It's unpleasant when stranger gains access to personal correspondence. Moreover, it can harm you. Users often encounter the problem of hacking mailboxes, but do not solve it, but create a new one. In vain. In addition to losing access to information, you risk becoming an “absentee” spammer or fraudster, because it is unknown what goal the hacker of yours was pursuing. account. The vast majority of RuNet users use services, which are based on creating a mailbox. In this case, let's look at how to recover your email password.

Restoring using the standard method

For this type of recovery you need to know your login.

  1. On the main page of, click on the “Forgot your password” button.
  2. Enter your mailbox address and click the "Continue" button.
  3. Attention! If you haven't used your mailbox for 5 years, it could be permanently deleted.

  4. If the mail exists, you will be taken to the recovery page, where you enter the necessary information about the registration data.
  5. After filling out all the fields and entering the captcha, click the “Continue” button.
  6. Attention! Account recovery is only possible by submitting the form. The key question method was found to be ineffective.

  7. Next, a second page will open with empty fields.
  8. After filling them out, click the “Submit” button, thereby your application will be sent to the support service for consideration.

Advice! Do not fill out all fields if you do not know some. With clear answers to 2-3 questions, the answer will be positive and access will be restored.

Alternative option

If nothing works and you receive a refusal, don’t be upset, try writing directly to the technical specialists. Explain to them in simple language the reason for losing the password (hacking, long-term non-use) and the circumstances why it is important to restore access to this particular account. Send the letter to: [email protected]. Topic: password recovery. All that remains is to wait for the answer.

Recovering using a mobile phone

If you indicated your phone number during registration, more easy way and you can't imagine it. You will receive a confirmation code in the form of an SMS message, with which your password will be restored in two clicks. You just need to come up with a new combination.

Attention! If you have changed your number since registration, use the standard recovery method.

How I was hacked or preventive measures

There are viruses that create an exact copy of the main page of a particular Internet resource. You, suspecting nothing, enter your username and password. But instead of opening the inbox, either nothing happens, or a pop-up window appears with content of a different nature: an error, an incorrect password, or even extortion of money under a false pretext. In this case, you need to check the system for viruses and urgently change the password for your mailbox.

Attention! If accounts on social networks and bank accounts were linked to the hacked email, urgently change your home address Mailbox on the appropriate resources!

In another case, the password could be found out by deception. If you responded to a “technical support” message with an email containing information about your account, the email is no longer yours.

Attention! Technical support never requires personal user data. Such messages are deception!

So, we have become familiar with the types of hacking and methods for recovering a password from mail. If you do not believe in conspiracy theories, please indicate your phone number when registering. This will make your life easier and minimize the risk of losing your account.

Problems with access to arise for various reasons - the user has forgotten his password, login, or his mailbox has been hacked and important data has been changed. The question of how to recover your mail password can be solved in several ways, described below. The easiest way to restore your account is to use the number cell phone or the answer to one of the suggested security questions, if the account owner has not forgotten it.

Ways to recover a forgotten password

There are several options for action here. Everything will depend on what data you provided when registering the mailbox. This may be the answer to a security question, use mobile phone, mail for forwarding or contacting the service staff directly at the support service. Let's consider each of the options.

Answer to security question

You can start restoring directly from the login window. You need to act according to the standard scheme:

Please note that the described credential recovery is only suitable for emails that have not been used in the last three days. Otherwise, you will either have to wait or use another method.

Additional mailbox and e-mail forwarding

When registering with, the user can specify a different email address, which, in case of problems, will allow him to receive a new password. Working with this tool is also very simple:

Forwarding letters from the current mail to another can also be configured. Then, if the account owner has forgotten the password, he will only need to write down the forwarding address in the required field, where he will subsequently receive a letter with a link to change the password.

Here you will be asked to check your current personal data with those available on the server. In the future in similar situation this will help you quickly recover your password. If everything is correct, click “Yes”, then “Continue”, after which you can change your credentials.

Entering a cell phone number

This is a simple and reliable method that can be used if the user has forgotten his credentials, but entered his mobile phone during registration. For this:

This confirmation method is one of the most reliable, so if you did not indicate your phone number during registration, you can correct this at any time by doing the following:

  1. Go to your email settings;
  2. In the personal data section, enter your current number by clicking on the add phone button;
  3. After about 5 minutes or earlier, you will receive a confirmation code, which you immediately enter in the appropriate field.

Using the phone number in, you can not only recover the password if necessary if the owner has forgotten the email, but also link the account to the phone, which will make the mailbox better protected from hacking. If necessary, you can always delete the added number by going to the settings page.

