Even the largest and most noticeable things tend to get lost. Sometimes how to find lost item It’s almost impossible to understand in an apartment. But there are many ways to help cope with this problem. Both banal psychology and folk signs and even magic will help you! The main thing is not to lose hope of finding your missing item and not to lose heart.

Our memory does not completely delete anything. And even if you don’t know exactly where you put the missing item, it can be found. To do this, it is worth using several psychological techniques:

  • Try to forget about the thing. You will relax and accidentally remember where it lies;
  • Recreate the chain of events like Sherlock Holmes. Think about what you were doing before the item went missing;
  • Look for the missing unusual places. After all, usually our searches are limited to one room or one place;
  • Don't panic. The more panic, the less chance of normal searches;
  • Postpone your search. Haste confuses our thoughts, causing us to tense up and look in the wrong places;
  • Plan your actions. Make a plan of the places you need to visit.

You should also consider whether the item might have been lost outside the home. Every third lost item is lost far outside the apartment. But they are looking for it directly at home, and of course, to no avail.

How to find a missing item in the house using magic

In addition to science, you can use a magical approach. And here are some supernatural ideas for you:

  1. Say “Brownie-Brownie, play and give it back” several times. This is a conspiracy against a brownie;
  2. Place an upside down glass on the table. This folk sign, which allows you to search for things;
  3. Talk to the thing. Ask her to come back. This is what those who believe that everything has a soul do;
  4. Light a purple candle in the evening and look for the item in the direction where the wax flows;
  5. Mentally tie yourself and the loss with a silver thread. Then pull this thread.

You can also try fumigating your apartment with incense or putting a talisman under your pillow. In addition, there are many conspiracies on this topic.

But none of this will work without serious concentration. Imagine where you could put the item you are looking for. And sooner or later he will definitely be found.

Looking for missing items correctly and quickly

For your search to be successful, you should look for a thing in a variety of places. Inspect not just the cabinets, but behind the cabinets. Look under the sofa, behind the radiator, in the pantry, behind the stove. Often, we automatically place objects where they clearly do not belong.

Ask someone at home to help in the search. A fresh look will help clarify the situation. This is how many people find missing items.

If time permits, sleep a little or the whole night. Sleep does a kind of reboot inside us. And this makes it possible to remember many details of the recent disappearance.

The best option is cleaning. When cleaning the apartment, we look in all possible places. That's just how things are. But you just have to clean thoroughly and efficiently, otherwise you may not find anything.

Sometimes it is not possible to find a lost item in an apartment at all. It can get into a place that is impossible to reach, for example, under the floor. Face the loss and move on with your life. After all, when we lose something small, we definitely gain something more significant.

Lose important thing maybe even the most careful and organized person. If this thing is lost in the house, then the chance of finding it is very high, but this may take more than one week. If you need to return the lost item as quickly as possible, and you yourself have no idea how to find the lost item in the house, then one of the “folk” methods can help in the search.

General cleaning

General cleaning is not the fastest, but the most effective method searches. You will have to inspect literally every centimeter, so it is advisable to narrow the search to one room, otherwise the process may drag on.

Action Analysis

In some cases, it helps to detect the loss step by step analysis your actions from the moment you are in last time saw the thing you were looking for. You can try to reproduce your actions, even if it seems that you don’t remember anything. If an item was lost quite recently and no one at home had time to move it, then the chance of discovering the loss is quite high.

Magic rituals

If the first two steps do not produce results, then you can resort to traditional methods. Even if you are not superstitious at all, just try to perform these simple rituals - perhaps they will help you.

