A beautiful tanned body is the dream of every woman and man, which is why visiting a solarium has become so fashionable and popular. A solarium business plan is a must for those who want to make a profit from the beauty industry.

A business of this type can be opened either as a separate area or as an addition to a beauty salon, health center or fitness club. This kind commercial activities is now very popular, since sunbathing is inaccessible to most city residents. Ultraviolet light in small doses is useful and even necessary to the human body, so visiting a solarium in moderation will never harm your health.

Project Summary

A ready-made solarium business plan includes the cost of purchasing equipment and renting premises. The costs of opening this business with active promotion will pay off within 8-10 months.

Attracting regular customers will allow you to expand your business in just a few months. The solarium, the business plan of which you can download from us, is considering a separate room that provides tanning services. The business premises will be issued under a lease agreement. The main promotional activities will be the distribution of leaflets and offers of cooperation to beauty salons, hairdressers and sports clubs that do not have tanning equipment installed.

Project marketing

Market Review

Ready-made solarium business plan- this is only half the battle; it needs to be adapted to the conditions of a specific market. Assess your competitors: to do this, you need to consider not only representatives of highly specialized businesses, but also beauty salons and fitness clubs that offer this service. When comparing prices for services, it is necessary to analyze similar equipment, since different power of the device allows you to get different degrees of tanning.

Basic concept

The main concept of the project is to provide high-quality tanning services in the middle price segment and provide additional services to clients - a herbal bar with vitamin drinks, the sale of cosmetic tanning and skin care products.

This will increase the profitability of the project and speed up its payback. In addition, there are additional benefits - good music, drinks, cosmetics - will increase the effectiveness of promotion

Target group

For solariums, the main target audience is women of all age categories and a certain percentage (5-7%) of men. To allow visiting the solarium not only by non-working women, but also by business ladies, the salon's opening hours will include operation in the evening hours (until 21.00). Such working hours will mean the need to attract two administrators for shift work.

Service list

Standard list of services:

  • vertical solarium;
  • in the future - a horizontal solarium;
  • sale of tanning cosmetics;
  • herbal bar with refreshing drinks and vitamin cocktails.

Premises and equipment


When selecting a room, it is necessary to take into account the legal standards for equipment of this type. To place a vertical solarium, a room with an area of ​​30-40 sq.m. will be sufficient. It is also necessary to provide a separate small room for a locker room. When placing a vertical tanning device, it is necessary that there is a gap of about 30 cm to the ceiling when installing it.

Premises requirements:

  • preferably located on the ground floor or in the building of a business center, shopping center or sports club;
  • the presence of a good renovation, so that there is no need to invest money on its decoration (a solarium is an “intimate” office, so the room must be neat and equipped, which will be the key to creating a more profitable pricing policy);
  • the premises must be located in non-residential buildings;
  • The optimal location is in a densely populated residential area, perhaps near cosmetology offices or beauty salons (provided that they are not competitors in this area).


To open a solarium you will need the following equipment:

  • vertical solarium (at the first stage, one device is enough, then, as the customer base expands, they can be increased).
  • locker room furniture, wardrobe, rack for cosmetic products and reception desk.
  • refrigerator for drinks.

In the future, it is also possible to purchase a horizontal solarium. The vertical device, according to surveys, is more preferable due to its hygiene (the client’s body does not come into contact with the surface) and best quality tanning (more natural). But clients also like horizontal, because they can relax during the tanning procedure.


To open a solarium you will need the following documents:

  • registration of an enterprise in the form of ownership - individual entrepreneur.

In the future, when expanding, it is possible to register the enterprise in the form of ownership, as a limited liability company.


To work in a solarium, you need to hire two administrators who will work in shifts. Accounting services can be outsourced, and a cleaner can also be invited to do combined work. Requirements for administrators: communication skills, pleasant appearance. Experience in the same or similar activities is desirable. The personal qualities of employees in the service sector are always very great importance, to attract regular customers it is necessary to create a friendly environment.