Restoring a forgotten login

This problem does not happen so often - after all, users forget the login much less often than their password. However, it is usually impossible to restore the login using any standard method or even by contacting the service administration. This is exactly what employees themselves answer in the help section of the service to the question: “Can I make a request from you to restore my mailbox?”

Therefore, when you need to restore your login from, you will have to rely only on yourself and the friends with whom you corresponded. Contact them in some way and write that, for example, I cannot do the job because of a forgotten email name. Most likely, your colleagues will be able to find the lost mailbox in the correspondence list and tell you the forgotten login.

Contacting support

This method will help you recover your password, and perhaps sometimes your login, when the user not only forgot this information, but did not indicate a phone number during registration, an additional e-mail, and does not remember the answer to the security question. Before contacting the support service, create a new mailbox, the login of which should preferably be selected on in order to have a channel for communication with service specialists.

You can send a request to to reset your password using a special form:

Below, describe in as much detail as possible the data that you can remember:

  • names of folders other than the standard ones that you yourself created for your account;
  • the latest incoming and outgoing letters, the date of their departure and recipients;
  • approximate year or time period from the moment of account registration, etc.


To restore your login Email you will need the help of friends and acquaintances. While using the email box, you could exchange messages and files with them. All you need to do is find one of the messages you sent to them and extract the login from it. You can also analyze your social media post history. If you have a message search, enter your email domain in the search bar, for example, Once you know your email login, proceed to the next step.

Go to your email site. Next to the login and password input field there will be a button to restore access to the mailbox. When restoring access to a mailbox located on the website, this is the “Forgotten?” button. Click on it, after which you will be redirected to the password recovery page.

Enter your login and select the domain where your mailbox was registered. On the next page you will be asked to enter the answer to the security question you provided for registration. If you remember this answer, enter it in the appropriate field, after which you will be prompted for a new one. Otherwise, contact technical support by clicking on the appropriate link.

Fill out the password recovery form by clicking Special attention all fields marked with a red asterisk. In addition, be sure to fill out the additional information field, as well as the address of a working mailbox to which you can write. You will be contacted later. To recover your password, provide all requested information, carefully following any instructions you receive.

After recovering your email account password, log in to your email using the username and password you received as a result of the previous steps.

Video on the topic


  • how to change login on mail
  • What to do if I forgot my password or my account

Social media takes over everything more space in our Everyday life. We come to our favorite resource every day and log into our account automatically. And suddenly some kind of failure occurs, you try to log into the site and discover that the settings are messed up and your login you forgot. It's unpleasant, but fortunately, you can restore it in two ways.

You will need

  • You will need internet access.



Helpful advice

If you have changed your login from your email address to some other one, either write it down, or it should be associative for you and easy to remember.


Often, many sites on the Internet offer their visitors to register. And then in the process you will be able to log in under your login and password. The situation is similar with email or online games. However, if you do not use your login, it is either lost or forgotten. In such cases, you have to use the recovery system.

You will need

  • Personal computer, internet


For example, if you have lost your Rambler mail login, then you need to do the following. Reach out to people you've messaged before. They definitely have your past correspondence saved. They should contain headings that indicate your login. This way you can quickly recover your data. Such actions can be done on any website, not only on Ramblere. You can view your browser. Many of them save data such as password and login. This can be done quite quickly in Mozille. Go to the "Tools" section. There, select “Settings”. Go to the “Protection” option, and then select “Saved Passwords”. By default, the browser saves all passwords and logins. Find the one you need.

If data has been lost from any social network or other site, do the following. Go to your email and look for the registration form that they usually send. It will contain your login information to the site. In addition, you can use . He will always help. Refer to it from the page. Write a letter asking for the recovery of lost data. If you have forgotten your login, try your address instead. Sometimes this move helps. Using email you will restore your login.

If you have forgotten your login information to the site, use the recovery form. There is a “Forgot?” button for this. Some offer assistance to their users. Find information to contact the administration. Call and ask for help. They will help you. Data such as login and password for entering the game may also be lost. To restore your account, you need to fill out the form provided. In it you indicate your mailing address and other information that is required. You will receive a message containing a recovery form. Fill out and submit all requested data again. In this way you will recover your data and be able to enter the game.

Nowadays, a lot of information is concentrated in email. It happens that you forget password from the mailbox. But there are several ways to restore it.


Recover the forgotten password by providing an additional email address. This is the e-mail you use when you register your mailbox. After which a message is sent to the specified Internet address, which confirms that such an e-mail will be auxiliary for restoring the main e-mail account. If you forgot password mail, then after the request, a letter with recovery recommendations will be sent to the address specified as an additional one.

