Business plan for a parking lot: example with calculations - a necessary part of any project to create parking spaces for cars - be it in courtyards or in non-residential areas.

In accordance with the provisions of the law (clause 14.1.104 of the Tax Code), the organization of paid parking lots is permitted not only on territories owned by the state or community, but also on land that is private property. Thus, the legislation in no way restricts the development of this type of business if it meets all permits (sanitary inspection, fire supervision, etc.) and does not violate tax and other laws.

WITH financial side This is a business that requires quite a lot of initial investment - usually from a million rubles.

Is it worth starting if you don’t have your own money?

Organizing and opening a parking lot for vehicles is a fairly expensive business in the initial stages. To prepare for the turnkey opening of a parking lot with an average number of parking spaces, it will be necessary to invest about one and a half million rubles.

The state support program and preferential car loans caused a surge in activity among buyers of middle-class cars. Compared to last year, the number of sales increased by 25%. There is no apparent reason to stop this process. Therefore, organizing a business to create parking lots is quite an attractive and promising business from the point of view of investors.

Having a properly drawn up business plan and the corresponding organizational and legal developments, you can, with a high degree of confidence in a positive solution to the issue, look for someone who agrees to invest money in a business project. It can be:

  • private investors;
  • crowdfunding - for Russia this is the Internet platforms Simex, Boomstarter;
  • searching for business partners using the press - many advertising publications have a “Business Cooperation” section;
  • search for business angels - this is what they call legal and individuals who are looking for the opportunity to invest their money in private companies at the initial stages of their work and do not require the payment of collateral. One should not assume that such “Angels” exist only in the fantasies of beginners; in fact, it was business angels who ensured the formation and development of companies such as Google, Amazon, Yahoo, Intel, and many other currently successful brands;
  • receiving grants and subsidies from the state within the framework of existing programs to promote the development of small businesses;

Since state programs for business assistance, as a rule, are limited financially by the amount of three hundred thousand rubles, you need to think through and calculate the costly and profitable parts of your business based on a small parking area, for example a parking lot for vehicles, the owners of which live in two or three houses with a common yard .

  • obtaining a loan from a bank.

Any of the mentioned methods, and there are actually many more of them, for raising money will require a well-written and calculated business plan.

What is a business plan

A business plan is essentially unique model, which subsequently leads to the construction of a real business.

Before writing a business plan, you need to clearly understand why it is being compiled and to whom it will be presented. IN general outline this is shown in the diagram.

Thus, in some details, business plans prepared for different specialists will differ slightly. In any case, the business plan must be structured and include some mandatory information sections described below.

Title page

Title page- it's like business card future business.

It is not for nothing that the proverb “one is met by his clothes” is firmly rooted in folk wisdom. Care should be taken to ensure that this section is written correctly. Traditionally, the following requirements apply to it:

  • project name - it should reflect the essence of the business and its prospects;
  • be concise and display the main points of the project;
  • absence of spelling, syntactic, style errors;
  • the name of the company that will implement the business project;
  • company address with contact information;
  • information about the head of the enterprise;
  • an indication of who exactly this business plan was written for;
  • full and short name of the project;
  • information about who wrote the business plan;
  • time parameters - when is it preferable to start the project, how long will it take to implement it;
  • the date on which this business plan was written.


This section of the business plan is rightly considered to be a kind of passport. Whether a future investor wants to delve into the details depends on the literacy of its preparation and accessibility for a person who even has a vague understanding of the subject of discussion.

At the same time, working out the details of the future business will make the work during its implementation easier and more successful.

It is better to write this section - Summary - after writing the previous sections.

The resume must include three points:

  • Introduction. The paragraph sets out the objectives of the plan being presented and gives short description the essence of the project. For example: “The goal of the project is the construction of a parking lot for personal vehicles with 30 parking spaces in the courtyard of a complex of two residential buildings. Total residents - 200 families. Currently, 50 families have personal cars that are parked in an unguarded yard. An affordable pricing policy can attract additional clientele from neighboring houses. The successful operation of the parking lot in the future will allow us to expand the activity by organizing similar parking lots in neighboring courtyards.”
  • The second paragraph briefly describes:
  1. occupation;
  2. key points of the plan;
  3. project cost;
  4. demand forecast.
  • Conclusion. Here the summarized provisions and success factors are written down, and descriptions of the main directions of the businessman’s actions are included.

Market analysis

This section describes the marketing research conducted, showing the demand for the proposed service in the exact place where the parking lot is supposed to be created. Data is provided on competitors or, on their absence, data is provided on the future construction planned by the municipal authorities of any objects or structures that may cause an increase in demand for the proposed parking service.

Organizational plan

Here the form of ownership of the company that will carry out the construction and subsequent operation of the parking lot is indicated and justified.

The activities and work that will need to be performed to put the parking lot into operation are described.

It is indicated who (if possible, indicating individual data) will be responsible for the execution of tasks for the construction and subsequent operation of the parking lot, as well as other organizational and production issues.

Financial and production plans

Here are calculations of the costs of starting a business.

Preparation of permitting documentation.

Here you need to list all the documents that will be required to open a parking lot and the amount of money that will be required to prepare and receive them. First of all, it is noted whether or not there is a legal entity that will create and operate the parking lot. If an enterprise already exists, its OKVED code is indicated (for a parking lot it is 63.21.24), the Federal Tax Service code.

