It is known that money and luck are inextricably linked with each other. Therefore, attracting the attention of capricious Fortune is important for material stability, as well as for success in all endeavors. In this article you will find effective ways achieve the favor of fate.

It has long been known that luck favors brave people. Their persistence and diligence are the key to success not only in financially, but also in personal relationships. In order to achieve the attention of Fortune, you need to believe in yourself and follow the goal step by step. And proven people can help in this difficult matter effective rituals, which will set you up for success and attract financial flows to you.

Opening the door to luck

This ritual is based on the belief in well-being and discipline. In order for the house to be full, it is not enough to believe in luck. Efforts must be made to ensure that all your plans come true. There are a few simple rules, observing which, you will certainly earn the favor of Fortune. Poverty is for sloppy and lazy people, so to attract wealth and good luck, start taking care of the place where you live.

1. Keep your home clean.
2. Use essential oils to make your home smell pleasant.
3. Don't hoard unnecessary things.
4. Don't bring negativity into your home.
5. Avoid unpleasant and unwanted guests.
6. Create a festive atmosphere in your home more often.
7. Ventilate the premises more often.
8. Decorate your home.
9. Eat from beautiful dishes.

Ritual to attract money

In order for luck to remember to take a bag of money with you, use the proven methods of our ancestors. Every time you return home, dry your feet thoroughly and say: “I don’t bring dirt into the house, I avoid poverty”. And before leaving the house, put a small coin in the shoes you are wearing, saying:

“I walk along the roads, leave footprints, carry a coin with me, call on wealth. It will follow my steps and knock on my door. Where my foot has stepped, wealth will follow me, stick tightly, and enter the house.”

When you return home, take out the patch and place a beautiful box near the threshold. Open the doors, throw money into the box and say “welcome.”

If possible, leave this piggy bank with front door. She will attract monetary well-being every time you cross the threshold of your home.

Attracting money on the waxing Moon

It is believed that money rituals are especially effective on the waxing Moon. It attracts good luck and increases wealth if asked correctly. IN evening time take any decoration and leave it on the windowsill until midnight. After the clock strikes twelve, leave the house, show your jewelry to the Moon and say:

“This is my wealth, my pride. I don’t need someone else’s, I attract my own. Mother Moon, look how it shines. Show the way to my house to everything that shines and brings joy.”

Bow to the four cardinal directions, hold the jewelry tightly in your hand and return home without looking back. This ritual can also be performed at dawn. Solar energy can also attract monetary well-being, but for this you will need to get up before dawn and say the same thing, but to the Sun.

These simple ways help many. and prosperity, the most important rule remains faith in one’s strengths and the desire to achieve success at any cost. We wish you the fulfillment of all your desires, and do not forget to press the buttons and

09.03.2017 07:47

With the help of proven money will accept Every person can attract good luck and money into their life...


Our subconscious mind is designed in such a way that it remembers most of all the negative moments of life, such as unsuccessful transactions, a breakup, or experienced fear. This gives rise to uncertainty and doubt that a negative experience can be repeated. And we need to take into account how happiness, is not attracted to people with negative thoughts. Indeed, why does a person need it if he is not in the mood for it and can easily miss his goal? To prevent this from happening, you need to set aside 10 minutes every day for happy thoughts. Imagine that you already have what you dream of. Experience moments of delight, as if you had already bought a brand new car or met yours. Dream when you rush to work and when you go to bed. Hence the dreams you have imagined will begin to embody the picture happy life, and the thought will firmly take hold in your subconscious that you deserve to be happy. After a month of such exercises, changes will definitely occur in better side.

If there is a series of unsuccessful events, then under no circumstances should you dwell on them. It happened - and, in the end, we learn from mistakes and any experience is very important. You need to experience the situation and it from yourself. This way you will attract faster happiness, because as the proverb says, “after the stripe there is always a white one.”

For a more detailed picture of a happy life and its speedy development, you can draw a picture in which to display your dreams. When a person draws with inspiration, his subconscious remembers moments associated with joy, good luck, anticipation of love and a new stage in life. This way a person will tune in to the light wave, and happiness someone will soon knock on his door unnoticed.

