To understand how to open a food kiosk, you must first refer to the current Russian legislation. After all, the legal registration of such an organization in modern conditions Sometimes it’s much more difficult than directly finding funds to start a business.

In principle, the package of documents for opening any store at the initial stage is standard, be it a milk kiosk or, for example, a newspaper pavilion. Each trade Organization begins its formal existence with education legal entity or registration individual(founder) as individual entrepreneur and obtaining relevant certificates. It is also necessary to have constituent documents, which by law are the charter and/or constituent agreement. After receiving these documents, you need to contact the tax authority and register your organization as a taxpayer. The last required paper from the standard set is Goskomstat codes, which are issued in person at the Rosstat Statregister - the institution that deals with state statistics economic entities.

With this documentation, the organization can already begin economic activity, but in order to express it in such a form as a food stall or pavilion, it is not enough - to start retail or small wholesale trade, you need to collect an additional set of papers.

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Completion of registration: additional documentation

Firstly, in mandatory You need a rental agreement for the premises or a certificate of ownership of it. This pavilion (sales outlet) must meet all the requirements put forward by sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities and fire services. Representatives of the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations will carefully inspect the stall, and based on this event it will be determined what violations exist and what shortcomings need to be eliminated in order to obtain permission to sell food products. When the premises are completely put in order and the employees of the relevant organizations give the go-ahead for trading activities, the owner of the company (founder or individual entrepreneur) will be provided with the following documents: a conclusion on fire safety, an alarm service agreement, a BTI plan, the conclusion of a sanitary inspection service, an agreement for pest control work. Also, in order for the stall to start operating, you also need an agreement for the removal of solid household and food waste with a private or government contractor. A copy of it must be provided to the SES.

Special attention to organizers of small trading enterprise, which is what a kiosk is, should be paid not only to the internal and external condition the premises itself, but also on working conditions. Only after the SES finds them acceptable will the company be issued a workplace certificate. The employees themselves (usually no more than 6 people) must have health records, which confirm the absence of diseases that are unacceptable for working with food products.

The trade pavilion must have a law on the protection of consumer rights in its current version and, in addition, a book of complaints and suggestions.

The final step for those who are planning to do so is to choose the form of taxation. Currently, the most suitable option is the Unified Tax on Imputed Income (UTI). Tax rate is established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in Article 346.31, and on this moment it is 15% of the amount of imputed income.

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Organization of a retail outlet: location, personnel, assessment of activities in monetary terms

The stall should be located either in an area with a large number of residents, or in a place where it will be most in demand. In particular, a food pavilion can be located near a large office or industrial enterprise, in an area where high demand is initially expected.

The higher the demand, the faster the project will pay off.

Recruitment should never be taken lightly. After all, if you hire the “wrong” person, you can lose considerable benefits. The person must be interested in this position, even if the profession of a salesperson-cashier does not imply high earnings. It would be very good if a person has a secondary specialized education in a trade profile - this can be a great help for the future development of the organization. At the initial stage, you should not hire more than 2-3 sellers, especially if the kiosk will not be open 24 hours a day. It would be better to distribute shifts taking into account the wishes of the people hired - this will improve their motivation to work.

Initially, of course, certain and quite significant cash injections will be required, which are formed either from personal savings or by resorting to bank lending for small businesses. Necessary calculations Costs and incomes will be averaged across the country, so as not to be limited to one locality, but to be able to look at the most general picture.

Purchasing a premises (be it a stand-alone stall in a trailer format or a special pavilion at the market) will cost approximately 500,000-700,000 rubles. Ultimately, everything will depend on the area. To purchase everything that is useful for equipping the sales area (cash register, shelves, display cases, refrigeration equipment, etc.) it is worth setting aside an amount of about 120,000-200,000 rubles. To create a stable supply of food products, you will need to allocate at least 140,000 rubles (in remote and northern regions, the amount will have to be increased by 20-30%). It is definitely worth having money in case of force majeure, at least 100,000 rubles. Total, excluding payroll, land rent, utility bills and taxes, required minimum amount will be equal to 860,000 rubles. Taking into account these provisions, it increases by an average of 80,000-130,000 thousand, depending on the number of employed people and their wages, kiosk operating hours, as well as revenue volumes.

