If you are bored with your “ordinary” sex life or want to show a man that you are “something else,” here are tips on how you can diversify your relationship.

Let's start with clothes

Often to change sex life for the better, you can start small - buy new erotic lingerie, a lace peignoir, for the more advanced - a costume for a nurse, flight attendant, housekeeper, student . These are traditional images of sexual fantasies of the stronger sex, desperately promoted by men's magazines. 99 percent of men are delighted. But putting on one suit is not enough - you need to behave accordingly, let the game of master and housekeeper or student and teacher become fun fun for both of you.

Adding "soft and fluffy"

Touching arouses desire and liberates. In sexual life, not only touching with hands and lips is important - other soft and fluffy objects can excite much more, sexologists say. Therefore, if you want to diversify your sex life, stock up on handcuffs, feathers, tassels, and fur braids. When you use them, blindfold your partner, so he can focus on the touch and surrender to pleasure, throwing all problems out of his head. Sexologists also, if possible, advise making love on a fur carpet or animal skin.

We are writing an erotic novel

Sexologists, together with psychologists, unanimously affirm - if you want to know the erotic preferences and fantasies of your partner, offer to write him an erotic novel or at least a short story together . A nuance - you should write on behalf of a man, and your man on behalf of a woman - this way you will show each other how your partner sees his sexual partner. The more details, the better!

You can also draw

If partners are embarrassed to express their desires and preferences in sex in “text” form, offer to draw . This is a great way to relax and tune into the right wave. It’s great, again, if you draw together, each to your own, and then share your fantasies with each other. As sexologists say, while drawing, the imagination runs wild and an irresistible desire appears to try everything in practice. Plus, you can see what kind of women your man fantasizes about.

Find new places to have sex

New places ignite passion much more effectively than a home bed that has been explored far and wide. . Try to spice up your sex life by trying new places. The simplest option is a sauna. Take aromatic candles and massage oils with you, you can arrange and rent a real massage room in some salon and give your partner an erotic massage with aromatic oils. If you don’t know how, read our material. There are many options, use your imagination, new sensations will not keep you waiting. Other options - a car, a secluded beach, a haystack, a boat in the middle of the river, you can think of many.


Dancing together not only brings people closer together, but also helps in attraction. Choose passionate dances - Latin, tango or salsa. If your partner doesn’t want to dance at all, do it yourself, sign up for belly dancing lessons or stiplastics. Sexually, you will definitely be liberated, you will be able to bring new notes of passion and fire into the relationship, and on occasion, demonstrate your dancing skills to a man.

Fantasize about the man of your dreams

This primarily concerns women. Since our brain and sexual zones work in tandem, why not get creative. Imagine the man of your dreams and the most vivid erotic fantasies that you carefully hid in your subconscious. Naturally, with him. Sexologists claim that after just a month of such “training” you will be in bed thinking and acting in a new way, which will significantly revive your sex life.

Olga Koroleva fantasized All rights reserved

Even after 10 years of marriage, your significant other expects small, cute gifts or surprises from you. Experiment and instead of a practical and useful gift, give breakfast in bed, invite you to a romantic dinner in a cozy restaurant, or wear erotic lingerie. Remember, at the beginning of your relationship, when they were full of passion, you did not give each other pots, vacuum cleaners or warm fleece underwear.

  • Have sex

    Don't just practice for the so-called fulfillment of marital duties, but experiment. If passion has faded a little, it makes sense to look for ways to return it. There are many ways to do this: erotic lingerie, role-playing games, new places, positions, methods, sexual toys. All this will make your sex life more interesting and richer. Just remember to discuss your wishes with your partner.

  • Don't give too much importance to everyday problems

    Honestly, everyday life kills passion, so it should worry you as little as possible or not worry you at all. This doesn't mean it's time to turn into a hippie. Try to arrange your home in such a way that there is nothing unnecessary in it. Make it as convenient as possible for your family. The same goes for the responsibilities of your family members. Throw away stereotypes about typically male and female activities. You will feel unburdened by everyday life only if you do what you love and leave the rest to specialists.

  • Remember: you were created to love, not to nag.

