Two frivolous retired generals found themselves on a desert island. “Generals served all their lives in some kind of registry; they were born there, raised and grew old, and therefore did not understand anything. They didn’t even know any words except: “Accept the assurance of my complete respect and devotion.” One day the generals woke up - and lo and behold, they were lying on the shore and there was nothing on either of them except a nightgown and an order around their neck.

The general who served as a calligraphy teacher was a little smarter than the other. He suggests walking around the island and looking for food. But where to go? The generals cannot determine where is west and where is east. The island is abundant, there is everything, but the generals suffer from hunger and cannot get anything. They only find the Moskovskie Vedomosti, which, as luck would have it, describes luxurious dinners. From hunger, the generals almost eat each other.

A former calligraphy teacher came up with an idea: we need to find a man who will take care of them. “They wandered around the island for a long time without any success, but finally the pungent smell of chaff bread and sour sheepskin put them on the trail.” They look at a lazy man sleeping under a tree. He saw the generals and wanted to run, but they grabbed him tightly. The man begins to work: he picked the generals a dozen ripe apples, and took one sour one for himself; dug in the ground and got potatoes; rubbed two pieces of wood against each other - and got fire; He made a snare out of his own hair and caught a hazel grouse. And he prepared so much food that the generals even thought about giving the “parasite” a piece?

Before lying down to rest, the man, on the orders of the generals, twists a rope, and they tie him to a tree so that he does not run away. After two days, the man became so skilled that “he even began to cook soup in a handful.” The generals are well-fed and happy, and in the meantime their pensions are accumulating in St. Petersburg. The generals are sitting and reading the Moskovskie Vedomosti. But they got bored. The man built a boat, covered its bottom with swan's down, laid the generals down and, crossing himself, sailed. “How much fear the generals gained during the journey from various storms and winds, how much they scolded the man for his parasitism - this cannot be described with a pen, nor in a fairy tale.”

But finally here is St. Petersburg. “The cooks clasped their hands when they saw how well-fed, white and cheerful their generals were! The generals got drunk on coffee, ate buns, went to the treasury and received a lot of money. However, they didn’t forget about the peasant; They sent him a glass of vodka and a nickel of silver: have fun, man!”

Summary“The story of how one man fed two generals”

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Two frivolous retired generals found themselves on a desert island. “Generals served all their lives in some kind of registry; they were born there, raised and grew old, and therefore did not understand anything. They didn’t even know any words except: “Accept the assurance of my complete respect and devotion.” One day the generals woke up - and lo and behold, they were lying on the shore and there was nothing on either of them except a nightgown and an order around their neck.

The general who served as a calligraphy teacher was a little smarter than the other. He suggests walking around the island and looking for food. But where to go? The generals cannot determine where is west and where is east. The island is abundant, there is everything, but the generals suffer from hunger and cannot get anything. They only find the Moskovskie Vedomosti, which, as luck would have it, describes luxurious dinners. From hunger, the generals almost eat each other.

A former calligraphy teacher came up with an idea: we need to find a man who will take care of them. “They wandered around the island for a long time without any success, but finally the pungent smell of chaff bread and sour sheepskin put them on the trail.” They look at a lazy man sleeping under a tree. He saw the generals and wanted to run, but they grabbed him tightly. The man begins to work: he picked the generals a dozen ripe apples, and took one sour one for himself; dug in the ground and got potatoes; rubbed two pieces of wood against each other - and got fire; He made a snare from his own hair and caught a hazel grouse. And he prepared so much food that the generals even thought about giving the “parasite” a piece?

Before lying down to rest, the man, on the orders of the generals, twists a rope, and they tie him to a tree so that he does not run away. After two days, the man became so skilled that “he even began to cook soup in a handful.” The generals are well-fed and happy, and in the meantime their pensions are accumulating in St. Petersburg. The generals are sitting and reading the Moskovskie Vedomosti. But they got bored. The man built a boat, covered its bottom with swan's down, laid the generals down and, crossing himself, sailed. “How much fear the generals gained during the journey from various storms and winds, how much they scolded the man for his parasitism - this cannot be described with a pen, nor in a fairy tale.”

