Every year, waste occupies ever larger areas in all corners of our planet. Today, waste recycling is the most pressing, global and most relevant ecological problem. The level of environmental pollution due to waste and its disposal is increasing at a catastrophically fast pace. That is why it is necessary to introduce waste processing technologies that would minimize the risks of destruction of nature.

Technologies and methods of processing

Nowadays, there are several options for processing waste into useful recyclables. Some of them cause severe harm to the environment, while others, on the contrary, are more gentle and effective. However, there are three main waste processing technologies:

  • landfill burning – application this method Waste disposal frees up a significant area of ​​land, but is harmful to the environment. But if the enterprise is equipped with high-tech equipment that can first remove all harmful components: metals, plastics, batteries, and then begin the process, then this method of working with waste deserves to exist;
  • plasma processing - allows for the recycling of unsorted raw materials, as a result, secondary products are obtained that can be used for the manufacture of building materials, ceramic tiles and other products;
  • pyrolysis at low temperatures– one of the most effective and useful ways of recycling waste, as it has virtually no negative impact on the environment and produces a large amount of heat, which can be converted into electricity.

Landfill and composting methods can be used to dispose of waste. The first involves immersing waste underground, after which it decomposes and releases methane. The method of backfilling a landfill is economically beneficial, since the gas is transformed into an ordinary natural resource. Composting involves the formation of natural fertilizer, so only organic waste can be processed.

Waste recycling problem

Safe disposal of waste is a large-scale and complex process that requires large area, special conditions, financing and other components. Among large quantity Waste disposal problems include the following:

  • Financing – the only source of investment in waste recycling is payments from the population. Only with their help can you cover the costs associated with waste removal and disposal. Lack of funds leads to worsening environmental problems.
  • Structuring - in order to see the result regarding waste recycling, it is necessary to create a special service that would deal with this issue. Utilities, which have most of the responsibilities and tasks, frankly cannot cope with this volume and do not devote enough time to waste disposal.
  • Systematization - work with waste in the regions of the country is carried out by various ministries not connected with each other, therefore the problem remains unresolved.
  • Information problem - unfortunately, the population is not informed about the importance of waste separation, the aggravation of the issue of waste disposal and the level of harm caused environment.
  • Marketing problem - many entrepreneurs working with recyclable materials, which are obtained as a result of waste processing, face problems selling products, since many do not agree to buy goods obtained from garbage.

And the key problem still remains strategic. There is no long-term planning for waste recycling at the district level, and without these actions it is extremely difficult to achieve results.

Waste recycling in Russia

At this stage, waste disposal in the country is not carried out in the safest and most effective methods. In addition, most landfills are located near populated areas, which negatively affects people’s health and quality of life.

The amount of garbage is growing every year, so the government should develop effective ways and methods for safe waste disposal. Converting waste into recyclable materials must consist of several stages, namely: sorting, processing of raw materials and production of secondary products.

Types of waste processing

In order not to turn our planet into one huge pile of garbage, it is necessary to properly dispose of waste using effective and safe methods. Exist the following types processing:

  • earthen backfill - garbage is filled in and then decomposes underground;
  • composting is a safe way to dispose of waste and obtain fertilizer for the soil, but this requires only organic components;
  • burning is a common method of waste disposal, which causes enormous harm to the environment;
  • low-temperature pyrolysis - effectively neutralizes waste, reducing its amount up to 10 times; during waste processing, a small amount of harmful substances is released and pyrolysis oils are obtained, which are used in the manufacture of plastics;
  • high-temperature pyrolysis or plasma processing - involves gasification of waste. To carry out the procedure, there is no need to sort waste; hazardous substances do not enter the atmosphere, since at a temperature of +900 degrees they simply decompose; The resulting pyrolysis oils do not require purification.

Each waste treatment method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of waste disposal method largely depends on the capabilities and funding of the state.


Recycling refers to a variety of waste disposal methods. different types for the purpose of reuse and return into circulation of useful components of waste. There are particularly valuable types of raw materials from which you can re-make products and make a good profit. These include: paper and cardboard, glass, rubber, polymers, petroleum products, electronics, metals, wood, recycling and construction waste. Recycling is an important area of ​​economic activity.