    Believe me, you don’t want to have anything in common with a person who constantly nags. The only way to hide from such people is to run away. If you constantly point out things that do not suit you, you will soon lose not only family harmony, but also your partner. But this does not mean that you have to accumulate in yourself negative emotions, as they will eventually break out and blow everything up. Talk to your loved ones, and if they don't hear you, it's not their problem, maybe you should change your approach. By the way, think about it, maybe you just exaggerated the importance of all these things. Is one unwashed plate really worth the scandal?

  • Take the weekend

    It's not about work, but about family. Sometimes you also need to take a break from it. Children and parents are, of course, happiness, but against their background you can lose yourself. Try to pay enough attention to each other. Be alone, go out of town together, don’t drag your children along with you every time, sometimes you can leave them with your grandmother or hire a nanny. Believe me, the children themselves will be better off because of this, because happy parents are the key to healthy relationships in the family.

  • Look for the good in each other

    Unfortunately, the longer we live in marriage, the more often we begin to forget about positive features loved one and focus on the shortcomings. Let's face it bad traits Everyone has it, but you fell in love with each other for things that are so cute and so important to you. By the way, perhaps your significant other simply cannot express his best sides, so there is no reason for this? For example, if your husband is a great cook, give him the opportunity to do so. And if your wife laughs beautifully, give her more reasons to be happy.

  • Find a hobby together

    To spend more time together, you can do some common cause. It would be better if it wasn't spring-cleaning or going to the market for groceries. Find a joint hobby, for example, you can play sports, dance, cook or travel together. This will bring your family together as you will be passionate about something enjoyable for both of you, while at the same time learning something new and useful.

  • Show interest in each other's hobbies

    In addition to joint hobbies, it is worth paying due attention to personal ones. It's not important to share and admire them, but interest can strengthen your relationship. Besides, if you are sympathetic to your husband's love for paintball or philately, you will always have a topic for conversation. You will always feel part of his life and there will be no place for detachment in your relationship.

  • Develop family traditions

    This will benefit not only your couple, but will also unite the whole family. You can create a tradition by celebrating a specific date, e.g. New Year or Christmas, or create your own unique holiday. Pick a specific date, gather your friends and celebrate the day when you were struck by the idea of ​​spending your entire life together. You can come up with a funny event, for example, celebrating the day your husband gave you a mop. All this will be very funny and amusing.

  • , What. To diversify, to add variety to something. Diversify life. Diversify mastery techniques.

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

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      VARIETY, azhu, azh; imperfect., that. Make it varied, more diverse. R. methods of education. R. menu. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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    The modern world encourages us not to be shy about telling our partner about our sexual desires. But, unfortunately, most marriages still break up due to fading passion and unwillingness to diversify intimate life. If you have ever encountered similar problem, we do not encourage you to go to extremes by offering your lover role-playing games in the style of “50 Shades of Gray”, we are simply reminding you of 69 basic rules that will help you relax and better understand your partner.

    1. The main thing in intimate relationships is honesty - before you fake an orgasm for the first time, remember that then you will have to repeat it again and again.
    2. Alternate tenderness with rudeness.
    3. Do it to music: from classics to the soundtrack from Nymphomaniac.
    4. Experiment with the location: let it be the kitchen table or washing machine today.
    5. Sex in in public places seems crazy to many. Until you start with the basics - from a cozy park or from a fitting room.
    6. If you want him to do certain things (for example, blindfold you), do it with him first - the hint will be understood.
    7. Often your mutual pleasure depends not on the technique of performing actions, but on enthusiasm.

    8. Relax and agree that you will take turns behaving the way you like. He rules for 15 minutes, and then you.
    9. Periodically arrange body familiarization sessions - smoothly explore each other’s sensitive areas.
    10. If you think that the initiative should always come from him, you are mistaken.
    11. Lack of sex really affects you. emotional condition, so don't let yourself turn it into a routine.
    12. Use lubricants - let them not only be products with different smells, but also with a warming or cooling effect.
    13. Even new bedding affects your mood - give preference to thick, plain cotton.

