The elephant is an animal that is valued and idolized in China, India, Thailand, and Africa. It represents wisdom, prosperity, intelligence, insight, love, peacefulness, patience. Taoist practice teaches how to become successful and rich. A special place is given to the figures of 7 elephants. The practice of Feng Shui is the ability to accumulate Qi energy. People should protect themselves from the negative and attract the positive.

A home is not only a place where a person relaxes and eats. Housing is a living organism, an intermediary between internal and outside world owner. A person's luck depends on what is in the rooms. Talismans that are installed in the house attract favorable energies.

There are baby ones in souvenir shops. This is a good amulet for families with children. The talisman will help improve the relationship between parents and child and protect children from failure.

Elephant with baby

If you believe in numerology, then every number has vibrations. The number one symbolizes:

  • pride;
  • nobility;
  • generosity;
  • power.

The talisman of one figurine should be white or gold.

Three figures - the harmony of man with heaven and earth. The troika represents power and law. It is recommended to use figurines of the same color.

The seven elephant talisman has a special meaning. Every day a person faces this number. The moon has a huge influence on people. It creates ebbs and flows, affects human biorhythms and health. Every seven days a new phase begins.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

The number seven - days of the week, metals in ancient times, notes in the octave, colors in the rainbow and so on. This is a cosmic number that symbolizes deep knowledge, reflection and spiritual search.

Animal figurines will bring to household members:

  • happiness;
  • calm;
  • health;
  • welfare;
  • equilibrium;
  • getting rid of negativity;
  • protection from envy and unkind people.

The seven elephant talisman is:

  • happy family union;
  • amulet against theft and loss;
  • protection from uninvited guests.

The meaning of the talisman

Ancient people tried to unravel the mysteries of the world. They connected their lives with symbols in which the knowledge of their ancestors was encrypted.

There are two types of elephants - Asian and African. In Thailand, the elephant is the national animal. Animals were used as transport and for construction. Today, this work is performed by machinery, and tourists are given rides on elephants.

The roofs of Thai temples are decorated with animal figures. In Thailand, all light-colored elephants are considered white. If such an individual is found, it automatically becomes the property of the king. The state has an elephant park where they live freely.

The First Siamese-Burmese War ended with the exchange of royalty for two white giants. This animal is national symbol power, prosperity and well-being of Thailand. The highest award in the state is the Most Sacred Order of the White Elephant.

Mammals of the order Proboscis have magical power. Savannah giants are different from Asian ones. The animal symbol is found in African, Chinese, Thai and Indian culture.

Seven elephants

All areas of life in China are connected with Feng Shui. The elephant in this country symbolizes a positive attitude towards life and development. A raised trunk is a victory cry. Seven elephants of happiness in a talisman - with a raised trunk.

In India, this mammal has special significance. Houses and temples in the country are decorated with white and gray figurines. The god of happiness Ganesha has the head of an elephant.

These animals are loved on all continents. Figurines and paintings with their images always accompany and protect a person. The fianchetta bishop is the favorite piece of grandmaster Eduard Gufeld. Indian fighting males were the most dangerous. The grandmaster also considered this chess piece to be strong. It is also called "Gufeld's elephant".

The purpose of the mascot

The elephant is a symbol of wisdom and wealth. The talisman draws Qi energy with its trunk - good luck, prosperity into the house. To do this, the figurine is placed on the windowsill with its nose towards the street. It is believed that this way it will attract prosperity to the home. If the figurine is placed in a room, it means reliability and good luck in the room.

Where to place it?

The elephant removes the destructive energy of the corners in the room. It is better to place the animal figurine in the southeast in the wealth sector.

The financial well-being of household members depends on the cleanliness and illumination of this area. Cosmic energy loves everything bright, clean and beautiful in the room. Harmony in the southeastern zone means a rich and fulfilling life for the inhabitants of the house.

