Lingerie store has always been attractive for constant profit. Delicate negligees and nightgowns do not go out of fashion, and confidently occupy a good position in the retail sales sector. The business has been known since the 80s, and even then the demand for underwear began to grow. Excellent profitability indicators prompted entrepreneurs to develop this area in the future. Drawing on the experience of professional traders and leaders in the global industry, you can easily open a lingerie store without much opportunity.

Getting acquainted with activity formats

Before starting a business, you should define the form of activity. Underwear is sold in several options:

  • A small retail store has an area of ​​up to 20 square meters. m., and is located in busy areas of the city.
  • Large a store requires a lot of money to open. The store is located in business centers where there is a large flow of clientele. Underwear in this store format is sold at a high price.
  • Online store. The option does not require huge investments; it is enough to attract suppliers and create a website with a product catalog.

The degree of profitability of any lingerie store depends on the sales volume at which they make a 100% markup on the products.

How to get started

Competitor market analysis is the beginning of any business. Research into the sales area of ​​other entrepreneurs will reveal the pros and cons of doing business. Underwear is popular, so it is present at every step of buyers - markets, branded clothing stores always have a sales department underwear. Competitiveness in this case is determined by nuances:

  • Purchase of various branded models.
  • Territoriality.
  • Category of linen – expensive, average cost, cheap and non-standard sized underwear.

This takes into account the demand for a certain type of product, so when opening a store, an entrepreneur purchases goods in various versions. Staying ahead of the competition is a basic rule in business.

There is always a risk

It is not necessary to be a professional in the field of trade; it is enough to identify problems at the initial stage of doing business. The main risk in sales is illiquid goods. Income falls and slows down trade development. In this case, discounts on goods and all kinds of sales are arranged. How to open a lingerie store without risks? The solution is a sequence of actions and study of all segments of this business area. Stages:

  1. Choosing a store location. The right option is to rent premises in a place where there is a lot of traffic (points near shopping centers with good transport links).
  2. Decide on the premises. Will do small area 15-25 sq. m., best option office rental in a business center. Advantages: low pay, saving personal time - the management of the shopping complex handles the paperwork.
  3. Equipment supply. Where to start arranging the premises? The main factor is that the assortment in the store must be accessible to the buyer, so special racks for underwear are purchased. We prevent theft of items using magnetic tags on each item. Can't do without hangers, mirrors and cash register, which records daily sales revenue.

Opening a lingerie store from scratch is not a problem if you follow the tips and tricks.

Registration of activities

Legality of business is the basic rule for all entrepreneurs. Registration of activities will provide protection and prevent problems with local authorities. The easiest way is to open an individual entrepreneur. Advantages - minimum reporting, freedom of disposal with current accounts, and a simplified tax system. Next steps:

  • Contacting the registration authority.
  • Providing the necessary set of documents (conclusion of a lease agreement, information about individual entrepreneurs, certificate of payment of state duty).
  • Obtaining a license to conduct business in the selected territory.
  • Providing the amount of authorized capital.

Important: The registration certificate gives the right to operate legally. The document is valid for 3 years.

Selection of suppliers

For a lingerie store you will need goods. There are several purchasing options:

  • Cooperation directly with manufacturers.
  • Order assortment from wholesale representatives.
  • Franchise work.

A comfortable format for an entrepreneur - suppliers. This will ensure a constant order of goods.

Important: the presence of invoices and certificates for products is required.

Suitable for transporting laundry a car, or you can use the services of special companies. It all depends on the capabilities of the entrepreneur.

We form an assortment

Underwear is the basis of profit, so the selection of assortment is carried out carefully, taking into account all the nuances. The main rule is a variety of goods; the buyer must have the right to choose. Features of formation:

  • Color range of products.
  • Size range.
  • Material.

