In life, we often take many things, including little things, criticism, and someone's bad mood, to heart. Thus, we worry about trifles, complicate our lives and earn stress. A lot of planned things to do, meetings with people, falling behind the schedule of completed work, at the same time problems with your family, illness, endless troubles - all this unsettles you, takes away your sleep and prevents you from living a happy life.

What to do in this case? How to approach life easier?
There is such a thing as brevity is the sister of talent, and simplicity- recipe for success!
Therefore the principle you just– should be made rule No. 1 for your attitude towards life! Simplicity- this is another one little secret happiness, because than life is more complicated, the harder it is to be happy.

1. Simplicity thinking

Simplicity life begins in your thoughts. For simple attitude to life It is not at all necessary to give up the pleasures, comfort, hobbies and little joys of life. But the worries, anxieties, and problems that are constantly present in our thoughts do not allow us to become calm, harmonious, and balanced. When the brain is filled with different thoughts, it is very difficult to live consciously, to notice what is actually happening around, and not in the imagination and fictional reality.

The ability to stop your thoughts and free your mind from worries is the path to simplicity of life. Give up the race, the worries that you don’t have time, that you are behind someone in something, that you are not perfect, self-criticism, fears about events that may never happen to you, and you will be able to achieve much more.

You will definitely soon notice that a positive attitude, focusing on certain actions, allows us to achieve our goals faster and more efficiently. You can focus on something through meditation. Therefore, when we concentrate on something, especially if it is important to us, the chaos in our thoughts goes away, and we simply begin to live happily, consciously and meaningfully.

2. Simplicity in your work

Here we offer an alternative to everything that is taught in trainings on self-management, personal effectiveness, etc. There we are taught to think about the productivity of ourselves and our company, our department, about goals, meetings, important matters, time management, creating an ideal workplace, our superiority over others, but we are not taught at all how to approach life more simply. As a result, your brain is too full of various kinds of worries about the imperfection of you as a leader, a person, an employee, a mother/father, a daughter/son, etc. Too much stress, too many neuroses.

Concentrate on really important things for you, and not on tinsel that covers the entire work process. Be in the present moment.

When you simplify all your actions, it will come to you peace of mind and peace of mind, no matter what happens. And the simpler life is, not poorer in events or your development, but simpler, the more harmonious it is and the more open it is to everything new - new ideas, positive beginnings and results.

Continued “How to approach life more simply? Part 2"

With love,

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Psychologists never tire of repeating: “Human thoughts are material.” And if you think about the bad all the time, you can greatly complicate your existence. But learning how to take a simpler approach to life and see mostly positive aspects in it is not so easy. Although this task is quite within the capabilities of every person.

My motto is to look at the world more simply!

But first we need to define the boundaries of “simplification”. What does it mean to “look at life in a simple way”? Become a don't care? Descend to a vegetable existence, including the satisfaction of simple needs? Stop following the moral and ethical standards that interfere with life and follow only your own lead? But just the other extreme is a reason for new worries, stress and sad thoughts about one’s own worthlessness.

Taking a simpler approach to life means finding every day a reason for joy, which, in turn, will give strength to withstand worries and stress. Any problem acquires the seriousness of the degree that we ourselves attach to it. But many of them, capable of causing panic under the influence of an emotional moment, generally often “dissolve” on their own. Therefore, to start living easier, you need to learn to manage your emotions and thoughts.

Today we live in an age of stress. Every day you have to fight something, worry about something, do something. So much information has never entered our brain before.

How to learn to be happy every day? How to learn to be less nervous? How to simplify your life? Many challenges and few answers. Previously, I would have said: trust in God and that’s it. But today I understand that saying this is not enough; to learn to live without stress, you also need practice.

So today I want to talk about this topic: How to approach life more simply.

Paul, by the Holy Spirit, said this amazing phrase:

Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always ; and I also say: rejoice.

On the one hand, it sounds like some kind of order, but on the other hand, it is a call to vital energy. Joy is the strength to overcome everything negative that befalls us every day. That's why Joy is a state when a person can respond positively to any failure or mistake.

Paul writes about Joy in the Lord. That is, Joy that has its roots in trust in the Lord. And since joy is the fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22 The fruit of the spirit : Love, joy , world…

then and accordingly this is what we learn over time, and we grow this habit like fruit on a tree.

