Financial resources that the organization previously had in the form of working capital, but are currently absent and do not participate in turnover. See also: Fixed assets Financial Dictionary Finam... Financial Dictionary

Outside working capital companies withdrawn from circulation for the stipulated financial plan goals. Dictionary of business terms. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

Outside current assets a type of property of an enterprise, a section of the balance sheet in which the condition of this type of property as of the reporting date is reflected in the valuation. Non-current assets include assets of an enterprise that bring... ... Wikipedia

fixed assets- All assets that are not current. Non-current assets include tangible, intangible, operating and financial assets of a long-term nature. To denote this concept in the UK, the term Fixed Assets or... ... is used.

Assets with a useful life of more than one year: long-term financial investments, intangible assets, fixed assets, other long-term assets. In English: Non-negotiable assets Synonyms: Non-expendable assets... ... Financial Dictionary

Firms' own funds, withdrawn by them from economic circulation, but reflected in the balance sheet. Non-current assets include diverted funds, current withdrawals of working capital, fixed assets transferred to branches and... ... Economic dictionary

Non-current (non-current) assets- (noncurrent assets) a set of property assets of an enterprise that are repeatedly involved in the process economic activity and transferring the used value to the products in parts. In accounting practice, these include property assets... Economic and mathematical dictionary

non-current (non-current) assets- In modern world practice, assets with a service life of more than 1 year. These include land, machinery, equipment, as well as deferred expenses. Intangible (intangible) assets are not included in non-current assets. In the Russian Federation... ... Technical Translator's Guide

Fixed assets- (English assets outside of turnover) own funds of organizations that have withdrawn from economic turnover, but the value of which is reflected in the balance sheet ... Encyclopedia of Law

Firms' own funds, withdrawn by them from economic circulation, but reflected in the balance sheet. To V.o. include diverted funds, current withdrawals of working capital, fixed assets transferred to branches and divisions of the company... encyclopedic Dictionary economics and law

As already mentioned, according to the nature of participation in the production process, assets are divided into non-current and current (current). They play a leading role in asset valuation.

Non-current assets include:

Intangible assets;

Fixed assets;

Construction in progress;

Profitable investments in material assets;

Long-term financial investments;

Other intangible assets.

Ensuring the efficient use of non-current assets requires constant management, which is carried out in various forms. The largest part of non-current assets is, as a rule, operating assets, which go through the following main stages of circulation:

1. Transfer of the value of non-current assets to finished products;

2. Accumulation of the amount of wear and tear through the formation of a depreciation fund;

3. Financing from the sinking fund for the restoration or acquisition of non-current operating assets and other sources.

The operational non-current assets management system includes the following sequence of activities carried out by the organization's management:

Analysis current state operating non-current assets, including studying the dynamics of their total volume and composition, degree of suitability, intensity of renewal and efficiency of use;

Optimization of the composition and structure of operating non-current assets to identify reserves for increasing them industrial use by time and power in the context of their individual types;

Creation of conditions that ensure timely renewal of operating non-current assets;

Increasing the efficiency of using the organization's operating non-current assets, reducing their volume and, accordingly, reducing the amount of financing for their reproduction;

Optimization of the structure of sources of financing for operating non-current assets;

Important In the implementation of a non-current assets management system, it is necessary to ensure their timely and effective renewal, for which it is necessary to determine the frequency of renewal, which depends on the duration of their physical and moral wear and tear.

The organization in its practical activities uses various forms of updating operating non-current assets, while in the process of simple reproduction they use: current repairs, major renovation, acquisition of new types of assets, and in the process of expanded reproduction - reconstruction, modernization, etc. The choice of a specific form of renewal should be carried out according to the criterion of efficiency, when the amount of future profit generated as a result of the operation of the asset after renewal should exceed its liquid value.

The process of financing the renewal of certain types of operating non-current assets involves choosing options for their formation, i.e. acquisition of ownership or conclusion of a lease (leasing) agreement. When solving this problem, as a rule, they proceed from an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of one or another form of attracting assets.

The main criterion for making management decisions from the position of financial management is the comparison of cash flows for various forms of financing asset renewal. At the same time, the cost of acquisition is compared using own funds, using a bank loan and using a leasing agreement.

To negotiable production assets include production inventories (raw materials, supplies, fuel, spare parts, low-value and wearable items), work in progress, deferred expenses.

The main purpose of working capital of production (inventories and work in progress) is to ensure the uninterrupted and rhythmic nature of the production process.

Finished products, as well as cash in the cash register, on the current account, accounts receivable and funds in settlements constitute working capital. The need for these working capital is determined by the continuity of the process of circulation of funds of production associations (enterprises).

