Online calculator DD for military personnel allows you to calculate the amount of monthly allowance for persons undergoing military service under contract in the RF Armed Forces. A user-friendly interface, high speed and accounting for allowances, bonuses and incentive coefficients ensure an accurate calculation of the payment amount. The military calculator provides for salary indexation for 2018, announced by the Ministry of Defense for the period until 2021.

The increase in army pay in 2018 occurred for the first time in the last five years. For this purpose, budget allocations have been increased by 18 billion rubles. A significant amount, at first glance, is distributed among active military personnel and retirees. Moreover, in the first year of implementation of the decision, the military pay calculator in 2018 will not show a significant increase. Its increase will be approximately four percent. Until 2021, indexation will be carried out three times, so by the time the program is completed, the salary calculator will show an increase in payments within twelve percent for privates and command personnel.

How does the military salary calculator work?

The salary consists of several payment items. Basic – monthly salary in accordance with:

  • military rank;
  • position held.

The second part, almost equal in size to the first, consists of incentives designed to increase the military’s interest in performing job responsibilities. These include payments for:

As the length of service increases, the online calculation of a soldier's pay includes an allowance for length of service. Every five years it increases by five percent, and begins to be calculated from the second year. Already in the second to fifth year it is 10%, in the fifth to tenth year it is 15%. The amount for length of service after 25 years of service is 40% of the official salary.

