A laid table in a dream is a warning about interesting acquaintances and long-awaited meetings in real life. However, this is far from the only description of what a table with food means in a dream. You will find other interpretations in this article.

Prosperity and success are promised by a dream where you were sitting at a laid table. The more food there was on it, the better everything will turn out for you in reality. Did you eat and talk at the same time while sitting at the table? This dream prophesies a truce with the person with whom you are currently in a quarrel.

Rich banquet table dreamed in a dream, promises that in the near future everything will work out for you, and good luck will accompany you in all matters. If the table was set with delicacies and luxurious dishes, then your life will be carefree and well-fed.

A wedding table with food portends significant changes in the very near future. Those who dreamed of a funeral table will have to sacrifice their principles and interests.

It’s good if you manage to remember what exactly was on the table. Have you seen fruits and vegetables? This means that joyful and bright times will soon come in your life. You should prepare for difficulties if they were spoiled. To celebrate a new addition to the family, you dream of a fish lying on the table.

A dream where the table surface was dirty warns that soon you may experience worries and stress. Sadness and troubles also await you if you turn your attention to dirty table legs. Untidy cutlery is a symbol of your depressed state of mind. This dream suggests that it is time to take a break from the past and boldly move on.

If you see a table with food that has not been cleared away after a meal, this may indicate that now you are not able to collect your thoughts or be more organized.

A dream in which a table stood on large, massive legs means that your life is developing correctly and successfully. Were they thin? It looks like you will have to make a lot of efforts to strengthen your position.

Dreamed of revolving tables of food? This means you should be prepared for amazing discoveries and news. Perhaps in the coming days fate will give you something extraordinary.

Were there only men sitting at the set table? This dream promises fruitful agreements and good profits. Pleasant communication of a romantic nature awaits the dreamer who sat at the table with food with his loved one.

Did you see children sitting at a set table? This dream prophesies very profitable and promising business. Most likely an improvement financial situation is just around the corner.

If you were sitting at a set table with relatives, then the dream promises a solution to family disputes and an improvement in relationships between loved ones. Did you sit with the guests? Unexpected meetings and new acquaintances are what awaits you in the near future.

In reality, close people often gather at the table; a feast is often an occasion for communication. A table in night dreams also symbolizes interesting acquaintances and long-awaited meetings. But there are other interpretations of the plots. It is necessary to pay attention to the smallest details of the dream in order to understand why you dream of sitting at the table and setting it.

In a dream, you can dream of a wide variety of types of tables. This is a significant factor from which you need to start when interpreting dreams.


    Most often appears in dreams dinner table. This is a significant dream that warns that the dreamer should limit himself in food. IN modern dream book contains recommendations - after such a dream, eat often, but in small portions. This will eliminate problems associated with overeating and allow you to quickly restore your health. Kitchen table in a dream indicates that soon you will have to prepare for a festive event. Desk appearing in a dream warns that caution should be exercised in real life. In addition, such a symbol indicates that excessive trust in people in reality can lead to serious problems. Desktop in a dream indicates that the dreamer lacks self-organization. You need to learn to plan your time and remember important meetings. Operating table- this is a sign that in real life you will have to make a responsible decision. Funeral table in a dream symbolizes spiritual longing for a close deceased relative or friend. After such a dream, it is recommended to visit the grave if possible. loved one or light a candle for repose in church. emphasizes the dreamer’s successful state of affairs in real life. In the coming period, you should not worry about your financial situation, as you will be able to easily earn money. Buffet in a dream, it focuses on the fact that in real life it is unlikely that you will be able to plan everything, so all decisions will have to be made on the run. Wedding table portends the beginning of a successful life period, which will even allow you to take part in risky activities.

Table shape

When interpreting dreams, you should also pay attention to the shape of the table:

    Round table in night dreams it is a harbinger of the arrival of guests. Perhaps this will be associated with some festive event in your life. In addition, such a dream indicates that you can currently come to an agreement with any person. But the main thing is to hear the opinion of another person in order to find a compromise. Square or rectangular table indicates that in the current life situation you need to take into account all the nuances, otherwise the issue will not be resolved in your favor. Long table indicates that controversial situations problems that arise in real life cannot be quickly resolved.

For correct interpretation In dreams, the size of the table, its color and condition also matter:

    Big table portends that in reality you will have to discuss matters that are very significant for you or important events. Small table indicates that upcoming meetings in real life are not paramount for you, so there is no need to attach importance to them. New table predicts in reality the receipt of new offers and meeting new partners. Old table indicates that you will not dare to abandon a long-standing plan that has already outlived its usefulness. Also, such a dream can be a reminder of old friends whom you have not met for a long time. Wooden table predicts a good income from the planned business, but at the same time indicates that this will require a lot of effort. White table emphasizes that in real life you have taken up a good cause, but the most important thing is not to stop halfway. Black table is a warning that you will have to face dishonest partners in reality. Dirty table says that you need to leave your plans before it’s too late. It will not be possible to make a profit, and there may be a lot of troubles.

Buy a table

In night sins, buying a table of any kind is a good omen. After such dreams one should expect pleasant ones. life changes. But if you had to purchase a broken table, then this foreshadows the emergence of obstacles on the way to your goal. As a rule, a table and chairs in a dream foreshadow a quick move in the near future.

Rich table

A rich table with food in a dream promises the dreamer prosperity and success in real life. The dream indicates that the coming period is very successful in achieving fame.

Tablecloth on the table or vase with flowers

To understand why you dream of a set table, you need to take into account many nuances.

