Greetings, parents of young schoolchildren! Just recently, all mothers and fathers were absolutely sure that education, both kindergarten and school, could be obtained exclusively within the walls of state institutions. Our parents rushed in the mornings kindergarten or to school, dragging us by the hand, sleeping on the move, and then rushing to work so that after the end of the working day they could take their child back home.

Today, as an alternative to educational state walls, paid elite kindergartens and schools are coming, where for a certain amount of money they will study with your child “on a different wavelength.” But such training also requires attending an educational institution.

Have you ever encountered cases in your life when absolutely healthy (I’m not taking as a basis examples of children with disabilities) did the guys study and receive certificates without leaving home? What's happened home schooling, or “homeschooling” as it is fashionable today, and is it accessible to the average schoolchild?

Lesson plan:

Does Russian homeschooling exist?

Home schooling without the direct participation of an educational institution has long been common in countries Western Europe and America. IN Russian state Homeschooling is only gaining momentum. There are not enough proven scientific methods for domestic home schooling.

The main experts in family education so far remain only the parents themselves, as a rule, mothers and fathers, who with their own backbone, through their own trial and error, test an alternative form of education.

Taking a cue from Western experience, Russian legislation, starting September 1, 2013, provided in the new educational law the right of each individual unit of society to receive family education. The domestic homeschooling system today allows you to choose the conditions for your child’s education. So, this can be done either completely without leaving home, studying part-time, or part-time.

What does home education require?

Before you clap your hands from such interesting idea, when you can forget about the boring school, it’s worth thinking about the fact that the entire burden of responsibility for the educational process will fall on the shoulders of the parents. Are you ready to take on such a burden?

After all, very often the mothers and fathers of students primary school they complain that they have to do homework with their children in the evenings, and sometimes they are not at all able to explain the material to the child.

For home schooling, parents will either need to become “a master of the imagination” themselves, or they will have to fork out money for tutors who, although not even free, will gladly come to the rescue.

You need to be prepared not only financially, but also mentally. How do you imagine, will your school be happy if you suddenly announce that your child will no longer go to classes, and the teachers will have to take intermediate exams from him?! I still have a hard time seeing this.

As the law indicates, an educational institution does not have the right to interfere with home educational process, so parents will be able to choose and assign tasks at their own discretion. How mothers and fathers cope with teaching their children at home will be shown by the schoolchildren's certification. Like all ordinary children, homeschoolers take the GIA and Unified State Exams after graduating from high school.

Only after successfully passing the exams will they be issued the coveted certificate.

Those who fail quality control will be forced to return back to school. It is difficult to answer whether teachers will have an unbiased attitude when conducting an examination test of knowledge in order to show “too smart” parents their place. But I am absolutely sure that difficulties will not keep you waiting long.

How can you study at home?

Today, parents who want to give their student individual education have a choice of which type of education to do, taking into account the child’s characteristics.

Family study

This educational process involves acquiring knowledge at home with the help of parents, or simply on your own. Home pupils come to school only to take certification.

Typically, children who come to family education are significantly ahead of their peers in intellectual development.

Those who are professionally involved in sports, music or something else also study at home when combining a serious hobby and school is impossible. Children of those parents whose work involves frequent moving, and the child has to change educational institution several times a year, decide to acquire knowledge without attending school.

There are also situations when religious or ideological reasons interfere with studying with everyone else.

Home study

This type of education is designed for children who cannot go to school for health reasons.

There are more than 600 thousand disabled people under the age of 18 in Russia, and only about 25% of them are educated at home, receiving matriculation certificates. The rest, unfortunately, remain without documents.

Children with disabilities study in one of two programs. General involves studying all disciplines and passing tests and examinations, as in a regular school. Only lessons can be reduced to 20-25 minutes or, conversely, combined together with a duration of up to 2 hours. In total, they teach from 8 to 12 classes per week.

With an auxiliary program, training planning is individualized and depends on the state of health and the complexity of the disease.