  • Tie a handkerchief around a chair leg and go about your business. After a couple of hours, resume your search, check the entire apartment, even those places where you have already looked: the loss will definitely catch your eye.
  • Make a pendulum from a strong thread and a small weight. Walk with it like a pendulum around the apartment, mentally or out loud calling for the missing item. In the place where the pendulum begins to rotate, you need to look for the loss.
  • Imagine the desired thing in all its details, and then imagine that there is a silver thread stretched between you and this thing. As soon as the picture appears before your mind's eye, go where this thread pulls you, but do not try to analyze your feelings or use logic, otherwise the connection will weaken and will not work. You don’t have to follow the thread, but mentally use it to attract the missing item to yourself. The required item will be found within a day.

  • Say the words: “Brownie-brownie, you played, now give it back” (instead of the brownie, you can address the devil, the mouse or Saint Anthony - whoever is closer). The missing item will be found almost immediately.
  • You can quickly find the thing you need using a glass. Turn the empty glass over and place it on the table. Start your search again: the loss will be found within an hour.
  • Take the same item that you lost (another key, earring, phone, flash drive) and throw it up with the words “Find your brother.” After some time (from several hours to several days), the missing item will definitely be found.

Traditional search methods produce results regardless of whether you believe in their effectiveness or not. If the missing item is needed urgently, then you can try all methods at once - at least one will definitely work.

I was just holding a needle, a cup, a book, keys in my hands, I turned around, got distracted - the thing was gone. Not in your hands, not within sight range. Has this ever happened? Or someone decided to hide a valuable thing away, guided by the well-known principle “If you put it further away, you will take it closer.” I personally once “put it away” and never saw the valuable ring again. Let's see what can be done in this situation:

1. The most common method. Tie a handkerchief to a chair leg. Considered quite successful. At the same time, you can also say something like “Brownie-brownie, play and give it back!”

2. A tried and tested sign is to simply turn the glass over and the item will be found.

3. If you think that the thing is in the house, start talking to it (it’s better if you are alone, otherwise your family will decide that it’s time to call an ambulance), and at the same time clap your hands. I don’t know why it works, but the glasses were found instantly.

4. It happens that quick rituals and signs don’t work, then we’ll start using more complex ones and move on to “heavy artillery.” If you don’t have a dog in your house, at sunset on Thursday, open the window and, turning your face to the west, read the spell, while rhythmically clapping your hands: “Brother devils, come here, help me search.” Argamas, Arbamas, Avramas. In the name of this, in the name of this and the other. Take away the brains, get the thoughts of the thieves. Take away the will and the share until that hour, until that minute, until they return what they took. Amen".

5. Before going to bed, take a thread as long as your height, fold it in three, then fold it seven more times and tie two knots, put it under the pillow. Or you will see in a dream the place where the thing lies, or, when you wake up, begin to untie the knots, then you will remember.

6. You can put dried motherwort, lavender and wormwood in a copper cup (if you happen to have one in your house), add a drop of alcohol and set it on fire. Fumigate the entire apartment with smoke, and the loss will be found.

7. Place a purple candle in the center and imagine the missing item. In the direction where the melted wax will flow down is where you need to look.

8. Imagine the missing thing surrounded by a shiny silver thread, one end of which is in your hands. Mentally pull towards it, imagining that the object is approaching. That is, we will pull it to ourselves, and the loss will be revealed.

9. If you are not afraid of spiders (although why be afraid of them - domestic ones), find a spider, blow lightly on it and ask to find what you lost. In general, according to Vietnamese beliefs, a spider in the house is the guardian of the hearth.

10. Make a simple pendulum and walk around the entire apartment with it. Where the pendulum begins to rotate, look more closely.

Well, if nothing helps at all, then the old, proven method remains - to do a general cleaning, that is, wash and rearrange absolutely everything - from the screws in the closet to flower pots on the windowsill. I personally have found almost everything that I lost over the past two years. This is probably the most effective way of all, there is no need to call on a brownie for help.


