Someone famous said that knowing yourself is the greatest wisdom that can exist in the life of every person. Once he understands, gets to know his purpose, goals, moral qualities, moral component, moments with which he can or cannot put up with, his potential will immediately be revealed. The soul will be “freed” from excess burden and will be associated with the concept “I am the truth.”

The process of self-discovery is necessary at any age, and one cannot assume that older people do not need it. On the contrary, as we live through the years, we become “overgrown” with a thick layer of negativity and routine. It is necessary to throw off unnecessary ballast and reveal the true “I”. Only by learning from experienced psychologists and sages about how to know yourself can you easily and without fear come to the end of your life. life path, preparing for a meeting with the Almighty.

What is it to know yourself?

We easily evaluate other people, but at the same time we are completely unfamiliar with ourselves. But this is the most important thing for each of us. This is the only way to start fighting your bad habits. negative qualities. In this case, the saying “You need to know the enemy by sight!” works perfectly.

But oddly enough, the question “How to know yourself?” sounds least often among people. That is, no one cares who he is, what his role is in this life, what qualities and habits his moral side consists of. What is noteworthy is that psychology experts are not so worried about the answer to the reason for the lack of search for the most important thing in life - oneself. After all, this is the key to the doors behind which lies the secret of not only our inner world, but also the surrounding one. It’s simple, when you ask yourself questions, you need to give answers, and completely honest and sincere ones.

But few of us are able to admit our negative sides, and even to ourselves, we are most often hypocrites. But we still need to start. Especially for those who strive to find complete harmony with the world and themselves. Get pleasure from life, enjoyment, avoid negative habits and breathe deeply.

And if you, after reading the topic of the article, continue to study it, we wrote it not in vain. But before you start answering, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the opinions of representatives Orthodox religion about why it is necessary for every person on the planet to know himself.

What does it mean to know yourself

Confessors say this is the most important thing in life. We must know what is happening in our soul, thoughts, heart and understand where we are going in life, to what denominator. Those who have already managed to know themselves are very familiar with their preferences, guidelines and aspirations. And only in this way, having known themselves, they were able to completely gain control over their existence and easily manage those processes that are responsible for our every action, including the physiological aspects responsible for our health.

In such cases, many people ask a logical question: “Shouldn’t the first thing be knowing God?” No, first of all, study yourself, otherwise it will be impossible to know the Lord, because we are His reflection, created in His image and likeness.

According to confessors, you need to start with the good, that is, lay a positive foundation. For this, correct, objective self-assessment is important, which each of us gives most often with an error. And the reason for this is our own negative sides, the habits that have taken root in inner world and distorting the objectivity of the view. So, the majority views their person through the veil of their own egoism and after analysis, it seems to us all that we are not so bad.

We often visit holy places, fast periodically, try not to express ourselves rudely holidays etc. We believe that by doing this we have already earned ourselves a “bonus” and we praise ourselves, comparing ourselves with other, “bad” people. This is where the mistake lies. First of all, there is no need for comparisons; you need to set yourself a bar to which you need to grow and grow.

And if, as you think, you have achieved it, raise it even higher. As we know, there is no limit to perfection! And the process should consist of internal cleansing, and only then can changes in the positive side of the external component of a person be considered. Believe me, they will.

Also, representatives of the Christian clergy are often asked the question: “What happens if a person does not know himself? What does this mean? Is there a chance of salvation? The answer will be disappointing - “No! After all, if we ourselves do not recognize this, how can the Lord God save us?” After all, in order to “define” the soul in one direction or another, he needs to study it, and in a closed person, this is darkness. So, those who do not know themselves will only follow the negative path.

As we know, the main quality of a Christian is love. And she must be pure, sincere. It is impossible to feel this phenomenon for anyone according to our religion if we do not know ourselves and then cleanse ourselves of negativity. Therefore, we suggest not to delay important point aside and start working on ourselves.

Let's start asking ourselves questions developed by experienced experts and tested in numerous surveys over the years. Believe me, there is nothing superfluous in our test. The main rule is to answer honestly and openly, without hiding anything. Stop deceiving yourself and start exploring your inner world. And if you encounter negative moments along the way, start fighting them.

