Lake Baikal is a truly mysterious and wonderful place not only in Russia, but throughout the entire planet.

Animal and vegetable world, the composition of water and even air cannot be compared with the nature of other lakes. Baikal surpasses them in many ways.

The local population is noticeably different from residents of other regions. They honor traditions, remember and preserve legends and respectfully call Lake Baikal the sea.

The lake has a crescent shape with a width varying from 20 to 80 km and a length of about 630 sq. km, and the deepest point of the lake is located at a level of 1642 meters. Baikal receives more than 300 small and large rivers, and releases only one Angara.

Where is Lake Baikal located?

Where the lake is located, there is a border between Buryatia and the Irkutsk region. The Russian part of Baikal is geographically located in the south of eastern Siberia.

How to get there

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Every tourist planning a vacation on the lake is concerned with the question of how to get there. First of all, you need to get to Irkutsk or the capital of Buryatia. This can be done by plane or train. And from the administrative centers to the lake itself or the nearest populated area there are buses, minibuses, and ships.

Do not forget that tickets to Ulan-Ude or Severobaikalsk are not sold so often and are quite expensive. Therefore, travelers often purchase tickets to Irkutsk. If the choice was made in favor of the train, then you can purchase a ticket for almost any one going towards Vladivostok and Khabarovsk.

The quality of the roads to Lake Baikal is relatively good, which is a definite plus for those who like to travel around the world behind the wheel of their car. And for extreme seekers, there is always a way to travel called hitchhiking.

Cities on Lake Baikal

There are numerous cities on Lake Baikal - from small villages to large administrative centers. The majority of the population is professionally employed in the tourism sector. These are workers of hotels, hotels, tourist centers, entertainment centers, guides and excursion guides, transport drivers and guides in the mountains.

Lake Baikal. Slyudyanka photo

Large cities include Irkutsk, Severobaikalsk, and Ulan-Ude. They contain architectural, historical monuments and museums. They are also centers of culture, politics and economics. The population of these cities ranges from 100 to 400,000 people.

Smaller settlements are Slyudyanka, Listvyanka, Katun, Maksimikha, Khuzhir, Posolskoye, Turka, Goryachinsk and others. They are more visited by tourists. Whitewater rafting, mountain climbing, lake cruises, various excursions take place here. ski resorts V winter time.

Lake Baikal on the plain or in the mountains

Lake Baikal is located more in the mountains than on the plain. The West and East coasts are different from each other. The eastern side has a smoother and flatter relief. And the western one is represented by mountains, rocks and cliffs, which can be several kilometers away from the coast. Type of lake basin and basin. The Baikal Rift Zone measures 12,500 km and extends from Mongolia to Yakutia.

A rift is a crack in layers earth's surface, taking the shape of a crescent. The center of the Baikal rift is its deepest place. It was here that the basin of Lake Baikal was formed. The type of lake basin is volcanic and similar to Dead Sea in its structure and represents a system of depressions of various sizes. Volume of water in the lake. The volume of water in the lake is approximately 23 km3. This is the largest fresh water reserve in the world.

Baikal photo

The volume of water is amazing in its colossality. It exceeds the Ladoga Sea by 23 times, and the Azov Sea by 90 times. Baikal water is saturated with oxygen and practically does not contain various impurities. At a depth of 30-40 meters, individual objects can be easily distinguished. And in some places of the lake you can drink the water without fear of poisoning. Depth. The surface of Lake Baikal rises 456 meters above sea level.

Characteristics of Lake Baikal

  • The area of ​​Lake Baikal is 550,000 square km
  • Lake length 636 km
  • Lake width 25 - 79 km
  • Maximum depth - 1637m, average depth - 730m
  • Lake mode. The hydrological regime is the floods and floods of its rivers. River flow is mainly observed in warm time of the year. In winter, the rivers are fed only by groundwater. The water surface freezes for about a month from mid-December to mid-January. But the source of the Angara, 15 km long, is not covered with ice, as it draws in water above freezing temperature.
  • The climate is moderate continental. It is characterized by Cold winter and not a hot summer (+16+18). Winds generated by different temperatures coastal and water zones, often raise storm waves and create hurricanes.
  • The age of the lake exceeds 25,000 years. This is the oldest lake ice age. Most of these lakes, reaching 15,000 years of age, disappear from the face of the Earth.
  • The Baikal fissure cuts the upper mantle of the earth deeper than 50 km. Abnormally heat The subsoil under the water column forms hot springs, reaching an average of +80 degrees.