Talismans occupy a special place in the development of space. Seven elephants will bring prosperity and stability. A strong animal will help its owners overcome any difficulties. The talisman will protect household members from negative energy.

Elephant is a talisman for children. The figurine can be placed not only in the southeast, but also in the western sector of the children. The talisman will bring them good luck.

Blue elephant figurines are installed in the north, if it faces this side, which will protect the house from robberies.

When choosing one or another style of apartment, you can give preference to safari. Elephants in a wooden interior will complement the other inhabitants of the “reserve”. One room is designed in a bright style, where you can place an armchair by the Spanish designer Maximo Riera.

An artist-designer creates a furniture zoo. Among his creations is a chair with the head of a black elephant. It is made in the shape of an animal. The designer studies the anatomical features of animals, makes paintings and drawings in their style. The price of the chair is 315,000 rubles.

Mascot color

The canonical color of an elephant is white (silver). Tusks and eyes are golden or red. Figures can be of the following colors:

  • white;
  • silver;
  • gold;
  • light brown;
  • pink;
  • blue.

A golden elephant sitting on bullion will bring wealth and prosperity to its owner. A white figurine of an animal will strengthen your will and give you a sense of self-esteem.

In Africa, a white giant with a raised trunk is a sign of victory and rejoicing.

Elephant with trunk raised

Buddhists also revere the white elephant, which represents:

  • virtue;
  • purity;
  • knowledge.

In Asia there is such a thing as the pink elephant. The color of this individual is light brown. If the giant gets wet, it turns pink.

Activation of the talisman

  1. Elephant figurines are acquired on the waxing Moon.
  2. The trunk should point up.
  3. An animal with a lowered trunk is for women who want to conceive a child. For this purpose, a married couple places two such figurines near the bedroom. Animals collect, accumulate energy and become a talisman for childless couples.
  4. Figurines should be made of natural materials, except ivory: this can make the animal indignant.
  5. First the house (space) is cleaned - done general cleaning. Throw away everything unnecessary.
  6. After purchase, the figurines are washed in salt water to remove unnecessary energy.
  7. The amulet is fumigated with incense.

The 7 elephants of happiness talisman is additionally activated as follows. The figurines are decorated with gems and chains made of precious materials. Only ivory beads and rings should not be used.

The amulet must be spoken for wealth. Affirmations are used to attract money. If problems arise, take the talisman and repeat:

My time is money.

I'm making good use of my time.

My income is growing.

I have time for everything.

Where to buy figurines?

The amulet is bought in gift and esoteric stores. You can order products from China in the AliExpress online store.

On the website there is a set of ceramic elephants of 7 pieces for 2354.91 rubles. The figurines are white in color and the tusks are golden. There are decorative elements on the backs of elephants of blue color. The largest figure is 11, and the smallest is 4 cm.

A set of three bronze figures (parents and a baby elephant on the mother’s back) costs 10,600 rubles. There are talismans on sale made from semi-precious stones, bronze and copper.

By placing an elephant talisman in your home, you will attract the beneficial energy of Qi into your home very quickly.

The elephant is sacred. It is a treasure of Buddhism, symbolizing strength, intelligence and indestructibility. In India, a dream where a person sits riding an elephant is a clear sign that very soon he will become the favorite of fate, whose small and large gifts will fall on him as if from a cornucopia. It was not for nothing that the rulers of the East sent as a gift high-ranking officials namely elephants, as a wish for good luck and happy life. The meaning of the elephant The elephant figurine is of great importance in the teachings of harmony in Feng Shui. This sign is universal, located in different zones of Bagua: - a trumpeting elephant in the southeastern area of ​​prosperity and well-being stimulates the energy of money, finding unexpected sources of income; - located on the windowsill (in the east) in the family sector, the elephant will bring immutability, constancy, peace and tranquility to the family; - in the zone of assistants in the north-west of the home, facing the entrance, the figurine will help to establish useful business contacts, receiving the goodwill of loved ones and high trustees; - an elephant with a lowered trunk (western sector – children’s area) will give loving spouses baby. The meaning of the position of a strong and sensitive trunk is different in that the trumpeting one mainly attracts good luck in business, and the lowered one brings peace, prosperity and children to the family. Of course, you should not take the qualities of this talisman literally. Basically, his appearance acts as cultural symbolism. Many subconsciously fear this powerful animal. Then you don’t need to keep it with you, but it’s better to use other symbols that mean success, security and luck for you! Fighting infertility Do you have an insoluble problem? You can't have children and don't know what to do about it? Stop getting upset! There is one remedy that, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, should certainly help you!