We want to say right away that the questions will not be easy. Some may find them inconvenient and capable of touching a nerve: pride, pride, boasting, anger, envy, etc. But if we do not get down to business now with all determination, then it will be too late. It won’t be long before we have to “unravel” the mess of our ignorance, misconceptions and erroneous choice of life path.

Therefore, there is no need to be offended by uncomfortable questions. We want to help you, not disappoint you. You understand that solving any problem requires some sacrifice. In your case, you will sacrifice your ambitions, well, at least for the period of getting to know yourself. And here we must say honestly – you will never be able to stop this process! This means that you will never be an ambitious, arrogant, ill-mannered, impolite, envious, angry, jealous, greedy, mean, selfish, mercantile person.

Those who are determined, excuse the tautology, to resolve the issue, know their problems by heart. For example, a lazy person knows that it is difficult for him to take on some business precisely because of his laziness. This means he needs to fight it, practice self-discipline. So let's start working on ourselves together and set ourselves up for a successful result, because we know about our shortcomings, right?

How to take the test

Let us tell our readers right away that you do not need to quickly answer all the questions presented. Moreover, this cannot be done. Read them carefully and analyze each of them. We have already said that they were not taken from the ceiling, but were developed by experienced psychologists and tested in numerous surveys. As a result, you will make a mistake and begin to answer in a standard, stereotyped manner, “sorrying” yourself and your nerves.

How to work with questions

Among those presented there are those who simply assert one or another quality of a person. If you don't have it, skip it. For example: “Why do you smoke?” There is a statement here, and you are a non-smoker, so we bypass this question.

Not all questions evoke the same emotions. Some puzzle a person, while others do not cause any sensations. So let's begin.

