Everyone loves to post cats on the Internet and admire them, believing that cuter than cats there is nothing in this world. Today we will prove to you that this is far from true. There are many wild animals, looking at which you want to burst into a smile from an overabundance of cuteness. Today we will show you eight such cute animals. And then try to say that cats are the cutest animals on this planet.

1 Snub-nosed monkey

These small monkeys with unusual faces are, unfortunately, at the stage of extinction. Their population declined sharply in the second half of the last century, as the monkeys were hunted, and their habitats were the territory of military operations in the Second World War. Today there are about 10-15 thousand individuals of this species.

The appearance of these monkeys is very unusual due to the special structure of the nose and the color of the coat. They feed on fruits, leaves and young shoots of bamboo. You can meet these creatures in the provinces of Vietnam.

2 Three-toed sloth

Surely everyone has heard about sloths. These animals live in the north South America and spend almost the entire day hanging upside down from trees. They sleep for a long time (up to 15 hours a day), eat little, and therefore are in a constant mode of energy conservation. Sloths almost never descend to the ground, spending their entire lives on trees and moving very slowly. They have poor eyesight, but good hearing. Butterflies, beetles, and algae can live in their fur.

The species was previously endangered due to the fact that locals ate their meat and made jewelry from their claws and skin. Later, this cruelty was stopped, and today sloths quietly continue to exist - mainly sleeping and eating.

3 Fennec

A small fox living in Africa. They say that the same Fox that the Little Prince tamed was a fennec fox. This unusual animal is slightly smaller in size than a domestic cat and has a strong sense of hearing and smell. Because of the huge ears, any rustle can be heard. They are nocturnal and live in burrows in small communities. They feed on roots, fruits, small vertebrates and carrion.

To date, the population of Fennec foxes is unknown. All they know is that they are killed for their fur and meat. IN Lately Fennec foxes were often bought as pets.

4 Quokka

A small (about the size of a large domestic cat) marsupial from Australia. Quokkas are very vulnerable, so they live far from places inhabited by predators. They are herbivores, move by jumping (just like kangaroos), and are nocturnal. They are considered a vulnerable species, as their numbers have recently begun to decline sharply.

Quokkas have become very popular among tourists. Many people rush to photograph this smiling animal or take a selfie with it. But in fact, quokkas are constantly smiling not because their life is so happy. It's much simpler: their facial muscles are often in a relaxed state, which makes them seem as if they are constantly smiling. However, one cannot help but smile at the report, looking at this miracle.

5 Japanese flying squirrel (Momonga)

The appearance of these animals is even more endearing: small fluffy rodents that look like a tiny squirrel, but also have wings. However, they do not use these “wings” to fly. They have membranes of skin between their legs and body, thanks to which flying squirrels can glide. They live in the evergreen forests of Japan, but have been spotted in eastern Russia and parts of Europe. Flying squirrels are nocturnal animals that feed mainly on plant foods.

Due to the fact that the skin of these creatures is not very durable, and they themselves are small and easy to hide, momongs are unlikely to become extinct in the next decades. All the better! It would be a pity to lose such cute animals.

6 Wombats

But wombats are a whole family of animals from Australia. These creatures are the largest mammals in the world, they eat grass, dig holes and surprise hundreds of European residents with their cute faces. They say that the ancestor of wombats was an animal the size of a rhinoceros. In principle, this may be true, because modern wombats have retained a special structure of the back of the body, lower lip and long teeth hidden in the mouth.

IN wildlife Wombats have almost no enemies. However, after being brought to Australia wild dog dingoes, they began to hunt animals and interfere with their normal life. As a result, the number of wombats has sharply decreased. Today, wombats are very few in number and are endangered. There are only a little over a hundred individuals left of the Queensland wombat!

7 Loriaceae

... or loris - another family, although this time it comes from South Africa. These are small primates with huge eyes. They have soft and fluffy fur, and their ears are almost completely hidden under the fur. They lead a nocturnal lifestyle, cling forcefully to branches, moving from tree to tree, and never jump. They mainly feed on insects. Lorises are very slow, which is what distinguishes them from most species of primates.

Today they are in danger of extinction. People are destroying tropical forests, thereby depriving monkeys of a home. Unfortunately, they cannot survive in other conditions.