Any life activity involves the production of waste. The more living beings there are on the planet, the more waste is produced. Animal waste and plant worlds are biological products that easily decompose. Man is a highly organized representative of the planet’s biosphere. Not all the garbage it produces decomposes. With the development of industry and the increase in population on the planet, rapid accumulation of various types waste, both decomposing and non-decomposing. The growing problem is forcing scientists to urgently improve waste disposal methods.

Let's consider what is being done in the field of waste recycling today.

Household waste disposal rules

It was only at the end of the 20th century that people started talking about the problem of excess waste on the planet. The countries of Western Europe were the first to stir up; large areas for disposal of waste. The issue of exporting for money what is thrown away by citizens in less time was considered. the developed countries, where there are places to place polygons. Some states have tried this experience and found it ineffective, since the problem cannot be solved in this way on a planetary scale. So the Europeans set a course to find ways to dispose of waste. In Russia, the problem was raised when it became clear that an irrational consumer approach to the use of the planet’s resources led to a sharp deterioration in the quality of its biosphere.

Important: In 2020, the problem of waste disposal in Russia is being solved much more slowly than the expansion of authorized and unauthorized landfills.

To correct the situation in the Russian Federation, we must immediately begin to adopt the rules for waste disposal from European neighbors such as Germany and Sweden. The latter currently processes 99% of everything thrown out by people and industrial enterprises.

Scale of the problem

Every day there is 5 tons more garbage in the world. Its number increases by 3% per year. Existing landfills are unable to accommodate all waste. It has come to the point that the waste produced by Muscovites began to be exported to the still environmentally friendly Arkhangelsk region. This suggests that the landfills of the Russian center are bursting at the seams.

To understand the scale of the accumulation problem household waste, consider the decomposition period of various types of waste:

  • cigarette filters – 100 years;
  • cans - 90 years;
  • paper 2-10 years;
  • glass – 1,000 years;
  • plastic bags - 200 years.

Many types of garbage “live” longer than people. And it's not the main problem. The worst thing is that waste not only occupies vast territories, but also pollutes the environment. Some of its types can cause irreparable harm.

How is garbage classified?

There are several criteria by which scrap is classified:

  • by origin;
  • by physical state
  • by composition.

Classification by composition involves dividing waste into biological and non-biological.

Biological waste includes bone, leather, wood and food scraps. They are not considered dangerous because they quickly decompose in nature. The most problematic are food residues. They are attractive to pathogenic microorganisms, and carriers of infections flock to them: cockroaches, rats, flies, etc. During the decomposition process, food waste smells unpleasant and produces water and carbon dioxide.

Non-biological scrap is something that was made from:

  • paper;
  • plastics;
  • metal;
  • textiles;
  • glass;
  • rubber

Much of the above is characterized by a long decomposition period. During the process of decay, some types of listed garbage release toxins and other harmful substances into the environment.

Based on their origin, the garbage can be divided into the following types:

  1. MSW (municipal solid waste) – forms the residential sector and medical institutions, educational and cultural institutions, and commercial enterprises.
  2. Radioactive waste is the result of the activities of medical institutions, nuclear power plants and submarines.
  3. Medical waste – may include radioactive, toxic and infectious waste.
  4. Construction waste is everything that remains during the repair of roads and buildings, construction and installation work, and demolition of structures.
  5. Industrial - what is thrown away in the manufacturing sector.

Much of the above is large in size. Depending on the composition and hazard to the environment, they are used various ways destruction or recycling of waste.

The aggregate state of the garbage can be like this:

  • liquid;
  • hard;
  • emulsions;
  • gels;
  • suspensions;
  • gaseous;
  • pasta.

Solid waste in various states of aggregation is the most numerous and diverse group.

How is waste processed? Recycling stages

We can save nature from the danger posed by garbage modern methods processing solid waste. The process consists of several stages:

  1. Collection and sorting.
  2. Transportation.
  3. Placement at landfills or warehouses.
  4. Neutralization.
  5. Storage.
  6. Burial.
  7. Recycling.
  8. Production of new items from recycled materials.