  1. Why on earth should I care about what other people think of me?
  2. How do my friends feel about me?
  3. For what reasons am I unable to be alone with myself?
  4. Why do I drink alcohol?
  5. Why am I such a shy, timid person?
  6. For what reasons is it so difficult for me to make new acquaintances and friends?
  7. How do my children treat me?
  8. Should I be the most the best person in the world, to be different from others in perfection?
  9. I have a difficult and unfair fate, so what?
  10. Why do I swear so often and a lot with swear words?
  11. What is happening in the world around us?
  12. Do I like my job and position?
  13. What do I need from this life?
  14. For what reasons and factors are my plans not being fulfilled?
  15. How satisfied am I with the choice I made?
  16. Why on earth should you worry and be nervous?
  17. Who is responsible for all the problems in my life?
  18. Who is responsible for the fact that I became like this?
  19. Is the path I chose the only correct one?
  20. What factors and people prevent me from living the way I want?
  21. Does anyone owe me anything in this life?
  22. Do I owe anyone anything in this life?
  23. Why do I quarrel with my husband (wife) every now and then? What's the point in our scandals? Do our quarrels lead to anything useful, do we find anything valuable in them?
  24. Why do all my emotions immediately get the better of me?
  25. So what if I'm in a bad mood?
  26. Why do I need a third watch or a tenth dress?
  27. What will happen to me, my health, body, mind in ten, twenty or thirty years? Will the course of my life change, what will I do, will I be able to continue in the same spirit as now? How suitable are these prospects for me?
  28. What will my health be like if I continue to lead this lifestyle in the future?
  29. What will happen to me when I get old, what things will give me pleasure and pleasure that make me happy this moment? Will I be able to enjoy the same food, drink, sex and other things?
  30. What's going on at my job?
  31. How satisfied am I with my job in terms of financial security? Is my position the work of my whole life?
  32. Why can’t I organize other ways to generate income, other sources?
  33. What will happen to me and my life if I lose my job?
  34. Why can't I start working remotely?
  35. Why don't I start my own business?
  36. So what if I’m not as lucky as others, that I’m not as lucky?
  37. What will I be doing this coming weekend, and what will happen next? What do I do with myself on weekends?
  38. Why do I smoke?
  39. How much time do I have for rest?
  40. Am I satisfied with the amount of free time?
  41. Am I getting enough sleep?
  42. Is it good? physical fitness am I in?
  43. Am I feeling good?
  44. How can I maintain my concentration?
  45. How should you eat properly?
  46. Why do I stay late at my job?
  47. How much do I manage to pay enough attention to my loved ones?
  48. Why am I late at work? What happens if I start going home on time?
  49. Why did I begin to profess this particular religion and not another? Are other religious movements wrong?
  50. Have I always diligently followed and continue to fulfill the ancient commandments of my religious movement? If I don’t do this, then how will my soul be saved, what can I be sure of?
  51. What is the meaning of human suffering?
  52. What hobbies interest me, what attracts me, what am I interested in?
  53. How much time do I always spend on different social networks?
  54. How much time do I devote to watching TV?
  55. How many books have I been able to read in the past year?
  56. What other interesting music is there?
  57. How erudite and educated am I?
  58. Why doesn't planet Earth fall on the Sun?
  59. How is genetic and hereditary information encoded?
  60. What does an atom consist of?
  61. What quantity foreign languages I know?
  62. Do I respond adequately to outside criticism?
  63. When was the last time that I agreed with an outside opinion that did not coincide with mine, and I openly admitted it?
  64. What is the meaning of discussions, disputes, in which each disputing side stands on its own, and we do not accept opinions from the outside? Is it really in such situations – during disputes – that the very truth is born?
  65. Why and why should I prove something to someone?
  66. When was there a case when I praised strangers, sincerely threw compliments in front of them?
  67. How am I better than those people whom I really dislike?
  68. Why and why do some people not like me?
  69. Why and why do some people love me?
  70. Why do I love the people I really love?
  71. How hard have I tried to ensure that my strengths personal qualities became even stronger and negative shortcomings were eliminated?
  72. How long ago did I give a gift to someone close to me, without any reason?
  73. How long has it been since I visited my relatives, especially the elderly?
  74. What is the number of those who are ready to provide me with selfless, free help at the moment when I desperately need it?
  75. How long has it been since I cleaned my house?
  76. How often do I sit alone and think about life?
  77. How long has it been since I took actions that were not approved by others, and as a result I was satisfied with my position, choice?
  78. Am I completing my tasks?
  79. How developed is my sense of humor?
  80. How often and how much can I laugh?
  81. Do I enjoy my life?
  82. How happy am I, and am I happy at all?
  83. How often can I complain about my life?
  84. There are people who have to live in hunger, cold, without a roof over their heads, surrounded by threats and dangers to their lives. Then why do I consider my troubles and problems so serious and significant?
  85. Am I doing everything to make my life better?
  86. Why do hostilities and wars occur in the world?
  87. Where do my phobias and fears originate? Why am I so scared of mice, because they are not capable of harming me?
  88. Why should I be offended by strangers?
  89. Why do I need to pretend to be someone I am not?
  90. What are my life, serious mistakes and misdeeds?
  91. Why do I live alone?
  92. How useful are my principles, my point of view, my worldview?
  93. Who are my friends, what kind of people are they and why do we continue to be friends?
  94. What factors and indicators determine my behavior?
  95. What day did I last time Did you clean your own apartment, your desk?
  96. So what is “good” and what is “bad”?
  97. How attentive (attentive) am I when I listen to others - friends, loved ones?
  98. Have I brought much suffering to those around me?
  99. Why am I ashamed of my relatives and loved ones?
  100. What do I know about death?

Our dear readers who want to grow spiritually will answer, analyze and discuss these questions with great interest. But we still recommend giving only your answers, and not those that were given at the family meeting. Thus, each of us will be able to perfectly know ourselves, our essence, inner world, habits, tendencies in character and spirituality. As soon as we are able to solve our own riddles, we will move towards improving our qualities by leaps and bounds.

An important point in self-knowledge is a person’s desire to begin the process. So that it is successful and only sincere and honest answers can be given. It is necessary to keep a diary in which you will reflect your thoughts, analysis, and emotions.

