At the beginning of a relationship, you don’t have to be bored - your partner arouses genuine interest, he contains a lot of unknown traits and moments that you want to know. However, over time, the feeling of novelty disappears. The character and habits of a loved one have been studied, reactions are predictable. Such predictability can easily become boring. Don't wonder why love goes away. To prevent your relationship from becoming boring, try to always surprise your partner - with a new hairstyle, an exotic dish. Be creative, find interesting things to do and involve your significant other in them. Show him that he won't be bored with you.


During dating, many people try to embellish the truth about themselves. It is clear why this happens - people want to make a greater impression on the person they like and gain his favor. However, as the relationship develops, the image you created may become quite boring. It’s difficult to always seem like a brutal macho or an ideal housewife if you are not one. Alone with your loved one, you want to relax and be yourself, and not wear a chosen mask. However, it is likely that your partner fell in love with the image you created.

You need to destroy the created illusion gradually, otherwise your loved one may be scared off by sudden changes in your character.

The desire to educate

As a rule, two adults with established characters and certain habits enter into a relationship. You should not try to educate your partner for yourself. You can only gently point out those traits that you don’t like and support your loved one if he decides to correct them. However, trying to re-educate a wife who loves to take a long time to get ready, or trying to make a decisive and strong-willed person out of a gentle man is useless.

If you are categorically unhappy with the character of your significant other, think about whether you really love her.

Visible well-being

A common stereotype is that loving people must live in perfect harmony and never quarrel. However, lovers are still not a single organism, each of them has their own desires and needs, any of them can sometimes be in a bad mood. Conflicts and quarrels are an inevitable part of life. The main thing is not to hush up problems, but to be able to solve them. Fight and then come to an agreement. And then you will hardly have to wonder why love passes.

Love is a holy feeling. However, love is blind, so it pushes many to make mistakes that have serious consequences in their future lives.

For the sake of good relations sometimes you may need to sacrifice something and give in something. However, it is very important to know when to stop. Concessions and sacrifices made forcibly, without desire, can infringe on your personal dignity and lead to your personal failure in life.

For falling in love to be your gain and not your loss in life, you need to avoid the mistakes of falling in love. Let's find out what common falling in love mistakes lovers often make.

1st mistake of falling in love - Putting things off

Don’t put off until later an important task that needs to be completed today just for the sake of meeting your loved one. And also, you should not deprive yourself of sleep at night in order to be able to talk longer with your loved one, and subsequently not be able to fully work the next day. This will not do any good to your relationship and will only harm your career. No matter how strong your love is and even if you want to devote yourself entirely to your loved one, you should not forget about your responsibilities and life principles.

2nd mistake of falling in love - Doing only what he wants

If you like his hobbies, then this will only benefit both of you - you can have a good time together. But if he is interested in something that is not interesting to you and even dangerous and scary for you, such as jumping from heights, you do not have to join him just because he wants to. Let him do his hobby, and you do yours. Over time, you will probably develop hobbies that you both enjoy.

Or if you like to watch movies together, then it shouldn't just be his choice. If this time he made a choice, then next time you choose. Those. not only you, but also O must respect your interests, and both of you must be able to give in to each other.

3rd mistake of falling in love - Changing your established principles

If you have been a vegetarian for many years, you should not change your principles just because your partner likes to eat meat. And also don’t let it interfere with your established clothing style. You are in a position to decide what to wear and you don't need anyone's direction on it. It will be your mistake if you allow him to invade your personal space, no matter how much you love him. However, there is nothing wrong with taking his advice if it seems appropriate and prudent to you.

4th mistake of falling in love - Moving away from your friends

In the first months of your relationship, you may want to spend all your time with your loved one, and perhaps distance yourself a little from your friends. However, don't let this go on forever. You both need to socialize and meet friends. He may not like some of your friends, but do not forget that you were friends before this, and will continue to be friends. He doesn't have to meet your friends, and neither do you. And if you break off relationships with friends for the whims of your loved one, it will be your mistake.

5th mistake of falling in love - Spending all holidays with his parents

Your partner may want to date New Year or spend other holidays with your family. However, do not forget that you also have your own parents. It's normal that you want to spend the holidays with your family. Instead of going to his parents for every holiday to keep him happy, agree to visit each of his parents one by one.