Distance learning

Appeared thanks to the development information technologies and involves obtaining education through the Internet and television. This type of home schooling is suitable only for those children who are able to work intensively on their own. The remote form is not tied to a specific location; communication with teachers occurs via telephone, e-mail and regular mail.

Though Russian law and suggests the opportunity to receive education remotely; in fact, this form is present in schools only as an experiment. Moreover, in order to provide distance learning services, a school institution must be certified. Today there are no uniform programs, special literature, technical means and dexterous specialists.

So for primary school, distance learning is not the best option, but good way to get higher education.

What can you do to study at home?

Quiet evening in the warm family circle You and your child have decided that homeschooling is a suitable option, and you will cope without school with a bang. The only important question at the first stage will certainly arise: how to get there and where to run?

To switch to family education, parents knock at the regional Department of Education, which, after making a decision about the possibility of taking such a step, attaches homeschooler To educational institution. This is done in order to pass intermediate certifications.

Of course, you can go directly to the director of a nearby school, but you cannot be one hundred percent sure that he will take on such responsibility without higher authorities.

An official document will appear between the school and parents, which, in addition to the rights and obligations of the parties, describes the details of the study, including the deadlines for passing tests and certifications, and a list of practical classes for mandatory attendance.

Parents who want to teach their child in the family need to remember: school teachers are not required to come to your home, but the school must provide teaching aids and literature from!

To transfer a child to home schooling, you will have to collect medical reports and submit them to the school at your place of residence. The educational institution appoints from among its teachers those teachers who will go home. Parents are given a journal where all teachers note the material covered and give grades. At the end school year The magazine is handed in to the school.

Of course, there are pros and cons to homeschooling. By approaching education on an individual basis, we give children a free schedule, but at the same time we give them the temptation to repeatedly postpone their studies until later. In any case, to be among the pioneers or to remain a classic is the business of every parent, because no one knows the child’s capabilities better than you.

I think that an excellent addition to the article would be a story from the Morning of Russia program, which is dedicated to the topic being discussed today. Let's watch the video.

Could you decide to teach your schoolchild at home? I would like to hear the pros and cons of homeschooling. Your opinion is very important, because truth is born in a dispute!

Good luck to you and your little schoolchildren in the new school year!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

The concept of homeschooling (translated from English as “home schooling” is becoming increasingly popular in Lately. In order to understand what it is, I suggest first turning to Wikipedia:

“The term homeschooling refers to the education of children at home, usually by parents, although the involvement of other teachers is also possible, as opposed to educating children in public or private schools.”

Moreover, the concept is not limited to the fact that children study at home. Homeschooling has several types:

Unschooling- this is teaching children without a pre-thought-out and clearly scheduled program. Unschooling also does not have predetermined goals and objectives. But at the same time, the method does not mean that children are not taught anything. This is a method that involves the absence of a pre-planned training program.

The term unschooling was coined in 1977 by John Holt in the magazine Growing Up Without School. Holt said that children learn best from experiences based on their interests. He suggested that parents refuse artificial conditions learning, and use it for this real life. John Holt criticized school system and wrote that compulsory schooling harms the health and psyche of children. As a result, he proposed getting rid of schools and systematic education in general. Adherents of the theory consider such learning to be natural, based on the needs of the child himself.

What forms of homeschooling are there?

Family learning

Parents enter into an agreement with the school, which specifies the forms and deadlines for certification, deadlines for completing practical and laboratory work. The child can go to classes that he likes.


The child independently studies the school curriculum at a pace convenient for him and then takes intermediate exams. You can study two years of the school curriculum in six months.


You can agree on home training if you have medical recommendations. Then school teachers come home and teach classes - from 8 to 12 hours a week, depending on the age of the child.

Nonschooling- here the child is really not taught anything specifically, nothing is forbidden to him. Everything that he wants to do himself is seen as a natural need to gain new knowledge.