Every new emotion, curiosity, outrage, stress - everything needs to be described in your diary. Write everything in it, including your complaints about the environment, your own actions, ridiculous, unpleasant situations - paper will endure everything!

To reduce the intensity of passions and calm your inner world and nerves, take up meditation. This is an integral part of various Eastern practices. It allows a person to concentrate his attention on the main thing and analyze everything that is happening impartially.

Retreat to a secluded place where it will be quiet and not crowded, and take a position that is comfortable for you - lie down, sit cross-legged. Take 10 breaths (deep). Eliminate everything unnecessary from your head. Don't think about what you need to buy in the store when you pick up your children from kindergarten. Get rid of the hassle!

An additional way to get to know yourself

In addition to the fact that you need to analyze your character, actions, and feelings, you can also interview your acquaintances, relatives and close friends about what kind of person you are. Even to the point of reading the questions out loud to them - let them give honest and sincere answers. If they contain criticism or negativity, don’t even think about being offended. For a person seeking to know himself and change his life in better side There should be no resentment or anger, but only the truth is important!

Start with those closest to you - husband, wife. Find out from them what they dislike most about you. When listening to the answer, do not concentrate your attention on the fact that your interlocutor really finds something negative. First of all, think about how to change yourself and perhaps you will find out that you spend too little time with your loved ones, or forget about vital events.

Now it's the parents' turn. These comrades will not miss the chance to remember your childhood and will blurt out everything to the fullest. Take poor care of your health, eat little liquid, neglect your appearance, rarely call them, forget to visit, etc.

Well, that’s it, now you can sum it up, but before that, compare your and other people’s answers. There will probably be discrepancies, but they are acceptable only in the category of error, so no concessions to you - be honest. As a result, your character, and with it your internal state and state of health, will begin to flow in a different, positive direction. After about a week or two, go to the mirror and take a closer look - is the same person as before looking at you with sincere, pure and loving eyes? No, this is a different personality, inside of which grandiose transformations are taking place!

Initially, from birth, everyone is endowed with certain abilities and talents. But as you grow older, for various reasons, you lose your predisposition and ability to quickly master skills, but if you work hard on yourself, you can develop them.

Also Small child Unlike an adult, according to psychologists, during the first years of life he is in harmony with himself and subconsciously possesses certain truths. But because the child has poorly developed speech, knowledge and vision of life in general, he cannot accurately and correctly formulate what he needs, his emotions and thoughts.

An adult sooner or later thinks about how to know himself and what is the meaning of life. When a person will come to this question cannot be said for sure; it in no way depends on social role, nor from age.

Most often, people think about knowing themselves, finding inner peace and harmony when something doesn’t suit them in their life. own life, pursued by a series negative events and problems, stress and depression.
As soon as you establish contact with yourself, many life truths will open before you, because knowledge of life and outside world comes through knowing oneself as an individual.

View from the outside.

So, first you need to hear yourself, your inner voice, look at yourself, so to speak, from the outside. Write all your weaknesses and strengths, determine your behavior and your reaction in different situations. To do this, you can even make a list that will always be in front of your eyes, and with which you will work in the process of self-development. Now that you have gotten to know yourself, ask yourself the question, “Would I be friends or communicate with someone like me?”

Try to answer this question sincerely, do not be afraid of yourself. If you still answered negatively, then you should probably understand why, perhaps it is worth changing some character traits or behavior. But you shouldn’t criticize and scold yourself, you need to treat yourself with understanding and patience. Learn, but remember that selfishness must be reasonable.

A look around.

What is your environment like? Remember the proverb “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are”? This wise expression contains a truth with deep meaning that will help you understand how to know yourself.

Carefully analyze your social circle, especially pay attention to those people with whom you interact on a daily basis. Do you enjoy communicating with this person or does it depress you? Would you like to give up this communication or would you like to find more time for meetings?

Think about your life and the people around you. This is how you imagined your life five years ago, is this how you imagine it five years in the future? Perhaps you should reconsider your environment and minimize communication with people you find unpleasant?