In Feng Shui symbolism, the most popular “cure” for fertility is the elephant – a beautiful, large and very kind animal. It represents prosperity, stability, good health, wealth, success... - and fertility and abundance. Both elephant figurines and their drawings are welcome in the house - the power does not diminish. Even plush children's toys can be used as a symbol. But it is not an ordinary elephant that helps childless unfortunates. This should be an animal with a lowered trunk, or a mother elephant with a calf, or a pregnant elephant with a small elephant carved on her tummy. This figure is placed in the west, in the “Children” area. Better - in the bedroom, turned away from front door. This Feng Shui symbol is perfect for couples dreaming of offspring! Figurine of an elephant with its trunk down Many, out of ignorance, believe that an elephant’s trunk down brings negativity. This is wrong. According to Feng Shui, negative consequences are possible only if this character is poorly placed in the house, but not depending on where his trunk is directed. Elephant with trunk down- patron of women, giving motherhood. Therefore, ladies who are unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant need to purchase just such a figurine. With its long nose, inclined downwards, the elephant collects, saves and accumulates the energy necessary for this purpose, overcoming multiple obstacles. There is a sign: if you touch an elephant’s tail, expect a boy. Another sign says that the birth of a girl can be influenced by a single figurine, and for the birth of a boy, there must be several figurines in the bedroom. Such a figurine, with its trunk facing the marital bed, must be placed on the stand next to the bed where the spouse sleeps. The elephant, stimulating the masculine principle and picking it up bit by bit from energy strings, will contribute to conception. Often a figurine of an elephant is also made along with its offspring - baby elephants. Are there any children in the family? An elephant with a long nose tilted down will become the guardian of your child, protecting him from all sorts of problems and troubles, helping to establish contact and mutual understanding with him. In addition, the sculpture is good in corners, which are places of stagnant energy and for eliminating Sha Qi, along the path of the energy influence of sharp corners. Appease your elephant by decorating it with an attractive chain, sandalwood, cypress, amber rosary or semi-precious beads. He will definitely repay you with his free help! Materials for creating elephant figurines Elephant figurines with an inclined trunk are created from a variety of natural material which adds strength to them magical properties. Figurines come in different types: stone, bronze, ceramic, wood, and metal alloys. But God forbid you put up an ivory figurine! The elephant will bring down everything that is evil and aggressive on you and your family! Don't forget about it! Ceramic or bronze elephants can be found on the website of our online store ART Manufactura. The Thai-made Handmade figurines we offer will become not only symbols of Feng Shui, but also fashionable, invariably valuable elements in the decor of a room, with the help of which you can really create your own style in decoration. And bronze figurines are of eternal value! The symbolic presence of an elephant in a home is favorable in any case, especially in terms of dreams and hopes coming true. Well, what kind of elephant it will be - the choice is yours! Intuition, better than any compass, will show where to place it! Listen to yourself and use Feng Shui recommendations! Good luck to you!

This huge, sedate animal personifies powerful strength, endurance and reliability. This is probably why in the first ideas of some peoples about the structure of the world flat earth rested on three backs mighty elephants, held on the back of a giant, drifting in the vast ocean. According to Feng Shui, the elephant is a symbol of fidelity, patience, compassion, insight, wisdom, longevity, as well as power, success in business, happiness and prosperity.