8 Kalan

Do you know who is happier than a quokka? Sea otters. These are predatory animals, close to otters, living in coastal areas with a lot of algae, moss, and kelp. Sea otters spend most of their lives in the water, only occasionally crawling out onto the rocks to bask. They lead a solitary life, uniting in pairs only to produce offspring. They feed on sea creatures. By the way, sea otters are quite smart. So, for example, in order to eat a mussel, the animal will scour for a long time in search of suitable stone, and only after that start eating: banging a stone on the sink to get the meat out. It lives in the ocean in the area of ​​the Kuril Islands, Alaska and California.

Sea otters have been officially protected since the beginning of the 20th century. Before this, they were exterminated, and they paid well for it (more than $1000). Fur coats were made from their fur, because sea otter fur is very warm and of high quality. Today this fishery is not so popular, although sea otter fur coats are still found.

Tired of the endless series of viral pictures of “seals”, periodically diluted with hedgehogs and ferrets, the Marie Claire editors decided to make their own top list of animals worthy of affection.


This touching animal is a real smiley marsupial! His face looks as if a quokka is smiling all the time. A miracle of nature lives in Australia, which, as you know, is generally rich in marsupials. And if kangaroos used to be very popular in this country, now the quokka has won the palm. It's all about her love... for selfies. Quokka is an extremely friendly animal, is absolutely not afraid of people and is happy to be photographed with the most modern gadgets. And one of the quokkas was even presented to the Duchess of Cambridge and her husband during their official visit to Australia. Kate even fed the smiling animal some grass.

Externally, the quokka is very similar to the kangaroo. In terms of size, it is not very large. It can be compared to a domestic cat or a small dog. It has a brown-gray color, thick and short fur, and a long tail. Like all marsupials, the quokka prefers to eat leaves and grass, and live in the shade of trees, closer to moisture.

Bearded Tamarin (Emperor Tamarin)

The tamarin is not just bearded, but also imperial. This species of monkey owes its name to its resemblance to the Emperor of Germany and the King of Prussia, William II. It wasn't that they were indistinguishable, but the noble mustaches were at least practically identical. The jungle emperors live in the wilds of the Amazon - they prefer to hide in impenetrable thickets, probably to rule the world on the sly.

By the way, the main ones in the family of tamarins are females - nature also does not deprive them of mustaches, and sometimes the gray beards of females look much more impressive than those of males. As for the territories, here the bearded monkeys show their regal disposition. One small group lives on an area of ​​thirty or even forty hectares. All strangers are certainly expelled. However, imperial tamarins tolerate the proximity of tamarins of other species. Sometimes these South American monkeys even rally against common enemies. And it’s better not to encounter an angry imperial tamarin, because, despite their tiny size, these bearded monkeys have sharp claws, large fangs and desperate courage. The tamarin will fight to the last for its cubs.

Fennec fox

The fennec fox is a tiny animal with huge ears and a sharp, cute face. In fact, members of the canid family smaller than the fennec simply do not exist in the wild. At the same time, it turned out that this little fox gets along well with humans. can be tamed, and if desired, the fennec can even be taught standard commands. For example, like in this video:

The fennec mainly lives in the Sahara Desert - its large ears help it cope with the heat and also contribute to successful hunting. With such locators, the fox catches the slightest rustle of its intended prey - the fennec feeds on insects and small vertebrates. This animal, it turns out, is completely incapable of a solitary existence - tiny foxes live in large families, in which there is always a presence. ruling couple, which is almost impossible to overthrow from the throne.

Common Dormouse

Remember Lewis Carroll's famous tea party in Alice in Wonderland? There in the teapot sat the same dormouse mouse - pretty to the point of disgrace and very small. Of course, in a fairy tale, all animals acquire almost human features, but meanwhile, the representative of rodents and real life incredibly pretty! In general, dormouse is divided into two types - mouse-shaped and squirrel-shaped. It must be said that the squirrel-shaped dormouse is much prettier than the one that lives on the ground. It's all about her stunning tail, which is covered with fluffy fur! In addition, the dormouse is very tiny - an adult can easily fit in the palm of a person.

Their habitats: North Africa, Europe, Asia Minor, Altai, the northern regions of China and Japan, the northern parts of Scandinavia and, finally, southern Africa, where the only genus of the African dormouse of the same name is found. It turns out that quite recently it was discovered that dormice of all subspecies are rapidly disappearing from the face of the earth. So, until the last babies died out, scientists listed the animals in the “Red Book” and now mice are also bred at home.


Alpaca belongs to the camel family. These touching creatures live high in the mountains in South America. The fluffy bangs give the alpaca a special charm. By the way, it is precisely by the intricate hairstyle that one can distinguish an alpaca from a llama: after all, as a rule, the latter does not have long hair on its head.