This is negativity in your life, therefore, depression and chronic fatigue, you again do what you don’t want, what doesn’t satisfy you and doesn’t.

A look inside.

Turn to yourself, be alone with yourself and try to talk, start an internal dialogue. Understand your thoughts and feelings, determine what you need and what you would like to change, do not deceive yourself, but speak, better write down, sincerely, what you need. Be as frank with yourself as possible and never overstep yourself and your principles, learn to refuse and say “no”, also help people more often, especially those who really need your help, do good deeds.

Engage in self-development and study

Remember the famous saying “know yourself and you will know the world.”

Who are we? Who are we really? We often ask ourselves these and other questions. Since ancient times, people have wanted to know themselves, but how to do this?

Many experts say that a person’s self-knowledge begins with the fact that you simply need to accept yourself for who you really are. Do not force yourself to be like someone or behave as fashion, environment, stereotypes in society dictate, or as our loved ones, most often our parents, expect us to do.

No, knowledge begins with self-acceptance. And you need to be honest with yourself.

Why does a person need to know himself? First of all, to maintain your health. The result of this unresolved conflict will be neuroses, depression, somatic illnesses, sleep disorders and other other “charms”.

Well, secondly, you will be minding your own business and will never be able to achieve success.

This article answers two main questions: WHY? AND HOW? If we have already answered the first, then it’s time to answer the second question.

At the beginning of the article, we said that knowledge begins with accepting yourself, so if you say honestly that this is “not yours,” then this is only the first stage of how to know yourself.

The second stage is quite natural - if it’s not mine, then you need to find something that will be mine. And this one is no less complicated. Only a few can find themselves from an early age; for others it is work. Think about what you do best. What is the difficulty? I know that I have always been good at cooking/sewing/singing/dancing/inventing and so on. But here we are stopped by banal fear, and for some, coupled with this, laziness. Lack of self-confidence is a conscious refusal to learn. Unbelief will not reveal to us the secret of how to make ourselves better and how to become more successful.

We may admire people who have achieved success, but we ourselves are afraid to apply this to our own lives. Meanwhile, a genius is hidden in each of us. And this is not an exaggeration. Man is a perfect being, because he has enormous potential. But... we again sit at boring work, sigh about a failed life and the injustice of fate, not realizing that it is our ignorance of ourselves and lack of faith in our own strengths that are the main enemies on the path to achievement.

There is a lot in our life different areas and every person wants to know himself in some particular one or in all of them at once.

Someone’s personal life is not going well and he would like to get to know himself in a relationship. And someone is looking for themselves in work, in a career. But in addition to work, there are also hobbies; it is impossible to live life without interests and hobbies.

For self-development, it is very important to do some things outside of work and home. You can know yourself not only by sitting in a chair and thinking. By doing something new, you recognize your desires, understand what you want and where you are striving.

You can know yourself with the help of other people. For example, ask your loved ones, acquaintances and friends to write you a certain characteristic. Positive and negative qualities. Just make sure that you don't resent people for telling you the truth.

Pay close attention to yourself when you are angry and upset. In such states, the most naked truth usually comes out. From the depths of my soul. Therefore, pay attention to those things that make you angry and irritated. Learn to understand your real attitude to what is happening.

Tell yourself every day: “I am a confident person, I am perfect and powerful. I'm fearless and I believe in myself, and most importantly, I want to know myself and become a better person."

And you will have confidence in your abilities and, perhaps, you will find the courage to look for another job. The one that is closer to you, the one that suits you much more. And most importantly, you will know that everything will work out for you, otherwise it simply cannot be.

And I know and believe that you can!

Good afternoon, dear readers! How well do you know yourself? If you were asked to describe yourself as if from the outside, what would you say? Many people sooner or later begin a period of soul-searching and self-knowledge. But it’s not always clear where to start and how to do everything correctly, so as not to drown in a sea of ​​psychological information and make things worse for yourself. After all, not everything is as easy as it seems at first glance. Today I offer you a simple but convenient plan on how to understand yourself, personality psychology and self-analysis.