The essence of working capital is determined by their economic role, the need to ensure the reproduction process, including both the production process and the circulation process. Unlike fixed assets, which are repeatedly involved in the production process, working capital operates only in one production cycle and, regardless of the method of production consumption, completely transfers its value to the finished product.

The efficiency of an enterprise largely depends on its availability of working capital. The sources of their formation largely determine the efficiency of using working capital. Establishing an optimal ratio between own and borrowed funds, determined by specific features circulation of funds in a particular economic entity is important task companies.

The organization of working capital is important element in the asset management process and includes:

o determination of the composition and structure of working capital;

o establishing the enterprise’s need for working capital and maintaining working capital in an amount that optimizes the management of current activities;

o determining the ratio between sources of coverage sufficient to ensure long-term production and efficient financial activities of the enterprise

o identifying sources of working capital;

o responsibility for the safety and efficient use working capital.

Any enterprise or organization has assets, by condition, structure, the volume of which can be concluded not only about the sustainability of the business, but also the market value of the enterprise or firm. The assets of a business entity (enterprise, organization, etc.) are, in simple words enterprise property. Property in this case is interpreted broadly as financial, tangible and intangible assets. The totality of assets is the property of an enterprise, the use of which generates income. Net assets or equity are the difference between a business's assets and its financial liabilities. The size of assets significantly affects the tax base.

If an enterprise is on a simplified taxation system or pays tax on imputed income, then the value of assets does not affect the tax base. However, it is advisable to keep records of assets in accounting in these cases, since when going beyond these taxation systems (annual income, number of employees, etc.) one has to switch to common system taxation. Assets are broadly divided into current and non-current assets.

Current assets- these are those that participate in the production cycle for less than one year. These assets transfer their value to finished goods entirely within a year. Typically these are raw materials, materials, cash on hand and in the current account, as well as short-term financial investments. Fixed assets- these are assets that are used in the activities of the enterprise for more than a year. They transfer their cost into finished products in parts. The answer to the question of what non-current assets are is important when determining the tax base. Non-current assets of an enterprise are most fully reflected in accounting documents. According to accounting Non-current assets are four categories of assets.

  1. Tangible non-current assets (fixed assets).
  2. Financial.
  3. Intangible.
  4. Other noncurrent assets.

Let's look at everything in order. Material non-current assets are:

  • land;
  • buildings (main and non-permanent) and structures;
  • machines, machines, equipment, complex office equipment, instrumentation and vehicles;
  • furniture, office equipment, tools with a service life of more than a year;
  • unfinished capital construction;
  • animals and perennial plants;
  • trade equipment (counters, cash registers, showcase refrigerators, etc.;
  • equipment purchased but not installed, as well as spare parts for it;
  • property leased or rented;
  • library collections;
  • other tangible assets.

Tangible non-current assets are recognized as such if their value can be determined.

In addition, such assets have a cost limitation. Their cost should be above 10,000 rubles. Otherwise, low-value material fixed assets are classified as “low-value”. Such assets, despite the fact that they last more than a year, for example, a telephone, are accounted for as working capital in the form of inventories. Land plots are accounted for at their acquisition price or cadastral value. Buildings and structures - at the price of their acquisition or construction.

Unfinished capital construction, as well as equipment that is not installed, is taken into account at the purchase price of materials/equipment and the costs of their delivery, construction and design. Furniture, tools and trade equipment are accounted for at the purchase price. Accounting for the cost of animals and perennial plantings has its own characteristics and is discussed in detail in specialized sources. For example, you can recommend or Since fixed assets gradually transfer their value to products, their value is reduced annually by the amount of depreciation. The depreciation period, and, consequently, the amount that is included in the cost price and by which the value of the objects is reduced, is a standard value regulated by law.

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The residual value of an object is the difference between its original cost and accrued depreciation over the period of operation. No depreciation is charged on unfinished construction and uninstalled equipment. Other non-current assets include costs for land reclamation, major repairs that change the value of objects. Non-current assets and what relates to them can be acquired by the enterprise independently, donated, exchanged or created using its own/borrowed funds or authorized capital. Sometimes fixed assets are a contribution to authorized capital newly created joint stock company. In this case, such assets are reflected in the constituent documents.

Financial assets- These are, first of all, long-term financial investments, which can be of several types.