These are the main characteristics of underwear. In addition, you should purchase accessories that are in demand in warm time year - swimsuits, pareos, scarves and hats. You shouldn’t give up on expensive branded models - there will always be a client for luxurious lingerie. The recommended coefficient for this product is 15% of total number products. Don't forget about non-standard sizes of underwear - this is part of the overall picture of the range. The right solution would be to sell underwear from 2 or 3 manufacturers. This will create a certain circle of regular customers for the store. There must be an online catalog with the proposed models; the client can familiarize himself with the products without leaving home

Advice: you should not display only small sizes of lingerie in the window; the product must correspond to different categories of customers (large or medium build).


Staff formation is an important point when opening a lingerie store from scratch. It is enough to choose experienced specialists who understand lingerie and fashion, are friendly and quickly make contact with customers. Where to begin? Post a vacancy on the Internet. Hire two consultants and set a flexible schedule. You can’t do without an accountant to prepare reports and work with the tax service. The modern industry is an industry where an experienced salesperson contributes half the success in generating income.

We attract clients and work for results

A store business card is the final stage in business. An entrepreneur should include all the interesting concepts for promoting a lingerie store. Success factors:

  • Colorful sign.
  • Distribution of booklets and leaflets.
  • Creation of the official website of the company.
  • Electronic mailing to clients on the Internet.
  • Implementation of a corner for customers in the store (a comfortable sofa and a small table are installed).

It would be useful to arrange a special promotion for customers on the opening day - offers in the form of bonus cards, pleasant gifts and little things. Tell the client about the possibilities when ordering goods on the Internet. The implementation of an advertising campaign will provide the entrepreneur with a constant flow of customers.

We count finances

The total starting capital for opening a lingerie store from scratch will be approximately 470,000 thousand rubles.

  • Purchase of products - from 185,000 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment - from 40,000 thousand rubles.
  • Registration - from 5,000 thousand rubles.
  • Rent of premises - from 50,000 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising campaign - from 35,000 thousand rubles.
  • Salary to employees - from 125,000 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - from 30,000 thousand rubles.

The payback of the project depends on the monthly profit. A business selling lingerie will generate net income after 10 to 12 months.

  1. Variety of assortment. Changing the product in the store will double the flow of customers. A loyal customer is always interested in new models of underwear entering the store.
  2. Creating favorable conditions. Adding zest to the store. This will differentiate the entrepreneur from competitors. Exist different variants: subdued light, the presence of contrasting colors, a bright extravaganza in the interior.
  3. Conducting trainings with staff. Develop special program employee training, including new techniques in communicating with customers. Store consultants can develop and gain experience. It is possible to create instructions on the Internet that employees can read during non-working hours.
  4. Communication with the buyer. If an item is returned, the situation should be handled with a smile. The buyer is susceptible to stress and tries to avoid conflicts.

If you want to open a lingerie store from scratch, use the recommendations and advice of experts.

How to open a lingerie store?

As a rule, about 90% of the assortment of a lingerie store consists of women's collections. The remaining 10% is the men's and children's assortment.

The business of selling underwear is profitable, since the product is popular and is in constant demand, which is not seasonal. Also, underwear is small-sized clothing, therefore, you can save a lot on renting a room.

Linen may vary. Prices also differ. There are cheap underwear, and there are luxury goods. But it’s better to start your business in the middle price category, since this is the price range that attracts greatest number buyers.

What is a lingerie store as a business in general?

The business of selling underwear has many advantages when compared to other stores.

  1. A considerable markup on products (up to 300% for luxury underwear).
  2. Underwear takes up little space, so there is no need to rent a large room.
  3. It is light, has no expiration date, and is always in demand.
  4. A lingerie store as a business does not require significant investment.
  5. Fashion trends They are not changed as often as regular clothes.

From characteristic features It can be highlighted that underwear is divided not only by customers (men, women, children), but also by segments (brands, erotic lingerie, children's knitwear).

The vast majority of investments will be in equipment and the purchase of the initial batch of linen. You will have to shell out about 80,000 rubles. This amount will also include payment of rent for the premises. An online store will require significantly less investment. But you shouldn’t expect high profits from it either. In total, opening a store will cost approximately 250,000 – 300,000 rubles. At proper organization and preliminary analysis, the profit will be 100,000 - 150,000 rubles.