Whether you buy a figurine of an elephant or a beautiful picture of an elephant - according to Feng Shui, it doesn’t matter. The role is played by color, material, position of the trunk, number of figurines, and any additional symbolism. But first of all, the mascot should evoke your sympathy.

Thus, the meaning of the white elephant is the establishment of family relationships. The talisman attracts good luck to the house and blocks the flow of negative energy. And according to Feng Shui, a mother elephant with a baby elephant means a desired pregnancy and happy motherhood. The amulet is also perfect for children - it protects them from failure and helps them achieve success in their studies.

Combination with other symbols

Elephant figurines are often found, complemented by symbols of good luck:

  • According to Feng Shui, a toad on an elephant means good luck and wealth.
  • A monkey on an elephant means success in business.
  • An elephant on a handful of gold coins - wealth and stable income.
István Mihály/Pixabay

Some Feng Shui masters believe that additional symbolism does not enhance the effect of the talisman, but, on the contrary, weakens it.

Figurine material

On sale you can find sculptures made from various materials. Even soft and rubber children's toys can work great as a mascot. Let's look at the feng shui properties of an elephant depending on its material:

  • Golden helps to concentrate on goals and achieve them, develops leadership skills, firmness and perseverance.
  • A silver elephant means wisdom. He is especially supportive of female leaders.
  • The crystal talisman protects against misfortunes and blows of fate.
  • A white marble figurine strengthens the nerves, makes a person resistant to stress and helps to withstand failures.
  • The jasper elephant strengthens self-confidence, strengthens intuition and protects against the negative energy of sha-qi.
  • The malachite amulet will instill confidence and optimism in those who dream of starting their own business, changing their profession or getting an education.
  • An amber figurine relieves jealousy and increases self-esteem.

Do not keep an ivory figurine of an elephant in your house! Otherwise, the thing will begin to exude negative energy and attract negativity into the house.

Feng Shui Elephant Trunk

In Feng Shui, an elephant with a raised trunk is a symbol of freedom and change; it attracts money and teaches how to manage it wisely.

Ethan Hoover/Unsplash

In Feng Shui, elephants with their trunks down symbolize stability, longevity, abundance and fertility, promise a quick and desired conception, and protect the home.


There is also an opinion that a lowered trunk is an unfavorable symbol that brings melancholy, despondency and depression into the house.

Number of elephants according to feng shui

Depending on your wishes, a certain number of elephants is used. According to Feng Shui, their numbers carry different meanings symbol.

A single figurine of an elephant or a painting with its image will enhance your charm and help you become self-confident.

Rostislav Plekhanov/Pixabay

According to Feng Shui, two elephants will help a lonely person find mutual love. It is best to place the figurines in, that is, in the southwestern part of the room.


Three elephants according to Feng Shui - desired conception and successful birth, harmony in the family.

Four figurines promise stability and material well-being.

If you need support in your endeavors or are tired of a monotonous life and want new experiences and positive events, get five elephants.

Aleksey Nemiro/Pixabay

Six eared animals promise luck in the love sphere.

The seven elephants in Feng Shui will help you achieve your goals and unleash your creative potential. In general, the number 7 in Eastern philosophy carries with it self-confidence, the ability to see many opportunities and skillfully use them. According to Feng Shui, the 7 elephants attract prosperity in all areas of life. The amulet gives good health and longevity, mutual love, harmonious relationships with loved ones, as well as success in business and wealth.

Eight figurines will help you endure adversity.

According to Feng Shui, 9 elephants develop the mind and help to acquire new knowledge. It is very good to put nine figures in the nursery.

Ten figurines promise positive changes in life.

Eleven give vitality and good health.

You can acquire a large number of figures, but you still need to maintain a sense of proportion. Moreover, their number does not increase luck.