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Everyone wants happiness. And it doesn’t matter how you present it to myself everyone living on Earth. These may be similar desires, or they may be opposite, one thing is clear - no matter what kind of bird of happiness you see, everyone dreams of catching it or at least holding it in their hands from time to time. In our real life There are certain techniques that help these dreams come true. They are available to everyone, you just need to arm yourself with undivided faith and a great desire to learn how to attract to myself happiness.


Positive attitude. There are classic opposing views in the same situation. Two people looked through the prison bars: one saw dirt, the other stars. Learn to notice only the “stars” under any circumstances, and very soon the changes in your life will begin to pleasantly surprise you. Chinese philosopher Hong Zicheng said: “Learn joy in life - that’s The best way attract happiness».

Replacing a minus with a plus. As soon as you find yourself in a negative field (scandal, abuse, altercation) or “caught” yourself in a state of anger and irritation, quickly perform a ritual that psychologists call neutralization. It will take no more than 3 seconds to complete. Inhale sharply, concentrating all the force of inhalation in the area with a characteristic sound, similar to grunting or snoring. As you exhale, pronounce several consonant sounds in a row - a kind of abbreviation of a phrase that you come up with for such a case yourself. For example, some people say “PVB”, “Get out, you idiot”, or “ChSP” - “I feel great”. A bit of a funny ritual, but everything is explained simply: as you inhale “snoring,” the throat chakra, which is responsible for emotions, begins to vibrate. This technique produces cleansing and changes in your personal space, as well as around you. That is, channels are freed through which positive emotions that precede happiness. When surrounded by people, this technique can be performed intelligently. Pretend that you are clearing your throat, coughing slightly, and just pronounce the abbreviation mentally, the throat ligaments themselves will take the desired position.

Harmony and infinity. An amazingly effective technique that should be performed at high speed for 20 (with closed or with open eyes, as you prefer). Sit back, relax. Mentally imagine in front of you, directly opposite your chest, a silver voluminous figure eight glowing from within. Launch a stream of light into it and drive this shining clot around the figure eight at a speed convenient for you. Then gently “release” the figure eight into space, imagining how it melts, moving away from you. This technique extinguishes the negativity around you and “heals” any situation, even the most difficult one. It’s good to do this technique before bed, because... it shouldn't be interrupted. Although, if you are sure that you will complete the process, you can do it anywhere, even in public transport.

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Helpful advice

You may not follow these recommendations, and then your life will go on as usual, not for a moment bringing you closer to happiness. But, as they say, if you really want an apple, you should at least get off the couch and go out into the garden. That's why you can start your path to happiness with these simple exercises and actions. You will see results within a day. The main thing is not to stop.


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Every person at least once in his life thought about how good it would be if dreams came true. But many do not know that in order for wishes to come true, it is necessary to dream correctly. Almost every reasonable desire can come true. Fantasy dreams are practically impossible to come true. For example, you are unlikely to be able to ride a unicorn, but anyone can join equestrian sports. Before you wish for something, think about how useful it is for you to fulfill this desire, because it can come true.


Strong action Affirmations are used to realize thoughts and desires. Practice positive affirmations daily. Say them out loud when you are alone, and to yourself so as not to embarrass others. For example, if you dream of buying a car, but don’t have enough money yet, lure them with the statement: “I bought the car of my dreams, I like to iron the seat upholstery, I inhale the smell of my new foreign car.”

Words and thoughts will be realized faster if you supplement them with visualization. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, feel your breath, relax your body. In a few minutes you will feel ready to plunge into your own thoughts and dreams. Do not be distracted by problems, now you are busy fulfilling your own desires. A picture will automatically appear before your mind's eye that describes your thoughts. Imagine that this is already reality, this is your present. Live your life, record yourself all the sensations and feelings that arise when your desire comes true. Gradually come out of the meditative state, maintaining within yourself the confidence that your dream has already come true.

Perhaps during visualization, mental blocks will begin to emerge that interfere with the fulfillment of your desire, for example, the words of others. It is these negative ones that yours has recorded that need to be eradicated with positive statements in the future. Choose a suitable affirmation for yourself, for example: “I am surrounded only by those people who will help me achieve my goal.” Gradually, you will notice that the block goes away, and inside you there is a feeling and readiness to be determined to achieve your goal.