If there is no enterprise, the need to create one is indicated, the choice of form is justified - individual entrepreneurship or LLC, the costs of preparing documents and the registration itself are indicated.

Before you start thinking and writing a plan, you need to thoroughly study the existing juristic documents regulating this type of activity:

  • parking lot construction standards passenger cars, for example, for Moscow, these are construction standards No. 5.01-01;
  • standards for the use of guarded parking lots and Rules for the provision of parking services (Government Decrees No. 442 and No. 759).

The following is a list of permits indicating the costs of obtaining them. First of all, these are documents certifying the right to use the site - documents certifying ownership or a lease agreement for the site.

For example, if you plan to create a parking lot in Moscow, you will need:

  • a situational plan for the future parking lot, which has been agreed upon with the Moskomarkhitektura;
  • conclusions about the possibility of creating a parking lot from Mosvodostok, Moskompriroda, Fire Supervision, Rospotrebnadzor;
  • notice of proposed construction of a parking lot for the Department of Motor Vehicles and Communications;
  • environmental management permitting findings;
  • preliminary agreements with the relevant services on the possibility of carrying out deratization and removal of solid household waste;
  • contract for servicing the cash register;
  • permission to connect to electrical networks.

Since the parking lot is located in close proximity to residential buildings, it is very desirable to have the consent of local residents to create such a parking lot.

After agreement with local authorities, the documentation is transferred to the Land Committee.

As you can see, the minimum list of permits is quite extensive, and various documents are in different areas legal norms. That's why proper preparation will require professional knowledge in various areas of the legislative and regulatory field. Naturally, in this case, not being a specialized specialist, it is better to turn to professionals.

The current cost of their services will range from forty thousand to fifty thousand rubles. These costs relate to capital expenditures. They also include construction costs. For example, let's take a parking lot with a total area of ​​2500 m².

Sample list:

  • creating a sand base ten centimeters high, with the average market cost of such work being one hundred rubles per square meter, the costs will be 250,000 rubles;
  • with the average market cost of such a construction operation being 150 rubles per square meter, the costs will be 375,000 rubles;
  • coating with bitumen emulsion (with an average market cost of the operation of 25 rubles per square meter, the cost is 62,500 rubles;
  • covering with fine-grained asphalt - at an average market cost of 400 rubles per square meter, the costs will be 1,000,000 rubles;
  • construction of mesh fencing - the cost will be 100,000 rubles;
  • connection to the power grid and creation of lighting on the site - 30,000 rubles;
  • installation of a video surveillance system with a security guard in the cabin - 70,000 rubles;
  • installation of automatic gates - 25,000 rubles;
  • purchase of a change house and its installation - 250,000 rubles.

Total total costs will be 2,137,000 rubles.

In addition to indicating the costs of setting up the site, you need to consider alternative design options, indicate why this or that work is being performed by this particular contractor, why these particular materials are used and not other materials, why equipment of this particular brand and from this seller is purchased.

If you add the money that will be required to properly register all permitting documents- the amount turns out to be quite large.

The above are standardized costs, but if you carefully analyze them, you can find where to save. For example, you can install not automatic gates, but regular ones, and look for a cheaper change house.

A possible way to save money is to search for a site with a ready-made coating. However, it must be taken into account that licensing authorities have specialized requirements for the covering of parking lots, their impregnation, and the organization of a checkpoint.

  • employee salaries;
  • electricity costs;
  • payment for security services via panic button;
  • payment for cleaning services;
  • payment for waste removal services;
  • payment of taxes and mandatory payments.

Minimum costs are listed here. In each specific case, new ones may be added, depending on the specifics of the location and the list of services provided, the requirements of local authorities, and so on.

This part of the business plan should also include the following items:

  • how much equity do you have;
  • how much money you can raise individually;
  • how much additional funds need to be raised and at what maximum percentage this can be done;
  • Expenditures are described in detail, point by point, where, how much, in what time intervals;
  • calculated minimal amount cars that need to use car parking services in order to ensure payment of obligations, as well as in order to financial stability business was secured;
  • indicates, taking into account all necessary tax payments, the profitability of this particular parking lot;

Here you should also indicate the so-called “hidden payments”, that is, those costs that will have to be borne taking into account the individual specifics of local officials and regulatory authorities.

  • the prospects of the business, the opportunity to develop it are substantiated and it is indicated what part of the profit can be directed to development, or the absence of such an opportunity is justified.

One of the possible prospects is the creation of multi-level parking lots.


The next section calculates how much money parking can bring in:

  • at 50%: occupancy;
  • at 75% occupancy;
  • at 100% occupancy.

Each city and region has its own prices for a parking space. Therefore, let's take the average value - 200 rubles per day. Since a parking lot for 100 parking spaces has been created, then with:

  • At 50% occupancy, it will generate an income of ten thousand rubles per day;
  • 75% occupancy - fifteen thousand rubles per day;
  • at 100% occupancy - 20,000 rubles per day.

From here the monthly income is calculated - minimum and maximum.

This section also includes income that can be received from planned related activities. As practice shows, investor interest in a project increases if additional activities can bring about 20% of the main one.