Give the answer to the security question. This is the traditional way to recover your email password. You indicate the answer to your secret question when registering your email. It can be standard - from the proposed list - or your own. For example, “Mother’s maiden name” or “Your beloved”. After all password, consisting of a simple set of characters, is easy to crack, so the questions should be unusual and easy to remember.

Use your mobile number if you have lost your email password. Often, email services prompt you to enter your mobile phone number, which you provided during registration. Usually the last four digits are requested. Your request will receive a message with a code that gives access to the password recovery system.

Contact the site administration if you do not remember the answer to your security question, did not register an additional email address, or did not indicate a mobile phone number when registering. Remember, you must prove to them in your letter that you have the unique right to use your email. There is a lot of information required. For example, date last time use of the mailbox and the information provided during registration. Try to use all the suggested options.


  • forgot my email password

Tip 5: How to recover your password if you forgot the answer to a question

If you cannot access your mailbox for any reason, and when you try to restore password can't remember answer on question- do not worry. It is enough to write a letter to the technical support service, confirm your identity and prove that you are the owner of this e-mail.

You will need

  • - Internet;
  • - copy of passport (if necessary).


Enter into the address bar of your Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or, for example, Safari) the domain where the mailbox is located. Next to the form for entering your email address or login, find the link: “Forgot”, “Remember” password"or "No access to my account", enter your login and click "Next". After this, the system will request the information specified during registration, namely answer to secret question. Type any combination of letters or numbers and click “Next”.

Information will appear in the window indicating that the entered data is not valid. answer match those indicated in the profile. After which you will most likely be asked to enter information about yourself: an additional email address and/or mobile number. In case of correct answer Yes, you will have access to change your password. Otherwise (for example, you changed or did not specify a second mailbox), to restore access, write a letter to Users Support by filling out the request form. The answer will come within 3-5 days.

If the information you sent is not enough, write another letter. Include more than detailed information, which will help confirm your rights to this mailbox. These could be the names of the folders you created, addresses saved in the address book, approximate date of registration, IP addresses from which access was most often made, etc.). If you provided your correct information during registration, send a scanned copy of your passport or other document confirming your identity.

Helpful advice

Try to remember as much information related to your mail as possible. If possible, check by phone or in person the addresses of your friends and colleagues whom you included in your address book. Remember on what days you sent them letters. If you use the Mozilla Firefox browser, then you can find your email password quite simply, just go to: “Tools” - “Settings” - “Protection” - “Saved passwords” - “Display passwords and find the one you need.”


  • - statement;
  • - money to pay for services.
  • Instructions

    Domain Registration Authorities typically set recovery periods during which domains that are deleted due to non-payment can be returned. At the end of this period, the domain enters the deferral stage, where it cannot be restored. To find out what period your domain is in, log into the control panel at the address specified in the contract and on the Domain Registration Center website. Upon completion of the removal procedure from the registry and the end of the deferment period, the domain can be re-registered by any person. Please note that the procedure for restoring your domain is expensive and lengthy – up to 5 business days or more.

    If you are registered as a domain administrator, please pay to restore and renew your domain registration. Also send a recovery request via email with your domain name. In response, you will receive a link for authorization, which is valid for 24 hours. By clicking on it, you confirm your consent to restore the domain and pay for the relevant services. You will be informed about the restoration and renewal of the domain by e-mail, the address of which you indicated in the contract. For recovery details, see the instructions on your domain registrar's website.

    If your personal email login information is lost, it can be restored. How this can be done and what is required for this will be discussed in this material.

    If you have problems accessing your email, you will need to perform data recovery. It is worth noting that the algorithm for each individual service is almost identical. The differences will depend on what data was forgotten. For example, if you only forgot your password, then, as a rule, you only need to provide a phone number so that the system will send a message with a confirmation code that the user is the owner of the account. But if all the data was lost, in this case the recovery procedure will be somewhat more complicated. In general, you will need to answer security questions or through feedback.

    Important! None of the popular email services can restore Old Password. Mailers only offer to reset the old key and replace it with a new one.

    Recovery methods

    Let's look at the most common email recovery options.

    We use a phone number

    By phone number. This method is characterized by the fact that to reset the key you will need to enter the phone number that was specified when registering your account. A verification code will be sent to it to verify that the person is the account owner. For example, in Gmail you can specify a main number and an additional number, in case one of them is not accessible.

    Backup copy

    Via backup mail. When using this method, a backup e-mail is used, where a link to reset the key is sent.

    Security Question

    Using a security question. The method involves answering the security question that was asked during registration. Typically this maiden name mother, date of birth, name pet etc.