Homeschooling advantages and disadvantages

Homeschoolers' Arguments

— School discourages a person’s natural desire for knowledge (curiosity), replacing it with discipline and the desire to get good grades.

— Normal socialization does not take place at school, since the school community is not built in the same way as a normal community is built. Socialization is replaced by “social Darwinism” (“survival of the fittest”) or teacher discipline. Also, schoolchildren cannot regulate the amount of communication, since they are constantly in the company of other children.

— Constant pressure to study discourages not only the desire, but also the ability to study independently, set tasks for yourself and solve them, even if you want to do it.

— School unifies children and smoothes out individuality.

— The school limits the child’s cognitive interest in the “here and now” situation, replacing it with the need to follow the school curriculum.

Criticism of homeschooling

— Without school, children do not socialize, do not learn to communicate and work in a team.

— Without school, children will not receive systematic fundamental knowledge and will not learn to think. School still teaches you to think.

— Not all parents can stay at home with their children. And not all parents can effectively organize their children’s education outside of school.

— In the future, there may be difficulties adapting to university studies and finding a job

Marina Ozerova, head of the remote family center, educational psychologist, Israel

I choose home education primarily because I want to provide my child with an individual approach to learning. I want freedom of choice - what and how to teach, when and how much. And, the main thing is that training is not divorced from practical activities and active family life.
The degree of sociability (which is often confused with socialization) depends not on home training, but on the character and temperament of the person. In addition to home (or schooling) the ability to be in society depends on many factors.

Just recently I read data from a study on home and family education conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics. It turns out that in each country about 5-10% of the total number of children undergo this type of education. For example, in Russia every year there are up to 100 thousand children receiving home education. The numbers surprised me and even shocked me a little!

Why do parents prefer this form of education?

What are the disadvantages and advantages compared to public education?

What is the difference between home and family education?

I will try to fully answer these and many other questions, providing parents with as much information as possible to think about.

Why don't parents want to send their child to public school?

There can be quite a lot of reasons:

  • some moms and dads believe that the school does not provide a sufficiently high-quality and in-depth education
  • there are a number of parents who believe that the workload at school is quite serious and has a bad effect on the physical and psychological state of the child
  • intimidation, intimidation bad habits: smoking, drugs, alcohol, as well as separation at the social level by peers
  • the desire of parents to set their own curriculum.
  • classes are overcrowded, so the teacher is not able to give each student adequate attention
  • parents wanted and want to spend maximum time with their child
  • the family lives quite far from the school, and getting to it is very problematic.
  • parents had bad school experiences.

There may be dozens of other reasons, but I have highlighted the main, most common ones.

Why don't children want to go to school?

Now let's answer the question of concerned parents: “Why doesn’t my son or daughter want to go to school?” You understand that children are different and there can be many reasons. I will bring to your attention the most relevant ones identified by psychologists:

  • in our country's schools, due attention is not given to each student, no individual approach depending on his mental and physical abilities. As a rule, the general education system is designed for the average student. Therefore, in practice, it has been observed that children with high intellectual abilities do not develop their gifts, become sad, lazy and descend to the level of an average school student. But a child with weak mental abilities feels uncomfortable, has complexes when called to the board, is afraid of ridicule when answering in front of the whole class. Therefore, the parents of both children are understanding of the needs of their child and transfer them to home or family education. Thus, child prodigies develop their abilities and do not get bored from lack of information, while weaklings study according to a simplified program and do not develop inferiority complexes.
  • The child's attitude towards school in most cases depends on the first teacher. Agree that not everyone is lucky with their first teacher! For example, my daughter is very lucky. My little girl went to school with pleasure and absorbed every word that Lydia Alexandrovna said. And not only her! The director, parents and children were delighted with her teaching method, with her ability to present information in an interesting, professional and intelligible way. It was also important that she was patient, fair, attentive to each child, never raised her voice or singled out anyone, writing down her favorites. That is why the entire class, being in the 8th grade, remained in in full force, has a fairly high grade and now confirms his knowledge in all subjects with different teachers. But I don’t even want to remember the first despotic teacher! Although I studied well, I was afraid to go to school and did not want to. Her screams and constant dissatisfaction with all the children were in my ears! I won’t judge, but will simply say that my class breathed a sigh of relief when family circumstances she moved to another city.
  • difficult school curriculum. Many parents and teachers realize with horror what an unbearable burden lies on the shoulders of students! While attending school, he sits through 5-8 intense lessons, getting acquainted with the topic of a particular subject, and then, when he comes home, he thoroughly studies the material and does a huge amount of homework. The child becomes emotionally and physically tired, cannot withstand such stress, gets sick and refuses to go to school. Seeing the child’s condition, some parents decide to switch to home or family education.
  • disabled child. Unfortunately, there are children who cannot attend school for health reasons. And there are tens, or even hundreds of thousands of such children in every country. There is provision for them special program homeschooling and obtaining a high school diploma.

What forms of homeschooling are there?!

Having dealt with the reasons for studying at home, let's talk about what it can be like, consider its priorities and disadvantages.

There are six forms of home education:

  1. Unschooling, which translated from English means “without school.” Believe it or not, this is a complete rejection of not only the school, but also the school curriculum as a whole. It is not difficult to guess that unschooling is a very risky decision for parents in relation to the future of the child. Parents who are confident in their pedagogical and mental abilities believe that they themselves will be able to teach their child everything necessary, and in a unique form will master all the sciences that he will need in life and when entering a higher educational institution. Basically this turns out to be a fatal mistake! This is why unschooling is prohibited in many countries, including Russia and Ukraine.
  2. Home schooling- this is a close connection with school curriculum and teachers. For this form of education, a medical report is issued indicating forced home education. As a result, school teachers conduct individual lessons with the child at home, without deviating from the secondary education program: with writing independent papers, tests and passing exams.
  3. Homeschooling with partial school attendance. This type of training is provided only due to medical indications approved by a special medical commission. These may be children with special needs, who are only allowed to attend a few lessons a day.
  4. Family learning significantly different from home topics that the lessons are taught by parents or relatives themselves, independently choosing the lesson schedule, materials and their volumes. You say that this is unschooling! No, I dare to object to you! While on family education, the baby is assigned to school, undergoes certification every year, passes exams, and also prerequisite is to pass an independent examination assessment. Upon completion, the child receives the same certificate as schoolchildren attending the educational institution.
  5. Externship, is issued by agreement with the school administration. The child, with the help of his family, learns the basics of science at home, and then takes tests and exams without coming to school.
  6. Remote method– this is training by teachers via the Internet via Skype or forums. Homework and quizzes are completed online. The distance learning method is coordinated and approved by the school administration due to the student’s extenuating circumstances.

We evaluate the pros and cons of homeschooling.

Let's focus on the positive and negative aspects home education.

Positive sides:

  • children receive education at a time convenient for them and taking into account their wishes
  • the fact of violence by teachers and peers is excluded
  • there is no need to follow school rules and absurd rituals.
  • it becomes possible for parents to fully control the child and engage in his moral, religious and ethical education.
  • A great opportunity to live according to your biological clock. This is a great opportunity to get enough sleep, if necessary, stop or cancel classes during illness, etc.
  • study special sciences or rare languages.
  • the risk of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, injuries, infectious diseases is reduced, and problems with posture and visual impairment are practically eliminated.
  • There is constant contact between the child and the parents, as a result, bad or any other influence on the growing personality is excluded.
  • there is a unique opportunity to complete a school course in less than ten years.

