Retired official Paul Hellier claims that there are different types of aliens on Earth. Why don't scientists know anything about them? It’s just that the relevant facts have not yet reached them. But Paul receives several letters every week from those who have already had contact with aliens.

Such different alien creatures

According to P. Hellier aliens come to us from different planets and they look different. "Tall Whites" are similar to people, but there are many others - some appearance They are no different from people and walk calmly on our planet.

Paul Hellier claims that two of these aliens dress in nun uniforms and actively visit stores in Las Vegas. The former defense minister believes that this moment there are about 80 types of aliens.

At the same time, he has information that at least two “Tall Whites” are actively collaborating with the US government and live at a military base in Nevada. All types of aliens are quite peaceful and do not pose a threat to earthlings. Of the 80 existing varieties, only 2 are hostile.

Paul Hellier saw a UFO with my own eyes just once. The object he saw resembled a star and was flying quickly, abruptly changing direction. The official is confident that the way to Jesus was shown to the wise men not by a star, but by a flying saucer.

Why is their existence hidden from us?

According to Hellier, the government is hiding the fact that we are on Earth aliens because people are not psychologically prepared for such a shock. The fact is that the inhabitants of our planet are inferior to alien creatures in many respects, and revealing the truth can lead to panic.

Gradually, steps are being taken towards making information public, but all the facts will not be disclosed. The ex-official himself does not say much; he explains this by saying that the time has not yet come.

Since the beginning of 2015, another 500 exoplanets have been discovered. Many of them are suitable for the existence of intelligent life forms, as they have oxygen and water. Assuming that aliens have the ability to travel at the speed of light, the likelihood of them visiting Earth increases. Since the age of the Universe is estimated at about 14 billion years, and the Earth at 4 billion, it would be strange if development did not occur on other planets over such a significant period of time.

Contacts have already been proven

The media constantly receives information about new contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations. Many people have been tested by neurologists, psychologists and scientists, and they have confirmed that the contactees are telling the truth. P. Hellier, in a room full of officials, is not afraid to say that the government has connections with at least 4 species of aliens.

And ufologists identify the 5 most frequently encountered alien creatures on Earth:

  1. Gray– telepaths with big eyes, can be aggressive;
  2. Hybrids– combining alien and human DNA. They are also telepaths;
  3. Scandinavians– tall, bright, peaceful;
  4. Chupacabra– alien vampires who drink blood from animals;
  5. Greens– a common species with greenish skin, appearance can be completely different.

Almost everything extraterrestrial beings They have an appearance that is more than unusual for earthlings; their intelligence and way of life also seem paranormal to us, which is why we are afraid of them. If humanity came into direct contact with aliens, it would acquire many useful technologies. But the aliens are probably afraid that people will use the acquired knowledge for non-peaceful purposes. Hellier claims that we received body armor, LEDs and chips from aliens.

You can believe in aliens, you can not.. In it you will see a large selection of materials and articles about aliens.

The articles and photographs contained in this section are taken from various sources. We do not undertake to claim that each of these articles and photographs is genuine, since there are many hoaxes and fakes on the Internet. We also cannot claim that any of the photos are fakes. We simply post materials found on the World Wide Web, stories from users sent to us by mail.

An alien is a cult phenomenon, a fictional or hypothetical representative of an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization, an inhabitant of other planets (in most cases not a human). The concept of “alien” is often replaced with the word “alien,” but this is not always correct.

An alien in human popular culture often appears as a humanoid. There are two unique, most common images of an alien:

  • “gray” as a humanoid creature with a flabby body, covered with light green or gray (gray) skin, without hairline and with a large head on which there are large slanting almond-shaped eyes of black color;
  • “Scandinavians” (as they are also called “Nordics”) – resemble the racial type of Caucasian people. However, unlike earthly people, they represent the embodiment of the dreams of many famous thinkers about an ideal (perfect) person.

As a rule, a humanoid alien is distinguished by upright posture, pronounced upper and lower limbs, paired external signs, which are oriented along the vertical axis. For example, the classic image of a “gray” is distinguished by its non-obvious absence of signs of biological sex, namely the absence of sexual dimorphism and clearly defined genital organs. Therefore, most descriptions of the behavior and appearance of alien creatures present them as asexual, neuter and impersonal beings. On the contrary, the “Scandinavians” are distinguished by the pronounced sexual dimorphism characteristic of humans.