Different stages are typical for different types garbage, they can come one after another or be excluded. Thus, things that cannot be recycled and used as recyclable materials are subject to burial.

Important: The preferred method is recycling and reuse waste. Paper, plastic, metal, glass, fabrics, etc. can be recycled and even tertiarily in some situations.

The most important step in an ideal recycling scheme is sorting. The progress of the processing process and the quality of the resulting secondary raw materials depend on it. Not only special companies involved in waste disposal, but also the entire population of Russia should take part in the sorting process.

Methods for recycling solid waste

There are numerous methods for disposal of waste, both solid waste and industrial. Each path has both pros and cons. Scientists are striving to improve waste recycling processes.

Let's look at how household waste is disposed of today.


This method is old, inexpensive and ineffective. Its essence is that heterogeneous waste is buried in the upper layers of the soil.

In order to make the next burial, they acquire a territory on which to set up a landfill. The following requirements apply to the place for this type of disposal:

  • the distance from forest areas is at least half a kilometer;
  • the distance from places of residence of people is at least 200 m;
  • the possibility of carrying out engineering work on site;
  • lack of structures;
  • well-ventilated open area;
  • the possibility of creating a sanitary protection zone with a radius of 300 m around the landfill;
  • Availability of a transport route nearby

From this method It's high time to give it up and replace it with something more safe ways. Waste buried underground decomposes and releases toxic substances into the soil, which enter groundwater and return to people in the form of food and drink.

Important: This advantage of burial, such as low cost, covers up one significant drawback - it will be necessary to spend much more money to eliminate the consequences of burying waste than would be required to build a processing plant.

Heat treatment methods

Waste treatment high temperatures- this is a group of methods, including old methods and new ones, that allow you to effectively get rid of garbage without causing any harm to the environment.

Simple incineration

This method is applicable to organic waste and is based on its ability to decompose. Bacteria, which need waste to carry out their life activities, are involved in recycling. These organisms include 2 types of creatures:

  1. Anaerobic - to exist, they need an environment with little or no oxygen.
  2. Aerobic – free access to oxygen is necessary to carry out life activities.

The quality of the resulting raw materials depends on how comfortable the conditions for the growth of bacteria are created.


This is the latest recycling method, which is an important stage of waste processing, consisting of 2 steps:

  1. Sorting.
  2. Packing in briquettes.

During the packaging process, pressing is carried out, which makes it possible to reduce the volume of waste several times and prepare it for loading and transportation.

Briquetted waste is stored in landfills, where it remains until the next stage of disposal - burial or processing. The main advantages of the method are:

  • reducing fire risks;
  • ease of waste management.

The method also has a drawback - not all materials can be pressed.

The problem of industrial waste disposal

Any production, along with the production of goods, produces a considerable amount of waste. Only 35% of it is processed and turned into recyclable materials. The vast majority of Russian enterprises operate the old fashioned way and deal with waste as follows:

  • disposed of in landfills (not always authorized);
  • released as wastewater.

Every year, penalties for harm caused to the environment become more severe, but this does not change the situation much. It is more profitable to pay a fine than to introduce new principles of waste disposal in production.

Disposal of waste from medical institutions

A special area is the disposal of medical waste. This can only be done by licensed companies. Medical waste can not only be toxic or radioactive, but also infected.

Medical waste is divided into 4 hazard classes:

  • A – non-threatening;
  • B – potentially dangerous, requiring preliminary disinfection before disposal;
  • B – dangerous;
  • G – toxic.

Medutil can be disposed of only after the disinfection procedure has been carried out.

Disposal and recycling of waste in the Russian Federation

In terms of waste recycling, Russia is noticeably inferior European countries. No matter how sad it is to admit, today we are “living on credit,” that is, we are causing more harm to nature than it can heal on its own.

There are several reasons why we do not use the correct disposal methods:

  • lack of awareness of the population;
  • corrupt government;
  • weak legal framework;
  • there is no infrastructure necessary for high-quality waste processing;
  • At the forefront of all production processes is the race for profit.

Important: Being on the verge of ecological collapse, Russians are doing too little to stop the process of destroying the planet.