Calculation of project profitability

This outlines the profitability of the business, its profitability. When calculating the profitability of a project, specialists consider and calculate several types of profitability:

  • return on assets;
  • profitability net assets;
  • return on business assets;
  • return on total assets;
  • return on equity;
  • profitability of related activities;

Calculations of coefficients are also outlined:

  • asset turnover ratios;
  • profitability ratios;
  • debt management ratios;
  • liquidity ratios.

Knowledge of these indicators will make it possible to more clearly understand the profitability of the proposed activity, ways to optimize it, and will help explain the prospects of the proposed business.

Do not neglect the detail of the financial and organizational analysis of future activities - those who have money are well versed in economic issues and are unlikely to entrust their capital to an amateur.

Business development prospects

In this section of the business plan you need to display real opportunities increasing the number of services provided. This mapping should include two areas of a modern business development strategy:

  • Extensive development strategy- it is based on a constant increase in the number of services provided, that is, on an increase in parking spaces. Options for implementing such an increase must be considered, or the impossibility of such an increase must be justified;
  • Intensive development strategy- the use of such a strategy is always preferable; its use is more likely to arouse the interest of investors, and if none is required, it will independently increase the profitability of the activity. It is also used when there is significant competition in the market for such services. With this strategy, the main attention is paid to constantly improving the quality of service, forming a base of customers who use the parking lot constantly, and creating various preferences and bonuses for them.

As part of the intensive strategy, rules for dealing with force majeure circumstances are also developed, for example, power outages, natural disasters, and so on. The goal is that the client must be absolutely sure that in any circumstances his personal property entrusted to him, the car, will be safe and sound.

This strategy also provides for planning the actions of staff in the event of a client’s request when there are no free parking spaces in the parking lot.

Perhaps the main condition for the profitability of an enterprise is the rhythm of its work, and this condition is well known to investors, therefore the business plan should reflect everything that will guarantee the uninterrupted and rhythmic operation of the business. Carefully consider and describe what problems may arise during the operation of the parking lot in your particular case, and what ways to quickly solve problems can be used.

Risk analysis

This part of the business plan deals with various projected cases that may have Negative influence on business, both financial and organizational. For example, a sharp drop in the exchange rate of the national currency, which will cause a drop in the purchasing power of the population, the introduction of new restrictive legislative measures.

Methods of control over conscientious execution employees of their duties and options for punishment and rewards.

Options for solving each of the likely problems are outlined, and also describe the actions that will be taken by the company's management if they arise or in force majeure circumstances.

Applications to the business plan

This includes legislative acts, copies of statutory, permitting and other documents, summary calculation tables and the like.


A proper presentation is based on three main principles:

  • Personalization- presentation of your position, duration about one minute. It is indicated why the business plan that represents it deserves trust to invest money in its implementation, experience in this type of activity, the presence of appropriate connections, competence, experience, and awareness of tax legislation.

If you do not intend to voice your business plan to prospective investors, but are writing it only for personal use, you should not get rid of the careful study of this point. Reflecting on it, you will be more thoughtful about your competence, and after re-reading what you have written, you will see what exactly is missing and how you can supplement your plan.

  • What is proposed - here it is advisable to display the uniqueness of your business plan, the financial part in general terms, but which give a clear and accessible understanding of the size of dividends from investments and the time when they can be received in the form of real money;

Think carefully about the part that describes the uniqueness of your project. Parking lots in the form of guarded parking spaces are a common thing, think about it and suggest how you can increase the profitability of the place where the cars will be located. You can follow the principle of organizing gas stations, where small retail outlets are created offering various auto accessories; you can develop this idea by conducting a quick survey of the residents of the houses that surround the parking lot, what they would like to buy on the way home. An example is a parking lot where potatoes, carrots, and other everyday vegetables are sold - you must agree, it is more convenient to buy such heavy products close to home than to carry them to the store, which in any case will be located further from the house than the parking lot. You can organize a place to store bicycles and so on. The owners of some parking lots provide their space for seasonal sales, for example, Christmas trees before the New Year. Fantasy is not limited, but in any case it is necessary to work out your proposal, conduct a survey among the intended users of the additional service regarding its demand.

  • Ending- it should be brief and it must be formulated in an extremely accessible form:
  1. who is responsible for implementing the business plan;
  2. what he wants to achieve;
  3. why is he looking for investors?

There are a few special programs, the use of which makes the presentation of material easy to perceive and understand, for example Power Point, to make it memorable and as informative as possible, to provide an effective combination of text and visual information.

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Increasingly, entrepreneurs are turning their attention to activities in the service sector. The popularity is also increased by the fact that almost every resident uses such services, especially big city. Such an area is the development of mechanical engineering and the increasing number of cars on the roads.

As can be seen from practice, this situation “plays into the hands” of receptive entrepreneurs who open their own parking lot. In order to start your own business, it is recommended to create a business plan for a parking lot.

Success in running a business will consist of the following elements:

  • an area in an area where there is no nearby parking lot, but there are a lot of parked cars;
  • ensuring good protection of the territory.

Among the advantages of maintaining a parking lot is a stable customer base, demand is only growing, there are never too many of them and the costs are one-time in nature.

Moreover, you can register as an ordinary individual entrepreneur, which will eliminate red tape with accounting and simplify the payment of taxes.

