There are several ways to make your hips wider. You can increase the parameters using muscle tissue. You can do special exercises regularly to increase your circumference. In addition, the size is increased before childbirth or through surgery. You can visually expand the lower body with the help of clothes.

Why is it good to have voluminous hips?

Studies conducted by American scientists have shown that girls with strong leg muscles in old age are less likely to develop severe pain in the lower extremities. They have lower cholesterol levels. In addition, there is a more intense production of hormones responsible for lowering blood sugar levels.

The risk of developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system is reduced. With regular exercise, the amount of adipose tissue decreases, blood flow improves, and the risk of cholesterol plaques decreases.

The lower body becomes stronger. Increases stamina: a girl with a rounded top part of the lower extremities is able to run, dance, and engage in game sports longer. In addition, when training the muscles of the lower extremities, more calories and fat are burned, since these muscles are larger than all the others.

Many people wide hips I like it visually too. Often, muscular legs are observed in girls with rounded buttocks: most of the techniques for tightening the thighs also help to enlarge the buttocks. This feature of appearance is liked by a large number of men. Also, clothes fit well on owners of a similar figure.

Exercises to increase hip width

To slightly increase slender hips, you need to regularly perform a special set of exercises. Strength training is used. You need to exercise at least 2-3 times a week. A greater effect can be achieved if physical exercise will be more frequent: 3-4 times a week. It is not recommended to train daily: muscles need rest to recover and grow. You can do both gym, and at home. It is recommended to consult with a trainer to select a suitable complex.

Squats help a lot. For greater effect, you can use weights and dumbbells. You should start with small scales, gradually increasing the load. Do 10-15 repetitions, then rest. You are allowed to do 2-3 approaches.

Lunges are useful: one leg should be bent at the knee, the other should be pushed back. For each leg you should do 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions. This exercise is not the most effective for increasing volume, but it helps to achieve beautiful shape buttocks and upper legs.

To increase the muscles on the side of the thigh, you should do lateral lunges. This exercise also helps improve stretching and flexibility.

Walking on your buttocks helps a lot. You should sit on the floor and stretch your lower limbs in front of you. Then move forward, leaning on your buttocks, then rest for 10-15 seconds and head in the opposite direction. This will help not only strengthen muscles, but also get rid of cellulite.

Yoga exercises will be beneficial. This oriental gymnastics strengthens muscles and improves well-being. Utkatasana, Ushtrasana, Malasana, Navasana, Salabhasana are useful.

How to reduce hip size?

Sometimes, to get slender thighs, you need to get rid of excess fat mass. To do this you need to lose weight. It should be remembered that it is impossible to get rid of adipose tissue locally. To lose weight, you need to reduce your daily calorie intake and create a calorie deficit. You should not reduce your food intake by more than 200-250 kcal per day: too much of a deficit can cause stretch marks to appear.

To reduce volumes, cardio training is suitable. Running, swimming, cycling, dancing, mountain and cross-country skiing. Long walks in the fresh air also help. To get slender hips, it is recommended to walk at least 10,000 steps (about 5 km) per day.

Diet for beautiful thighs

If you need to increase your hip circumference, increase muscle mass, you need to create a calorie surplus. The daily calorie intake should be increased by 150-250 kcal per day.

Required a large number of squirrel. Its sources are meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Legumes and soy cheese tofu will also be beneficial. The norm is calculated individually; age, weight and physical activity must be taken into account.

You will also need carbohydrates. It is recommended to give preference to complex ones found in cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, barley. Vegetables and fruits will bring benefits: they not only supply the body with carbohydrates, but are also sources of vitamins and minerals.

The diet should include healthy fats. It’s not worth giving up on them at all: metabolism will slow down, skin quality will deteriorate, and hormonal imbalances will occur. Recommended sources of fats are vegetable oils, nuts, avocado, fatty varieties fish.