Recycling equipment

The recycling process requires equipping enterprises with specialized equipment. The selection of devices depends on what type of waste will be processed and what the final goal of the process is.

Waste incineration equipment

Several types of waste incineration furnaces are used:

  • recycling plants – for burning waste from large industrial enterprises;
  • electric incinerators – used in medical institutions to destroy syringes;
  • waste heat boilers – used for the destruction of solid waste.

Traditionally, Russian waste incineration plants use domestically produced furnaces, which are cheaper and not inferior in quality to their Western counterparts.

Equipment required for waste disposal

The special equipment used for disposal of waste is as follows:

  • bulldozers – level waste and cover it with earth;
  • compactor rollers – compact waste.

This method, as already noted, frees up space, but does not protect the environment from the negative effects of waste. Since in Russia waste is practically not sorted, the piles buried underground contain many dangerous substances that poison the soil, air and water. Soon, what was buried will be returned to people in the form of food.

Waste recycling problem

It seems that in Russia they did not expect that garbage would one day become a problem. This day has come, but many continue to live in the past, not noticing that they are standing on the edge of an abyss.

The waste disposal process in Russia has a number of problems that require immediate solutions:

  1. Systematization. Each region of the country is fighting the problem with its own methods at the local level. There is no general scheme of actions.
  2. Informing the population. Many Russians remain in the dark, not realizing that environmental collapse is almost upon us.
  3. Financing. Only those funds that the population pays to municipal services for waste removal are allocated for waste disposal. This is negligible.
  4. Marketing problems. Many Russian consumers do not want to use things made from recycled materials.
  5. Structuring. In the Russian Federation there is no special service that would directly deal with waste disposal issues.
  6. Lack of long-term planning for waste treatment.


The main problem with waste recycling is the disunity of people. Countries do not interact with each other on this issue as much as the situation requires. While on the one side of Russia, in Europe, there is an active transition to a new ecological standard of living, on the opposite side, in China, they live for today. The country is so dirty that due to harmful fumes it is no longer visible from space. Lacking their resources, the Chinese are entering the Russian taiga and have set their sights on destroying Lake Baikal.

Production and consumption volumes are constantly increasing. At the same time, landfills are rapidly growing around cities, poisoning the land, water and air. In this regard, the problem of waste disposal is becoming increasingly acute. If waste recycling is not established, soon there will be no fertile soil left around cities. It will be replaced by toxic garbage fields.

Recyclable waste is not only household waste. These include production waste: metal, paper, plastic and textile recyclables. The issue of recycling is particularly acute. plastic waste. Other types of secondary raw materials are at least capable of decomposing into natural conditions for conditionally safe components. But plastic takes more than 100 years to decompose.

The main task of processing secondary raw materials is to minimize the impact of waste on the environment. Unfortunately, in our country the recycling and recycling market is poorly developed. There are many reasons for this.

The most obvious one is the lack of technology. But in fact, our country has had these technologies for a long time. It’s just that the profitability of processing secondary resources is still minimal. Companies refuse to do this work because it is not profitable.

However, in recent years the situation has begun to change better side. More and more manufacturers see household waste as the basis for obtaining inexpensive raw materials, which can later be used in production.

The most valuable are:

Processing secondary resources makes it possible not only to obtain latest materials for construction, organic fertilizers used in agriculture, but also thermal energy, which can be used to heat buildings.

There are the following waste groups:

To ensure conditions for further disposal, waste must be properly sorted. Division into classes allows you to reduce costs and increase the profitability of processing.

Conversion methods

In the press, all waste is usually called secondary raw materials. This is imprecise terminology. Not all waste can be reused. There are certain groups of waste that are more expedient to use to generate thermal energy. They should be called secondary energy raw materials.

Only those materials that can be put into circulation after processing should be classified as secondary raw materials. For example, waste paper cannot be used for manufacturing after recycling. toilet paper or book production, but it is suitable for creating environmentally friendly packaging.

Natural recycling

It's about composting. This method has been used for a very long time. It looks like this: a large pit is dug into which organic waste is dumped. The top of the burial is covered with earth. After the waste has decomposed, it is dug up again and the resulting compost is used for agricultural purposes.