Psychological tests

Usually a person begins to know himself through psychological tests. This is, of course, not a bad thing, but learning to correctly interpret test results is not so easy. Psychologists have been teaching this for several years, preparing for certain results, teaching them to look not only at numbers and indicators, but also at the person himself, at the situation, at the circumstances.

Remember that many tests are based simply on general principles and do not take into account your specifics. It is impossible to understand yourself or other people only by passing such tests. If you really want to get an in-depth analysis, then I advise you to contact a psychologist who will draw up a psychological portrait for you.

A person is constantly changing, becoming better, reconsidering his views on life, learning new things. I have not yet met a single person who would remain exactly the same throughout his life. Personality tends to develop. Keep this in mind when doing soul-searching.

I bring to your attention the article “”. In it you will find many practical and useful tips, which will help you figure out where to start, how best to proceed and where to go. Don't be afraid and don't rush into everything at once. Be gradual and thorough, then you will definitely succeed.

"I" in relationships

When a person learns to recognize his essence, then, one way or another, he pays attention to himself in relationships. And, in general, there is a reassessment of the relationships of the past, present and future. This is an important and large part of life, so understanding yourself from a relationship perspective is extremely important.

It doesn't matter whether you are currently in a relationship or not. You still need to analyze this part of your life. Choose a time when no one will distract you, when you can sit quietly and calmly alone with your thoughts.

Sometimes a woman gets so carried away in a relationship that she stops being herself. She completely dissolves in a man. Sound familiar? I have several clients who, after a separation or divorce, were completely lost in life, because there was nothing in life except their husband. Nothing of our own. This is a catastrophically wrong situation.

Therefore, in a relationship, it is important to understand your desires and dreams, think about your activities, and spend time apart. You should not dissolve in a person, no matter how tempting it may seem. It’s easy to lose yourself next to another person, but then it’s hard to find yourself.

And many men should take a closer look at themselves in relationships. Why does the choice constantly lean towards such girls who cause wild pain? After all, happy person, who has caught harmony, and the relationship is going well. Think about it.

In the article “” you can find interesting thoughts that will tell you what is going wrong and how to fix it. Remember, there are no hopeless situations.

Work - career

But besides relationships, there is another important issue that should be thoroughly understood. This is a profession and your job. One of my clients teenage years worked as a secretary. The work wasn't particularly dusty, but she constantly felt dissatisfied and irritated.

After long conversations, it turned out that she did not tolerate office work at all. Of course, she didn’t rush headlong to quit. After all, you have to earn money to live.

The girl approached the question responsibly. She began to understand the question of what she could do outside the office and still earn enough money. Now she works as a florist and has opened a network of her flower shops and organizes master classes for beginners.

You can find your calling even in deep middle age. You can verify this by reading the article “”. In it I talk in detail about all sorts of ups and downs associated with my career.

Try to understand whether you like what you do, what processes at work you enjoy, and what annoys you and makes you angry. Don’t immediately think that your current job is nonsense and you need to change everything in your life.

Be consistent and calm. It is especially important not to make hasty decisions based on emotions. It’s not for nothing that they say that the morning is wiser than the evening.


Besides work, I also have hobbies. It is impossible to know yourself without this side of life. It doesn’t happen that a person just goes to work and then watches TV at home. There are always books, going to the cinema with friends, bowling or trips out of town.

For self-development, it is very important to do some things outside of work and home. You can know yourself not only by sitting in a chair and thinking. By doing something new, you recognize your desires, understand what you want and where you are striving.

One of my friends seems to have tried a million activities in her life. And vocals, piano playing, photography, styling and makeup, camping and rock climbing, charity and helping orphans. What was missing in her life.

She quit some classes quite quickly, without even studying for a week. Others became a real hobby and, to some extent, remain to this day. Don't be afraid to look for yourself and discover your passions. The more new things you experience, the better you will know your essence.

In all this it is important to maintain harmony. Of course, a person cannot break away and be everywhere. Sometimes it's not so easy to combine work, hobbies, family and friends. Sometimes you have to sacrifice something, make concessions. Here, too, a field for reflection opens up for you. What and for what are you willing to sacrifice?