Sweets should be eliminated from the diet completely or their amount reduced. You can replace store-bought options, which contain large amounts of sugar, fats and chemical additives, with homemade ones. The composition of such sweets is more natural, and they often contain fewer calories.

Eating foods containing phytoestrogens will help widen your hips. Under their influence, a woman’s hormonal background changes. However, the volume of adipose tissue will increase, because Such products will not affect muscle growth.

It is important to comply water balance. Drinking enough water helps eliminate swelling and speeds up metabolism. You should drink at least 1.5-2 liters per day clean water. Effective method How to make your hips rounder is to avoid caffeine-containing drinks: they promote fluid retention and prevent getting rid of cellulite. You can drink coffee in limited quantities without adding sugar or milk.

Welcome to my blog! I want to touch on a pressing women's issue, and more specifically, this article will talk about how to make your hips round, and with the help of what exercises you can get yourself in shape before beach season, because the roundness of the hips has always attracted men’s gaze. To make a girl more feminine, you need to pay attention strength training with an emphasis on the lower body.

All girls strive for ideal parameters, but it is known that a thin waist is a genetic gift from parents, and it can be made thinner with the help of rib removal surgery. But there is a more humane way, for example, by rounding the hips and buttocks, the waist will look visually thinner.

Cute “ears” as the most problematic area

Breeches are a constant supply of energy (or fat), which helps a woman survive and bear offspring in the harsh environment. But living conditions have changed, but genetics have remained the same, so the “ears” on the hips are the most problematic area for women, which will be the last to go. Fasting will not help in the fight against it, only training, proper nutrition and massage will make your thighs attractive. In one of the previous articles I already told.

You can resort to radical surgical interventions, but jodhpurs may come back (I hope you love yourself and show that love by training and pushing yourself rather than leaving scars on your body).
So, girls, let's remove sugar from our diet, by 500 units from daily norm, we load up on vegetables, get a massage and, most importantly, train without any hassle!

We build the figure ourselves

This set of exercises does not require special equipment and is aimed at making the hips more rounded.

Warm up. The warm-up includes general exercises to warm up the whole body (bending, circular movements with arms, legs, jumping and running in place).

1. Exercise “Spring”
Starting position: wide stance, arms in front of you.
Execution: while exhaling, transfer your body weight to your left leg, without lifting the toe of your right foot from the floor and make sure that the angle of the supporting leg is straight. Make springy movements 4 times, while inhaling, return to IP. Repeat the same for the right leg.
Number of repetitions: 10 repetitions on each leg, 2 sets.
This exercise can be modified, for example, springing with bent legs at a right angle (or straight legs) alternately, standing on all fours, leaning on your elbows.

2. Single leg squats
Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms forward.
Execution: bend the leg in knee joint and lift up. As you exhale, squat down on one leg, while inhaling, rise up.
Number of repetitions: 5 squats on each leg, 2 sets.

3. and trouble.
Hands on the belt, legs together. As you exhale, take a step with your right foot and lunge, maintaining a right angle with your front leg. Freeze in this position for 30 seconds. Slowly, while inhaling, return to the IP position and lunge onto your left leg.
Number of repetitions: 3 lunges on each leg, 2 sets.

3. Half squat with arms outstretched
Starting position: hands on hips, feet shoulder-width apart.
Execution: do a half squat as you exhale, your thighs should be perpendicular to the floor. Feel the stretch in your spine, stretch your arms forward. On exhalation, return to IP
Number of repetitions: 10 times, 2 sets. You can also perform it in a wide stance with your hands in front of you.

4. Cool down. Static exercise Lying on your side, exhale and raise your leg, forming a right angle between both legs. Stay in this position for 1 minute. Repeat the position with the second leg.
Number of repetitions: 5 times on each leg, 1 approach.

5. “Walking” while sitting. Sit on the floor, legs together, hands behind your head. Start moving forward using your hip joints. “After walking” 1 meter, return to your original place without turning around.
Number of repetitions: 4 times, 1 approach. The exercise helps to stretch your back.