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Almost every person at least once in his life has thought about how to attract to myself event. Many people prefer to seek help from specialists - astrologers and psychologists - so that they can help them understand to myself and attract what you want event as fast as possible. However, there are those who can simply think about this or that desire without doing anything.


It has long been proven that thought is material. What does it mean? This means that you need to think and dream about what you really want. You can even visualize the object of desire, look event, but very carefully. Otherwise, this will lead to the fact that you, fantasizing and imagining, will simply experience event, and it will automatically be considered fulfilled.

Thoughts give rise to events in the future. Pull event will succeed faster if it is positive. Accordingly, we can conclude that positive thoughts generate positive events. Various situations occur in life that leave their mark on the subconscious and vision of the world as a whole. Constant flow negative events leads to you becoming irritable, lack of confidence in to myself. And it prevents you from focusing on what you want.

Latest events events that happen in life leave their mark. But never forget your dream, oh own desires achieve something.

Choose a convenient time for yourself to spend every day to myself at least 10 minutes. At this time, do not think about any extraneous things. Concentrate on to myself. Understand what you really want, analyze what is stopping you from achieving what you want. To to myself event, think every day about how to implement it. Follow your desires, listen to yourself. Imagine what it is event came true. Feel your delight and joy, live 10 minutes with this event m as if it is already . Look at the situation from the other side. You achieved what you wanted, you attracted to to myself event. Now answer the question yourself: what bothered you, what stopped you from realizing this desire?


The path to achieving the goal is difficult path. Remember, in order to attract this or that event to yourself, you need to act. The event will not happen by itself. Take action.
Your life is in your hands.

Helpful advice

Do this exercise every day. These are a kind of small steps up the ladder towards the realization of the desired event.

Who doesn't want to become a lucky person? Luck is a direct path to success and self-confidence. Of course, getting it takes some effort. So what exactly needs to be done to make luck smile more and more often?

Believe in yourself! Without faith in own strength there will be no luck. Whichever difficult situation in your life, do not lose hope, fight for a better outcome, believe that you can make things work. This is the only way you can achieve success. Believing in your own luck works wonders!

Don't miss the moment! If there is a moment in your life in which you can rely on luck, do not miss it! To change your life for the better, use every opportunity.

Learn to channel your luck in the right direction! Of course, luck, like everything in the world, tends to run out, so you shouldn’t use it unnecessarily. Listen to your intuition, it will always tell you what to do and how to do it, but don’t turn off your head. Before making an important decision, think through everything to the smallest detail.

Learn to draw conclusions! Even the luckiest people suffer failures and defeats, but an experienced person will always learn from them and try not to make similar mistakes in the future.

Every morning and before bed pronounce the following expressions:

  • "I know that I am a lucky person."
  • “Luck is always on my side.”
  • “If something didn’t work out today, it will work out tomorrow.”
  • “My intuition always tells me the truth, and I trust it.”
  • “I learn from every mistake and try to correct it.”
  • “Luck accompanies me in everything.”

These simple sentences instill confidence in themselves and their strength. They will help you think only about good things, tune in to a positive mood and do any business with confidence in your luck.

To sum it up, I would like to say that luck is an integral part of happy person. And if you convince yourself that luck always favors you, then all problems will simply disappear, and any complex task will become simple and easy to do for you.


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The ability to attract to myself cash flow helps make dreams come true, makes a person more independent and free. It is very important to learn this as early as possible in order to feel successful and avoid the difficulties associated with lack of money.

Many people argue that you can only be born rich and successful. We will tell you how to attract money and luck using various techniques and methods.

Feng Shui attraction

Translated from Chinese, the word “Feng Shui” means “water and wind.” In order to attract good luck and money, ancient teaching advises you to put everything in a certain order. This applies to both the furniture in the house and the thoughts in your head.

The bed should be positioned “facing” the door so that positive energy does not dissipate along with good luck and health. Mirrors are not placed opposite the bed - by being reflected in the mirror, a sleeping person attracts misfortune. No shelves should be hung above the bed, since the energy should rise up unhindered.

The windows in the house should be clean, and objects placed on the window sills should not block natural sunlight. To prevent flows of negative energy from stagnating at the front door, it is not recommended to block the entrance passage.

According to Feng Shui, they are considered very useful houseplants. But there shouldn’t be too many of them in the house. Dried flowers cannot be stored.