Peggy and Marco Lachmann-Anke/Pixabay
What do we want to getWhere to place the figurine
luck and prosperityon the windowsill, trunk directed towards the street
attraction useful people, protection from envy and ill willone or two elephant figures with trunks pointing upward, looking at the front door
neutralization of “poisonous arrows” (sharp corners various items in the interior)directly opposite all sharp corners
stable incomesoutheast
better healthEast
gaining a strong patron, increasing the authority of the head of the familynorthwest
happy marital relationshipa pair of sculptures in the southwestern part of the bedroom
conceptionelephant with lowered trunk, turned towards the marital bed
from negativity at workon the desktop
improving academic performance at schoolon the student’s desk (computer)
eliminating negative energy in rooms with a large number of things (for example, in a warehouse)in any visible place

In this article you will learn:

Many countries have their own sacred animals. In Turkey they respect horses, in Egypt - cats and cows, the Chinese love monkeys, and in India they honor dogs and elephants. Knowing the location rules feng shui elephant meaning By using this animal in the organization of space and religion, you will protect yourself from the influence of negative energy.

What does an elephant mean in Feng Shui?

When arranging a house or apartment in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui, experts often place an elephant figurine on a bookshelf or fireplace. This ritual has its own meaning. In India, the elephant is a sacred animal, which is credited with noble qualities. The animal is associated with wisdom, strength, calmness, longevity, and reliability.

Buddhists believe that a figurine and even an image of an elephant can protect household members from negative energy, attract success, happiness and prosperity into the owner’s life with its long and strong trunk.

The size of the figurine of the sacred animal does not matter. According to Feng Shui experts, positive Qi energy will not leave a house if an elephant lives in it. In ancient times, people believed that the Earth stood on 3 elephants and 1 turtle. This is a strong and resilient animal that lays the foundation for warmth and joy.

By placing the figurine in a prominent place, you protect yourself and your household from conflicts and negativity. Buddhists say that the amulet will also protect against thoughtless spending and actions.

When you buy a figurine, pay attention to the material from which it is made. It is not recommended to purchase a product made of ivory, because... it brings deadly energy and misfortune. Remember that the figurine should please the eye, then it will fulfill its functions and properties. Another important point that requires attention is the direction of the animal’s trunk.

With trunks down

There are talismans with both lowered and raised trunks. Elephant with trunk down brings stability, tranquility, peace, happy motherhood, well-being to the home family relationships. Such figures are less common, as some believe that a lowered trunk only brings despondency and depression.

With his trunk raised

Figurines of elephants with their trunks raised and bent upward are more common; they evoke joyful associations. The animal bends its trunk upward, enjoys life and attracts positive energy.

Elephant with trunk raised attracts happiness, luck, joy into life. The figurine will inspire, protect from despondency, and motivate the owner. If an animal does not lower its trunk in the face of difficulties, then its owner should not lower his nose and give up in the face of obstacles. Place such a figurine on your desktop and look at it every time you want to put things off and give in to laziness.

Main types of figures

Feng Shui elephant figurine plays an important role in the home of every person who believes in its power. On the Internet and on the shelves of souvenir shops you can see a wide variety of different elephant figurines. Each has its own meaning and significance:

  • the white elephant symbolizes the protection of the family hearth from negativity and accompanies the arrival of good luck in the home;
  • 3 elephants – heaven, earth and man. Such a figure attracts harmony in all areas of the owner’s life;
  • a mother elephant with a baby elephant symbolizes the appearance of offspring if you do not have any. In a family where children live, a mother elephant and her cub will protect them. They will also strengthen family ties;
  • 7 elephants - complete well-being in everything you need: love, health, longevity, luck, happiness, mutual understanding with dear people and wealth;
  • an animal with a mountain of gold coins under its feet symbolizes wealth and stability in money.

These were the main types of figurines, but there are dozens of them on the market, remember that not all of them bring only positive things, be careful when buying such a figurine and find out its meaning in advance.