Nature of Lake Baikal

The nature of Lake Baikal is unique and picturesque. Dense forests, rocky cliffs, hills and mountains, and chains of volcanoes are scattered around the lake. More than 2,600 species of plants and animals live and grow in this territory, 70% of which are endemic. On the coast, which is more than 2000 km long, there are rapids waterfalls, sandy bays, and about 180 capes with their own bays. The number of sunny and cloudless days prevails over cloudy ones (there are about 40 of them per year).

Lake Baikal wildlife

The fauna of Lake Baikal is vividly presented. Some species have been practically untouched by evolution, while others live only in the Baikal region. The seal is the symbol of the lake. Scientists still cannot give a clear answer about the route of this seal’s entry into the fresh waters of Lake Baikal. Musk deer is a deer that weighs 17 kg. Its peculiarity is the absence of horns, but the presence of long fangs in males.

Baikal seal photo

Also inhabited by red wolf, sable, deer, squirrel, bear, wild boar, fox, lynx, Snow Leopard. The most common birds are golden eagles, imperial eagles, seagulls, ducks, swans, cormorants, bustards, and peregrine falcons. In addition to fish, the water column is dominated by special crustaceans called epishura. They act as a natural filter, allowing lake water to pass through them.

A variety of mollusks and sponges are also present. For example, Baikalia and Benediction accumulate in large groups on rocks. Fish of Lake Baikal. The fish of Lake Baikal are represented by omul, viviparous golomyanka fish, sturgeon, bream, sculpin goby, carp and others.

Lake Baikal plants

Lake Baikal is densely populated by both terrestrial and underwater plants. There are many forests in which centuries-old trees grow. For example, Siberian pine and cedar, reaching a trunk diameter of more than 6 meters and an age of more than 700 years. Birch with black bark is also considered a unique tree.

There are many medicinal plants (more than 1000 species). These are licorice, anise, bearberry, chamomile, hog queen, wormwood, thyme, bracken, bergenia. Plants that are found mainly only in this region include circe parisis, wolfberry, yellow field poppy, sleep grass, common grass, etc.

bottom of Lake Baikal photo

In the water column, various algae and sponges dominate almost every centimeter of the bottom. These are mainly blue-green and golden algae. Green algae fills bays and bays. Sponges have various colors and prefer to attach to underwater slopes. In addition, there are quite a lot of higher underwater plants with full leaves, stems and roots (more than 70 species). These are representatives of the families Ranunculaceae, Bryophytes, Lycophytes, Burmocks and others. For example, a small water lily and a quadrangular water lily.

Flowing rivers of the lake

The flowing rivers of Lake Baikal number in the hundreds (336 rivers). It's more and less large rivers, and large streams. These include the Snezhnaya River, Amga, Utulik, Upper Angara, Selenga, Bolshaya Buguldeika, Sarma, Goloustnaya, Barguzin, Zen-Murin and many others.

River flowing out of a lake

The river flowing from the lake is called the Lower Angara and boasts a length of 1,779 km. At the source of the river stands the Shaman Stone, a rock entangled in mystery and legend. According to one legend, the beautiful Angara was in love and wanted to run away to her chosen one, the hero Yenisei. And the enraged father Baikal threw this stone after his disobedient daughter.

River connecting Lake Baikal with the Arctic Ocean

The river connecting Lake Baikal with the Arctic Ocean is called the Yenisei. It divides Siberia into western and eastern and has a length of 3487 km. The river is unique in that it goes through everything climatic zones. On its banks you can find both camels and polar bears.

Lakes near Baikal

The lakes near Baikal have the same tectonic origin, but are smaller in size. Such lakes a large number of and each is unique in its own way. Lake Kolok is considered popular among fishermen.

Lake Baikal in winter photo

Frolikha is located on the northeastern coast of Baikal and has an area of ​​more than 16 square km and is included in the Red Book as an Ice Age lake. And Lake Kotokel is toxic. But although swimming in it is prohibited, there are about 40 recreation centers on the coast. Also nearby are lakes Arangatui, Gusinoye, Sobolinoye, Angarsky Sor.