By performing this set of exercises regularly (3 times a week) at home, you can become the owner of rounded hips.

Exercises for the gym

If you work out in the gym, or want to use weights to achieve your goal, then you should include these exercises in your strength training.

1. Wide weighted squats.
The legs are spread wide apart, the toes are turned outward at 45 degrees, and there is a weight in the hands between the legs.
As you exhale, sit down for 4 counts as deeply as possible without deteriorating the quality of the exercise. We perform 15 times in 3 approaches.

2. Press with your thighs. Sit on a bench or chair, hold a butterfly exercise machine, ball or other elastic object between your knees. Squeeze the object to the maximum tension in the hips and buttocks. We do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

3. Swings in a crossover. Secure your leg in the loop of the exercise machine and set the working weight, keeping your back straight.
When performing, take your straight leg back and place it on your supporting leg. 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

For thigh muscles to grow and fat to go away, you need to connect proper diet meals with sufficient protein. It should be dairy products, fish, meat, eggs. Take the stairs more, ignore the elevator, drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water (coffee and tea, even green, don’t count). I have already pointed out this many times in my articles.

As an additional way to fight. You can also resort to the services of a massage therapist (the result will be visible in several sessions, but this is quite expensive pleasure), or you can do self-massage using a rough washcloth, brush and cosmetic oil. An evening massage of heated skin “breaks” fat cells, improves blood circulation, lymph outflow and metabolism.

By following these simple recommendations, implementing them into your habits and performing a set of exercises, you will build the figure of your dreams. Share the repost with your friends and show off your results and ask questions in the comments! See you later!

Not all figures are naturally proportional and not always a woman is satisfied with her appearance. Narrow hips can be a real problem and cause for discouragement. Don't despair.

Knowing some tricks for choosing your wardrobe, you can hide flaws and highlight advantages, especially if you wear mostly trousers, jeans and wide pants.

Considering the type of figure, we can say that narrow hips most often harmonize with wide shoulders (a couple of centimeters wider than the pelvis) and a not too pronounced waist. That is, the waist and pelvis seem to merge into one line. The legs are long and model-like. This type of figure is not bad at all, but it often causes trouble for its owners.

Girls should follow two main recommendations from stylists:

  • make sure that the transition line from the waist to the hips is smoother;
  • even out the disproportion between the upper and lower parts.

The legs in your case are the main trump card, the part of the body that needs to be emphasized. Hips and buttocks will become visually wider if you highlight them color scheme(mostly light).

Trousers and jeans of all styles will suit you if the bottom of your wardrobe is lighter than the top:

  • Tops, blouses, blouses should be discreet, without additional accents, say, ruffles and flounces. Do not choose sweaters with too bright a print or in loud colors, as this will make your upper body appear larger;
  • When choosing trousers, be absolutely free in both style and colors. Wide jeans with riveting can not only make your hips wider, but also give the desired appetizing to your buttocks;
  • If you are not a tomboy and only wear jeans at home and out, hide problem areas You can also use skirts: balloon, tulip, sun. Multi-layered and bulky fabrics, draperies, frills, pockets, folds - all this will emphasize long and Beautiful legs. A tight dress is allowed, but always with a tight belt at the waist;
  • Attributes are very important. High-heeled shoes and a large bag, the color of which is close to the main tone of the clothes, will add additional volume to you.

Acceptable and unacceptable clothing

For narrow-hipped young ladies, there are pros and cons in clothing. There are things that are nice to buy, and there are styles and cuts that you should forget about forever.

So, clothes that maximize your strengths:

  • Skirts made from elastic fabrics that tightly fit the buttocks, with large patterns that give the buttocks fullness;
  • A fitted dress with a full, draped or empire-style skirt. With a top devoid of unnecessary details;
  • Light tunics, with flowing sleeves, tops and sundresses either with thin straps or without them at all;
  • Tights, leggings with an airy light top;
  • Trousers or jeans, flared from the hip, are worn with a formal shirt;
  • If the jeans are tight and hug the buttocks, then the top should cover the pelvis. A tunic, cardigan or long jacket will do.

