You won’t be able to live without mental pain; sooner or later it will make itself felt. It can be triggered by any event that no one expected and for which no one prepared. She deals a crushing blow, breaking everything that was familiar and seemed so reliable. Mental pain is the most terrible and destructive of all that can harm a person. Because it is inside and you cannot escape from it. She'll have to face it anyway. You can take your mind off it, but only for a while. Very soon she will assert herself again, so it is so important to learn to cope with her, and even better to avoid any accessible ways, although it is very difficult. But nothing is impossible for those who believe.

Finding out how to cope with mental pain

When the soul hurts, it ceases to please the world, what seemed wonderful yesterday, today only aggravates pain and causes suffering. And, even having managed to forget for a minute, people very soon remember it again and again. And no matter what they do or say, no matter how distracted they are or try to forget, she doesn’t go anywhere, but waits in the wings to capture attention again.

And here it is important not to run away and not to fill the whole day with activities, but to find a time when no one will interfere with putting things in order in your own soul. Behind the daily bustle, grandiose plans or the desire to get through this day as quickly as possible, most never look into their souls. It doesn’t occur to them or they are very afraid of it. Their minds are occupied with other things, but not with the fact that there should be order not only at home, in the workplace, in the family, but also in their own soul. But this does not protect them from pain. Still, she will remind you that she also needs attention.

And if at first it is just a feeling that something is going wrong, then as soon as life happens unpleasant event, pain will fill the soul that has been abandoned for so long. And it will be possible to get rid of it only by understanding what led to this, what caused its appearance.

Because you can get rid of something only by finding the source. And to do this when all the negativity that occurs in a person’s life has accumulated in the soul is very difficult. Any information, especially negative, leaves its mark. And so that this does not affect the general state of mind of a person, it is necessary to think it over, draw conclusions and let it go. Instead, people absorb everything they see and hear, without even trying to analyze and evaluate what happened. And then they wonder why they lose their nerve at the slightest failure. But the soul simply does not have the strength to react calmly to everything. There is already too much negativity raining down on her.

TV with its terrible news and stories, disrespect, inattention, lack of money, never-ending household chores, work problems, quarrels, unfulfilled dreams of career growth, fear of not doing the right thing. right choice, difficulties in relationships, lack of mutual understanding in the family or loneliness - all this leaves wounds and clogs the soul with negativity.

And instead of finding the source of pain, understanding what caused it, and how to get rid of it using the means that are available, a person does not know where to start. Everything that he tried so hard to ignore seems to be falling on him. And no matter where you look, there is no way out.

Photo: how to cope with heartache

Because once upon a time he did not want to analyze what was happening, did not adhere to hygiene when choosing programs, news or films, refused to fight what did not suit him in life, constantly avoided sorting out relations with those who offended or caused pain. And now, when the thicket of patience is full, there is no strength to pull myself together. Life has turned into a strip of obstacles that are increasingly difficult to overcome and there is no end in sight. Mental pain becomes a constant companion that does not disappear anywhere, no matter how hard you try to pretend that everything is normal.

But don't despair. It doesn’t matter why your soul hurts, the main thing is that no matter how bad it is, you can cope with it if you understand that it’s time to stop listening to others, no matter who they are.

You don’t have to rely on them for everything and think that you can be happy if someone is next to you. You must look for support solely within yourself. It’s great to have someone who supports you next to you, but until you believe in yourself, no one will solve your problems that prevent you from enjoying life. Only you can do this, realizing that it is in your power and no one else’s.

Take it for granted that there is and will be negativity. Yes, it knocks you down and sometimes causes unbearable suffering. But only you can decide how it will affect you. If you are responsible for your life, it means you decide for yourself how to react to what is happening. Otherwise, you are putting your fate in the hands of those who hurt you, wittingly or unwittingly.

Top 7 ways to cope with mental pain

Anyone who is attentive to himself and has realized that his soul is a temple, and it requires attention no less, and sometimes more than the body and even more so than those around him, never experiences crushing blows. Yes, no one is immune from crises. At a certain age, some earlier, some later, everyone rethinks their lives and this is absolutely normal. People must think about, evaluate and analyze the path they have taken, draw conclusions, evaluate actions and achievements, decide what to do next - go towards their goals, create new ones, or even take a break and devote time to themselves and those around them before it is too late . As they say: you won’t earn all the money and you won’t achieve success in everything.