The alpaca is quite small in size: its weight does not exceed sixty kilograms, but it has luxurious wool, which is often used to make clothes. Alpaca wool is very soft and at the same time very durable and light, almost waterproof, with an excellent heat-insulating effect. For 6,000 years, alpacas were bred by the Peruvians along with llamas. But if llamas were used as a beast of burden, alpacas were cared for and cherished.


They say that the name “Aye-aye” appeared thanks to the exclamations made by anyone who saw the animal for the first time. In fact, this animal is called the Madagascar bat and, as you might guess, lives in Madagascar. Once upon a time they tried to classify him as a rodent, then as a primate, although Ai-ai does not resemble either one or the other. It must be said that it does not resemble anything intelligible at all: a small body covered with black fur, eternally surprised eyes and a huge tail, which is longer than the animal itself.

The only part of the aye-aye's body that is free from fur is... the middle finger on the forelimb, or rather both middle fingers. Actually, this finger is the most important thing for a hand important tool: He uses it to clean his fur, drink water and get food. When searching for beetles and larvae hidden in the bark of a tree, the little hand always uses its miracle finger. First, he taps the trunk with it, finding suitable prey, then gnaws through the bark (here sharp teeth come into play), and finally sticks his middle finger into the hole formed, pricks the larva onto his claw and sends it into his mouth.

Little slow loris

In fact full name this big-eyed animal sounds: “Small fat Laurie", small (its size does not exceed 23 centimeters in length) it lives in tropical forests and bamboo groves in Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, parts of China and Cambodia. Sometimes the little fat one is mistakenly considered a lemur, which in fact is not at all the case. Small and thick belongs to its own family - Loriaceae. The most amazing thing is that this handsome guy with short thick hair and incredibly touching huge eyes that are always wide open is poisonous.

On inside In the elbow joint of the animal there are special glands, the secretions from which, combined with the saliva of the loris, turn into a powerful poison! This is so unusual for primates that the small loris received first place in the ranking of poisonous animals that are unknown to the general public. The fat fellow lives in the treetops, daring to go out only when it gets dark - the poisonous animal has a lot of enemies, so it sometimes has to hang for hours, clinging to a tree branch, which, fortunately, allows the loris to make a specific paw structure.

African black-footed cat

They look like real domestic cats - small, even tiny, because their weight adult does not reach even one and a half kilograms. In fact, these striped and charming animals living in Africa are real predators! They hunt, like any other representative of the cat family at night - their miniature shapes and appropriate colors help the seals remain completely invisible, and their large ears catch every sound - no one can hide from such animals. Behind the retina there is a special vascular layer that acts as a reflector necessary for night vision. It increases visual ability and causes the eyes to glow bright blue at night.

In Africa they are called “Antlion” - these little ones live, as a rule, in termite mounds and anthills that they themselves have emptied. By the way, insects are not the only favorite food of Black-footed cats - in addition to ants and termites, small predators prefer to eat another 54 species of a wide variety of animals - brave kids do not stop at game that is sometimes twice their own size - for example, dine on a hare for wild cats- The usual thing.

Red Panda

In China, where the red-haired beauty is found, this representative of the little panda family is called the “fiery fox” - the similarity is obvious: a pointed nose, fur the color of a red Sicilian orange! For a long time The red panda hung around in space without classification: some scientists classified it as a raccoon, others as a bear, but in the end it turned out that these animals themselves are a separate, independent family of little pandas. The red panda lives not only in China - sometimes the animal can be found in Nepal.

This cute animal lives exclusively in Australia and mainly in eucalyptus forests - if for any other animal eucalyptus leaves are a deadly poison, then koalas are not at all afraid of such a nuisance. The thing is that marsupials are incredibly picky - they know how to choose only those plant flowers that are not capable of causing harm to health.

Another stereotype that haunts gray animals is the lack of thirst; supposedly, even the very name of the animal contains a decoding of a popular opinion; from the Aboriginal language the word “koala” is translated as “teetotal.” In reality, koalas, although infrequently, still drink water.


Meerkats can seem like real alarmists. Still would! As soon as these animals hear the slightest sound, they immediately rise on their hind legs, stretch out and control the space. Meerkats are indeed extremely vigilant; for their caution they even received the humorous title of “desert sentinels.”

A small people live in South Africa, mainly in the desert, since their short stature coupled with nervousness does not allow them to enter dense thickets. Among other things, these representatives of the mongoose family have phenomenal vision, which allows them to notice and assess the threat from afar.

