timothy, sow thistle, stinging nettle, plantain, etc. Weeds are found in fields and vegetable gardens. Weeds must be removed, as they interfere with the growth of cultivated plants planted in vegetable gardens, flower beds, fields, etc. Cultivated plants, not weeded in time, give a lower yield, the fruits become small, and the plants themselves become small in size. Sometimes plants that are not weeded can even die.

Are you waiting for the harvest?
Don't be lazy to get up early!
If you start the beds,
You can't weed it, you can't water it -
Not a single sweet carrot
You won't find it in the garden!
(T. Belozerov)

Guys, do schoolchildren always help nature correctly? What do they most often get wrong? (The teacher works with posters reflecting children’s mistakes in environmental activities.)

One of the areas of environmental protection is the conservation of natural resources: economical use of water, gas, paper, heat, electricity; collection of scrap metal and waste paper.

Do you know that…

Does waste paper collection save the forest? 60 kg of waste paper saves the life of one spruce tree.

Today we awarded those who take care of books and notebooks. (A representative of the Ecology Committee awards schoolchildren.)

Children, how do you understand what is depicted here? (The teacher displays posters about caring for natural resources.)

By helping nature, schoolchildren can take an active part in preventing bad behavior towards it: raids into nature, patrolling streets and squares.

E. Arefyeva’s fairy tale “Nature and Her Friends” was written about how nature’s friends fight against bad deeds. (The teacher reads a fairy tale.)

“In the forest, near an old, old oak tree, a small spring, Veselchak, bubbled out of the ground. And in this fontanel there lived a little sparkle with all her sisters. They splashed happily in their house, shone with all the colors of the rainbow when the sun extended its gentle rays to them, and were sad if the sun was gone for a long time. But the moments of sadness were short, because the rain added new drops to the fontanel, which quickly became familiar with Sparkle and her sisters and became completely familiar.

Sparkle and her droplet sisters were very small, but this did not stop them from taking care of each other and their fontanel. The more droplets, the more friendly they are, the louder Veselchak was.

Various little animals often came running to this protected corner of the forest to drink fresh water and chat with Veselchak, vocal birds flew in and sang their songs, entertaining the droplets, and the spring itself sang along with the birds. It turned out to be an amazing forest choir! Everyone in this forest lived together and took care of each other. But one day a car drove up to the old oak tree and a man got out. The fontanel was delighted. Now it will be useful to humans too! But big man, it seemed, he didn’t even notice how diligently the fontanel was trying to attract his attention, how friendly the birds were singing and making a joyful noise an old oak.

Suddenly the man began to cut branches from young birch trees. Seeing this, the droplets began to cry in their house, and the old oak tree creaked menacingly. But how could they help the trees? For some reason, the forest immediately became quiet, no birds could be heard, but only the sound of an ax could be heard.

Suddenly Veselchak and the old oak tree heard a cheerful song sung by boys and girls walking into the clearing. These were the guys from the Green Patrol - real friends of nature. They saw a man cutting branches and moved towards him menacingly. “Aren’t you ashamed to spoil a beautiful corner of the forest?! So big and you don’t know that nature needs to be protected!” And the adult uncle suddenly felt ashamed, got into the car and drove away.

There was nothing that could be done to help the birch trees; the guys carefully placed the branches aside. Then, seeing the spring, they hurried to it. The droplets played and sparkled in the sun. Sparkle invited the guys to drink some delicious and fresh water. Friends of nature gladly accepted this offer. The water was indeed very tasty and smelled of the forest.

Birds appeared in the branches of the old oak tree, the guardian of the fontanel, and they were pleased to meet the children. The grass rustled nearby, and two lumps rolled into the clearing: a prickly and fluffy one - a hedgehog and a hare. They came running to drink water from the spring and chat with Sparkle and her sisters. The guys also met these forest inhabitants. And then they all sat together under the oak tree, listening to the conversations of Veselchak and the breeze that quietly rustled in the branches of the old oak tree.

The guys promised that they would often visit the forest corner and meet its inhabitants. And they also said that they would always protect nature and not let it be offended.”

Children, have you ever taken part in such work? Tell us about it.

There are many things children can do to improve the natural environment, such as planting trees, flowers, classrooms and schoolyards.

Did you know that natural beauty can be preserved to be enjoyed at home? How many of you have seen panels, paintings and other crafts made from natural material? Let's admire your crafts made from natural materials and choose the most interesting, most original. Pay attention to the beauty of natural forms, colors, outlines. You see, even a dry twig, blade of grass, or pine cone can become a wonderful decoration for your home. ( Best craft awarded with a prize.)

Guys, what do you feel, what do you think about when you do good deeds in nature? Are you feeling joy? Of course, you are very happy and pleased. This is how L. Nikitina describes the feeling of a girl who helps nature in her story “joyful moments.”

“In the spring, on cold, stormy days, I constantly monitor the birds and feed them. Tits most often visit the feeder. Hearing the song of a cheerful little bird is a great joy!