Learning to be happy is really not easy. Because for years we have learned to worry about little things, to expect a trick, to make mountains out of molehills, to live with guilt, etc. Joy is part of the Kingdom of God in us:

Romans 14:17 For Kingdom of God not food and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Joy in the Lord is a positive approach to everything we encounter, being a proclamation of the Kingdom to those around us on this earth. A joyful attitude towards life and everything connected with it shows the world that God is with us, and we believe in it. Joy is the greatest help in times of crisis and failure.

Don't let the enemy steal your Joy. The devil knows very well that as soon as you lose Joy, you will slowly fade away. Your life will be filled with dissatisfaction and fatigue. Life devoid of Joy becomes hard labor.

Learn to enjoy every little thing in your life. Beautiful sunset, trees covered with snow, chatting with friends, tasty piece cake, looking through old photos, family dinner, sport game etc. Someone said: " Learn to savor life in small pieces and find pleasant moments in the world around you ».

A simple example for you. Eat more slowly. Don't fly as if you're late for the last train in your life, towards a bright and happy future. Food should be taken in a good mood and slowly, enjoying every bite. Firstly, this way you will be full faster, although you will eat less than if you stuff food at cruising speed. And secondly, this will be another pleasant moment that will complement your mosaic of enjoying life.

Don't be too picky about little things, learn to enjoy what you don't have to pay a big price for. Joy in the Lord is your vital energy for inner happiness.

Don't live with guilt. Tell me, how many of you experience a feeling of guilt at the moment of any pleasure? Active or passive rest, buying good things in a store, having fun with friends, etc.???

If you blame yourself, then in a good way“relaxed”, you are unlikely to be a joyful person. Allow yourself to enjoy the little joys of life. Sometimes you really just need to get some sleep. Sometimes go to the pool. Sometimes save up money and afford to buy something you dream about. And of course, stop guilt from attacking you.

It is important to learn to enjoy what God has given you without feeling guilty or judging others.

Philippians 4:5 Your meekness let it be known to all men. The Lord is near.

We have already talked to you about meekness. But let me now talk about it on a different plane. Paul writes about a humble state of mind. Meekness or humility is an attitude towards life. Attitude to everything that surrounds you. This is the ability, on the one hand, to enjoy or be satisfied with what we have, and on the other hand, try to achieve more.

Humility is a quality that helps you deal more easily with things that are not done as you would like. Humility is trusting God in what He will do in right time your wish. In contrast, it is pride that kills the state of joy.

Pride prevents us from enjoying small joys, pushing us towards grumbling, dissatisfaction and self-flagellation. Humility, on the contrary, helps us not to reproach ourselves for mistakes and failures. We admit that we are wrong, but we do not kill ourselves morally for it.

We are willing to accept rejection, reprimand, or ignorance because humility helps us not take things too personally, but we remain positive and await God's intervention.

Jesus once said these amazing words:

Matthew 11:28-30 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will calm you down ; take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart , and you will find peace to your souls; For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

Jesus was a realist; He understood what to expect from this world. He knew how everything would happen, so His humility helped Him not to lose His temper. He could control the peace in His heart.

He advises us to learn from Him the simplicity with which He perceives what is happening around Him. Moreover, He invites everyone who is tired of this condition to come to Him and be with Him. Do not lose peace, but live in the simplicity of Christ.

For example, take every rejection lightly because it helps you develop your creativity. For example, if you came to apply for a job and you were rejected, don’t take it to heart, God has something better planned for you.

If you need to temporarily work where you don’t want to, no big deal, look at what you can learn here and continue to move towards your goal. One day you will work where you want.

Someone said: “If you can’t change a situation, change your attitude towards it.”

If your proposal is rejected, and this happens for the tenth time, it’s okay, life goes on, if you torture yourself, you will lose your last joy. Take it easier. After all, it is written:

Romans 8:28 Moreover we know that to those who love God, who are the called according to His purpose, all things work together for good.

Look forward to the good that God has in store for you at the end of everything and, of course, spend enough time in prayer. We read about this further from Paul:

Philippians 4:6-7 Don't worry about anything , but always in prayer and petition with thanksgiving make your desires known to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

The key words here for us are DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING.

We also talked about this several times. It is care, or, let’s say frankly, EXPERIENCES, that kills Joy, Faith, and Peace for something. Very often we cease to feel the balance of life, worrying about what has not yet happened.