In the minds of people, aliens are representatives of civilizations that are significantly superior to humanity in technological terms. According to these ideas, aliens most often come to our planet. UFOnauts on powerful spaceships UFOs quite often abduct people and maintain contact with contactees (UFO witnesses).

Alien in fiction

It’s worth saying right away that in artistic culture (comics, films, books) the image of aliens varies greatly.

People who write about aliens are divided into the following categories:

  • eyewitnesses;
  • ufologists (professionals who ask, write and invent a lot);
  • contactees (people who meet aliens in person, but often write outright nonsense);
  • trolls (they write often and a lot about aliens, provoking laughter or conflict with their statements).

More often they are animals or resemble in their appearance terrestrial insects or monkeys in many cases. As for insects, they have well-developed xenophobia and public organization, such as bees, ants, which corresponds to the image of a large collective mind presented in fiction. They wage endless wars of extermination with other species. Sometimes aliens are seen as intelligent plants, animal-plant hybrids, and very rarely as colonies of viruses or bacteria. There are also types of pure incorporeal intelligence, which consists of a monotonous amorphous substance, intelligent planets or oceans. In some cases, even eggs laid by aliens are endowed with thinking. The morphology of the aliens is sometimes unclear, but they take on a humanoid appearance, thereby simplifying the resemblance to humans.

Not all times are extraterrestrial smart creatures act as “aliens” in literally(living on planets, creatures or who have ever lived on them): often in the works there are inhabitants of outer space or stars, and the authors’ imagination also gives the ability to create such physical objects as: stars, interstellar clouds, galaxies or entire clusters of galaxies.

The very image of the alien is too different depending on whether the first contact with an alien race is shown or the distant future, where such contacts are considered commonplace. More often, when depicting the first contact, the alien creature appears in the form of humanoids, much less often - non-humanoids. Another common fantasy theme that is found in artistic culture is the alien invasion, when alien creatures appear as an aggressive force that is aimed at destroying humanity. As a rule, the awareness of such actions remains on the conscience of the author - sometimes they strive to take over our planet, guided by clear motives (the need to obtain resources, a passion for conquest), sometimes without realizing the destructiveness of the actions taken for all humanity.

By depicting the future in works, the authors’ imagination goes further. Usually in such cases the coexistence of earthlings with many other space civilizations is depicted. Therefore, authors often change the images of aliens. In almost all cases, they rely on the peculiarities of human consciousness - any negative character appears in the form of scary and ugly reptiles, humanoids or creatures incomprehensible to the human mind. Most often, positive characters resemble ideal people or positive creatures from mythology (Rumolans are similar to dark elves, Vulcans in Star Trek are an analogue of elves). Sometimes the images are particularly original. For example, aliens move not with the help of limbs, but using natural wheels located in the lower part of the body. According to the theory of the extraterrestrial origin of man, sometimes aliens are prescribed the functions of the creator of the human race or all life on Earth. Another version of the hypothesis of the extraterrestrial origin of man demonstrates the possibility of encountering UFOs, aliens completely similar to earthly people - in this case, these are human aliens, extraterrestrial human populations with which our ancestors lost contact or did not know about their existence before contact.

Human consciousness and alien

An alien in human culture personifies something unknown, carrying potential danger and new sensations. He acts in a simultaneously frightening and attractive way, which is effectively exploited popular culture. On the other hand, an alien being often represents an intelligent being with high level culture and mental development. Science fiction writers have repeatedly raised the question of the possibility of contact with aliens, describing the difficulties of interaction and the benefits of cooperation with them.

I. S. Shklovsky, a Soviet astronomer, in his book “The Universe, Life, Mind” substantiates the low probability of the existence of humanity and other similar highly developed civilizations. N. N. Strakhov, a famous philosopher, pointed out the kinship in human consciousness of the belief in the existence of aliens, on the one hand, and gods and spirits, on the other.

Alleged types of aliens:

  • Nordic aliens.
  • Grays.
  • Reptilians.

Interesting Facts:

  • The word “aliens” was first coined by Alexander Kazantsev, a famous Soviet writer.
  • In October 2003, in the small town of La Noria, which is located in the Atacami desert approximately 56 kilometers from the city of Iquique, a large mummy was found - the Atacama Humanoid, which for some time was considered an alien mummy due to its specifically elongated skull.