Sights of Baikal

The sights of Lake Baikal are numerous, especially those created by nature itself. But there are also those to which man had a hand. Natural attractions:

  • Great Baikal Trail
  • Sandy Bay
  • Small sea with very warm water
  • Olkhon Island and Cape Kobylya Golova located on it and Lake Shara-Nur, located 750 meters above sea level
  • Ushkany Islands
  • Chivirkuysky and Barguzinsky bays
  • Tunkinskaya Valley
  • Hot Springs
  • Valley of volcanoes in the Sayan Mountains
    In the Slyudyanka area there is a 300-meter-high cliff on which birds nest, called the bird market.

Sights created by man: Taltsy is an architectural monument. Buildings from various times from the flooded areas of Lake Baikal were brought here. In Listvyanka you can visit the nerpinarium and the sled dog center. Drive or walk along the Circum-Baikal Railway for 84 km. More than 30 tunnels were cut into the rocks for it and 248 bridges were built.

Baikal photo

The Cathedral of the Epiphany and the Astrophysical Observatory are located in Irkutsk. World Heritage Lake Baikal. Lake Baikal received the World Heritage title in 1996. The lake meets all the requirements for uniqueness. Many endangered species of plants and animals are listed in the Red Book.

  • The ice reaches 30 meters deep in winter and breaks spontaneously during the winter, providing fish with an influx of oxygen.
  • Height storm waves sometimes reaches 5 meters
  • In the lake, sturgeon live up to 60 years
  • The world's highest mountains, 7,500 meters high, are flooded under the waters of Lake Baikal
  • Scientists suggest that over time Baikal will become a sea. Its banks diverge by 2 cm every year.
  • Baikal Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of September.

Problems of Lake Baikal

The problems of Lake Baikal have existed for a long time, and without proper help they will progress. It is worth noting the drying up of small rivers flowing into the lake. Thanks to this, its ecosystem changes. The banks are being destroyed and fish spawning is becoming difficult. Poachers and forest fires, mainly made by man, have had a hand in the decline and extinction of some species of flora and fauna. The number of seals, omul, wapiti, and musk deer has decreased almost 2-fold.

Lake pollution

Lake pollution is widespread environmental problem. The culprit in this is only man. This includes garbage left by tourists in the coastal zone, petroleum products from shipping transport, waste, carbon dioxide, wastewater from large-scale production.

The popularity of Baikal is growing every year, attracting Russian and foreign tourists, artists and scientists. Scientific developments are carried out here by archaeologists, geologists, historians, physicists, ethnographers and others. But it is precisely this factor that leads to environmental problems in the lake areas. If measures are not taken to protect it, Lake Baikal may disappear from the face of the Earth, and with it the world's supply of fresh water.

Baikal is located in the center of Asia, in Russia, on the border of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia. The lake stretches from north to southwest for 636 km in the form of a giant crescent.

The length of the lake is approximately equal to the distance from Moscow to the Baltic. The width of Lake Baikal ranges from 25 to 80 km.

Among the lakes of the globe, Lake Baikal ranks 1st in depth. On Earth, only 6 lakes have a depth of more than 500 meters. The greatest depth mark in the southern basin of Baikal is 1423 m, in the middle - 1637 m, in the northern - 890 m.

Baikal depression

The Baikal depression is slightly wider than the modern lake, but much deeper. The depth of the depression is determined by the height of the mountains above it, the depth of the lake and the thickness of the bottom sediments lining its bottom. The deepest point of the Baikal basin lies approximately 5-6 thousand meters below the level of the world ocean. According to geologist N.A. Florensov, the “roots” of the depression cut through the entire earth’s crust and go into the upper mantle to a depth of 50-60 km. This is the deepest basin on earth. He figuratively called the Baikal depression a window into the bowels of the Earth, helping to understand the essence of its deep processes.

The lake lies in the Baikal depression - a bottomless stone bowl, surrounded on all sides by mountain ranges and hills. At the same time, the western coast is rocky and steep, the relief of the eastern coast is flatter (in some places the mountains recede tens of kilometers from the coast).

Baikal is not only the largest, but also the most mysterious and enigmatic lake on the planet. Many legends and traditions are associated with its appearance, which dates back 35 million years. As soon as it is not called - the pearl of Siberia, mighty water, great fire, sea. Where is Lake Baikal located? The oldest reservoir is freely spread out in the southern part of Eastern Siberia.