Salary for a military position (tariff category for a full-time military position) Specify the tariff category for the military position: 1 tariff category (shooter, camouflage, road worker) 2 tariff category (machine gunner, sniper) 3 tariff category (senior grenade launcher) 4 tariff category (tank commander) 5 tariff category (squad commander) 6 tariff category (paramedic ) 7th tariff category (deputy platoon commander) 8th tariff category (interpreter) 9th tariff category (sergeant major, senior technician) 10th tariff category (platoon commander) 11th tariff category (engineer in battalion management) 12th tariff category (deputy company commander) 13th tariff category rank (senior regiment officer) 14 tariff rank (company (battery) commander) 15 tariff rank (officer in division control) 16 tariff rank (deputy battalion commander) 17 tariff rank (chief of reconnaissance) 18 tariff rank (battalion commander) 19 tariff rank (officer in the army department) 20 tariff level (officer in the command department) 21 tariff level (senior officer in the army department) 22 tariff level (senior officer in the command department) 23 tariff level (regiment commander) 24 tariff level (chief of a department in the department command) 25 tariff level (deputy brigade commander) 26 tariff level (senior General Staff officer) 27 tariff level (senior inspector in the command department) 28 tariff level (brigade commander) 29 tariff level (deputy division commander) 30 tariff level (deputy head of department General Staff) 31 tariff level (division commander) 32 tariff level (commander of a brigade of surface ships) 33 tariff level (chief of the General Staff department) 34 tariff level (air base commander) 35 tariff level (corps commander) 36 tariff level (deputy head of the training center) 37 tariff category (deputy army commander) 38 tariff category (deputy head of the Main Directorate) 39 tariff category (commander of a squadron of ships) 40 tariff level (first deputy army commander) 41 tariff level (deputy commander of the troops) 42 tariff category (chief of the Main Directorate of the General Staff) 43 tariff category (Deputy Chief of the Military Military District) 44 tariff category (army commander) 45 tariff category (chief of a military educational and scientific center) 46 tariff category (Deputy Commander-in-Chief of a branch of the Armed Forces) 47 tariff category (commander of the military district troops) 48 tariff category (Commander-in-Chief type of aircraft) 49 tariff category (deputy of the RF Ministry of Defense) 50 tariff category (first deputy of the RF Ministry of Defense)
Salary according to military rank Specify military rank Private, sailor Corporal, senior sailor Junior sergeant, sergeant major 2 articles Sergeant, sergeant major 1 article Senior sergeant, chief petty officer Petty officer, chief sergeant major Warrant officer, midshipman Senior warrant officer, senior midshipman Junior lieutenant Lieutenant Senior lieutenant Captain, lieutenant commander Major, captain 3 rank Lieutenant Colonel, Captain 2nd Rank Colonel, Captain 1st Rank Major General, Rear Admiral Lieutenant General, Vice Admiral Colonel General, Admiral General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet Marshal Russian Federation
Allowance for the qualification category of flight personnel Specify the qualification category (for flight personnel) Pilot (navigator) second class, pilot (navigator) - instructor second class Pilot (navigator) first class, pilot (navigator) - instructor first class Pilot (navigator)-sniper Airborne specialist second class Airborne specialist first class Onboard specialist-master /option>
Long service bonus Please indicate length of service from 2 to 5 years - 10% from 5 to 10 years - 15% from 10 to 15 years - 20% from 15 to 20 years - 25% from 20 to 25 years - 30% from 25 years or more - 40 %
Bonus for qualifying class: Please indicate your class qualification Third class - 5% Second class - 10% First class - 20% Master class - 30%
Bonus for working with information constituting state secrets: Indicate the level of security clearance Secret - 10% Top secret - 20% Special importance - 25%
Surcharge for special conditions military service:
Award for conscientiousness and efficient execution job responsibilities: 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
Bonus for work experience in structural units for the protection of state secrets: Select length of service in HRT departments from 1 to 5 years - 10% from 5 to 10 years - 15% from 10 years and above - 20%
Bonus for work experience in encryption authorities: Select work experience in code agencies and class up to 3 years (2 grades) - 5% up to 3 years (1 grade) - 15% from 3 to 6 years (2 grades) - 10% from 3 to 6 years (1 grade) -20% from 6 years and more (2 grades) -20% from 6 years and more (1 grade) -30%
Allowance for military personnel with a higher legal education: Please indicate your military position Military positions in formation directorates - 15% Military positions in military command and control bodies - 30% Military positions in the central apparatus - 50%
Allowance for performing tasks associated with a risk to life and health in peacetime, incl. diving, parachute jumping: 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
Monthly bonus for special achievements in service, incl. for FISO: 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% Specify the regional coefficient 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.30 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0
Allowance for military service in the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote areas 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 0.60 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
Standard tax deduction: No deduction sub. 1 clause 1 art. 218 Tax Code of the Russian Federation - 3000.00 rub. subp. 2 p. 1 art. 218 Tax Code of the Russian Federation - 500.00 rub.
Tax deductions for children of a taxpayer: No children 1 child income up to 350 thousand rubles per year 2 children and income up to 350 thousand rubles per year 3 children and income up to 350 thousand rubles per year 4 and income up to 350 thousand rubles per year 5 and income up to 350 thousand rubles per year 6 and income up to 350 thousand rubles per year Income more than 350 thousand rubles per year
Deductions under executive documents:
rubles percent
Other deductions (enter amount): rub.
TOTAL AMOUNT OF CASH ALLOWANCE, taking into account income tax (personal income tax) - 13% (rub.)

Calculate salary taking into account incentives

Indexation of the salaries of officers and ordinary soldiers will not affect the system of additional payments. The Ministry of Defense promises to keep revenue-generating allocations unchanged until 2021. Targeted additional payments for the class remain, which increase by 10% from third to master. As well as monthly payments in the amount of 100% of the initial salary.

These include surcharges for:

  • special conditions of service;
  • performing tasks involving risk to life;
  • special achievements in service.

Work outside the Russian Federation, in the conditions of the Far North, localities equated to it, territories with unfavorable climatic and environmental conditions, is paid in accordance with coefficients and percentage allowances, which are “based” on the total amount of salary with applicable allowances, which takes into account the military personnel’s calculator for our website.

The total number of bonuses provided to stimulate interest in military service exceeds one and a half dozen. Some are paid monthly, others are paid periodically, once throughout the year. They form an additional material package that officers and soldiers receive for public holidays and vacations. We are talking about annual financial assistance, the amount of which is not determined by law, but cannot be less than a month’s salary. And bonuses for conscientious performance of duties - no more than three salaries, taking into account their volume in the current year. The military salary calculator in 2018 does not take these payments into account, since their amount is calculated individually.

