Why do you dream of “swimming in clear water?” Dream interpretation

A dream in which you were swimming in clean water, promises you a life without problems and worries. Your life will flow moderately and happily. The most ambitious plans conceived will be able to come true. This requires effort, but it will not be excessive. The dream also promises health and material well-being. If in a dream you felt that swimming gives you pleasure, then in reality you will experience a surge of energy and elation. This dream is a harbinger vitality and success in business. But if it’s difficult for you to swim, then in reality you will be tormented by doubts and uncertainty. You should not take on things in which you have little experience.

In our dream book you can find out not only about what dreams about “swimming in clear water” mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to swim in clear water in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

I dreamed of Swimming, what does it mean, what does Swimming mean in a dream

Home dream book Why dream of Swimming in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: You dreamed of Swimming, what does it mean - to overcome difficulties; self confidence. Watching some kind of accident on the water means worrying about whether you will swim in life.

Dream Interpretation by K. Hall Interpretation of the dream Swim:

What does it mean to swim in a dream - in clean water - to enjoy business and your life.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does it mean to swim in a dream:

You dreamed of Swimming, what does it mean - In clean water - for health, in dirty water - for gossip. Imagine that you are swimming in clean, clear, fresh water.

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does Swimming mean in the dream book?

What does it mean in a dream? What does it mean to swim in a dream - you seem to be swimming with pleasure in a dream - the dream says that you will be satisfied with your life; you will be surrounded beautiful women. You were swimming and suddenly began to sink - your dissatisfaction will border on melancholy. It’s as if you are swimming under water - in real life you will be worried about something; The behavior of some women will cause you anxiety. It’s as if you are floating on something on a lake, on calm water - your life will be serene and carefree, but poverty will not threaten you. You are sailing on something on the sea - you will soon receive an inheritance. You are sailing in a fragile boat - the dream suggests that you want more than you can; you will constantly feel dissatisfied. You will float and seem to see a shipwreck - a selfish person, in order to achieve his goal, will pretend to be in love with you.

Phoebe's Big Dream Book What does it mean to swim in a dream?

What is the point of swimming - if you are sick, you will soon get better. Imagine a seashore. The water in the sea is blue, clean, transparent. You enter the water and swim. The water is warm, the sea is absolutely calm, the sky above you is clear, the sun shines brightly and shines through the water to the bottom. You feel the elasticity of the water, which itself holds you on the surface. You swim easily, effortlessly, without knowing fatigue. You feel calm and comfortable and know that you can swim as long as you like, to any distance. Imagine that, after swimming to your heart's content, you go ashore and lie down on the sand to dry off in the sun.

Russian dream book What does swimming mean in a dream:

What does swimming mean in a dream - success in life, if only you swim well and enjoy it in a dream. Also pay attention to what kind of water you are swimming in (clean, dirty), what kind of body of water it is (pond, sea, river). Swimming underwater can mean diving into the depths of your psyche; if you are drowning or have trouble staying on the water, you may experience deep dissatisfaction.

Dream interpretation of swimming in clean water

Why dream of swimming in clean Water in a dream according to the dream book?

Swimming in clear water means receiving a gift from fate. The new relationship will work out as well as possible. Climbing the career ladder.

Dream Interpretation Swim in clear water

Why do you dream about Swimming in clear water in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream about swimming in clear water symbolizes the absence of obstacles in moving up the career ladder, as well as in spiritual self-improvement.

Prosperity and idyll will also affect your personal life. Harmony and mutual understanding will reign in your relationship with your partner.

Dream Interpretation Swimming Pool, why you dream about seeing a Swimming Pool in a dream

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream about a Swimming Pool according to the dream book:

Seeing a pool of water filled to the brim in a dream means profit.

Why dream of a pool of water - swimming in it for a woman means that very soon she will meet a person with whom she will have a strong relationship and who will be able to provide for her.

A pool of water is also a symbol of carefree love affairs, into which you can literally dive headfirst. These will be the strongest feelings you have ever experienced in your life.

Summer dream book Why do you dream of a Swimming Pool according to the dream book:

Swimming Pool – Swim in a pool with clean clear water- this means that there will still be a holiday on your street, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why do you dream about a Swimming Pool according to the dream book:

Swimming pool - Swimming in a pool in a dream foreshadows a strong feeling of love that will make you forget about your responsibilities and affairs. However, disappointment will come very quickly, and this will happen after you enter into intimate relationships with your chosen one. An empty pool represents the emptiness that reigns in your soul after breaking up with your partner. Your whole life has been focused on him alone, and now you simply don’t know what to do with yourself so as not to constantly think about your loss. Believe me, you deserve better.

Dream book of psychologist S. Freud Why do you dream about a swimming pool:

Swimming pool - If you dreamed about swimming in a pool, it means that in the near future you will plunge headlong into a feeling of love and completely forget about your responsibilities and affairs. It will seem to you that you have never experienced a stronger feeling in your life. However, sobering up will come very quickly, literally after you enter into an intimate relationship with this person. Something about him will disappoint you. An empty pool represents the emptiness that reigns in your soul after breaking up with your partner. Your whole life was focused on him alone - and now you simply don’t know what to do with yourself so as not to constantly think about your loss. Since this happened, wouldn’t it be better to think about yourself and realize that you deserve better. After all, the reason for the breakup was your immense adoration for the object of your passion, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about a Pool?

See in a dream

Swimming pool – Seeing a swimming pool with clean water- to fulfill your desires, to drown in it - achieving your goal will give rise to unforeseen difficulties.

Spring dream book Why do you dream of a Swimming Pool according to the dream book:

Swimming pool - Swimming - to monetary profits. Pouring water into a pool means making money out of nothing. Pouring water from the pool means missing out on luck.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Pool – Full – good luck; empty - lack of vitality. The general situation is determined by the quality of the water.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why you dream about a Pool:

Swimming pool - If a young lady swims in a pool in a dream, this is good dream: Her dignity and decency will help her find a true friend and strengthen her position in society.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yu. Longo Dream Interpretation: Swimming Pool

Seeing a pool in a dream - Swimming in a pool in a dream - means an imminent and important meeting for you, be prepared for it. Perhaps you will meet one of your old acquaintances, to whom you were previously partial. If you swam in a pool in a dream as well as you can do it in reality, it means that in the near future you will be made an offer that will seem very profitable, and you will gladly accept it. In fact, you need to call on all your discernment to help you find out exactly whether this offer is trustworthy. It is quite possible that they want to deceive you - do not fall for the bait! Seeing one of your loved ones swimming in the pool - a time of big changes is coming in your life, which will captivate you so much that after the end of this turbulent period you will feel like a different person. These changes affect all areas of life - from relationships in the family to work and professional activity. If in a dream you really enjoyed swimming in the pool and did it with great pleasure, it means that in reality you are too overwhelmed by everyday worries, you are unable to leave the everyday hustle and bustle and at least get some rest. Be careful, otherwise you will exhaust yourself too much. If you didn't like being in the pool for one reason or another (the water was cold, just... Bad mood etc.), the dream indicates that you will have to part with a close friend for some time. This may be due to his trip to another city on vacation or a business trip. Although you will both miss each other, the separation will pass quickly and almost unnoticed. Jumping from a tower in a pool - you are standing on the threshold of some very important, global decision that concerns the rest of your life. This decision will entail strong changes that will affect primarily your future.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream of a Swimming Pool according to the dream book:

Swimming pool (sauna) – Seeing yourself in a sauna, and then enjoying swimming in big swimming pool- meeting the person you were counting on will be unfavorable.