Store format, offered assortment and its purchase

The business of selling underwear is simple and at the same time diverse. The market is divided into several segments, which gives future entrepreneurs the right to choose and the opportunity to constantly expand their range. So, there are the following types of stores.

  1. Mid-price lingerie.
  2. Branded products from expensive manufacturers.
  3. Erotic lingerie.
  4. Standard store.

In addition to deciding on the type of store, you need to decide on its format. This could be a fashion boutique, a shopping pavilion, or an online store.

1. Separate store. It implies a large area and two price categories: medium and high. As a rule, such stores are located in shopping centers where there is high traffic. This format requires sufficient start-up capital.

2. Small store. A store of this type is opened not in shopping centers, but on busy streets, thus saving on rent.

3. Online store. Anyone can open a business selling underwear on the Internet, even without relevant experience. The disadvantages of this format are that buyers are guided only by numbers, they do not have the opportunity to try it on.

An ideal assortment should meet the following criteria.

  1. Diversity. This applies to both models and colors.
  2. Seasonality. In summer, you can expand the assortment with beach sets (scarves, pareos, swimsuits).
  3. Availability of linen sets. Most should come in sets.
  4. Non-standard. If the store has unusual sizes, this will help attract additional customers.
  5. Availability of products from several manufacturers.

You can purchase goods in three ways:

  1. Through wholesalers.
  2. By franchise.
  3. Through manufacturers.

The most profitable and convenient option is a wholesaler. Ideally, it should be located in the same city as the store. Through manufacturers directly, it is inconvenient because you have to wait a long time for the goods to be delivered. Insufficient response time to demand will lead to customer churn.

A franchise is also not always good, although the terms of the agreement may be different. But, as a rule, the franchisee must adhere to the imposed restrictions on the purchase of goods, which in most cases is not profitable.

What will it take to open a store?

Before opening a business, namely a store selling underwear, you must go through the standard registration procedure. Next comes an analysis of the market and competitors. You need to study the needs of the people and the area before you start looking for premises. To study competitors and their policies, you can go to similar stores in the city, look at the ranges offered, and prices. If you know what your competitors are relying on, you can come up with something new that will help attract customers to your side.

Premises, equipment, personnel

The most important thing is the favorable location of the store. It should be in a public place, in full view of customers. An average store should have an area of ​​at least 20 m2, with a large display window and at least two fitting rooms.

Of the equipment and additional items and installations, you will definitely need cabinets, lighting fixtures, shelves, large mirrors, and mannequins. The latter should be in full height, so the underwear models look much more impressive. These mannequins are more expensive, but it's worth it. It is better to place them in an open place, on a shop window, for example.

The staff will need salespeople, cashiers, and administrators. Sellers must know the product perfectly and be able to sell the product. To improve their skills, it is advisable to subsequently conduct training and certification.

Attracting customers and increasing sales volume

To succeed in business and selling underwear, and therefore have regular customers, you need to follow the following tips.

1. Change the assortment frequently. Buyers should see a replenishment of the assortment, then they will often come in and see what’s new. The same applies to mannequins in shop windows. Their linen also needs to be changed frequently.

2. Appropriate atmosphere in the store. The interior should be different from others. He must win over buyers.

3. Many manufacturers. There is no need to focus on just one manufacturer, even if it is good. You need to have a lot of offers for buyers.

4. If some models are stale, then you can remove them from the counter and give preference to new items.

5. Incentivizing sellers is the key to successful sales. You can hold competitions among them or give them a bonus on the products sold.

6. Always accept unpacked goods back. The law does not prohibit, and buyers will receive good impression from the store.

Availability of gift certificates for different amounts. This best gift, which means that during the holidays it brings huge profits to the store.

Discount cards, availability of men's and children's assortments, but in smaller quantities, promotions. Underwear is in constant demand, but promotions are still necessary from time to time.

At the same time, you can open an online store. The costs are minimal and the profits can be good.