To take into account all the nuances, you must first draw up a business plan for the parking lot.

The demand for parking services is constantly increasing, so competition is relatively small.

Even if there are two parking lots in one area, they will still be full, because the owner would prefer to leave his car in a fenced area under security than in the open air.

To start your own business, a sample business plan for a parking lot can be downloaded for free on our website. The first thing you need to consider is the future location of the guarded parking lot.

It is quite logical that the closer it is to houses, the better, and in the most populated areas. This increases the likelihood of quickly replenishing parking spaces.

The practical part of opening the parking lot will involve the following expenses:

  • paving the site;
  • lighting installation;
  • construction of a cabin with two floors for a security guard;
  • installation of a barrier at the entrance;
  • installation of a fence 500-600 m long;
  • video surveillance system.

The site itself should be 5 thousand square meters. m., then it will be able to accommodate 200 cars.
To operate the parking lot, it will be necessary to hire personnel in the form of a director, at least 4 security guards and at least 2 general workers.

Car park security– one of the main criteria by which it will be possible to retain clients. First, the staff must be responsible. As a matter of labor discipline, it is necessary to prohibit the consumption of alcohol in the workplace and strictly punish violations of the rules. You can install a video surveillance system, then workers will have no time to relax.

Financial part can be organized as follows - even before the parking lot opens, give the opportunity to reserve spaces. You can also make an original pricing policy for places - those closer to the exit are more expensive, and accordingly, the further from the exit, the cheaper.

Good to know!

We respect your choice, but we want to remind you that the least risky, relatively easy and comfortable start of a business can be organized under the wing of a successful company on a franchising basis. We invite you to get acquainted with.

Why starting a business with a franchise is easier and more convenient can be found out from a selection of articles published in the section:

Allowable costs for opening a parking lot must include costs for:

  • preparation of a package of documents, certification of the layout and territory;
  • construction of a parking lot;
  • employees' salaries.

You should also include small expenses for business cards and outdoor advertising with parking lot location signs.

Watch video Automated parking in an underground parking lot

Organization of a parking lot for 70 parking spaces.

The main type of services provided is car storage, providing clients with a place to park a vehicle for a day or more. In the future, it is planned to expand the enterprise by purchasing and organizing new parking lots and organizing a car service center.

Are you going to open a parking lot? Not sure how to approach writing a parking business plan? In this case, business plans for a parking lot, ready-made and already developed by specialists, are a good solution for you.

Parking is a profitable business, promising and constantly in demand (growing, mind you), while not requiring large investments. If you follow a carefully developed plan, then your parking lot will be able to take its rightful place among competitors. In many big cities Owners leave vehicles in yards, each time worrying that they are not guarded. They often leave not because they are sorry for the money, but because it is a long and persistent walk to the nearest parking lot. There are always not enough parking lots. But parking space is not easy to find.

Be prepared for the fact that creating a parking lot will require a lot of perseverance from you - as with any business related to land, you will have to talk with officials. To open a parking lot, you need to rent land from the municipality specifically for this type of business. The construction plan, of course, will have to be coordinated with several organizations.

A few additional recommendations:

  • Locate parking lots closer to residential areas. The closer the parking lot is to residential buildings, those more money you can earn money.
  • Think about the issue of parking lot security in advance. After all, it is for the safety of the car that people pay. Select your guards carefully and install video cameras.
  • Think it over environmental issue. Cars often leak - oil, gasoline, brake fluid (God forbid). All this needs to be removed. Otherwise, fines can seriously undermine your young business.
  • When selecting an area for a parking lot and calculating the number of cars that can be there per day, keep in mind that there should be a distance of 7 meters between the rows of cars for normal driving and turning.
  • Don't forget about legal entities- nearby businesses can also be clients of your parking lot. Attracting corporate clients may be specified as part of the marketing plan.
  • Consider additional services in the parking lot: personal parking space, car wash, glass washing, car tire inflation, etc. These services increase customer loyalty, they are simple and do not require large expenses. You can even grow into a full-fledged car service center.

A business plan for a parking lot, which we offer to download on this website, will allow you to approach the matter most competently at all stages of creating your business. It is distributed free of charge.

The presented photo is one example of organizing a business at a truck parking lot! There are more opportunities in this activity than you can imagine! This article will show the way from a theoretical idea to its practical implementation, because This article will provide detailed instructions for everyone interested: what and how to do and how to make profitable money.

The peculiarity of this type of entrepreneurship is that it is a multi-format business. What does it mean? And the fact that an oasis of physical and psychological relaxation should be created in the parking lot for truck drivers (more than half of whom are truckers). These people have been on the road in a state of extreme stress behind the wheel for quite a long time, and for many the road ahead remains long. This means that every effort should be made to turn a truck parking lot into a favorite place of real relaxation, where you can sleep well, eat deliciously and have a good rest.

There should be a cafe-dining room with delicious hot food, fragrant pastries, a rich assortment of drinks, cozy rooms for rest and sleep, a network of retail outlets for purchasing necessary things, a bathhouse, bathrooms, a car wash, as well as a gas station, a car service station, a pharmacy and a doctor on duty, a fire service, security - and many more different centers social services.

How to create all this out of the blue, i.e. to open such a super-profitable business from scratch? Expert advice and recommendations from entrepreneurs from their own experience.