Advertising and promotion

To attract customers to your solarium, you must carry out advertising and promotion activities:

Direct sales will be effective. To do this, you need to visit all nearby salons with an offer of cooperation, sports clubs, hairdressers. How to motivate them? This could be commissions from the sale of services and expansion of the scope of activity of these salons.

Financial plan

A business plan for a solarium must necessarily include a calculation of planned income and costs. average price per minute of use will be assigned in the amount of fifteen rubles, but subscription cards worth two thousand eight hundred rubles will also be issued. Using a subscription is beneficial for both the salon and regular customers. At the beginning of the activity, a certain number of minutes of the first sessions may be provided free of charge to attract customers.

Calculation of basic financial indicators

Costs for starting a new project:

  • purchase of necessary equipment (vertical solarium) – 250-300,000 rubles.
  • purchase of furniture, refrigerator for drinks - 50,000 rubles.
  • paperwork – 30,000 rubles.

The total amount of initial investment will be 330-380,000 rubles.

Monthly costs:

In total, monthly expenses will be 80-95,000 rubles.

On average, income per month will be approximately 120-150,000 rubles; with a profit of 40-60,000 per month, this will allow the project to recoup even in less than a year. Attracting regular customers will allow the salon to expand the types of services, add additional equipment and increase the area.


* The calculations use average data for Russia

Many beauty salons today offer their clients the opportunity to visit a solarium. There are companies that make money solely by installing several solariums and providing high-quality service in this area, that is, they make money only on solariums, without offering any other cosmetic services. The level of competition in this area is currently quite high, but this does not mean that a novice entrepreneur cannot take his place in the market, because the demand for such services is also high, not every company offers decent service, and some do not have high-quality equipment at all . Moreover, in some areas of a larger city, to one degree or another, there may not be salons where you can get an artificial tan, and therefore opening a solarium somewhere in a residential area can be very profitable business. And, as you can already understand, you can open a solarium on the basis of an already operating beauty salon, which will allow you to receive additional profit by attracting new clients.

The registration process should not take a lot of time and money from the entrepreneur, for example, the amount of the state registration fee legal entity will be 4 thousand rubles, registration individual entrepreneur– even less, namely 800 rubles. At the same time, a limited liability company has access to simplified system taxation, as in the case of individual entrepreneurship, which involves transferring to the state no more than 6% of income or 15% of operating profit as taxes. Eat important point also in registering your enterprise. If you plan to open a beauty salon in which cosmetic services will be provided, then you must obtain a medical license. But such an obligation arises if a specific list of services is provided, and solarium services are not included in this list. They are generally classified as individual services, and indeed artificial tanning is not legally considered a medical service. Thus, you can start your activity without any special permits at all; you will only need to contact Rospotrebnadzor and the State Fire Inspectorate. This is a standard procedure that applies to all entrepreneurs.