I found several anthills in the forest and fenced them off. One of the anthills was destroyed by someone, the whole top part domes. I scooped up all the scattered building material and made a top out of it. The ants quickly set about repairing the house, and after a while it looked normal, and the owners calmed down. And for me it’s a joyful moment!

On our street, workers were laying pipes and damaged many trees. I removed the fallen trees that could no longer be saved, and carefully removed the broken branches of the rest, covered the wounds here and there, and put up supports. I think that I saved them from death, and this is also joyful.

I saw a boy who caught a small wagtail chick. I insisted that he let go of it in the same place where he picked it up. We placed the chick on a branch, walked away a little and waited for the parents to arrive. Soon the voice of a wagtail was heard, the chick perked up, began shaking its tail, and squeaked. And then two adult wagtails flew in with food and began to take turns stuffing the caterpillars they had brought into the chick’s eagerly open beak. And again joy - both for me and for the boy!”

Children, any help to a person, plant or animal brings joy, satisfaction, and happiness.

Today we will hear a story about how schoolchildren helped nature in our city. (WITH brief information Based on specific examples, a representative of the Committee on Ecology speaks. The conversation can be accompanied by a screening of the filmstrip “What a young conservationist should know and be able to do.”)

At the end of the conversation, the teacher gives the children a task: to explain to their younger friends and parents how they can help nature. The conversation ends with the words of M. Andronov:

All the guys, we're going on big hikes
We can entice you with a ringing song.
Vigilantly protect our nature -
This means protecting the Motherland.

List of used literature

    Chistyakova L.A. Formation of ecological culture. – Ural: GARK, 12010.

    Khafizova L.N. How to introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature //Primary school. – 2008. – No. 8.

    Khafizova L.M. Environmental education junior schoolchildren//Elementary School. – 2009. – No. 3.

    Tsvetkova I.V. Ecology for primary school. Games and projects. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.

Anna Maslova
Topics of conversations and consultations on environmental education for parents

"Topics of conversations and consultations on environmental education for parents."

1. "Without harming nature."

Goal: discuss the rules of behavior in nature.

2. "Let the grass bloom."

Goal: talk and introduce herbaceous plants, talk about their benefits, how to take care of them; introduce poisonous plants.

3. "Bow down to the berry."

Purpose: to talk about berries that grow in the region, point out poisonous ones, and precautions.

4. "Winged Doctors".

Goal: to introduce birds that you can watch, how to help them in winter, what to feed.

5. "Treasures of the Forest."

Goal: to tell children about the role of forests in human life; what a person gets from the forest, how to behave in the forest; help of the forest to man and man to the forest.

6. "Poisonous mushrooms."

Goal: to introduce children to poisonous mushrooms, with precautions.

At the beginning school year It is advisable to have a conversation about what parents know about environmental education and upbringing in general, and how the child gets acquainted with ecology within the family. We also offer a survey for parents:

1. "Books in the family."

2. "Environmental education in the family."


1. The ABC of behavior in nature.

2. Walks in nature.

3. Enter nature as a friend!

4. The charm of the eyes!

5. Green pharmacy (about indoor plants).

6. Pick mushrooms in the forest.

7. Let's help the winged doctors (about birds).

8. Our friends are insects.

9. Protect the friends of the forest!

10. Fire is a problem for the forest!

11. Let's save our Christmas tree.

12. Flowers are the beginning of earthly beauty.

13. Primrose - harbingers of spring.

14. Let's save water!

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for parents on environmental education of preschool children “Man and Nature”"Children and Nature" Environmental education of children preschool age involves: - fostering a humane attitude towards nature (moral.

Information material for conversations with young children and consultations for parents “October” OCTOBER October is a dirty man, he doesn’t like wheels or runners. October is the month of departure, migration and arrival of birds. October thunder - snowless winter.

Information material for conversations with young children and consultations for parents “Autumn months” Information material for conversations with children early age and consultations for parents Dear adults, we must teach kids to watch.

Consultation for parents on environmental education “Do not harm nature!” CONSULTATION FOR PARENTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN DO NOT harm nature! Where to start introducing your baby to...

Consultation for parents on environmental education of preschool children “Do not harm nature” CONSULTATION FOR PARENTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN DO NOT harm nature! Where to start introducing your child to nature?

Memo for parents and children on environmental education “Remember the rules” Memo for parents and children on environmental education Remember the rules! Plant protection. When in nature, you should not pick plants.

“What do you mean, without grass and birds, And without love for a buzzing bee, Without cranes over a pine thicket, Without pretty fox faces? When.

Today nature is experiencing considerable upheaval. The words most often heard are: unfavorable ecology, ecological crisis, ecological catastrophy. It is not easy to convey these issues to children; the conversation is environmental theme will help to voice this problem in a simple and accessible way.



Conversation on the topic: "Environmental Safety".