Also required condition to attract customers - advertising. The most effective type of advertising is outdoor (transport, posters, posters). How more people learn about the new store, the more visitors there will be.

The business of selling underwear is very attractive. It does not require large investments. On average, according to experienced businessmen, you will need at least 200,000 rubles, but there are other successful examples when much smaller amounts were invested, and the business flourished. Don't be afraid to open your own business. The main thing is to approach it responsibly, conduct a thorough analysis and develop your own original approach to customers, which will set the new store apart from its competitors.

Encyclopedic reference: a lingerie store is a retail outlet specializing in retail trade panties, bras, stockings and other intimate clothing items for women.

The number of lingerie brands is increasing every year, and this is no coincidence: lingerie never goes out of fashion, and the demand for it is growing by an average of 40–60% per year. A small lingerie store is a great option to start or expand your business. Are you wondering if a lingerie store is profitable? You may find our advice useful.

Step by step to a profitable lingerie store

Step one: choose a strategy

Before opening your lingerie store, determine its format. In many ways, the choice of strategy depends on the characteristics of the locality or area where the retail outlet will be opened. For example, in a respectable area of ​​a large developed city, you can focus on selling luxury lingerie - according to analysts, these products provide the highest profitability, allowing you to increase sales volumes by 60% in the first year of operation. Please keep in mind that trading premium lingerie requires significant initial investments.

A more economical and simpler option is selling economy class underwear. Such a store would be appropriate in a residential area.

In both cases, you should take care of the assortment - the wider it is, the more interesting your outlet is to customers. Despite the fact that the sale of lingerie is practically not subject to seasonality, keep in mind that in anticipation of summer season You can offer swimsuits for sale, and starting in the fall, it is better to expand the assortment to include warm pantaloons and tights.

Step two: recruit staff, create an atmosphere

One of important conditions successful trade in women's underwear - an attractive sales consultant who is well versed in the product. He needs not only to find an approach to each client, but also to be able to assess the characteristics of the client’s figure and complexion in order to recommend a winning option.

Repair and interior design are important components of success. The store should be light and spacious enough. Be sure to install fitting booths with mirrors, shelves for things and hooks for bags. Take care of the heating - no one will want to try on underwear if the room is cold.

Important: provide good service, put yourself in the client's shoes. What would you like? If you listen to the wishes of your customers, they will suggest new services to you, and this will only benefit your business. For example, if you currently don’t have in your assortment the color or bra size that the client would like, invite her to order it. Provide options for exchange or return of goods. Remember that by placing the tried-on product on the counter, you will violate sanitary standards. Therefore, it is necessary to provide special samples for fitting.

Step three: preparing the legal and material base

Register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company). If you do not have your own premises, you need to rent it, registering the contract properly.

To begin with, a small room will be enough. Experienced participants in this market niche assure that 7 m² is enough to set up a trading floor. Don't forget that you also need a utility room and at least a small warehouse. Try to find a location away from clothing markets and economy supermarkets - they create strong competition, attracting the attention of almost the entire consumer audience.

As for equipment, you will need:

Counter 1.5–2 m long;

In addition to shop windows, there are mannequins;

Racks for hangers.

Where can I get money?

The following advice from experts will help you figure out how much it costs to open a lingerie store: it’s better to form an assortment so that there is something for everyone square meter There were $1,000 worth of retail space. Add 30% to the basic calculations for unforeseen expenses.

If you are planning to take out a loan, consider the data of analysts - they claim that the profitability of a successful lingerie store can reach 40%.

Underwater rocks

The main danger for the owner of a lingerie store is dissatisfied clients - they will quickly notify friends and acquaintances of your mistake, depriving you of potential customers. Therefore, take your time Special attention quality of services and goods offered. Carefully study the Consumer Protection Law. Knowledge of sanitary standards and rules for the sale of underwear is required - your outlet will inevitably become the object of attention of inspection services.

Let's sum it up

Owning your own lingerie store can be a profitable business. But to do this, you need to calculate everything in advance, study the intricacies of this area, choose the “right” location for your future store and create an environment convenient for employees and visitors.

