Choosing a name for a child is one of the most difficult tasks that new parents face. However, most of them often think about its beauty and unusual sound, and not about its fateful meaning.

A correctly chosen name can not only fill the life of a new person with colors, but also make him happier, more successful and healthy, and an erroneous, ill-conceived name will subsequently play a cruel joke with the baby and doom him to failure and loneliness.

So how do you choose a good name for your baby? What mistakes should not be made while doing this? Is it possible to find a beautiful name if you rely on the advice of astrologers? Finally, is it worth looking for help in naming the toddler in the church calendar?

Do names influence fate?

They say that the fate, character and name of a person are united with each other by strong and unbreakable bonds. Our great-grandfathers also knew about this and, naming the baby, tried to influence his fate and life in a certain way.

For example, in Rome, it was believed that the future of a baby can be changed just by writing his name upside down. And in Russia, until the 17th century, right up to baptism, they carefully hid it from everyone, thereby trying to deceive the evil spirits so that they could not harm the baby.

Basic principles of choosing a name

The combination of a name with a patronymic

The first and the most important rule: when choosing a name, be guided by the baby's patronymic. Try to exclude combinations that sound bad between. Judge for yourself how hard it will be to call the baby Yulia Yuryevna when she becomes an adult: the language will now and then try to swap letters and call her Yuri Yulievna.

The dissonance of the name and patronymic can also arise when the components of the full name differ in terms of nationality or culture, and also differ in the time the name was born. A good "bad" example: Madison Petrovna, - the name and patronymic of this imaginary girl sound rather inharmonious, since they belong to different cultures.

Quite often, parents name the child after the father's patronymic. Here, too, you need to be careful, because Alexander Alexandrovich may sound good, but for a very long time.

Gradation of patronymics

Also, when choosing a name, you should take into account the "hardness" of the patronymic in sound.

According to this sign, middle names are divided into:

  • tough: Igorevich, Anatolyevich, Rostislavovich, Albertovich;
  • soft: Mikhailovich, Ilyich, Viktorovich;
  • neutral: Kirillovich, Pavlovich, Artemovich.

Therefore, we will give you advice: call your baby so that his name is approximately in the same "sound" plane with his patronymic. For example: Oleg Mikhailovich, Artem Igorevich, Elena Pavlovna.

Surname combination

A person is not only met by name, but also by surname, right? Therefore, just as in the case of the patronymic, when choosing a name, you need to pay attention to the absence of dissonance with the surname.

So, do not give a baby with an ordinary surname an unnecessarily intricate "name". For example, to call Ivanova Juliet, and Nikolaeva - Merlin.

"Reducing" and "caressing"

Any name, no matter how majestic it may be, will surely "diminish" from time to time by other people. Therefore, already in the kindergarten, Ivans become Vanka, Ira - Irk, and Gleb - Glebushki.

And the most important thing here is to choose names that will sound good in the diminutive form.

Pay attention to initials

Of course, this is not a fundamental characteristic, but it is better to take it into account when choosing a name. The fact is that sometimes the full name, that is, the initials of a person, add up to bizarre and even abusive words.

A good example is Lydia Yaroslavovna Borisova. Comments are superfluous here, of course, but this "Lida" will clearly not be delighted with how they will tease her at school.

National aspect

When naming a baby by a name that reflects belonging to a particular nationality or culture, it is worth thinking about where exactly the child will have to live with him. So, the boy Gali in the Tatar school will not get out of the sound and semantic range, but in the Russian one he will surely run into a whole series of ridicule and "overturns".

But if you still want to maintain your roots, give preference to "international" names - those that will be familiar to both Europeans and representatives of the eastern people.

Moreover, it is worth doing this if you are in an interethnic or intercultural marriage: Petrov Ulpan Nikitich sounds not even ugly, but rather strange.

Is it worth chasing fashion?

Certainly not, because today the names Plato and Agafia are at the peak of popularity, and tomorrow they will be replaced by others: Nicholas and Voldemar. As a result, it turns out that three Auroras will go to kindergarten at once, and five Berlioz will go to school.

The same applies to the choice of a name according to the original principle: sometimes especially "creative" parents call their children so that it becomes scary to pronounce their names: Kukutsapol or Viagra. Do I need to talk about what the child will tell them when he grows up?

How to select names by season?

If you are just trying on the names for the unborn baby and do not know which one to give preference to and whose advice to use, you can use the “tips” of Mother Nature.

After all, your goal is to choose the name that will ideally combine with the energy of a new person born in one of the four seasons. So that it could not only smooth out the "sharp corners" of the child's character, but also strengthen the positive qualities.


Consider babies born in winter: these babies are usually talented and have a lot of willpower. Thinking contradictory personalities, they do not allow themselves to be lazy, they work hard, but in their personal life they are constantly disappointed.