Love for UFOs

Despite the fact that many historical science fiction writers prescribed aggressive plans for alien creatures regarding earthlings (“Under the Dome,” “War of the Worlds,” “Descended from Heaven,” etc.), the attitude towards them in society is favorable.

By reading our portal site, you can, while living an ordinary life, from time to time tickle your nerves with new information about UFOs and various contacts with them. Despite the general stagnation of the economy, politics and religion, there is a ghostly hope that people have a chance with the help of UFOs to get beyond the Earth, to improve their lives with new, previously unknown technologies.

Previously it was assumed that aliens arrive from outer space through “black holes”, using time machines or “ wormholes" Today, new theories often appear that the home of alien creatures is the bottom of lakes, oceans, underground mountains of Antarctica and voids inside the Earth. There is a lot of talk about reptilians, who are a cross between aliens in the form of people or people with aliens who have been living on our planet for a long time in a peaceful or not so symbiosis.

For many millennia, humanity has been striving to establish contact with extraterrestrial beings by carefully studying signals from space. Well, what if such a call suddenly sounds?

They are confident that the government will immediately hide such information. Others are confident that the answer that alien beings can send will certainly lead to a global crisis. But be that as it may, many of us continue to hope to meet them.

In our Everyday life There are facts about aliens on Earth. But is a person capable of giving up confidence in his chosenness and exclusivity as an intelligent creation of God, even if aliens one day knock on the door, landing in their spaceship right on the porch.

To study this question in more detail, it is not enough just to watch a video about UFOs, which is uploaded daily by thousands of Internet users. Most of them are falsifications. How can you distinguish truth from lies?

Aliens from outer space, UFOs, Martians, real footage - you will find all this on the pages of our website.

In addition to people, other creatures live in our galaxy. Several decades ago, humanity denied the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial civilizations. However, over the past 10 years, organizations have been created around the world that are now studying the life and varieties of alien creatures, as well as the history of contacts between aliens and humans.

In the Soviet Union, talking about contact with aliens was dangerous, because... the person was immediately recognized as mentally ill and sent to a psychiatric dispensary. But the old days have passed, and people have started talking. Now the victim will not be locked behind bars in a mental hospital. On the contrary, they will conduct an examination and find out the details of the contact using a hypnosis session.

If previously alien civilizations, and even more so “visits” to Earth, were considered science fiction, now the relevant committees and organizations conduct their own research, which is replenished with new ones from year to year real cases. All information is regularly published in the media and supported by documentary facts, and sometimes even video recordings of unknown flying objects.

Who are the aliens

Scientists who study unidentified flying objects are divided into two types:

  • Ufologists - fully explore UFOs;
  • Exobiologists - study the varieties of extraterrestrial beings, their characteristics and differences.

Ufologists interpret the term “aliens” as follows:

UFOs are representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations; living intelligent beings who, in all respects, differ from earthly humans.

It is interesting that in society it is customary to say “alien”, meaning friendly creatures, and “alien” or “stranger” - hostile ones. However, researchers in this area do not subdivide concepts according to the mood of creatures towards humans.

Many scientists “paid” for researching their own mysterious death. There have been cases where 8 ufologists died in one year. This fact was taken up by Sidney Sheldon, who identified the following cases of death:

  1. January – Avtar Sing-Gada disappeared without a trace;
  2. February – Peter Piegegel was crushed by his own car;
  3. March – David Senyas crashed his car, losing control and crashing into a restaurant building;
  4. April – Mark Wisner committed suicide in a loop; killed under unknown circumstances Steward Gooding; David Greenhalgh fell from a bridge; Shani Warren drowned himself.
  5. May – Michael Baker died in an accident.

All deaths occurred in 1987, which suggests a suspicious coincidence. Or are these really not accidental deaths, but retribution for interference in the life of other planets and galaxies?

History of alien contacts with humans

“Tours” of humanoids to planet Earth are documented by a whole list of cases where people witnessed unidentified objects in the sky or were even abducted by aliens.

By the way, similar situations are divided into types:

  1. A moving or hovering alien object is observed by eyewitnesses in the sky.
  2. A UFO lands on Earth.
  3. The aliens make contact with humans or animals, but do not abduct earthly creatures.
  4. People are being abducted by aliens.