Salary, contract wages, allowances and other concepts are familiar firsthand to each of the military personnel. They are concerned about the frequency of payments, regularity of increases, correlation with inflation, etc.

You can get acquainted with the basic principles of the formation of wages for contract workers in Questions of indexation of base salaries and rates regularly become relevant, which is associated with changes in the economic situation, the adoption of new laws, etc.

What is the salary of military personnel based on?

Regardless of the type of military service, a salary component is provided for each position. As a rule, announced increases relate primarily to salaries; tariffs and coefficients are much less often subject to revision.

The following allowances are also provided for military personnel:

  • for military rank;
  • for length of service;
  • for class;
  • for work under special conditions, etc.

The salary of contract workers includes several components. Therefore, a change in one of them is immediately reflected in the total payment amount.

Federal government programs implemented in recent years are designed to modernize military pay and lead to its increase.

What is a military salary calculator?

Changes in the amount of monetary allowance expected in 2019 are associated with tariff adjustments, which means that for an approximate calculation you need to know the formulas by which they are calculated. It is more convenient to use online services called “military salary calculator”, which, based on a minimum set of parameters, are able to make calculations and display the possible amount of earnings. The script of this utility already contains all the changes made and reflects the current state of the sphere of calculating monetary allowances for contract servicemen.

To use the online calculator, you must indicate your military position, for which the base salary will be automatically adjusted. And then they indicate a number of allowances that a serviceman may qualify for. Without knowing these parameters, it will not be possible to get even an approximate calculation.

For comparison, here are the salaries of professions common in the army:

  • engineer – 20,000 rubles;
  • doctor – 16,000 rubles;
  • officer - from 13,000 rubles;
  • pilot – up to 40% increase to the base salary;
  • cadet – 5,000 rubles.

Therefore, knowledge of the position does not allow you to immediately determine the amount of wages; it is necessary to take into account other parameters that affect the final amount of salary.

Are there plans to increase military salaries?

The difficult economic situation has become an obstacle to the indexation of public sector wages, so while remaining at the same level, the real level of military income has become significantly lower. The budget financing plans for 2019 provide for an increase in salaries by 5% and no further positive shift is expected in this area.

At the same time, the forecast for inflation growth this year will significantly outpace the indexation rate, so the salary increase will be nominal, while the real level of income will not reach the level of previous years. We should expect a positive change in this situation not in May or October 2019, but from the moment when the Russian economy begins to recover. The expense item providing for the payment of salaries to the military also includes funds for the pensions of officers who have already served.

There is not a single state that does not worry about its defensive strength.

In particular, the Russian Federation, like many other countries, has been developing and honing a system of payment for military personnel throughout its existence, thereby stimulating them to serve for the good of their homeland and conscientiously fulfill their duty.

What are these payments?

Today, for all military personnel without exception, serving under contract, conscription, etc. have the right to claim monetary compensation for work performed. Such remuneration is called monetary allowance.

For those liable for military service, these funds are the main means of material security for their lives. This allowance is an excellent incentive to ensure that each contract military member conscientiously performs his duties in preparing and retraining for the armed defense of his country.

Providing for military personnel is a guarantee from the state to those serving in monetary terms. The allowance that is supposed to be paid to a military personnel consists of several parts, the main part of which is salary. This sum is unchanged, due to each military man, depending on his position.

As a rule, a soldier’s salary includes a monthly salary, which is equal to the assigned military rank. Also, this amount includes the salary for the month according to the military position occupied, as well as the amount of maintenance of the military personnel for the month, additional payments of a monthly nature.

A recalculation is carried out annually taking into account the inflation index, and the salary is separated by position, by rank and by additional payments.

Legislative regulation

The issue of calculating allowances for military personnel is regulated in accordance with Federal Law 306 “On monetary allowances for military personnel and provision of certain payments to them”. According to this document, both the allowance itself and individual payments for it are established, taking into account established military ranks and positions.

Also, the issue is regulated on the basis Orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation“On approval of the procedure for ensuring the allowance of military personnel”, “On the establishment of salaries for military personnel serving under a contract”, “On increasing the monetary allowance of military personnel and employees of certain federal executive authorities”.