Women's underwear (women's underwear) is clothing that is worn directly on the body and creates favorable hygienic conditions. The underwear is designed to protect the most sensitive areas from direct contact with environment, also, underwear gives and maintains the shape of the body, hiding its imperfections. The first mentions of prototypes of underwear are found in countries Ancient World(Egypt, Greece, Rome). And since then, changing forms and materials, underwear has not lost its relevance.

Despite the fact that very large companies and even entire countries (China, India, Turkey) are engaged in tailoring, individual tailoring of women's underwear has firmly taken its place in this niche and is gaining more and more space every year. Why is this happening?

Even with the advent of new technologies and widespread labor automation, the human body, especially the female body, has individual proportions and characteristics that cannot be taken into account in the mass machine production of underwear. Women know that choosing, for example, a bra becomes an adventure and it does not always end successfully. Each manufacturer has its own dimensional grids and patterns. Moreover, in pursuit of profit, mass tailoring produces only what is currently in trend. Thus, push-up bras have practically replaced other mass-produced but outdated models (for example, bras without support). And those women for whom the push-up model is inconvenient and does not suit them have to look for the right styles. And they are found only in small-scale manufacturers, or in expensive designer boutiques. So it turns out that there is a huge demand that can only be satisfied by the business of custom tailoring women's underwear. Also, mass production, in an effort to reduce cost, uses materials with low wear resistance, so it is not uncommon for underwear to become unusable after 4-5 months of careful wear.

And, it would seem, this sentence can be the end of this business idea, because the main line is outlined - there is demand, there is a business niche, you can organize own business. Having cutting and sewing skills (which can be obtained in 2-3 month courses) and technology, you can look for your clients, offering them individual tailoring of underwear. Yes, this scheme is correct, but, as they say, the devil is in the details. And we will now try to describe these details in more detail.

Details and variety of lingerie business self made

Sewing women's intimate lingerie is a wide niche, but there is also competition in it - from beginner seamstresses and fashion designers to completely independent designer private brands. Despite this, it does not satisfy the demand. Because, we repeat, the whole point is in individuality. And seamstresses and famous brands, no matter how hard they try, they are not able to satisfy all the demand for individuality, otherwise they will “break down” into mass production. Although, it is worth giving them their due, it was thanks to them that a positive market situation in this niche has developed - a strong opinion among consumers that handmade underwear is much better than a mass product. This is the best property of “word of mouth” and with each new manufacturer in this business this opinion only strengthens among customers.

Therefore, the key advantage of this business idea, based on the foundation of positive reviews and opinions about the industry as a whole, is the variety of lingerie models and the individuality of clients.

Talk about diversity. When starting your own handmade lingerie business, it is advisable to choose the types of lingerie that are familiar to you, gradually expanding your experience and, therefore, your offerings. You can start by sewing women's bras, as the most sought-after item of women's clothing. It is only men who think that all bras are the same and are called in one word “bra”, but we know that each model has its own characteristics and functionality. In addition, the same models look different on different female figures. And thanks to this fact, it is already possible to expand in this niche. And if you start combining materials, adding unique design and functionality, then you will have enough work for years to come. And yet, we should not forget about all the diversity that can be combined under the heading of women's underwear. Judge for yourself, here is just a small list of women's underwear that can be sewn by hand:

  • Bando- a band of fabric worn around the chest.
  • Bodysuit- tight-fitting underwear, combining a T-shirt and panties, similar to a swimsuit, fastened in the groin with buttons or hooks.
  • Bra- covers, supports, lifts the female breast.
  • Bustier- a type of bra with underwires without straps, combined with a short corset.
  • Grace- corset without lacing.
  • Combination- light underwear, similar to a dress. Worn over underwear under outerwear for better fit dresses and figure flattering.
  • Corset- a type of underwear for tightening the waist and straightening the posture.
  • Negligee- a light house dress, a type of pajamas or nightgown.
  • Peignoir- a type of women's robe.
  • Garters and garter belts- a belt with braid or elastic bands to keep the stockings from slipping down.
  • Teddy- a lace version of a one-piece swimsuit.
  • Woman pants- shorts (the same along the entire length), slip (completely covering the buttocks), thongs (completely open buttocks), tanga (high waist), thong (minimal coverage of the bikini area), etc.