The length of the lake, located at an altitude of 450 meters above sea level, is 636 kilometers, and the coastline stretches for almost 2,000 kilometers. Most of it consists of nature reserves and parks under state protection. The width of Baikal, due to its unusual shape in the shape of a crescent, reaches 81 km in the central part and 27 km at the narrowest point.

The northwestern part of the huge reservoir is located in the Irkutsk region, the southeastern part is in Buryatia. Assessing the depth of Lake Baikal, which ranks first in the world, experts call the figure 1640 meters with a permissible error of 2%. The second deepest lake is Lake Tanganyika on the African continent, which is two hundred meters behind the leader. More than three hundred rivers and streams replenish the supply of fresh water in the lake, a good half of the total volume comes from the Selenga. But only one flows out of it, the Angara. There are twenty-two islands on the lake, the largest of which is Olkhon.

The map can be enlarged by clicking on it with the left mouse button.

Why is Baikal called Baikal

According to ancient legend, the “oldest” lake on the planet appeared as a result of a volcanic eruption. But researchers are still arguing about the origin of its name. There are several assumptions:

  • Bai-Kul - translated from Turkic means “rich lake”;
  • Baigal - from the Mongolian “rich fire”;
  • Baigal Dalai - in the same Mongolian means “big lake”;
  • Beihai means “north sea” in Chinese;
  • Baigal-Nuur is a Buryat name;
  • Lamu - that’s what the Evenki called the lake.

It is believed that the first explorers who appeared here in the seventeenth century called Baikal by the Evenk name. Later, having switched to the Buryat name, they softened the letter “g”, giving the name the current appearance.

Waters of Lake Baikal

The purity of the lake water is amazing. Its transparency is 40 meters, and its oxygen saturation and unique composition, slightly mineralized and close to those of distilled water, make it unusually healing.

During algae blooms, transparency decreases slightly, but remains quite high. Of great interest to tourists is watching a coin thrown into the waters of the lake, which can be seen quite clearly. long time. Visit famous lake- the dream of almost every Russian. Where Lake Baikal is located is already known, but what kind of weather prevails there?


If you look at where Baikal is located on a map of Russia, you can note that it is only 70 kilometers from Irkutsk. However, it is rash to assume that the climate is the same here and there. Typically sharply continental in these places, it is significantly softened in the lake area by the abundance of water and dense forests. The air temperature on Lake Baikal is warmer in winter, and colder by almost 10 degrees in summer. In addition, rainy weather is rare here. Minor evaporation of water does not contribute to the formation of clouds, and their counterparts coming from behind the mountains heat up and dissipate.

Sometimes, of course, you can get caught in the rain, but the amount sunny days on the island of Olkhon, for example, much more than on the Riga seaside or in the Caucasian Abastumani. The rather cold water of Lake Baikal warms up to 16-17 degrees in summer, but only close to the shore. At depth, the water temperature in summer is only 4-5 degrees. The period from June 15 to August 15 is considered the most successful for a trip to Baikal - warm and sunny.

Fauna and flora

Vegetable and animal world Lake Baikal are unique. The lake serves as a reliable shelter for almost three thousand species of animals and thousands of plants, many of which are found only here. And this despite the fact that, as scientists suggest, more than 20% of the living organisms living in it, from the surface to the maximum depths, are still unknown to science. Grayling, whitefish, taimen, sturgeon, omul, lenok, golomyanka - far from full list species of fish inhabiting the lake. There are about sixty of them in total, which turns fishing on a pond into an extremely exciting and productive activity. There are still heated debates about how the Baikal seal got to Baikal and comfortably took root here - purely marine mammal. It is assumed that it came here in the distant times of the Ice Age, moving from the Arctic Ocean along the Angara and Yenisei. Now tens of thousands of animals live here.

How to get to Baikal?

Relaxing on the lake is interesting and attractive all year round, each season has its positive sides. At first, many are slightly intimidated by the long journey, but having learned how to get to Baikal, they are determined to set off. Every day flights depart from Moscow airports Vnukovo and Domodedovo to Ulan-Ude and Irkutsk. The flight time is almost the same - the plane flies six hours to the first destination, twenty minutes less to the second. Irkutsk airport is located six kilometers from the center.

Road along railway It will take a little longer; the Moscow-Irkutsk train will cover the distance of 5192 km in 3 and a half days. However, magnificent scenery and decent service will help brighten up your travel time. It is not difficult to get to Baikal from the regional center - minibuses and buses run from the central bus station, electric trains and trains from the railway station, and from the Raketa pier in the summer you can go by yacht or boat. Short distance 70 kilometers will not seem too long and boring.