Thus, the tablecloth on the table is a symbolic element of the dream:

    If it is clean, then in real life lucrative offers and contracts are outlined; If it is dirty or wrinkled, then many obstacles and misunderstandings will arise in reality; A torn tablecloth foreshadows big quarrels and scandals in the family in real life.

If the table is set without a tablecloth, this indicates that your well-being will soon improve significantly. Moreover, the wealth that will fill your home will exceed all your expectations. It is very good if among the various dishes on the table there is a vase of flowers. This predicts a prosperous family life and harmonious relationships with household members.

Empty table or with dishes - dream book

When you see an empty table in a dream, this is a signal that in reality you do not have enough finances for your ideas. Also, such night dreams can foreshadow losses in real life. If in a dream you dreamed of a table with dishes, then this means that in real life you will have to participate in conflicts and quarrels. When you dreamed of dirty dishes on the table, this indicates that in life the dreamer will have serious problems, which he will be able to quickly cope with.

Lay the table

When in a dream you have to set the table, this indicates that you are dreaming about something unrealistic in real life. If you see in a dream that someone from strangers sets the table, which means that in reality you will be invited to visit. When, during serving, the emphasis is on the knives on the table, this indicates that the experiences that trail from past life prevent you from making new acquaintances due to the fact that you do not trust people.

A very common question is why you dream about a table with food. Despite the fact that most dream books interpret such a dream as a favorable sign foreshadowing a prosperous life, much depends on the nuances of the plot. When a table set with food implies dinner with the family, this is a sign that useful acquaintances will happen in real life. Also, after such a dream, you can expect pleasant surprises in life. If you dreamed of a lot of food on the table, then to correctly understand the dream, you need to remember what kind of food it was:
    Meat dishes indicate that the dreamer will be able to cope with problems and troubles in reality. Fish on the table is a multi-valued symbol. Smoked fish portends the receipt of news, Fried fish predicts an interesting journey, and salted fish is a harbinger of love adventures. And if in a dream there is generally a lot of fish on the table, then this foreshadows a prosperous life. Fish on a woman’s table is a warning that the dreamer will have to endure serious trials in reality. Delicacies fish dishes foretell success in reality, but for this you need to learn to keep secrets. Sweet products predict a fun time. Alcoholic drinks predict unjustified risks and life disappointments. Non-alcoholic drinks portend tears and resentment. Apples on the table portend income. Freshly baked White bread on the table is a harbinger of profitable deals. Stale bread on the table warns of gossip and slander. Crumbs on the table symbolize happy life events, although insignificant in scale. A bottle of vodka on the table foreshadows anxiety and disappointment in life.

Why do you dream of a mouse on the table?

Sometimes the most unexpected objects appear on the table next to the food in a dream. In dream books there is an interpretation of why you dream of a mouse on the table. If a rodent eats, this indicates that the dreamer will be invited to dinner, but will be very bored during this event.

Lots of food on the tables in the dining room

If in a dream you see a lot of food on the tables in the dining room, then you need to pay attention to its attractiveness. If you saw in a dream a lot of tasty pickles that are not typical for public catering, this means that one of your friends will pleasantly surprise you.

A festive table with food that amazes with its sophistication foreshadows that a huge fortune will soon fall on the dreamer. The remarkable thing is that you don’t have to put in any effort to do this. In dream books there are interpretations of other variations of dreams:
    If a table with a lot of food is at a memorial event, then this symbolizes the dreamer's desire to change his own life. In this case, you must definitely stop clinging to the past. A table full of food at a wedding portends significant changes in life. A table set with food for a banquet indicates that everything in the dreamer’s life will work out. Rotating tables with food in a cafe predict amazing discoveries and news. There is a high probability that in the near future fate will give the dreamer something extraordinary.

Many tables - the answer to the dream

When you dream of many tables, this foreshadows an unexpected acquaintance in reality. And it will happen in public place. Sometimes a large number of tables is interpreted as meaning that in real life optimal conditions will be created for the dreamer to succeed.

Guests at the table

The process of setting the table is always good sign. But it is even more important to remember who was sitting at the set table in the dream. Guests at the table in a dream always foreshadow active communication in reality. If relatives gathered at the same table in their night dreams, then this is a good sign. Soon long-awaited events will begin to happen in the dreamer’s life. joyful changes. Relatives at the table foretell many pleasant acquaintances in reality. After such a dream, there is a high probability that lonely people will meet their destiny. If a family gathers at the table, then this portends complete well-being in real life, good health and material wealth.

See a man at the table

If you see a man sitting at the table, then this portends a successful life period. If according to the plot of the dream you have to sit at the same table with an unknown man, then for correct interpretation You need to pay attention to the furniture itself. The interpretation could be like this:
    A table in a cafe or restaurant portends a pleasant acquaintance in reality; A rough-hewn table standing in the courtyard portends Bad mood, indifference and melancholy; An office table warns that something will frighten the dreamer very much; A table at home, covered with a tablecloth, emphasizes that serious consequences will arise as a result of a love interest; A table by the bedside table predicts the strengthening of friendships; A table on a train speaks of fleeting joys that diversify waking life.

When you dream of many people at the table, this indicates that the dreamer in real life will lose independence or will, for some reason, be unable to cope with the problems that have arisen. A large number of people at the table symbolizes dramatic life changes. Their character depends on the mood of the people sitting at the table, as well as the general atmosphere of the feast:
    Fun and joy foreshadow favorable events in reality; A gloomy feast warns of possible blows of fate.