You will need

  • - permission from the local administration and fire inspection authority;
  • - certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • - “box” of a trade kiosk;
  • - a set of commercial equipment (including cash machine);
  • - one or two replaceable implementers.


Choose a place to be located kiosk, keeping in mind the main circumstances favoring street trading. Firstly, you need high cross-country ability, secondly, the ability to connect to electricity and other communications (if necessary), and thirdly, the absence of fierce competition in the chosen territory. The latter is important both from a purely economic point of view and for reasons of your safety - you need to learn about established traditions and undercurrents in this field of activity in advance.

Obtain permission to install a retail outlet in the location of your choice, submit an application to the architecture department and trade department of the local administration. Having received the go-ahead, register your individual business with the tax inspectorate. Ensure in advance the consent of the fire inspectors, who will then arrive again at the already equipped point to check the serviceability of the fire extinguisher with which it will be equipped.

Buy kiosk, having studied all available advertisements for the sale of used trading “boxes” - for large city This is quite a hot commodity. Arrange delivery and installation kiosk and at the point you choose, all the work will take you a few days at most, although it will require the involvement of third-party labor and equipment. Connect to electricity by concluding an agreement with the electricity supplier.

Buy a standard set of commercial equipment for kiosk a - wooden trays, metal racks, refrigerator and scales. Also purchase a cash register, which will need to be registered with tax authority. This set of commercial equipment will be quite sufficient for your purposes.

Find several sellers who will work in your kiosk e, replacing each other. Many owners of retail outlets prefer to work in the stall on their own, only having to leave workplace at the time of purchasing goods. It is possible to hope that a hired salesperson will trade effectively only if his salary consists of a salary and a percentage of the profit received during the shift.


  • Business plan for opening a kiosk

Trade is one of the most common types entrepreneurial activity. Sales of products through kiosks the most profitable type of trade. To get started, you just need to install the kiosk and fill it with goods.

You will need

  • - an area with a smooth surface;
  • - blocks or bricks for installation.


Purchase a kiosk “box” and install it, observing the terms and location specified in the permitting documentation. Already after installation, Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate should also give you the go-ahead.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Try not to forget that all documents for the right to run a trade kiosk must be renewed once a year - failure to complete this procedure in a timely manner can create a lot of unnecessary hassle.

It is advisable to organize a 24-hour operation of a “stall” if it is located in a busy place, where life does not subside even in dark time days - on the central streets and squares, replete with “night” entertainment.


  • Brief business plan for a kiosk. in 2019
  • how to install a stall in 2019

One of the most profitable types of business is pharmacy business. The population's need for medicines never decreases, while the range of medicines is constantly growing. Therefore, with the right approach to business, the payback period for this business can be calculated in months. Opening your own pharmacy or pharmacy kiosk not much different from opening a retail outlet, except that there are additional restrictions.


First of all, you need to decide on the location of the opening. The most profitable are places where people gather, for example, shopping areas, metro exits, etc. Large costs for renting premises here are paid off by large sales volumes. On the other hand, on the outskirts of the city, you can save on rent, but the flow of buyers in this case will be lower.

The pharmacy must be licensed. The process of obtaining permits can take up to six months, because provides for long-term operation of various services (fire safety, sanitary, etc.).

The specificity of the product being sold requires highly qualified personnel on staff. First of all, this is a pharmacist who not only performs the functions of a seller, but also advises buyers on the purchase of a particular drug.

Finally, an indispensable condition for the success of this type is the availability of a wide range of goods that meet demand large quantity buyers. In addition, the client must always have an alternative for any medicinal product. The product range can be expanded to include diagnostic devices and other destination goods.

Video on the topic

The demand for fresh meat has always been and will remain high. Not every city can easily find fresh goods. With the right approach to creating and developing a business, the meat department will bring good profits.