History has recorded many cases that reflect each type of visit from unidentified creatures. Sometimes one person has become a victim of UFO abduction several times in his life!

In the 70s, one American farmer had the opportunity to experience an evening that the man will remember for the rest of his life. Having finished his work on the farm, he went home. However, the future victim's car broke down, and the farmer was forced to walk home across the field. When the guy approached the house, the alien object blinded him, and the victim remembers nothing further.

The next morning, the American woke up near his house, however, understanding the complexity of the situation, he did not go to the hospital or the police. Only when his health worsened did he decide to ask doctors for help. Having heard about nightmare farmer, doctors suggested that the poor fellow undergo a test for alcohol and drug levels in his blood. But in that clinic there was one specialist who believed the man’s words and offered to conduct a hypnosis session.

The words of the American, who was under the influence of hypnosis, shocked the clinic staff. The farmer described the appearance of the creature that interacted with him. Moreover, he described in detail the figure, facial features and voice, which, according to the victim, was grunting and unintelligible.

"She was slim, with beautiful face, thin waist and wide hips. However, I would rather have sex with an ugly earthly woman than with this incomprehensible humanoid,” - this is how the creature that kidnapped the guy was described.

And although there were those who perceived these words as nonsense and sick fantasy, researchers have put forward irrefutable evidence of the fact of extraterrestrial contact. So, after carefully examining the farmer, they discovered a colossal level of radiation on his clothes and in his body. It is noteworthy that in the area of ​​the house and farm there is not a single enterprise that emits radioactive substances. Otherwise, where could this guy get such a dose of radiation in less than a night?

This is just one story out of many documented facts. In addition, some people are still afraid to talk about participating in experiments with aliens, because... afraid of being ridiculed or incomprehensible.

Virginia Norton is a girl who twice had the opportunity to become a test subject in experiments of alien inhabitants. For the first time, aliens took a six-year-old girl on board a ship straight from the barn, where little Virginia was going to look at her favorite animals. Two hours later, the aliens returned the baby to Earth, but 10 years later the incident repeated itself.

When Virginia was spending a weekend in France, an unknown force pulled her away for an hour and a half. According to Norton, she was attracted by a deer with big eyes, which the girl went after. After this, Virginia remembers nothing.

During a hypnotherapy session, the girl recalled a similar incident from childhood, and also described the appearance of strangers. “They had bright, shining clothes and big heads,” is how Virginia described the alien inhabitants. After a visit to an extraterrestrial ship, the girl was left with two blood stains and traces of surgical sutures. But, as the examination showed, the woman’s organs were in place, and her blood and health conditions had not worsened.

Brief facts about UFO “touring” on Earth

1. February 24, 1942, Los Angeles. An unidentified aircraft hovered in the sky over the coast. The military fired 1,400 shells at the flying saucer, but it remained unharmed. Afterwards, the military assured city residents that it was a weather balloon. Even if this is true, why didn't the missile salvos destroy the structure of the probe? Most likely, such a statement was made in order to reassure the townspeople.

2. January 29, 1986, Dalnegorsk, Russia. Hundreds of Russians at one point watched the crash of an extraterrestrial ship. The accident was accompanied by bright flashes and red rays that remained in the sky until the object collided with the ground. Research has shown that the ship's fragments contain rare metals and substances that are mined on other planets.

3. November 5, 1975 The five-day kidnapping of Travis Walton. While Travis was working in the mountains, a bright flash of light appeared. After this, a deafening sound, incomprehensible vibrations and swings appeared. The man managed to see the outlines of the aliens, but under the influence of hypnosis he was unable to find out other facts. Travis was shocked when he learned that he had been “visiting” a UFO for five days.

Varieties of aliens

Exobiologists say that not all forms of extraterrestrial life have visited Earth yet, and therefore it is not yet possible to fully list all types of aliens. However, based on the facts, when unidentified objects were noticed on Earth, astrologers, ufologists and exobiologists compiled the following list of types of aliens:

Essassani. Representatives of this cosmic civilization live in the constellation Orion. The Essassani race is 300 years ahead of our planet. They are similar in type of evolution to homo sapiens. Appearance: height 150-160 cm, gray skin, larger skull size than a human, as well as large black eyes and a small mouth and nose.

Lyrans. Little is known about this civilization: it is up to three meters tall and has features reminiscent of birds and animals from Egyptian myths. They live in the constellation Lyra, which is where they got their name.