Where to begin

The first thing that is necessary is to choose an ideal location for organizing a parking lot for trucks.

Please pay attention to the fact that parking for trucks is often located outside the city limits near interregional and interstate highways.

Things to consider:

  • It is advisable for such a parking lot to be located on a major interregional or international highway, but if only intracity areas are available, such places will also allow you to profitably experiment with the parking lot improvement strategies presented below;
  • The parking area must be sufficient for the construction of all necessary social centers, gas stations and other facilities.

There is an option to rent an already prepared place. To do this, you must conclude a lease agreement with the owner. In this case, the cost part is reduced significantly, since the rent is paid monthly (yearly) over a long period.

The second way to acquire a parking space is to privatize (buy ownership) a plot of land from the state. The alternative is VERY expensive, but it lasts forever.

If, suddenly, the business idea does not justify itself (something has changed, interfered, etc.), then you, as the owner of this piece of land, can put it up for sale and recoup the money spent on the purchase.


This business requires a fairly large staff of employees (at least 50 people), which means it will be necessary to register the station with the tax service as a Limited Liability Company (LLC). Those. you will need to collect a large package necessary documents to register, pay the state fee and wait the necessary time for data processing in the government service in order to obtain state permission (license) for such activities.

A truck parking station is a serious object, which is officially recorded on all road maps of the area and general guidebooks of the Russian Federation. The station location plan (project) should be agreed upon with local authorities, special federal services and other structures.

A detailed plan for the location of trucks on the territory of the parking complex must be developed:

What is included in such a project diagram:

  • Indicate all parking spaces for trucks;
  • Exact amount parking places and their location;
  • Parking hours;
  • Location of all other service areas.
  • Only after receiving a warrant can work continue. And the second stage will be construction.

Features of construction of a parking lot for trucks

Conventionally, design engineers divide the entire territory for parking for trucks into the following parts:

  • Truck parking area;
  • Car refueling place;
  • Car parking area + parking lot owner's office;
  • Place of social services for drivers;
  • Security service + fire department.

All service areas in this photo example have clear signs: a car wash, a service station, a gas station and other services.

The largest part of the parking lot (more than 50% of the total area) is the parking area for trucks.

Parking plan

Taking into account the fact that trucks are in most cases large-sized vehicles (and in some cases also carrying large-sized cargo), according to traffic regulations, the area for one parking space must be at least 7 meters. Such parallel parking spaces are located in one row along the border of the parking area. On the opposite edge you can also place parking spaces. Between these two rows there should be enough free space for transport to leave and enter.

Parking lot surface

The parking area is covered with a thick layer of asphalt and must be treated with an additional agent to prevent the absorption of petroleum products. The presence of a surface layer of such an oil-repellent mixture is checked by special government agencies fire safety and, if not processed, they issue a fine or may even close the parking lot.

For a cheaper way to treat asphalt, some entrepreneurs use a layer of gravel. Gravel does not absorb oil products, which does not create an additional fire hazard.

The asphalt must be laid out according to the dimensions of the trucks for convenient maneuvering of vehicles when arriving or leaving, as in the example:

Issues with lighting and shelter

Careful consideration should be given to effectively lighting the parking lot 24 hours a day. The operating light points are indicated in the plan diagram, as well as the power of the lamps used and the radius of the luminous flux.

If finances allow, then it will be quite effective to make a special shelter for the entire truck parking area. For these purposes, it is not necessary to use brick buildings with slate roofing. By the way, this approach does not justify itself either in financial costs or in practical factors.

It is more rational to use a tent covering - this inexpensive option will be an excellent escape from the sun, rain, snow, but under which a ventilated space is created (which is especially important for cars heated by many kilometers of road).

As mentioned above, the territory for this zone must occupy more than 50% of the total parking area. Since the second is no less significant object In our specific business plan there will be a gas station - then we will allocate about 30% of the area to this area. The remaining 20% ​​are areas for technical service, social services and recreation.

What is needed to build a gas station

The following photo example provides a rationalization idea for placing an additional car wash box at a gas station with a built-in terminal for paying for this service:

Refueling in the parking lot is necessary and worth it. This part of the business plan will have to be drawn up separately from the general legalization of the parking lot company. The corresponding package of documents should be submitted to the Ministry of Fuel and Energy and request permission to open a gas station and store fuel and lubricants.

When all the permitting papers have been received, you need to spend money on the following important details:

  • Purchase of gas filling machines (at least 5 pcs.);
  • Purchase of a central computer that controls the refueling process.
  • All that remains is to conclude agreements with suppliers of fuel and lubricants, hire workers - and start providing car refueling services.

Organization of service for drivers and vehicles

The photo shows a list of parking services.

What is included in the recreation area is not difficult to understand. The larger this area is, the higher the daily profit and overall profitability of the enterprise will be. The construction of a mini-hotel, cafe, store is not just a whim of an entrepreneur, which he carries out, driven by an indomitable desire to become a millionaire. These are natural necessities in this type of activity!

A truck driver will stop at a parking lot only in those places where he can have a tasty snack, relax, check the technical serviceability of the car, and refuel. If all these services are not available, then your potential client will simply pass by.

Each of the above-mentioned social service facilities requires careful calculation of costs and payback. Let's try to briefly characterize the main aspects of their activities.