For example, the husband is late from work, the wife has a lot of suspicions. Thoughts, like film, scatter throughout all the brains. Nothing has happened yet, and the wife is hysterical. The same goes for mother and child. The student was late after school, and the mother was already panicking. She already sees him under the wheels of a car, beaten in the alley, or even worse...

You can't perceive reality like that. These guesses only complicate your life and destroy your nervous system. The cargo did not arrive on time at Cargo, don’t worry in vain. The boss rejects your call, don’t come up with unnecessary ideas. I got a prick under my ribs, don’t rush to see a cardiologist. Something rattled in the engine, this is not the end.

Ask yourself: am I making things more difficult? Then analyze the situation. If it turns out that your actions are complicating the situation more and more, stop, stop and think, why am I doing all this? What motivates me?

Ask yourself: will this matter in 5 years? Before you make mountains out of molehills and tear your hair out, think about whether this situation will be important in 5 years? And in 5 weeks?

Statistics say that we worry about 80% of unfulfilled expectations, and the remaining 20%, if inevitable, we need to perceive them as reality and think about how to cope with them.

Paul teaches us here to talk to God about every situation, and to do it always and with gratitude. To speak as it is, as we see, what we want, etc., but at the same time tell Him about our gratitude: for the fact that He exists, for the fact that He can fulfill this for us, and for the fact that He will do the best for us.

Moreover, the Peace of God will take control of all our emotions and we will be able to adequately react to the situation. And finally, this will lead us to the right thinking:

Philippians 4:8-9 Finally, my brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report, if there is any excellence or if there is any praise, think . What you have learned, what you have received and heard and seen in me, then do it, and The God of peace will be with you.

Simplicity in thinking inevitably leads us to simplicity in everything, and vice versa, when we complicate everything, anger, irritation, dissatisfaction, and criticism come into our lives. “Become simpler and people will reach out to you.” We have all heard this phrase more than once, but living easier is a whole science.

Some say it's temperament, others say it's character, others say it's an innate gift. In my opinion, this is an art that can be learned. Life constantly gives us opportunities to become better. And if we decide to become simpler for ourselves, then we will not only maintain our longevity, but also help others to be happy around us.

The science called “how to live easier” is not taught the first time, but throughout our lives we can become so. Paul wrote at the end of this text:

Philippians 4:10-13 I rejoice greatly in the Lord that you have already begun to care for me again; you cared before, but circumstances were not favorable to you. I’m not saying this because I need it, because I've learned to be happy with what I have . I know how to live in poverty, I know how to live in abundance; I learned everything and in everything, to be satisfied and to endure hunger, to be both in abundance and in shortage. I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.

Look, Paul says that he learned to live like this. Experience helped him hone this ability to live in any circumstances. Many Christians profess this verse " I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me." without even suspecting that behind it lies the experience of Paul’s long-suffering life.

So, how to live without stress and neuroses? This is probably simply impossible. But it is possible to avoid antidepressants, exhaustion nervous system, stomach ulcers, etc. Learn to live more simply.

Here are five things we talked about:

  1. Joy – as a permanent position
  2. Humility - as an attitude towards what is happening
  3. Prayer – to not care about anything
  4. Thinking - to think correctly
  5. Experience is to learn

Well, the last one is from me:

  1. Try doing something you are not used to doing. Get up early or, on the contrary, get up later, don’t eat meat or sweets, give up what you’re used to for at least a few days. Get out of your comfort zone.
  2. Try new ways to deal with stress. Try sitting and listening to music, going out into nature, doing a few laps around the stadium, swimming in the pool, going to the theater. Do something that helps you relieve stress.
  3. Spend more time with those who are positive. Who takes life easier than you. Who can charge you with their attitude towards life, well, accordingly, spend less time with those who complicate everything.
  4. Stop doing everything perfectly. Just do everything from the heart. Find that balance between perfection and not giving a fuck.
  5. Live “here and now.” He won't run away tomorrow. Learn to have fun today.

Many people ask the right question about where the truth is, but no one can understand that truth is everywhere, because absolutely any answer to this eternal philosophical question is correct. Psychological aspect the perception of life is simple; we all think that life will never end, so we live not in the real moment, but in the future, leaving all things for later. Someone, on the contrary, spends all their time on something useless, forgetting that life tends to end.