Orions. Outwardly they are similar to humans and have dark skin, and a tenth of this civilization is completely blond of the Caucasian type. By nature they are distinguished by aggressiveness and hot temper. As exobiologists say, representatives of this species are accustomed to resolving issues through confrontation.

Alpha Centauri. The height of the "Centaurians" is higher than that of the average person. This race is passionate about travel, science, space experiments and high technology. Communication between the inhabitants of Alpha Centauri occurs on a telepathic level.

Arcturians. These are intelligent creatures that are superior in development to all inhabitants of the galaxy. Arcturians live 36 light years from Earth, in the constellation Bootes. Externally, representatives of Arcturus are fragile, height – 90-120 cm, almond-shaped eyes. Life expectancy is up to 400 years. Communication occurs through telepathy, which is a hundred times faster than the thinking of homo sapiens!

Martians. Due to increased interest in civilization, the Martians have evolved and now live in dimensions inaccessible to us. In appearance, Martians are similar to large ants and praying mantises.

  • The first documented UFO abduction occurred in 1961, when Betty and Barney Hill were dragged onto a flying saucer on a highway in New Hampshire.
  • Jose Bonnila is a Mexican astronomer who took the first photographs of an unidentified flying object.
  • In the USSR, the dates of UFO sightings coincide with the dates of testing of new military weapons.
  • The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle are associated with the supposed location under water on this mysterious place alien bases.

  • Previously, alien ships were called “flying saucers.” It was only in 1953 that the term “UFO” was coined after nine unknown objects were spotted in the sky. Nowadays, this abbreviation refers to all aircraft of unknown (futuristic) design and origin.
  • A survey conducted among Americans in 1996 showed that 71% of people believed that the authorities were hiding the truth about UFOs from ordinary citizens.
  • The phenomenon of unknown objects is being studied by the organizations “MUFON” - “Joint UFO Network” and “CUFOS” - “Center for Research of Extraterrestrial Objects”.
  • In 1953, an attempt to intercept an alien “saucer” failed in Michigan. Pilot Felix Eugene Moncla set out to intercept the alien ship. However, after approaching an unknown object, Felix's plane was lost on radar, and he went missing.
  • Pyramids ancient tribe The Mayans are considered examples of the creations of extraterrestrial civilizations.
  • To reach Earth, alien ships must reach speeds that are faster than the speed of light. By the way, the rays of the sun reach our planet in 8 minutes, and UFOs do it tens of times faster.

Ufologists in many countries believe that the most common form of intelligent creatures living in space is the humanoid form. However, such an opinion is erroneous, since it is based on earthly, limited observations.

Indeed, in most cases, representatives of humanoid civilizations fly to our Earth. But this does not mean at all that there is an overwhelming majority of them in space. The assumption that typical humanoid forms among civilizations are not so widespread is indirectly confirmed by external information coming from space.

Non-humanoid forms rarely and reluctantly visit Earth for a number of reasons, the main one being physiological incompatibility with humans. The creatures do not want to shock people with their unusual appearance. Some avoid an aggressive reaction, others are embarrassed by their appearance and do not want to cause an inappropriate reaction from witnesses.

That is why earthlings simply do not see many of the wonders of space; they are not given such an opportunity today. And the nature of the habitat of space, the peculiarity of the settlement of worlds, earthlings understand distortedly, or, rather, incompletely.

In addition, non-humanoid species of intelligent beings, especially their formless varieties, have a number of advantages over humanoids. Formless creatures do not require housing for their existence, there are no problems with household items and clothing. They feel comfortable in all environments, since “food” is extracted directly from the environment by the entire surface of the body without unnecessary energy consumption.

They easily adapt to a variety of living conditions, move freely in space, and therefore their range of existence is wider than that of typical humanoid forms. This determines the wide distribution of non-humanoid, formless creatures across the vastness of space, comparable to the prevalence of the simplest biological forms on Earth.

Known forms of intelligent beings living in space:

Plasma energy type - energetic substances consisting of various types polyspectral energies (visible “cold plasma” of various luminosities, invisible subtle energies and the energy of the mind). They are often formless plasma creatures, but the most characteristic form is an energy ball.