Those who have not deprived themselves of the right to do what they consider necessary endure such periods absolutely calmly, and cope with mental pain much faster than anyone else. Because I learned not to react to negativity, offensive words, actions and indifference on the part of others, I taught myself not to expect anything and not to worry when something failed, because something else will turn out. To achieve this spiritual harmony, you must not brush aside your emotions, feelings and thoughts, but believe in yourself and listen to your own desires.

You need to believe that you deserve better and there is no one who has the right to question this. Because strong man knows that one cannot hurt someone who carefully guards his peace of mind. He will never do anything that could violate him and will protect himself from any situations that could cause pain.

Often, heartache comes from the fear that you are not good enough and will never be happy. Therefore, stop thinking about what you lack and what else you need to improve in yourself in order to become happy, it’s better to think about whether you are going the right way. Are you heading there, are you sure that you are doing everything right, does the current situation bring you joy, are you happy with your work, family relationships, health, and the people around you.

Do your analysis and don’t be afraid of the conclusions you come to. The main thing is to understand that you are aware of what you are doing and will be able to protect what is dear, and will not retreat under pressure from others. Stop considering someone better than you. It’s better to look for ways to fix what doesn’t suit you.

Your task is to listen to your inner aspirations and dreams, not to satisfy someone else's needs. Learn to respect yourself, then others will begin to respect you. And when you feel that your interests are respected and you are doing what your soul tells you, any pain will disappear. After all, it arose because you were missing something. And when you regain your self-respect and use the right to decide for yourself and understand what you want, all that remains is to get it.

Photo: how to cope with mental pain

People who have a noble goal, be it helping the disadvantaged, serving the Motherland, protecting their rights and the rights of those who are not able to stand up for themselves, who know what they want, understand what is important to them, and do not compromise with their conscience , able to admit mistakes and correct them if possible, never suffers. They don't have time for this.

There is nothing more scary, dangerous, exhausting and life-breaking than mental pain. It is she who makes people do things that they would never have thought of before. It is not easy to get rid of, it is difficult to heal, but there is always a chance to learn from it important experience and move on, becoming wiser and stronger. And the main task for any person in life, no matter what anyone says, is not the acquisition of wealth, power or fame, but the ability to live in harmony with one’s own soul. Without this you simply cannot become happy.

They say that even stones can feel... What can we say about people? We come into this world, endowed with a tender, trembling soul, created for goodness and love, and we cannot stand it in a collision with evil and hatred. Bright and easily vulnerable, rude and almost insensitive - no matter what we are, but sooner or later each of us stumbles upon his own pain, with tenacious claws digging into his soul and tormenting it, like a merciless beast... Or maybe together with him , after all, you can never say what is more in a person’s soul - himself or that alien, terrible thing that draws us to destruction.

Why does my soul hurt?
The soul can “sick” for various reasons. We were betrayed, robbed, humiliated, disliked... They didn’t want to take us into account. They didn't want to help us. We wanted to live a carefree and happy life, but we lost our home and job. We dreamed about mutual love, but it turned out to be a ghostly haze. We expected joy and fun from life, but what we got was illness and death. Finally, we just looked around us and realized that the world is not particularly perfect: everything in it is extremely ugly and wrong, from people to states. What should we do about this? How to live? How to cope with mental pain that plunges us into despondency or (even worse) despair? And is this necessary? There is no exact answer to these questions...

Each person is individual. Each person overcomes pain in their own way. Just as our physical pain thresholds vary, so differently do we endure our mental hardships. Someone for recovery peace of mind A glass of vodka is enough, but for some, a whole life will not be enough... One thing is for sure: no matter what happens to us, it happens for a reason. Everything we encounter in this life is not given to us for endless tears, but, at a minimum, for spiritual maturation. The problem is that we cannot endure everything painlessly...

Is it possible to cope with mental pain without God?
Professional psychologists usually know how to cope with mental pain. In this case, they have a lot of practical and, to some extent, effective advice. Most of them suggest solving their problems by looking at them from a different point of view. But this method works exactly as long as we do not exhaust our “observation platforms”.

There are also insoluble problems (betrayal of a loved one, serious illness, death loved one). No matter how you look at them, for some reason it doesn’t get any easier. In such cases, psychologists advise... to be distracted - by books, films, music, sweets, shopping, chatting with friends. A change of environment (for example, traveling to another country), acquiring a new hobby, and caring for someone who is even worse off than you (for example, a stray cat without one paw) helps to muffle mental pain.