This method was recently modified. Engineers have designed installations that make it possible to heat garbage located underground. Excessive temperature increases the rate of decomposition and increases the release of biogas. The latter can be collected and successfully used as fuel.

Companies are emerging all over the world that are actively producing mobile stations for processing biological waste. Their products are used in agriculture and cottage settlements. But they are not suitable for large urban settlements, since maintaining the equipment is unprofitable.

The natural processing method is gradually becoming a thing of the past. The fact is that the bulk of the loaded waste also contains inorganic waste. They do not rot and gradually accumulate.

This method refers to the disposal of solid waste. It is great for neutralizing dangerous organics that may be found on solid waste. After treatment by fire, the resulting waste is buried or disposed of.

Thermal afterburning produces electricity and heat, which is usually used to service the recycling plant. The latter are located next to large landfills near large cities.

Thermal recycling can be direct or pyrolysis. In the first case, the enterprise receives useful thermal energy used for heating in the heating system. In the second case, liquid and gaseous fuel can be produced at the plant.

Unfortunately, the operation of such a plant cannot be called environmentally friendly. It emits a huge amount of harmful substances into the atmosphere. The filters used are unable to radically change negative impact to the surrounding nature.

To burn medical waste, special furnaces are used, equipped with special gas purification systems.

This technology is considered the most promising. Disposal takes place in 3 stages:

  • The waste received at the plant is thoroughly ground and placed under a press, where it is turned into granules. If necessary, the raw materials undergo additional drying.
  • The resulting mass is sent to the furnace, where under the influence of a plasma flow it turns into gas.
  • To prevent the resulting gas from immediately flaring up, an oxidizing agent is added to the reactor.

The resulting product is very similar to natural gas, but him energy value much lower. It is pumped into special containers and sent to the consumer. It serves as a good fuel for turbines, heating boilers and electric generators.

This processing method has already gained popularity in the USA and Canada. In Europe, this technology is just beginning to be introduced, but there are plans for its widespread use. Such equipment is not supplied to Russia.

Processing of such resources allows you to get new household and production items. These include glass, plastic, metal, paper and petroleum products.

Metal waste is separated during processing using separation. Ferrous metal is removed from the total mass using magnets. It is then pressed into bags. The latter are later sent for further smelting.

Broken glass and bottles are carefully sorted, cleaned and dried. After thorough grinding, they are heated in special equipment. The output is technical glass, which builders can use for their own purposes.

Particular attention is paid to recycling waste paper. The fact is that during the production of paper at pulp mills, chemically hazardous reagents are used. Despite all protective measures, they inevitably end up in the environment and poison everyone. In addition, the production of paper takes one of the most valuable resources on the planet - wood.

The use of recycled materials allows you to save wood and minimize the negative impact of pulp mills on the environment.

Unfortunately, in our country, paper ends up in a landfill among other household waste. It is impossible to single it out. It is excluded from further circulation. The only solution to this problem is separate collection household waste.

The situation is even worse with polymers. Their reuse involves some difficulties. In particular, raw materials are usually dirty and not of the quality required to produce new products. To eliminate the shortcomings you need to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of money. Therefore, polymer products are easier to produce from pure primary raw materials.

However, polymer recyclables are excellent for the production of building materials, but only if such products are not subject to too high environmental requirements.

Rare items are obtained from old electronics after recycling. chemical elements and precious materials. Metals such as silver, gold, platinum, palladium, and nickel are distinguished. The sorted residues are subsequently burned.

In Russia, like many other things, our country is distinguished from the West. Mainly in Western countries Waste is sorted according to certain criteria. The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation does not want to rush into the transition from burning waste to recycling it.

The solution to the problem proposed by the Ministry and its Federal Agency

In Russia, waste incineration plants are used locally for waste disposal. According to representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources, these plants are very energy- and cost-intensive and largely survive due to government subsidies. But build this ministry still plans in accordance with the adopted concept for solid waste management until 2030. Rosprirodnadzor considers incineration to be the most optimal form of waste disposal.