6th mistake of falling in love - Dumping pet

Your partner may be afraid of dogs, or allergic to cats. However, instead of abandoning your devoted pet, you can advise him to fight his fears, or use anti-allergy medications.

7th mistake of falling in love - Getting a tattoo

You don't need any sign on your body to prove your love. In fact, there is no point in trying to prove anything. It's just important to make the other party feel loved. Instead of carrying his name or other such mark on your body for the rest of your life, show him your love with your words and behavior every day for the rest of your life.

And if the nature of your relationship makes it inevitable to make some of the above mistakes, and avoiding them threatens the breakdown of the relationship, perhaps you should think about whether this love will bring you happiness in the future. After all, it’s not worth it out of fear

Many women face various problems in relationships. No one can build an ideal, harmonious relationship, because ideal people do not exist - each person is unique in their own way. Among the many mistakes, experts note 7 main ones that almost every woman makes.


The most common mistake is a woman being too talkative. It is not typical for a woman to simply talk about the reason bad mood, she resorts to moralizing. A woman may begin to “blow her mind” over trifles while traveling in a car, and a man will not be able to get out of it. Then the couple comes home, eats, has sex, sleeps, and in the morning everything starts all over again.


The second mistake is that women always go to extremes - “complete accessibility”, “absolute inaccessibility”. Psychologists note two key points:

If a woman is constantly available to her partner, regardless of his behavior, her value to her partner and herself is lost.
If a woman has taken the position of a tough leader, a “mother,” sexual interest in her disappears.
A man evaluates “mother” and “sex” differently. “Mom” is perfect for love; for sex you need to find another woman.

A woman should be able to combine “mother” and “girl” in herself to create a calm, balanced, flexible companion. Mom is not able to be flexible, because she is always worried about something, she must be correct. The girl is not able to be flexible because she is still stupid. A woman needs to learn to understand her feelings in order to feel calm and joy. She needs to find a way to achieve this state.

Almost every woman thinks that a man will come and do everything so that everything becomes good - this is a mistake, since love is considered a basic need. All basic needs must be fulfilled independently. If a girl doesn’t know how to achieve this, dissatisfaction grows, even in situations where it seems that she and he are doing everything right. That's why most couples end their relationship.

You hit the tiger with a “slipper”

A woman always wants to convey to a man the idea that he does not meet her standards. However, it does this in a rigid form, for example:

  • You are lazy!
  • How can?
  • You don't make money.
  • Finally make a decision.

Such a tough position will turn a man into a “cat” who refuses to come to a woman. It can be compared to an allegory when a tiger is beaten with a slipper every day and they claim that he is weak and not a tiger at all.

It is necessary to prove your position with a softer approach in order to give the man a sense of responsibility for her dissatisfaction. This is quite important as every woman is looking for responsibility. The man is quite comfortable; he prefers to avoid responsibility. It will be much easier for him to provide comfort for a woman than to feel responsible for its absence.

You don't understand what happiness is

Many women, regardless of status, age, experience, education, make the same mistakes, why? Their parents are to blame for this. They must show their daughter an example of happiness, with the help of which she will further shape herself in society.

If parents simply rewarded their daughter for good grades and behavior, she does not understand happiness. In the future, she will meet a man, he will seem like happiness to her, but after several years of living together, the woman will not feel this happiness.

Parents should convey the concept of happiness to their child so that the girl can cultivate and cultivate an understanding of calm joy.

Lack of affectionate training in a child

IN early age girls can approach their father and show affection. If they exhibited this pattern of behavior in mature age, the man would have no chance to remain indifferent. This pattern of behavior disappears with age, when a woman experiences unsuccessful relationships several times.

Therefore, when entering into a marriage in which children appear, a woman ceases to cultivate a sense of affection in the child, and this is not correct. It is necessary to accept the child’s feelings, never say that he is upset or crying over trifles. Empathize with him, say that you would also cry in his place. The child needs to know that everything is fine with him, you will always support him. And be sure to exclude moralizing! For example, “I will support you, don’t worry, but I’m your age...” - this should not be allowed.

You don't let a man talk

It is necessary to give a man the opportunity to learn to speak. A man prefers to make plans alone, without telling a woman about them. But a woman wants a man to share his thoughts with her, because that’s how she feels his love. A man believes that if he returns home from work and has dinner at home, he loves a woman - but she does not understand this. A woman needs conversations to feel love and happiness. How to teach a man to speak?