  1. Bonds with a maturity of more than one year, bills of exchange and certificates of deposit. The purpose of such long-term investments is to use free funds in order to receive profit in the form of interest on such securities.
  2. Purchase of shares in closed/open joint stock companies and shares in limited liability companies. The purpose of such acquisitions is to establish control over the relevant business entities and receive profit in the form of dividends. In some cases, such acquisitions are aimed at establishing control over the supply of raw materials or creating their own distribution system.
  3. Providing loans to organizations/enterprises. Such loans, in addition to the purposes of generating income, may pursue, for example, the expansion of production of raw materials at the supplier’s enterprise.
  4. Investments to improve the financial condition of subsidiaries.
  5. Other financial investments lasting more than one year.

Accounts receivable, the maturity of which is several years, can also be classified as non-current assets.

Intangible assets represent a large group of objects, the valuation of which is sometimes difficult. This part of the company's balance sheet requires detailed consideration. Intangible assets include:

  • software products and databases (if these objects are not proprietary, they are accounted for at the purchase price);
  • rights to use subsoil and land plots;
  • licenses for the right to conduct a particular type of activity;
  • patents, know-how, industrial designs and trademarks.

The results of scientific research and surveys are not intangible assets, expenses for improving personnel training, advertising and the creation of industrial designs and trademarks. These expenses are expensed in the period during which they are incurred. The difficulty in registering intangible assets lies in determining their value. Often tax authorities Questions arise about the cost of acquired patents and know-how.

It should be borne in mind that the term of patents (and therefore the period of their protection) is usually twenty years. The older the patent, the lower its value. But, on the other hand, if an object protected by a patent is sufficiently “promoted” at the time of acquisition, the higher its value. The latter option is often found in the case of pharmaceuticals. Unlike patents, know-how (from the English know how - know how, production secret) does not have a validity period and is often acquired along with a patent (license).

Know-how belongs to the most protected objects of intellectual property.

This is the most common target of industrial espionage. Often it is know-how that protects patents more reliably than intellectual property laws containing difficult-to-control technologies or product formulations. Indeed, if you invented a new technology for the production of polyethylene and received a patent for it, then the polyethylene produced using new technology, is no different from that obtained by the old method. Your competitors may simply use the description of the invention, and you will not be able to control this. But if the patent contains know-how (which is not published and is not freely available), then the competitor will not be able to reproduce the patent. Therefore, the presence of know-how significantly increases the cost of a patent.

Each business entity has at its disposal a certain amount of assets. Analysis of the volume, structure and condition of assets allows us to determine the financial stability of the company and its market value. The term “assets” should be understood as the property of the company, including financial assets and intangible assets. Quite often you hear about the term “total assets”. This term is used to describe the common assets of a company used to generate income. All company assets can be divided into several categories, which are indicated in different sections of the balance sheet and financial statements. In this article, we propose to consider the question of what non-current assets are and what their purpose is.

Other current assets on the balance sheet are the economic resources of the company that are not subject to reflection in the main lines of the report of section 2

What are assets

As mentioned above, the assets of an enterprise are the tangible and intangible assets of the company. The term "net assets" refers to equity, which is the difference between a company's cash liabilities and assets. It is important to note that the value of assets has an impact significant influence on the amount of taxation. There are several special tax regimes, the choice of which allows you to eliminate the impact of assets on the size of the tax base. It should be noted that the company's accountant still needs to keep records of the company's tangible and intangible assets, which are indicated on the balance sheet. This step is necessary in order to be able to switch to the general tax payment regime. All property assets of the company can be divided into two groups: non-current and current assets.

Working capital includes those assets that are used by the company during one production cycle. The costs of purchasing this property are covered through the sale of finished products. The category of current assets includes industrial raw materials, financial assets stored in a current account, short-term investments and Consumables. Non-current assets are those assets that are used by a company for a long period of time. As a rule, the payback period for such assets is more than a year. It is important to note that this property transfers its price only partially into the products sold.

Outside revolving fund the company has great importance in calculating the value of the tax base. This type of property is reflected in the financial statements. Non-current assets of an enterprise are a kind of complex consisting of the following funds:

  • financial;
  • fixed assets;
  • intangible;
  • other non-current funds.

Types of non-current assets

First, let's look at the financial type of assets. This type of internal funds includes long-term investments, which are divided into several main groups. The first group includes certificates of deposit and bonds with a long maturity. This type of investment is used to distribute available funds into various projects to generate income as a percentage of the investment amount.

Securities purchased from LLCs, OJSCs, CJSCs and other organizations. One of the purposes of this acquisition is to gain control over third-party companies. The purchased securities generate profit through dividend payments. Often, entrepreneurs take such a step in order to gain control over the process of supplying industrial raw materials. In addition, the acquisition of LLC shares allows you to establish your own sales system for finished products.