Why incineration is not the optimal solution

In Russia, burning solutions are dangerous from an environmental point of view. With the help of waste incineration plants, solid waste is converted into smoke, which contains all the carcinogens that are not dispersed throughout the environment when waste is stored in landfills. As a result of the construction of such plants, there may be an increase in the incidence of a number of serious illnesses, including cancer. But even if the issue under consideration is removed from the area of ​​the most serious diseases, then emissions with carcinogens cause allergic reactions- scourge of diseases recent years. When burning garbage, dioxins are released, which are more dangerous than strychnine and potassium cyanide.

The problem of waste recycling in Russia exists, but it needs to be solved.

Concept of garbage business

The waste recycling business should be based on the creation of appropriate plants. Like any other business, this business requires initial capital to rent or purchase premises, hire personnel who will have to work on the appropriate equipment, but this will also need to be purchased.

In addition, you will have to collect a bunch of different documents permitting this type of activity.

It is also necessary to provide for how the waste will be delivered and how it will be sold. The first is especially relevant, since there is no culture of garbage collection in our country - on a local scale, it is all stored in one bag without sorting and thrown away trash container. According to Rosprirodnadzor specialists, if the state does not encourage manufacturers of recyclable materials to purchase from waste processing plants, such plants have no future.

Russia has its positive and negative sides.

Positive aspects of the garbage business

  • The volumes of waste are limitless.
  • The processed product, as world experience shows, must be in demand.
  • Such a business will most likely be supported by local authorities, since recycling is also a headache for them.
  • A processing plant can process different raw materials, or maybe some specific ones, which makes it easier to make a decision about starting business development.
  • Almost zero competition - as will be shown below, there are practically no waste processing plants in Russia.
  • With reasonable organization of production, these factories can become fully profitable and profitable in a couple of years.

Negative aspects of the garbage business

  • The main disadvantage is waste sorting, as mentioned above.
  • Large costs - the plant may or may not pay off if not approached correctly, but it will require initial costs, and these costs will not pay off in any case for a number of years.
  • A huge pile of documents that an enterprise in this business will have to deal with.
  • Finding suppliers and buyers, especially at the beginning of a business, is very difficult.

Garbage statistics

Here are the statistics on waste recycling in Russia. Only 4% of the total volume in our country is recycled. In 2017, the volume of solid waste in Russia exceeded 60 billion tons with an annual replenishment of 60 million tons.

All the garbage in our country occupies about 4 million hectares, which is comparable to the area of ​​Switzerland or Holland. Every year this area increases by 10%, which is comparable to the total area of ​​the two capitals of Russia.

Currently, there are about 15,000 garbage dumps in the country that have been sanctioned by the authorities; the number of landfills, according to various sources, ranges from 200 to 1000.

More landfills are illegal. Most of them are in Leningrad, Chelyabinsk, Moscow, Sverdlovsk and a number of other regions.

Waste recycling plants in Russia

Data from Rosprirodnadzor indicate that there are only seven waste incineration plants in our country, which are located in Moscow, Sochi, Murmansk, Vladivostok, and Pyatigorsk. Here, garbage is burned, the resulting ash and slag are compressed and disposed of by burial. Moreover, only 7-10% of the received waste is burned. The cost of burning solid waste is higher than the cost of burying it.

According to other sources, there are more than 200 waste processing plants in Russia, as well as about 50 Let's take a closer look at some of the list of waste processing plants in Russia.

IN Kemerovo region The Novokuznetsk waste processing plant has been operating since 2008. Here waste is sorted, recyclable materials are recycled, and the remaining garbage is buried in a landfill designed for 75 years.

In the Kursk region, a sorting line for a waste recycling plant was opened in 2013.

In Krasnoyarsk there is a waste sorting plant that processes up to 730,000 tons of solid waste per year. Recyclable materials are sent for recycling, and the remaining waste is disposed of at our own landfill.

In 2014, a waste processing plant was launched in Orenburg. Toxic substances such as medical waste, mercury. The plant is equipped with a perolysis unit. Processing is possible up to 250,000 tons annually. Sorting occurs manually. The remains are buried at the landfill and compacted with a roller.