The problem is that the woman puts all the pieces together to see the big picture, but the man sees it right away. When a woman is doing her hair, makeup, or anything else, she comes up to the man and asks, “Do you like it?” - at this moment he has an explosion. He begins to go through possible answers in his head, because if he makes a mistake, a scandal will begin.

It is necessary to teach a man to speak. For example, if he asks a woman for something (to make tea, to iron his trousers), he must answer him: “Say 3 words that are important to me, and I will immediately iron your trousers” or “Five kind words and you will receive best tea in the world". It will take some time to teach a man so that in later life he can do it on his own.

Lack of awareness of one's own attractiveness

Before going out, a woman can spend hours in front of the mirror to improve her appearance. appearance for others, but never does it at home, for her husband. The fact is that she is worried about public opinion. When a man is nearby, it is more important for her that it is not her husband who talks about her beauty, but someone else who tells her husband how attractive she is.

Psychologists consider this position to be absolutely wrong, and it is necessary to fight it. Being beautiful is a woman’s job for the rest of her life, regardless of age or job. Under no circumstances should you let yourself go!

How to achieve happiness - basic rules

  • Think: “How can I please myself today?”
  • Walk 4 kilometers a day. Not 1 km now, and 500 later, but in one trip outside.
  • Water. Drink daily norm water to flush out negativity from the body.
  • Tell yourself more often, “I approve of myself!”
  • To get your day off to a good start, do something that makes you happy in the morning.
  • And the main advice is to do nothing at all once a week. Don't go to the gym, don't cook, don't make the bed... Just relax.

The key to happiness is that there is no harmony in the world, the world is not stable, everything can change at any moment. Therefore, it is necessary to do the maximum today, because tomorrow there may not be such an opportunity.

The word “love” makes the hearts of many young girls and respectable experienced women tremble. Men do not believe in this bright feeling and do not sacrifice for years own life, trying to find the perfect lover. There are exceptions, but most stories that began with the desire to find love concern representatives of the fair sex.

Men treat their own loves and feelings with disdain and fear, moreover, representatives of the stronger sex with early years existence are taught not to pay attention to their own emotions and spiritual impulses. In some cases, this results in gentlemen, no matter how courteous they may be, losing touch with their own inner world and lose the ability to experience some of the emotional experiences. This circumstance clearly leads to the reflection that other people’s emotional experiences seem trivial to men, that some of them not only do not know themselves at the emotional level, but also cannot understand the people around them. Lack of contact with one’s own impulses leads to the inability to analyze the entire range of emotional experiences and to a delay in emotional development. Representatives of the fair sex are also susceptible to this disease, but if in the case of men the prohibition concerns love and tenderness, then among women there is a taboo on the experience of anger, negative emotions, active achievement of goals and manifestation of strength.

No one forbade women from suffering from unrequited love, adultery and the inability to come to an agreement with a partner, so most of them indulge in experiencing these mental torments with complete dedication. Moreover, in the hearts of most of the fair sex there is a rule according to which there is eternal love, and every girl must find it. If you completely succumb to the influence of this attitude, forget that both partners bear responsibility for building happiness, and neglect information about the characteristics of the male psyche, then you can make many mistakes, be left alone at the most difficult moment, and plunge into a sea of ​​despair and suffering.

A belief in many myths associated with the concepts of love and happiness leads to a similar outcome. And these myths should be rejected by every woman who rushes in search of love happiness.

The first mistake that brings pain to a woman in love is represented by the confidence that love implies complete fusion with the chosen one. No matter how strong the passion may be, it arises between two independent and separate individuals. They act together of their own free will or try to coordinate desires, but the complete fusion of two people is contrary to the laws of nature. That is why such things as deception, a man using a woman in love to achieve his goals, and betrayal are possible. No matter how much a representative of the fair sex is in love, she should remember that the strongest passion and all-consuming tenderness exclude the possibility of becoming a part of a man and completely surrendering to him, and does not make it possible to read the thoughts of another person. The chosen one to whom a woman gave her heart will still remain a separate person from her, and therefore there can be no talk of all-consuming absolute trust.