The right number of elephants in the house

Professionals know that elephant feng shui meaning which changes depending on how many other talismans are in the house, and can carry different energy. Some people are interested in collecting various figurines, but not everyone understands what the item used may entail. number of figurines:

  • 1 – strengthens self-confidence, gives the owner confidence in his actions;
  • 2 – symbolize love, will help you meet your soulmate;
  • 3 – denote a family and contribute to the birth of a child in the house;
  • 4 – stability and wealth;
  • 5 – will help in new endeavors, save you from the daily routine;
  • 6 – promise good luck on the love and family front;
  • 7 – they will fulfill all desires, will help in everything and always;
  • 8 – will make you more resistant to twists and turns of fate;
  • 9 – often placed in a children’s room to help the child with learning and development;
  • 10 – will change life in better side, will help in difficult times;
  • 11 - will attract a strong patron, give more moral strength and good health.

Where to put the elephant figurine

People who do not understand Feng Shui often wonder where to place the talisman. This important aspect, because the location of the figure affects its impact. Places where the figurine may be located:

  1. Opposite the entrance to the house. Place 2 elephants facing those entering, and the figures will protect against unpleasant guests and negative visits.
  2. Opposite sharp corners. A large number of bears corners in the house negative energy Sha. Elephants with their trunks turned towards the corners will protect you from harmful influences.
  3. Southeast of the house. A talisman in this place will bring stability in the material sphere.
  4. Northwest. An elephant standing at this point in the house will support the head of the family and relationships in the home.
  5. Bedside chest of drawers in the bedroom. Place 2 elephants there to strengthen it love relationship, loyalty and mutual understanding.
  6. Desktop. A figurine on your desk will increase activity and performance. She will help in all endeavors and new projects.
  7. Eastern part of the house. Elephant will help its owner improve health and stamina.

If you want to achieve harmony in all areas, then do not place figurines in dark corners, scary and unkempt shelves, near faulty outlets.

How to activate a figurine's action

According to Feng Shui, the elephant is a very respected animal; it symbolizes love of work, good character, wisdom, and strong intuition. The elephant figurine is a sacred symbol in Buddhist teachings. Animals are depicted with their trunks lowered or raised, acquiring different meanings. The elephant adorns the coats of arms of states, religious attributes, money amulets. It can be placed at home or presented as a gift.

It is very important to choose the right number of animals and place them in the right places.

Previously, we often saw seven elephants in houses, although there was no talk of feng shui in our country yet. Let's consider what symbolism this powerful animal carries and how to properly activate it at home.


As a rule, the meaning of the image of an elephant implies stability, harmonious, successful life. To put it simply, an elephant’s trunk is a way to attract success, luck, and prosperity to yourself and your home. Based on this, we can judge that neither the size, nor the texture, nor the material from which the talisman is made are of decisive importance.

An elephant can be depicted schematically and yet be endowed with enormous power to attract positive energy. Conflicts in the family are reduced to nothing, forgotten harmony is revived.

Since the elephant is quite large by nature, it stands firmly on its feet, and it is almost impossible to break it. Therefore, stability, strength of relationships and financial situation will be completely indestructible. The meanings of elephant mascots have different characteristics:

  • trunk up- height financial well-being, attracting cash flows;
  • trunk down- the opportunity to conceive the desired child.

The number of figurines or images is also important:

  • one elephant will make you confident, strong, strong-willed, able to stand up for yourself and your business;
  • two elephants will help you find your destiny, get married or get married;
  • three elephants will contribute to the conception of children, the birth of a healthy child;
  • four elephants will help you climb the career ladder and get the desired financial benefits;
  • five animals are a real anti-stress, they allow you to realize long-standing dreams of changing your field of activity;
  • six elephants will help love and everything connected with it;
  • seven elephants are an inexhaustible well of abundance, thanks to them all dreams come true easily, all good things flow into your hands;
  • eight is set if it is necessary to overcome obstacles, barriers, fight fate and solve problems;
  • nine “strongmen” will help develop the mind, intellect, and broaden your horizons;
  • ten will push you to change, and it will definitely be positive;
  • eleven elephants will ensure good health.