English dream book Why do you dream of a Swimming Pool in a dream?

What does it mean to see a Swimming pool in a dream - If in a dream it is not just swimming that plays a significant role, but a swimming pool, this may have additional meaning. The pool provides a place where you can swim in relative safety, holding on to the edge if you feel tired. Perhaps this is a place where you can draw attention to yourself and your body or your talents as a swimmer and diver? Or is this a good place to train? Why do you have a dream: You competed with others in the same way as in real life? Maybe your subconscious mind is telling you to relax and do some low-impact exercise? If you dream that you are diving, then perhaps in life you “dive” into projects or relationships, enthusiastically plunging into them headlong? Or are you being pushed?

Dream Interpretation Swimming Pool

Swimming pool, Pool without water, Pool see, Pool water, Pool dive, Pool swim, Pool jump, Pool empty, Pool with dirty water, Pool with muddy water, Pool with fish, Pool with clear water, Pool to sink, Clean the pool, Fall into the pool, Swim in the pool, Whale in the pool, Go to the pool, Dolphins pool, Dirty pool, Deep pool dream book

If you saw a Pool in a dream, you had to Go to the Pool in a dream or Swim in the Pool, you saw a Deep Pool, the Dream Interpretation states that in reality you are on the verge of the most favorable changes both in business and in your personal life. However, Dream Interpretations warn that if you saw an Empty Pool, a Pool with Dirty or Muddy Water, your reality may be overshadowed by some unpleasant moments.

Going to the pool in a dream, Seeing a pool with clean water- a very favorable sign; Happiness, Love and inner harmony await you.

A pool with clean water, like any container with transparent contents, symbolizes your real life in this moment. The dream once again proves that in reality you live in harmony with yourself, nothing overshadows your happiness.

Seeing a pool in a dream, The water is clean and clear, Swimming in a pool, Swimming in a pool with clear water- a new hobby.

Seeing a deep pool in a dream, Jumping into a pool or diving headfirst, Suddenly falling into a pool- strong passion, ardent love.

Seeing a swimming pool in a dream, Drowning in a swimming pool- extreme degree of love; painful attachment.

The pool symbolizes the area of ​​feelings (sometimes in the interpretation of dreams it symbolizes human soul). The quality of the Water in the Pool, as well as the actions carried out in it, indicate what stage your current relationship is at. The dream in which you were Drowning in the Pool deserves special attention. This is a sign that in reality you do not notice anything around except your current partner. Your love has taken on extremely painful traits, Overshadowing other aspects of life.

Seeing an empty pool in a dream, a pool without water- emptiness in the soul.

Seeing a pool with dirty or muddy water in a dream, Dirty pool in a dream- personal problems.

Cleaning a pool in a dream- attempts to maintain the same relationship.

Based on the fact that the Pool, Present in the dream, Symbolizes the human soul and feelings, Based on What the Pool was like in the dream, What actions you performed in it, You can create a description of what exactly is going on in your heart (in relationships) at this time moment.

Seeing a pool with fish in a dream, a whale in the pool, Dolphins entering the pool- warm feelings regarding partners and friends.

The dream indicates that at present you have given most of your heart and soul to those who are dear to you in every possible way. Moreover, the Fish, Whale or Dolphin seen indicate that we're talking about not about relationships of a personal nature, but rather about committed friendship or friendly relations with colleagues and business partners.

Swim in the clear sea

Dream Interpretation Swim in the clear sea dreamed of why you dream about Swimming in a clear sea? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Swimming in a clear sea in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sailing on the sea

A harbinger of wealth and strength.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Dream Interpretation - Mora

Among the southern and western Slavs, Mora is a demon who strangles and torments a sleeping person, falling on his chest at night.

Poles and Kashubians believe that if six or seven daughters are born in a row in a family, the last one becomes Mora.

According to Czech beliefs, children born with teeth become Mora, and according to Serbian and Croatian beliefs, children born with a “shirt”, usually bloody or blue, become Mora.

The Serbs believe that Mora is a girl who was born in a bloody shirt, which the midwife burned in a fire.

Serbs and Croats also believe that Mora is the daughter of a Veštica, and also that Moras are children conceived by a woman on a holiday or during her period.

According to Polish beliefs, the girl who produces Mora has two souls - good and evil, while the evil soul flies out of the body of the sleeping Mora and harms people, but Mora herself does not suspect anything.

Mora's demonic properties manifest themselves at night, and the rest of the time she is no different from those around her.

Western Slavs believe that Moras strangle people against their will when their time comes.

According to Bulgarian and Polish beliefs, Moras are the souls of people who died without confession, were buried in violation of the funeral ritual, as well as children of unbaptized or incorrectly baptized infants.

Poles, Czechs and Lusatians also have beliefs about Moras - men.

The Poles believe that Mora is invisible or looks like a vaguely visible human shadow, she has a transparent body, she is thin, bony, she has abnormal long legs, hands, nails.

According to Serbian beliefs, Mora can take the form moth or mosquito, as well as animals associated with the other world: bat, cat, mouse.

Mora climbs onto the chest of a sleeping person, crushes and tortures him, drinks his blood, and sucks milk from women's breasts.

According to some beliefs, there are several varieties of Pestilence: one sucks and strangles people, another sucks the sap of trees, the third sucks vegetables and weeds.

Mora's victim turns pale, withers and soon dies.

Mora can enter a room through any, even the smallest, opening, including a keyhole.

Poles and Kashubians believe that Mora moves in a sieve, on a broom, a wheel from a wheelbarrow, a reel, a spinning wheel (cf.

Spinning wheel) or in a cart with one wheel.

As amulets against Mora, a knife, a needle stuck into clothing, an ax or other iron object, garlic, a belt placed on top of a blanket, bread, and a mirror are used.

To stop visiting Mora, you need to recognize her.

To do this, the person whom Mora is strangling must tell her: “Come in the morning, I will give you bread and salt.”

The first woman to come in the morning will be Mora.

She needs to give what she promised, after which she will no longer come to this house.

You can get rid of Mora by catching the animal she turned into and crippling it.