In order to harmonize the personality of the "winter" child, you need to name him so as not only not to aggravate his severity, but also to soften the character and manners: Natalia, Svetlana, Vasily.


Children born in spring are often selfish and indecisive. They have a certain amount of talent that they are always afraid to use in reality.

And often such kids simply do not have enough fighting qualities necessary to achieve the goal. They can be put into character with the help of a "hard" name: Dmitry, Zhanna, Dina.


Summer children differ from others in their pride and determination. Their position in life is active, and their priorities are clear and precise. However, spiritual softness is also present in them, and that is why you can call summer babies by any name, without fear of changing their inner world.


Children born in autumn grasp everything on the fly and make decisions very quickly. Their practicality and some emotional stinginess can be corrected by romantic names, calling them Vladislav, Nikita or Olga.

How to select names according to the calendar?

Some parents call their children church calendar... Contrary to the opinion of many, it contains a great many not only outdated, but also quite relevant and sonorous names.

To do this correctly, you need to take as a basis the date of birth of the child. As a rule, every day the church celebrates the memory of 2-5 saints at once, you can easily choose from among whose names.

Don't like these options? Do you want to choose something else for your child? Well, the saints are allowed to name the baby by the name of the saint, whose memory will be celebrated both on the 8th and 40th days after his birth.

How to choose names by horoscope?

For help in choosing the correct name, parents also resort to astrology, since this is ancient teaching helps to highlight the relationship of a person with the outside world. Experienced astrologers, as a rule, first restore the moment of the baby's birth according to the tables of planetary movements, thereby determining the sides of his character.

Astrology also believes that the wrong name can weaken positive sides the character of the baby, pushing his talent or ability into a dark corner. It also happens that it negatively affects the whole fate of the little person, and not some part of the hotel.

Selection principle

All names are divided into 12 groups corresponding to the signs of the zodiac (which, in turn, can be determined by the date of birth of the baby). Therefore, according to the advice of astrologers, successful names for children according to the sign of the zodiac will be those who are in a related star group and in one of the four elements.

As examples, consider the four zodiac elements:

  1. If your baby was born Capricorn (this is the element of the Earth), it would be better to choose names such as Nazar, Robert or Emma for him so that they are not afraid to take risks, but also do not go far in their emotions.

  1. If the child was born, for example, Leo (element of Fire), it is worth calling him Valera, Oleg or Oksana - so the baby will be more practical, but at the same time they will come to the rescue in difficult times.
  2. The names for Libra (the element of Air) should be sonorous, light, with letters such as "e", "and" or "s": Elena, Alexey. Thanks to this, it will be easy for these children to communicate with other people.
  3. Fish or Cancers (Water Release) demand on behalf of softness: Ulyana, Ilya, Julia, so that their vulnerability and kindness does not interfere with achieving what they want.

Zodiac group combination

It is also worth taking a closer look at the names from other zodiacal groups, the main thing is that they combine well. So Aries gets along well with the names of the Leo and Sagittarius groups, Taurus is in harmony with Cancers, Pisces and Libra, Gemini makes friends with the names of the Leo, Aquarius and Virgo groups, and so on.

To understand in detail these nuances, you need to look at the table personal qualities, in which they are clearly reflected. This will help you achieve harmony with the energies of the planets under which your beloved children were born.

How not to call your baby?

  • the name of the father, mother, sister, brother - those people who have died recently;
  • the same rule applies to naming a child by the name of a deceased baby so that he does not repeat his unfortunate fate;
  • it is better not to name children by the names of their parents - it is believed that mother and daughter or son and father will often quarrel and will not be able to live together;
  • no need to give babies male names: this automatically makes them rough;
  • under no circumstances should three be called by the same name at once: (for example, grandfather, son and grandson): our ancestors firmly believed that the first deceased of them would definitely take the last one;
  • you should not call the name of the baby until he is baptized: so no one can jinx the little one.

Summing up

Many parents believe that the most important rule when choosing a name for a child is its noble sound or the absence of bad associations. But this is far from full list priorities that should be followed when naming, because names are the identification of people with themselves and the sound expression of their integral personality.

And names are also the path we walk, and it is very important that it be truly happy and long. And if the right ones are able to help children achieve harmony and prosperity, then why not approach the choice of names with full responsibility?

And finally we will give you one good advice: on the day of the child's naming (name day), be sure to break something from the dishes in the house. They say that thanks to this, the child will really be really happy!

How to choose a name for a child? There are many options. For some, one desire is enough, but for someone it is important to shove through tons of books or follow traditions, family or church. In the old days, it was much easier for future parents. There were saints who determined everything. According to the calendar, of course, it is simple and understandable, but there is no choice. Rather, it is, but within the available options.