By the way, what allows meerkats to live in the desert without any problems is not only their vision and permanent alertness, but also the structure of their eyes - the fact is that the little beauties have a well-developed third eyelid that protects the organs of vision from sand, and around the eye itself there is a dark border that works like sunglasses.

Planet Earth is inhabited by a huge variety of animals. Human life is inextricably linked with wild nature. Some animals have been tamed and become beloved pets, while others continue to live in their natural habitat, allowing people to observe themselves from afar. It doesn’t matter whether they are wild or domestic animals, a person’s attachment to them remains. People admire their trusting eyes, fluffy tails, smooth, silky coat, special behavior. Being around animals makes our life more joyful and warmer. Read the article about the most beautiful and cutest animals that live in nature.


They became such after they were tamed by man. This happened a long time ago, and continues to this day. IN old times Pets were mainly cats and dogs, and in rare cases birds. Today, people domesticate and keep in their homes not only common, but also exotic animals, for many of which the region of residence in captivity is not natural. Below in the article is presented the top cutest animals in the world that are kept at home.


They are the most popular and common pets. There are 100 different breeds registered in the world, most of which were bred through selective breeding. Cats are the cutest animals and favorite pets of people all over the world. They are considered family members, they are admired, they are pampered and cherished. These animals were domesticated a long time ago, 10 thousand years ago. This happened in the Middle East. The ancient Egyptians deified cats, and scientists of the current century confidently claim their ability to heal people.

Exot - a breed of exotic cat

To create the breed, breeders crossed a Persian cat and an American shorthair. They wanted a short-haired breed with green eyes and coats of various shades. It turned out to be a charming little bundle with round shape head and body with smooth lines. These are the cutest pets that have a flattened muzzle, a snub nose, erect small ears, and large cheeks. All this gives the animal a cute expression.

But round eyes have the greatest charm; they are very expressive. These exotic pets have a friendly character, they are always cheerful and inquisitive, they adore the affection and hands of their owner, on which they can sit all day. If we talk about the cutest animal names, an example is the Japanese cat Snoopy, who is the most popular of this breed.


Since ancient times, these domestic animals have been the most true friends and human assistants. They remain so now. Dogs brighten up their owner’s leisure time, lift his spirits, guard the house, carry heavy loads, and track down criminals. Which animal is the cutest? All dog breeds are cute in their own way. These animals trust their owner infinitely; they are devoted to him all their lives. But in small city apartments, people prefer to keep small breeds.

Pomeranian Spitz

This breed is decorative, reminiscent of a small bear or a plush toy. The Spitz occupies a leading position among the cutest animals of this species. When you see such a dog, you want to take it in your arms and not let it go. This is the very charm with a pretty face, a small nose and small ears, which are almost invisible due to the thick fur.

However, the Spitz, although small in size, has a bright temperament. Shows aggression when strangers appear in the house and begins to bark loudly. Her favorite pastime is playing with children. Quickly becomes attached to the owner and members of his family.

Angora rabbit

This breed of this type of pet is one of the cutest animals. The rabbit's fur is attractive. It is long, giving the animal the appearance of a huge fluffy ball. The wool reaches 25 cm in length, which was the reason for breeding as pets. The appearance of the first Angora rabbits dates back to XVIII century, it was in Turkey. Very soon the animals became widespread throughout Europe and became the most popular pets.

Pygmy hedgehog

This species is distinguished by its smallest size compared to the large variety of hedgehogs. These animals cannot be found in the wild, as they are bred artificially. These little hedgehogs are the most unusual. Their body length barely reaches 20 cm, and their weight is 0.5 kg. Thanks to its miniature size, the hedgehog looks like a toy.

Wild animals

There are a huge number of them in nature. They are very different in size, appearance, lifestyle, habitat and many other characteristics. There are animals that are dangerous to humans and those that are completely harmless. Some of them evoke affection with their appearance, while others evoke disgust. The cutest animals in the world that live in the wild are presented in the article below.


These are primates whose habitat is hot tropical forests, widespread in western Indonesia and southeastern Asia. The loris is famous for its eyes: they are very trusting and surprisingly huge. In addition, the location of the toes on the plush paws is of interest: they resemble a human hand. Judging by the first impression, this is the cutest animal on Earth, but at the same time very confused and dependent. It is also a poisonous animal. The poison is concentrated in the elbow glands. But it is not powerful enough to keep animals from being traded as pets. For this reason, animals are listed in the Red Book.