Components of payment

Monetary allowance consists of the following parts:

  1. Salary according to rank.
  2. Salary according to position.
  3. Additional payments and allowances.

Latest distributed to these:

  1. For years of service. Can vary from 10 to 40%. In particular:
    • when serving from 2 to 5 years, a serviceman has the right to receive a 10% bonus;
    • serving from 5 to 10 years entitles you to receive a 15% bonus;
    • service from 10 to 15 years gives the right to receive a 20% bonus;
    • serving for a period of 15 to 20 years entitles you to receive a 25% bonus;
    • serving from 20 to 25 years gives the right to receive a 30% bonus;
    • Service for more than 30 years entitles you to a 40% bonus.
  2. For classification by class:
    • for the 3rd grade a bonus of 5% of the salary for the position is assigned;
    • for 2nd grade, 10% of the official salary is assigned;
    • For 1st grade, a 20% bonus is assigned to the salary for the position.
  3. For working with information that is a state secret. The rate of such a premium is 65%.
  4. For the specifics of the work. Such an increase can reach 100% of the salary for the position. The assignment of this allowance can only be under the strict control of the state.
  5. For special merits.
  6. For carrying out tasks in peacetime that put the serviceman’s own health and life at risk.

In addition, each military man can apply one-time for financial assistance, which is equal to his monthly salary according to position and rank, as well as bonuses for conscientiousness and efficiency in performing duties.

Additional payments can be made in the form of a one-time remuneration at the end of the year, in the form of vacation pay, lifting and daily allowances, as an interest-free loan and as travel allowances. All these payments are specified in the Government Decree “On certain payments to military personnel and their families.”

Military personnel can apply for bonuses for the conscientious and effective performance of official duties, the amount of which does not exceed three times the salary per year.

Features of the calculation for different categories of military personnel

By contract

Allowance for those serving under contract, the same provision and incentive to perform the duties of military service.

On conscription (conscription)

Conscription service is also distinguished by the fact that those serving in the service receive an indexation of allowance depending on the inflation index, for working with information, for excellence and knowledge of a foreign language, as well as for serving in remote areas or places with a difficult climate. In addition, quarterly bonuses and allowances of various types can be established.

Calculation of the salary of conscripts, as they are commonly called, includes such payments How:

  1. Salary.
  2. Allowances. They include payments for:
    1. qualifications;
    2. conditions for military training and retraining;
    3. solving dangerous problems;
    4. activities related to state secrets.

Moreover, after completing service, each military personnel has the right to receive double pay, as well as indexed material assistance.

National Guard

The salary of a National Guard soldier is calculated based on established salary. Since salary is the main component. Plus, an amount is added to it for military and special rank, for length of service and the complexity of the service. An allowance for class, for working in secrecy, etc. can also be added to the calculation amount.

For non-standard military ranks and positions, salary levels can be set by the heads of federal executive authorities, where this is provided for by law.

Payment and retention procedure

Today, there is a procedure according to which monetary allowances are paid, namely, payments occur monthly, with the exception of December. As a rule, the payment amount is due to be received by the middle of the next month for the previous one.

According to the general rule, salary is paid at the place of regular service. Payment must be made upon provision of a certificate, it is indicated in the relevant document - distribution sheet.

Holds from monetary allowances occur on the basis of the established procedure. In particular, deductions take into account income tax in the amount of 13% of the allowance amount.

Besides, may apply such deductions for:

  • for treatment;
  • for education;
  • for the purchase of housing;
  • payments for children;
  • deductions under a writ of execution;
  • other deductions.

Military personnel can apply for an increase in pay in connection with indexation - annually. Indexation makes it possible to equalize military wages in accordance with rising price levels, raising a serviceman’s income to the level of market prices.

For information about cash payments to military personnel, see the following video:

The salary of a military personnel is usually called monetary allowance. Currently, quite a lot of guys who have served in the army go on to serve under a contract. Some devote their entire lives to the army. But, of course, one of the main motivations for this profession is salary. How is a military personnel salary calculated? Let's try to understand this issue.