    14. Talk during sex: start with innocent, even timid phrases spoken in a whisper. Gradually you will develop your own language.
    15. Pay attention to the little things: body language, facial expressions, and your partner’s reactions will guide you in the right direction.
    16. Take an example from movie characters: watching together erotic film will set you up in the right way.
    17. It’s not true that men don’t pay attention to hair removal – don’t neglect it.
    18. The first step to new sensations is beautiful underwear. Choose less lace and more sheer fabrics. Stockings are also necessary.
    19. Men are turned on by sex in the light - do not deny him this pleasure.
    20. Let him look at your body.

    21. Sex in front of a mirror is the most common male fantasy, and you will like it too.
    22. Start unobtrusively seducing him in the restaurant or on the way home - this will guarantee an unforgettable night.
    23. Massage is the most harmless, relaxing and effective foreplay.
    24. According to statistics, men are more excited in the morning, so the most important thing after waking up is not breakfast.
    25. Eye contact is everything.
    26. Look into sex shops together – it’s fun and helps you relax.

    27. Don't be afraid to use intimate toys during sex - they really give new sensations.
    28. Always remember that your secret weapon after a fight, no matter how it ends, is sex. But don't get carried away.
    29. You can teach him to do it at your own pace - just ask him to relax and enjoy it.
    30. Go to sex training together - you will be surprised how interesting it is to learn the science of sex in theory, and then consolidate it in practice.
    31. Be selfish - exactly at the moment when you enjoy every movement, he does it with you in unison.
    32. Smells excite. Let him associate sex with the aroma of your perfume or oil, which you apply ten minutes before.

    33. Change algorithms. Starting with the sounds you make in bed, ending with the positions in which you reach your peak.
    34. Spend a few days without each other - this will increase affection and desire.
    35. No one has canceled phone sex – text at work, remembering the details of last night, or send to each other sexy photos.
    36. Don’t neglect quick, passionate sex – it always causes adrenaline.
    37. Wake him up at night - start with light stroking. The effect of surprise enhances emotions.
    38. Make a home video - just don’t forget to hide it in a secret folder later.
    39. Fulfill a new fantasy for each other every week.

    40. Play "Weak" or "Never Have I Ever" - it will be as fun and exciting as in adolescence.
    41. Don’t settle for gratuitous pleasure. You for me, I for you.
    42. Turn to the Kama Sutra - at first it will be funny and uncomfortable, but then you will definitely find something “yours.”
    43. Start a sexual game with food: it may be as old as time, but it always excites and satisfies hunger.
    44. And yet let's move on to role-playing games: why not? As cliché as it may sound, start with the nurse and the patient.
    45. Handcuffs, whips and masks have never left anyone indifferent.
    46. ​​Try a light form of tantric sex - bringing each other to the peak in an atypical way.

    47. Learn Kegel exercises - not only you, but he will feel the effect.
    48. During caresses, guide his hands yourself - this will turn you on even more.
    49. Watch his favorite porn movie with him.
    50. Buy vibrating underwear with a remote control. This way he can control your emotions even at a social dinner.
    51. Try sex in water. It could be a pool or the sea.
    52. Shower together.
    53. Tell each other what you want unexpectedly. Even if you are in a supermarket.

    54. Run a marathon – try doing this every day for several months, no matter how tired you are and no matter how much time you have.
    55. Make a list of what you haven't tried yet and cross off what you have done.
    56. Drop by each other's work unexpectedly for a lunchtime pick-me-up.
    57. Get a hotel room and have a “typical romantic evening.”
    58. Go to a bar together and remember the crazy beginning of your relationship: dance and kiss in front of everyone.
    59. Set up a challenge - travel to different cities in order to expand your intimate map. 64. Don’t be afraid of confined spaces - sex in an elevator will be remembered for a long time.
    65. Sexy dancing in the style of “Nine and a Half Weeks” are always relevant.
    66. Try cooking dinner sometime wearing an apron while wearing a naked body. He will not be able to tear himself away from you, and therefore from dinner.
    67. Most men dream of sex or at least caresses on an airplane.
    68. Give each other an adrenaline rush by skydiving or going on a roller coaster. Fear is exciting.
    69. Take a bath together: bubbles, wine and relaxing music are the right way to end the day.