PHOTO Dolce & Gabbana


Choosing a female name for a child is considered more difficult than choosing a male one. It's a moot point, but the principles are still the same. The main thing is not to be wise. Long names are, perhaps, beautiful, but like any decorativeness, they are useless. And, moreover, it is even harmful. The long, complex, pretentious name of the girl is the reason for the complexes of the child himself, who will have to regularly face distortion when referring to her, and the reason for the awkwardness for others. Or a "great" excuse for banter. In addition, it is worth considering the balance of name and patronymic. It is clear that today the use of patronymics is becoming a thing of the past, but in itself an inharmonious combination may be another reason for discomfort. One of my friends named his son Isakin. Why? This name was borne by his grandfather, who, in turn, called himself so himself, at a time when the young Soviet intelligentsia was reinventing the world - including names - anew. But those times, fortunately, are long gone, but the habits of christening children after relatives have remained. It's a good thing, of course, but sometimes it's worth thinking about children. Result - Izakin Antonovich. Most likely, the guy will not be easy in the future.

Two in one

Hence the moral: how to choose the right name for the child? Just think about him, not about yourself, not about your desires and ambitions. Refrain from overly complex names, from names with a high "joke" potential. When a name either contains dangerous rhymes, or simply evokes unnecessary associations, your offspring threatens to fend off ridicule all the time. Will he be able to? Yes, perhaps a constant readiness to rebuff will temper his character, but there are more justified circumstances for this.

And think carefully before you call the kid double name... Given the name "Anna Maria" to the child? Nice, you can't argue. But what will others call her in the end? And will it not happen that at school someone will shout out to your daughter "Anna!", And someone - "Maria". In general, there are many reasons for confusion. Is it worth it? It's up to you to decide, but then don't be surprised if your daughter makes a complaint to you when she grows up. Or he will completely abandon such a problematic name, over which you have been creatively racking your brains for so long.

Svetozar Moiseevich

And yet - how to name the child? Names may mean something to you, or they may just sound like you. You can believe that there is a connection between name and destiny, or you can treat it with irony. And then there's the fashion for names. In post-Soviet times, Russian names for children were in use. This trend is still working - the second generation of Anfis, Vasiliev, Svetozarov, and, of course, Ivanov is growing up. Business, as they say, is good, dear, but here again it is important to know when to stop and show taste. For Svetozar Moiseevich is cosmopolitan and original, but he is more drawn to some Odessa anecdote than to the truth. Short surname - long name (and vice versa); the more affectionate derivatives, the better; be careful with exotics and names of literary characters ... And so on. Of course, through the name that we choose for the child, we realize ourselves, without this there is nothing. But try, again, to think ahead. Think about who will live with this name. To live so as not to wait for the receipt of a passport and to be relieved not to change what you have chosen for him in such agony.

Sasha or Alexander

And a couple more naked scientific facts. Bearers of strange, unusual names are four times more likely to have mental complexes than others. This time. And two. Holders of names, both male and female, with indefinite surnames may have difficulty in identifying. Therefore, if your last name is, for example, Antoshchenko, and you want to name your son Sasha, let him still be Alexander. Because Sasha Antoshchenko is who? He or she? In general, be merciful. Love your child in advance, even if you are busy choosing a name long before his birth.

Your majesty

Good day! On Sunday, February 24, the 91st Academy Awards took place at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles. This year it turned out to be special - for the first time in 30 years, the event did not have a host. Kevin Hart was supposed to manage the ceremony, but due to the homophobic scandal surrounding his name, it was decided to refuse this candidacy. A replacement was never found, so the gaps between awards were filled with Celeb performances, and the winners were traditionally announced by celebrities.

In addition to photos from the red carpet of the ceremony, there will be photos from two post-Skarov parties.



Teach those how many times I beat myself in the chest and proved here on the forum that I will be the perfect mother-in-law.
I always said that my daughter will be happy and I don't need anything.
But in reality everything is not so, I climb, climb and again climb ((
The daughter lives with a young man. He has been working for him for 25 years, she has been studying and moonlighting for 23 years.
They have known each other for three years, and for six months they have already decided to live together. On our territory, they live together.
I sometimes stop myself, goaory myself to climb it ... I climb.
I have a husband, a child, a job, a girlfriend.
Experienced moms give advice


To live well!

Good evening everyone!
I'd like to share with you the joy of the coming of spring. Photos from today's walk around the lake-reserve that protects birds. So far, few birds are visible, but they can be heard, but for now, the first signs of spring!
Your photos are welcome


Elena Shmeleva

I propose to discuss the real situation. You have a child who tells you about everything that happens in the group / class. And now you will find out that there is a child who is actually being bullied by classmates. At the same time, the teachers / class teacher do not stop bullying, and by indirect signs you understand that they are also heating up this bullying.