Factors influencing the formation of a soldier’s salary

The amount of income of a military personnel, in fact, like any employee, consists of several indicators. In addition to the “bare” salary, some allowances are awarded. As for the formation of a soldier’s salary, it includes the following factors:

  • what military position the employee holds;
  • what rank he was given;
  • over what period of time the employee has been serving in the military;
  • what tasks does the serviceman deal with;
  • under what conditions does he perform military service?

If previously the listed factors were expressed in bonuses to the military personnel’s salary, now they are already included in the salary.

Currently, a serviceman can receive bonuses for any special conditions of service. The maximum amount of the bonus can be equal to the salary, that is, 100 percent of it. This also applies to military personnel serving in peacetime, but risking their health and life.

The main components of a military man's salary

So, how is a military personnel salary calculated? Having found out the main factors influencing wages, we can confidently say that it includes a monthly salary relative to the assigned military rank and a monthly salary relative to the position held by the serviceman. In addition to these salaries, additional cash payments are also due. These include:

  • 10-40 percent of the salary is paid monthly for length of service. The amount of this payment depends on length of service;
  • 5-30 percent of salary monthly relative to class qualifications;
  • about 65 percent of the monthly salary for those military personnel who work with data that is a state secret;
  • working in special conditions, a military personnel receives 100 percent of the salary monthly;
  • risking life and health during service, he also receives a 100% increase in salary. This may include participation in exercises, trips on a ship, practicing a combat mission outside the point of stay and permanent presence of a military unit;
  • if a serviceman has special achievements in service, then he is also entitled to additional cash payments, the amount of which reaches 100 percent of the salary;
  • in the event that a serviceman effectively and conscientiously fulfills his official duties, once a year he can receive a bonus, the amount of which can be the sum of three salaries;
  • management can also provide financial assistance, the amount of which is not less than the salary;
  • if a serviceman is fluent in a foreign language, bringing benefit in his work, and also if his physical fitness is of a high level, then he can receive an additional monthly allowance for this (the amount is set by management).

In addition to the listed additional allowances, there is one more that a soldier receives when he changes his place of service. Here he will receive additional money equal to one salary, in addition to another 25 percent of it for each family member. This additional allowance is called a “lift.”

If a serviceman leaves service, he must be paid a benefit called a lump sum. The size of this benefit depends on the serviceman’s length of service: if the total service period was less than twenty years, then he is entitled to a benefit of two salaries; when the service period is more than twenty years - a benefit of 7 salaries.

In general, military salaries themselves have increased significantly since 2012. The average size will be from 10 to 50 thousand rubles. This applies to both salary by rank and military position.

Cash paid to conscripts

Having dealt with the wages of contract military personnel, let’s look at the monetary allowance that a conscript receives. Previously, conscripts received very small amounts of money every month. As a rule, the size of a conscript's allowance was 500 rubles.

Since 2012, this amount has increased significantly. Currently, conscripts receive from two thousand rubles every month. Of course, this is not so much. But don’t forget about other privileges for conscripts. For example, travel on public transport is free for them, since cash payments are made for this.

Taxation for military personnel

Despite the fact that the salaries of military personnel were significantly increased, the amount of income tax remained the same. In principle, it is no different from the income tax paid by other individuals - 13 percent of wages.

Calculating a military man's salary: calculator

Currently, with the Internet at hand, every soldier can independently calculate his salary. There is a special online calculator for this. In it, you need to fill in all the fields where you indicate the data necessary for the calculation, then click “calculate”. Everything is quite simple and understandable to absolutely everyone.

Can any deductions be made from a military member's salary? Absolutely yes. In principle, like any working citizen. Child support, tax deductions that are specific to each taxpayer, or deductions ordered by the court can be withheld from wages.

The salary of a serviceman in the Russian army is called monetary allowance in dry official language. But regardless of the name, it is she who is the main motivating factor that influences the decision to serve under a contract. Therefore, before devoting their lives to the Armed Forces, many potential defenders of the Fatherland would like to know the size of their future salary. How to calculate it and what data to use for this? We will talk about this in detail in this article.