Material well-being and success are symbolized by water. It will be useful to have a small fountain or aquarium at home.

Feng Shui symbols

Talismans that bring good luck and money to the house, according to Chinese teachings, are:

  • three-headed toad with a coin in its mouth - main symbol attracting money. According to ancient legend, Buddha caught an evil and greedy toad and, in order to teach it a lesson, forced it to bring wealth to people. After which she secretly penetrated the person and spat out gold coins from her mouth;

  • elephant is a symbol of material protection. It would be useful to purchase an elephant figurine for people running their own business and dealing with constant financial risks, including in trade. Feng Shui advises stroking an elephant's trunk to difficult situation make the right decision;
  • The turtle is a talisman that symbolizes striving forward and great wisdom. The figure of a turtle attracts cash flows and good luck in all endeavors into the life of its owner;
  • fish means prosperity and luck. The image of a goldfish can protect against negative events in life. Ideally, Feng Shui advises purchasing an aquarium and putting eight gold fish and one black fish in it, so that troubles will be avoided and success will become a frequent visitor.
  • Three Chinese coins tied with a red thread are the most popular symbol of wealth that attracts money. These coins need to be kept in your wallet.

How to attract luck and money into your life?

Like attracts like. This physical law also applies to our thoughts. Positive, favorable thoughts attract successful events, cash flows and physical health. The negativity in our heads, on the contrary, tends to bring conflicts, troubles and illnesses into life. Feng Shui advises clearing your mind of unfavorable thoughts and feelings and accepting the good that the Universe is in a hurry to give us.

Many entrepreneurs also use Feng Shui knowledge to attract good luck in business. In an office, as in a home, it is necessary to arrange furniture correctly so that positive energy freely passes through the room and creates a favorable microclimate for clients.

The manager's workplace should be located far from the front door, and it would be useful to hang a picture of mountains behind him to give confidence and a sense of victory. Employees should not sit with their backs to the boss, and to make it more likely to attract good luck, various kinds of talismans can be placed in the offices.

How to attract money to your wallet?

Firstly, you should pay attention to the wallet itself. It must be clean and new. Money does not come into an old, worn-out wallet, since its appearance alone symbolizes poverty.

The money should lie neatly in the wallet, all corners should be straightened, the bills should not be bent or wrinkled. Paper money must be sorted according to its nominal value - from chervonets to thousands in order. It’s even better if the wallet is red, because red attracts money.

In order to invite good luck into the house, it is necessary that the house be clean. You need to take out the trash more often and throw away old unnecessary things; ventilate rooms frequently to unpleasant odors did not accumulate and did not scare away positive energy.

It would be useful to place a red rug in front of the front door and hang an octagonal mirror above it. The house should smell like fruit, because the image of juicy fruit is considered a symbol of abundance in China. You can use aromatherapy lamps or candles to add fragrance to your home. Pets will also benefit owners.

  1. The well-known expression “money loves counting” has a real basis. Money must be counted daily, carefully leafing through paper bills and sorting through hard coins.
  2. Money needs to be loved and respected. Claims that they spoil people and are something unclean scare away the flow of money flowing towards a person.
  3. It is necessary to keep small savings in the house. Even if it is only a few hundred, they will serve as a kind of “beacons” illuminating the way to the house for their fellows. And you can place coins in different corners.
  4. To receive, you must give. Will it be generous donations? orphanage or one piece of gold to a homeless person asking for alms - what is given from the heart will be returned with interest.
  5. What was received freely must be given freely. If you find a wallet or a separate bill forgotten by someone, you should definitely give it to someone who needs it. Money obtained for nothing will not bring happiness to its new owner, but, on the contrary, will contribute to losses.
  6. You cannot boast about your wealth and profit. People's envy will repel good luck.

Rituals to attract money

Money way

There is a ritual that helps pave the way for money into the house. It should start on the first day of any month consisting of 30 days. On the first day you need to set aside one ruble, on the second - two, on the third - three, and so on until the last day of the month.

On the 30th, the collected piggy bank should contain 465 rubles. If folded prime numbers given number (4+6+5), you get 15, add 1 and 5 - you get the number 6 - a symbol of monetary success in numerology.