The area of ​​this object can be small - only about 50 m2, where you can place up to 10 tables. It’s good to take into account the summer option: another + 10m2 (that’s 3 more tables). Must have its own kitchen, mini-bakery, vegetable warehouse and refrigeration units.

The working staff of a small cafe consists of a cook and two sales assistants and waiters.

The external design of a cafe is the business card of a catering outlet. If it’s homely, warm, beautiful, and especially tasty here, then potential clients will great mood, they will be happy to try many cuisines. And this will greatly replenish your finances!

Mini Hotel

If, according to preliminary forecasts, the number of clients will be insignificant and only from time to time, it is quite possible to get by with a small house with 4-5 rooms as a mini-hotel, i.e. places where tired drivers can rest before the road.

When the parking lot is located on an international highway, and the number of parking spaces reaches 50. - it is advisable to build a hotel with several floors and at least 30 beds.

There should be an administrator who will register visitors and check them in, as well as a technical worker (the number of this service staff is determined depending on the size of the hotel), whose responsibilities include putting things in order, replacing and washing bed linen and other tasks.

The initial costs of opening a hotel will be as follows:

  • Purchasing furniture;
  • Purchase of bed linen, towels and other accessories;
  • Purchase of necessary hygiene, detergents and other disinfectants;
  • Interior design of the hotel, lobby, rooms.

It will be very convenient both from the point of view of clients and for an entrepreneur to build a hotel near a cafe (you can even combine these two objects under one roof). Construction costs will be less, and the effect will be greater, since for human body The unwritten axiom always applies: “I ate a tasty and satisfying meal - now I want to sleep!”


Availability of on-site parking shopping center manufactured goods will be very useful. The range of products here is designed to suit various consumer needs: from clothing, household goods to small souvenirs and gifts. The advantage is point of sale The problem is that it’s still a long way to go to a city with multi-storey supermarkets.

2 sellers can do the job quite well here. Their tasks may include the formation of a product range, i.e. order for planned purchases and settlements with suppliers. At the end of the reporting period, they are required to prepare a financial report to the parking lot accountant. Although, if desired, an accountant can independently control trade turnover and work with suppliers.

Car wash + car maintenance

For example, as in the photo - a garage-type room with a sufficient set of repair and adjustment equipment used.

To implement this task, a garage-type structure consisting of two blocks is quite suitable: a car service station with an inspection pit and the necessary special equipment + car washes.

The following people work here: auto technician - 2 people, car wash - 1 person.

An excellent solution to combine a service station with a car shop: on the road quite often situations arise when you need to buy something for your car - and this can easily be done at a car service station in your parking lot + get a comprehensive consultation from a car mechanic.

Additional parking staff

Among those workers, without whom normal, high-quality work at your parking lot simply will not take place, it is worth mentioning:

  • Security service - 2 people;
  • Medical worker on duty - 1 person;
  • Parking lot accountant - 1 person.

Security work should be supplemented with video surveillance equipment and a personal computer - such a move will strengthen customer confidence.

A medical worker can additionally open a small point of sale in his office for the most necessary medications: for headaches, stomach disorders, heart pain, etc.

The accountant’s responsibilities include the preparation and submission of tax reports for all types within the specified time frame. entrepreneurial activity, which is carried out in the parking lot. The accountant calculates the final profit of the enterprise, carries out calculations according to wages employees and other debt obligations.

Actually, the position of an accountant and a parking lot director can be combined (provided, of course, that the director has a special economic education and the desire + time to run around government agencies in order to submit reports). If not, then you need to remember that the financial success of the entire enterprise depends on the quality of the accountant’s work by more than 50%.

Since the importance of professionalism and responsibility, as well as the integrity of this employee is so great, it is worth thinking carefully about the question of who to entrust with the accounting of the parking lot. It is advisable to entrust the finances of your business to a person whom you completely trust.

Tax reporting of car parking

So, what taxes and how much will your parking lot company pay to the state?

The simplest and most accessible thing at first is to apply for a simplified taxation system, which means paying the state only 6% of average monthly revenue. There is another tax tariff - pay 15% of the difference between gross income and the cost part for the reporting period (month). Practice will show which method is more beneficial for you.

Over time, when the parking lot company gets stronger and income grows to more than 60 million rubles per year, while the staff of more than 100 people increases, as well as the cost of fixed assets to 100 million rubles - by law this enterprise is obliged to switch to the basic tax system obligations (OSNO).

In addition to more serious tax payments, this system also has beneficial advantages:

  1. There are no restrictions on the types of activities that an entrepreneur conducts in parallel with parking services;
  2. There is no limit to the amount of revenue;
  3. You can expand the working area, the value of fixed assets (property), the number of employees ad infinitum;
  4. In the case when a company results in a negative reporting period (i.e., receives a loss), it is possible not to pay income tax and reduce the tax in the future by the amount of the loss.

If compared with less expensive taxation systems, then with UTII the total amount of tax does not depend on the size of the actual profit, and with the simplified tax system the tax is paid on revenue.

All tax accounts are closed indicating the enterprise code OKVED. If you plan to open only a parking lot (service station + car wash included by default), then your OKVED will look like: 52.21.24.

If any of the above additional types of services do exist, then you should find out about your exact OKVED code from the tax authority.