I bring to your attention the article “”. From it you will learn how to properly distribute your time, devote required quantity pay attention to all aspects of your life and find inner harmony.

You can know yourself with the help of other people. How? Ask your loved ones, acquaintances and friends to write you a certain description. Positive and negative qualities. Just make sure that you don't resent people for telling you the truth.

Take information as new knowledge that will help you become even better and change your life.

Pay attention to your dreams. Sometimes very important people come to us at night necessary discoveries. Learn to remember what you dreamed. There are a huge number of techniques for this that you can find on the Internet.

Pay close attention to yourself when you are angry and upset. In such states, the most naked truth usually comes out. From the depths of my soul. Therefore, pay attention to those things that make you angry and irritated. Learn to understand your real attitude to what is happening.

Read Barbara Sher's book What to dream about" She can push you to new achievements that for some reason you were afraid to do before.

Have you ever helped a person understand himself? Do you often have heart-to-heart conversations with loved ones? Are there things you would be scared to know about yourself?

Feel free to move forward and don’t be afraid of anything, you will succeed!

Know yourself... Probably everyone has heard this phrase. But we put different concepts into it. As the ancients said: to know yourself means to know God. Remember the famous saying “know yourself and you will know the world.”

Let's see how to know yourself and why is it needed?

According to psychologists, a person’s self-knowledge begins with the fact that you simply need to accept yourself as you really are. Do not force yourself to be like someone or behave as fashion, environment, stereotypes in society dictate, or as our loved ones, most often our parents, expect us to do. No, knowledge begins with self-acceptance. And you need to be honest with yourself.

If something doesn't work out for you and you know it's yours weak side, then be honest with yourself. You go to work, work, say, as a middle manager. But this is not yours. And you were never interested. And you work there because you need money, because you are afraid of change, because you think that you will find something even worse, and so on, so on, so on... Sound familiar?

Tell yourself honestly - this is not mine. If you do not admit this, then you will continue to suffer from depression, because in this case you are doomed to conflict. The result of this unresolved conflict will be neuroses, depression, somatic illnesses, sleep disorders and other other “charms”.

If you say honestly that this is “not yours,” then this is only the first stage of that. The second stage is quite natural - if it is not mine, then you need to find something that will be mine. And this one is no less complicated. Only a few can find themselves with early age, for others it is work. Think about what you do best. What is the difficulty? I know that I have always been good at cooking/sewing/singing/dancing/inventing and so on. But here we are stopped by banal fear, and for some, coupled with this, laziness. Lack of self-confidence is a conscious refusal to learn. Unbelief will not reveal to us the secret of how to make ourselves better and how to become more successful.

We may admire people who have achieved success, but we ourselves are afraid to apply this to our own lives. Meanwhile, a genius is hidden in each of us. And this is not an exaggeration. Man is a perfect being, because he has enormous potential. But... we again sit at boring work, sigh about a failed life and the injustice of fate, not realizing that it is our ignorance of ourselves and lack of faith in our own strengths that are the main enemies on the path to achieving success.

As experts advise, in order to know yourself, you can and should do auto-training. And it is not just words. Your thoughts will penetrate your brain and make you look at all life circumstances in a new way. You will stop looking for those to blame for your failures, and turn your gaze inward.

Tell yourself every day: “I am a confident person, I am perfect and powerful. I am fearless and I believe in myself, and most importantly, I want to know myself and become better.”

How does this work in practice? Very simple. You will gain confidence in your abilities and perhaps find the courage to look for another job. The one that is closer to you, the one that suits you much more. And most importantly, you will know that everything will work out for you, otherwise it simply cannot be.

Look at the people who live worse than you. They don’t have legs or arms, or they lost children, or some other terrible tragedy happened to them, but they find the strength to live. So, can’t you find the strength within yourself to rebuild your life the way you want, and not depend on circumstances, on an unloved job and eternal depression.

There are many books on the Internet on self-improvement and self-knowledge; if you want, you can chat online with psychologists and learn more about how you can and should know yourself. And then your life will change for the better.