Modern girls agree to various tricks and tricks just to look attractive. In order to visually enlarge the buttocks, push-up panties were invented. Such panties are worn under outerwear and they perform two functions at once: they add volume and insulate the pelvis during the cold season. The lining of the panties is made of natural materials, soft to the touch and pleasant to the body.

Now remember the unsuccessful combinations in clothes for narrow hips:

  • Any wide tops, long-sleeve blouses (all those clothes that can expand your shoulders);
  • Baggy voluminous jeans and trousers;
  • Skirts and dresses with low waist;
  • Very voluminous top: blouses, sweaters, shirts. For those who like to wear clothes a couple sizes larger, keep in mind that it removes a few centimeters from the hips;
  • Jackets with shoulders and flounced sleeves that widen the top.

The benefits of exercises for the buttocks

You can solve the problem by trying all sorts of tricks: wearing push-up pants, choosing special clothes, not going out, etc.

And you can add to all of the above effective exercises for the buttocks, increase their muscle mass and make them more elastic and appetizing to the eyes. The pelvic bones do not change or expand, but the muscles can be pumped up.

A special complex for the hips includes:

  • squats;
  • swing your legs;
  • running with high knees;
  • ballroom dancing: bachata, salsa, latina.

The main condition for performing the exercises is to work with full dedication, daily training and evenly distributed loads. For example, when doing squats, try to go as deep as possible. Do not use weights until your muscles adapt to normal loads. Gradually add weight: dumbbells, barbell rack. Take breaks between workouts, especially at first.

Perform leg swings, lying on your back or standing, up to 50 times in several approaches. Naturally, you should start with 15-20 until the muscles get stronger. The loads should be equal for both legs. You cannot make 10 swings with your right leg and 15 with your left leg. High-knee running can be combined with regular jogging in the morning.

Sign up for a dance class, or just turn on music at home and dance to your heart's content. Smooth hip movements, figure eights, the basic cha-cha-cha move - these are the simple elements that you can master on your own.

As summer approaches, girls begin to work hard on their bodies. This is not strange, every girl wants to see her body in great shape. Whatever they say, I will probably say on behalf of all men, we don’t really like a very thin body, it’s good when there are good, round shapes, as they say: there is something to hold on to. Therefore, girls who have an excessively thin physique want to see their hips are more rounded and wider. But in order to make them like this, you need to pump up your gluteal and thigh muscles. We present to your attention a set of exercises that will make your hips rounder and wider at home.

Exercises for hip circumference and gluteal muscles

1) Stand straight, feet should be close together, and hands on your belt. Inhale, as you exhale, squat and move your tailbone back. Squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor, then lock this position and hold it for about 10-20 seconds. Then, as you inhale, begin to slowly straighten your legs. Take a little rest repeat this exercise 10 times.

2) Take the following starting position: lie on your back, put your hands behind your head and clasp them in a lock, pull your toes towards you. As you exhale, bend your right leg at the knee and pull it towards your chest. As you inhale, straighten your leg, but do not place it on the floor. As you exhale, you can lift your leg up perpendicular to the floor. As you inhale, release your leg to the floor. Do 20 reps. Then change legs.

3) Lie on your right side, place your arms so that you can maintain balance. As you exhale, begin to lift your leg up, while pulling your toe toward you. Swing your leg up and down without lowering it completely to the floor. Do this for 50 repetitions, then do the same with the second leg.

4) Take the starting position: lie on your back, place your hands behind your head, lift your legs up, pull your toes towards you. As you inhale, begin to slowly spread your legs to the sides, and as you exhale, bring them back at the same pace. Do your daily exercise for 5 minutes.