A newborn with teeth was given a piece of wood in his mouth so that the child’s harmfulness would be transferred to it.

Mora comes from double-minded people.

The Polish pestilence is strangling sleeping people.

The Croats baptized the mora with a fig three times, after spitting on it, which tormented the child.

Dream Interpretation - Sea

Seeing a calm sea on a beautiful sunny day foreshadows a cloudless existence in complete prosperity. Stormy sea - to the insult that will be inflicted on you, deliberately choosing the most suitable moment for this.

Flying over the sea in a dream, as if on wings, foreshadows the fulfillment of a dream, but if you fall into the sea, in reality you will lose money or an expensive item. Drowning in the sea - in real life you yourself will find yourself to be the culprit of many of your misfortunes.

Swimming in the sea means risking your health. Sailing the sea on a ship means that in reality they are waiting for you happy events. If your ship is wrecked on the high seas, this is bad news.

To be left alone at sea, having managed to escape from a sunken ship - such a dream means that ruin and shame await you, and any requests from a friend for help will be met with indifferent silence.

Sail on the sea by undertaking trip around the world on a small yacht - in reality you will incur significant financial losses. Getting caught in a big storm at sea means that in reality you will show complete failure in business and you will simply be removed from them. Drifting at sea in complete calm - in real life, indulge in an easy and completely harmless hobby. Seeing a ship with bright lights sailing towards you on the open sea is a harbinger of prosperity in everything.

Colliding with an iceberg at sea portends in reality unexpected changes in circumstances caused by the need to postpone anticipated pleasure.

Seeing the distant light of a lighthouse from the sea portends that the path to real success will be open to you in the very near future.

Dream Interpretation - Swim (swim)

Dream Interpretation - Sea

Sea - as one dreams of the sea, this person will soon have to live a life like the sea, a restless one. Walking along the shore, on the beach near the sea is a road; looking at the sea - news from afar; sea ​​water blue, light blue - meeting (usually desirable, pleasant). The sea is clean - you will get rich; health. Sailing by sea means wealth, by ship means useful work.

Dream Interpretation - Sea

Sea - The sea, which you see from afar in a dream, suggests that you currently think of sex as something inaccessible and unreal, at least not that you can enjoy it.

In fact, the reason for this idea is your attitude towards your own appearance, which does not give you the opportunity to completely relax and enjoy. A calm sea that you looked at from the coast or from a ship suggests that you lack peace, which you are looking for wherever you can. Soon the situation will change, everything will stabilize, and you will get what you are so missing.

If you dreamed of someone swimming in the sea, the dream has good value- you will be able to help the person you saw solve some problem that he could not cope with. - If in a dream you saw yourself swimming in the sea, this means that at present you feel great, everything is working out for you the way you want it, and the reason for this is a full-fledged sex life, although until now you have not attached any importance to it.

If in your dream you tried to enter a turbulent, raging sea, then expect a night of love that you haven’t had for a long time, and you have completely forgotten that you can make love like that. Don't do anything special for this - everything will happen by itself. Swimming underwater in the sea - you are trying to learn something that you absolutely do not need to know. Your meticulousness will not lead to anything good, and you will only get upset.

Dream Interpretation - Sea

Seeing a quiet and calm sea in a dream is a sign of a stop, a delay in business. At the same time, a restless sea in a dream is a sign of obstacles in business and the fact that your business will only come true if you put maximum effort into it.

Looking at the sea means receiving news from afar. Looking through binoculars is a sign of anticipation of important news or a quick solution to a mysterious incident. Dark sea water foretells the receipt of gloomy news, and light sea water predicts that the news will be joyful. Sailing along a calm sea surface and not encountering obstacles on your way in a dream means that you will be rich, healthy and happy. Sometimes such a dream predicts the fulfillment of a wish. Finding yourself in the sea in a dream or falling into it is a sign of loss, loss, and worry. Walking along the surface of the sea as if on dry land in a dream foretells prosperity and good luck in business. Especially for those who are going on a long journey.

For a woman, such a dream foretells that she will be burned by passion. Seeing a storm at sea in a dream means grief and loss. If you see a small ship fighting the waves in a stormy sea, then know that your hopes of taking a certain position in society will fail this time after much effort and effort. Sea cruise commit in a dream - to receive interesting news. Meeting pirates at sea is a bad omen that warns you of a possible accident on the road. Walking along the seashore in a dream means that soon you will have to go somewhere. See interpretation: ship, water, storm, wind.

Dream Interpretation - Sea

Storm at sea - losses, ruin. Calm sea in cloudy weather - anxiety and excitement about the development of relationships with loved ones. Seeing an island in the sea means unfulfilled hopes for the support and understanding of friends. Finding yourself on an island in the sea means your opinion about someone around you is wrong. Falling into the sea means finding yourself in a difficult situation. Swimming at sea for a long time means you feel that you are alone in your grief. Walking into a calm sea in clear weather for a swim will feel a surge of vitality. Sailing on a ship means overcoming all your doubts and stopping worrying. Seeing ships at sea is a sign of doubt. By the way, the mother of Alexander the Great, while she was pregnant with him, had a dream in which she allegedly became pregnant either from a snake or from a dragon. The dream indicated that she would give birth to a son who would become a great man. If in reality you are ready to tirelessly repeat that children are your very distant future, then look into your dreams, maybe fate is preparing a surprise for you.

You swim in clear water

Dream Interpretation Swimming in transparent water dreamed of why you dream about swimming in transparent water? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see transparent water floating in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Sailing on some kind of vessel on a river or lake - the dream foretells that you will experience annoyance and shame for the stinginess of your admirer; sailing on the sea - you will soon achieve an outstanding position in society and will endow others with benefits.

If you are sailing on a small boat on calm, clear water, this is a promise of a bright, unclouded feeling that will leave a mark on your soul for the rest of your life.

A dream in which your voyage is interrupted by an approaching storm is a harbinger of a thunderstorm thickening in the family atmosphere and ready to shed a rain of tears at any moment.

Sailing on a large ocean liner, making a pleasant trip, foretells troubles that may arise due to your thoughtless and careless statements about your colleagues. If in a dream you went to circumnavigation- this means that in reality you will be completely satisfied with the results of your work and the progress of affairs in general.

To see people swimming and sunbathing on the beach in a dream - in reality you will be deceived in your expectations happy love, for you will be abandoned by a friend who will betray you, flattered by another, more attractive person.

A dream in which you are swimming in a pool foretells that your soul will rush between two loved ones, not knowing which of them to give your heart to.

If you dream that you are swimming naked, unable to go ashore because of the men who have appeared there, in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation when you will have to make a clear choice between your aspirations and duty towards loved ones.