Disadvantages of a Positive Attitude

The fact is that there is too much negativity in the world. If you can abstract yourself from it, then your life will be much easier. However, you can suffer greatly if everything you believe in comes crashing down. A positive attitude can be destroyed. If you are confident that nothing will shake him, then try to strengthen your faith. A positive attitude can be especially good at the age of, say, 30 and above, when you have already encountered the main difficulties.

People who are too positive treat life as an adventure, interesting story. This is not always the case, so many find some kind of disappointment in this faith, which is very dangerous for mood and self-esteem. A life position like “I love life, I adore living and want to spread goodness” is the choice of accomplished people who have solved all their main problems, but even they are not immune from falling into the abyss. Psychologically, a person cannot prepare for absolutely everything at once. There is always something that may still surprise him.

IN modern world it's hard to live in your own small world or, conversely, go forward, trying to sanctify the world with the fire of your Have a good mood. This requires a lot of emotional investment. When your “gas tank” is empty, you will fall to the ground, descending from heaven. Of course, many optimists will say: “Life is needed for this, because it consists of ups and downs.” Life is made up of your emotions regarding the ups and downs - that's the basic adjustment. Here you need either complete ataraxia (equanimity), or indifference (indifference), or incredible flexibility. In this regard, let's move on. If everyone in the world were optimists, then with such an attitude the world would become a haven for pampered and lazy people who only know how to live by consumerism. The world would not have survived even a hundred years - a natural apocalypse would have occurred.

Why negative attitudes have a place in the sun

Negative people are less likely to succeed than those who try to conquer the world through willpower. Negative people who see only the dark part of the world are not devoid of willpower. They are not weak-willed - they are either experienced or observant. Yes, they can be accused of electing easy way denial of your power, but, in their opinion, it is better to live with the willingness and knowledge that you can lose than to build some illusions. These people just don't like to be disappointed.

Unlike a positive attitude towards life, a negative one keeps people at a distance from everything. Someone will accuse them of cowardice, arrogance and nihilism, but there is no point in arguing that this understanding of the Universe has its own special meaning. These people understand that humanity cannot be changed, because the collective mind takes its toll. The world is full of evil, injustice and differences between people. Negativity breeds revenge, which breeds negativity - this happens over and over again in a chain. WE are all like a mouse in a wheel. The Earth's motion around the Sun makes an excellent comparison. Everything around us indicates that we cannot escape the vicious circle, so there is nothing wrong with seeing the world as bad and not having hope. The only disadvantage of a negative attitude towards life is psychological failure at the cellular level. The point is that people still go towards the light rather than the dark if they have a choice, so being in a depressed mood won't make you happy in the long term, or even at all. If everyone were pessimists, the world would plunge into darkness, we would remain in the Stone Age, in a state of permanent war or complete worthlessness and inaction.

Flexibility in worldview, philosophical view of the world

Here it is important to remember the Yin-Yang principle, when in the sea of ​​evil there is a drop of good and in the sea of ​​good there is a drop of evil. Flexibility is a skill that not all people are born with. Diplomacy and the ability to reason are the lot of wise, experienced people, but not always adults. It is not without reason that they say that a fool does not turn into a wise man in old age - he turns into a stupid old man. What matters is your desire to understand the world. The author of this article is exactly such a person. Morally and psychologically flexible people always look for answers to questions without becoming 100% cynics or positive-minded fools who are overly self-confident.

This attitude towards life, when you are always looking for answers to questions and trying to understand the essence of everything that happens, is certainly frustrating, because there is no universal essence of existence. A man of science who loves his faith in God or an atheist who does not deny that God may exist is a rarity. The downside of universality is that everyone will hate you: positive-minded, negative-minded. The one who tries to understand everything will not understand anyone, because he belongs to the third group of people. With tact, people can be happy and live a good life for the benefit of those who are overly positive or negative. It is precisely such people who are, for the most part, scientists, priests, and philosophers. Philosophical view on the world - this is also a kind of curse, but more useful for society as a whole and for life.

The kind of people who try to see everything secret signs, they want to discover a grain of truth in everything, they live a life that is often very gray in general, but not unhappy. Happiness for them is a treasure that they accumulate over the years. Yes. It’s hard to part with treasures, but such people know how to swallow grief and negativity. Losses for them are not fatal, although they hurt their self-esteem and feelings. If all people were philosophers, then life would be a little boring, but the world would not be rocked by wars and misunderstandings, there would be equality and peace.