At the source of the Angara, the oldest Baikal village of Listvyanka is located, which is about three hundred years old. Previously, local residents lived by hunting and now there is a fairly developed tourist infrastructure with comfortable hotels, inns, cozy restaurants and entertainment venues, saunas and bathhouses with Baikal water. Acquaintance with the region begins from this settlement; here is the only Russian Federation Lake Museum. It is invariably visited by domestic and foreign tourists, getting acquainted with the history of the famous reservoir, its flora and fauna, and the results of numerous scientific studies.

The village has many attractions that are worth visiting:

  • "mini-zoo" with bears and foxes,
  • nerpinarium,
  • Art Gallery,
  • Shaman-stone,
  • observatory.

The diving centers operating in the village offer tourists an unforgettable experience - diving into clear waters unique Lake Baikal to a depth of three to forty meters. This is possible at any time of the year, since the water temperature at the dive sites is from 3 to 12 degrees. IN summer time Many water excursions depart from Listvyanka - to the nearby village of Big Cats, to Sandy Bay, to the port of Baikal. You can take the opportunity to ride along the water surface of Lake Baikal on your own, on a rented boat.

Seasonal holidays

The flow of tourists to Baikal does not weaken, but is growing every year. If you look at where Lake Baikal is located on a map of Russia, you can clearly see that it is located in a cozy environment of mountain ranges and forests. The unique beauty of these places is beautiful in its own way at any time of the year.

In winter, lovers of ice fishing, skiing, sailing, and cycling on the thick ice of the reservoir come here. Majestic awakening from hibernation and the rescue of Baikal from ice captivity will be able to be seen by those who come here at the end of spring. At this time there are not many tourists and you can enjoy unity with nature without interference. In the spring, you can even meet the clubfooted inhabitants of the Baikal-Lena and Barguzinsky nature reserves, who go out to the water. the diversity and riot of colors of the forests close to the lake. However, the end of October and November are characterized by inhospitable weather and possible thaw.

Interesting and mysterious sights of Lake Baikal

  • Shaman-stone - according to legend, has miraculous powers. The owner of the Angara, Ama Sagaan noyon, lived here, magical shamanic rituals were performed and criminals were left overnight to repent of their deeds and admit their guilt.
  • Cape Khoboy on Olkhon Island - a petrified Buryat woman, punished for her envy. There are many legends associated with the cape. In winter, a real delight is visiting the grottoes located here, exquisitely decorated with transparent icicles.
  • Shamanka Rock, located on Cape Burkhan, is made of granite, quartz and snow-white marble. The through cave located in it was the center of cult worship of the Buryats, who considered it the residence of the owner of Lake Baikal. The entrance here was closed to mere mortals, and women went around the rock by the farthest road. Various rituals and ceremonies were held in the cave, which evoked sacred awe among the local population. Pagan priests lifted family curses here, relieved illnesses and predicted the future by falling into a trance.

What city is Baikal in?

Having firmly decided on the nearest trip to Lake Baikal, the potential tourist begins to develop a route and asks a completely understandable question - where is the lake located?

  • Babushkino;
  • Listvyanka;
  • Big Cats;
  • Pankovka;
  • Nizhneangarsk;
  • Baykalsk;
  • Severobaykalsk and many others.

You can stay with a tent in a campsite, use the services of a well-equipped tourist base, or rent a room in a cozy house from local residents. Also, if all family members are completely independent and are not afraid of hiking difficulties, you can go on foot with backpacks and a tent. independent travel, stopping for the night and rest in the most picturesque places of Lake Baikal. Such a vacation will certainly become the most memorable and significant event in family life.

A story about Lake Baikal for children in the subject of the world around them will help them prepare for the lesson.

Lake Baikal short message

Lake Baikal is the most mysterious and enigmatic. Tourists have been admiring its beauty for many years. 336 rivers and streams flow into the lake.

Depth of Lake Baikal on average 730 m. The maximum depth of the lake is 1642 m. Even at a depth of 40 m, the bottom is clearly visible.

Where is Lake Baikal located?

Baikal is located in the southern part of Eastern Siberia. The lake is located on the territory of the Republic of Buryatia, as well as the Irkutsk region.