The next stage of organizing a business is finding premises for your salon. It must be said that you can limit yourself to a relatively small room, because directly for the installation in which the tanning takes place, only five square meters area. If you install five units, it turns out that only 25 m 2 is needed for the tanning area. However, more space will be required to equip the waiting room, in which the administrator also works, and in addition - a small locker room. Total - the size of the room is about 50 m2. Of course, you can get by with a smaller area if you buy a smaller number of units, but this is not always justified, because if there are not enough devices, queues may appear. On the other hand, visiting a solarium often takes place by appointment, and even one device can provide an entrepreneur with profit if the operating time of his center is correctly distributed. IN small towns or when working in some residential area, a large single solarium cabin is often not required, because the equipment is idle. Indeed, several cabins, and different types , needs to be installed only in a center that is focused on a large flow of visitors, and the entrepreneur is absolutely sure that he will be able to provide himself with a considerable number of clients. That is, to work in the provinces and in a populated residential area, it is better to count on 3-4 devices, but in a metropolis in the center you need to select a room suitable for installing 10 or even more devices. There are other requirements for the tanning area; if it is intended to install so-called vertical solariums, then the ceiling height must be at least two and a half meters, only then will it be possible to install the equipment. You also need to initially choose a model for yourself, and, based on your choice, select a room, because different models of solariums require different electrical connections, especially powerful devices are installed only if there is a stabilizer (however, it is recommended to install it in any case to avoid damage to your equipment). Special requirements are also imposed on ventilation; it is imperative that there is simple passive ventilation, but in some cases it will be necessary to install additional capacities. The exact requirements can be clarified with the equipment supplier; a good manufacturer initially indicates all the parameters of its device and recommendations for the room. If it turns out to be unsuitable for the solarium, then the entrepreneur will face a long and expensive repair, and not every landlord agrees to re-equip the electrical network and ventilation. However, the simplest models can still be installed in almost any standard room. The cost of rent can vary greatly, it depends on many factors, but on average you will have to pay 20-30 thousand rubles per month for 50 m2. The price can even be several times higher if you rent premises in some metropolis in the center. Whether this step will be justified must be determined at the business planning stage, because a building in a place with good traffic can only pay for itself. Additionally, it is worth thinking about ordering a design project for your premises, because a solarium cannot have bare walls; each such establishment tries to create its own atmosphere in which the client is pleased to be. The cost of developing a design project averages 1.5 thousand rubles per square meter of area. And we must not forget that to organize work you will have to buy a desk for the administrator, furniture for visitors, and install lockers. An elite salon must spend a lot of money even on interior decoration, having bought expensive furniture, but a simple solarium can get by with the equipment of its premises in the amount of 150-200 thousand rubles, and this amount includes the cost of simple computer equipment.

Next, you need to purchase equipment, and here the entrepreneur can actually choose from two types of solariums. There are horizontal and vertical solariums, the first are considered the best option, since the procedure time in them is slightly shorter, manufacturers claim that the procedure itself is more useful in them than in horizontal ones, but such devices are usually more expensive. Also, the client may be more comfortable in a vertical solarium. However, horizontal devices are standard and familiar to most solarium visitors. You can also purchase equipment in Russia from official representatives foreign companies, the price of the device varies depending on the country of production; in general, there are both cheap models and very expensive ones, designed for installation in elite centers. It is also worth paying attention to the appearance of the solarium so that it matches the design project.

The initial cost starts from about 300 thousand rubles (the price also includes installation), but good models are many times more expensive. For example, a good vertical solarium costs more than one million rubles. There are also more expensive units that cost several million, but these are already powerful professional installations that only a very expensive center can afford to purchase. In general, the price range is quite wide, and the entrepreneur chooses the models that he can purchase. But in any case, it’s not worth saving on equipment, because clients want to get an even, neat tan that in no way affects their health. It turns out that to open a good center with five devices, you need to have five million rubles just to purchase equipment. By the way, some companies offer solariums for rent, but this is usually not a profitable area for entrepreneurs to operate.