In order to find thing, lost Houses, you need to try to restore in your memory the order of your past actions. For example, you lost your scissors, but you remember that the last time you held them in your hands was standing on the windowsill. If no loss was found on the windowsill, you managed to take the item to some other place. IN at the moment you are drinking tea, and it was poured after you stood at the windowsill with scissors in your hands. It’s easy to assume that, standing at the windowsill, you heard the sound of a boiling kettle and went to turn it off. At the same time, you brought scissors into the kitchen and put them there to free your hands and turn off the kettle.

Remember if you have come up with a new place to store your lost item. Very often we decide that an object will henceforth lie in a certain place, but out of habit we forget about it and look for it for a long time.

If thing small, then it may well turn out that it either rolled under some object. Take a good look under and behind all cabinets, sofas, beds, etc. If Houses If there is a cat, then probably she could steal the object in order to play with it.

Our ancestors believed that the lost Houses things are the pranks of the brownie. This may seem funny and naive to most modern people, but the existence of supernatural forces cannot be completely denied. Try leaving a sweet gift for the brownie, all offerings to the spirit Houses should be placed in the east corner Houses.

There is a special one for clearing memory. Repeat three times: “There are three dawns beyond the sea, what to call the first dawn, I forgot what to call the second, it was washed away from my memory, but the Mother of God revealed to me what to call the third.” After pronouncing the spell, you need to go to the room where you usually sleep and stand in the middle of it. It is believed that within a few seconds your memory will become clearer.

Please note

So, free house design Free cottage design – many will say it’s fantastic and, in principle, they will be right. What is offered for free download on the Internet are mostly sketches, not full-fledged house designs. And even if you found a house project with all the drawings and specifications, it does not mean that it can be built, and a house built according to such a project will not collapse one day.

Useful advice

Among this abundance of information, it is sometimes difficult to quickly find publications that will best suit your ideas about an ideal apartment or office. You can spend hours crawling one site after another until you end up selecting a couple of ads from an endless stream of information. Or you can take a shorter route, which is through the “Find a Home” resource...


  • how to find something lost at home

Things tend to disappear when you need them most. This can happen even if the house is in perfect order. And there is a need to quickly find what is lost.

You will need

  • Ring
  • Long thread
  • The ring on the thread can be replaced with a dowser frame.


Try to remember the last time you saw a lost item. Carefully inspect this place, as well as all the cracks and drawers nearby. Automatically, you could put an object in there and happily forget about it. In addition, a small object or document could have fallen into some hole.

Remember in detail what you were doing the last time you saw the thing you needed. Repeat all the steps and inspect all the objects that were then touched. Examine even those places that seem inappropriate, especially if you performed several actions in quick succession. Think about what distracted you when you were putting the groceries you just bought in the refrigerator or sorting through documents during spring cleaning. It is possible that the lost ones will end up in the refrigerator, and the registration certificate will end up in the place where you ran because something was rustling there.

If you don't have success with simple techniques, try making something like a dowser frame. Take a long cotton thread and a ring without a stone. Tie a thread. Hold " " vertically by the end of the thread. Move your arm to the side and bend it at the elbow. Try to keep the ring hanging motionless. Imagine the lost item as accurately as possible. Walk along the “frame” several times, not forgetting to climb on other furniture that sits tightly on the floor. As a last resort, walk next to. Near the lost item, the ring should begin to swing.

Video on the topic

Please note

In order for you to use the ring, you must have a very well developed imagination and visual memory. You must clearly imagine the lost item in the smallest detail, otherwise you risk finding something completely different, even if it is similar in some respects.

Having remembered where you saw the desired item last time, do not think about it anymore, otherwise your false memory will let you down.

Useful advice

Take your time and don't be nervous while searching. Look around the room calmly and methodically. Prepare yourself for the fact that if the desired item does not show up now, you will find a lot of other interesting things that you no longer even try to look for.

In order to similar situations was as little as possible, establish strict order in your home. Every thing should know its place. No family member should throw away any old items without informing the others.

To search for a fallen needle and other metal objects use a magnet.