You will need

  • - package of registration and permitting documents;
  • - business plan;
  • - premises;
  • - retail store equipment;
  • - suppliers;
  • - advertising.


Create a business plan. You will need it not only to calculate the profitability of your activities, but also to obtain loan funds.

Find a room. It can be bought or rented. If you are going to trade fresh meat, then the presence of a cutting shop is mandatory.

Install commercial equipment. You will need refrigerated and freezer chests, counters, a cash register, and scales. If you make semi-finished products right in the store, you will need an electric meat grinder, a set of cutting knives and axes.

Obtain the necessary registration and permitting documents. First of all, you need to register with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. Next, you will need a certificate from the sanitary-epidemiological service, a trade permit, and a license to distribute food products.

Agree on the supply of goods. It’s better to work with small but proven farms, which have all the necessary invoice certificates.

You can also trade other livestock products: dairy products, eggs, etc.

Hire employees to work in the store. You will need at least one butcher. He must have experience, because he must present your product correctly and beautifully. Don't forget to check with your butcher for a valid medical certificate. If you want to save on staff, you can stand behind the counter yourself, or you will have to hire a salesperson.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

To avoid unnecessary investments and paperwork, you can try to find a store that offers ready-made trading place(although it will be quite difficult) with all the trade equipment and permits. In this case, you will only need to conclude an agreement with him on the joint provision of services.

Have you decided to open your own business? Find a suitable niche in which there will be few competitors. Selling ice cream is a great idea summer business. Very little investment is needed. It will also require hard work and luck. With this approach, success is guaranteed!


  • Ice cream business, great summer idea

Newspaper kiosk- example small business, which will bring a low but constant income. Despite the development of the Internet, people continue to read newspapers and magazines, so this business promises to be stable.

You will need

  • To open a kiosk, you will need land for the kiosk, the kiosk itself, business registration and approval from the administration, and product suppliers.


You can either buy your own kiosk and install it in the chosen location, or rent a kiosk. In the first case, you will have to rent land from a local one, which will be a rather long and expensive process. Or will you need to rent space in mall. In addition, you will invest a lot of money in the kiosk. Therefore, rent an existing kiosk, especially if it is located in a good location. If its location does not suit you, then you can use it in a rented area.

You will need minimal legal registration - registration as an individual entrepreneur. You can register at your local tax office. The registration fee currently amounts to 800 rubles.

You can negotiate deliveries via the Internet with suppliers of magazines and other goods. In addition to newspapers and magazines, it will be profitable for you to sell other small items: notebooks, pens, napkins, etc. This is especially useful if there are few shops nearby.

If you don't want to be a salesperson yourself, you should hire two salespeople who work in shifts. It is not necessary to require special “art of selling” from such sellers; a certain flow of clients will be ensured in any case. Therefore, you can hire sellers without work experience for the minimum wage.


In the age of the Internet and television, there is less and less space left for the traditional acquisition of information in the form of reading newspapers and magazines, but young people are more interested in new types of media, while older generation continues to read newspapers. This aspect may serve as a reason for organizing own business with the opening of a newsstand.

Helpful advice

Many people want to have their own business, albeit small. Often such an undertaking grows over time into a major business, as one gains experience in the commercial field. Opening your own trade tent - best option to test your entrepreneurial skills.


Having registered as an individual entrepreneur, begin to look for a suitable place to place a trade tent. It is advisable to exclude the presence of others with similar products nearby. Set up in a place large cluster people and high traffic, for example, at a public transport stop. Next, you need to contact the trade department of the government on whose territory your property will be located to draw up rental papers. You will need a cash register, a refrigerator for drinks and at least minimal amenities (a chair, a heater for the cold season, a fan for the summer, etc.).

The most popular assortment is beer, low-alcohol drinks, chewing gum, chips, nuts, etc. The list must first be agreed upon with the district government and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Inspectorate, and the relevant trade documents must be obtained. You can purchase at wholesale stores. If you do not have your own storage space for products, orders should be placed at intervals determined by the demand for the product and its consumption.