5) Place your elbows behind your back and lean on the floor. Bend your knees and pull them towards your chest. As you inhale, stretch your legs above the floor, as you exhale, bend them again, and point your knees towards you. Do 20 reps.

6) The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Place your hands under your forehead. As you exhale, lift your right leg above your head and hold it in this position for a while. As you inhale, lower your leg to the starting position. Then alternate with the other leg. Do 30 reps with each leg.

If you study at home, then of course the most effective exercise for the volume and width of the hips, is a squat. It affects most important muscle groups. But it is recommended to use some kind of load for squats, for example dumbbells; using a projectile will give the gluteal muscles, back muscles, and leg muscles the opportunity to work well. The main thing is to watch your knees and make sure your heels don’t leave the floor.

Of course, not everyone has dumbbells at home, and good equipment is quite expensive these days, so I think everyone has a 5-10 liter bottle of water at home. This is a pretty good load for a girl. To prevent the handle from stinging you, you can wrap it in a towel, but it is better if you take the bottle like a barbell and throw it over your neck. So do squats, believe me, the effect will be much better than you might expect.

Very good exercise for the muscles of the buttocks and thighs is exercise bike. You may not have the exercise machine itself, but most people have a bicycle. It is enough to go for a 30-minute ride every day, for example in a park, and you will already notice the effect in a week, but it is also important to do all the above-mentioned exercises.

Large hips, like elastic and rounded buttocks, become undoubted advantages of every woman, who with such shapes is a tasty morsel for many men. But what about the fair sex, who by nature have very modest sizes and shapes of hips? Should you humble yourself and develop your other qualities? Not at all, you can enlarge your hips at home, and completely free of charge. All you need to grow your thighs is patience and a certain amount of free time that you are willing to spend on regular training. So, what increasing exercises can you use at home to achieve a large increase in hip width in a short period of time?

Be prepared for the fact that desire and training at home will not be enough to achieve noticeable results.

You will need to follow the following rules:

  • Do all exercises with correct technique– you can learn more about performing certain movements on the Internet by watching video tutorials.
  • The exercises you choose to increase the narrow hips you hate should be performed regularly - only systems approach may bring the expected result. Be patient!
  • Along with training, you need to reconsider your diet - since the emphasis is on increasing thigh muscles, you should add more animal proteins and complex carbohydrates to your diet, cutting down on the amount of fast carbohydrates and various fats.

Now that you know how to get the most out of thigh growth exercises, you can start looking at the workouts you should stick to.

3 main exercises

The exercises listed below are basic and necessary - if performed correctly, they can have a killer effect on the thigh muscles, causing them to increase in size. Pay careful attention to the technique of performing movements to avoid injury:

All of these exercises must be performed in several approaches, starting with three sets of 8-10 repetitions. The weight of the weight should be selected in such a way that the last (9-10) repetitions are given with great difficulty - the so-called “working weight”. It is recommended to complete the training program three times a week, with one day off between adjacent days of hip muscle training.

If you experience pain that does not go away even after several training days, it is recommended to reduce the load or completely abandon hip exercises for a while, so as not to cause irreparable damage to your health.

It is important to be careful in this matter!

Alternative hip exercises

There are many different exercises you can use to make your thighs bigger. If for any reason you are contraindicated to work with large scales, you can use other methods that can affect the growth of thigh muscles:

  • Running with high knees
    A very simple and accessible exercise for everyone, during which the thigh muscles receive the high load necessary for effective growth. It is enough to jog for 5-10 minutes every day to notice the first results within a few weeks. The main thing is not to quit.
  • Swing your legs
    An exercise almost similar to running in terms of its impact on the muscles, which is performed while standing against a wall. It is necessary to rest firmly, then take your right leg back and hold it in this position for 5-7 seconds. Next, the leg should be moved forward and held again. The second leg is trained in the same way. It is enough to perform 20 swings with each leg daily - it’s not that difficult.