Whether we like it or not, it happens that in a dream we see people with whom we were previously connected by loved ones and love relationship. Today we will talk about what it means if a man dreams of an ex-girlfriend.

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend?

It is believed that if a man meets or even has a sexual relationship with his ex-girlfriend in a dream, this means that in the near future he will have a new relationship, and with a person he has known for a long time. It is also impossible to exclude the resumption of a long-standing relationship with a dreamed ex-passion.

But there is another interpretation of the situation if you dream about your ex-girlfriend. She points to possible appearance problems both in the personal sphere and in intimate relationships, the reasons for which directly or indirectly will be your past relationship with another woman.

In response to the question “why does an ex-girlfriend dream,” Sigmund Freud, known to everyone, said that a woman in a dream (both an ex-girlfriend and any other) is the embodiment of a man’s sexual fantasies in relation to her. Thus, if you dream about your ex-girlfriend, then this indicates that you still have tender and passionate feelings towards her.

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend?according to Hasse's dream book

In this version, the situation when you saw your ex-girlfriend or wife in a dream means an imminent fateful meeting that should happen in your life. If in a dream you were talking with ex-lover, then we should expect that the past will very soon remind itself, and not in the most pleasant way. If in a dream you had a fight with your ex-partner, then an unpleasant trick is possible on the part of the person from whom you least expect it. If it comes to a fight with your ex-girlfriend, then, paradoxically, get ready for the upcoming amazing events in your life. If you kissed, you will soon find yourself on the big and fun party, where you can meet many friends and acquaintances whom you have not seen for many years. If in a dream you married your ex-girlfriend, then you should expect big changes in your personal life.

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend?according to Longo's dream book

According to this dream book, a dream in which your ex-girlfriend or wife appears indicates that your feelings for her have not yet completely faded away. Even if you are sure that you no longer feel any loving emotions towards her, your subconscious mind indicates the opposite. You dream of changes in your life, but still deep in your soul you hope for the possibility of returning to the old days, full of joy and love with your ex-darling, but at the same time you do absolutely nothing. The dream should be interpreted as a call to stop waiting for the weather by the sea and begin to take active action.

Why do you dream about the death of your ex?

If you dreamed that your ex-girlfriend (wife) died, this may mark the beginning of a new stage in your personal life. It’s impossible to say with certainty how successful it will be, but you definitely won’t be bored, and you won’t have any time left for memories of past life(even if they were good).

/ Dream Interpretation Ex-girlfriend

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend in a dream?

A dream about an ex can be interpreted as an unwillingness to forget about your former life partner, as well as about past feelings and moments. If you dream of an ex with a new guy, then the dream book interprets this dream as follows: in the very near future, his new girlfriend will force him to make a choice between their relationship and his bachelor life.

If the dream in which you had your ex-girlfriend, leaves extremely pleasant memories, this means that your relationship is a passed stage. And if in a dream a guy marries his ex-girlfriend, then the dream book foretells an imminent change in his personal life.
If you dream that you are accidentally meeting your ex-girlfriend in a dream, then you can expect to meet with strong feelings and, possibly, the emergence of a new family union. In this case, your chosen one will probably be a girl whom you have known for quite a long time, but have never considered her as a lover.

It is possible, however, that the relationship with the ex-girlfriend you dreamed about will be resumed for some time. Another meaning of such a dream is the emergence of intimate problems, the main cause of which may be hidden in your past.

Dream Interpretation of the Ex: Interpretation of a Dream from Miller

If a guy dreams of an ex-girlfriend with whom he kisses and hugs, then changes in his personal life await him in the future. It’s very good when you quarrel in a dream. This means that in the near future the guy will have a romantic acquaintance. That’s why Miller recommended taking a closer look at the girls around you.

Dream of an ex in Vanga's dream book

Vanga, discussing why people with whom communication has been lost dream of, argues that feelings for the girl have not yet passed. If in a dream a guy saw former classmates or fellow students, then in the near future he will receive news from an old friend.

If you dream about your ex according to Nostradamus’s dream book

Nostradamus believed that such a dream should be feared. He associated this with a love spell. Perhaps the guy was bewitched by the girl. This dream is especially dangerous for a guy if in the dream his beloved is not indifferent to him.