In other latitudes they do not live in the wild, but only as pet. Lorises are smuggled into various countries, including Russia. The animal quickly adapts to new habitat conditions, feels great in captivity and reproduces successfully. This charming animal does not take up much space in the apartment, its weight does not exceed two kilograms, and its height is 40 centimeters.

Pygmy marmoset

There are a huge number of monkeys in nature. The cutest animals of this species are pygmy monkeys. Their weight reaches only 100 g; the palm of your hand is enough to place them. These monkeys have brown fur with a slight gray tint. They have interesting feature- their head rotates 180 o. These animals are kept in many zoos around the world. Visitors admire their ability to live in the groups they create, where they have the primary goal of caring for their fellow human beings.

Red panda

In the country of the East, China, the name of the cutest animal in the world is different. Here the animal is called a fox, but not a simple one, but a fiery one. The habitat is the Himalayan mountains, namely their southeastern slopes at an altitude of 4000 above sea level. The red panda is small in size, although the animal can reach a length of 170 cm and weigh six kilograms. The animal is attractive appearance. The panda looks like a toy with the features of a bear, cat and fox: large paws, motley fur, and a fluffy tail.


This is the most attractive reptile. Of interest are the bulging eyes, the mouth twisted in a sad grimace, the prehensile tail, and the long tongue. But the most amazing thing about this animal is the change in color depending on its mood and the way it moves, which resembles the walking of a sailor during a period of seaming. Most chameleons are in Madagascar.


This animal is Australia's cutest indigenous animal. He is very timid, which is why he is cautious. But this does not prevent him from being tamed, which is what many Australians do. The animal is loved for its charm and surprisingly friendly character. However, in times of danger, the wombat knows how to fend for itself, using its claws and teeth. It is not easy to see a good-natured herbivorous animal, since it comes out to eat leaves only at night, and spends the rest of the day in a hole, snoring peacefully. Habitat: regions of South Australia.


These animals are present in the list of the cutest animal names. The charming animals chose Central and South America as their habitat. Obviously, the animals received this name due to the expression of their faces, which is always lazy, but good-natured, which attracts attention. Their food mainly consists of tree leaves. But sometimes insects and small lizards are on the menu.

Harp seal pup

What's the cutest animal in the world? This is a harp seal, but not an adult, but a baby, whose habitat is the Arctic. This sheer charm is called squirrels. The fact is that the cubs have dazzling white, thick, delicate fur and black eyes like coals; they are only four weeks old. Later, as they grow up, the color changes and becomes darker. Because of white It is the cubs who are most vulnerable. They are hunted by hunting fleets that have permission to do so, and by poachers.


These animals belong to the mongoose family. Their habitat is deserts. They can be found in Namibia, Africa, Angola. The faces of the animals cannot be called cute. Particularly common in the Kalahari Desert. Meerkats attract attention with their ability to stand upright like a human. At the same time, they fold their paws on their stomachs, which looks very touching and charming.


This animal belongs to the marsupial family and is considered one of the cutest animals in the world. The koala is characterized by slowness, it prefers silence, so throughout almost its entire life it sits on a tree. In order not to fall off, the animal tightly clasps the trunk or thick branch with its paws. The koala feeds on eucalyptus leaves, and chooses certain types of wood. The appearance attracts attention. The fluffy ears of a round shape and soft fur, very thick, with a gray tint, give the animal a special charm. The size of the koala is small, reaching 80 cm, and its weight is 6-15 kg.

Dwarf antelope

Which animal is the cutest? The fauna is characterized by great species diversity. But it’s simply impossible not to admire the dwarf antelope. This cute animal is so miniature that it amazes the imagination. Its size reaches 25 cm and its weight is three kilograms. Natural environment habitat is western Africa. Small antelopes prefer forested and rocky areas. These are very shy animals, so little has been studied. It is only known that they live alone or in pairs, and they can be bred in captivity. However, only a few zoos in the world keep antelope.

When observing animals, you always manage to notice something interesting, unique only to a given animal.

Of course, readers will say: “We already know what kind of animals these are - kittens, puppies, rabbits and other cute things!” In fact, very cute and nice animals live in the wild.

20. Sloth
Lethargic and serene, the sloth lives in the tropical forests of South America. But the sloth is not lazy. It's just very, very slow. So slow that this calm slowness makes him really cute.