Seeing men swimming naked portends annoying disappointments, which, in essence, should not be paid serious attention to. If in a dream you are scuba diving, then in reality you will lose hope of realizing your plan when the goal is already very close and achievable.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Swimming in a dream is a sign of anxiety or danger associated with receiving money or benefits. Swimming across a body of water in a dream and successfully completing the swim means that you will achieve what you want. If in a dream you turn back halfway, then in life your business will end in the fact that, having started it, for some reason you will not be able to complete it. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows an accident or even death to the one who was sailing. Swimming naked in clear water in a dream is a sign of pleasures, pleasures, and pleasant meetings. If you dream that you are swimming in a dream with your lover, then soon you will have to separate due to circumstances that do not depend on you. Swimming in running water in a dream is a sign of obstacles in business and empty troubles. If the water foams or swells in a dream, then serious trials await you. See interpretation: water, sea, lake, boat, etc.

Dream Interpretation - Swim (swim)

“swimming like a fish in water” is good at navigating the situation.

"swim" (pleasure). “Swim against the tide” - enter into conflict with others, internal disagreements. “It just floats into your hands” is an easy success. “Swimming shallow” is the inability to accomplish something significant. “Going with the flow” means agreement with others or lack of will, laziness.

Dream Interpretation - Water is clean and transparent

Good fame, success and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Joy, success in business, profit // for worse, you will be drunk, the road is long, misfortune is in a hurry, anxiety; swim ashore - end of work; swim in muddy water - you will receive unpleasant news on the road; in rapids - danger, illness; swimming with someone means separation from him.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Swimming in clean water means health and the fulfillment of your most ambitious plans.

In dirty conditions - to illness.

In a seething environment, many tempting projects will arise.

Swimming crawl is a sign of well-being if you are sick.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Dream Interpretation - Swim

swim in calm water - nothing will darken your joy; sail on a fragile boat - your plans do not correspond to your capabilities; sea ​​voyage - receiving an inheritance; an accident in the water - a meeting with an insincere person who, pretending to be friendly, will try to use you for selfish interests; swimming or bathing gives you pleasure - success; You suddenly begin to drown - you will be visited by a feeling of dissatisfaction; for a girl - swimming with an athlete friend - soon someone will love you for your easy-going nature, and your friends will turn a blind eye to your coquetry; swimming underwater means anxiety. Also see Water, Sea, Land, Ocean, Raft.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Success in business, income;
lovers swim together - to an unexpected separation.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Swimming means a quiet life, a successful career.

Swimming pool with clean water

Dream Interpretation Pool with clean water dreamed of why you dream about a swimming pool with clean water? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Swimming Pool with clear water in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Clean water (sea, ponds, lakes)

Achieve long life, health and great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Clean water


Dream Interpretation - I quench my thirst with clean water

Health and success.

Dream Interpretation - Swimming in clean water

Health and success.

Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

A young woman who dreams that she is swimming in a pool can soon count on meeting a man who matches her ideal, and her business and moral qualities will help her strengthen her position among colleagues and partners.

If she dreams that she is swimming naked, it means that in reality she will find solace in a secret love affair, which may lead to illness or loss of attractiveness. If she sees naked men swimming in the pool, it means she will have many admirers.

Swim dive in the pool

Dream Interpretation Swim and dive in the pool dreamed of why you dream about Swimming and diving in a pool? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Swimming or diving in a pool in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

Swimming in a pool in a dream: for an imminent and important meeting for you, be prepared for it.

Perhaps you will meet one of your old acquaintances, to whom you were previously partial.

If you swam in a pool in a dream as well as you can do it in reality, it means that in the near future they will make you an offer that will seem very profitable, and you will gladly accept it.

In fact, you need to call on all your discernment to help you find out exactly whether this offer is trustworthy.

It is quite possible that they want to deceive you, do not fall for the bait! Seeing one of your loved ones swimming in the pool: a time of great change is coming in your life, which will so captivate you that after the end of this turbulent period you will feel like a different person.

These changes affect all areas of life, if in a dream you really liked swimming in the pool and did it with great pleasure: it means that in reality you are too overwhelmed by everyday worries, you are unable to leave the everyday hustle and bustle and at least get some rest.

Be careful, otherwise you will exhaust yourself too much.

If you did not like being in the pool for one reason or another (the water was cold, just a bad mood, etc.): the dream indicates that you will have to part with a close friend for a while.

This may be due to his trip to another city on vacation or a business trip.

Although you will both miss each other, the separation will pass quickly and almost unnoticed.

Jumping from a tower in a pool: you are on the verge of some very important, global decision affecting the rest of your life.

This decision will entail strong changes that will affect primarily your future.

Dream Interpretation - Swimming pool (swim)

You can interpret a favorable symbol associated with positive development and pleasant eroticism.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

A dream in which you dive from a tower into a pool foreshadows the successful completion of a difficult task. Diving into a pond or lake - you will make enemies among your colleagues; into a river - for an upcoming family celebration; into the sea - take an exciting trip with your children.

If you are diving in clear, clear water with with open eyes– learn a lot of new things in conversations with random fellow travelers. Diving into dirty or muddy water means circumstances will change not in your favor, bringing unexpected losses.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Diving in clear water is a successful completion of a difficult task.

For lovers, such a dream is a romantic meeting.

Seeing divers in a dream means you have an exciting journey ahead of you.

Diving in troubled waters means anxiety, vague anxiety.

Everyone was diving and diving, the water was stirred up, now you wanted to dive.

Wait until the mud settles. It won't work tonight, just wait until next night. Is it worth trying for such a dream?

Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

Admiring a swimming pool in a dream foreshadows long-term erotic pleasures.

Swim in the clean beautiful water swimming pool is a very good sign.

You will be recognized in society, your friends will be loyal to you.

For a young girl: her dignity and decency will help her find a true friend.

If the pool has dirty, cold water, you will have minor troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

Your wishes will come true in a way that is unexpected for you - but you will be satisfied.

Imagine that you see a pool with clean, clear water in front of you. Imagine the landscape around you that you like best. So you approach the pool, touch the water with your foot, then get in there and swim with pleasure. Then get out of the water and sit near the pool, looking at the water surface. At this moment, new possibilities for implementing your ideas may come to your mind. This dream is especially necessary when you want a desire to be fulfilled, but do not see a way to fulfill it.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Diving in clear water means the successful completion of some difficult task. If the water is cloudy, you will suffer from anxiety, anticipating a change in business.

If in a dream you watch others dive in clear water, a journey awaits you with very pleasant travel companions.

For those who love, this dream promises a happy fulfillment of their cherished desires.

Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

Swimming in a pool in a dream is a good omen. If the water in the pool is clean and transparent, then success in business and a strong position in society awaits you. See interpretation: water.

Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

Swimming means monetary gains. Pouring water into a pool means making money out of nothing. Pouring water from the pool means missing out on luck.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Diving in clear water means the successful completion of some difficult task. If the water is cloudy, you will suffer from anxiety, anticipation of changes in business. If in a dream you watch others diving in clear water, you will be traveling with very pleasant travel companions. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of their most cherished desires.