Do you feel the scope? Add to this the variety of materials, design options, accessories, and styles. Endless sea for business on handmade lingerie.

Key features of the custom lingerie business

Naturally, we do not remind you that you must be able to sew and know how to do it correctly. That is, to have not only the equipment, but also the technique of sewing lingerie. Of course, you can start without experience, with the simplest models. However, you still need to be able to sew and know how to do it correctly. Otherwise you will lose all your clients.

When starting your own custom tailoring business, you will naturally need clients. You will look for your clients through social networks and free message boards. Perhaps you will create your own website and then you will look for clients through contextual advertising and promotion. Or maybe first you will sew for your friends, then your friends, and so on. In any case, sooner or later you will gather a base of your regular customers. Which will bring you your main income. We will provide a number of tips that will help you find new clients and retain old ones.

  • Individuality is the strength of your business that will constantly rise to the top. Don't be lazy to take detailed measurements from all your clients. When creating underwear, take into account the features and specific features clients' bodies. Try to hide imperfections and highlight body features. But don’t do this at the expense of the comfort of the linen.
  • The quality of materials must be high level. Do not try to reduce the cost of your models as much as possible due to the material. Underwear is purchased for intensive wear, so all the savings will result in rapid wear and tear of your products. And this, in addition to complaints, will be a blow to your reputation. Cheap material you should use only for developing patterns for new models and for exhibition samples.
  • Choosing the segment of types of underwear in which you will do your own business. Focus on non-standard models of popular trends. This approach is used by famous and expensive brands. Their lingerie models are very expensive and inaccessible to most. Availability is in your hands. But, don't blindly copy these models. Firstly, you won’t be able to do this without a sample. Secondly, it's ugly. Thirdly, it deprives you of your individuality. Always develop something of your own - this is your “face”.
  • Don't shy away from accessories. Sewing, of course, should be a priority. But, additional accessories are always additional profit or a compliment to your customers. Brooches made from leftover fabric, bracelets, bows, sequins, fashionable little things - all this will distinguish you from the mass sector.
  • The average cost of custom-made lingerie is 25-30% higher, but can reach 300% (depending on the material) than that of mass-produced models.

Handmade lingerie will always be in demand. Demand will only change for models and fashion trends. But, individual tailoring of underwear takes into account the characteristics of the figure, which will never be achieved in mass production. Use this fact in your business.

Video master class - how to sew a bra in 25 minutes

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 6 minutes


Selling lingerie online is an excellent option for starting your own business. There are several ways to conduct such a business - you can resell purchased goods from a supplier or produce products yourself. You will learn how to open a website selling underwear, and what starting capital is required for this, on our resource.

Registration of an online lingerie store – what documents will be needed?

In order to start selling underwear online, you must undergo official registration of the store. The first step is to decide on the form of activity. This could be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC.

If we talk about trading via the Internet, it is still preferable to choose an individual entrepreneur, because this way of doing business has a number of advantages:

  • Minimum registration costs.
  • No need for authorized capital.
  • Possibility not to register a legal address.
  • Low tax rates.
  • Minimum necessary documents for reporting.

Registration procedure individual entrepreneur is quite simple and consists of the following steps:

  • Registration and submission of an application at the place of registration.
  • Approval of the corresponding OKVED code.
  • Registration with the Tax Service and the Pension Fund.
  • Opening a bank account.
  • If necessary, order a print.

Registration usually takes a maximum of 30 calendar days. With successful business development and a significant increase in sales, an individual entrepreneur can always be re-registered as an LLC.

We create a high-quality website for selling underwear, study competitors

The next important step in creating a successful online lingerie store is the development of a high-quality and user-friendly website. This work It’s better to trust the professionals in their field, so you should turn to experienced webmasters for help.