19. Pygmy hippopotamus

Like its larger cousin, the pygmy hippopotamus has squat legs, a wide snout, and extremely advanced swimming skills. But unlike its cousin, the pygmy hippopotamus is not one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. Without the threat of being grabbed by a huge mouth full of teeth, it's easy to admit that a hippopotamus, when dwarf-sized, can be quite cute. The pygmy hippopotamus is an endangered species. Therefore, it is much easier to find in zoos than in the wild.

18. Lori

The incredible big-eyed loris is native to tropical jungles South-East Asia and is distinguished by such plush-looking, but strong legs. Lori can hang on a tree for several hours, holding on with only one limb. And he does this often. Despite its incredibly cute appearance, this animal is poisonous. The poison comes from glands in the elbow and is injected through the teeth. However, it is not powerful enough to save lorises from the illegal pet trade. Therefore, the animal is listed in the Red Book.

17. Chameleon

The chameleon is one of the most attractive reptiles, perhaps due to its bulging eyes, sad twisted mouth, prehensile tail or very long tongue. He also has the remarkable ability to change color depending on mood swings and the ability to move like a sailor during seas. Not the most efficient form of transportation, but certainly eye-catching. About half of the world's chameleons can be found in Madagascar.

16. Meerkat

Meerkats come from the mongoose family and live in the Kalahari, Namib deserts, South Africa and parts of Angola. Meerkats are cute not with their faces, which, although far from ugliness, are almost no different from the usual faces of mongooses. The beauty of meerkats is the way they stand, like a human - upright and modestly folding their paws on their stomachs.

15. Koala

Koalas are not as cute as they look. Experts say that the mood of these animals constantly fluctuates from moderately angry to completely angry. The enduring popularity of koalas shows that in modern times good looks can blind and make you forget about personality shortcomings. Most koalas live in Australia. Tourists can get to know them closely—hopefully the friendliest—at Lone Pine Koala Park.

14. Penguin

Happy Feet, Madagascar, Mr. Popper's Penguins—these squat waterfowl have figured prominently in pop culture. There are 17 species of sea penguins. Most are colored in variations of black and white, none can fly, and all are excellent swimmers. Surprisingly, penguins are also excellent runners. Six species of these birds live in Antarctica, so the most enjoyable way to admire them is to take part in a cruise. And the team of naturalists on board will help determine which specific penguins you are seeing - adélie, king or emperor.

13. Red Panda

Red pandas have very little in common with their cousins, the monochrome giant pandas. With a thick ringed tail like a raccoon, pointed ears, reddish-brown coloring and short legs, these arboreal animals were very difficult to classify. There are very few of these cute animals left in nature. In addition, they are very shy, so meeting them is... great luck. Your best bet would be to visit one of the panda research centers in China.

12. Belukha

About four meters long, the white, baby-faced beluga whale, native to the cold seas of the Arctic, is about one-fifth the size of a blue whale. With my relatively small size, with its original muzzle and bump on its forehead, the beluga whale is undoubtedly charming. In captivity, beluga whales can chirp on command and blow bubbles.

11. Clownfish

Of course, a real-life clownfish can't talk or bulge its eyes comically, as Pixar showed. But she can do a bunch of other cool things! For example, changing gender. You can find clown fish next to their underwater friends - sea anemones. The sea anemone's venom does not affect the bright orange fish and protects it from predators. And the clown pays for the protection by eating the remains of the anemone and maintaining cleanliness. In the Philippines there is a marine reserve with a real city of clownfish, where you will meet hundreds of species of these fish.

10. Chinchilla

Native South American rodents are a prime example of the dangers of being nice. For the sake of their plush skins, the animals were ruthlessly hunted until their almost complete extinction in the 19th century. Their skins are so soft because a chinchilla has 50 hairs per follicle. In humans, for example, one follicle serves only one hair. It is difficult to see chinchillas in the wild. They are few in number and live in the mountains. Relatively large population these animals have been preserved in national reserve Las Chinchillas in Chile.

9. Roe deer

Roe deer are chestnut colored, about the size of a goat, and are native to England. According to the British, it is not difficult to meet roe deer while walking through the forest: “If you walk very calmly through a more or less dense forest no later than an hour after the start of sunrise, you will probably meet them.”

8. Bottlenose Dolphin

In captivity, bottlenose dolphins are praised for their intelligence and medicinal properties- swimming with dolphins has a good effect on mental health. In the wild, dolphins can become aggressive and form gangs. However, this doesn't matter to most people - dolphins are so adorable. Bottlenose dolphins can be found in warm oceans around the world.

7. Alpaca

Alpaca is prized for its magnificent curly wool, which is used to make sweaters. Alpacas are also very sweet, although they can be quite short-tempered. You can interact with alpacas at any of the many farms in Peru. And Machu Picchu is a great place to watch wild alpacas.