Many people have had to swim or bathe in water in a dream, and some of us have such dreams with enviable regularity. How to interpret the image you see and what it can mean for the dreamer?

The modern dream book claims that swimming in clean and clear water is a favorable symbol, foreshadowing that a person will have good luck in business and good health.

However, there are other interpretations, and in order to correctly decipher the dream, it is necessary to analyze all its details.

I dreamed of swimming in water, what does it mean?

According to the dream book swim in a dream– a good sign if the reservoir was clean and calm, but be sure to pay attention to important nuances:

  • swim alone– worries and troubles await you;
  • confidently cross a body of water- to joy and success;
  • have difficulty crossing the water column s - to near disappointment;
  • splash in the pool– you will have to make a difficult choice between two people, it is also possible that a new love relationship awaits you, but the ending will not be very pleasant;
  • sail on a ship in a dream– to change, this dream promises marriage for unmarried people, and happiness in family life for married people;
  • ride in a boat with another person- in reality, your interests will coincide, but if the boat simply moves with the flow, without any effort on your part, it means that you have been consumed by laziness and reluctance to take initiative.

In a dream, swim in clear water

According to the dream book, such a dream is an absolutely positive sign. But the dreamer should still pay attention to important details:

  • slowly swim across the transparent surface a quiet body of water - joy, serene feelings and complete satisfaction with the current situation await you;
  • with pleasure splash in the warm water and feel comfortable at the same time, you will receive a worthy reward for your work;
  • see the mirror surface blue color and immerse yourself in it - perhaps you will soon go on a trip, or just have a good vacation;
  • immerse yourself in cold, clear water– for a pregnant woman, such a dream foreshadows a successful birth and a strong, healthy baby;
  • dream book swim in a pool of clean water to see yourself naked in a body of water to a woman - you feel nervous tension which will soon pass.

What does it mean to swim in muddy water in a dream?

According to the dream book swim in muddy waters e – disturbing dream. Listen to your own feelings and draw the right conclusions:

  • to you dream of swimming in muddy water, sinking to the very bottom and feeling fear at the same time - you may be experiencing panic attacks in reality, so it is best to consult a doctor immediately;
  • splash in dirty and muddy water– you are afraid that you will be caught in a lie, it is also possible that you have unfairly offended another person and are now worried about this;
  • to you dreamed that you were trying to quickly swim across a dirty pond– there may be some health problems;
  • splash in the pond with the fish– new acquaintances and interesting events await you.

What does it mean to dream about swimming underwater?

If a person dreams of swimming underwater, which means he is worried about a difficult and tense situation that has developed in reality. The dreamer is trying to hide, to get away from problems, but this is impossible to do - he will have to answer for his actions. Just pull yourself together and mobilize all your strength to overcome difficulties.

Diving in a dream with friends– for a man, such a dream foreshadows conflicts at work.

Fall through the ice on the river and go to the bottom– it will be very difficult to achieve what you want; an insurmountable obstacle constantly appears on your way.

A woman has a dream in which she dives, portends a difficult relationship with your husband or loved one.

Swim in clean clear water

  • If you happened to swim in clean water in a dream, it means that success awaits you in all your endeavors. You will achieve your desired goal and realize all your ideas. If there are any health problems at the moment, they will soon pass. Offers joyful changes, your life will improve and be filled with pleasant events.
  • To a woman such a dream promises a strong relationship, in addition, it is a signal that she is completely ready to have a child.
  • Swimming in a clear river in a dream- to good changes.

Why dream of swimming in dirty and cold water?

If you dream of swimming in a dirty pond- to possible separation from a loved one. Conflicts with work colleagues or relatives are also possible. Unforeseen problems may arise; the dreamer is advised to pay attention to his health and visit a doctor.

If you dreamed of swimming in cold water , or finding yourself in an icy, dirty hole - to emotional distress and torment.

Why swim in the sea and river in a dream?

You dream of swimming in the sea in a dream? This suggests that you are currently going through difficult times. Such a dream foreshadows stressful situations and mental anguish, as well as problems in communicating with loved ones.

Dreamed of swimming in the ocean? This is a sign of big changes that will not necessarily be pleasant.

Seeing yourself in clothes in the middle of the ocean- this may mean your confusion in the face of life’s adversities.

Swimming in a pool in a dream– success at work, profit. If you dream of water in a dream for a woman to swim in it with a guy and experience pleasant emotions, this means a love relationship.

Woman swimming in the river with a child- troubles and big changes in your personal life.

Swim in muddy and dirty river, see yourself in the dirt– expect losses and conflict situations. It is possible that some chronic diseases will appear.

Water is the most powerful creative and destructive element; life itself is impossible without water. Swimming in a dream - what is it for? As the dream book says, swimming in the sea, river or pool has different interpretation. Remember, you swam in clear or muddy water - all these circumstances affect the interpretation. When in our dreams we plunge into water, swim, flounder or choke - what does such a dream prophesy for us? So let's take a closer look at everything!

Swimming in a dream is usually a favorable symbol that promises you success in one area or another.

Why do you dream of swimming in water? This is a favorable sign. You will be able to complete a big task, and a time of prosperity will begin for you. If in a dream you learned to swim, this means complete control own life. There are no barriers for you on the way to your goal.

If you are sailing alone, this is a symbol of movement towards better life, if with your lover, your relationship will be long. If you swim with great effort, overcoming the resistance of the water, this dream symbolizes future disappointment and may mean your lack of confidence in your abilities.

Where exactly did you swim: in a pool or in a natural body of water?

Swimming in the sea is a symbol of radical changes in your destiny. If the sea is calm, then your wishes will come true, and if it is stormy, you will have to make considerable efforts to fulfill your desires. Swimming in a stormy sea can serve as a warning - you are overcome by negative emotions, and you can barely contain them. You are entangled in algae - this indicates your depressed state due to prolonged stress.

Why dream of swimming in a river in a dream - you are in love, and your love interferes with your professional activity. As the dream book says, swimming in a river with the current or with clothes on means that you will soon get rich. If you swam against the current, then this is a warning about caution on the way to your goal. You were drowning, but you managed to escape - this dream also promises financial success.

If the water in the pond where you are swimming is clean, this dream promises you all the benefits: mutual love, success in business and financial independence. Why dream of swimming in a pond with cheerful company- this promises the realization of your dreams in reality. If a woman dreams of swimming in a dirty pond, there is a chance that she will be overtaken by the mistakes of the past.

If you are swimming in a lake with crystal clear water, this dream promises you prosperity, but if the water is cloudy, misfortune awaits you. If you are drowning in a lake, this dream symbolizes your conflicting feelings, but if you saw the bottom, then you will be able to determine the true direction to your goal. Why dream of swimming in a lake covered with duckweed? This dream means that you are busy with empty business. If swimming does not give you pleasure, this indicates your depressed state. In a dream, you are sailing along the shore - you are overcome by dreams of a beautiful life.