Love, passion, and ordinary strong sympathy are beautiful in themselves, but a woman in love should refuse requests to cut off contacts with her acquaintances, give up sources of income that belong only to her, and dramatically change her lifestyle. Many happy ladies may be indignant at the thought expressed above. But, if you question your absolute trust in another person, refusing to sell your own apartment in order to move to your lover looks like a reasonable decision. After all, love passes, people can break up, a lover can turn out to be a swindler who will take the money and drive the girl in love with him out into the cold, love can leave his heart - and then a woman who has succumbed to the impulse of passion and persuasion may find herself without a roof over her head. The apartment example is the most cruel, widespread and obvious, but the recommendation also applies to other material assets or ways to provide oneself with the resources necessary for survival.

The second mistake, which arises from the first, is again associated with the idea that you need to have unlimited trust in your lover. Unfortunately, no one is immune from deception, lies, concealment of some important facts and change. People are capable of lying - and this is worth remembering. In addition, every person is subject to random desires and temptations, which are associated both with the deep layers of the psyche and with banal physiology. Women often complement the feeling of boundless trust by believing in men's promises and projecting their own desires onto the behavior of a representative of the male part of humanity. Such a psychological complex implies that since the chosen one swore his love, and the woman in love herself wants him to remain faithful to her, and considers the oath a promise of fidelity, then the man will refuse random connections and communication with lovers. In fact, a man can cheat completely by accident, succumbing to the pheromones of another representative of the fair sex, or he can betray his oaths of fidelity systematically, condemning female infidelity, but being extremely positive or indifferent to infidelity on the part of male representatives. The assessment that a man is allowed to constantly cheat on his chosen one is widespread among representatives of the strong part of humanity. One might even say that some individuals equate it with ideology. It is worth remembering these features of male thinking and physiology when starting even the brightest and most exciting love story. Treason is possible in any social status, at any stage of life with any complexity, at any moment. There is no need to worry about this, it is worth knowing about it. And it is better for a woman to determine at the very beginning of the relationship what actions will be taken in the event of everyday sadism, systematic infidelity or betrayal.

Softness and tenderness belong to best qualities representatives of the fair sex, but sometimes they are confused with indecision, timidity and the ability to easily submit to the will of others. Unfortunately, such a misconception is protected and cultivated by many people, regardless of belonging to any particular gender. No matter how a woman evaluates herself, no matter what characteristics the collective unconscious of the society in which a particular lady lives ascribes to the fair sex, it is worth remembering that a woman is a human being. Belonging to the human race is expressed not only in demanding respect for oneself, but also in following own desires, fulfilling one’s own promises and observing universal moral standards. If a certain girl promised to break off all contacts with her lover the moment he raised his hand to her or entered into love affair with another woman, then she must do this and not give in to persuasion for forgiveness. If a certain charming woman swore to remain faithful, but at the same time she is capable of succumbing to the influence of random sympathy, then she should avoid not only cheating, but also the possibility of cheating. Love can bring misfortune when a woman compromises her own principles. The possibility of forgiveness should not be excluded, but the memory will store all the unpleasant moments. In addition, the beloved will understand that the word is not backed up by actions, and will begin to perform other annoying actions. Ultimately, the relationship will collapse or the woman will find an eternal burden in the form of a man who will test her strength. Words must always be followed by deeds - this is what a woman in love must remember in order to avoid pain and disappointment.

Among the mistakes that can lead to mental anguish and loneliness is the belief that what a woman who has succumbed to passion wants, her partner also wants. In fact, his desires may be completely different, and sometimes they contradict the aspirations of the fair sex herself. In addition, it is no secret that men are able to call the desire for sexual contact love. In such relationships, additional pain for the fair sex comes from the realization that all the courtship and conversations about love were carried out for the sake of achieving close physical intimacy. Men know how to hide such a desire well, and therefore a woman, no matter how strong the passion that has captured her, should remember that her feelings and goals may not coincide with the goals and emotions of her chosen one, no matter what beautiful words he didn't say anything.