How can you improve your vision of the world?

All problems come from our attitude towards good and evil. There are three things to remember:

  • good and evil will always be an integral part of each other;
  • can not be good people and bad ones - there are people who are inconvenient for you;
  • it doesn't matter what you have because life will end anyway.

Life is something that comes to an end. You will not take your wealth with you to another world. If you do not believe in God and the existence of heaven and hell, then you should not even want to become multi-billionaires, kings, rulers of the world. This is our problem, because people commit all bad deeds only for their own benefit. What's the point if your life path will come to an end. It will happen, rest assured.

Treat life as something that will come to an end. This is the most best advice for you. You will become yourself. You will either spend your life making the world a good place for others, or you will become something very bad. But you will not have questions, there will be no understatement towards yourself. You will lose everything. This is the main philosophical conclusion of all great people. You have no chance of saving yourself forever. Even if the whole world remembers you, you will not know about it.

Our main question is “what will happen next?” This is a subject of debate for all religions, all scientists. What will happen next, no one knows. If all people remember that life is just a moment, which is impossibly small compared to the age of the Universe, then everything will fall into place.

Man by nature often takes everything to heart. The modern rhythm of life leaves its mark on society. Constant stress, lack of money, lack of sleep and even bad weather contribute to the deterioration of the psycho-emotional background. From here, disruptions in internal balance appear, and the perception of life as something valuable worsens. To become happy man, it is important to treat circumstances with ease. Experienced psychologists have developed practical recommendations that will help you achieve what you want. Let's talk about everything in order.

Step #1. Take your work easier

  1. It is no secret that the majority of the population lives according to the “work-home” principle, without receiving true pleasure from the duties they perform. At this stage, it is important to reconsider your attitude.
  2. Make it a habit to start your morning off right. Wake up slowly, visit if possible Gym or go for a half-hour jog around the stadium. Physical activity raises your fighting spirit, as a result of which you will begin to perceive negative factors more positively.
  3. If you travel to work by car, reconsider your usual route to avoid traffic jams. It may be more convenient to take the metro or walk. In addition, in big cities There is a special lane for minibuses. By public transport you will arrive at your destination much faster.
  4. Stop worrying about what others or your boss thinks about you. Don't try to do 5 things at once, solve tasks in descending order (from largest to smallest). It is important to fully concentrate on what you are doing. If you approach your work carefully and don’t get distracted, time will pass faster.
  5. Such an attitude towards the functions performed will help you distance yourself from pressing problems. If the task, in your opinion, is impossible, break it down into small subsections. This way you will achieve your goal faster and easier. When a complex problem is broken down into easy tasks, you will successfully complete each step and gain confidence in your own competence.
  6. Communicate with colleagues, equip workplace to make it cozy. Find time for a lunch break and spend it usefully. Go to rest or go to the nearest park, read a book, watch your favorite TV series. Learn to abstract yourself and relax.

Step #2. Watch your own thoughts

  1. Learn to think simply, don’t overthink it, be more primitive. This does not mean that you should give up your life principles or your favorite hobbies. There is no need to change your usual routine or work rhythm; you don’t need to tirelessly practice meditation or yoga.
  2. Learn to approach life philosophically. Every day every person is faced with a thousand useless thoughts that are in no hurry to leave the mind. After this, the brain grabs onto one of them (usually negative) and continues to spin it.
  3. As a result, you are in a depressed mood, but this does not end there. The following thought is being processed: bad mood It is not always possible to think positively. Such actions only attract negativity, as a result of which life becomes gray and a person becomes dejected.
  4. In moments of depression, learn to control your mind. As soon as a depressing thought flashes through, brush it aside. Think about good things, whether it's going out with friends or going on a monthly shopping spree.
  5. Try to always stop the gray stream of thoughts, stick to a positive note. After communicating with you, people should be recharged with energy, and not feel like they have been squeezed out of lemons.
  6. Thoughts are material, this fact has been proven repeatedly. If you want to get rich, develop visualization. Imagine a beautiful home, office with large windows and leather chairs, expensive car. Attract positivity.