There are several waste incineration plants operating in the Moscow region. These include the State Unitary Enterprise "Special Plant No. 2", "Special Plant No. 3" (this plant operates with enviable instability), and the Rudnevo Waste Incineration Plant has been operating since 2003.

World experience in waste management

Not only the surface of the Earth, but also the ocean is currently polluted with garbage. In 1997, the American oceanographer C. Moore, passing through the Northern Pacific Spiral, saw that he was surrounded by heaps of debris far from land. According to him, it took him a week to overcome this pile.

In most countries of the world, waste is collected not in one container, but in different ones, after being sorted. In Ljubljana in Slovenia, as well as in Russia, they were going to build waste incineration plants. Their construction was included in the 2014 project, but the country’s leadership came to their senses in time. A special employee visits the apartments. The need to recycle waste and use recyclable materials is actively promoted among the population.


Waste recycling in Russia is at the initial phase of its development. Very little waste is recycled. In Russia, the garbage business is not developed. It has its own prospects, but those who are not afraid of paperwork and who have money for initial capital that can be risked should try their hand. Management should listen to environmentalists and, instead of building waste incineration plants, pay attention to global experience in waste processing.

Every year, every person leaves behind tons of garbage. Garbage is taken to landfills, where in most cases it rots. Moreover, this process can last for centuries. Throughout the decomposition of garbage, toxic substances are released into the atmosphere, soil and groundwater. All toxins subsequently settle in the human body, causing the development of cancer and other equally serious diseases.

Meanwhile, any waste can serve as secondary raw materials for production various products. Recycling waste allows you to benefit and save money Natural resources.

The scale of the problem is clear to many people. And it can only be resolved by stimulating the creation of waste processing plants. Such enterprises are able to solve the problem of littering and environmental pollution. But first you need to understand what kind of waste can be used to obtain recyclable materials, and what the waste recycling process is.

Types of recycling

Raw materials can be processed in various ways.

One of the most popular are thermal methods. These include:

  • incineration carried out at landfills is a disposal method that allows the release of landfill territory, but causes significant damage to the environment;
  • low-temperature pyrolysis allows you to obtain heat, from which thermal and electrical energy is generated;
  • allows you to obtain secondary products used in the production of various building materials, including ceramic tiles.

There are other, less expensive ways to recycle waste. One of them is filling the landfill with earth. In this case, the garbage decomposes, resulting in the release of methane. It is subsequently purified and converted into natural gas.

Another method that does not require significant costs is composting.

However, this disposal method is only suitable for organic waste. These include:

  • paper;
  • food products;
  • vegetable waste.

As a result of such processing, it is possible to obtain valuable organic fertilizer, which can be used in agriculture and on private property.

What waste is suitable for recycling?

Recycling waste improves environmental situation, as well as obtain recyclable materials suitable for further production of various products. Such products include products made of glass and metal, as well as paper and building materials.

The following types of waste are suitable for recycling:

  • scrap metal;
  • polymers;
  • broken glass and glass containers;
  • waste paper;
  • textile;
  • rubber, in particular car tires;
  • wood;
  • electronics;
  • mercury lamps;
  • petroleum products.

Benefits of Metal Recycling

Scrap metal is separated from other types of waste using magnetic separation, after which it is compressed, packaged and sent to foundries for further processing.

Most often, the raw material for recycling is ferrous metal scrap, in particular cast iron. People often take cast iron bathtubs and radiators to landfills. Waste from industrial enterprises also ends up there in the form of cast iron pallets, shavings and oversized pieces remaining after casting, as well as old equipment.

Meanwhile, cast iron scrap is a valuable raw material. Unlike the production of this metal, repeated melting cycles do not harm the environment.

At the same time, secondary raw materials can be used in the production of plumbing fixtures, cars, building materials and in other industries.

For industrial production Non-ferrous metals are of particular value, since their resource is limited. On the territory of Russia, technologies are used that make it possible to remelt the following types of non-ferrous metals:

  • lead;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • aluminum

Electric induction furnaces are used to melt them, which significantly saves natural resources. In addition, primary casting is accompanied by the release of sulfur gases, lead salts and heavy metals into the environment. Recycling of non-ferrous metals does not have these disadvantages, which has a positive effect not only on the environment, but also on the cost of the final products.