The last and most cruel myth is the belief in eternal love. First, people often confuse being in love, intense friendship, platonic love, sexual attraction, and the desire to have power over another member of the human race. Men better than women differentiate these emotional impulses. They, unlike representatives of the fair sex, are able to admit that they only experience sexual attraction to a girl, but not love. To the fair sex, due to suppression own strength, you have to mask the desire for physical intimacy with tales of love. They begin to believe in these fairy tales themselves, betraying themselves, causing inconvenience to another person, dooming themselves to suffering after the end of the relationship. This myth is similar to the belief that marriage is necessary to confirm a woman's success. You should not condemn yourself to marriage with an unloved person just for the sake of the desire to increase your status in the eyes of your friends; you should not confuse infatuation, love, the desire to control the fate of another person and sexual attraction. Sexual attraction loses its strength after six months or a year, platonic love implies the absence of physical intimacy and sexual arousal, falling in love is based on the absence of a sexual partner and the action of pheromones, and therefore relationships built on falling in love end after three or four years. Don’t expect too much from a relationship, avoid idealizing your chosen one, remember that any relationship can be destroyed, acknowledge own feelings just the way they are. Be prepared for the fact that love, upon careful study, may turn out to be a banal sexual attraction, which women can also experience, no matter how men deny it, platonic affection, or love that will cease to excite the heart in a few years.

The last myth, which has brought a lot of torment to the fair sex at different times, is the idea that a woman is allowed to love once in her life. In fact, even true love capable of visiting a representative of the fair sex several times during her entire existence, what can we say about falling in love or carnal passion. Reject despair from yourself when you realize that the relationship with your chosen one is over. Life goes on, and, therefore, a new visit of love or infatuation is possible.

Give freedom to your chosen one, but protect your own freedom. Avoid lies in relationships, including self-deception. Understand your own feelings, because this will help you avoid suffering from trying to achieve a false goal. Cherish every wonderful moment, but remember that everything can change. Do not try to change another person, because love, contrary to belief, is not capable of changing people. If a person is a sadist or a scoundrel, then he will remain so. Love and respect can only bring out the wonderful qualities in a person who seemed like a “gray mouse.”

Now the responsibility for experiencing and getting rid of the consequences of breaking up love relationships, suffering from betrayal and other negative emotions rests entirely with the fair sex. Moreover, according to the unspoken rules of this society, women are supposed to suffer from love failures. While her former boyfriend, celebrating the breakup and his liberation, is having fun in a nightclub, the fair sex must cry and worry. It is clear that no one except the girls and women themselves can correct such injustice. And therefore, representatives of the fair sex should remember that a man can always leave, relationships can collapse, but she will live. And it would be better for her to meet this moment, being completely independent, having a decent job, a roof over her head and the belief that she is strong, not guilty of anything, capable of taking care of herself on her own, ready to live on without the lover who betrayed her.

Maintain independence, being not only alone, but also being in love relationships with anyone. If this is truly love, then the chosen one will understand this desire, and if this is a relationship that is ready to collapse in a few years, then maintaining material and emotional independence will help to survive the separation with minimal pain.

Have you ever encountered cases when, after meeting a nice and pretty girl, you had a great date and then everything went well for you? Then it may seem to you that she will never get away from you, because you have tightly “tied” her to you.

And then suddenly everything went wrong, she doesn’t pick up the phone when you call her, refuses to go on dates, and after a week you can see her with someone else.

Yes, indeed, the relationship between a man and a woman is an extremely difficult process, which needs to be approached in a special way and avoid various mistakes. They ultimately affect the girl's attitude towards you and, unfortunately, negatively.

Can't figure out what the specific problem is? In this article I described it in detail. Read and you will know why this happens.

I'll get straight to the main point...

What mistakes have you made in your relationship?

  • You suggested dating her prematurely

The beginning of any relationship is a new step that you must cross together.

When you tell her prematurely: "Let's meet", then most likely she will give you the following answer: "I need to think", or "I'm not quite ready yet", smoothly evading a specific answer.

At the same time, everyone, after a while you can still see her with another boyfriend.

Here you need to understand that if a girl has sympathy for you (or deeper feelings), then she will not refuse to spend time with you.

And relationships, they will begin on their own, you won’t even have time to blink an eye. And she may regard your phrases regarding the proposal to meet as your dependence on her. So she will feel responsible for things she doesn’t want yet.

  • You're deceiving yourself

The essence of this mistake is that the guy may not understand what result he expects from his relationship with his girlfriend. For example, he believes that it is necessary for a girl to “put lies in her ears” about the seriousness of his intentions just in order to sleep with her several times.

When the first sex takes place, the guy may experience falling in love (which he will confuse with love), and the relationship may break up completely, since the girl did not want to build any relationship.