Yours is not friends with this child. Mom was seen a couple of times, there is no phone. Are you going to intervene in the situation? How?



We have 1 child. The child is often ill, there are no grandparents nearby. We live in a one-room apartment, there is a mortgage. I have health problems in gynecology and kidney problems. The gynecologist has so far forbidden to become pregnant, they found a submycous node and a dermoid cyst. The husband stubbornly demands a second child. And I don’t want to ... He believes that this is not a diagnosis or a sentence and is determined to give birth to two more. I was very upset when I said that there might not be more children. He does not believe in it and continues to dream. Relatives and his pals ask questions when we will give birth to the second. From time to time the daughter asks her sister, namely the sister. I do not know what to do. The mother-in-law screams that I think only of myself and do not think about the fact that the child will be left all alone after our death. I have older sister but she didn't even listen to me when I wanted to talk so badly. I often don't even pick up the phone when I call. Only communicates if there is a problem and I can solve it. Is it so critical to have one child?


I immediately took very seriously the choice of the name of my child. I thought about this problem long before he was born, almost as soon as I found out that I was pregnant. At first, I just remembered the names that I liked since childhood. For girls, these are fabulous names, like Alyonushka and Nastenka. And for boys, just favorite names that were already liked simply on a subconscious level, perhaps, were associated with sympathy for this or that boy at one time. Since there were a lot of names, it was necessary to somehow define. Books were already in use, which described the meaning of names, their characteristics. I often asked acquaintances who had their own children, how did they choose a name. I was shocked: the child was sometimes named after Antoshka cream or Alenka chocolate.

I plunged headlong into the problem of choice: I was not going to give a name at random. So, the work began to boil. It was one of the most interesting things to do that kept me busy during my pregnancy.

Studying the names and characteristics of my favorite names, I began to notice that I stopped liking the names, as soon as the descriptions met character traits that I did not want to see in my child. Then I re-read all the names and just looked, which I like more not in sound, but in characteristics. And, reading the description of the name, I immediately imagined how pleasant it would be for me to communicate with a person with such qualities. The list immediately thinned out.

Remembering that my sister was named after the Holy Calendar, I also decided to use them. It is believed that children named after the Holy Calendar have a Guardian Angel. Having roughly assumed when my baby should be born, I chose three months and considered all the days. Those. one month before the deadline, if suddenly the child decides to be born earlier, a month on the date set by the doctors and, finally, a month later, if the child turns out to be lazy and does not want to leave my mother's tummy. And again difficulties arose, since there are several birthday people every day, and the name had to be chosen one. Breaking a lot of books, I found an article that said that each letter in the name carries certain character traits. And the first letter has a particularly strong influence. Abbreviating names, we, expecting to get a child with the character traits of a given name, get a completely different person, not familiar to us. So I decided not to reduce in any way given to the child name, and if abbreviated, then so that the abbreviated name begins with the same letter as the full one.

In this regard, I really like foreigners. It is customary for them to call a person as he himself appears. For example, you say that your name is Eugene, and you are called only that way, and not otherwise. And we will call the person Zhenya. This also applies to other names. For example, such as Elena (Lena), Ekaterina (Katya), Anastasia (Nastya). Calling a child by this or that name, we program the future of a person and his character traits.

Me doctors long time could not say exactly who I was expecting - a girl or a boy. Therefore, initially, names were chosen for 3 months and for every day for children of both sexes. Before giving birth, I was told that I would have a wonderful son. And, having tuned in unambiguously to the boy, I forgot to think about. Imagine my amazement when, contrary to all the predictions of the doctors, a pretty little daughter was born to me. I was completely unprepared. Since dad studied far from our home, he was not present at the birth. And at a distance he was very reluctant to participate in discussions about choosing a name... I decided to choose the name myself. But when he arrived, he was very indignant and said that he wanted to name his daughter differently. So our daughter was without a name for a whole month after her birth only because dad and mom could not come to a common opinion. Even when going to the Birth Registration Department, we could not choose one of two names. And yet I insisted on my choice, and my efforts were not in vain. It turned out that I chose the name, being guided solely by what it carries in itself, and did not use the nominal calendar at all. So far, the daughter is fully consistent with the intended characteristics. I wonder what it will be next.

The name is very important for a person. It is given for life, so this issue should not be treated negligently. All mothers who have not yet decided on the choice of a name for their baby, I would advise you to first read the literature on names. And mothers who have chosen a name do not get carried away with various nicknames for the child.


So far, the daughter is fully consistent with the intended characteristics. - this completely pissed me off ..