Was the water around you clear or cloudy?

  • Swimming in clear water in a dream is a favorable symbol. Such a dream can occur to a person with creative inclinations. Portends good health and a serene life. The changes that await the dreamer will be positive, but making all significant decisions should not be hasty.
  • Why dream of swimming in dirty water in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune or illness. Try to give your health the attention it needs. You can try to minimize the troubles awaiting you if you analyze the state of affairs and prevent mistakes.
  • Swimming in troubled waters promises you obstacles in all directions - both in work and in family life. But this is not a reason to give up; remember: some obstacles need to be overcome, and some need to be bypassed.

If you dreamed of diving, scuba diving

Why dream of swimming underwater in a dream - usually this means hard-won information that, in the end, will only disappoint you. If you swam underwater with your eyes open, any information obtained should be checked for authenticity before use. Swimming underwater with eyes closed— a warning about financial difficulties and the need to seek help. As the dream book says, swimming underwater can also mark the onset of a calm period and your complete confidence in the future.

If a woman dreams of scuba diving together with her husband, this characterizes their relationship as full of mutual trust and sincerity. When, on the eve of the wedding, the bride or groom dreams of scuba diving together, this may turn out to be an exposure of some secret of one of them.

  • You had to dive in a dream - this dream prepares you to commit a risky act or speaks of your desire for self-knowledge;
  • You were scuba diving - there is a conflict with your superiors or a family quarrel ahead;
  • You dived off a cliff - mobilize all your restraint, otherwise material problems will inevitably arise;
  • You dived on greater depth- a streak of failures awaits you, provoked by your curiosity, but if you surfaced safely, then the situation may end in unexpected success;
  • If you dive into a body of standing water (pond or lake), be careful with your words, you have a chance to make enemies among your colleagues.

Did you feel warm or cold water?

You swam in a dream warm water- this can mean mutual feeling for lovers, a prosperous life, a new beginning profitable business. Swimming in warm water in a dream foreshadows the onset of a calm period; now is the time to travel and relax.

We continue to study the dream book: swimming in cold water portends you a strong but short-lived emotional shock, which in turn can turn into persistent depression. This may also mark your triumph over your ill-wishers. For a sick person, sleep will bring recovery, and a healthy person will find true friends. This may also mean that you will receive an offer to participate in a dubious business, be careful.

If you've been on a boat

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Swimming in a dream - what is it for? As you already know, the interpretation of the meaning of this dream great importance its details: did you swim alone or with someone, in muddy or clear water, and maybe even on a boat. So let's take a look at the most popular and relevant dream books of our time, and find in them more interesting and unusual details for the interpretation of dreams.

Miller's Dream Book - you will achieve success

According to Miller's dream book, swimming in a dream foretells the onset of a bright streak in your life.

If you had to swim alone in a dream, the dream book says that this is a sign of imminent positive changes in your life. If you swim with pleasure, this is a forecast of quick success. You swam in the lake and saw your reflection - expect new friends to appear in your environment who will diversify your life with fresh impressions.

Why dream of swimming in clear water on the surface of a beautiful lake with flowering shores - this dream marks the victory of your mind over passions, and you will be able to direct all your strength in the right direction.

If a girl swims alone with a friend, this dream promises her great love. If a girl is in a boat and has difficulty reaching the shore, she is deeply deluded, and if she is able to correctly understand the situation, success will not be long in coming. This dream also warns of a possible illness in your relative.

When a woman dreams of swimming in the dirty waters of a lake, this dream warns that the shadows of the past have come to life, and ill-wishers will make her regret and repent of long-standing mistakes. If a woman sees a boat sailing on the sea in a storm, she should beware of trouble from one of her friends, who, although unintentionally, will commit an unseemly act.

Vanga's dream book - a long road ahead

  • If you dream that you are sailing in a boat, this dream promises a long journey;
  • If you are sailing with someone together, it is with this person that you will be separated;
  • When you dream of swimming in muddy water, bleak news awaits you;
  • You swam in clothes - you need protection and shelter;
  • Swimming naked - this dream testifies to your determination.

If you dream that you hit the water while jumping into the pool, you are facing bad luck. Swimming in a new pool promises good health and material benefits, and if you suddenly start drowning, you risk finding yourself in a delicate situation in the most unfavorable light.

Freud's Dream Book - you are a very active person

A man dreams that he is swimming - this characterizes his high sexual activity, he is confident in his sexual attractiveness. When a man has a dream in which he swims with great pleasure, this portends him having sex with his beloved lady. A woman has such a dream when she is pregnant. If you dreamed that you were being pulled into a whirlpool, then for a man this would mean fears in possible pregnancy his beloved, and for a woman painful, but quick birth. If you dreamed that you were swimming together, your passion will push you to have sexual contact in the first place you come across.

Modern dream book - you have a good environment

Swimming in a stormy stream foreshadows your activity in business. Sailing at sea may mean receiving an inheritance. When you dream that you are diving into an ice hole and you like it, you will soon make peace with your friends, and if you experience discomfort, this is fraught with material damage for you.

If in a dream you swam with a dolphin, then for a man this dream symbolizes the help of a friend, and for a woman it symbolizes marriage. Read also: . If you swam with fish, then pleasant adventures and new acquaintances await you.


As we can see, swimming in a dream has a positive interpretation. Negative interpretations do not have fatal meaning; they only serve as a warning. If you have enough common sense to listen to them and take appropriate action, there will be nothing to worry about. It remains to wish everyone who dreams of swimming that you will always be surrounded by only clear and warm water!

Video “Why do you dream about swimming”

Dream interpretation of swimming in water

Often we have to observe in our dreams not only fabulous and incredible phenomena, but also quite ordinary things. Why do you dream of swimming in water? It itself is a symbol of life and shows emotional condition our personality. Being in it indicates the secrets of the future, but its outcome depends on the conditions under which it was possible to swim. Was the water dirty and cloudy or crystal clear and warm? The dream book does not give an unambiguous interpretation of the incident seen. You should pay attention to the details and only then will the predictors help clarify the current situation.

What does the interpreter say?

Swimming is a pleasant leisure activity for us, and for some people a professional activity. In our dreams the most different conditions, where you can drown in icy water or be in a dirty river. Remember all the details and analyze them.

Where did you happen to swim?

Where did you swim?

You can take a walk in a clean area, or you can be horrified by the sight of a dirty river filled with garbage. What was the place you saw in your dream like?