How old is Baikal? It is difficult to give an exact figure. Scientists traditionally estimate the age of the lake at 25-35 million years.

Why is Baikal considered a unique natural phenomenon?

The main wealth of the lake is water, which makes up 90% of all fresh water reserves in Russia and 20% of global reserves. It is clean and transparent, and its oxygen saturation is 2 times higher than its content in ordinary reservoirs.
There are two reasons for this phenomenon:

  • The solubility of oxygen in water depends on its temperature. The lower the temperature, the more oxygen in the water. The water in Lake Baikal is very cold. At a depth of 100 m it is no more than 3-4 °C.
  • Algae also saturate the water with oxygen.

Baikal water is also purified due to the activity of planktonic crustaceans. The crustaceans filter out and ingest algae and bacterial cells. A clean water returned to Baikal. Sponges, mollusks and worms contribute to water purification by eating various dying organisms.

Lake Baikal softens continental climate these areas. Accumulating the heat received during the summer months, Baikal releases it with the onset of winter cold.
Another inexplicable phenomenon is that the shores of the lake diverge at a rate of 1.5–2 cm per year.

Animals of Lake Baikal

The lake is home to more than 2,600 species and subspecies of animals, half of which live only in this reservoir. This lake is the only habitat of Baikal seals (nerpas).
The weight of Baikal seals can reach 130 kg and on land they become clumsy and defenseless.

In the waters of Baikal there are about 50 species of fish(omul, grayling, sturgeon, burbot).
They live near Lake Baikal 200 species of birds(ducks, herons, waders, representatives of the eagle family).

Problems of Baikal

In 1996, Baikal was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. But human activities and tourists cause enormous damage to the environment. As a result, waterlogging of the once crystal clear Baikal reservoir has reached alarming proportions.


  • waste discharge from enterprises pollutes water;
  • The Irkutsk hydroelectric power station, built on the main source of Lake Baikal - the Angara, causes shallowing of the lake;
  • poaching leads to a decrease in the number of Baikal seals and omul, imperial eagles;
  • Predatory deforestation combined with forest fires are destroying this protected area.

Lake Baikal message for grade 4 you can write using this information.

  • Tours for May in Russia
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Lake Baikal is located on the border of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia - in the center of the Asian continent. “Blue Eye of Siberia”, “Sacred Sea”, “Diamond of the Planet” - this is how Baikal is called. The deep-water lake stores the world's largest reserve of fresh water, unique in composition. It is not only clean and transparent, but also contains so few mineral salts that it is equivalent to distilled water.

In the shape of a nascent crescent, Baikal stretches from southwest to northeast. The length of the lake is 636 km, the greatest width in the central part is 81 km, the minimum width opposite the Selenga delta is 27 km. Baikal is located at an altitude of 455 m above sea level, the length of the coastline is about 2 thousand km. More than half the length of the lake's shoreline is protected.

About 300 rivers and streams flow into Baikal, with half of the volume of water entering the lake brought by the Selenga River. Flows from Baikal the only river- Hangar. There are about 20 islands on the lake, the largest of which is Olkhon.

Baikal is surrounded on all sides by mountain ranges and hills - the western coast is more rocky and steep than the eastern. The picturesque surroundings with an exceptional diversity of flora and fauna attract tourists from all over the world. This region has received the status of a reserve of planetary significance. In terms of the number of rare plants growing only here, it surpasses Madagascar and the Galapagos Islands. The most favorable time for a holiday on Lake Baikal is from May to October. In summer, in addition to excursions, hiking and fishing, tourists have access to beach holiday, and in winter - skiing.

How to get to Baikal

Search for air tickets to Irkutsk (the nearest airport to Baikal)

Main resorts of Lake Baikal

What to bring

Specialty delicacies are brought from Baikal - omul, grayling and cold-smoked whitefish, pine nuts, infusions and teas made from Baikal herbs - sagan-dailya, ginseng, golden root. Ethnic souvenirs are popular - Buryat National clothes, smoking pipes, knives, tambourines, figurines of shamans, amulets, as well as handicrafts made of birch bark, jewelry made of bone and stones. Children will surely love souvenirs with images of the most charming symbol of Baikal – the seal.