The number of tent sellers depends on the mode. The working schedule can be every other day, two days after two, or a day after two, if trading does not stop on time. The most effective way to find staff is through advertisements, especially by placing them in the window of a tent. Most valuable quality seller - decency. Even if at first glance a person inspires your confidence, it would be worth checking him for cleanliness in order to avoid future problems with shortages.

A bread kiosk in a residential area of ​​the city or simply in any place with high traffic can be an excellent type of business for a novice entrepreneur - by betting on a high turnover, you can, over time, achieve more and more favorable terms of cooperation with suppliers, bakeries and mini-bakeries.

You will need

  • - permission from several departments of the local administration;
  • - stationary kiosk, new or used;
  • - trade equipment (racks, wooden trays, cash register);
  • - agreement with several suppliers of bakery products;
  • - salesperson (one or two replacements).


Before you start choosing a location for your stall, check with your local administration. existing rules you can locate a retail outlet in principle. In some cities, the choice of places and stalls is very limited and you have to proceed not from your desires, but from the requirements of the city administration. Having already chosen a specific location, coordinate it with the department of architecture and urban planning and obtain permission from the trade department.

Evaluate the offers of companies that manufacture stationary trading kiosks in your city or its environs. If it is possible to order a new kiosk, do it; if you don’t have enough money, negotiate the purchase of a used kiosk with the owner who is liquidating his outlet. In the latter case, the costs of dismantling and transporting the kiosk will most likely have to be borne by you.

Equip the kiosk with everything necessary, namely the simplest commercial equipment (several racks and wooden trays), as well as a fire alarm. Purchase a cash register, register it with the tax office (if you already have the status of an individual entrepreneur), enter into an agreement for servicing the cash register. Your retail outlet, ready for operation, must be accepted by employees of the licensing authorities - the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor.

Collect a database of all possible suppliers of bakery and confectionery products (you can add them to the range) in your region. Keep in mind that many manufacturers do not work with retail outlets directly, but sell bread to wholesale companies, which themselves deliver the goods to the outlets. It will be more convenient for you to work with wholesalers - although they add an additional markup on the goods, you will not have to organize the delivery of bread from the factory or bakery, and this will make your life much easier.

Find a seller who is reliable in all respects, preferably having received some recommendations from his past employers. An honest and polite seller is the key to the prosperity and well-being of your retail outlet; it is better to change ten sellers and find a decent one than to constantly incur losses from the dishonest performance of your duties by the first one you come across.

Opening a street stall is not at all the same as opening a kiosk. In the first case, minimal investments and minimal hassle are required, in the second you will have to work hard and invest larger capital, but it is worth it.

What is special about trading at a kiosk?

This retail outlet is a small architectural form, which is most often stationary and the installation of which requires mandatory permission from the municipal authorities. When choosing this type of business, you need to decide on the main thing - where to open a kiosk. If not everything, then a lot depends on the place, and the best options There will be stops, squares near metro stations, parks, central streets. Kiosks located in walk-through areas of residential areas are also popular. The main task of an entrepreneur is to locate where there will always be a lot of people, and based on who is passing by and why, you can choose the type of product.

The kiosk can sell food, household chemicals, snacks, drinks, vegetables and fruits, flowers. Also popular are “themed” kiosks with homemade cakes or cakes, sandwiches, pies. Another option is office supplies, newspapers or magazines. If a businessman doesn’t know where to start, you can simply look at what exactly is popular in a given area: even if you repeat after your competitors, you can achieve success simply by offering customers some kind of twist or unique type of product.

Another important nuance– selection of the pavilion itself. Small architectural forms are quite expensive (up to 300 thousand rubles), so it is best to open a kiosk, simply rented. As a rule, pavilions for rent are offered exactly where they are most needed, therefore, by turning to the landlord, a businessman automatically decides the issue of the location of his outlet.

And, of course, before you start working and think about how much it costs to open a kiosk, you definitely need to officially register. The main thing that should be is a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs. In addition, you may need a license to sell alcoholic beverages, a permit to sell food products, and product certificates. The latter are needed if trade in goods made independently is carried out. Also, sellers working with products will need health certificates. All this will be checked by the sanitary station and local authorities, and only after that a trade permit will be issued. If you work with non-food products, such difficulties can be avoided, but before opening a kiosk, you will need to obtain permission from the fire inspectorate.