Deceased relatives at the table

When you dream of a feast during which deceased relatives are seated at the table, this indicates that they need to be remembered. The general interpretation of a dream in which a dead person dreams at the table is associated with upcoming changes in real life. But if, according to the plot of the dream, you have to feed a dead person, then this foreshadows health problems. After such a dream, you should undergo examination at a medical institution, since there is a high probability that a hidden serious pathology, which can only be cured at the initial stage.

When you dream of a deceased grandmother at the table, then to correctly interpret the dream you need to remember what mood she was in. Most often, a deceased relative is dreamed of before the onset of changes in life. Such a dream can be interpreted as follows:
    If the grandmother dreams of being in a good mood, then future events will be joyful; If the grandmother is angry and expresses dissatisfaction, then in reality things will happen unpleasant events, which can significantly worsen the dreamer’s quality of life.

Very often, a deceased grandmother appears in a dream during difficult periods in life. Such a dream can be prophetic, therefore, if a relative said something in her night dreams, you need to try to remember it. It is very bad if the deceased grandmother cried in a dream. This portends serious quarrels with close relatives.

Late father at the table

If you dream of your late father at the table, then in reality you should expect news from distant relatives with whom connections have long been lost. When a deceased father participates in a feast with other people, this foreshadows fruitful cooperation with business partners in real life. When in a dream you have to communicate with your father, telling him about your life, this means that in reality you will have to take on an important task. And when the deceased father tells you about his life, then in the near future it will be possible to quickly solve all the accumulated problems. In addition, if in your night dreams you are sitting with your deceased dad at the same table, then in real life you should expect a surprise from your relatives.

Set the table for guests

When in a dream you have to set the table for guests, then in reality you should prepare for meetings and negotiations. As a rule, those who are at the table will have a relationship with the dreamer’s affairs in the real world. If in night dreams you have to cover the table with a tablecloth white, then this speaks of purity family relations. Also, a white tablecloth on the table represents the purity of the dreamer’s intentions and thoughts. A table covered with a white tablecloth foreshadows the onset of a happy life period. If in a dream you have to cover the table with oilcloth, then this indicates the dreamer’s careless attitude towards own life. The oilcloth on the table emphasizes the insincerity of the dreamer's intentions. If you dreamed that the table began to move in a strange way in a dream, then the dreamer will experience in reality strong dissatisfaction with the events occurring in his own life. Other actions that are associated with the table can be interpreted in a dream as follows:
    Eat at the table in company with specific person, means to improve relations with him, and if you were previously in a quarrel, then the dream foreshadows reconciliation. Having lunch at the table alone means waiting for a deterioration in your health or financial situation. If you have to sit at the festive table, then you can expect the onset of a prosperous life in real life period. You have to sit at a set table - you can expect success in all your endeavors. When you dreamed of lying on the table, it means that in reality you will be able to get out of a difficult life situation. If you had to stand on the table in your night dreams, then this emphasizes the fact that You feel in reality your impunity and permissiveness. In addition, such a dream may emphasize that the dreamer in the real world will be able to take difficult situation under control. If you dreamed of walking around the table, it means that in real life the order of all things in your life will be disrupted. If you had to hide under the table in a dream, then soon in reality new opportunities will present themselves for bringing your ideas to life. When you have to drink tea at an empty table , then you should prepare for the fact that in reality you will have to experience severe disappointments. At the same time, the dream advises you to forget about failures in the past and confidently move forward.

Very often the question arises: why do you dream of clearing the table? In most dream books, such a dream is associated with financial difficulties, losses, strife and grief. When you have to clear the dishes from the table, this can warn of future mistakes and losses. But in certain stories, such a sign foreshadows the resolution of the conflict. When in a dream you had to clear crumbs from the table, this warns that you are very wasteful, and in this period of life this is inappropriate. Other actions while clearing the table in a dream may mean the following:
    Wiping the table means failure in the business field. If you have to wipe the table with a rag, this indicates that material problems will arise unexpectedly in life. Wiping crumbs off the table is a very bad omen for the dreamer, as it indicates that his family will have to experience very great material need. When in a dream having to wipe the table after dinner, this means that sad events will soon happen in life that will cause apathy and indifference. If you had to clear the plates from the table, then this portends the failure of a very profitable deal.
It is very difficult to interpret dreams in which a table appears. That is why experts in the field of esotericism recommend, after the plot of night dreams is analyzed, to listen to your own intuition. Only with this approach will it be possible to understand what you need to fear in reality and how you need to change your behavior in order to minimize negative manifestations.

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Dream Interpretation Table Why dream about a table in a dream

In reality, a table often brings people together. The feast is an occasion for meetings and communication. Most sunny people report that such a plot foreshadows interesting acquaintances and a long-awaited meeting. But this is not the only description of what this dream is about. Any detail seen in a dream has meaning. Sitting and eating Seeing yourself sitting at a set table is a sign of well-being and success. The more food there was on it in a dream, the greater well-being awaits you. Esoteric dream book believes that a lot of food is a sign of gluttony. You probably like to eat a lot and deliciously. The medium Hasse interprets differently what this plot means in dreams. Hasse's dream book believes that sitting at the table in a dream foreshadows a noisy feast in reality. If at the same time you see a table full of food, then the friendly meeting will be very fun. Eating and talking at the same time means a truce with the person with whom you are on given time you are in a quarrel. Especially if you dreamed of a hearty meal.

The table is joy; tinker - there will be a dead man; covered - for good; on thin legs- life is not very kind; on thick legs - an excellent life; broken - illness or death of the wife.

The table is a sacrificial altar. Symbol of power (capital prince).