Constantly loading your mind with new impressions and your body with worries certainly has a positive effect on a person’s psychological state. It allows us to stretch the time from the moment of deepest despair to partial recovery, but then we again find ourselves in a dead end. Life has one interesting feature: If we don’t learn anything the first time, we are invariably taught again. And it’s far from a fact that we will be stronger later...

How to truly cope with mental pain?
No matter how wise and self-sufficient we may seem to ourselves, it is difficult for us to solve our problems alone. Friends, colleagues, relatives - even the sweetest, kindest and most understanding ones - are not able to fill the emptiness that strikes our soul during the most bitter period for it.

If we think logically, we generally have little idea of ​​what our soul is, what it consists of and how it is treated. She is too different, too unlike everything we know in earthly life, too drawn to her Creator. It is impossible to approach it from the point of view of familiar things. All that remains is to trust in the mercy of the Lord and His help, which is invariably provided to everyone who turns to Him, because He is always “near those who call on Him” (Ps. 144:18).

When the whole world is against you and only the railings of the bridge seem to be the only sure way out of this life, think about God. He is all that a person has. He and only He loves us, no matter what we are: suffering or rejoicing, sick or healthy, sinful or righteous. It is always easier to be near God if you truly believe and hope in him. Reading morning and evening prayers, observing fasts, sincere confessions, regular communion, sincere prayers in church open up for each of us a way of communicating with the Lord and give real opportunity cope with mental pain. And even if at first it doesn’t disappear anywhere, it doesn’t matter at all. This only means that we need it, right now and exactly like this - wild, unbearable, terrible, but given so that we can finally feel our soul and bring it closer to the most valuable and useful - eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Regular failures in love and prolonged absence career growth, sad news about the loss of a loved one and oppressive loneliness– prerequisites for the emergence in the depths of the soul severe pain. This phenomenon cannot be cured by taking an effective pill or mixture. The consciousness of a person who is depressed acquires a comatose state.

It will not be possible to diagnose the problem that has arisen, because no medications have been found to treat the above symptoms in the 21st century. Calming capsules and psychotropic drugs can aggravate the current situation, harming the mind damaged by grief and emotions. It is not surprising that people have a question: How to relieve severe mental pain? What is the best way to bring your loved one back to a full life? Where is the formula for success hidden? How to get rid of it?

Mental pain appears in people who were not mentally prepared for the events that occurred. If you prepare yourself in advance for various options for the development of the situation, then it will be much easier to realize the accomplished fact.

How to cope with mental pain: a step-by-step guide to action

To solve the problem, it is recommended to contact a psychologist who will correctly diagnose the cause of spiritual experiences, offering his own healing method. However, it also becomes possible to get rid of severe pain that consumes a person’s consciousness every minute. The main thing is to follow the simple sequence of actions recommended below:

  • Identify the cause of mental pain.
  • Do not deny the presence of depression, accepting past events as an element of the past.
  • Realize the scale of the situation.
  • Determine the consequences by projecting the most “scary” picture of events.
  • Relate your results to the scale of the situation. Are realities not so harsh?
  • Change your usual environment, gradually arousing an interest in life in your mind.
  • Get rid of reminders of the event that happened by “opening” new page own existence.
  • Enjoy positive moments while avoiding negative emotions.
  • Learn to live in a new format, becoming happy.

It is difficult solely with the help of words and encouraging phrases. To restore mutual understanding with the damaged consciousness of a close friend and lover, you will have to be around regularly, regaining lost trust. Remember that severe mental pain causes a state of apathy towards the world, aggression towards people, hatred towards the events that happened. Do not transfer this range of emotions onto yourself, because your loved one does not want to offend you - at this moment it is very difficult for him.

If you regularly train emotional stability, you can prevent the occurrence of mental pain. Rational perception of accomplished events is a reliable basis for a balanced and invulnerable person

Options for solving the problem at different ages

If you want to help your loved one get rid of mental pain, be sure to take into account his age. At different periods of life, people’s worldviews have a clear similarity, so the methods for solving the problem are identical:

  • Age 5–10 years.

Children have spiritual experiences due to unfulfilled promises of parents who did not fulfill the child’s cherished dream. Encouraging this type of behavior is not an appropriate decision for adults, but you need to help the child during such a period. To “free” the offspring’s consciousness from, an unplanned trip to an amusement park is enough. You can buy a young explorer exploring the world a portion of ice cream or a new toy - the main thing is a moment of surprise that evokes positive emotions in the child.