In our online dream book You can find out not only what an ex-girlfriend in a dream means, but also look at the interpretations of other dreams. In addition, we suggest looking at the dream books of Vanga and Nostradamus, downloading Miller’s dream book - perhaps it is in it that you will find the meaning of the dream “ex-girlfriend”.

Dreaming? Tell me your dream!

Angry Gacy 2019.03.29 20:16

I dream as if we are together and she is texting with some guy, and she does not hide this from me, and then she also goes to meet him. When she returns, she says that he suits her better. I run away from the house, try to scream loudly at the top of my lungs, but almost no sounds come out. How can we understand this?


Daulet 2019.07.10 01:51

1 your feeling for her is far from weak 2 fear of losing her 3 I think she will betray you

Led 2019.03.29 20:16

I dreamed of an ex-lover with a new guy. I read the dream book, it says that there will be a serious choice from new girl. But I don’t have a new girlfriend right now. What should I do, how should I understand this dream book.


Egor Yanko 2019.03.29 20:20

Hello, I dream about a wedding with an ex (already married) girlfriend, what does this mean?


Eddy 2019.03.29 20:27

Give her a blunder in a dream and everything will pass! The main thing is not to screw up!


Eddy 2019.03.29 20:27

Possible: fixation, reluctance to look for a new one, feeling wounded.


Maxim Dorokhov 2019.03.29 20:43

Hello. I broke up with my girlfriend six months ago, but I still dream about her. Moreover, every day. What is this connected with?


Dmitry 2019.04.16 07:57

I dreamed that I was having sex with my ex, then another ex takes me and starts kissing me. How to understand this?


Oleg 2019.04.20 20:15

I dreamed that everything was still fine with us, I kissed her, we hugged. What is this for? Do I have a chance to restore our past relationship?


Angel 2019.05.06 03:10

A week ago, in a dream, we crossed paths in the subway, the next day she cried 3 times and said the same thing, that is, it happened again and again. Today I dreamed that I had access to her Telegram and she had the contact Egorusya or Egolyusya there, something like that, gently (Right now her current boyfriend’s name is Tyoma), I opened it, and there she sent him her intimate photos, I was very furious t, to the guy with whom she recently sent a photo, but didn’t send it to me


Andre 2019.06.10 12:56

I dreamed that my ex-girlfriend was at my house and my mother was asking me if I was with her again.


Alexey 2019.07.23 23:01

I repeatedly dreamed that I was making love to my ex, I dreamed about it from Monday to Tuesday


Alexey 2019.07.23 23:03

On a full moon I dreamed I was standing at night near my house and saw a full bright moon


Yuri 2019.09.05 12:26

I dream of an ex-girlfriend with her mother, everyone at my house is happy, and next to my ex-girlfriend and I there is a priest reading something, what is this all about.

If in a dream a guy sees his ex-girlfriend with another guy or fans, then real life his current girlfriend will hint in every possible way about legitimizing the relationship and starting a family, but if in a dream his ex gets married, this means that the young man will also soon meet the girl he will marry. Also Special attention you should pay attention to whether a guy in a dream meets his ex-girlfriend in secret from everyone - if this happens, then such a dream indicates that among those around him young man there is his secret admirer, whom he doesn’t even notice. But seeing the death or funeral of a former lover means drastic changes in life, while it is impossible to say for sure whether they will be positive or negative, since such a dream must be interpreted in small, especially memorable details. Freud's dream book interprets the meaning of a dream in which a young man sees his ex-girlfriend in his own way. Such a dream may foreshadow a short-term affair, which will be based on an intimate relationship rather than a love relationship. In this case, the partner may be a young lady who has been known to the young man for a long time. But if a guy dreams that in a dream he had an intimate relationship with his ex-girlfriend, then soon in reality the young man will be in for a very pleasant surprise or gift.

So how can one correctly interpret such a dream? First, you need to remember all kinds of details as carefully as possible, since the future of the prophecy depends on their presence. If a guy sees his girlfriend in a dream, it means in reality he is not yet ready to build a new relationship, even if he is in one. The subconscious of a young man tries to return the image of his ex-girlfriend to the guy’s thoughts and says that the guy has some kind of reverent feelings for her, despite the fact that the love may have already passed. If you dream about your ex-girlfriend quite often, this may mean that the young man wants with all his might to get her back and restore the relationship, since he still cares about her. If this relationship cannot be turned around, then it is better to stop dreaming that the girl might return and everything in the relationship will be as before, because it is precisely such thoughts that often do not allow young people to walk peacefully and communicate with other representatives of the fair sex, and enter into relationships. New relationships with such guys don’t work out. It is also necessary to pay attention to what happens in your sleep. If you dreamed that a young man started dating a girl again, this indicates that he mentally went through a period of separation and forgive his ex-lover and himself for what happened. The same interpretation of a dream is given if in a dream a young man asks a girl to marry him.