Table - big profit; setting the table - good luck through a friend; a set table means a happy family life.

a table seen during a snowy dinner, set for - means that you will have pleasant acquaintances and successful circumstances.

An empty table means quarrels and disagreements.

Clearing the table in a dream means peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference.

If you ate at a table without a tablecloth, you will achieve an independent position in the near future.

If in a dream the table moves in some mysterious way, you will soon be visited by dissatisfaction with life and a thirst for change.

A torn tablecloth on the table portends quarrels in the family.

A broken table - dreams of decline, change for the worse.

Hearing a tap on the table in a dream foretells that your attitude towards your friends will soon change, and your career will be in jeopardy. Don't neglect your loved ones, and then nothing bad will happen to you.

If in a dream you worked at your desk, be careful in real life.

If you see money on your table, know that you will happily come out of any situation, even the most difficult one.

Table - to joy and abundance.

Find out what it means if you dream about a Table?

A dream in which you set the table predicts a happy union and circumstances favorable for prosperity.

Seeing empty tables in a dream means poverty and discord.

Why do you dream of a Table - Seeing a table set for dinner in a dream means interesting acquaintances and a favorable course of events in your life. Empty tables in a dream foreshadow quarrels and disagreements. If in a dream you clear the table - the peace and joy that you experience in Lately, can be replaced by sadness and indifference. If in a dream you are dining at a table without a tablecloth, you will certainly achieve independence and material well-being. A torn tablecloth on the table portends quarrels in the family. Seeing a broken table in a dream means decline, change for the worse. If someone taps on the table in a dream, you will soon change your attitude towards your friends, and sadness and loneliness will enter your life. Such a dream suggests that you can lose a lot if you neglect your loved ones and friends. Money lying on your table means a happy release from troubles. Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation Why do you dream about the Table - Joy; tinker - the dead man will be; covered - for good; on thin legs - life is not very kind; on thick legs - an excellent life; broken - illness or death of the wife. Dream book for the whole family Seeing a Table in a dream - Setting the table in a dream - for guests. If you had such a dream from Friday to Saturday, it means that you will soon have an addition to your family. If you broke a table leg in a dream from Thursday to Friday, dramatic changes will occur in your life in the near future, but if such a dream occurred from Saturday to Sunday, it foreshadows dismissal from work. If you dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday or from Sunday to Monday that you were selling your dining table, it means that you will soon have new family. Spilling some liquid on the table is a sign of dubious luck, but if you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, your chances increase significantly.

A chicly set table is a harbinger of imminent success in everything.

Looking at the table and not feeling hungry, but a feeling of satisfaction - this image symbolizes that some intentions will turn out to be successful and promising.

A modestly set or completely empty table symbolizes that you have outlined your action plan incorrectly and it needs to be finalized.

Seeing a desk or desk in a dream foreshadows a problem that you should solve now.

Papers scattered on your desktop tell you that you have lost your way in solving some important problem.

Looking at the coffee table or bedside table - you are carried away by small entertainments or unimportant undertakings.

If you are conducting some negotiations on business issues at the coffee table, then you have overestimated their importance or did not approach the matter so seriously.

The table is broken - this picture prepares you for a serious conflict or miscalculation in business, which could cause a blow to your well-being. During this period, try not to openly clash with partners and conduct your business carefully.

Why do you dream of a table in the Bitch’s dream book?

A table as the central image of a dream hints that you will be able to make new acquaintances and find yourself in the orbit of a pleasant company.

Seeing an empty table means discord, quarrels out of nowhere.

Wood– before you receive income, you will have to work hard to implement your plan.

I dreamed about it on the table tablecloth- the dream should be interpreted depending on appearance tablecloths: clean, elegant - for profitable agreements and contracts; dirty and wrinkled - to obstacles and misunderstandings. The tablecloth can also indicate business trips. According to the dream book, a glass on the tabletop indicates that negotiations will directly depend on your sociability and disposition towards your interlocutors. Fruits lie ripe - to prosperity and good luck; green - you will not yet be able to fully secure the agreed deal. Think through every little detail, provide the rear, maybe then your partners will meet you. Flour promises a lot of worries and work before you can enjoy success. crumbs- to a hopeless project. Fish I dreamed about it on the table - pay attention to family relationships.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Set the table- buy property; take away- profit will elude you; sit - funny company; empty- a lack of.

Women's dream book

Seeing a table set for dinner in a dream- to interesting acquaintances and a favorable course of events in your life.

Empty tables in a dream- portend quarrels and disagreements.

If in a dream you are clearing the table- the peace and joy that you have been experiencing lately may be replaced by sadness and indifference.

If in a dream you are having dinner at a table without a tablecloth- you will certainly achieve independence and material well-being.

Torn tablecloth on the table- foreshadows quarrels in the family.

Seeing a broken table in a dream- to decline, change for the worse.

If in a dream someone taps on the table- soon you will change your attitude towards friends, and sadness and loneliness will enter your life. Such a dream suggests that you can lose a lot if you neglect your loved ones and friends.

Money lying on your table- mean a happy release from troubles.

General dream book

We saw a table in a dream- you have to conclude a happy union.

If you dreamed that you were buying a table- soon circumstances will turn out in your favor.

Old table with cracked top- a sign that poverty awaits you and disagreements may begin in your family.

You dreamed that the table moved by itself- soon your life will not satisfy you.

Broken- warning about failure.

If you dreamed that you were repairing a table- you have to big trouble related to someone close to you.

Covering the table with a tablecloth means meetings, celebrations of some events.