But finally here is St. Petersburg. “The cooks clasped their hands when they saw how well-fed, white and cheerful their generals were! The generals got drunk on coffee, ate buns, went to the treasury and received a lot of money. However, they didn’t forget about the peasant; They sent him a glass of vodka and a nickel of silver: have fun, man!”

You have read the summary of the Tale of how one man fed two generals. We will be glad if you take the time to read this story in its entirety.

Reading time

Full version 10 minutes (≈5 A4 pages), summary 1 minute.


Two generals


Two generals, being retired, found themselves on an island that was uninhabited. One day they woke up and discovered that they were on the shore. They were wearing nothing except nightgowns and medals around their necks.

One of the generals was more intelligent than the other. He suggested exploring the island in search of food. However, they did not know which direction to move. The generals were unable to determine the cardinal directions. The island had everything. However, the generals suffered from hunger and could not find anything to eat. They found only the Moscow Gazette, which, as if on purpose, described magnificent dinners. Because of hunger, the generals almost ate each other.

The smarter general suggested finding the man. He will have to look after the generals. They had to search for a long time. But finally they managed to find a man who was sleeping under a tree. At the sight of the generals, he wanted to run away. However, the generals grabbed hold of him tightly. The man began to do the work. I collected ten apples for the generals. I took some sour for myself. He managed to get potatoes. He made fire and caught the hazel grouse using a snare he made from his hair. The man prepared so much food that the generals came up with the idea of ​​giving him a piece?

Before going to bed, the man twisted a rope according to orders. The generals tied the man to a tree with this rope so that he would not run away from them. After two days, the worker became so skilled that he could cook soup even in a handful. And in St. Petersburg at this time their pensions were accumulating. The generals read the Gazette all the time. However, then they got bored. The worker built a boat, he lined the bottom of the boat with down and, having loaded the generals, crossed himself and set off. During the journey, the generals suffered a lot of fear and scolded the man a lot.

In the end they ended up in St. Petersburg. The cooks saw the generals, noting their satiety and cheerfulness. The generals drank coffee and buns, went to the treasury, where they were given a large number of money. And they didn’t forget about the guy. They sent him a glass of vodka and a silver coin.

“The story of how one man fed two generals” was written in mid-19th century and has many fans. She tells the reader how a man fed two generals. The summary fully shows the stupidity of respected St. Petersburg officials and their inability to take care of themselves.

Briefly about the author

The future famous Russian writer was born in 1826. During his years of study at the famous Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, he began to study poetry and publish his works, but later abandoned this activity. While working in the military chancellery, he began to create prose works. He was sent into exile for showing freethinking. After returning to Moscow, he served in one of the ministries, and later was the governor of Ryazan and Tver. For some time he headed the Sovremennik publishing house. He died in St. Petersburg in 1889.

Genre features

A popular story among schoolchildren is about how a man fed two generals. The summary of the work reveals the author's idea, who wanted to show the stupidity, ignorance of officials and the lack of will of a man who was so accustomed to obeying that he immediately began to fulfill the demands of the generals. The work is written in the genre of a satirical literary fairy tale and therefore contains many grotesque exaggerations, hyperboles and irony, designed to ridicule the shortcomings of the society of that time. A satirical work about how a man fed two generals (a summary is presented below) contains many expressions characteristic of Russian folk tale. The author also took the beginning and the fantastic element from oral folk art.

“The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals” talks about incredible adventures St. Petersburg officials. Having safely retired, they did not know how to do anything. Waking up one fine morning, the heroes discovered that they were on a desert island. The generals decided to look around: one of them was supposed to go north, the other south. However, there was an obstacle that they could not overcome. The heroes did not know how to determine the cardinal directions. After much debate, one official went left, the other went right.