Non-current assets are fixed assets that serve the company for more than a year and are capable of generating income for it.

Also related to this article: various loans and loans issued by third parties. Financial obligations allow you to receive not only income, but also increase financial well-being company by increasing production capacity.

Other non-current assets include the entrepreneur's costs associated with organizing a business. One example of this expense item is the cost of preparing documents submitted to the Federal Tax Service for company registration. As a rule, this type of expense is contributed to the company’s authorized capital. It is important to note that some funds in this category are not reflected on the balance sheet. Such funds include copyrights and business reputation of the company.

Other non-current assets on the balance sheet are production costs, which are shown in line number 1190. It is important to note that these costs must meet a number of strict criteria. First of all, their circulation period must be more than one year. Secondly, these costs should not be classified under other classifications.

Tangible and non-current assets form the company's fixed assets. This group includes real estate owned by the company, as well as land plots. This article includes production equipment, vehicles, furniture, equipment and other material assets that are used for more than one year. Also included in the category of the company's fixed assets are the company's property assets transferred for long-term lease. It is important to pay attention to the fact that only those objects that have a certain value belong to this category. In addition, their cost must be at least ten thousand rubles.

Items with a value of less than 10,000 rubles are included in the category of “low-value” property. Such assets are accounted for in the balance sheet line as a revolving fund, which has the form material stock. It should also be separately mentioned that when calculating the cost of land plots, the price according to the cadastre or the concluded agreement for their purchase is taken into account. Calculation of the cost of buildings and construction structures is based on the cost of construction work or the purchase price of these objects.

Intangible non-current assets are assets whose value is difficult to determine. This section of the balance sheet should be discussed in more detail due to the width of this group. This line includes:

  1. The right to use the land.
  2. A license to produce a certain type of product or provide services.
  3. Software (If software developed by a third party, the cost of purchasing the software should be taken into account).
  4. Trademarks and other patents.

It should also be said that the costs associated with carrying out scientific research, personnel training and the creation of production samples - do not belong to this category. These expenses must be included in the reporting for the time period during which the company incurred the expenses. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the process of registering such expenses has many subtleties and nuances. Quite often, regulatory authorities ask questions regarding the price of purchased trademarks and patents.

Assets classified as non-current include assets that are used for a long time in the activities of an economic entity

Patents have a clearly defined validity period during which they are protected. As a rule, this period is equal to twenty years. The cost of a patent is directly proportional to its age. This means that patents registered more than ten years ago have low value compared to new ones. The value of a patent is also affected by its level of fame. Most often, this circumstance is observed in the pharmaceutical sector.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the protected objects of intellectual property - know-how. Know-how or a production secret has an unlimited validity period and often becomes the object of industrial espionage. As practice shows, know-how is much more reliable than a patent, due to the difficult process of reproducing such products. As an example, let’s look at a situation in which a company has developed its own method for producing polyethylene.

This technology must be patented. However, the product itself, manufactured using the new method, is no different from those products that are manufactured using the generally accepted method. This allows competing manufacturers to use the description of the method for their own purposes. It is important to note that this process cannot be controlled.

The presence of know-how in a patent allows you to remove some important information from the public domain; thanks to this step, competing manufacturers will not be able to reproduce the product, which will increase the price of the patent itself several times.

Determining the value of non-current assets

In a conversation about what non-current assets are, what applies to them and how to determine their value, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention last question. As a rule, the value of these funds changes under the influence of various factors. Among the internal factors, the influence of depreciation costs and reconstruction of facilities should be highlighted. There are much more external factors and not all of them can be taken into account during the analysis. For example, let’s imagine an enterprise that owns land plot. The development of the city's infrastructure can lead to an increase in the value of this asset due to the construction of new roads, metro lines and other facilities nearby.

Non-current assets are used in business activities long time, i.e. more than one year

The book price of these funds depreciates due to increasing inflation. In this case, the entrepreneur needs to reassess the value of non-current assets. Revaluation of non-current assets on the balance sheet is a complex procedure where you will need to take into account all external factors that may affect the value of the object. It should be noted that carrying out such a procedure can lead to both an increase and a decrease in the value of objects. As an example, the cost of computer equipment. Thanks to technological progress, new models appear, which leads to a reduction in the cost of outdated products. This means that the cost of equipment can drop to zero long before the end of the depreciation period.

It is recommended to carry out this process no more than once every twelve months. According to established rules, revaluation of fixed assets is carried out closer to the end of the reporting year. If the value of assets increases, a revaluation note is made in the financial statements. It is important to pay attention to the fact that if this object is sold, the amount received is not reflected in the tax base.