06/25/2008 17:49:56, Nastya

The same I wanted to read the name of the child that the parents gave him !!! Alas. Curiosity is not satisfied.)) We named our daughter Polina, every time I hear from people who recognize their daughter's name: "What beautiful name! ". But most importantly, this name suits her.

Now I live in Australia, gave birth to a son, and since a double or even a triple name is accepted here, after long discussions with my husband they gave my son three names - Alex-Savva-Victor. It seems like my husband is happy - I wanted Alexander, and I wanted Alexei - I had to stop at Alex - here it is considered a full name - you don't need to abbreviate anything, and the names of Savva and Victor - well, my mother did not want to deviate from her own, and then the child will grow up and decide on his own, although the first name is mainly used

04/26/2008 08:36:37 am, Liana

Having learned that we will have a girl, after a short discussion, they chose the name Daria. Now it is often found, but for me it primarily means "gift, gift". Indeed, my daughter is a wonderful, long-awaited Gift!
And in the books it is also written that Daria - comes from the Persian name of Tsar Darius - and means "winner")

04/19/2008 09:21:11 PM, Alexia1979

We decided if there is a daughter, let's call Elizabeth, and if a boy, then Daniel. But until the ultrasound showed that we would have a son, we did not really think about what to name. And then they began to think seriously. They took a bunch of books, shoveled mountains of literature. As a result, almost in one voice with her husband exclaimed - Yaroslav. All relatives supported our idea. So, from eight months to the child in the tummy, this is the only way they have addressed. Now our miracle is already a year and eight years old and this name suits him very much. Light, beautiful and sonorous.

04/19/2008 09:21:09 PM, Alexia1979

And I have Vanyushka and Andryushka. I didn't invent anything - I just like these names. And there is no need to fill your head with all sorts of nonsense, you need to be from the heart.

04/18/2008 21:11:06, Julia

We didn’t do an ultrasound scan on the floor, and we didn’t choose the name in principle, hoping for the calendar. My son was born on July 8, on the day of saints "Peter and Fevronia", we were discharged on July 12, on the day of Peter and Paul. So it turned out Peter. I do not regret it at all, although I could not make up my mind for 2.5 weeks. The husband insisted.

So what's the use?

As I learned about pregnancy, I began to look for a name .... And a month after birth without a name ... Actual. To do this, so as not to get bored when pregnant ...
Well, people, well, morals.
Some dissertations defend, actively study the information about pregnancy (what happens to the body, how to feed, what is harmful, what is palazable ...) PROBABLY THERE WERE ARE SEVERAL MILLION NAMES. No NAME will give a child happiness and money, usually this is taught (how to be happy and how to make money) .... It does not give anything by itself, but it does not disappear without a trace.

And that name was given and everyone fulfilled their program (from motherhood), live like "you want".

17.04.2008 00:52:31, Svetlana Sergeevna

I also chose a name for the child for a long time, wrote whole lists of those names that I liked more, re-read a bunch of books, and took my son and was born on July 12 on the day of Peter and Paul, the choice narrowed to a minimum and we now have Pasha.

04/16/2008 11:55:49 AM, Ula

We wanted to give the children names a) not often found, but not exotic b) not found in relatives c) combined with the patronymic Andreevna d) liked by both of us. The technology was simple - on the Internet there are lists of names by frequency of occurrence for sufficiently large samples (statistics of registry offices for different years for different regions). Noting the names that were found 1-2-3 times, they began to read the list from the end (i.e. from the rarest ones). Somewhere in the 20-30th places (plus or minus), there were the names of our girls - Ulyana and after a year and a half - Arina. They also go well with each other.

I have been waiting for Vladik for the whole pregnancy! But at 8 months I realized - this is not Vladik! When I gave birth, the doctor in the hospital asked me how I decided to name my son - I could not answer her. The son was 100% like dad - that is, only dad's name suited him. The doctor called me lazy. After discharge, we took an encyclopedia of names and began to choose. We stopped at 2 names Roman and Ilya! As a result, they named him Ilya! Then my acquaintances asked me: you named Ilya because he was born in July (July 18), I answered that there weren't even such thoughts! This name suits him very much !!!

04/05/2008 20:03:39, Anna

Very interesting. During pregnancy, I also did similar research. Only the name I came up with almost immediately - Christina, and then I started looking for characteristics of people with that name. I liked what I read, Christines are strong, creative, in a good way stubborn and generally very ambiguous. I also read about the signs of the zodiac (I had to give birth in March), about the stone, the color accompanying this sign or name, and much more. Almost everything came together harmoniously. In addition, it was important for me that the name was pronounced the same in both Russian and English (I live in the States). Nobody liked the name Christina, only me and my husband (and we have a lot of relatives), but we firmly stood our ground. So our Christina was born on March 23rd. And by the way, on March 26 her name day!