If you dream of your ex-girlfriend on Wednesday or Friday, then you need to pay special attention to such dreams, since these days of the week are the most powerful in their energy and at this time you can see an important prophetic dream for the future, especially if the young man remembers it well " yatav.

Don’t know what your ex-girlfriend dreamed about? Having looked at Juno’s dream book, we can conclude that conversations and dates with her in a dream foreshadow the future appearance of open and passionate feelings for another person with whom you will start a family. And it may happen that family relationships will develop with a person you know, whom you have never considered as your other half.

If you dreamed about your ex-girlfriend, then the dream speaks of your emotional attachment to her. This is especially expressed when the chosen one has passed and is dreamed of almost every night. This can happen even when you are experiencing negative feelings to this person. Such dreams occur not only to men, but also to women who are jealous of the past relationships of their other half, so each dream must be analyzed separately.

If another lover of a young man saw a dream about an ex-girlfriend, then this dream does not bring anything good to the woman. This dream warns the lady that there are gossipers and envious people around her. Luckily for the woman, she doesn’t dream about her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend. This only means that envy and negativity can come from anyone, and not just from her husband’s previous chosen one.

If you dreamed about a guy’s ex-girlfriend, the dream means that you lack confidence in yourself and in the future. The dream book also believes that the dream serves as a reminder of the value of tender feelings and romantic relationships, as well as how important it is to protect them.

The movie explains why you dream of a kiss with an ex-girlfriend as follows: many of your current troubles and conflicts are rooted in the past, you just don’t want to let go. Take this sign as a call to move from memories to actions.

If you dreamed about your ex-girlfriend, and in the morning the memories torment you and give you no rest, the films explain this by the fact that there is a lot left unsaid between you. The dream does not promise to return love and advises trying to accept each other in a different capacity.

For a girl, seeing her boyfriend's ex-lover in a dream is just a nightmare. Rarely will anyone perceive such a dream indifferently, especially if it is repeated with enviable regularity. Such dreams mean your anxiety and uncertainty both in yourself and in your partner. You are silently consumed by the thought that your boyfriend, whom you love and who (seems to) love you, might go to his ex. But you shouldn’t get hung up on such dreams. Perhaps your boyfriend is just a little secretive, or perhaps he does not want to be frank with you about his previous relationship (and this, by the way, is very correct). And you yourself, on a subconscious level, imagine non-existent events. Calm down. Your dreams only reflect your insecurities, and do not predict an imminent breakup. And do not bother your loved one with persistent questions and unnecessary control. With rash actions it is much easier to dig a hole for a relationship, and an illusory rival will remain nothing more than an illusion that has no ability to influence anything.

But if you can’t imagine your future life without your girlfriend, with whom you broke up, then make peace. And don't be afraid to lose your pride, this is not the case. Why be proud and unhappy, it is better to give in to the little principles and live a happy life.

If a woman dreams of the ex-girlfriend of her current boyfriend, then she is puzzled by questions of the past. Perhaps you don't like the friendship that remains between them, you assume that he continues to date her. You can solve such a dream only by intelligently talking with the guy and getting him to confess, but if you throw a tantrum, you will only ruin your relationship.

What dream speaks of your complete separation from your ex-girlfriend. Before this, you were still trying to cling to the relationship, hoping to get the girl back, although you understood the stupidity of trying, since she had left for someone else. Now you are finally convinced that the relationship is over and will begin to look for a new girlfriend of your heart.

Some interpret a dream with an ex-girlfriend in a different way. They claim that it does not bring anything good. Offers serious problems, troubles and illnesses. Relationships with friends may be upset, you will lose the respect of your colleagues. Moreover, the consequences of such a dream directly depend on how you broke up with her. The worse and more difficult the breakup was, the more problems you face. If you parted as friends, then everything will be limited to small, insignificant troubles.