The operating table is a sign of health concerns. See symbols "doctor", "hospital"- separately.

A table was stolen in a dream - plans collapse, and it will be quite specific person, which will break them.

Dream Interpretation Table Personifies social relations, friendly contacts. A place where dreamers “post” their thoughts, beliefs, and hopes. Seeing an empty or broken table means losing friendly support. Talking to someone while sitting at the table means reconciliation with a friend, good luck in your plans. Self-instruction manual for dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Table A table set for dinner, seen in a dream, means that you will have pleasant acquaintances and fortunate circumstances. Empty table: dreams of quarrels and disagreements. They cleared the table in a dream: peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference. If you ate at a table without a tablecloth, you will achieve an independent position in the near future. If in a dream the table moves in some mysterious way, soon you will be visited by dissatisfaction with life and a thirst for change. A torn tablecloth on the table: portends quarrels in the family. Broken table: dreams of decline, change for the worse. Hearing a tap on a table in a dream foretells that your attitude towards your friends will soon change, and your career will be in jeopardy. Don't neglect your loved ones, and then nothing bad will happen to you. If in a dream you worked at your desk: in real life, exercise caution. Seeing money on your table: know that you will happily come out of any situation, even the most difficult one. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Table For children: TABLE - means some kind of mass gathering. If this is a dinner table, then you will soon have to participate in some kind of celebration. If this is a desk, it means you have to either extracurricular activity, or some meeting at school. If the table is littered with some objects, conflicts are possible. If the table is empty, it means you will feel among people as if you were in a desert.
For women: Setting the table in a dream means visiting guests. If you had such a dream from Friday to Saturday, it means that you will soon have an addition to your family. If you broke a table leg in a dream from Thursday to Friday, dramatic changes will occur in your life in the near future, but if such a dream occurred from Saturday to Sunday, it foreshadows dismissal from work. If you dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday or from Sunday to Monday that you were selling your dining table, it means that you will soon have a new family. Spilling some liquid on the table is a sign of dubious luck, but if you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, your chances increase significantly. Dream book for the whole family

see indream empty tables- Beware of quarrels and disagreements. If indream you remove from table- this promises that peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference. Eat indream behind table without a tablecloth - means that you will soon achieve such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not upset you at all.

Dream Interpretation “touch.horo.mail”

If you seeindreamcovered For dinner table- this means that soon pleasant acquaintances and favorable circumstances await you. If you seeindream empty tables- beware of quarrels and disagreements. If indream you remove from table- this promises that peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference. Eat indreamtable without a tablecloth - means that you will soon achieve such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not upset you at all.

Dream Interpretation "mirkosmosa"

Tableindreamsee. Big profit; cover on table- good luck through a friend; covered- happy family life. If you seeindreamcovered For dinner table- this means that pleasant acquaintances and favorable circumstances await you soon. If you seeindream empty tables- Beware of quarrels and disagreements.

A small but expressive, bright and pleasant dream. I'm at the table summer cafe. Table on one leg, white, with a round top. On the tabletop there is a drawing reproducing the scale of an ancient compass. There was a lot of different things there - a beautiful wind rose with many directions, some special nautical icons, inscriptions, letters: I looked at this drawing carefully and with interest for a long time, admiring it.


In winter, I dreamed that I was standing in a dark room near a round massive wooden table. Light falls on the table from above. Seven bearded men sit in a circle at a table. There is a mug in front of everyone. I pour something from a large jug into their mug - it seems to be beer. In the spring I dream - I enter a light wooden house, there is a bright room to the left of the entrance, and there are seven dishes on the floor in the corridor. I ask a person (man) - what dishes contain meat? He says - there is no meat in these two - and points to the largest dishes. I eat these two dishes completely, and I think I need to try the rest. And I eat a little from each. what would that mean? I can't forget my dreams. I am 23 years old, according to the horoscope Cancer, the year of the Rat. I live in Riga.


I asked some man to assemble a table for me. In the dream, the table had the function of an easel; its lid could tilt. I asked a man with the right with whom I could ask my husband for anything. Perhaps this was my husband in the dream. The man did not want to do this and came up with reasons. In particular, he said that the table would die if he assembled it. I couldn't cope with the concept of the death of the table. Perhaps he was alive, like plants. I had no time to figure it out, and I asked the man how he could somehow assemble the table so that I could draw on it, even if the table was dead. I still didn’t understand the difference between a living and a dead table, and I had no time to think. But I woke up with only one thought: I can’t allow this. How careless of me: to close my eyes to the fact that the table will die only because I am always in a hurry everywhere, and I have no time to understand the essence of the table. The table must not die! In the morning at my work, I suddenly saw a table. He stretched out absurdly on the gray void. I painted it there just for the sake of a spot, so that it wouldn’t be empty in this corner. My teacher is rushing us. I don't have time to meditate on the plot. Could this be that table?