My husband and I decided, long before pregnancy, that we would call the boy Yashka, and the girl, Eve. When I got pregnant, I immediately knew that there was a boy living in my tummy, and his name was Yasha. And when the son was happy, this name suited him so well that none of us even thought of changing his name. Therefore, I think parents need to take this seriously and with confidence. After all, if you do not have an answer to the question "How to name the child?", Then the name of the baby may remain in zero gravity, and the parents can call him anyhow, if only it was.

"It is believed that children named after the Holy Calendar have a Guardian Angel" - uh-uh, excuse me, but who is it? This is the first time I have heard such an interpretation. It is customary to give the name according to the calendar, and everyone has a Guardian Angel.

04/04/2008 02:35:04, Mimo passed ...

Comment on the article "Choosing a name for the child"

More than 2 million children are expected to be born in Russia in 2017. What names are the parents going to give them? Having analyzed the data of the registry offices from different regions of the country and the tendencies of Internet users' interest in certain names, the specialists of the online encyclopedia of names revealed several tendencies. The most notable of them has been observed for several recent years- this is a fashion for unusual, rare names. While many parents still prefer to call ...

Choosing a name for a child is an important step in a parent's life. People give specific names to their children for various reasons. Choosing a suitable name for a newborn for some turns into an extremely difficult task, and for others it is just fun. Here are some unique ways to find your child's name. 1. Ask someone else to pick a name for the child - This is not at all as scary as it might seem☺ It is common in many cultures to ask an aunt, uncle, or grandmother with ...

It was once believed that when choosing a name for their child, parents also chose his fate. Perhaps that is why it is sometimes so difficult to choose a name for a baby - after all, you want it to bring happiness to your child. As a rule, parents look for a clue among the names of relatives or friends. Someone looks at the calendar and looks for suitable name there. Someone studies the characteristics of names and selects the one that meets the desires of the parents. It is even suggested to consult an astrologer or ask the kid himself ...

Looking through the lists of children in the classroom for adaptation to the school where my youngest goes, I am surprised at the parents' imaginations. We have: Sarah Rada Milena Mirra Otimia Darius Plato Gordey Alicia and Tara Maria! I must say that the names of these children are not some national, but the most common ones. How did you choose the names for your children? Take part in the survey! Poll from user POLE How did you choose names for your children? I just like the name - that's what they named I wanted to give the child a rare name named in ...

Many modern mothers, trying to distinguish their child from the gray crowd, are looking for some unusual name... Someone prefers old names, someone, striving for exoticism, chooses a foreign name. But is it worth highlighting the baby in this way? After all, with this name he will then have to live his whole life. You can read about the problem of an exotic name in the article on system-vector psychology. More details on the link: [link-1]

I think very interesting and funny stories there will be a lot))))

Sometimes choosing a name for a baby can be harder than giving birth! What a heated debate - with the involvement of the opinions of relatives and friends from all cities, what stories are told about this or that name. And the baby lies - in the stomach, or already in the crib - and does not worry at all. After all, he knows: no matter what, mom and dad will not be mistaken - they will choose the most best name! Write about how you came up with a name for your children - and your story will be read with interest not only by experienced mothers, but also by those who ...

My husband and I went to the second ultrasound. So I wanted to know who, who is kicking me there. And alas! The child was out of sorts. Legs clenched, as it sank rather low .. the nurse could not even get there. But we looked at the baby, although at the first ultrasound I liked the picture more. Here everything is somehow blurry, we saw the spine. The nurse said that the back is beautiful))) My husband and I giggled, because the child looked like a stranger ... remember that movie?))) At some point, he turned around and the nurse ...


Mila, according to her passport? There are no such acquaintances, but mostly Lyudmil is called Milami and Milan, Milad. Everyone is different, I would not say that the polls are "a mess in life"

Does a nurse do an ultrasound scan, and not a doctor? It's strange ...
Name Maxim - a name for a boy and for a girl is also European. It's a joke.

This is a case from the life of my girlfriend. She gave birth to a girl, decided to name Ilona. but it was not there. Arriving from the hospital, her mother Lyuba and mother-in-law Nina met her at home. Everything was fine, they admired the baby, until, like a bolt from the blue, the mother-in-law asked the question: - What will you name the child? Friend: Ilonka Mother-in-law: No, name it after one of the grandmothers !!! Imagine the state of a girlfriend. But the victory was in favor of Luba's mother. so the baby was named Love. The mother-in-law was very offended. This is understandable ...


A friend had a great reason - so as not to offend either of the two grandmothers to call the child a third name. And she did not use it, so who is to blame now.

With such a choice, I would name myself after myself, because in the life of my children there is no one more important than me.

How did you choose a name for your children? Did you look at the interpretation of the name or just liked it. Are the characters of your children similar to the interpretation of the name?