Negative sides:

  • no experience communicating with a team
  • the need for parents to constantly engage in their child’s education, control over the educational process.
  • There is no clear work schedule and strict discipline, which stimulates the speed of completing educational tasks.
  • no resolution experience conflict situations among classmates and high school students
  • Parents will not be able to professionally and fully teach all school subjects without exception. No matter how talented they are.
  • Excessive care will lead to selfishness of the child
  • the baby will grow up like indoor plant- no life experience
  • parents imposing their point of view is destructive for the child and leads to complete absence your opinion
  • the baby feels that he is not like everyone else and tries on the image of a “black sheep.”

Like this! So decide dear parents: where and how your child should receive education! I wish you to do right choice!

Read more:

Lessons for a 1 year old child

7 ways to instill a love of reading in your children!

First you need to understand the terminology and understand. For example, home-based and family education are different things. Here we will talk about family matters to answer the main questions that arise for parents who understand that a regular school is not suitable for their children.

1. Is it possible to transfer a child to family education at his own request?

That's the only way it's done. The younger the child, the more own desire parent, the older he is, the more it is his choice.

To be specific, according to Article 17 of the current Law “On Education,” there are several ways of education: at school full-time (i.e., like most children), not at school (family education), at school part-time or part-time (like serious child athletes, for example). To choose a form of education, no one’s permission or approval is needed, only a balanced and conscious decision of the family.

Article 17. Forms of education and forms of training

1. B Russian Federation education can be obtained: 1) in organizations carrying out educational activities; 2) outside organizations carrying out educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education).
2. Training in organizations engaged in educational activities, taking into account the needs, capabilities of the individual and depending on the volume of compulsory activities of the teaching staff with students, is carried out in full-time, part-time or correspondence form.
3. Education in the form of family education and self-education is carried out with the right to subsequently pass, in accordance with Part 3 of Article 34 of this Federal Law, intermediate and state final certification in organizations carrying out educational activities.
4. A combination of various forms of education and forms of training is allowed.

2. In what cases is this advisable?

Each family comes to a decision in its own way. The general answer, perhaps, is this: when the goals of family and school are so divergent that it is no longer possible to interact peacefully. It is difficult to give examples, because there will always be a person who finds them unconvincing - they say, this is not a reason to leave school, you can be patient.

I'll say in general outline: some people want to spend more time with their family, others want to be more flexible in building their educational program outside school (in the morning - figure skating, during the day - a theater studio, in the evening - Spanish courses), others realized that the quality of education in a public school is no good, and if you try it yourself, it won’t get any worse.

3. Who should I contact when a decision is ripe?

According to paragraph 5 of Article 63 of the Law “On Education”, about the child’s transition to a family form of education, it is necessary to inform either the city education department or the local government body municipal district or city district at the place of residence. Exactly who to inform depends on the size of your locality. First you need to call the education authority, and they will direct you.

5. Local self-government bodies of municipal districts and city districts keep records of children who have the right to receive general education at each level and who live in the territories of the relevant municipalities, and the forms of education determined by the parents (legal representatives) of the children.
When parents (legal representatives) of children choose a form of receiving general education in the form of family education, parents (legal representatives) inform the local government body of the municipal district or city district in whose territories they live about this choice.

4. Can transfer to family education be refused?

The formulation of the question is fundamentally wrong. Parents do not ask permission; they inform local authorities about their decision. Therefore, they cannot not allow it.

5. Does the child remain “attached” to a specific school?

Teachers are required to come to those children who are constantly studying at the school where these teachers work - if for some reason (for example, illness) the children cannot attend classes. If the parents have chosen family education, the teachers do not owe anything to the family and will not come.

The issue of “attachment” arises only in connection with passing the certification. To do this, you really need to come to the director in advance, meet him and tell him about your plans to be certified at this school. On the eve of the exams, the director, by his order, will enroll the child in school for the period of passing the intermediate certification, and after passing he will expel him.

The child does not have to be assigned until the moment of certification; today this is the State Examination Examination after the 9th grade. But still, most parents organize exams earlier, for example, after each year of study or after 4th grade. But not everyone turns to nearby schools for this. Online contacts with schools are very popular among family members. There are offers on the Internet of schools that can take your child’s exams for a fee.