    There are times in life when you just want to change everything. But what “everything” is is not clear, and even less so how to do it. Therefore, many remain in a routine and continue the hectic rush through life.

    There are 11 great ways so that changes in life begin to happen right now. Thanks to them, your everyday life will become more colorful and positive. And this is already the beginning of large-scale changes!

    Change your usual routes

    The roads we walk day after day become automatic. You mechanically rush about your business, thinking about something else, not noticing the landscape, the beauty, or the people around. Try to add something new to your route every time: a mode of transport, a road, a corner, a turn.

    If you are constantly in a hurry to get to work, and thinking through a new route is problematic, then just start returning home a different way. Surely, in the place where you live, there are places that you have not been to before, or visit very rarely. Visit them this week!

    Try a new flavor every week

    Have you ever tried Vietnamese cuisine? Or Italian paella? Or maybe you will be surprised by the taste of Mexican guacamole?

    Make it a rule to try at least one new dish a week. Stop eating the same thing every day! Surprise yourself this week with a trip to a cute place where you'll try something you've never eaten before in your life! You will have new experiences and unforgettable sensations!

    Make surprises

    Bringing joy to your loved ones is wonderful! Brings a sea of ​​positive emotions! Small and unusual signs of attention bring people closer and renew relationships. Try!

    Also remember that there is a spiritual law of sowing and reaping that says “whatever you sow, that is what you will reap.” By making surprises for others, expect surprises in your life!

    Travel around the cities of your country

    It is not expensive and does not require long visas or preparations. Just buy a ticket to some town for the weekend and walk around until the evening.

    The road and walks will help you sort out your thoughts and feelings and return home refreshed and rested.

    Change your image

    You don't have to dye your hair red or get a nose piercing. No need global changes. This can be a nice little thing, but it must be once a month.

    Update your haircut, play around with bangs and makeup. If you always dress in jeans, buy yourself one. Nice dress. And if you are a fan of official business style- allow yourself bright colors. Add positivity to yourself and those around you!

    Do something you wouldn't normally do

    But I always really wanted to. Are you closed and modest in your interactions with colleagues? Come in the morning, wish everyone Have a good day, and, smiling, compliment every person in the office. Are you greedy in life? Invite your friends for coffee and desserts. Are you walking around gloomy? Try to smile at everyone you visually meet on the street. In general, do what is not expected of you.

    Step beyond your usual comfort zone and change your behavior pattern. It's not easy, but believe me, the sensations will delight you!

    Take a course

    Find inexpensive master classes in something “for the soul.” Learn to dance, sing, play the balalaika, cut vegetables cool, learn basic phrases of the Chinese language or master a relaxing massage. The choice is as varied as your talents!

    The goal is for you to relax your soul during classes, not think about work and problems, but be charged with new knowledge and positivity.

    Learning something new

    This already concerns your professional and personal growth. Learning always brings new emotions and new results. Think about what skill will help you reach new level in work or business and take action!

    Rearranging your home and workplace

    Small (or very large!) external changes will force your brain to think in new ways. You will definitely have new ideas, joy and a state of creation (this is when you can find pleasure and inspiration even in small things).

    Take a day off in the middle of the work week

    And spend it the way you want. Work is important, but sometimes it’s worth breaking out of your usual circle. Feel like a schoolboy skipping class and enjoying freedom.

    Walk around the city, eat ice cream, go to the zoo, or just read a book in the park. The main thing is that you cannot spend this day at home or in everyday matters. This is the day of your freedom!

    Organize a photo shoot

    Just let the photographer and stylist choose your look themselves. This way you can see yourself from a completely new side, and beautiful photos will collect a lot of likes and comments on your pages. This will inspire you!

    Ask God for a miracle

    The main difference between God and man is that we are natural, and He is SUPERNATURAL! Therefore, it can do for a person BEYOND what we can do for ourselves.

    Sincerely ask Him for a clear miracle in your life and wait. Believe me, it works! In my life, I constantly see wonderful manifestations of God's love and power simply because I allow Him to do so.

    Believe and receive miracles!

    Of course it's not full list how you can make life amazing, diverse and harmonious. Each person has their own unique way. Share your advice with me in the comments!

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