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of the name, rare names, a combination of first name, patronymic, last name. From the variant "dream of life, but very popular" and "the name itself is so-so, but rare" I would choose Slavic names for me not very much, and names in -slav and -slava, well, not at all.


As Ivan's wife, respectively, Ivanovna's potential mother :), I decided for myself that only old Russian names would be suitable, such as Pelageya, Praskovya, Evdokia, Aglaya, etc.

I like Agniya very much, but, Agniya Ivanovna does not sound very much :(, Agniya Petrovna is quite good for herself.

I bother a lot about the frequency of names. In my opinion, frequently occurring names get blurry, lose some of their charm, although, of course, initially they are the best, it's not in vain that they are chosen.

3.With the popularity of figs, you can guess: neither the son nor the daughter have Nastya in the teams. But Seva went to kindergarten in one group with 2 Sevas.

Choosing names according to the church calendar. Rizo Elena. The meaning of the name and the day of the name day are determined by the calendar. 7 - information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, parenting, education and career, home economics, recreation, beauty ...

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of the name, rare names, a combination of first name, patronymic, last name. How do you choose a name? Like everyone else, day and night, I puzzle over the name of the baby. I'm interested in.


When I was choosing a name for my daughter, I read quite a few books ... I liked some of the names ... But nevertheless I called my daughter Angelina, and I did not even consider this name. Just my heart prompted !!!

The descriptions are mostly sucked from the finger in my opinion, I read just for acquaintance. when choosing a name for the first child, it was important for me that my tastes and my spouse should come together, so that close relatives, friends and their children no longer have such a name, and the name was not too widespread and not exotic, in the 2-3 dozen. With the second child it was more difficult, to all the previous requirements it was also that it was combined with the name of the brother, it was the same in popularity and - the requirement of the husband - not to be of Jewish origin, only Russian or Greek.

Part 1

Brainstorming options

    Decide if you want a traditional, popular, or unique name. Consider carefully whether you want your baby's name to stand out or be casual and stylish; stood the test of time or was catchy and solid.

    Consider personal history and traditions. Your family may have special traditions in choosing names. In some families the son is named after his father, others have special "schemes", for example, the names of all children must begin with the same letter. Whichever tradition you choose, make sure each child feels unique and has a unique name. For example, by naming the twins Ira and Kira, you may face great difficulties in the future.

    Write a list of names you love, people you respect, names that have special meanings, etc. You should do this with your partner. Compare the lists - are there names that both of you like? Maybe your partner likes a name that you hate. Cross out the names you don't like and add the names you like to the list. These lists are likely to change over time.

    Think about your heroes. Role-playing characters, be they real or fictional, can be a source of inspiration. The name "Hermione" suddenly became popular with the advent of the Harry Potter books. If you admire Mother Teresa, maybe Teresa is one option. Of course, keep in mind that some heroes are considered controversial and some are not culturally appropriate.

    Be careful with ethnic names. Unfortunately, a name that stands for an individual or is somehow related to discrimination can make life difficult for a child and make it difficult, for example, to find a job. But it could arouse pride in the child's parentage. So choose carefully.

    Be wary of names inspired by your personal beliefs. In many ways, this is a great way to reaffirm your religious beliefs or your hopes for a child (joy, faith, grace, and so on). But sometimes the child grows up and it doesn't suit him. He or she may or may not convert his or her name. For example, Bogdana - this name may seem very awkward to her!

    Ignore the rules! Safe, traditional, good sounding name- good and correct, and, perhaps, the most desirable for most parents. But there are so many unusual, unique and original names, so the choice is yours.

    Part 2

    Choosing a name
    1. Remember that your child will carry this name throughout their life. This is your first present for your little one, so this is something special.

      Make sure it's a name that you both like. Try saying your child's name over and over to see if you get tired of listening to him. As a parent, you will have to say it very often.

      Consider gender. V modern world names are often both masculine and feminine.

      • Do not use a name that is usually of the opposite sex to your child. Your son named Katya, Dasha or Anya cannot be happy if they call him a girl on the very first day at school.
      • Historically, male names have tended to be more acceptable to girls (such as Sasha). But by name alone, it may not be clear whether your child is male or female, and this can be confusing.
      • Some names are gender neutral (such as Chris, Dakota, River) or sound like masculine names, but can be written in a feminine manner (Alex, Alexandra). These names have their own problems and advantages.
    2. Please note that the child will become an adult. Will his name sound good as he gets older? A very important factor is whether the name will age beautifully. What suits the baby or little child may not fit an older person. Will you burn to imagine an adult named Coco? Or a pensioner?

      Make sure the first name matches your last name well. You probably don't want your first name to end with the same letter that your last name begins with (eg Eva Anderson, Phillip Piper, Roger Ryan).