  1. Lake. A symbol of great and pure love. Soon you will have to thoroughly take care of family affairs and take care that the relationship home were imbued with harmony and love.
  2. Sea. It didn't matter whether the water was dirty or clear. This spectacle opens up an ocean of possibilities for you and encourages you to take action. Now best time to make all your desires come true.
  3. Pool. Did you dream about being in a swimming pool? Being a sign of society, one should expect success in social life. Perhaps it will be public recognition or finding like-minded friends.
  4. Ocean. Call for caution and accuracy in business sphere. You should beware of dubious transactions and not accept suspicious scams.

Water condition

The water is clear or cloudy

The sensations of swimming can vary. It is much more pleasant to be in clean water than to splash around in cold and muddy water. Remember this important detail.

Swim in clear water. A rather favorable symbol that combines all the most pleasant things you can get from life. You can safely count on pleasant family relationships, excellent health and significant financial income.

In cold or icy conditions. It could be a frozen ocean or diving into an ice hole. But these incidents in a dream equally promise an incredible surge of energy and elation. A sick person will be lucky to recover from chronic ailments.

In a dirty one. A puddle or swamp in such an unfavorable condition hardly bodes well for anything good. This picture calls for paying close attention to own health, because the threat of the disease is now greatest.

In muddy. Even if the place was the bathroom, you should be especially careful in dubious matters. This is especially true for work and suggestions from colleagues.

In transparent. If at the same time you arrived in a state of euphoria, then you will plunge headlong into the pool with your chosen one.

A seething stream. You will have to spend a lot of mental strength to complete a painful and routine task. The task will be incredibly tiring, but the reward will be worthy.

According to the dream book, swimming is usually a dream of favorable events. Success, luck and wealth await you. All benefits will go into your hands.

Circumstances of the dream

In the world of dreams you can observe incredible, sometimes indescribable phenomena. They all carry a certain meaning that will help reveal the future. Details such as swimming partner or other conditions will help shed light on what is happening.

Who did you sail with?

Who did you swim with?

Who kept company in the dream? Have you ever sailed with your beloved man or a mysterious stranger?

  1. With a loved man. Swimming with an adored man or woman means prosperity in family affairs. Your couple will experience incredible harmony and happiness in their relationship. All adversities will fade into the background, and quarrels will end.
  2. With fish. The dream book promises unprecedented success in business. Luck will knock on your home and you will have the opportunity to work in an interesting, promising field of activity, and meeting with mentally close people will not take long.
  3. With dolphins. You should pay attention to what details you saw in your dream. Splash with them. Such an intelligent mammal will definitely bring happiness and success to your life. On the back of a dolphin. You masterfully control your destiny and keep your life under close control.

Other circumstances

The dream book does not give an unambiguous interpretation of the phenomenon that occurred. To complete the picture, you should remember seemingly insignificant details that can change the outcome of the dream.

  1. Swim in a storm. Did you dream about the beginning of rain? This speaks of your excessive softness in character. Do not be afraid to show determination in business and cultivate willpower, since a difficult situation requiring a firm decision will soon come to you.
  2. Drown. A good sign denoting such a bright feeling as love. You will experience all the delights of a bright feeling, which can develop into a stormy and long-lasting romance.
  3. Swim forward. Purposeful, confident and swift action will bring you the achievement of any desired goals. You will achieve the result yourself, without anyone's help.
  4. Against the stream. I dreamed that you were trying with all your might to row against the current ice water? The dream book warns of possible difficulties, which will require unprecedented perseverance to overcome.

Such a phenomenon as swimming underwater with a clear feeling of discomfort indicates real anxieties. Contact your inner world with an attempt to understand and eliminate the causes of fears.

Other interpretations

The world of night dreams is multifaceted and unknown. It is advisable to turn to great psychologists and leading forecasters in order to clarify the final picture.

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist gives an ambiguous interpretation of the perceived phenomenon and pays special attention to the dreamer’s internal sensations. So, if swimming was pleasant and comfortable, then you can safely expect positive events and emotions in real life.

Who accompanied you in the pond? If they were strangers with whom it was fun and pleasant to spend time, then soon you will be lucky enough to meet an interesting person. He will readily share his experience, relieve you of worries and make your life even better. But the presence of close people foreshadows, albeit short, separation from beloved relatives and friends. Diving out of the lake indicates increased anxiety and anxiety.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The medium also interprets the incident ambiguously. So, if you happen to swim in clear water, you can expect a carefree and easy life, but in the dirty - prepare for difficulties and all sorts of obstacles on the path of life.

Splashing around and seeing from people’s side means your desires will come true. Everything that you have worked so hard for will come true in the near future. The feeling that you will soon go to the bottom portends suffering and sadness.

Your mark.

A dream in which the dreamer has to swim is positive sign. Most often, it means the completion of some important task, symbolizes the general prosperity of a person and personifies satisfaction from life. But in order to more accurately interpret what dreams of swimming in water mean, you need to take into account the smallest details of the dream’s plot. It is very important to remember where you had to swim in the dream. Also important for correct interpretation remember the quality of the dreamed water and the emotional component of the dream. If the dreamer enjoys swimming, then success awaits him in reality, and if a feeling of fear arises in his night dreams, then things in real life will not go well.

Swim in swiming pool

The most common question is why you dream of swimming in a pool. If you have to swim alone, this indicates that the person is tired of everyday worries. It is advisable to contact your household and ask for a little help. If you swim in the pool with your loved one in your night dreams, this indicates that separation will soon occur in reality.

You need to remember how you swam in the pool:

    To swim confidently means to expect the onset of a joyful period of life; To swim with difficulty means to experience disappointment in life. It is also a sign of the dreamer's lack of self-confidence.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you had to swim in a clean pool filled with very cold water, then this portends that in real life you will have to endure serious trials. But they will help change it for the better.

What kind of water did you swim in in the pool?

Dreams about swimming in a pool can be interpreted as follows:

    For a young girl, swimming in clear water means that she will soon meet a true friend, and her financial condition will stabilize. If you happen to swim in clear water with pleasure, then in reality you will soon be able to make a big profit. If you had to swim underwater, then this indicates to the fact that in real life you have to deal with a difficult matter. Success will depend entirely on the dreamer’s assertiveness.

Swimming in the sea - dream book

The sea symbolizes inviolability and eternity in night dreams. Therefore, swimming in the sea in a dream means that significant changes are coming in real life.

At the same time, the appearance of the sea surface is of great importance for interpretation:

    A calm sea predicts the fulfillment of desires; Slight excitement means that small problems in life will be easily overcome; A rough sea indicates that obstacles will arise on the path to happiness.

Night dreams are interpreted similarly when you have to swim in the ocean. The scale of predictions is only increasing. Thus, a raging ocean in a dream means that it will take a lot of strength to overcome life’s difficulties. But the calm, endless expanse of the ocean indicates that a period of very calm life is beginning.

If in a dream you have to swim underwater in a natural body of water, then this indicates that in reality you are trying to hide from real problems and try not to notice troubles. Such a dream indicates that the dreamer in reality needs the support of friends and loved ones.