Step #3. Bring ease to relationships

  1. It is known that social communication plays an important role in Everyday life. Every day you encounter different people, be it work colleagues, strangers on public transport, friends or relatives.
  2. Agree, it is not always possible to maintain neutrality and lightness. If your opponent starts a quarrel or tries to impose his own opinion, you just want to respond with rudeness. Get rid of such habits, listen to advice, but do not follow it blindly. Ignore information that does not carry meaning.
  3. There is no need to prove your professionalism to your interlocutor, and you should also not react to provocations. If you are being insulted or challenged to a verbal duel, put the person in their place in a calm tone. Don’t let your psycho-emotional background be disturbed; respond to comments with humor.
  4. Pay due attention to people with whom you have close contact. Do not quarrel with colleagues and superiors, treat older relatives with respect. Delight your other half with unexpected gifts. Bring joy, smile more, make concessions to your opponents (do not criticize your interlocutors).

Step #4. Keep your house in order

  1. The main aspect of maintaining spiritual balance is to ensure order and comfort in the apartment. If there is a mountain of unwashed clothes in the bathroom, and the kitchen sink is completely filled with dishes, you don’t want to take on anything.
  2. To avoid depression about this, keep it clean. Make it a habit to put dirty items in a container and wash them promptly. Spend at least 15 minutes a day cleaning so you don’t have to spend a whole weekend on the procedure.
  3. When you start keeping things in order, your mood will improve significantly. Scattered things will no longer make you depressed, life will improve a little. The recommendation does not require any special expenses, but the result will not be long in coming.
  4. Create a cozy corner for yourself with lamps, a soft chair/sofa, and a coffee table. Spend the evenings alone with yourself, dream, tune in to a positive wave. Go to sleep only with good thoughts.
  5. Ventilate the room regularly; fresh air improves your mood. Get rid of gray wallpaper, hang bright curtains and pictures. If necessary, make repairs or rearrange furniture. Change is always good.
  6. Get rid of “junk”, empty shelves and cabinets. Review your wardrobe, throw in the trash or donate to those in need everything that does not fit perfectly. Learn to throw unnecessary things out of your apartment and your head.

Step #5. Dream right

  1. Psychologists have repeatedly proven the fact that the Universe is always on the side of the dreamer. However, dreams must be reasonable. You shouldn’t dream at night about a private plane or a villa in Antalya, which you will earn in 2 years.
  2. Try to make your dreams more or less real. Do you wish new car? Strive to achieve it. Change jobs or ask for a promotion, open own business, look for ways to earn extra money.
  3. Educate yourself regularly and learn foreign languages, master new professions. Over time you will notice that personal growth helps you achieve what you previously only dreamed of.
  4. When you rise spiritually and materially, life becomes much easier. IN Once again, being in your dreams, you will begin to understand that desires can be fulfilled.
  5. Don't forget about the simple things that make a person happy. This could be a trip to the sea or to the mountains, buying beautiful clothes, going on a picnic with relatives or friends. Active pastime allows you to think more broadly and positively.
  6. Constantly feed your dreams, look for an incentive to achieve a particular goal. Read blogs famous people, study their secrets of success, follow their advice. Create a detailed plan for the next year or 5 years, break it down into points, complete each of them in order.
  1. Connect with the younger generation. Close contact with children promotes a different perception of the surrounding reality. The younger generation approaches life more simply. The child kisses and hugs his parents, laughs sincerely, and does not notice everyday troubles. Close contact will allow you to plunge into your youth, remember your former self - a cheerful, purposeful, active person.
  2. Let go of the past. Learn to live for today, don't look back at the past. Let go of all the thoughts that are pulling you back. Get rid of insomnia, take a course of sedatives if necessary. It is unwise to go through the path of life that you once planned with ex-husband. Move on and meet interesting people, travel more, achieve goals, learn and develop in any convenient way.
  3. Love yourself. Success will not come to a person who does not respect his own “I”. Love yourself, become selfish for a moment! Make a list positive traits character, stick it on the refrigerator, re-read it daily. Eradicate bad habits, don’t swear, treat yourself with gifts. Satisfy your own needs, never stop there.

To approach life more simply, you need to change your worldview. Learn to live in the present, communicate with positive people, achieve heights in your career. Watch your thoughts, destroy negativity. Keep your interpersonal communication simple and keep your apartment tidy. Dream correctly, satisfy your desires.

Video: how to bring back the joy of life