The table is dying due to haste. It could have been drawn beautifully and meaningfully, but - alas - the end of the lesson came. The heroine asks a man to work on this table, i.e. refers to the masculine qualities of his “I”. The masculine principle here is to repress all emotions and at least have time to do something, even if someone dies from it. When I was studying at the institute, I was friends with a philosophy teacher. I came to visit her, we drank not only tea and talked a lot. In particular, she said that men and women are no different from each other. Now I know that “at the top of the spirit” they really are no different, but when we begin to descend from this mountain, we differ more and more. Take emotions: if I want to meditate on a plot, then in this situation I am most likely a woman, regardless of my biological apparatus. Although this difference can be determined not by examples, but with mathematical precision. But first you need to define with mathematical precision what “family” is. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to distance ourselves - as much as we have enough intelligence and diplomacy - from the concept of “blood”, which is responsible for the function of the species. Then - following Christ and Buddha - let's say that a family is simply “a group of people with whom we feel good.” And lastly, if family comes first for me, then I am a woman, and if family comes third, then I am a man. Two things that are more important to a man than family are being a wise man and being a leader. A.S. Pushkin staked out this sad truth, partly - in poetry: “If it weren’t for the vague attraction of a thirsty soul for something, I would have stayed here (meaning a group of people with whom it’s good) ...” That is, if your “group” is not enough for you people,” then you are a man, regardless of your biological apparatus.


Here by "man" and "woman" you mean social roles, like fancy dress"Man Woman"?

It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one who sees with my own eyes that there is no difference between a man and a woman, it is far-fetched.

Vulgar Darwinism from glossy magazines assures people that a man is a male human, and a woman is a female of this animal, then different conclusions follow... And the people read, believe what is written and retell it to each other.

I cannot boast that my spirit does not descend from the heights, but the difference I see between M and F is only in how people in society try to pretend to be the corresponding gender, and physiologically of course.

But abstracting from the material, it is impossible to find what is inherent only to one sex. There is a moment of awakening or another state of clouded consciousness when you cannot remember for a few moments who you are, what your name is, or your personal history, nothing, and even what your gender is. Only one thing is felt specifically - it is I. And what I am - the universe or the air or a two-legged animal - this is revealed in the next moment.

Isn’t “being a man” the same thing in this case as “being a scientist” or “being a fireman”? That is, a number of stereotypical ideas about a function expressed in the image of a specific person. If I cook breakfast for the children, I am a mother; if I draw, I am an artist.


So: the soul - the last refuge of an individual - has no gender. When special times come, associated with the consolidation of society, then everyone is asked to forget about the soul and come to terms with the strict division of gender roles. This is the Anglo-Saxon tradition, as well as Islam.


After lunch, she lay down and fell asleep unnoticed. I'm in some room large table(for about 8 people), there is a frying pan with boiling water on it, I throw in a few dumplings and, in my opinion, I intend to add more, because it’s not enough. There are a couple more men here and suddenly one of them is smaller and starts running around the table shouting something. I don’t understand whether he’s joking or not and I feel uneasy. And I run away from him around the table, then I climb onto the table, I press my legs towards me with my hands, and at the same time I see that I am sitting in front of the mirror. In real life, it turns out there is a humorous show on TV. broadcast with Nagiyev and Rost. I am not interested in the work of these actors. I often keep the TV on and mind my own business, and sometimes listen to what is being said.


In my life, this has happened to me more than once when a man spouts some kind of nonsense with a serious face, while I carefully peer into his face, wondering with surprise whether he is really that “bad in the head”? I accept that it is possible that the person is so I think and clarify something in order to somehow get my bearings. In the end, it turns out that the person is pranking me. Now I remember that brother K, and K’s ex-husband, and perhaps someone else joked like this. I suddenly had a coincidence: in a previous dream about an actor, I dreamed of Otar Kushanashvili and yesterday he spoke about the role of humor when meeting girls and showed Rost, who said that women laughed at him about the height and size of the penis. What happens: a man with confidence problems, jokes, which confuses me, depriving me me confidence? The dream shows how I start something sensible, but a man knocks me down and I’m already behaving like a frightened child Arseny, I remember that dumplings were already mentioned in the dream “Kirkorova’s dumplings” In real life, I haven’t eaten dumplings for a very long time, maybe my body needs dumplings ?))


Dumplings on the table are a metaphor for successful development. But there are two men in the room, and because of one of them, who begins to behave like crazy, everything is upset. Instead of sitting at the table and “growing,” the heroine sits under the table and regresses First you need to understand who the crazy man represents. This is done like this: you identify him with your brother and listen to the bodily reaction, then identify him with ex-husband- and listen to the bodily reaction. In this way, you check all the “suspects.” Whose image, upon identification, will cause the strongest emotional and bodily resonance, is the one you dreamed of in the form of a screaming “psycho.” With this person you should complete any emotional relationships If he is alive, then leave only diplomacy, smiles and emphatic politeness outside. If it turns out that this is a deceased brother or son, then act according to Hellinger: “Dear, ...! What you gave me is enough.” Again, all with maximum politeness. The point is that if you yourself do not expect anything from the deceased, then the emotions will stop, and along with them the pathological connection with the deceased will cease


Hello! Today I dreamed that I was sitting at a wooden table on the street with some people, and I was sitting on the edge, slightly turned away. Suddenly a young man with a baby stroller walks by and asks me something. I answer him, and he moves on. And the girl sitting opposite me at the table says: “You shouldn’t have talked to him, he stabbed a man with a knife last week.” I looked after him and saw that he had left the stroller and was returning with a knife. He began to approach me, and then my husband appeared from somewhere. This man stabbed my husband twice in the stomach and ran away. I ran up to my husband and started screaming to call an ambulance. I started crying, tried to scream, but no one heard my scream. He lay in my arms and bled. Then the phone rang and I woke up. I was very glad that I didn't see the ending. And in general, I have never dreamed of such horrors. What is it for? The feeling was very strange. Thank you in advance!