How much money should you have in stock?

If an entrepreneur has set his sights on renting a kiosk, then you should expect costs of 30-50 thousand rubles per month. In small towns the price will be lower. In this case, as a rule, payments are made for the first two months at once, so it is better to have up to 100 thousand on hand in order to be able to pay the rent.

In addition, the answer to the question of how much it costs to open a kiosk also depends on what equipment is chosen. Costs may be:

  • 30-40 thousand – for refrigeration equipment (refrigerator, display cases, etc.)
  • 10-20 thousand – for commercial equipment (racks, shelves)
  • 8 thousand – for a cash register (you can save money and choose a used one, which will cost about 2.5-3 thousand rubles)
  • 3 thousand - on the scales

In addition, about 35 thousand rubles will be needed for a license giving the right to trade in alcoholic beverages. And, of course, you need to allocate funds for the purchase of a basic assortment - regardless of its specifics, it is worth allocating 150-200 thousand rubles for these purposes.

In addition to this, there are also monthly costs that determine whether it is profitable to open a kiosk in a given situation:

  • 4-6 thousand rubles will be spent on electricity (in winter the figure will be higher, since the cost of heating the room will be added)
  • 4 thousand will go to others public utilities– water supply, ventilation, sewerage (the kiosk may not have all of this, so you can save money at this point)
  • 4 thousand - for the salary of an accountant (the businessman himself can act in his role)
  • 16-20 thousand (minimum) - for the seller’s salary (again, you can save on it if you open family business and trade on your own)

The profit from such a business will directly depend on where to open a kiosk and what to sell in it. However, in general, payback for a kiosk can be achieved within the first 6 months of operation. Even if you earn 2-3 thousand rubles daily, the monthly profit will reach 60-90 thousand. This will be quite enough to pay regular payments and leave 30-40 thousand rubles of net profit. Over time, this amount will increase, but the answer to the question of whether it is profitable to open a kiosk will depend on the entrepreneur himself - the more interested he is in developing the business, the more chances he has to achieve excellent income with minimal additional costs.

The Sushi Make chain has created in Novosibirsk, in fact, a new format of catering establishments - pavilions selling Japanese cuisine to take away. The man who came up with the idea of ​​bringing Philadelphia rolls closer to the people, co-owner of the chain Alexander Zhulkovsky, told NGS.BUSINESS how much traders of “Japanese food” earn from the love of Siberians for it and what “Sushi Make” intends to sell in the future, when the public finally gets tired of sushi and rolls.

How did you even come up with the idea of ​​actually selling Japanese food in stalls - like shawarma or pancakes?

I saw this format itself in Thailand and decided that it could work here too. I haven’t seen any analogues in Russia yet. The main idea was to combine making rolls on site and selling them to take away. On the one hand, this allows you to save on rent, waiters, security, and therefore. to make prices lower without losing quality, on the other hand, to guarantee the freshness of the product. In addition, local production allows you to quickly respond to demand - if a certain dish sells better, more of it can be made.

The very first point in the Metromarket shopping center in June 2011, as they say, took off - we occupied literally several square meters, but the sales were very convincing. But most importantly, there was a very good team there, which set the level for the development of the network in the future. The main conclusion that we made even then: the “Sushi Make” format allows us to attract not only existing lovers of Japanese cuisine, but also completely new groups of consumers, those who, due to financial considerations or a certain inertia, did not go to restaurants and cafes of Japanese cuisine .

What is the markup level for this format?

Our markup is now on average at 130%. For public catering this is very little. Suffice it to say that the restaurant’s markup on the most popular Philadelphia roll, for example, is 250–270%. In principle, we could sell it a little more expensive, but our strategic goal is to make this product as affordable as possible. So that, relatively speaking, a grandmother who went to the store for groceries could come to us and buy a portion of rolls. And I think that it is hardly possible to trade cheaper - for this you will have to reduce quality, saving on raw materials. And our consumers have already begun to understand this kitchen and react to changes quickly.