What to try

The Baikal regions are famous for Buryat and Siberian cuisine, which are based on fish and meat dishes. The impression of a trip to Baikal will be incomplete without trying the local gastronomic attraction - hot smoked omul. Another specific Baikal fish is golomyanka, it is tasty when dried. In addition, whitefish and grayling are a must for tasting different options preparations, especially the way they are prepared by fishermen over a fire - on gores. Chopping and guzzling - branded fish dishes. Raskolka are pieces of freshly frozen fish with salt and pepper, and gudai are freshly salted fish flavored with spices and oil. Among the Buryat dishes, it is recommended to taste poses reminiscent of large dumplings, lamb soup - buchler, and green tea with milk in Buryat style. The Siberian region is rich in wild berries - stoneberries, blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries and sea buckthorn. They can be purchased from locals along the highways or at food markets. The season of the famous Siberian mushrooms begins in August.

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Entertainment and attractions of Baikal

The flora and fauna of the Baikal region are incredibly diverse and number up to 2.6 thousand species and varieties, three quarters of which are not found anywhere else in the world. The lake is home to 58 species of fish. The most famous are omul, whitefish, grayling, taimen, sturgeon, golomyanka, lenok. 200 species of birds nest on the banks. In Baikal there is a unique, typical marine mammal - the Baikal seal. In summer, in the central and northern parts of the lake they can be seen quite often. In the Baikal region there are three national reserve and two natural national parks designed to protect its unique flora and fauna.

The Baikal region is the territory near Lake Baikal, stretching along its eastern coast, crossed by the valleys of the Selenga, Turka, Itanza, Kika, Khaim, Kotochik rivers, as well as a number of smaller rivers. Along the coast there are mountain spurs of the Golondinsky, Ulan-Burgasy and Morsky ridges. The Baikal region has long been inhabited by humans. Many ancient monuments have been preserved here, including sites of the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras, burial grounds of different times, and rock paintings.

There are about 30 springs in total on the lake, the most famous of them are in the Tunka Valley (Arshan, Zhemchug) and in the north of Baikal (Khakusy, Dzelinda, Solnechny). “Singing Sands” of the western coast, a 17th century monastery in the village of Posolskoye, Bystrinsky waterfalls, Uluntui Cave, Circum-Baikal Railway.

Cape Burkhan especially stands out among the Baikal attractions. It is one of the 9 shrines of Asia and business card Olkhona. Burkhan is the main deity of Baikal for Buryat Buddhists, and Cape Burkhan with a through cave in the Shaman Rock is considered his abode.

Climbing Chersky Peak (2090 m) is a popular route that does not require special equipment. The length of the trail, which starts from Slyudyanka, is 25 km. At the foot of this mountain there is a picturesque alpine lake called Heart.

Slyudyansky lakes are located 25 km from Severobaikalsk. The large lake reaches 2 km in diameter and is surrounded by sandy beaches, the water in it warms up well. The route along the serpentine path will lead to mica adits, from where a breathtaking view of Lake Baikal and Cape Tonky opens.

Malocheremshanskaya cave. The largest cave grotto on the eastern coast of the northern part of Lake Baikal is located 50 m south of the mouth of Malaya Cheremshana. Its depth is 15 m, height 10-15 m, width at the entrance - 2 m. The cave is most spectacular in winter, when after strong storms when the lake freezes, splash ice and garlands of ice icicles form on its arches, reaching up to individual years heights up to 6-8 m.

Baidinsky caves are a popular excursion from Olkhon Island. The caves have several grottoes and halls that can be visited without special equipment. Dream Cave with huge stalactites and glass ones is the most famous and beautiful cave in Baikal. It is located 7 km from the village of Sakhyurta in the Tazheran steppes. It has a Throne and Music Halls, where ice formations can produce melodious sounds. Shishkin paintings are drawings on the Lena Rocks near Lake Baikal, dating back to the Paleolithic era.

Ekhe Erdo is a mountain of ideal regular shape on the right bank of the Anga River, 10 km from the village of Elantsy. This is the place where in ancient times the Erdyn Games took place - a cult holiday of the Siberian peoples. Women are prohibited from climbing the mountain; local men also try to avoid it, and only shamans can freely climb to perform their rituals. Suva Saxon Castle is a group of rocks whose outlines resemble the ruins of an ancient castle. Here the ancient Evenks performed their shamanic rituals.