Having examined the island, the generals realized that it was rich in food: fruits, fish, game. But the officials were unable to get it. After a long search for food, one of the generals managed to find old number"Moskovskie Vedomosti". Sitting under a tree, the heroes began to discuss which tasted better: boots or gloves, but suddenly, due to severe hunger, they attacked each other. Having come to their senses, the officials decided to talk, but all their conversations boiled down to food. Then they began to read the newspaper, but here again everything revolved around food.

And suddenly one official suggested finding a guy who is everywhere. After a short search, they managed to find a man who was sleeping under a tree. The heroes woke him up, accused him of not wanting to help, and clung to him so that he could not escape. The man fed them apples, potatoes, and hazel grouse. Having eaten, the officials ordered the man to weave a rope and tie himself to a tree with it.

After a while, the generals got bored and wanted to return home. They demanded that the man make a ship and take them there. The man prepared supplies, built a ship and transported them to St. Petersburg. The generals were so glad to be home again that out of generosity they gave their savior vodka and a silver coin.


This literary fairy tale was filmed. In 1965, a short animated film of the same name was released. It was filmed at the Soyuzmultfilm studio.

The reader can easily determine the author’s attitude towards the Russian people after reading the fairy tale about how a man fed two generals. Summary shows sincere love and the author's admiration ordinary people, however, their slavish behavior could not but cause him regret.

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote satirical tales. We would like to offer to your attention summary one of the most popular fairy tales -

“The story of how one man fed two generals”

Once upon a time there lived two frivolous generals. They served all their lives in some kind of military registry, and when it was dissolved, the generals also resigned. They settled in St. Petersburg on Podyacheskaya Street. Each had their own apartment and cook. Only then one day the generals incredibly found themselves on a desert island, sleeping under the same blanket. At first they thought they had dreamed everything. But it turned out that all this was not a dream. They actually stand on seashore wearing only nightgowns, with an order on each of their necks. When the generals got hungry, they decided to explore the island. During the inspection, they discovered that the trees on the island were full of fruits, the streams were teeming with fish, and there was a lot of game in the forest. But the generals couldn’t help but pick an apple, catch a fish or a hazel grouse. We only found a newspaper. So we went to bed hungry. But the generals were not used to going hungry. And the hunger was so strong that the generals almost ate each other, they even managed to fight, but they came to their senses in time. They decided to distract themselves with conversation, but all the conversations, willy-nilly, came down to food. They decided to read the Moskovskie Vedomosti newspaper, but even there the articles were only about dinner parties and delicious dishes. The generals were completely spinning, all thoughts were only about dinner. And then one of the generals had the idea that they needed to find a man who would give them bread and catch hazel grouse and fish. The generals went to look for the man. They wandered around the island for a long time, and finally found a man. He slept peacefully on the island. The generals woke him up and forced him to feed himself. First of all, the man picked apples for them. Then he dug up some potatoes and lit a fire. From his own hair he wove a snare with which he caught a hazel grouse. The man prepared a lot of delicious food. The generals could not be happier with him, and they praised themselves for such an idea. To prevent him from escaping, the generals tied the man with a rope, which he himself wove from wild hemp. Several days passed, the generals benefited from a well-fed life, they again became loose, white and cheerful. And the man learned to cook stew even in a handful. But the generals began to miss their apartments and their cooks. And let's pester the guy so that he takes them to St. Petersburg. The man, in gratitude that the generals did not disdain his peasant labor, built a boat on which he could sail across the ocean all the way to St. Petersburg. Taking care of the comfortable sailing of the generals, the man lined the bottom of the boat with soft swan's down. The man put the generals in the boat, and they sailed home. Throughout the voyage, the generals scolded the man for the pitching, wind and storms. And he kept rowing and feeding his generals. The generals reached their apartments, drank coffee and ate buns. And the treasury gave them a lot of money, a pension for all the time they spent on the island. To celebrate, they even sent the man a glass of vodka and a nickel of silver.

Such summary tales about how a man fed two generals.

Happy studying!