There is a crack in your relationship with your husband, if not a threat of a break in the relationship. Dreams about the death or suffering of relatives, during which we cry with grief and feel loss, most often remind us that these people (or this person) really mean a lot. After all, this has already become a sad tradition - standing at the coffin, belatedly realizing the significance of the deceased person in life. So the dream allows you to experience such a situation so that when you wake up, you have the opportunity to change the style of your relationship and return your old love to them. In a dream you tried to save your husband - this is a good prognostic sign.

I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday.
I'm with a colleague in a furniture store. There is no particular goal to acquire anything. A colleague shows me a small wooden table and offers to add money if I don’t have enough to buy it.
The table is very beautiful, with a round carved top made of light wood, varnished. He's on four legs, to the legs small wheels are attached. On one leg there is a tag on a string with the number “49”. I like the table. I'm buying it. Then I find myself on the veranda. The sun is shining, summer, beautiful morning. On the veranda there is an elegant rocking chair, made in the same style as the purchased table. I roll the table to the chair and realize that they fit perfectly.
I sit down in a chair and a book appears on the table. I wake up.

Any dream with his presence predicts an important conversation, an event requiring general discussion, family council. The table indicates vital support, the approach of an important event in the house.

Pay attention to where it is and who was sitting behind it. This will tell you what the dreamer can expect in the near future.

Sitting at a table means thinking about a problem. It also matters what it was intended for. Operational, journal, working and festive table have different meanings.

If you want to understand why the table is seen in your dream, look at its location and what was located there. This is how the dream book interprets this dream most often.

Dressing table or dressing table

In a dream, it means the sphere of beauty, personal life, important information that concerns the dreamer. Sometimes it turns out to be a place where secrets of seduction are kept. Focus on what is located on it and what attracted the dreamer most.

Seeing creams, cosmetics, perfumes and soft toys on it is a surprise. New items predict change.

If you keep photographs of your husband or lover on your dressing table, but in a dream you see that they are not there, expect trouble.

The dream book writes that you may lose a loved one. Married woman the dream is seen as a sign of divorce, betrayal of the husband. For a girl, a similar dream predicts disappointment in her boyfriend and the end of the affair.

Why do you dream of a dressing table on which a new decoration, cream, cosmetics or bottle of perfume has appeared? The dream predicts a change in the dreamer's personal life.

If only the selection has changed cosmetics, which have become more stylish and expensive, then the girl’s life will become much better. She will be able to afford a lot.

Miller writes that a new dressing table or cosmetics on it predicts successful marriage or a big change in your personal life. If a photo of a guy appears on the table, then the girl will begin a new romance.

Seeing a postcard or expensive jewelry among cosmetics, Golden ring- to the good news. Sometimes a dream predicts receiving a marriage proposal. Discovering the loss of cream or cosmetics is a nuisance.

The dream may come as an annoying surprise. Seeing cheap cosmetics instead of expensive ones means poverty, tears and grief.

If the dressing table was full of garbage, magazines and newspapers, beware of gossip. Such a dream does not bode well for you.

Dreaming of washing it, tidying it up and freeing it from garbage means putting things in order in your personal life. Seeing a familiar dressing table on a friend or relative is a sign that she is aware of the dreamer’s love game.

If he was wearing your cosmetics and perfumes, then your sister or girlfriend is trying to imitate you or steal a man. To take what is yours from your rival is a sign of justice.

The dream book writes that the dreamer will be able to cope with all difficulties and successfully fight for women's happiness.

A new table means changes in intimate life, personal experiences. If he was very handsome, then Freud’s dream book writes that you will have a new admirer.

Seeing it empty means renewal. Some books write that the dreamer will decide to forget past grievances and troubles.

Filling it with new soaps, shower gels and nice decorations is a good sign. The dream book writes that the dreamer will have a new friend or girlfriend.

The dream dreams of changes in self-esteem, getting rid of troubles and worries. For some people, a dream predicts moving to new apartment or a change in the house.

Seeing dirty and unpleasant things on the bathroom table is a bad sign. The dream seems to indicate grievances, disappointments, tears and great experiences.

Old memories can interfere with new contacts and acquaintances. Getting rid of trash and putting things in order - to good news. Sometimes a dream predicts good changes for you.

A new item foreshadows an important event. Soap or shower gel symbolizes pleasure, a pleasant pastime, and getting rid of old things. For a girl, the dream predicts a date, a romantic relationship.

Shampoo dreams of getting rid of unpleasant thoughts and thoughts, especially if it had a pleasant aroma. Cleaning and detergents for the home, powders and fabric softeners dream of troubles.

See them on the bathroom vanity in large quantities- to unpleasant routine work. In this case, the dream means that you will do a lot of housework.

Cleaning the surface of a piece of furniture from dirt and seeing it beautiful means a new stage in life.

Desk and work table

It shows the state of your affairs, activities, and sometimes hints at the approach of changes, litigation and inheritance. Your desk at work indicates the state of your work.

Seeing him okay with everyone necessary things and documents - a good sign. The dream book writes that you will not have any changes at work in the near future.

If you dreamed of a mess, a plot in which the dreamer is looking for and cannot find an important piece of paper or a tool, then this means that he has neglected things and will not know what to grab onto.

Seeing another person behind him, an employee of the company, means you will learn the unpleasant truth. Perhaps it is this employee who is slandering you, saying and doing nasty things, trying to quarrel with colleagues and superiors. Catching him at the scene of a crime means revealing the true intentions of a colleague.

The table at which the boss works indicates personnel changes at work. Seeing it empty means unpleasant changes.

If you dreamed that another person was sitting at the boss’s workplace, expect a change in management. Seeing a colleague there means he will be promoted.