6. Hummingbird

The hummingbird is the tiniest bird in the world. And it is also the fastest - it flaps its wings 80 times per second. Slightly larger than a bee, hummingbirds even act similarly. They help plants reproduce by carrying pollen, flitting from branch to branch, and drinking nectar. You can admire hummingbirds in Cuba.

5. Sea otter

Sea otters are as smart as they are cute. They use rocks as tools to crack open clams and mussels and sleep face up on the surface of the water, wrapped in kelp. Sea otters are social and swim together in groups of up to 100 individuals.

4. Harp seal

It is no coincidence that many of the animals on this list are in danger of extinction. After all, quite often part of what makes them cute is their soft, beautiful skin. Harp seal pups are covered in fluffy, snow-white fur, making them traditional targets for the fur industry. Despite the fact that the import of their fur has been banned in Europe since 1983, and seal hunting in Canada was banned in 1987, hundreds of thousands of these animals still die at the hands of poachers every year.

3. Giant panda

Black and white coloring, a thick butt and an incredibly thoughtful look when eating bamboo are the qualities that make the panda so charming. Although the panda has the digestive system of a carnivore, it eats like a herbivore, consuming up to 38 kilograms of bamboo a day. Therefore, the panda is extremely dependent on its environment. According to the World Wildlife Fund, only 1,600 of these cute bears remain in the wild.

2. Philippine tarsier

The smallest primate in the world, the Philippine tarsier has all the basic qualities of a cute creature: huge eyes, a tiny body no larger than a human fist, and small paws with which it grabs tree branches. Tarsiers are extremely unhappy in captivity. According to experts, these animals need at least one hectare of space, and captive tarsiers can even commit suicide. Therefore, you can see tarsiers only in the reserve in the Corella Forest in the Philippines.

1. Fennec

The fennec fox, the nocturnal animal of the desert, is immortalized in Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince as a fox that wanted to be tamed. The smallest of foxes—smaller than a house cat—with large ears and a tiny, pointed muzzle, the fennec fox looks adorable and seductive. It is not surprising that it is the commercial trapping of fox cubs that poses the greatest threat to these animals, which everyone wants to take home. For those who prefer to observe this cuddly creature in the wild, there is the Sahara and other dry, sandy areas of North Africa from Morocco to Egypt.

Are you missing tenderness and kindness? Buy an elephant! But seriously, the animals from our rating really show special loyalty and affection towards their brothers, and sometimes even to a person they know.


Yard dogs are either afraid of humans, or behave aggressively, or (as an option, in combination with the fear factor), they are very affectionate and good-natured. This behavior is not always due to hunger, cold or an attempt to ask to spend the night; dogs are very social animals, and they really lack affection.

The purebred relatives, bred through many years of selection, are in no way inferior to the yard Mosques. But if you decide to buy a dog, be sure to read the description of the breeds, because many of them, for example, Rottweilers, American Akita and Aidi, are characterized by genetic aggression and are not recommended for families with children. Of course, what kind of dog your dog will be depends on how much time and effort you are willing to put into raising and training it.


The cat family is always on its own mind, and their affection is usually considered selfishness - the cat rubbed itself, which means it left a smell, and did not warm your leg at all. Only someone who has never lived with a cat can think this way. A true cat lover knows that a cat will warm even a sore spot, and in difficult moments emotional states will keep a silent company, while remaining a self-sufficient person.

If the cat was different aggressive disposition, and then, without a good reason such as sterilization or puberty, she became unusually affectionate, veterinarians advise showing the animal to a doctor. This behavior may indicate hormonal imbalances and malfunction of the glands. The breed may also influence whether your cat will be affectionate or not. For example, Siamese cats are often called vindictive and evil due to their genetic personality traits.


The most persistent stereotype that I want to destroy is the “cunning, dangerous, evil rat.” These smart rodents (in the top 10 in intelligence), provided that they have known people since childhood, have surprisingly developed social and empathic abilities. A rat accustomed to its owner will happily sleep next to it, sit on its shoulder and expose its ears and sides for scratching. If there are several rats, then they amusingly fight for the attention of large bipeds, vying with each other to communicate with your hand. These rodents love to be petted, but it will be much more difficult to accustom a rat living with its fellows, because. she is not deprived of communication with her own kind. It is best to purchase animals from breeders and breeders; rats from a pet store and from the market remain more wild.