Ready ideas for your business

You also need to find a supplier Supplies, in a solarium, these are lamps that are used for tanning. However, it is unlikely that you will have to change them too often, because high-quality lamps can work up to 1000 hours, and the supplier of good equipment initially builds them in. The number of lamps in a booth can vary greatly, in the simplest installations there may be only two, but in a good salon you will never see such low, inefficient wattage equipment. Therefore, their minimum number in a booth is six, there are machines with ten or more, in professional machines - several dozen (especially in vertical solariums, which therefore allow you to get a more even tan or tan individual parts of the body). The cost of one lamp also changes, but a normal product that will last at least eight hundred hours (the supplier guarantees this) costs an average of one thousand rubles. Previously, many suppliers charged money for delivery and installation, as well as for the removal of old lamps, but today, when ordering for a certain amount, all these services are provided free of charge, which saves the entrepreneur from having to worry about disposing of used lamps. In any big city There is a company that supplies and replaces lamps for solariums, so there shouldn’t be any problems with this line of business. The frequency of replacing lamps depends on the production of hours, so in a busy salon you have to change lamps every 2-3 months (meaning high-quality copies), but in a not very popular one they can work for more than a year. Although lamps can burn out, you should not use a tanning bed with even several faulty lamps, so it is likely that lamp replacement will occur more often. But this applies to those entrepreneurs who have saved on wiring; if you follow all the requirements, then you should not expect any problems or unexpected failure of the lamps. Additionally, you need to find a supplier of consumables such as disposable underwear, slippers and towels, as well as hair caps. They are not too expensive, their price is included in the cost of the session additionally, but usually other companies deal with such consumables, not those that supply lamps and spare parts and components for solariums.

To work, you won’t have to hire too many employees; an entrepreneur can take a leadership position, and he won’t have to be in the salon all day, so he, having opened several points, can simply drive around and check the quality of his employees’ work. But in any case, the solarium must have an administrator who receives clients, helps them understand the machine, starts it, talks about the rules for visiting the salon, in general, this is the person who works with clients and is responsible for order in the solarium. A small salon can generally be served by one person, but even a relatively large one will have enough staff of 2-3 people. Received by the administrator in different regions in different ways, but usually his salary rarely exceeds 30 thousand rubles. All other business processes that are not related to the organization’s profit making should be outsourced. This includes accounting, first of all, because an individual entrepreneur (and a small enterprise as a whole) has little reporting, and it’s easy to compile it, and there is no point in hiring an accountant for this. Therefore, for an amount of about 5 thousand rubles per month, you can entrust this responsibility to a third-party contractor. Also, if an entrepreneur wants to protect himself from thieves or vandals, he should contact a private security organization, where they will install a security system and connect the salon to an alarm system.

Promoting a company's services on the market involves using standard marketing techniques, that is, it is enough to place information about yourself in local media, and, if possible, create your own website. Its creation and promotion on the local market will cost approximately 100 thousand rubles, and the site will not only become a good information and advertising platform, but will also allow you to offer your clients to book places in the solarium. And all this increases consumer loyalty.

The amount of monthly expenses will be about 70 thousand rubles, this includes rent, utility bills, payment for outsourcing services, wages, but the cost of consumables is not taken into account, because in most cases this does not happen every month (and therefore it is better to just have a reserve Money). The cost in solariums is usually set per minute, because a session rarely lasts 20 minutes; in powerful and modern machines it is even less (10 minutes), but the duration may vary depending on how strong a tan the client requires. The cost of one minute, of course, varies in different establishments, but on average it is 20 rubles. In elite establishments there may be more than a hundred, but in fact this is simply overpricing, because the cost of operating a solarium for an entrepreneur is not too high. The solarium can also make money by selling a variety of cosmetics to clients, as well as offering additional services; special massage is especially popular among visitors to the solarium. But massage therapists usually work for themselves, that is, the salon itself simply receives a small percentage for providing space. If we take into account solely the income from the solarium (provided that the price per minute is 20 rubles, although in the first stages it can be set at 10-15 rubles in order to attract clients), then you need to work about 60 hours a month to cover your expenses. This is quite realistic even for a newly opened salon, which is located to one degree or another good location, because the client signs up for a course in the solarium, that is, as a result, one client can pay for 3-5 hours for several visits. That is, on average, 15 clients per month cover the entrepreneur’s expenses, and all new visitors begin to form his profit. Considering that the salon offers additional services and also sometimes sells cosmetics, the monthly profit from such a business can be very large. By opening new salons, an entrepreneur can receive funds for the further development of his network of solariums.