Interpretation of sleep based on water quality

When interpreting dreams, you should pay attention to the quality of water in a natural reservoir:

    When you have to swim in clear water in your night dreams, this portends a life without problems and worries. If you have to swim in cool water, then for the patient such a dream portends a speedy recovery, and for healthy person promises good luck and predicts that true friends will meet in life. When you have to swim in clear water, this symbolizes good health and success for the dreamer. Also, such a dream personifies the spiritual purity of a person and speaks of his creative nature and the desire to improve. When you have to swim in muddy water, this foreshadows the emergence of various obstacles in the real world. If you have to swim in dirty water, then troubles and sad events are coming in real life. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of illness if, according to the plot, dirty water gets into your mouth.

Why does a woman dream of swimming in the sea?

Very often, dreamers ask the question why a woman dreams of swimming in the sea. If during the swimming process a feeling of unforgettable pleasure arose, then such a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of almost all desires in real life. In addition, after such a dream, a woman’s life will develop very well, surrounded by loving and beloved close people.

If a woman had to swim with an unfamiliar man, then, most likely, there will be a need in reality to help her friend in deciding very important problem. This must be done, since a person will not be able to cope with difficulties on his own. When you have to swim naked in a pond, this symbolizes a strong inner will, a balanced character and a calm conscience. But if in a dream you experienced discomfort while swimming naked, then this foreshadows an unpleasant situation in reality. Swimming with your lover means that your existing relationship in real life will bring joy and pleasure.

Due to the variety of interpretations, the plots of night dreams in which I happened to swim in the river are especially highlighted when interpreting dreams.

There are the following variations of interpretations:

    If you had to swim in a river and at the same time you did not feel the strength of the current at all, then this indicates a favorable course of life and a happy family life in reality. Swimming in a seething river stream means that in reality you will have to develop vigorous activity. Swimming across a river with a strong current means that in real life you will have to do a huge amount of hard, exhausting work. But the result will be worth it and will be rewarded. If you had to swim in a river that turned out to be very shallow, then this portends the onset of difficult times in life. Also, such a dream indicates that the dreamer does not have enough energy to successfully overcome life's difficulties.

A young man's dream of a floating girl in the river predicts a waking meeting with a beautiful stranger. Moreover, she could become his betrothed.

Swim in a lake or pond

Miller's dream book contains an interpretation of what it means to dream of swimming in a lake. Moreover, if you had to swim alone, then the dreamer will experience changes in life. When, while swimming, you are lucky enough to see your reflection in the water surface in your night dreams, this eliminates loneliness in reality. You will make wonderful friends in real life, and your life will be filled with new ones. vivid impressions. For single people, swimming in a natural body of water means expecting in reality a fateful acquaintance that will lead to the creation of a family. But if the water in the lake is dirty and cloudy, then a long-awaited romantic acquaintance will most likely end in severe disappointment, which can lead to a nervous breakdown. When interpreting a dream, be sure to pay attention to the general condition of the reservoir:
    If the shore and bottom of a pond or lake are clean and it is very pleasant to go into the water, then this is a favorable sign that predicts success in all areas of life. When you have to swim in a pond and see through clear water the bottom of the reservoir, then this indicates the dreamer’s high decency and his impeccable conscience. If, when you are swimming, you observe a beautiful reflection of the landscape on the surface of the water, then this foreshadows a joyful meeting in reality. When, while swimming in a pond or lake, you see sun glare on the water surface, this indicates that in real life you will soon find family happiness.
Swimming in a dirty pond foreshadows repentance for past mistakes. You need to be careful not to make new mistakes under the influence of surging emotions. If there is a lot of duckweed around you, and there is a lot of silt at the bottom of the reservoir, then this is a warning that you should not waste time and effort on an obviously doomed undertaking. When, while swimming on a dirty lake, in your night dreams you experience strong feeling disgust, then this indicates that the person is in reality in a state severe stress or nervous overstrain. Such a dream suggests that it is time to fully relax.

Dreamed of swimming with turtles

If, according to the plot of the dream, you had to swim in a pond next to turtles, then this indicates that things at work will be very successful. You will be able to realize your new ideas or implement original projects. All this will be duly appreciated by management.

Swimming with fish in a dream

Swimming with fish in a dream in any natural body of water is a very good omen. Such a dream foreshadows happy mutual love and complete harmony in relationships with a partner. A school of fish seen in night dreams is interpreted a little differently:
    If the fish was small, then minor disappointments are possible in life; A large fish portends financial well-being.

Why do you dream about a lot of swimming fish?

It’s very interesting why you dream about a lot of swimming fish. Such a dream foreshadows the onset of an interesting life period, full of new acquaintances. But if an unpleasant feeling arises in a dream, then this indicates that the dreamer is tired of publicity and strives for loneliness.

Swim with dolphins

It’s very good if in a dream you had to swim with dolphins. This means that in real life you are surrounded by pleasant people whose support you can rely on. difficult situation you can count on it. But also swimming next to dolphins symbolizes your willingness to submit. Some features of dreams:
    Holding on to a fin during a swim means timely receiving support from a friend in reality; Sitting astride a dolphin means subjugating one of the people to yourself; Falling from a fast-swimming dolphin means expecting problematic situations to arise.

Sail on a ship

Sailing on a ship is a very good omen. After such a dream, a successful one will come life period with many new impressions. The dreamer will have meetings in real life with a very interesting people. Go to big ship across a body of water in a storm, which, according to the plot of the dream, abruptly gives way to calm - means that fate in the coming period of life will be favorable. Traveling along the surface of the water in calm and sunny weather on a large, beautiful and comfortable ship portends good prospects in real life.

If in a dream you have to sail on a boat, then this symbolizes that in real life the dreamer will have to urgently resolve important issues. It is necessary to pay attention to variations in storylines:
    If there were other rowers there, then this foreshadows a fun time with friends; When it happened that the boat capsized, this warns that in reality you should not spend large sums of money, otherwise bankruptcy cannot be avoided.
The type of boat used is also important for the interpretation of dreams:
    Sailing on a motor boat means realizing the transience of the world around you; Using a kayak means having good health; Sailing in a canoe means receiving a responsible task; Moving along the water surface in an inflatable boat means being afraid of troubles in life.

I dreamed of a floating child

When you dream of floating people, it means that the dreamer’s wishes will soon come true. And when you dream of a floating child, then in reality you will have to take care of someone in the near future. In addition, such a dream personifies the presence of complexes in the dreamer associated with communicating with people. When a child chokes on water while swimming, this indicates that financial situation the person is not very good. When you have to save a drowning child, this indicates a fear of losing a loved one. When interpreting night dreams associated with swimming, you should definitely listen to your own intuition. And we can definitely say that if, upon waking up, a person remembers his night dreams with positive emotions, then everything in life is going well and there is nothing to worry about.

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