Conditions for the ritual:

  1. You need to save a strictly specified amount daily, corresponding to the date on the calendar.
  2. As soon as 10 rubles in coins accumulate, they need to be exchanged for chervonets. We accumulate 100 - exchange it for a hundred-ruble bill.
  3. Six is ​​the number of family financial well-being. If personal financial growth is expected, 35 rubles should be added to the deferred amount to make 500. Five in numerology is considered the number of winners.

Ritual with envelopes

For another ritual you will need 4 red envelopes and 16 bills of any denomination (the larger the better). You will need to put 4 bills in each envelope and hide them in different parts of the apartment, but not on the floor. It is not recommended to spend money. The Universe will make sure that others come in a flood to the “call” of the hidden bills.

Ritual "Rice Bowl"

After thoroughly cleaning the apartment, you need to take a small bowl, filling it 2/3 with rice cereal, and place it at the front door. Every day, when we come home, we put coins in this bowl - as many as we scooped out of our wallet or pocket. At the same time, stir the rice a little and say: “I am getting richer every day.”

These steps must be repeated for 27 days by only one person, without missing a day. On the 28th day, you need to get coins and, using the 10th part of the savings received, purchase a spiritual book (Koran, Bible, etc.) or give it to those in need, and with the remaining amount, buy a beautiful thing and carry it with you as a talisman.

The remaining rice should be stored in a secluded place until next time.


Magicians and sorcerers believe that material well-being reacts to the state of the moon: it increases when the moon is waxing and fluctuates unstably when it wanes.

To attract good luck in material matters during new month(no older than three days), you need to take the wallet in your hand, shake it over your head and say: “The month is clear - to the moon, and the money to me.”

After that, three coins and three paper bills are taken out of the wallet and placed in an open box, which is placed on the windowsill where the light from the new moon falls. Before the full moon, money should not be touched, but after it has passed, it can be spent.

Mantras and Affirmations

Translated from Sanskrit, “mantra” is a means of carrying out a psychological act. A mantra is a Buddhist prayer, when recited, a person comes into contact with a certain area of ​​the Universe. With their help, you can be cured of an illness or summon wealth, gain spiritual harmony or make your dream come true.

In order to attract good luck and money, there is the following mantra: “OM LAKSHMI VIGANSHRI KAMALA DHAIRIGAN SVAHA.”

Another mantra to attract good luck in work and in all official matters: “OM GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAHA.”

It is also useful to repeat positive statements to attract money. For example: “Money comes to me regularly and easily”, “I love money, and money loves me”, “I money magnet" and others.

Many people think that a prosperous life is only available to those who are lucky. This is not entirely true. But in order for your wallet not to remain empty, it is not enough to have professional skills and work hard. First of all, you need to change your attitude towards money and learn to attract it with the power of thought.

Where should I start?

Money comes to people who respect it. Never criticize your earnings. Eliminate from your speech phrases like: “I work for these damn pennies” - they only push financial resources away from you. On the contrary, thank money more often for having it.

Also, under no circumstances should you program yourself for poverty. No thoughts or phrases about “I can never afford such a purchase” or “I will never earn that amount in my life”! After all, words are material and will certainly come true! Negative thoughts prevent you from attracting money. Therefore, it is better to speak and think differently: “How nice it would be to afford such a purchase” or “I will definitely buy this thing for myself.” This way you set yourself certain attitudes that affect your life. To become a rich person, you must first think and act like a rich person.

Give to receive!

Help those in need more often. Giving is the most powerful magical action. When you give someone money, you are showing that you have a lot of it. And according to the laws of attraction, an even larger amount will return to you.

Visualize your financial success. It is best to do this before falling asleep or after waking up, when the line between consciousness and subconscious is blurred and the person is most open to energy flows.

Imagine what purchases you make and how your material well-being will be expressed.

A constant sense of purpose contributes to its achievement. Your previous negative thinking will gradually give way to a wealth psychology that will help you attract money.

The rich are friends too

Try to communicate more with rich and successful people. The positive energy of money that comes from it will definitely affect you. And the barriers between you and cash flows will gradually disappear.

Someone else's well-being should not cause envy - this feeling will hinder your personal enrichment. Hanging out with rich people will teach you to act like them. You will be tuned in to abundance and will begin to attract it, because in nature, like attracts like.