However, you have competitors who can offer even lower prices: supermarkets and delivery services...

As for supermarkets, I don’t see much prospects here. People still understand that these dishes must be made right now. And when you go to the display case, you don’t know how many hours this set has been there. As for deliveries, there is a certain minimum amount, after which the order will be delivered to you free of charge, otherwise you will not receive any benefit. In addition, delivery and delivery are different. Well-known companies like “Harakiri” are one thing, and quite another are some constantly appearing and disappearing services in which dishes from raw fish they are made by someone unknown and where. I believe that our main advantage is that customers see how the dishes they sell to them are prepared. We now even want to install cold display cases on which the fish and seafood we work with will be displayed, as is customary in classic sushi bars.

How much does it cost to open one point of your format?

Equipment for one pavilion costs us approximately 1.7 million rubles. (excluding the cost of the building, since we rent our premises). This is significantly cheaper than opening a full-fledged cafe, but this cheapness is deceptive. In principle, you can spend 200 thousand and also sell “Japanese cuisine” - I’ve already seen such examples. True, such “stalls” close as quickly as they open. This only makes us better - let people have something to compare us with.

About ten years ago, sushi and rolls were almost elite dishes in Novosibirsk, but today they are sold on city highways, like some kind of shawarma. Where will this catering segment develop next?

To be honest, I think that rolls are already a dead end. There is no room for development here. In principle, there are already three types of enterprises that work with this cuisine: cafes, delivery and pavilions - and nothing new can be invented here. Personally, I pin my hopes more on expanding the menu towards the kitchen South-East Asia generally. For example, we are now selling more and more noodles. We had to work a lot on it to bring the quality to the required level, we even bought certain know-how with money, but now this product is in increasing demand.

Sushi and rolls are a snack; it is impossible to dine on them (that is, more regularly). But noodles, fried chicken, meat in sauces are normal food for every day. Moreover, the food is extremely varied, since there can be a lot of flavor options. I think that over time we, as in Western Europe, such Asian eateries will become popular, with small halls, or generally selling only for takeaway, where there will be a lot of tasty and inexpensive, and most importantly, freshly prepared food that you can stop by to buy on the way home or to eat in the office. There really is room for improvement here.

Today you already have 13 points, how many would you like to have in the near future?

We have no plan to open a certain number of points no matter what. Each point must work and make a profit. We are now actively looking for access to new and existing shopping centers. As for the pavilions on the streets, everything is not so simple here. Unfortunately, we have very few streets with good pedestrian flow. In fact, this is only part of Lenin Street, a little of Krasny Avenue, part of Marx Avenue. That's all, actually - for a city of one and a half million people this is quite a bit. In Krasnoyarsk, say, things are much better with this, since there is a certain historical Center where you can just have a good time. But we will still experiment and try to enter new areas, since with our format it is easier to do this, and our risks are much lower than those of larger cafes or restaurants.

One of the most successful solutions for beginning entrepreneurs who do not have much business experience and large start-up capital is to open their own stall. This does not require a serious approach from management, so you can easily run your small business without leaving your favorite job. In addition, you will be able to gain valuable experience that will help you in opening more serious projects or developing the current one.

In retail there is competition even at its most small town always has a high rate, but this does not prevent you from intervening in an already tested system! Shops, supermarkets, shopping centers and small boutiques compete every day for consumers' money. Large chain stores have an advantage - this is volume, but small retail outlets also have an advantage - a deep understanding of their customers, walking distance, as well as an individual approach.

The main advantage of opening a kiosk over a large store is significant savings on rent. The disadvantage immediately follows from the resulting advantage - this small area, and, therefore, you will not be able to store a lot of goods. Another disadvantage is the limited size of the display case. In addition, the buyer will not be able to get inside, which means even weather will affect sales.

If you open a stall with a specialized assortment, this will be an excellent start for doing business in small cities and towns. Today, it is often observed that there is a shortage of specialized stores and a stall can fill this niche. It is worth noting that in small cities the level of well-being of residents is lower than that of people living in the capital. Based on this, it would be wrong to offer expensive goods!