There are also other, most arbitrary forms, for example, luminous “fog”, light clots and moving energy strands, living “lightning” rays, complex mesh or chain structures, molecular clusters of light, etc. The energy spectra and the nature of plasma glow are very different. There are 38 known such civilizations.

Sub-dense, semi-sparse type represented by creatures consisting of intermediate types of matter. There are humanoid and non-humanoid forms, and the latter predominate over the former in prevalence. It is interesting to note that due to the high plasticity of semi-rarefied bodies, humanoids are able to modify their appearance beyond recognition, turning from a light phantom into a ball of light and vice versa.

Such transformations of a subdense humanoid into a luminous energy cocoon are very characteristic and indicative of this state of intelligent matter. In addition, it became known that intelligent substances of this type can be multidimensional, that is, they live in more than three dimensions.

11 non-humanoid and more than 50 humanoid sub-dense civilizations have been recorded that visited the Earth, however, their real ratio on a cosmic scale is somewhat different, that is, the predominance is on the side of non-humanoid civilizations (approximately 3: 1).

Dense, massive type , perhaps the most diverse in morphology and variegation, is clearly observed in our world and most of all attracts the attention of ufologists. The bodies of intelligent beings are characterized by relative constancy - the shape of the body is maintained throughout life and changes relatively slowly, unnoticeably.

They do not have rapid transformations. Adaptive mutations of bodies usually occur not during one life, but over several generations and even tens of generations. This is explained by the inertia of the dense matter of bodies relative to the incoming new information from the environment.

The constant struggle with gravity, resistance to the elemental forces of nature, the search for food and other problems of physical survival become the main ones in the evolution of intelligent beings in these conditions. Therefore, dense worlds (such as the earthly world) are considered the habitat and formation of underdeveloped and moderately developed civilizations.

Highly developed civilizations prefer to live in more mobile and energy-rich environments. Incarnation in the dense worlds of three-dimensional reality is considered by them to be a kind of sacrifice for the sake of missionary activity.

We have previously identified 7 types of dense, intelligent beings:

- one of the most common forms of intelligent beings in space. They live on planets and artificial structures. Thanks to the large volume of the brain and the high universality of the developed limbs, they achieve maximum development in intellectual and technical terms and have no equal in Space. All technical structures - starships and their modules, space cities and planetary bases - are usually created by humanoid races or with the active participation of humanoids.

There are races of humanoids that are very compatible with the humanity of the Earth (almost no different from us), they are called “human races”, they are also usually called “Madars”. But humanoids of a slightly different appearance, with other details of the structure of their bodies, are often encountered.

For example, humanoids are known with 6, 4, 3 and even 1 finger on their hand. The legs and arms are paired, although here too there are some oddities. The body, head and limbs of a humanoid may be covered with growths of unknown origin, either preserved from previous forms, or appearing for the first time due to an adaptive mutation of the body.

The proportions of the bodies vary in different combinations. Humanoids with long arms, shortened legs and large heads are common. There were also real Cyclopes with one single eye on their forehead. The eyes can be very wide, with an expanded view, or they can be modified - round, like saucers, without an iris and lens, etc.

The growth of humanoids is sometimes very different from normal. Humanoids from 10-20 centimeters tall (Lilliputians) to real giants whose height reached 10 and even 15 meters were observed.

The skin coloring of aliens comes in almost any color tones and shades, even blue and purple, which are very rarely found in nature. Humanoids are sometimes distinguished by mottled or uneven skin coloration, as well as coloring with a metallic tint.

The mutation of internal and external organs in humanoids reaches such an extent that the ears, nose, nasopharynx, mouth and even eyes atrophy and disappear. Instead of the ears, mouth and nose, small holes remain, which functionally can no longer perform the tasks assigned to them, that is, catch sounds, inhale air and absorb food.

The lungs and esophagus also atrophy in such creatures. Obviously, new ways of gas exchange and nutrition of the individual are being replaced. For example, the gas exchange of the body with the external environment and the absorption of necessary substances occurs through adsorption - direct nutrition through the skin of the body with etheric energy.

According to our calculations, over the past two centuries, about 170 humanoid dense civilizations of various levels of development (from NC I and SC I to VC I) visited the Earth.

2. " Snow people» - tall, furry creatures usually walk upright. In all cases they were covered with thick black or brown hair and had red eyes. The appearance shocked people and caused a typical reaction - rejection and fear. It is also surprising that shaggy creatures of a primitive appearance use spacecraft (spherical-shaped ships), which indicates a high intellectual development aliens. At least 5 species of creatures have been recorded. We believe that they have nothing to do with the terrestrial varieties of Bigfoot.