You don’t need to think that all girls are only interested in - sometimes they are with a guy only because of sex, and that’s normal.

To prevent such mistakes, you must clearly see the outcome of your relationship and understand what you want to achieve from them. If it's just sex, then go for it only, without using big phrases. And if you want a relationship, then first have sex for the first time, and then decide for yourself whether she is right for you.

  • Mistake in choosing a girl

When you select a girl based only on the qualities of her appearance, and don’t even pay attention to possible bad character, then misunderstandings and quarrels can regularly arise in the relationship. It’s one thing once in a while, and another thing every day.

If this is present in your relationship, your couple is simply not compatible. You set yourself a not entirely correct goal: you were trying to achieve a relationship with a beauty, but in reality you only needed sex. Sooner or later you will sleep with her, but the difficulties with the relationship will remain.

Here too you need to understand what you want. If sex for you is a complement to a good relationship, then when choosing a girl you need to be as focused as possible, “consider her” in all the details.

If you make a mistake in your choice, in the future, when your relationship develops into a more serious form, it can turn into a complete collapse for both of you.

  • You're putting off your first sex

You've been with a girl for a long time, but you can't definitively say whether you're dating her? Accordingly, you don't have sex.

Many guys believe that in order to get laid, you must start dating. What makes you think that without a relationship you won’t get sex? Sex is an emotion, so it needs to be awakened, not waited: “When will she give me written permission to obtain her body?” Agree, it sounds stupid.

Indeed, girls can put off their first sex with a guy they just recently met, but this happens only because she doesn’t know anything about him yet and doesn’t want to give herself to the first person she meets.

Sometimes, on the contrary, cunning “foxes” delay this moment for as long a period as possible so that they can make their boyfriend fall in love with her - then she will have a great opportunity to manipulate him.

Sex is very important element, without it, relationships between a man and a woman are impossible. It should be emotional, romantic, high quality, with real feelings! There is nothing bad or shameful in doing them. If you want it, go for it! This will only confirm your interest in the girl.

  • You overestimate the importance of relationships

Imagine, you finally start dating the girl you've been dreaming about for a long time. She is beautiful, smart and sweet. You slept with her and fell in love even more.

Then phrases begin to pour in her direction: “I can’t imagine my life without you”, “I’d rather die than part with you even for a moment”, “You are the most valuable thing I have for me.” She, of course, will be pleased to hear this, but for the time being.

If you are not sure of her attitude towards you, it is better not to say such words. The girl will understand that you are dependent on her and will forgive her for everything.

That is, she has freedom. He can go “to the left”, manipulate you, and if you are also rich, then you understand. But when she no longer needs you, she will not be afraid to say: "We're better off staying friends".

In a relationship, it is important to say nice things and create for the girl, but even more important is to control her importance to you.

Don’t say that it’s “easier for you to die than to part” - you can show it with action. She, in turn, should see that if she “mess up”, you will not be afraid to abandon such a relationship.

  • You're the next one to fall madly in love with her

This mistake overlaps with the previous one, its essence is the same - most guys don’t know how to control significance. Now imagine, not only can you not control your own importance, but before her there were a whole dozen people like you.

The girl has the idea that she is the “navel of the earth” and everyone should run around her. This, of course, is not your fault, but you can see who she is, your chosen one.

If a girl is used to manipulating guys, cheating and doing all sorts of nasty things, then she is unlikely to change for you (unless, of course, she really falls in love with you).

The behavior of such girls is noticeable “from afar” - they are impudent, do not listen to anyone, and only act in ways that benefit only them. Do you want to build a relationship with her?

You can do it, but show that you are not a pushover like the other guys. That is, until you understand that she loves you madly, do not open up to her first.

One more thing, cunning young ladies know how to skillfully pretend and imitate love, like a primitive orgasm. You may not feel false right away - your heart and composure will tell you. The best method to reveal a deceiver is to show coldness towards her.

If she loves, she may cry, run after you, pay increased attention. The person pretending will understand that there is nothing for her here, and the very next day she will behave as if nothing had happened.

After reading this “guide” of mine, it will be easier for you to understand the overall picture of relationships and the mistakes guys often make in them.

In fact, only those who do nothing make mistakes, so try for the relationship. But remember, you don’t have to be like everyone else - you are an individual. Girls appreciate such guys and often fall in love with them.