Benefits of Polymer Recycling

The difficulty of processing raw materials, which include polymers, lies in the need to purify them. economically unprofitable, since this process is much more expensive than the production of primary raw materials. This is why polymer waste, for example, plastic bottles, are used in the production of concrete products, as well as wood-polymer boards.

For example, PET bottles in which drinks are packaged are used to make raw materials for the production of insulation for jackets. In addition, these raw materials are used to manufacture the following products:

  • door panels;
  • containers;
  • pallets;
  • carpets;
  • car bumpers and grilles.

In the manufacture of all these products, recycled materials do not require purification. And since it is much cheaper than the primary one, all this directly affects the cost of the final products.

Benefits of glass recycling

Glass is the only material that can be recycled endlessly without compromising its quality. Just 1 ton of recycled glass saves more than half a ton of sand, two hundred kilograms of limestone and the same amount of soda.

By adding various additives to broken glass, manufacturers are able to produce products that have certain qualities. For example, adding boron makes it possible to produce heat-resistant cookware. And the addition of glass fiber is necessary in the manufacture of fiber optic cables.

Benefits of recycling waste paper and textiles

When recycling paper, unlike primary production, there is no harm to the environment. At the same time, recycling enterprises manage to recover about 80% of cellulose fibers from recycled materials, which allows them to produce new batches of paper and cardboard.

The following products are made from raw materials obtained through recycling:

  • cardboard packaging;
  • toilet paper;
  • Construction Materials.

In production new paper secondary raw materials are mixed with primary ones.

Textiles and shoes are also recyclable. In this case, part of the textiles suitable for further use are cleaned, repaired, and then sent to charity.

Clothes that are unwearable are also cleaned, recycled and used to make new products, such as some types of paper. Recycled raw materials are also suitable for, but in this case, secondary fibers are mixed with primary fibers.

Benefits of Rubber Recycling

When burning car tires Carcinogens are released into the atmosphere, posing a threat to human health. In addition, rubber is an excellent raw material for the production of new tires, rubber shoes, and building materials. Eg, crumb rubber used as an embankment on children's playgrounds and stadium paths. Rubber can also become a raw material for production if it is subjected to pyrolysis.

Benefits of wood processing

When preparing an array, the volume of waste significantly exceeds the used part. Waste suitable for recycling includes:

  • bark;
  • wood chips;
  • roots;
  • croaker;
  • branches.

Large lump waste is used for the production of paper, as well as construction materials and chemicals. Sawdust is a useful material used in the manufacture of fillers for dry closets, charcoal. In addition, they are used in agriculture as bedding for animals and birds.

And waste that has no industrial significance is subjected to high-temperature pyrolysis, during which it is possible to obtain energy.

Benefits of Recycling Electronics and Mercury Vapors

When recycling waste, old electronics are of considerable value, from which various chemical elements are obtained, including precious metals, glass and polymers.

Electronics recycling makes it possible to obtain all kinds of chemical elements

All metal obtained from the sorting process is melted in furnaces, pressed, packaged, and then sent to foundries for further processing. All remaining components undergo pyrolysis, during which they obtain energy.

Mercury lamps cause irreparable harm to the environment. That is why collection points for waste materials are organized in Russia. Subsequently, the product obtained from these products is neutralized and converted into a sorbent from which paving slabs. Glass bulbs are used in the manufacture of new lamps.

Waste petroleum products are primarily used for production motor oil and building materials. Their recycling can significantly reduce the emission of harmful vapors into the atmosphere, as well as reduce the degree of contamination of soil and groundwater.


Modern technologies used in waste disposal make it possible to recycle more than 70% of solid waste. There are many waste processing enterprises successfully operating in Russia. And each plant makes a huge contribution to environmental protection.

For this type of activity to develop successfully, it is necessary not only to organize waste collection points with special containers, but also to establish communication between recycling companies and manufacturers finished products. Otherwise, people will suffocate from the increasing volumes of garbage, and natural resources will sooner or later run out.