6. At what age can I switch to family education?

Theoretically, in any case, you need to understand that the decision is not related to age, but to those tasks of development and organization of the child’s life that become too difficult to solve while attending school.

There is also a risk that, after “living” for several years in school, a child will not be able to understand why and how one can live without school.

7. Do I need to write tests?

Only those works that you have discussed with your certification center are required. And what exactly it is, the nearest school or an external office in Novosibirsk, is not important. However, writing tests for self-test is certainly useful. Although not necessary.

8. Is it necessary to report on the qualifications of hired teachers?

The moment of parental responsibility will arise during the certification period. If a child passes the certification at grades “3” and above, everything is great, and no one cares how exactly you achieved this.

9. How to take the Unified State Exam?

Single State exam- This is a form of passing the state final certification (GIA). As with any certification, the child needs to select subjects in advance and write an application at the nearest school.

If you still have questions, here are some more Newtonew materials on alternative education: , .

Reading time: 3 minutes

The trend of abandoning school education is gaining popularity every year. The child is home-schooled and then takes exams externally. For a student to study at home, the state must provide certain grounds.

Reasons for transferring a child to home schooling

The term individual training refers to different types studying without going to school. They differ from each other depending on the reasons:

  • Family - organization of studies by parents who act as teachers.
  • Home-based study with partial attendance at school for medical reasons.
  • Individual training at school due to health reasons - teachers come to your home by prior arrangement. Designed for disabled children.
  • Externship. Suitable for schoolchildren with high level knowledge.
  • Distance learning. Convenient for those who want to gain knowledge from more qualified teachers. Communication with them occurs remotely via the Internet.

How to Homeschool

Transferring a child to home schooling in Russia is possible with permission from the education authority. They will make a positive decision in the following situations:

  • the student is mentally ahead of his peers;
  • Parents' work involves constant moving;
  • the child is engaged in some activity that will later become his profession (artist, athlete, musician, etc.);
  • ideological or moral principles of parents;
  • because of serious problems With health, the student does not keep up with the school curriculum (oncology, epilepsy and others).

For health

In this case, the basis for home study is medical indications. These include the presence of chronic diseases in the student, long-term outpatient treatment, or the protracted nature of the disease. Actions for parents to transition to home education:

  1. A medical certificate must be issued through the KEC (control and expert commission). You should contact your doctor to receive written recommendations. After they are submitted to the KEC, a conclusion will be issued. The medical certificate records the diagnosis and duration of recommended study at home (from 1 month to 1 year), includes the signatures of doctors and the round seal of the clinic.
  2. To the manager's name educational institution where the child was studying, it is necessary to draw up a written application with a request to transfer the student to an individual curriculum. A KEC certificate is attached to it.
  3. Based on the documents received, the school administration does not have the right to refuse parents’ request. Management is obliged to organize an individual lesson schedule and intermediate testing.

For family education

If an individual form of education at school is expensive for parents, then they have the right to teach their child independently. According to the Education Law of the Russian Federation, this can be done at any time during the academic year. Steps parents need to take:

  1. Write an application to the director with a request to expel your child from school, indicating the reason.
  2. Write a notice of your decision to the Department of Education.
  3. Also write another application to the director with a request to enroll the student in this educational institution for external certification.

Distance education

Important! An educational institution must have a license to conduct distance learning.

Selected at will or according to urgent need. To transfer a student you must:

  1. Write a statement of expulsion to the director of the school where the child studied.
  2. Take away his personal business.
  3. Notify the municipal education committee about this (by phone or in writing).
  4. Choose an institution that will teach remotely.

They switch to distance education for several reasons. Among them:

  • education for a disabled child;
  • individual interaction between student and teacher;
  • education during illness;
  • gifted student;
  • additional education for students of art, sports and other vocational schools.


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