Main components of monetary allowance

For each contract employee without exception, a salary is provided, which is paid monthly. It can be called the basic indicator for calculating monetary allowance. But, in addition to salary, the formation of salaries is also influenced by such factors as:

  • military rank. The higher it is, the higher the monetary allowance;
  • position held. This is one of the main factors. For example, a captain holding a major position receives significantly more than his rank;
  • life time. In addition to their salary, each military personnel must be paid a bonus for length of service;
  • conditions for military service;
  • specific tasks performed by an officer or contract sergeant.

Also, for contract soldiers performing any tasks that are in one way or another associated with a risk to life (not necessarily in wartime), additional allowances are provided, the amount of which can reach 100 percent of the salary.

How to calculate salary

Above we examined the main factors that influence the formation of the amount of monetary allowance. Now let’s put our knowledge into practice and try to find out what share of the salary is made up of certain allowances:

  • as already mentioned, the basis is the salary of the military personnel. All other components represent a percentage of its amount;
  • for length of service, up to 40 percent of the salary is added monthly to the salary;
  • for work with documents or any data constituting a state secret, an increase of up to 65% of the basic amount is provided;
  • for any special achievements, additional payments may be 100 percent of the salary;
  • 5-30 percent is added to the salary for class;
  • The various talents of an officer or warrant officer are also quite adequately assessed. If he is excellent in combat and physical training, knows foreign languages ​​or has other useful skills, then he may well count on an additional payment, the amount and frequency of which is determined by the command;
  • for the performance of combat missions that are carried out outside one’s military unit, an increase of up to 100 percent of the salary is provided.

In addition, by honorably fulfilling his duties, a serviceman can count on a bonus, paid once a year and ranging from one to three salaries. Additional payments include financial assistance, the amount of which is set by the commander of a particular unit.

Additional payments upon change of duty station and dismissal

In addition to the salary and all the above allowances, there are two more types of additional payments that cannot be ignored when talking about a military personnel’s salary:

  • “lifting cards” issued to an officer, warrant officer or long-term conscript upon transfer to another unit or to another duty station. Their amount can be 100 percent of the salary plus 25% for each family member;
  • one-time benefit to military personnel retiring to the reserve. Its size is calculated depending on the service life. If it is more than 20 years, the payment reaches 7 salaries. Otherwise, the officer will receive 2 salaries.

If you add up all the allowances, as well as additional payments, it turns out that the salary of a military personnel today can range from 10 to 50 thousand rubles.

Monetary allowances for conscripts

The salary received by military personnel called up for military service is several times less than that of contract soldiers. However, there are clear improvements here too. If relatively recently the amount of their allowance was only 500 rubles, today soldiers and sergeants can count on receiving a salary of two thousand rubles.

This is not much, but it should be remembered that conscripts, firstly, are fully supported by the state, and secondly, have a number of benefits. For example, they can ride public transport for free and use other services, the cost of which is covered by special payments.

Income tax for military personnel

Like other Russian citizens, military personnel are required to pay income tax, the amount of which is fixed at 13 percent. Its amount does not increase in 2016-2017, despite the fact that the salary level has increased significantly.

Income tax is calculated from contract workers and conscripts at the time of payroll, which eliminates the need for them to independently contact the relevant authorities and waste time visiting the tax office.

In addition to taxes, wages are reduced and various deductions of funds that can be made from any other individual. These include:

  • alimony for the maintenance of a former spouse or minor children, the amount of which can reach 25, 33 or 50 percent of the monetary allowance;
  • deductions established for a military personnel in court. This could be, for example, a fine not paid on time or payments on an overdue loan;
  • tax deductions that we mentioned above.

The best way to accurately calculate a military personnel salary

Are you not very good with mathematics or simply cannot afford to waste precious time calculating the amount of your salary with all the allowances and deductions listed in the article? In the era of the Internet and high technology, this process will take you only a few minutes, without forcing you to look for a piece of paper, a pen or an ancient abacus.