Ivolginsky datsan is the residence of the head of Buddhists in Russia and one of the main Buddhist centers in Siberia and on Far East. The temple complex is located in the foothills of Khamar-Daban, 29 km from Ulan-Ude. The monks of this Buddhist monastery practice treatment using Tibetan medicine and make up astrological forecasts. Mount Barkhan-Uula is one of the 5 main Buryat shrines of Lake Baikal, the place where, according to Buryat mythology, the owner of the Barguzin Valley lives. Every year, those who have received permission from the lama in the Kurumkan datsan make pilgrimage ascents to it. Barkhan-Uula took first place in the republican competition “7 Wonders of the Nature of Buryatia”.

Fishing on Baikal

There are about 50 species of fish in Baikal, of which only 14 are commercially available. These are whitefish, white grayling, black grayling, lenok, taimen, sturgeon, burbot, perch, pike, roach, dace, ide, davatchan and crucian carp .

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Hunting on Baikal

Hunting is a traditional activity of the inhabitants of Eastern Siberia. There are many winter quarters and places rich in animals in the taiga. Basic commercial species animals and birds: bighorn sheep, squirrel, wolf, ermine, white hare, wapiti, wild boar, musk deer, mountain goat, Siberian roe deer, fox, elk, brown bear, ringed seal, reindeer, wolverine, sable, wood grouse, black grouse, duck red.

Cruises and rafting on Lake Baikal

Most water trips around Lake Baikal start from the village of Listvyanka and are possible from May to December.

The densest river network is in the mountain systems of the Eastern Sayan and Khamar-Daban. Even in the upper reaches, mountain rivers reach a width of 10-15 m and a depth of 0.5-1 m, which makes them suitable for rafting and kayaking.


The climate in Eastern Siberia is sharply continental, but the huge mass of water contained in Baikal and its mountainous surroundings create an extraordinary microclimate. Baikal works as a large thermal stabilizer - it is warmer in winter and slightly cooler in summer than, for example, in Irkutsk, which is located 60 km from the lake. The temperature difference is usually about 10 degrees. A significant contribution to this effect is made by forests growing almost along the entire coast.

Favorable time for traveling among wildlife- period from June to August. At this time of year, Baikal has the warmest days and nights and, as a rule, the weather is clear and sunny.

Late autumn and early spring- the most inappropriate time for recreation and tourism in the Baikal region due to rainy weather, strong winds and muddy roads.

Due to the fact that evaporation cold water from the surface of the lake is very insignificant; clouds cannot form over Baikal. As a result, the sky over Lake Baikal is clear most of the time. But you should not think that the sun always shines over the lake - if you are unlucky, you can run into one or even two weeks of disgusting rainy weather even in the sunniest place of Baikal - on Olkhon, but this happens extremely rarely.

In winter, travel through Siberia is made difficult by harsh climatic conditions, short daylight hours and lack of places for comfortable living away from cities. In December, it begins to get light at 9:00 and quickly gets dark after 17:00. During severe frosts, the atmosphere is filled with dense fog, through which the sky is barely visible. Until mid-January, Baikal does not freeze; the water soars, hiding the opposite shore in the fog. At the end of winter, powerful ice movement occurs, and individual hummocks can exceed the height of a person. In March, skiing, sailing on ice boats and bicycles on the ice of the lake, and ice fishing are especially popular.


Those who want to see the pristine beauty of Lake Baikal without the crowds of tourists on its shores should come in early summer (from May 15 to June 10). At this time, Baikal is just beginning to become free of ice. Until mid-June it is still cool on Baikal, and traveling on a boat on the lake often requires warm clothes. The ice on the lake is melting unevenly. In the southern part of Baikal - in early May, in the northern - at the end of the month. Accumulations of ice floes, on which seals can be observed, continue to float in the north of the lake until June 5-10. At this time, you can see bears on the pebble beaches of the Barguzinsky and Baikal-Lena nature reserves.


The most favorable time for traveling among wild nature is from June 15 to August 15. At this time of year, Baikal has the warmest days and nights; as a rule, there is good sunny weather. Regular passenger navigation begins after June 15. In summer, crowded tent camps appear in favorite vacation spots on the coast of the Small Sea and Chivyrkuisky Bay, especially where they can be reached by car. On the coast where there is no highways, tourists are less common. And in the northern part of Lake Baikal, on the territory of nature reserves, even at peak tourist season meeting a person is generally rare.


The end of September, Indian summer, attracts with the colorful autumn colors of the forest. Especially beautiful mixed forests coast near Peschanaya Bay and in Chivyrkuisky Bay.