The brownie is the mythical “master”, the patron of the house, monitoring the well-being of the family. It is believed that lived before in every hut. Now the residents apartment buildings I wonder if there is a protective spirit in their homes. It's easy to check.

It often happens that a person loses an object or thing at home: keys, watches, bracelet, passport and much more. The search often takes quite a lot of effort and nerves. Sometimes it seems that the whole house has already been searched, but the missing item has not been found.

Lost search options: vacuum cleaner

If a small item has fallen, a vacuum cleaner is suitable to find it. Disconnect the brush from the vacuum cleaner, and in its place, attach and carefully secure an ordinary sock. Turn on the vacuum cleaner to maximum and slowly move the tube over the area where you might have fallen. necessary thing. If you are lucky and the missing item is found, then take it from your sock and turn off the vacuum cleaner.

Focus and think

When the dimensions of an object do not allow you to use a vacuum cleaner, do not despair. Try to pull yourself together, stop being nervous and panicking. Sit down, think, look around the room and those places where the wanted item may be located. What often happens is that it is in front of your eyes, and your lack of concentration prevents you from detecting it.

If all else fails, close your eyes and remember where you last saw it missing. For example, you lost a flash drive: remember step by step where and when you used it and where you put it away. You inserted the flash drive into the computer, carried out certain actions, took it out of the connector and put it somewhere. Now open your eyes sharply and go to where you left the thing. If it is not there, then continue searching.

Refer to your home

People always blame themselves, relying on their inattention and absent-mindedness. But it is worth remembering that the matter may be due to peculiar changes taking place in your home. The room where people live is considered the place where the energy associated with the life of each family member is concentrated. This same energy leads to you getting tired, filling your head with thoughts about business and forgetting about home. The roof senses this, so a kind of imbalance of energy and objects arises.

At times like these, you feel clumsy, for example, trying to turn on a light where there is no switch or placing a cup of food on the edge of the table so that it falls. It seems to you that there is chaos and asymmetry in the house.

So, in order to find something, you need to turn to your home. No, this does not mean that you need to torment yourself every day with general cleaning and apartment maintenance. Just live in the house, feel its warmth, thank it for the fact that you have it, and you can relax in it, do what you love, cook food and be its owner.

Appease the brownie

The next step is to please the spirit of the house. Everyone knows that brownies love to make fun of their owners. This is especially true when you have recently moved into a house, in new buildings, and when you do not take care of the house. The spirit of the house can move objects, hide them because he doesn't like something or is worried.

If you cannot find your favorite earrings and think that these are the tricks of the brownie, then try to appease him: feed him something tasty, floury and sweet. Place in the eastern part of the house (this is where the spirit of the house lives) a piece of sugar, a cookie or some butter. The result will not be long in coming - the thing will soon be in its place. You can talk to the brownie and ask him to return your item. Believe me, it really works.

Summoning with a thread

Our ancestors left us another universal way to search for lost things: arm yourself with a thread or rope and tie it to the table leg in the kitchen.

Such actions encourage the lost item to return to its place. Most things disappear as a result of temporary changes, so it is precisely summoning the thing that will return it to its owner.

Pendulum to the rescue

Searching with a pendulum is also quite common among Old Believers. You can take a special pendulum for dowsing or make it yourself from a weight suspended on a rope. While holding the pendulum, start thinking about the lost thing, about its appearance and accessories. Make a wish in which you express that you want this thing to be found. Walk around the room with a pendulum in your hands. When you feel his movement, go where he leads you. This is how you can find the location of a lost item.

If not a single piece of advice helped you, and the item was never found, but you are sure that it is in your house, then use the last method, which guarantees that you will find it - general cleaning premises. This method is good because your house will begin to shine with cleanliness, and because the loss will certainly be discovered.

Be sure to use the tips given above, then you will easily find exactly what you need and exactly where you do not expect it. Try not to lose your favorite things and household items.

Video: how to find a lost item