These nimble animals are often kept at home, although establishing contact with a rabbit is more difficult than with other rodents. But it’s not for nothing that “bunny” remains the most common affectionate nickname! To tame a long-eared animal, make sure that its cage is located in close proximity to your permanent place (favorite chair, work area, sofa where the whole family gathers). This way the baby will be able to observe the person and get used to him. Most rabbits are very timid, but if you have established a friendly relationship, you will find that rabbits love to have their foreheads and backs scratched. And the rabbit is a wonderful companion when playing with a child.


Whatever theory of the emergence of man you subscribe to, it is difficult to deny the biological similarity of humans and monkeys. These funny “furry people” sometimes behave absolutely humanly - they put on glasses, “read” books, learn to use a camera. And they are not short of affection in the usual form for humans - what is a female chimpanzee carefully stroking a baby’s head! But these animals are hardly suitable for keeping at home - all the affection and amazing intelligence of primates is offset by their unhygienic habits and ability to create chaos in any enclosed space.


The elephant in Asia is a symbol good character(sometimes it even seems that this comes from the word “put”), the embodiment of wisdom and non-aggressive power. Like other animals with a well-developed brain, elephants have their own likes and dislikes towards other creatures, including their fellow creatures and humans.

Elephants also have a sensory perception of the world: love and hatred, pain and joy, compassion and a sense of anticipation of punishment. This is why elephants can be trained, despite the difficulties of keeping them and serious physical capabilities in case of aggression. Elephants have a highly developed nervous system and excellent memory. By the way, it has been proven that female elephants are more good-natured and affectionate than male elephants, especially single ones expelled from the herd. In addition, the elephant’s amazing ability to mourn for its dead relatives and bury them, covering them with vegetation, is known.


Mysterious mammals that have chosen water as their home have long amazed the minds of biologists and left no one indifferent. In the middle of the last century, dolphins began to be trained, which led to amazing discoveries. Dolphins perceive reality in a completely different way, which makes it impossible to compare the level of intelligence of a dolphin and, for example, a chimpanzee. They are completely different!

There are relatively few neurons in a cubic millimeter of dolphin brain matter (fewer than in the brains of primates). But many logic problems The dolphin decides much faster, and the compassion of these funny animals is legendary! Dolphin therapy can help patients with cerebral palsy, sensorineural hearing loss, functional disorders of the central nervous system, and is also an almost 100% remedy for combating depression.


Anyone who has not kept a pig on their farm is unlikely to believe in its amazing devotion and similarity to humans. Pigs have a flexible nervous system, and they are terrible pedants in matters of time management. A few minutes before the usual feeding time, the pigs are already approaching the feeder and looking around in anticipation of a tasty meal. At the same time, any unexpected changes in the routine create stress for the pigs - if you slam loudly or drop something with a crash, the pigs will “numb” for 2-3 minutes in anticipation of danger, and only then return to their usual activities.

Academician Pavlov also noted that “the most nervous animal around us is the pig.” But if the pig is familiar with a person, then it responds with pleasure to the name, offers its belly for scratching and even waves its hooked tail. An option for urban conditions is mini pigs, the fashion for which swept the world a couple of years ago. According to the owners of these little pigs, they are as affectionate as cats and loyal as dogs.


Parrots have the greatest ability to imitate human speech. Owners of parrots assure that these birds are in no way inferior to kittens in terms of affection. “He likes to tweet very loudly to attract attention. When I approach, he immediately calms down, climbs in to kiss and repeats, “Richie, boy, bird!” She loves it when her cheeks are scratched,” says the owner of the budgerigar.

With feathered friends, the same principle applies as with rats - in the absence of relatives, the bird will quickly get used to you and will show friendly and family feelings, affection and interest. But this principle only works if you are ready to devote enough time to your parrot - spend several hours a day next to him and communicate with him, otherwise the bird falls into real depression, and health problems may arise.

The Bears

Among our ancestors, the bear was considered man's brother, the most similar to him of all animals, a sacred animal. A trained bear knows exactly when to start petting its owner in order to get a treat. The relationships between bears also resemble human ones - bears hug with pleasure, communicate using gestures and the position of their ears, and look after their babies like the most devoted parents.

There are many cases where bear cubs were raised by zoologists, for example, if a mother bear was killed by poachers. These bears are fed milk from a bottle, but the ultimate goal is to teach them independence and release them into the forest. Unfortunately, bears are known for their seizures. uncontrolled aggression, therefore, a “gentle and gentle beast” can turn into a ferocious and dangerous predator in one second.