Such communication will help you love and respect yourself and spend wisely on your own whims. To the point that if you can’t afford something, but you really want to buy it, you will do it to break the stereotype of a poor person. Show yourself and others that you deserve a good and prosperous life!

Learn to appreciate your work. If you are not satisfied wage, do not be afraid to change jobs, because by receiving less than you deserve, you are not moving towards wealth, but moving away from it.

Candles and fountain

Turning to magical powers, which affect the flow of monetary energy. Exists a large number of ceremonies, rituals, mantras, talismans, prayers that will help you become a wealthy person. You can furnish your apartment according to Feng Shui: buy a decorative fountain (water is a symbol of material well-being), use it regularly, especially with fruity aromas, start and care for it.

You can resort to the help of talismans. For example, place a figurine of a toad with a coin in its mouth at home (according to legend, Buddha caught a greedy toad and forced him to secretly enter people's homes and spit gold coins out of his mouth). Or put a paper dollar folded into a triangle in an unused compartment of your wallet.

On the waxing moon

Many conspiracies will also help you attract wealth. I will give two of the simplest and at the same time very effective. They are performed during the waxing moon.

On the fourth day after the new moon, you need to go to the window, ring and rustle money and say, turning to the Moon:

“It’s a month for you to look young, but there won’t be any money in my wallet!”

This phrase should be repeated three times.

To perform another ritual you will need a green candle. Light it and, looking at the flame, say three times:

"I wish that healing and harmonious energy this candle became mine. Let the magic of money flow through my life. I attract money like a magnet. I am open and receptive to wealth. There is light and love around me, they protect me in all my efforts. Let everything be done according to my word."

Don't put out the candle until it burns out.

Be in harmony with yourself, live and think like wealthy man- and your energy will begin to attract wealth!

Many people are familiar with the situation when someone gets by from penny to penny, but money seems to flow to someone. Moreover, in most cases, both categories of people do not understand each other at all. It's all about monetary energy, which needs to be directed in the right direction. Some people are able to manage money energy unconsciously, while others learn this specifically.

Rethink your thinking. If you think that money can only be earned through hard labor, so be it. Poor people think of money as something bad, so they don't want to linger in their hands. On the subtle plane, money is an energy-informational structure, so it feels great about how one treats oneself. Do not envy other people's wealth, it is better to wish people prosperity, then it will not be slow to enter your life. Create for money good conditions so that they enjoy being with you. Choose a convenient wallet that you like. It shouldn't be old and shabby. As for color, there are no strict limits, but it is preferable to choose shades that symbolize wealth - black, white, red, green, metallic and gold. Carefully fold bills and store change separately from them. You can purchase special talismans, but in this case you must know the manufacturer and completely trust him, since only a professional can charge the talisman correctly. Respect yourself and try not to skimp on yourself. Choose the highest quality clothes, shoes and cosmetics. By doing this, you won't be able to buy too many things, but you will definitely look the part. Love yourself, and then money will love you. To attract money and prosperity into your life, think about what exactly you want. Poor people are too focused on failures and debts, so they don’t even try to imagine that their situation and life can be radically changed. They send the energy of failure into the universe, which is why failures come back to them again and again - a certain cycle occurs. You must clearly know what exactly you want to do in life, where to live, how to dress, what things you would like to accomplish, etc. Make a list of your goals, no matter how stupid it may seem to you. Changing your mindset is a very important step to attracting money. Start learning financial literacy. Learn money theory and investing principles. You need to know where it is better to invest your accumulated money in order to get an even greater return in the future. This way, you can find a business (if you haven’t already done so) that will bring you joy and material well-being. Don't be lazy and don't be idle. Work and develop in the direction you chose to attract money. Only in this case will the universe give you a chance to achieve financial well-being. Visualize your goals. This is a very powerful tool for attracting money into your life, which many people underestimate. By imagining yourself as successful, you send out corresponding energy into the world. Sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes. Then visualize a clear picture of the lifestyle you want. Try to make the sensations as vivid as possible, feel every detail of the picture. In visualization, it is the sensations that you send out into the world that are very important.

Don't be upset if at first you don't succeed. It's very hard to change your mindset, but it's worth it. Many successful people claim that at the initial stage the universe often arranges a kind of “check” to see if you will give up after a failure. You must be worthy of your goal, and then you will definitely get the desired result.