Purpose of the conversation: to form environmental consciousness and a sense of respect for planet Earth.

Objectives of the conversation: develop cognitive interest, careful attitude and love for the world around us, teach to compare, generalize; develop speech, thinking, broaden horizons and lexicon; to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and an ecological culture among students.

Today nature is experiencing considerable upheaval. The words most often heard are: unfavorable ecology, ecological crisis, environmental disaster. Yes, the development of science and technology requires huge amounts of coal, ore, oil and wood. For development Agriculture More and more new lands are being plowed up. When constructing hydroelectric power stations, dams are built, river beds are changed, and large areas. We get light, gas, heat, but at the same time we destroy thousands of animals and plants!

Ecology is the science of our common home.

Everyone knows what exemplary should look like workplace, a tidy room or a sparkling clean apartment. But to restore and maintain order in the environment, specialists are needed.

Do you think human activities affect the environment?

What can be dangerous for humans?

What ways of air pollution do you know?

Ecological disaster - irreversible change natural complexes related to mass death living organisms. Reasons: neglect of safety measures, negligence of personnel and management of enterprises, greed, desire to save money.

Examples of major environmental disasters:

Chernobyl disaster - radiation contamination of the territory of Ukraine, partly Belarus and Russia;

The death of the Aral Sea is the disappearance of the sea;

Accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

IN European countries There are almost no intact biological systems left. During its existence and especially in the 20th century, humanity managed to destroy about 70% of all natural biological systems on the planet. Moreover, humans release thousands of tons of substances into the environment that were never contained in it and which often cannot be recycled.

On the territory of Russia there are 9 million square meters. km. untouched, and therefore “working” ecological systems. A significant part of this territory is tundra, which is biologically unproductive. But the Russian forest-tundra, taiga, sphagnum (peat) bogs are ecosystems without which it is impossible to imagine a normally functioning biota of the entire globe.

Do you think the main reserves of fresh water are in...

Rivers and lakes;

Glaciers and icebergs;

Artificial reservoirs?

What unique lake in our country do you know?

(This is Lake Baikal. Its approximate age is 25 million years. The lake is fresh. In a clean and clear water Lake Baikal, you can observe objects with the naked eye at a depth of more than 40 meters. The inhabitants of this lake are Baikal omul, golomyanka, seal, sturgeon, taimen. The life of Baikal depends on phytoplankton (a community of algae), zooplankton (representative - the crustacean epischur) and the small fish golomyanka. The golomyanka accounts for 70 percent of the mass of all Baikal fish (about 200 thousand tons). Golomyanka is viviparous. It is in constant movement from top to bottom, to the deepest points of the lake. Thanks to its constant movement, the mass of water moves and is enriched with oxygen. IN Lately More and more often, scientists and environmentalists have to raise their voices in defense of Lake Baikal.)

Why do you think the climate is changing?

(Causes of climate change - Greenhouse effect, a decrease in the water-regulating capabilities of the land, which occurred due to the deforestation of a large area forest areas, draining swamps, plowing large steppe areas, building cities and roads. The control of water evaporation from the land surface is disrupted. Forests have the best water-regulating properties.)

Why are synthetic detergents so dangerous?

(Washing powder, soap, shampoo, soda are serious pollutants of water and soil. They change the surface tension of water, disrupting the vital activity of many organisms that live at the interface between water and air. Getting into water bodies, they impede the access of oxygen. Detergents have a detrimental effect on fish eggs and the development of amphibians. Phosphorus, which is so rich in detergents, promotes the growth of algae (water blooms). Detergents are made on the basis of synthetic substances, which makes it difficult for them to decompose in the natural environment.)


1. The star thanks to which life exists on earth. ( Sun )

2. A substance that exists on our planet in three states ( water)

3. Fertile layer of soil ( the soil )

4. Mixture of gases (air)


(choose the correct option and make up a word)

  1. Is this an ecologist?

A is an ecology teacher.

P - environmental protection specialist.

2.What are the ways in which harmful substances from the environment enter the human body?

B – through air, water and soil;

P – through air, water and food.

3.What is environmental safety?

A – how plants and animals live nearby and influence each other;

O – protection from the harmful effects of environmental pollution.

4. How can you protect yourself from air pollution?

K – step aside;

D – do not linger in places where the air is polluted.

5. How to protect yourself from contaminated water?

M – do not drink dirty water;

N – use a household filter.

6. What is the rule of personal environmental safety associated with food?

O – wash vegetables and fruits;

A – use a plate and cutlery.

7. What is a chain of pollution?

E – trampled paths;

C – burning of leaves, the appearance of toxic smoke, death of insects.


Let's work out following rules and we will stick to them:

Make bird feeders from plastic or Tetra Pak bags.

Garbage sorting.

Collect waste paper and hand it over.

Collect garbage.

Buy a reusable bag for the store.

Plant trees and more!

Communicate with living nature.

Feed any living creatures.