    Recovery Questionnaire

    Using fill recovery questionnaires. Some services offer users to recover data using a questionnaire. This option will be acceptable if you have forgotten your username and password. It requires you to indicate the following information: the approximate time of account registration, the last password with which you successfully logged in, etc.
    The system will automatically check the entered information; if some of the information matches, it will offer to restore access. It is important to know that the profile can be checked either automatically or sent to technical support - it all depends on the specific service.

    Technical support

    Contact technical support. This option, like the previous one, will be acceptable if you have forgotten your login and password. In this case, you will need to fill out a feedback form with a request to return access to your account. In this case, you need to provide some information: an approximate password (if you remember), phone number, etc. mail recovery is a domestic search engine that offers users the mail service “ Mail”. The service offers only two recovery options, let's look at each of them.

    • go to home page search engine;
    • select “Forgot your password”;
    • after on new page enter your email username;
    • provided that you do not remember the password, next to the captcha input field select “ I don't remember the answer»;
    • We fill out a special form where you need to indicate data, an approximate password, an approximate registration date, etc. The questionnaire is sent to technical support for verification. If some information matches, it is proposed to perform a recovery.

    Yandex Mail

    Another domestic search engine that allows you to create an email account. Compared to the previous one, there are more options for returning access; let’s look at each of them in more detail.

    Using a verified phone number:

    Using a backup email address:

    • If in the previous option it was not possible to return access, click “ Another recovery method»;
    • enter the additional e-mail address and click “Get code”;
    • A message with the necessary information is sent to the backup mailbox.

    Security Question:

    • if the previous option also could not help, select “ Another way»;
    • then a new window will open where the user prompted to enter an answer to the security question specified during registration;
    • after entering, if everything was specified correctly, a form for changing the password will appear.

    Contact us technical service:


    One of the most popular mailers. It is also the key to access various Google services. It should be noted that when restoring access to this mail, there are some difficulties. This is expressed in the fact that Google requires enough a large number of information and it is advisable to indicate it as accurately as possible.

    Gaining access using the standard form:


    Another domestic service that invites users to register a mailbox. Next, consider the recovery option:

    Contact support:

    Recovery if a mailbox is deleted

    To restore a deleted mailbox you will need contact support users. To do this, you need to fill out the feedback form and indicate the details of the remote account: username, password, registration date, etc. It is important to know that you can restore your account in this way only if no more than a month has passed since the deletion.

    It is worth noting that before contacting support, you can simply try logging into your account. Some services allow you to cancel account deletion within two weeks in this way.

    How to remember your email address

    Let's look at how to remember your email address:

    1. « Cookies" If your email was recently registered, you can use the Cookies checker. Cookies store entered data on websites. In Google Chrome, you can open these files as follows: click “Settings”, “Show advanced settings” and “Personal information”. In Opera you can view cookies as follows: “Settings”, “Privacy” and “All cookies”. In the Mozilla browser: “Settings”, “Privacy” and “History”;
    2. Websites, where the user specified mail. Most often, it is indicated when registering on any resources: online stores, social media etc. You can also find out the address by contacting the support of this resource;
    3. Ask friends. Some users can communicate and send files via email. You can ask your friends for their e-mail address;
    4. Using an email program;
    5. If you used e-mail in email programs such as Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird, then the address can be found in the application settings.

    You can restore access to your account yourself using a verified phone number, email address, or answer to a security question. To get started, follow the instructions on the access recovery page.

    If for some reason you are unable to restore access on your own, the recovery form will help you.

    Restoring access using a questionnaire

    To ask for help, fill out the access restoration form. First, Yandex.Passport will check the profile automatically, and as a result, it can immediately restore access to the account. Therefore, try to remember as much as possible about your account.

    Advice. If possible, fill out the form on the computer (phone, tablet) from which you usually access Yandex. When restoring, Passport tries to distrust new IP addresses and computers, making it more difficult for hackers to gain access to your account.

    In some cases, additional verification may be required and your profile will be sent to support.

    How it works

    All data you enter is checked automatically, so try to fill out the fields as accurately as possible : with the same letters e/e, in transliteration, if you used it, and so on. If you are not sure that you remember exactly your old password or the exact spelling of your first and last name, enter as you remember or add other options (to do this, click the + button next to the field).

    The more you remember about how you used your account and what data you provided in it, the more likely it is that access to your account will be restored. At the last step, you will need to attach a photo of you with your passport, driver's license or international passport. We ask that you take a photo with your document so that no one can gain access to your account by stealing your document.

    Photo requirements

    If after submitting the form you receive a message “The profile data does not match the account information”:

      Please check if you have entered the correct login before filling out the form. Our recommendations will help you remember the correct spelling of your login.

      Try to answer all the questions for which you remember the answers at least approximately.

      Try filling out the form again on that computer or mobile device, from which you usually access Yandex.