  • Age 10–18 years.

During such a period of time, mental pain becomes a consequence of the betrayal of a loved one or appears after a series of failures negatively perceived by peers. , taking over the consciousness of a teenager, slow down the process of growing up, preventing the child from realizing himself in society. The only rational way out of this situation is to switch the attention of a person in adolescence to an exciting activity. A new social circle will allow a teenager to painlessly experience a depressive state.

  • Age 18–30 years.

To restore emotional balance, you need to regularly be near an adult who is experiencing severe stress. At this age, depression appears after unsuccessful love relationship ending in divorce. Discord in the family, lack of communication with the child, dissatisfaction with the authorities, lack of funds - the reasons for the worries are varied. However, the method of treatment is always the same - heart-to-heart conversations and a reliable “shoulder” of support.

In an attempt to help, do not become a “hostage” of your own mercy, sharing the worldview of a person experiencing severe mental pain. You must listen, giving him the opportunity to talk, but not agree, maintaining the format of depressive communication. Be there and prove your devotion by restoring your loved one’s faith in people and a bright future.

Mental pain is a feeling caused by a great shock: the death of a loved one, separation or divorce, resentment and similar situations. However, the stress we experience as a result of the above-mentioned situations is often not as big as the person makes it out to be. Yes, grief and a painful feeling of emptiness literally overwhelm you, but do not forget that in any case, life goes on. How to cope with mental pain? You need to continue to take care of loved ones, go to work and do all other daily activities.

How to deal with mental pain on your own

It is necessary to slightly change the attitude towards the situation that caused it. And most importantly, do not forget that self-deprecation and self-deprecation will lead to mental disorders, but will not at all improve the situation, especially if it can still be improved.

If we're talking about about the death of a loved one. Understand that tears and self-torture will not bring him back, and the fact that by killing yourself you are ruining your life and the lives of other people close to you will not make anyone happy and will not bring anyone back.

When parting with your loved one, do not despair and believe that time will put everything in its place and help you accept correct solution. In the meantime, take care of yourself and everyone who depends on you. For example, during a divorce, women are often so carried away by their feelings that they forget about their children.

If you want to cope with mental pain, try to think positively, set yourself up for positive emotions, believe and hope for good things, and hang around more people. Switching to other destinies, to daily problems and other loved ones allows you to understand what many people are actually going through similar situations.

If you suffer from unrequited love, understand that you are wasting time on an object to whom you are indifferent and risk missing the moment when there will be a person nearby who loves and longs most of all to be with you.

In overcoming mental suffering, it is important to communicate more, visit public places and entertainment events, watch comedy films, etc. New hobbies or old hobbies will also help take your mind off sad thoughts. Activities, sports and physical exercise also good for avoiding negative thoughts and twisting.

And sometimes, there are situations when you need to grit your teeth, move on and perceive everything as it is. Then the pain dulls and recedes.

This does not mean that all wounds resulting from a bad sexual experience will be immediately healed. God forgives, but some of the natural consequences of your sin may remain.

If a man drunkenly crashes into a telephone booth, crashes his car, and breaks his arm, he can turn to God with a prayer of repentance and receive forgiveness, but he will still have to go to the doctor and have his car repaired. Thus, repentance does not completely remove the scars of mistakes. What should we do with these scars?

The Bible teaches us to be honest in everything. If you have driven freely in the past sex life, and now you are about to get married, you must honestly tell everything to your potential husband or wife. There should be no skeletons in the closet in married life.

What happened, happened, and nothing can be done about it! Your chosen one must know the whole truth about you, otherwise there is no point in starting a family with him. Reveal your cards. Accepting each other for who you really are is an essential condition of a marital relationship.

Additionally, before you can be accepted by a potential spouse, you must accept yourself and overcome your past. If, say, you feel an aversion to sex because of a bad experience, you shouldn’t hide it and act like nothing happened. To deal with heartache, acknowledge the problem and try to solve it.

You may need psychological help, which also includes spiritual healing. For a Christian, it all begins with a deep study of Scripture. Your attitude will change as the Bible views intimate relationships between spouses is positive.

This is great, healthy sexual intimacy, plus it's designed by God. Knowing the truth in this matter will free you from a negative attitude towards it. Thank God and ask Him to give you feelings that correspond to the truth.

You are not doomed to an unhappy marriage because of past mistakes. You will just have to go through some heartache and remove some stones from the path that would not have been there if you had followed God's perfect plan from the beginning. But don't be sad, because Jesus came to remove our weaknesses and help us reach our potential!