If the boss's table was sealed by bailiffs, beware of the ruin of the company you work for. Seeing your own desktop empty, without a computer, papers and documents, means dismissal or moving to a new place.

If you notice a colleague’s table has been cleared, he will soon be fired, promoted, or transferred to another branch.

A home desk means changes in family life related to documents or personal life. Reading other people's letters and notes on it is a good sign. You will be able to get answers to the questions that concern you.

Some books write that you can accidentally learn an extraneous secret. Secretly reading someone else's letters in the house of a friend or acquaintance - the dreamer will discover the personal life of a relative or friend.

Keeping a few sheets or a piece of it for yourself is an attempt to find out what interests you. Stealing valuable documents and papers is a lucky coincidence. Such a dream predicts the dreamer joy and the ability to put the offender in his place.

ABOUT Finding that someone is rummaging through your desk means you will find out who is interested in your personal life. If a few important papers are missing from your chest of drawers, your business will stall.

Writing a letter is an attempt to reach someone else's heart. If it is official and documented, expect a subpoena or trouble.

Sometimes a dream predicts receiving an inheritance, but you will have to spend a lot of time on paperwork.

A messy desk predicts troubles in business, confusion of facts, and desolation. Dreaming of putting documents and letters in order means trying to organize your life and starting with a clean slate.

Kitchen table

A place for preparing not only food, but also for family council. In a dream, it reveals problems with communication, interaction with others, and the material side of things.

Pay attention to whether it is home or public. A cooking table in your home signifies the practical side of your life.

If you cook food in a restaurant, cut food and wash dishes, then the dreamer will have to take part in someone else's life or some event.

Setting the kitchen table for a family lunch or dinner in a dream means an important event at home or home advice. Seeing that there are not enough appliances means material deprivation.

Sometimes a dream predicts the death of a family member or his early exit from life. family circle, for example, marriage or living alone.

If you cook food on the kitchen table, then an event will happen in the family soon. Fish dreams of pregnancy, worries, coldness and illness.

Seeing someone else preparing food means that this person will provide food for conversation and an event will be associated with him.

Vanga writes that cooking meat in a dream means illness, especially raw, dried or boiled meat. Fried chicken or beef dreams of the arrival of guests and an important event. Preparing a sweet treat or compote is a sign of pleasant incidents.

Placing cutlery according to the number of guests on the festive table is a sign of an important conversation. If there were enough items for all family members, then you will talk about news or an important event.

Placing a burning dish on the table before serving it to guests is a sign of important news. The dream may indicate changes in the house, interesting events and holidays.

Pay attention to what occasion you want to have fun. This will tell you exactly what event will happen in the house.

Preparations for the holiday

Seeing a large set table in your own apartment means changes and important events. Sometimes a dream foreshadows an unexpected and imminent visit from guests from afar.

A fork and knife near each utensil can predict aggressiveness and trouble.

But if you liked the table setting, then the event will be solemn and pleasant. Preparing a wake is bad for the sick.

Such a dream can threaten them with mortal danger. If you are preparing a banquet at home on the occasion of your recovery and promotion, then wait important event and a big change.

Prepare a holiday at home like New Year- to a new stage in your life. If the food on it was varied and appetizing, then the material side of the dreamer’s life will become better.

If the husband takes part in cooking, then soon there will be a lot of talk about him. A cheerful and joyful holiday promises the dreamer pleasant events and a happy turn in fate.

The funeral table predicts trouble for you. Sometimes it will be mourning some event, loss. Putting candles on it is a bad sign. You can not only lose a loved one, but also find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

If you know who the deceased is, then the next event will remind you of him. The Islamic dream book writes that the dreamer may inquire about receiving an inheritance or a quarrel between the relatives of a deceased person.

To find out that they are remembering a living person means breaking off relations with him. For a girl, the dream predicts that her boyfriend might leave her.

If the dinner table was full beautiful dishes, the dreamer will quickly find solace after her lover’s wedding.

If a relative or friend prepares a delicious meal, some event will happen. A wedding table can symbolize both a joyful and a sad occasion.

A beautiful white tablecloth predicts for you new stage in life. If you covered it yourself, this is a good sign. To see him visiting acquaintances or friends - to important date. If you dreamed about someone else's birthday, you will soon learn about an event that will shock you.

Dinner at the restaurant

If you had to eat in the dining room, then the dream symbolizes poverty. The dream means dependence on other people. Buy for yourself new table- to strengthen life.

A woman dreams of a strong rear and a stable financial situation. If you were invited to a friend’s holiday table, at which your man was sitting, then she will turn out to be a rival. Especially if they hug and kiss.

Seeing your rival serving a festive wedding table is a sign of worry. Take a glass of wine or drink strong alcoholic drink- to suffering and grief.

Throwing a scandal there and throwing alcohol in your rival’s face is a good sign. You will take revenge for the insult, but at the same time you will not get into an unpleasant situation. Stealing a silver spoon or grabbing a device as a souvenir will present an opportunity to get even.

Simply leaving an unpleasant celebration means a break in relations. An empty table means resentment, grief and disappointment.

To be in a restaurant with stranger- to an interesting acquaintance. If he treated you to sweets, do not believe the beautiful promises. Delicious table predicts pleasant impressions and joys. Especially if you saw silver on it.

Sitting on a bad chair means trouble. Sometimes a dream predicts an unpleasant incident and scandal. A wooden and strong chair portends good news. You will be able to get what you want very soon.

If you dreamed of a table on a train, then expect an unstable financial situation. Drinking tea on it with a guest means interesting news. The dream predicts changes in life and a quick journey for the dreamer.