Ready ideas for your business

Matthias Laudanum
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Many people are willing to pay a lot of money to become beautiful. This is why the so-called beauty business brings good profits to its owners. But creating a full-fledged beauty salon requires serious investments. What should a new entrepreneur do? Open a tanning studio. It's much simpler and cheaper. In this article we will talk about how to open a solarium from scratch, how to properly organize its work and how profitable it is.

We study demand

Most entrepreneurs believe that a solarium is a classic seasonal business. But actually it is not. People come to the tanning studio even in the summer, since not everyone has time to sunbathe for several hours.

With the right approach, clients will visit the solarium all year round

Tanning in a solarium is much safer than in the open sun; it spreads more evenly and lasts longer than usual. Therefore, you will almost always have clients (but there is still a certain seasonality).

Note: at proper planning and marketing, you will be able to build a constant flow of visitors. Give discounts to regular customers, arrange promotions during “unfavorable” months, and you will receive a guaranteed profit.

Explore the local service market. Find out what your competitors offer, find out what their pricing policy and terms of service are. Think about how you can make everything better and more competitive.

When making calculations, do not forget that in parallel with tanning, you can provide other services that will increase your profit. Starting with a solarium, you can create a full-fledged beauty salon, providing the following services:

  1. Making oxygen cocktails, phyto/fresh bar.
  2. Therapeutic and relaxing massage.
  3. Providing pedicure/manicure services.
  4. Eyebrow correction, eyebrow tattoo, eyelash extensions.
  5. Makeup services.
  6. A variety of spa treatments.

You need to think in advance whether you will provide these services or limit yourself to one tanning studio. Based on this, you will select premises for your business. Remember that if additional services are provided, you will need to equip a separate room.

By providing additional services, you will increase your profit and the number of clients

How to register

Want to know what it takes to open a solarium or tanning studio? Unlike a classic beauty salon, studios do not require licensing. You do not have to contact the relevant authorities and wait several months to obtain a license - you just need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. When registering, you must select OKVED code 93.04, which allows you to conduct physical education and recreational activities.

Additionally, you will need to conclude several agreements:

  1. On regular deratization.
  2. Agreement on disinfestation and disinfection.
  3. Agreement on the recycling of fluorescent and fluorescent lamps.

These contracts are concluded with local organizations that have the necessary license to operate. You will also need to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate about the compliance of your premises with certain standards. IN tax office you will need to complete documents for cash machine and approve a program for monitoring existing production.

Note: To open a salon you will need a medical education. If you don’t have one, you will need to hire someone with the appropriate diploma.

Premises requirements

What room is suitable for a solarium? In principle, to accommodate one device you will need an area of ​​2.5 by 2 meters (with a height of at least 2.6 meters) with supply and exhaust ventilation. Typically, small rooms with an area of ​​10 square meters are used to install the device. In addition to the solarium room, a reception area and staff accommodation are needed. The total area of ​​the room must be at least 35 m2. If you plan to install three or more solariums, then add another 10-12 m2 to each. To provide individual services, premises with an area of ​​15-20 m2 are also required.

Vertical solarium takes up virtually no space

Where is the best place to locate your studio? In the city center, in a residential area, near public passages. A good option for beginners is to rent a room in a beauty salon. His clients may well become yours. You can also talk to the owners of local gyms and place the equipment with them.

Note: Almost all modern solariums operate on a 380 volt network. Take this into account when selecting a room - running a separate line will be very expensive.

What is needed for a solarium

So, you already know where to start opening a solarium - first study the market, then find a premises. After that, it's time to start choosing good equipment. There are two ways:

  1. Choose an inexpensive device that only allows you to tan.
  2. Purchase a modern device that provides massage, aromatherapy, etc. during a session.

Read also: Business plan for a beauty salon with calculations: ready-made example

In most cases, the simplest device is enough to get the job done, so we don’t recommend that you overpay for unnecessary functions.