Parking profitability for the reporting period

The demand for a special parking lot for heavy trucks is obvious.

According to statistics, as well as from the practical experience of car park owners, the amount of profit per month can reach up to 340,000 rubles. This is the revenue from 50 daily serviced trucks that stop at your parking lot.

The gross cost of maintaining a parking lot (excluding additional services) will be about 170,000 rubles.

Net profit per month is equal to: Gross income - Gross expense - 6% simplified taxation system of the income received for payment to the tax office.

Total we get: 340,000 - 170,000 - 10,200 = 159,800 rubles per month.

Parting words for aspiring businessmen

Building a business plan for a truck parking lot is an important and responsible procedure.

You need to strive to ensure that your parking lot becomes a favorite resting place for truck drivers and has at least the same occupancy of trucks every day! Photo12St

Here you should definitely take into account:

  1. Experience and useful tips other entrepreneurs involved in this area;
  2. It is necessary to consult with legal experts (laws change, and what was correct ten years ago may today be a serious violation and have punitive consequences);
  3. Receive comprehensive answers to all questions that arise from state control services.

Even in the theoretical elaboration of this business idea, not the slightest aspect should be missed so that the plan of the prescribed work turns out to be accurate.

What your parking lot for heavy trucks could look like in its simplest design - watch this video. Please note that even in such a small area, they still found a place for a tire service + car wash pavilion; there are small buildings for a mini-hotel, a cafe, and an office. Certainly, this example- this is not a luxury service, but all the basic services for truck drivers and cargo vehicles can be provided here:

Needless to say, real actions during the actual opening of a truck parking lot! When the plans outlined on paper are brought to life, the most unforeseen difficulties arise. If in a few years you analyze your entire business path at the beginning of entrepreneurship and compare the documentary and practical stages, then the difficulties in drawing up a plan on paper will seem like “just flowers” ​​in comparison with the subsequent steps of implementing this business plan.

You should be prepared for such situations from the very beginning and not take a single step away from achieving your dreams. Only the one who walks will master the road and achieve his goals!

Car parking as a business: is this enterprise profitable and is it possible to benefit from opening such a business? This issue is of acute relevance due to the rapidly developing infrastructure of our country. The problem of parking is quite common, and therefore the demand for private parking lots is increasing every day. But it is important to understand that opening such a business requires not only substantial financial investments, but also a lot of delays in collecting the necessary documentation. Parking equipment also plays an important role. Let's look at the various nuances of this issue.

A parking project should start with finding a parking area.

How profitable are parking lots?

Paid parking for vehicles is a current enterprise that brings its owner a stable monthly profit. It should be noted in advance that such an enterprise has an average payback, so there is no point in talking about high profits. The average parking lot generates a profit of 80,000 rubles every month. In order to earn more, you should approach building your business with great attention to various details.

At the initial stage of developing a business idea, you should decide on the type of parking. It should be noted that creating an open-air parking lot does not require investment big capital. But in similar situation you should be prepared for the fact that such a business will not bring high profits. Closed parking requires large financial investments to obtain permission and build the parking lot itself.

Such costs at the initial stage of production development increase the cost of a parking space. This means that over time your income will be significantly higher. Most car owners prefer parking closed type, due to the fact that their cars will be reliably protected from the influence of weather conditions.

When creating a parking project, it is important to decide on the type of parking. There are three separate types of car parks:

  1. Underground and multi-level. Such parking lots are most often located in the city center, on busy streets. Creating such a parking lot will require a large sum of money to organize construction. The arrangement of the parking lot itself is also important. It is almost impossible for a private individual to create such a project.
  2. Paid parking for passenger vehicles. This enterprise is the most profitable business due to its availability to individuals. Such parking lots are in high demand among many car owners. When creating a parking lot, special attention should be paid to compliance with technical requirements. In order to increase income from such an enterprise, it is best to open a parking lot in residential areas.
  3. For trucks. When creating such a business plan, it is necessary to take into account the intended location. It is necessary to carefully study the offers of competitors and their location. To increase demand among truckers, your parking space should be close to the highway and away from competitors. When opening such a business, you should take into account the various technical requirements associated with equipping your territory.

Business organization in automotive sector activity is a very promising idea

What nuances will you have to face?

At the stage of creating a business plan, you should describe your development strategy step by step, assess the degree of competitiveness and demand for your offer. It is very important to find ideas for attracting first customers that have not previously been implemented by competitors. The main advantage of paid parking is its convenient location and low cost of a parking space. The advantage of your parking lot can be a maintenance service or fast food located on your territory. Many car owners have only one requirement for parking - the presence of closed boxes.

After you think about what your parking lot will look like, you should decide on its location. The outskirts of the city are popular due to the low cost of rent. But here it should be understood that the amount of income will also be low. Purchasing territory in a busy area is much more expensive. However, such parking lots are in high demand not only among local residents, but also among visitors to the area. The ideal solution would be a location located between the business part of the city and the residential areas.

Residential areas are a source of stable profit due to the high demand for parking spaces.

Only after the proposed market has been thoroughly analyzed can you proceed to collecting all the necessary documents. Let's look at what is needed to open a parking lot. First of all, you should register with tax authorities. You can do this as in status individual entrepreneur, and opened an LLC. Then you should prepare the required package of documents to obtain the opportunity to rent a land plot. If you have your own territory, you must obtain a license to carry out construction work. In order to receive stable and high profits, it is best to open a parking lot close to residential buildings.