The website must have photographs of the product , corresponding to its real appearance. To do this you need to hire a good photographer. In addition, under each product you need to place an accurate description - what fabric the underwear is made of, what size and color variations there are.

You also need to indicate full information concerning an individual entrepreneur – his name, address, telephone number and other data. It would be a good idea to attach scans of registration documents. This will help significantly increase customer confidence.

Among other things, the website of a good online store must include a feedback window so that a potential buyer can quickly ask a question that interests him.

As for design, for starters you can limit yourself to simple layout. The main thing is that the site has all the information the client needs. After promoting the store, the design can be replaced with a more stylish and recognizable one. .

What you need to open an online lingerie store

  • Selection of assortment

After registering a store and creating a website, you need to purchase an initial batch of linen. It should include a fairly wide range - models of various shades and styles in all existing sizes. Before choosing, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the products - all products must be made exclusively from natural fabrics. If you plan to purchase goods, for example, from China, then it is advisable to order several trial options before purchasing a batch to check the quality.

  • Finding lingerie suppliers with competitive prices

You can choose one manufacturer or several at once as a supplier. It would be preferable if the store catalog contains models from different suppliers. You can order underwear from both domestic and foreign brands. It all depends on what audience you plan to target the online store. For example, expensive Italian or French brands are suitable for the elite segment. For the middle class, more popular and budget options are suitable - Russian and Chinese.

  • Staff

The minimum staff of an online lingerie store at the initial stage should include the following employees:

  1. Supervisor . He usually also acts as the creator of the store.
  2. Sales Manager . To begin with, one person may be enough, but as sales increase, it is necessary to increase the number of people accepting and processing orders.
  3. Purchasing Manager . Responsible for selecting suppliers and uninterrupted delivery of goods to the store.
  4. Logistician . Controls the direct delivery of goods to the client.
  5. Advertising Manager . Engaged in online mailings, product promotion in in social networks and on forums, by placing contextual or banner advertising.

This list is, of course, approximate. Sometimes, at the start, an entrepreneur successfully performs all responsibilities independently or with the involvement of only one manager. But with a certain promotion of a store, it is impossible to do without a differentiated staff.

  • Delivery organization

One more important point is a competent organization of goods delivery.

The most common options are:

  1. Express delivery.
  2. Self-pickup.
  3. Delivery by Russian Post.
  4. Express delivery services.

Best suited for a beginner entrepreneur postal delivery. It makes it possible to send orders by cash on delivery, which in some way can protect the seller from the fact that the products will not be picked up from the warehouse. However, if desired, you can use the other three types of delivery.

  • Advertising and promotion of an online lingerie store

Of course, the most important indicator of the success of any online store is high sales volume and the presence of many regular customers. In order to attract people, you need to organize an effective advertising campaign.

  1. Using contextual advertising . contextual advertising is an advertising window that appears in the Yandex, Gooogle or Rambler systems when searching for information on a certain topic. The main advantage is “unobtrusiveness” to a potential client.
  2. By placing Internet banners on popular resources . Such advertising allows you to go to the advertiser’s website and get acquainted with the services it provides. However, according to statistics, the percentage of visitors coming to the site through a banner usually does not exceed 1%.
  3. Thanks to the creation and on the forums .

Ready-made business plan for an online lingerie store - how much will it cost to open, expenses and first profit

The most important advantage of opening a remote lingerie store is savings, because with this option of doing business you do not need to rent a special room, install display cases, mirrors and other equipment. So, when opening an online boutique, you will only need to spend money on registering an individual entrepreneur, as well as on the product itself. On average, initial costs are about 100,000 rubles .

The profitability of the store directly depends on sales, as well as on the markup on the product. Usually, The markup on linen is set at 100-150%, so monthly profits can easily reach 50,000 rubles . Thus, the payback period of the project can be only a few months.

Typically, entrepreneurs open online lingerie stores without borrowing money. However, if the required amount is still not available, you can contact us for help.