Then how to open your own stall so that you can have regular customers? Need to do right choice goods for sale. If you are going to sell newspapers, stationery or food, then you will not be able to compete with stores. However, if you choose a narrow niche for yourself and start selling various types of tea, then you will definitely have regular customers, which will bring you the lion’s share of the profit!

You must create your own competitiveness! To do this you must follow the main rules:

  • First, you will need to choose a convenient location.
  • Convenient work schedule for your customers.
  • Unique and best-selling products!

With the right premises, you won’t even need advertising, because your outlet will be visible from afar and customers will not pass by. If, however, your stall is located away from areas with high traffic, then you can use outdoor advertising.

Depending on the right location and the products sold, such a business can bring in up to several thousand dollars per month. At the same time, the starting capital for opening a stall is not large! The main thing is to have money for rent and the seller’s salary for the first two months. Don't forget about the first batch of goods! In addition to all this, you will need to purchase a cash register; you may need a small heater and a small TV to create more comfortable working conditions. If you also sell frozen products, then you will need a refrigerator.

Trading Basics

Maintaining small retail trade consists of very simple steps:

  1. You need to find a suitable supplier for the product.
  2. You deliver the goods to your stall.
  3. You make a markup of 50-100%.
  4. Start selling your product!

Of course, you can do everything yourself, but it is best to hire two salespeople for a shift work schedule. Periodically perform re-registration to control your employees.

Don't even think about storing your proceeds in a kiosk. It is best to collect the money yourself every day or arrange with a nearby store. Install a safe and store your money in it! Every evening the seller will leave the proceeds, and once a week the collector will come.

You can entrust the delivery of goods to transport company. But this is not always an advisable solution, since the volume of goods is not large at all and most likely can easily fit into a personal car.

We solve problems

You have a small area and there is a problem with where to store the goods. So you will have to deliver products frequently, perhaps even every two days! Although this indicator will greatly depend on the specifics and shelf life of the products sold.

Example: You sell fruits - in this case, you can’t escape and will have to import fresh goods every 2 days. If you sell discs with video games, films, etc., then you only need to import a new batch once every 2 weeks. Such a product does not take up much space, can be easily stored in boxes and does not spoil!

You already have a person to carry out sales, but who will then be involved in purchasing products? If you only own a few stalls (or one), then you will not be able to afford to hire a purchasing specialist. In addition, it will take you not only a tidy sum to pay wages, but also a lot of effort to control such an employee. So it’s better to handle this responsibility yourself!

One of the main tasks is to find a good, reliable supplier who works in a suitable location and with a convenient schedule so that purchasing does not create discomfort! You'll have to fit trips to the supplier into your schedule, so take all the considerations into account.

You need to think ahead and make a list of all the necessary goods to purchase so that you can calculate the budget. It is best to have a stable small working capital than to constantly import new products with the money you just earned. Try to find a middle ground, because there should be just enough goods in the stall to always maintain the same supply. It is enough to keep a simple accounting system in the form of a notebook, which will be of great help to you!

It is important, and even very important, to approach the design of your window display wisely, as well as set competitive prices! The size of the display case limits you, so you need to carefully select your product displays.

Where to start?

There are two proven methods that will help you open your own kiosk. Let's look at them with examples and draw conclusions.

Option #1

Imagine that you decide to open a kiosk selling jewelry. What do you need for this?

  1. Find out what suppliers there are in the city and establish contact with them.
  2. Find out the purchase price for the product and determine the retail price for your kiosk.
  3. Now you need to start looking for a suitable place to open a retail outlet. Firstly, there should be a lot of women here, and secondly, make sure that there are no similar products being sold nearby!

You need funds to purchase the first batch, as well as a deposit for rent. Keep your funds ready! Once you find a suitable place, you can open your stall in no time. However, this method has a drawback - you can spend a lot of time searching for a suitable place.

Option No. 2

First, find a room in passage place for a reasonable fee.