3. Goblins- dwarf creatures with large splayed ears and bulging eyes are distinguished by a strange appearance and an unusual gait: long arms serve as additional support points for them when walking. Monkeys use this method of transportation. The skin is usually brown, without hair, and there are strange appendages on the body. Behavior is reasonable and non-aggressive. IN Latin America These creatures are called "chupacabros". They are accused of stealing pets.

4. Reptoids and dinosauroids- a group of creatures that formed during mental development reptiles. The volume of the brain is approaching that of a human. In appearance, these creatures vaguely resemble a humanoid, that is, they can walk on two “legs,” communicate by voice and telepathically, and have a formed cephalalized skull. But these are not real humanoids.

The skin is scaly, green, of different shades. The hands and feet have skin membranes between the fingers. Sometimes the crest along the body and the tail are completely preserved - remnants of the former luxury. Most likely, these creatures should be called anthroponized reptiles, although there are races of real dinosaurs and lizards.

There are 8 known races of reptoid creatures living in different regions of the Cosmos (constellations Draco, Orion, Auriga, etc.). Usually their level of development does not exceed average (SC I). Used to travel in space spacecraft. Reptoids belong to the Light, Gray and Dark forces.

5. Phytomorphic creatures- very exotic intelligent creatures with plant characteristics. Very common in space. They usually lead an attached and colonial lifestyle. There is an external resemblance to algae, coral polyps, fungi (more precisely, their terrestrial fruiting bodies), amoebas, giant living cells, cords. They can also be shapeless (amorphous).

Nutrients are extracted from the environment in ways similar to plants - adsorption through the skin, photosynthesis, thermosynthesis, active gas exchange. They usually reproduce vegetatively (other options are not excluded).

However, some types of phytomorphic creatures are capable of traveling in space on spaceships, teleporting in person, releasing astral doubles, and conducting telepathic remote contacts. There are three known civilizations of phytomorphic creatures.

6. Grape-shaped- look like bunches of grapes or ears of corn. Probably, these are not individual individuals, but compact colonies of spherical and hemispherical creatures that grew up on a single basis (two civilizations in total).

7. Arbitrary forms and shapeless (amorphous)- very impressive intelligent beings, capable of changing shapes that defy description. They are widespread in space. The coloring is arbitrary, almost any. They usually live in outer space and on various planets, in liquid or gaseous media. Perfectly adapted to environment. So far, five civilizations are known.

Note: this brief review introduces readers to a little-known side of space, which is practically not covered by official science (astronomy, biology).

Ufologist-researcher Pavel Khailov, “Extraterrestrial Civilizations”
Especially for the site “World of Secrets”

The topic of unidentified flying objects attracts the attention of both experts and ordinary people. Scientists are trying to explain the strange things that are recorded on the films, interviewing hundreds of reliable witnesses who reflect in their testimony encounters with alien beings. We have dozens of irrefutable facts indicating the presence of UFOs on Earth. Most people have long believed in the existence of alien civilizations and that these creatures are trying to make contact with earthlings.

Paradoxically, the more facts we have, the more questions arise. For example, people are interested in knowing how many extraterrestrial civilizations exist, what races of aliens are there, and why do these creatures come to Earth? Are they friendly towards us, do they want to enslave us or use us for scientific purposes?

Cases told by military aviators

Representatives military aviation Contacts with extraterrestrials are often reported. Moreover, the experience of military personnel can be divided into two diametrically opposed components. On the one hand, friendly contacts are described, on the other hand, meetings between the military and aliens are identified with great stress. Some military personnel talk about how they were abducted by alien creatures and recall their experiences like a bad dream. In addition, there is a neutral opinion when people describe the experience of interacting with UFOs as normal, without negative or positive aspects.

"When the F-4 approached unidentified object at a distance of 25 nautical miles, all instruments and communications on board the ship failed. The F-4 did not deviate from its course, but apparently no longer posed any threat. That is why the internal systems on board the aircraft carrier were quickly restored. It was clearly visible how another object, smaller in size and more illuminated, separated from the unidentified flying object. He headed straight for the F-4." This describes just one of hundreds of examples of military UFO interceptions that were tracked by air and ground radar, and visually confirmed by pilots.