Devices can also be divided into vertical and horizontal. Vertical ones are more preferable - they take up minimal space, the body in them gets an even and beautiful tan, since it does not come into contact with the surface. It is necessary to lie down in horizontal devices, so in some cases the body may take an unnatural shape. Such devices sometimes leave white spots on the skin, which will certainly cause dissatisfaction among customers.

You should also be aware of the existence of special chairs and turbo solariums. The chairs are used for zone tanning - they allow you to give a beautiful color to your hands, face, and neck. A turbo solarium is a modern device that allows you to listen to music while tanning, perform aromatherapy and massage, call employees, etc. The price is quite high.

In a heavily used solarium, it is necessary to change the lamps every six months.

How many devices are needed for normal operation? We recommend purchasing one vertical and one horizontal unit. You should not save money and purchase used devices - you will spend a lot of money on their maintenance and repair. It’s better to buy inexpensive but high-quality new devices.

You should also consider purchasing other necessary equipment: a counter, a computer, various cosmetics, chairs or a sofa for waiting, hygiene supplies, etc.

Approximately your expenses will be as follows - 400 thousand for the purchase of two solariums, 40 thousand for the purchase of furniture, 25 thousand for various consumables and cosmetics, 50,000 for office equipment.


Who will work in your salon? If you have time, you can take on the responsibilities of an administrator and accountant. Then you will only need to hire one person who will replace you as an administrator for shift work. If not, then you will need two administrators and an accountant. You don’t have to hire an accountant for a permanent job - sign an outsourcing agreement and save on wages for a specialist.

Note: administrators should be beautiful, well-groomed girls with pleasant speech and manners. Be sure to train them on how to use tanning beds and safety precautions.

The administrator's job is as follows:

  1. Book a client for a specific time.
  2. Meet him, advise on all issues, accept payment.
  3. Choose the most suitable tanning program.
  4. Set the desired mode.
  5. Conduct a session.
  6. Guide the client and establish feedback with him.

Your staff must be able to correctly calculate tanning


To attract customers, you will need to draw up a competent marketing plan and budget for advertising costs. It must be carried out just before the opening. Usually the budget for this is set at 50-70 thousand. You will need to create a good sign, place advertisements on a local forum and in the media, create groups on social networks, launch paper advertising (banner, leaflets, various calendars, business cards, etc.). IN marketing plan it is necessary to describe the logic of transferring a random client to permanent status. Arrange various promotions, give people discount cards, give discounts to certain categories of people.

It would also be a good idea to create your own business card website, where you can post information about the services offered, phone numbers, prices, descriptions of procedures, etc.

One of the most popular areas of business today is the beauty industry: there is hardly a person who would not like to look well-groomed and attractive. In particular, tanning, which can be obtained using special devices - solariums, helps to quickly achieve this goal. Solariums are popular all over the world, and opening a tanning studio is very fertile ground for investment.


Abroad, machine tanning has long become commonplace: solariums are installed everywhere - at home and at work, in beauty salons and health centers, at train stations and airports. Interestingly, even in sunny resorts, many hotels are equipped with solariums for people who prefer a quick, safe tan to staying under the scorching sun.

Factors of business prospects

The prospects for opening a solarium business are determined by the following factors:

  • a small share sunny days per year in mid-latitudes;
  • the presence of adverse consequences for the body due to a lack of ultraviolet radiation - both physical and mental;
  • tanning is an indicator of a person’s status, an important component of his image;
  • tanning in a solarium is less dangerous than under the sun;
  • high demand for services when the market is insufficiently filled.

In addition, a solarium as a business is variable in scale - you can open a small establishment and use just one device, or you can create a whole network of tanning studios with an expanded range of additional services: massage, manicure and pedicure services, spa treatments, herbal bar, etc. In order to minimize the initial investment, we will consider in more detail the stages of opening an economy class solarium.