After you have collected all the necessary documents for rent land plot, must be agreed upon project documentation with representatives of authorities and the land committee. When constructing closed boxes, it is necessary to collect the following package of documents in advance:

  • permission to carry out construction work;
  • fire inspection report;
  • conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • permission from the city administration;
  • rent contract.

At this stage, it is very important to pay attention to the production control program. It will be necessary to conclude agreements not only for the lease of land, but also for the removal of solid household waste. You should also take care of purchasing and registering cash register and carry out deratization. In order to insure yourself against unforeseen circumstances, it is best to purchase ownership of the selected land plot.

An important aspect of a parking lot’s business plan is its location; the number of clients and their social status


Only when the required package of documents has been collected and completed can you begin to open the parking lot itself. In order to interest a potential audience, it is necessary to approach parking equipment with great responsibility. It is necessary to take into account not only the area of ​​the parking space in an open parking lot, but also to equip the area with limiters, markings and bumpers. A gate or barrier must be installed at the entrance to the territory.

It is also necessary to install a checkpoint where a security guard must be present at all times. Compliance with technical requirements should also be approached with great responsibility. The minimum distance between rows should be about eight meters. The asphalt surface must be treated with a special solution to prevent the absorption of flammable liquids.

When drawing up a parking plan, you should pay attention Special attention video surveillance and lighting. It is best if the CCTV cameras cover not only the internal but also the external territory.

A special role in equipping the parking lot is assigned to the staff. The number of employees required depends on the size of the parking space. The larger the area, the more people are needed who will deal with various organizational and administrative issues. For a small parking lot, three security guards, several janitors and one accountant are enough.

Last but not least, attention is paid to the issue of advertising. In order to increase your potential audience and attract public attention to your enterprise, you should take care of covering your activities in the media. It would be a good idea to post leaflets or organize flyer distribution. When opening a parking lot for trucks, advertising stands and billboards should be placed along busy highways. In order to increase traffic to your parking lot, you should advertise on the radio station.

Example of a business plan

A detailed business plan that takes into account various nuances and details is the key to a successful enterprise. Let's find out what information a parking lot business plan should contain; the example below considers opening a small parking lot:

  1. The amount of initial financial investments for the acquisition of territory and for the payment of hired personnel.
  2. Calculation of financial investments for processing the necessary documents and obtaining a license.
  3. Payback period of the enterprise and approximate monthly profit.

A parking lot with a small area, located near residential areas, brings a stable monthly income of 55,000–65,000 rubles. Based on this, we can say that the profitability of such a business is about fifteen percent, and the payback period is about three and a half years.

The choice of parking lot location depends on the availability of start-up capital and future business development strategy

Below is a detailed parking business plan with calculations:

  1. Rent of land– 840,000 (1 year, based on the rental cost of 70,000 rubles monthly).
  2. Preparation of the necessary package of documents– 120,000–170,000 rubles.
  3. Construction of a checkpoint– 80,000 rubles.
  4. Installation of consecration– 10,000 rubles.
  5. Installation of a video surveillance system– 25,000 rubles.
  6. Laying asphalt impregnated with a special coating– 15,000 rubles.
  7. Employee salaries – 100,000 rubles (monthly).
  8. Unexpected expenses– 20,000 rubles.

Considering the above investments for opening a parking lot for forty cars, the approximate amount of the initial investment is about 1,300,000 rubles. Let's evaluate the profitability of such a business.

The daily cost of a parking space is about 250 rubles. Since a small parking lot can accommodate only forty cars at a time, the daily profit will be about 10,000 rubles. In one month, such a business brings in about 300,000 rubles. If we subtract tax deductions, staff salary expenses, and other possible expenses from this amount, then the net revenue will be about 100,000 rubles per month. Thus, the payback period for a small parking lot is a little over a year.

Opening a parking lot from scratch

In conclusion, let's look at how to open a parking lot from scratch and get the maximum benefit from such an enterprise. As mentioned above, the approximate amount of investment for opening a parking lot is about 1,300,000 rubles. These costs will only allow opening an open parking lot. Opening a closed parking lot will require much more financial investment. The average cost of closed car parking is about 5,000,000.

In order to increase your monthly revenue, you can enter a series additional services which are in greatest demand. Such services include: polishing, washing, defrosting locks and inflating wheels. Of course, such services will not bring much income, but the amount of monthly revenue will increase significantly.

Often, parking lot owners open stores on their premises that sell various car accessories, oils and antifreeze liquids. It makes sense to open a snack bar or hostel in a truck stop. Such establishments are in great demand among drivers due to their affordable prices.

The first step before opening a parking lot is to assess the business prospects

Car parking is a rather complex business, most suitable for men with useful contacts. The main difficulty in opening such a case is collecting a package of documents and coordinating construction with the city administration. Often, in order to start construction, you need to connect personal connections. When drawing up a business plan, do not be afraid to consult with various representatives of the field in order to have an idea of ​​​​the market situation.

Considering parking as a source of permanent income, it should be noted that the threshold for entering this business is quite low. In this regard, a well-structured organizational part of the issue will allow you to recoup all material investments in just one year.