Spiders are a lot of problems that have fallen, fallen and continue to fall on your head. However, you have excellent friends who will help you cope with everything (they are represented by the symbol of a dog in a dream). As for your ex-girlfriend, you can say that you were equal with her. She supported you in many ways, you really miss this now. It’s difficult to judge her return; perhaps something else will happen.

Let's return to the interpretation of dreams. Seeing in a dream how you dated your ex-girlfriend foretells you a new relationship. There is a high probability that you will restore your relationship with her, or you will get together with another girl you know well, but to whom you have always been only friendly.

Making peace in a dream and becoming a couple again means that there is some unsaidness left in your relationship, something still connects you with your ex-girlfriend. The only way out in this situation is to meet, talk and dot the i's. There is a high probability that everything will work out for you.

If you often see your ex-girlfriend in a dream, this means that it is not easy for you to forget her. Deep down, you want to restore your relationship with her. Most often, you think about her a lot, remembering the happy moments you experienced with your ex-girlfriend. It is these thoughts that become an obstacle on the way to new love. You definitely need to think about whether it’s worth continuing to dream about the past, or whether it’s better to go in search of new love, which will become a new stage in your life.

A married pregnant girl in your dream means that you will soon have to solve a difficult problem. When you watch a pregnant girl being kicked out of the house by her parents, this means that you will listen to moral teachings. If an unmarried young lady dreams of a pregnant girl, then she will soon meet her love. Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream means that you will be forced to refute indecent rumors concerning your person.

The dream book of Nostradamus says that a girl in a dream is a sign of profit. Also, after such a dream, new friends and love will appear in your life. An ugly girl - in reality you should pay more attention to your loved ones, including your soulmate. A dream in which you see a girl floating in the clouds says that changes for the better will soon occur in your life.

If a girl had such a dream, then very soon a rival will appear in her life. And she will not necessarily claim the heart of your loved one. There is a high probability that a girl will want to take your position.

Every relationship leaves a mark on our past, our memories, and even our dreams. Sometimes, a relationship that broke up a long time ago does not leave the memory - and not because the person himself wants to remember them, but because he constantly dreams about his ex-girlfriend. What this can mean, what such a sign says, you will learn from this article.

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend?

Psychologists are sure that if you often dream about your ex-girlfriend, it means that internally you have not yet put an end to it, you still have unspoken questions or complaints. Moreover, you can dream about your ex both if you dream of restoration, and if you yourself broke them off and do not regret it. Dreams reveal the main thing: internally you still have some interest in her.

It also happens that I dream about my ex-girlfriend every day. However, this usually happens to those who think about her every day, look at her page on in social networks, or is going through a breakup and is even thinking about getting everything back.

Psychologists are sure: if these dreams depress you, you need to distract yourself, stop following her life, start dating and look for your next passion, which will help you forget the past. The more you immerse yourself in new life, the sooner such dreams will recede.

If you do not agree with the separation, and dreams attack you more and more often, this is a clear call to action: it is better now to try to return everything, to take the first step. Even if this attempt is unsuccessful, at least you will know that you did everything possible, and your soul can be at peace. Besides, there is always a chance that the relationship will return - but nothing will happen if you don’t at least try!

By the way, psychologists give approximately the same answer to the question of why a former lover dreams. However, in addition to the psychological version of the interpretation of such dreams, there are many others - those that can be gleaned from traditional dream books.

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend?

If we turn to the traditional interpretation of dreams, it is important to remember all the details that caught your eye, as well as the emotions that you experienced. The mood that was in the dream speaks of the general direction of the events that the dream foreshadows. So, if the dream was unpleasant, then the events will not be the most rosy, but if you felt comfortable in the dream, then everything will work out in the best way in life.

So, if you met your ex in a dream, this indicates that a new love relationship awaits you soon. Moreover, if there is a possibility of both the return of the past and the beginning of something completely new.

Sometimes meeting an ex with whom you had problems of a sexual nature hints that you need to work out exactly this, and only then work on building a relationship.

If in a dream you dreamed that you were in bed with your ex, it is likely that that she will try to restore the relationship between you, or is just thinking about it.

If you dream of hugging your ex-girlfriend, this indicates a final breakup that will be final and irrevocable. But if you kissed her in a dream, this only means that you are in for a fun time.

Seeing your ex crying in a dream means that she will never be brought back. She immersed herself in her life, perhaps even meeting a person who seriously interested her. In this case, do not hope that something can be fixed, but go your own way.