  1. When you have found a kiosk, you will need to conduct a competitor analysis and figure out which products are worth selling in such a place.
  2. Then find suppliers and check prices.
  3. Every time you find a location, you'll have to do some quick market research!

There is an advantage here! You take less risk because you can adapt your outlet to a different product. You can also spend less money than if you searched for a kiosk for a specific product.

If you are opening your own stall for the first time, you can use one of the proposed options. If you already own one profitable retail outlet, then it would be advisable to open a second identical kiosk with a similar assortment! You will have advantages: firstly, you already know which product is in demand, and secondly, you will not need to look for new suppliers. The last argument is that you can “knock out” a discount from your supplier due to the volume of purchased products.

Where to open a stall?

The first specificity of selling goods in stalls is that the entrepreneur most often rents the premises. The construction of such kiosks and the subsequent task of renting them out is a completely different, more big business. Anyone who wants to open their own stall is most often offered a ready-made option, which includes a kitty, the installation of which has been agreed upon with the authorities and electricity installed.

You can open your stall not only on the busy streets of the city, but also indoors. In this case, large shopping centers, metro stations, train stations and others act as lessors. Working indoors has its advantages: safety, necessary communications, a serious flow of paying clients.

The downside is also present: high rent, and a good place rare to find! Finding a free suitable place for a stall is quite difficult. Moreover, you need to make sure that the place and product match!

What product to sell?

Following the question how to open your own kiosk Another thought comes to mind: “What is there to sell in it?” Let's look at several options for product directions for sale through a stall.

Alcohol products and related products : with such an assortment you can find 60% of stalls in our country. Buy juice that you can drink right now or chips to eat without leaving your place - they satisfy this need. By opening such a retail outlet, an entrepreneur will give up excess profits in favor of less risk and stability. Such stalls are most often located in residential areas of the city.

Products : Very often kiosks specialize in a certain type of product. For example: vegetables, fruits, fish or dairy products. In some cases, some products are mixed. Located near the supermarket, you can count on those customers who only need to buy “halibut” and will not wait in line at the supermarket. Also, your clients may be those people who believe that in stalls and stores where there is less product, they pay more attention to quality and such entrepreneurs value their customers!

Printed products : There are two types of buyers of magazines, scanwords and newspapers. The first are those who like to get information at home, while others buy it to pass the time on the road. Considering this fact, it is best to locate a stall of this format on the territory of a train station or metro station. Given the high traffic volume, you will be able to serve clients of the first and second types.

Drives: Today this type of product is not very popular, and all thanks to the Internet and pirated products. If you choose this path, you will have to pay bribes to various supervisory authorities. First, it will reduce your profits and second, it is illegal! Therefore, if you have already decided to sell discs, then a license will be the way to go! It is necessary to locate such a kiosk in very busy places, near theme stores and shopping centers.

Flowers : This product belongs to the “perishable” category, so the flower stall should be located in a location with high traffic. In this case, you need to pay a little more for renting the premises than overpaying for the goods! The seller must also know the basics of arranging bouquets, and even better, find a florist.

Souvenirs : if you decide to sell a similar product, then you need to rent space near crowded tourist areas. For example, near historical places, attractions, transport hubs, hotels, etc. The main disadvantage is seasonality. However, at the right time, you can earn quite a bit of money.

Expensive specialty products : Expensive varieties of tea, coffee, cigars - these and other similar products are quite difficult to sell in large stores, since demand is very low. Therefore, it is best to place a stall with such goods in the corridors of shopping centers and do not forget to spend money on advertising!

Finally, we will give you some advice if you decide to open your own small stall business.

  1. No need to chase a wide range. It's best to focus your attention on the best-selling products. You can only find out through trial and error. Try to change the assortment at first and just leave the product that goes best!
  2. Opening hours – try simply closing your outlet an hour later and an hour earlier than your competitors. If your additional profit from this mode of operation will pay for the increased costs, then it is worth sticking to this schedule.
  3. Does your stall sell unusual and specialized items? Then why don't you open an online store and use the kiosk as retail outlet for self-pickup of goods purchased by the client.