From the experience of Dr. Edgar Mitchell

The conquest of the Moon could be the beginning of a new milestone in space tourism. Instead, the expeditions of the Apollo crews were one-time in nature, and all data received from the Moon is still strictly classified. Society knows only what the highest government officials have allowed to know. However, the words of those astronauts who managed to visit the epicenter of events are leaked to the press. Many experts credit Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who became the sixth man to walk on the moon. There is no reason not to believe this man: “There was a wrecked ship and many bodies. We are not alone in the Universe; they have been flying to us for a long time.”

Authoritative opinion

Even if you are far from studying the theory of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, you cannot deny the facts presented by educated, respected people. Psychiatrist John Mack, a Harvard professor and Pulitzer Prize winner, says this: “To a certain extent this contact occurs on a physical level, but if you consider the psychological or spiritual experience of what is happening, it probably occurs in a completely different dimension. Alien creatures, in contact with earthlings, seem to open an invisible portal. And if before contact people had the opportunity to perceive only the physical world, then after that they get the opportunity to penetrate into realities invisible to consciousness.”

Not long ago, an article was published in scientific publications describing the experiences of more than 60 schoolchildren who had contact with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. 20 years ago, non-human beings placed children in big ship. After the trip, all the children remained safe and sound, and now each of them is of great interest to science. John Mack claims that all these people, describing their old experiences as if they were carbon copies, are absolutely sane.

All these stories do not contradict each other

There is other evidence that alien beings are not inclined to harm earthlings. Here's what McGill University psychologist Dr. Don Donderi says: “Some people describe UFOs as extraterrestrial vehicles. Some of these objects may be manned. Aliens can catch and release a person." The most fascinating thing about all these stories and others is that they do not contradict each other at all. The next eyewitness story can only complement the words of its predecessors.

What do aliens look like?

There are several photographs on the basis of which you can create a composite portrait of a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization. Excerpt from the book by Richard Dolan: “There are many triangular markings and other symbols on their bodies that make up equilateral patterns. A red dot is clearly visible on the wrist or near the ankle. The most common is a mark in the form of a depression, which appears as a result of the removal of part of the subcutaneous material. Next, we will present to your attention collective images of the three most common alien creatures.

Star people

Creatures that are too similar to us are capable of abducting earthlings and coming into direct contact with them. In fact, the experience of meeting alien people is one of the most common in world practice. You can physically touch them, you can feel their energy. Some high-ranking officials It is believed that alien man has long been introduced into the spheres of the military-industrial complex. “All these creatures help earthlings create Newest technologies. They were the first to make contact and offered their help themselves. At first, the earthlings were reluctant to agree to cooperate, but, having found out that there was no direct threat to humanity, they began to cooperate,” says Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defense.

Many of us believe that aliens came to us several generations ago. If you believe this theory, it was the star people who brought with them spiritual teachings, cosmic maps and ideas about a free life. They were kind, loving and excellent role models for earthlings. But once they left us.

Portrait of a star man

Starman is a tall, muscular creature with long blond hair and blue eyes. Some reports featured creatures with blue skin and large eyes, as well as short individuals with a large round head. Most likely, the humanoid life form is distributed throughout the Universe.

Gray humanoids

These small gray creatures, about 120 centimeters tall, are also often found in descriptions of people who have made contact with UFOs. They could also kidnap earthlings, but entered into sexual contact with them. According to the victims, many of them went through violence, despite the fact that the gray humanoids tried to calm their victims. They said that they did not intend to cause any harm.

Most likely, their mission was to create a hybrid child or the so-called Gray race. Such children probably exist. Many researchers believe that hybrids of humans and gray humanoids have been living on Earth for quite a long time. Of course, we will not meet these creatures on the street, because immediately after birth the child is taken away from the mother and taken to a secret laboratory for further study.


The following extraterrestrial beings have been depicted in folk tales for several thousand years. Some reptiles were presented as friendly, others as hostile. You will be surprised, but many experts believe that reptiles have control over earthling government organizations!

Some believe that the global elite on our planet was created thanks to these formidable creatures. Perhaps this theory is too far-fetched, but it also has a right to exist. Surely we know for certain that, along with governments, there are also shadow organizations that carry out all the main work. It is possible that they can interact with various alien creatures.