If you are tired of dreams about her, it is believed that you need to mentally (and maybe actually) ask her for forgiveness for everything that was bad, and forgive her yourself. Whatever it is, it’s in the past, and you need to find the strength to move forward without looking back.

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend? To interpret this image, many dream books pay attention to the mood that the dreamer had during sleep and remained after waking up, as well as many others, at first glance, minor details. It's worth looking into.

If, after meeting in the Kingdom of Morpheus with your ex-girlfriend, you were left with pleasant impressions and good memories came flooding back, then you and your ex-partner realized that the romantic relationship had come to its logical conclusion. This is not bad at all, since you can remove the extra burden from your soul and continue to live if the breakup bothered you in any way.

But when, after waking up, memories began to torment, and the meeting itself in the dream was not very pleasant, then in real life There is a lot you haven’t told each other, a lot of things that still need to be done together, and more. Dream books do not mean that you will start your romantic relationship again, but in any case, you should continue to communicate and be good friends.

Interactions with an ex-lover

  • If you happen to meet your ex-lover by chance, then in reality you will meet your new beloved. This time you will correct all the mistakes, due to this the relationship will last longer and many times stronger;
  • But sexual contact with this person means that old memories will come flooding back to you, and matters that you have put on the back burner will soon have to be resolved. This symbol not as favorable as it might seem at first glance;
  • Pregnant girl in a dream. This image means that your new lover will not reach a dead end, as was the case with the young lady who appeared in the dream. New novel will be long and with a good prospect for the future;
  • Marrying a former lover in a dream is a completely favorable symbol. It signifies that the past no longer holds you back, and many life paths are open to you for new promising things and pleasant meetings;
  • Seeing your ex-girlfriend crying because of something. This image suggests that you are surrounded only by the most faithful friends ready to help in any situation. In the near future you will encounter many obstacles and difficulties on your way, but they can easily be overcome with the help of people close to you;
  • Dream books interpret the dream image differently when in your night dreams you kiss your ex-girlfriend. But they all agree on one thing: You should let go of the past. Past disagreements and quarrels, unresolved matters and problems can greatly ruin life in the future. Dream interpreters recommend moving from memories to actions, no matter how difficult it may be;
  • If you dreamed that the girl returned to you, then perhaps this will actually happen. Although this happens very rarely. Dream Interpretations interpret this image like this: “This vision is filled with episodes from your past life, and you should pay attention to them in order to understand what does not suit you today.” Just remember the dream in the smallest detail, think carefully and draw certain conclusions.

Other dream details

For a girl to see her boyfriend's ex. You always try to help everyone and please everyone. Sometimes this turns into excessive obsession. Don't forget that people can sometimes do without your help.

Dream books also interpret this image as the girl’s own uncertainty. The dream also reminds you of really important things that are worth appreciating.

Interpretation of a dream according to Miller's dream book

  • If main character Your dream simply passes by indifferently, which means your relationship has come to its logical conclusion. It will be impossible to return to the old times and relationships;
  • A date, kiss or sex with your ex-lover are signs of your remaining feelings. Dream books do not guarantee that relationships can be resumed;
  • But a dream where you argued or even fought with your ex-girlfriend marks the revival of old feelings for both of you. It will be extremely easy to renew a romantic relationship, but this time you should not make past mistakes, then this relationship will be even brighter and stronger.

Freud's dream interpreter - why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend?

Sigmund Freud believes that seeing a young lady with whom you had a relationship in the past is a negative symbol. If today the dreamer already has a partner, then he may begin to have serious difficulties and disagreements in the relationship, which led to a break with the dream object.

Sexual contact with an ex-partner is usually dreamed of by single men. The dream suggests that it’s time to start looking for a girl so that your physiological needs are satisfied in reality. If this image came to you in your night dreams, but you are already a member romantic relationships, then you are not satisfied with your partner sexually. This can lead to serious quarrels and even a break in the relationship.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation: ex-lover

The Bulgarian clairvoyant believes that if you saw ex-love in their dreams, then in reality the feelings for this object still remained. They cannot let go of your soul and do not allow you to live in peace.

If you see your first love in your night dreams, then in real life you will receive pleasant news from close friends or distant relatives. Perhaps you will receive a well-deserved promotion at work.