      Think how it might sound short. A lot of people shorten their first names and you have to choose one that you like and that at the same time sounds good with your last name, for example, Richard Wykes sounds good, but what if they call him Rick?

      Don't ignore spelling. Sometimes there are several variations of the name and different options spelling one name. Spelling a unique name will help your child stand out, but it can be a headache when it comes to correcting people and documents! Plus, your child may never be able to buy something because of their name.

      Consider if you really want your children's names, especially if they are of the same gender, to have the same initials. When they get older and the letter arrives, for J. Smith, how do you know if it's for Josh, Jack, James or Jordan? While many families do this and are content ...

      Try a greeting test. Finally, once you narrow the circle for choosing your first name, introduce yourself as your child using only your first and last name. Will this name be able to grow with the child? How will it sound for a future employer? Lucy may sound cute, like a baby's name, but how will it sound for general director?

      Decide in advance what time you want to choose a name. Some couples wait until the baby is born, while others announce to relatives, friends, and anyone who asks right away when everyone already knows about pregnancy.

    • Check your name through the "bully" test. Come up with a rhyme with whatever comes to mind, look for hidden words in the name, etc. Ask the older child to help you if you can't think of anything. Children very quickly come up with strange associations to names and use them.
    • Search the name on Google to make sure it is not associated with any big names of co-opted strippers and pornstars.
    • How do name, patronymic and surname sound together? While a name may sound good on its own, things can change when you add a middle name to it.
    • If you have a family tree, try browsing the list of names or try talking to relatives for new ideas. Even your grandmother might come up with a great idea.
    • It is also not recommended to call your children by names such as: Emerald, Ruby, Opal, Forest, Ocean, River. (Although some families do this.)
    • It is desirable that the name is well written and sound.
    • Look at the initials to see if there is anything offensive in them. Ponomarenko Ustin Konstantinovich can turn into an abbreviation unpleasant for a child.
    • Remember, your child can always enter a short name on the birth certificate. For example, Alison could be Alice, Nikita as Nick, Anna as Ani, Emily could be Em, Samantha as Sam, and so on.
    • If you're picking names for twins, check to see if they sound good to each other, because you're going to say them together a lot. But at the same time, aren't they too similar? This will prevent them from developing as separate individuals. Twins Alexander and Alexandra will never forgive you! Just like Josie and Jody, Charlotte and Charlie, John and Johnny.
    • Probably, best advice- have several variants of names ready. When the baby arrives, your fallback may become the main one. Sometimes the name just goes well with the child!
    • If your surname has become the target of many jokes (Dubina, Fool, etc.), do not give children names that underline this surname. For example, Emelya is just cruel.
    • Choose short names for long surnames and vice versa. A long name will look and sound strange with a long last name
    • Try inserting "aunt" or "uncle" before the name. If your child has siblings, he is more likely to face this issue.
    • If you have already matched the first name to the last name, it’s time to check how it sounds with the middle name. You may be very surprised at what it sounds like when combined with a middle name and a surname.
    • Go to special sites to check the popularity of your chosen name.
    • Do not give your child several "short names" at once, as this can lead to confusion. For example, do not call Lena Alena when she is young, and so on.
    • If you have chosen an ethnic name from your country of origin but are not sure how it would fit in with another culture, ask your husband, the waitress at the coffee shop, the shop assistant, or your neighbor to pronounce full name... Aifi, Padraig or Sadhb may be common names in Ireland, but they can also pose a danger to your child overseas. Come up with a short version, for example, Anya (Aifi) or Sanya (Sadhb.). You can choose a name that is associated with your home country, like Kerry, Patrick or Erin. Be aware that in some places such names can make your child stand out as a foreigner or "fake" when the child returns to their home country. Also, choose a name that translates easily into your native language. Mary can live her life as Mary and become Mary only upon her return "to her homeland."


    • DO NOT just give your child the initials of their first name. He will constantly have to explain that "A.I." don't really mean anything.
    • Don't give your child a negative name. Your name Hitler can create problems later in life.
    • If you want to name your child after a physical trait they are likely to have in the future, such as beautiful green eyes like mom and dad, make sure the child is not ridiculed for it. For example, if you call your red-haired daughter Ginger, she is likely to be ridiculed in the future, associated with a South Park character.
    • Check your initials, and make sure they don't create any awkward / inappropriate word. For example, although Yegor Stepanovich Pastukhov may sound like P.E.S.
    • Be careful when naming your child after a celebrity or movie / show character. For example, Maxim, if your surname is Galkin.
    • Be careful not to place expectations on your child about their name. If you name your child after your grandparents, keep in mind that he will not become the same as any of them.
    • Be careful when choosing a name that is too old-fashioned for your child, like Francis or Hildegard.