Registration procedures

Before you open your solarium, you need to register your business. To date, tanning studios are not licensed. Both individual entrepreneur and LLC are suitable as an organizational and legal form. However, according to general definition, registering a business as an individual entrepreneur is easier, faster, and more profitable. It is worth noting the following important feature for the case when the owner opens a solarium as an additional service in his own beauty salon, providing licensed (in particular, medical) services:

  • If the salon is registered as an individual entrepreneur, its owner has a medical education and the necessary work experience in medicine, then it is more profitable for a solarium to become part of the salon.
  • If the salon is registered as an LLC (the owner does not have medical education and corresponding work experience), it is more profitable for a solarium not to go “under the wing” of the salon, but to register as an independent individual entrepreneur.

This technique is widely used in the beauty industry, as it helps to optimize both the activities of the enterprise and the taxation system. Suitable OKVED codes will be:

  • 93.04 - “Physical and recreational activities”;
  • 52.33 - "Retail cosmetic and perfumery products" if you plan to sell related cosmetics.


As for the choice of taxation system, depending on the income of the solarium, UTII or PSN (patent taxation system) will be optimal. Since April 1, 2011, solarium services are officially classified as hairdressing and cosmetic household services with the code OKUN 019339, which means they fall under the UTII tax regime.

Obtaining Permits

Due to the fact that solarium services belong to hairdressing and beauty salons, the list of necessary permits for the operation of a business is similar to the permitting measures for hairdressing and beauty salons:

  • the premises, conditions and equipment must comply with established sanitary and epidemiological standards and fire safety requirements;
  • employees are required to have medical records.

Men are a gradually increasing segment of artificial tanning consumers

Premises requirements

The room for installing a solarium must meet the following criteria:

  • minimum room dimensions for installing one solarium: length - 170 cm, width - 120 cm, ceiling height - from 260 cm, room area for a tanning salon for 2 units - at least 40 sq.m.
  • room humidity should not exceed 80%, the proximity of pools and ponds should be avoided;
  • close attention must be paid to the organization of supply and exhaust ventilation for the smooth removal of hot air and the entry of fresh air;
  • The electrical wiring must be in good condition, the required voltage is 380 V, a 5-core wire must be installed to the location of the solarium.

The selected premises should be renovated with high quality, carefully considering the design details: this will help clients visiting the solarium to feel comfortable and receive positive emotions, which, in turn, will work to increase traffic to the establishment.

Where to open a solarium?

The best suited for this purpose are premises located in the city center (minus - high rent), on the inhabited outskirts of a medium distance, in newly occupied buildings (plus - there is no competition). At the same time, as practice shows, opening a solarium in very remote urban areas is not profitable.

The return on investment directly depends on the number of visitors. The location of the tanning studio should ensure that it is accessible to at least 10-15 people per day. If we consider this aspect from a regional perspective, the most favorable place to open a solarium is large provincial cities, especially in the northern direction.

As for the nearby infrastructure, it is good to rent a room next to the cafe, shopping centers, Universities, gyms. In addition, to accommodate 1 or 2 devices, you can rent part of the premises from a beauty salon or fitness studio, in this case the rental cost will be low - about 10,000 rubles per month.

Necessary equipment

The modern market offers a huge range of tanning devices - from simple models to powerful solariums, equipped with all sorts of additional functions: music, aromatherapy, massage, sea breeze effect, etc.

Solarium chairs are in great demand, providing tanning only visible areas of the human body - arms, face, décolleté.

To open a tanning studio economy class You will need 2 devices - horizontal and vertical. Over time, you can expand your business; the solarium pays for itself quite quickly. You should not purchase used units - they will cost much more to maintain.

Let's look at how much a solarium costs and, as an example, take the price lists of two suppliers, SolntseVsem LLC and SaunaMaster LLC.

The use of vending solariums will also allow you to reduce your payroll and do without maintenance personnel. Employees who greet customers should look good, be friendly and polite, and have competent knowledge of safe tanning. Properly selected staff is one of the most effective ways to attract customers.