Since there is a huge number of different talismans on the market for esoteric goods, you won’t be confused for long, not knowing which ones you should pay closer attention to. Elephants may have different poses, color scheme, size. To avoid confusion, you should be guided by the following meanings of the symbols:

  • It is recommended to buy a white elephant for those whose goals include preserving their family, saving it from the bad influence of others and negative impacts from the outside it is a symbol of protection;
  • a figurine of three animals means a harmonious combination of heaven, earth and man, it should be purchased by those who seek harmony with themselves and the world;
  • a composition of seven elephants is one of the most popular, and it is not surprising, because it is this number that can bring happiness and harmonize relationships;
  • a figurine of a baby elephant and a mother will help those couples who are desperate to have a child or are just starting to plan this joyful event, she promises good current pregnancy, calm childbirth, healthy baby;
  • Also, mother and baby are suitable for those who need to improve relationships with children/parents;
  • a trunk raised up promises career success, monetary abundance, success in all professional matters;
  • a podium made of gold coins and an elephant will not only attract money, but will also ensure its stable position; you don’t have to be afraid of losses;
  • the trunk down has a beneficial effect on motherhood, upbringing, relationships with children, but it will not protect you from stress, depression, despair, despondency - this is the most dangerous look talismans;
  • As for the material, you should avoid elephants made of ivory, they attract negativity and troubles, it is better to avoid such material.

How to activate energy?

If you have studied Feng Shui, then, of course, you know about the need to activate any talisman or amulet. If not, be sure to give it a try this issue time.

Despite the fact that the elephant's strength is unconditional, it also has weaknesses, so at the initial stage of action he needs help.

Add beauty to it, decorate it, as the elephant is a big fan of decorations. He will like beads, bracelets, necklaces wrapped around his neck or legs. If you do this, then you can safely expect a pleasant turn in fate, the elephant will be very grateful. The elephant also loves precious metals, try storing your chains and bracelets on it.

The main thing is to avoid the presence of ivory objects next to a figurine or painting; they neutralize all the positive energy of the talisman.

This is explained simply - the elephant will not approve of killing its own kind and will punish you for it. It’s better to choose a decent bright frame for the elephant, he loves it. This could be a bright napkin or a multi-colored silk flap in the form of a scarf. Conversations with an elephant one-on-one will accumulate its energy and awaken it. Of course, it is necessary to wash the dust and care for the talisman more often.

Where should I place the figurine?

Choosing a mascot is just the beginning; then you need to decide on the place where the image of the elephant will be placed. According to Feng Shui, location is everything. It can either nullify all energy flows or strengthen them several times. Let's look at the main possible locations.

  • Entrance. Opposite the front door, the elephant will work to protect the home or room. This option should be considered if you have ill-wishers, people from whom you expect trouble. It will be enough to place two elephants in front of the door to block the access of negative energy. They need to look at the person entering.

  • Windowsill. A great way to attract success, attract luck, and strengthen your position is to place an elephant on the windowsill so that it looks out the window. With his trunk he will draw in all the positive, all the beneficial flows of energy, and let them into your home. Eat important nuance– after you have achieved what you dreamed of, change the position of the figurine. Let the trunk look inside the house, then everything that you have achieved will not leave you.

  • Sharp corners. According to Feng Shui, an acute angle is an accumulation of negative energy, and to neutralize its negative impact, place an elephant opposite the corners.

  • Bed. Placing it next to the bed will have a beneficial effect on family relationships. Loyalty, love and respect will be attracted by an elephant placed on a bedside table or shelf.

  • Children's room. The elephant on the table will definitely help the student; it will allow him to concentrate and be more attentive.