We have discussed with you the pillars on which marital unity is based. If sex is your only goal, then everything we talked about earlier will seem unimportant to you. If all you want out of marriage is good food and bills paid, find yourself a partner that suits you.

If you dream of harmony and unity in your married life, check whether you have a strong foundation for this. Do not marry until you have sufficiently strengthened the foundation to support the burden of a lifetime of commitment.

Recent studies show that 87% of single people who have never been married want to get married once and for life." They have witnessed their parents' divorce and do not want to repeat their experience. The first step to a happy, long-lasting marriage is the right choice of spouse.

How to learn not to feel mental pain

Each of us from time to time in life there are situations in which we experience mental pain. Sometimes this feeling is so unbearable that our brain and body try to fight it, but this is not always effective. From the body, this pain emerges in the form of various diseases. And the brain is looking for logical exits and moves to deceive us and let us understand how to learn not to feel pain.

Why are we testing it? Many believe that to feel joy and love, to know the value happy life, you definitely need to experience pain for comparison.

But having experienced pain, we close ourselves off from the question of ourselves, our character, our development. We never think that we might need to improve our character in order not to feel pain. This feeling practically manipulates the behavior of all people.

We always say: “Look what you brought me to!” Change and my life will become much better!” Blaming each other, we never think that it is worth changing not our partner, but ourselves.

First, if you want to cope with emotional pain, you need to learn to be mindful of this feeling. Can you answer the question: “My pain, what do you want to tell me, what should I pay attention to?” Look for the answer in your heart. For example, you heard your partner accuse you and are now experiencing pain. Now can we start researching what is causing this pain? Everyone will have their own answer.

Accept that you are not perfect. Don't try to idealize yourself. Look at what you do not own, not as a deficiency, but as a personal resource that can develop in you at any moment.

Do not engage in self-flagellation by diagnosing yourself. Try not to feel emotional pain about this. But when you need it, at any moment you can develop it in yourself to understand. It's the same in relationships. Accept that just because you can't solve a problem doesn't mean you're a complete idiot.

At any time, you can start attending trainings, reading the necessary literature regarding the question “how to learn not to feel pain” to develop this skill in yourself.

Forgive your loved ones and friends, rejoice at your mistakes. To cope with mental pain, ask your loved ones, friends, colleagues to teach you something.

Every day, set yourself a goal to develop or maintain a skill in yourself, so that you are always in shape.


At the very beginning of the path to getting rid of mental suffering, you need to realize that pain itself is a signal that not everything is okay inside you. Perhaps you are categorically dissatisfied with some aspects of life. Maybe the words spoken to you hurt you much more than you thought at first. In any case, this is a signal that you have some problems. Therefore, we need to find a way not to drown out the mental pain, but to find a solution to the accumulated issues.

You should not endure psychological discomfort. Nothing will be solved on its own; you need to work on yourself, look for the reasons why your internal alarm went off. Ignoring or suppressing your own negative emotions, you deprive yourself of the joy of life and deal a crushing blow to your entire body. After all, when there is no harmony in the soul, many systems that support you in a good mood and feeling great.

Don't give up and give in to circumstances. It is easy to be weak and submissive. And you try to show moral strength, fight for your peace of mind and happiness. Don't be discouraged. Otherwise, real depression awaits you, and this is at best. If you indulge in sadness at the very beginning of the onset of mental pain, then coping with this condition and the problems that led you to it will be much more difficult.

Look to your conscience. Think, maybe you stepped over your principles, committed some kind of sin, and this unseemly act now haunts you. If this is really the case, you will soon find the cause of your mental discomfort. After all, when a specific life episode haunts you, you mentally return to it all the time. You need to take action to correct the situation. Apologize to the person you offended. Find a solution to the problem you created.

Reconsider your lifestyle. Maybe it’s not a specific action that’s bothering you, but an incorrectly chosen life strategy. Examine your own philosophy and consider whether it truly reflects your inner world, character, attitude towards the surrounding reality and other people. If you are uncomfortable living by the set of rules that you wrote for yourself, change it and live in a new way.

Do good. Maybe in Lately you behaved like a person. If you care only about your own pleasure and do not take into account other people, sooner or later devastation will come to your soul. Find a way to realize yourself in good deeds. Do charity work, protect the rights of the weak, help other people, take care of animals. Every good deed you perform will be a new building block in building your spiritual comfort.