Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten "Cheburashka" Alyabyevsky village"

Educational game with parents

"What? Where? When?"

"The rights of our children"

Compiled by: Karfidova E.A., teacher

first qualification category

Target: Improve work on legal education of parents.

Strengthen connections with family through unconventional shape working with parents. Promote the legal education of children in the family.


Educator : A long time ago, thousands of years ago, people appeared on Earth. At the same time, the main questions arose:

What can people do and what can't they do?

What are they required to do and what are they not required to do?

What are they entitled to and what are they not entitled to?

Without a clear answer to these questions, life has become a complete nightmare and confusion. And people took up the solution of these main issues in ordinary conversations among themselves, with the help of various religions, through international negotiations and, unfortunately, in battles and wars.

“What country would I like to live in?

Yes, in the one where there is no place for grief or war,

In which people are always happy,

They will never hurt each other.

Where dull explosions are not heard

And where the sunsets are so beautiful...

I love the space of my country so much,

Although she is far from perfect,

I want people to experience it

Great love, happiness and bliss!”

In the end, people managed to solve the Main Issues, and in 1948 the following appeared:

What document do you think appeared in 1948 that sets out human rights?

Yes, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights appeared, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly. And if you strictly follow everything that is written in it, then the nightmare and confusion on Earth will immediately stop. But today I want to talk not about us adults, but about children.

A child comes into the world helpless and defenseless. His life, health and future depend entirely on his parents. From the actions of other adults unfamiliar to him. He still does not know that wars do not stop on the globe. He doesn’t know that children have to endure hunger, violence and humiliation. The child believes in the love, strength, and goodness of adults.

Fortunately, humanity did not remain indifferent to the troubles of children, and in 1989 a very serious document was adopted, which spelled out the rights of children.

What is the name of this document?

Yes, it was adopted in 1989Convention on the Rights of the Child.

This document encourages adults and children to build relationships based on respect.

Do you know what basic rights children have?

Basic rights of children.

Right to education.

Right to health care.

The right to rest and leisure.

Right to privacy.

The right to freely express one's opinion.

The right of the child to participate in games and recreational activities appropriate to his age, to freely participate in cultural and creative life and make art.

The child’s right to the love and care of adults.

This is about the right to love and care dear parents we'll talk at our game"What? Where? When?"

So we start the game. We invite parents of “experts” to the gaming table

I remind you of the rules of the game.

In a circle, in sectors different color Envelopes with questions are laid out. The question in the envelope on which the arrow of the top stopped is played. Exactly one minute is allotted to discuss the issue.

First round.

The top is spinning, music is playing. The top's arrow stops on the red sector.

Dear experts! Listen carefully to the poem

Conversation with daughter

I miss the warmth -

She told her daughter.

The daughter was surprised:

You're freezing

And on summer days?

You won’t understand, you’re still small, -

The mother sighed tiredly.

And the daughter screams:

I understood! -

And he drags a blanket.

What kind of warmth did mom talk about? (About the soul.)

How do you show warmth towards your child?

A minute passed for discussion.

Parents discuss the question asked for one minute.

Second round.

Music is playing and the top is spinning. Black sector.

Dear experts! Attention" Black box "

The black box contains your very first document

Your answer has been accepted.

Attention! Correct answer.

The black box contains the “Birth Certificate”.

The teacher takes a document out of the black box and shows it to everyone.

Third round. White sector.

Dear parents, do you read fairy tales to your children?

Attention to the screen. Watch an excerpt from the cartoon and answer the question.

What rights of Thumbelina were violated in this fairy tale?

/ The toad stole the girl, thereby depriving her of the love, care and affection of her mother /

In what other fairy tales is there a violation of the child’s right to the love and care of adults?/Cinderella, The Ugly Duckling, Frosty, etc./

And now musical pause. Rest.

Parents perform the "Dance of the Little Ducklings."

Fourth round.Brown sector.

Article 7 . The child is registered immediately after birth and from the moment of birth has the right to a name and to acquire a nationality and, as far as possible, the right to know his parents and the right to be cared for by them.

Listen carefully to the story!

All alone.

The screams of a two-day-old baby attracted the attention of a cleaner at the Kursky railway station in Moscow. A baby girl, dressed in warm clothes, was lying in a cardboard box on the street in front of the station entrance. A note was left in the box with the following content: “Please take care of me!” The police called on the radio asking the girl’s mother to come to the police station and declare herself and her rights to the baby. An ambulance team was called.

Think about how the fate of this baby might turn out?

What rights of a girl must be strictly observed?

Did the police do the right thing by making an announcement on the radio and calling the doctors?

Fifth round . The next sector is red.

Article 9. States Parties shall ensure that a child is not separated from his or her parents against their wishes, unless the competent authorities, by judicial decision, determine, in accordance with applicable law and procedure, that such separation is necessary in the best interests of the child.


Five-year-old Anya and three-year-old Sasha did not know the affection of their mother and father. The father abandoned the family, and the mother drank and did not pay attention to the kids. The children were constantly hungry and often spent the night in the basement. By a court decision, the mother and father were deprived of parental rights to their children. Anya and Sasha ended up in an orphanage.

Attention! Question!

What might their future fate be like?

Did the competent authorities act correctly in depriving parents of their rights to their children?

In whose interests was this done?

Is there a violation of children's rights here?

Sixth round . And so the blue sector.

Attention! Question!

Who is primarily responsible for raising a child?

Attention! Correct answer.

Article 18. The participating States shall make every possible effort to ensure recognition of the principle of common and equal responsibility of both parents for the upbringing and development of the child. Parents or, where appropriate, legal guardians have primary responsibility for the upbringing and development of the child. The best interests of the child are their primary concern.

Seventh round.

Article 19. States Parties shall take all necessary legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or psychological violence, insult or abuse, neglect or neglect, abuse or exploitation, including sexual abuse, by parents, legal guardians or any other person caring for the child.


Listen to the story.

Kostya is 11 years old, he has a brother and a sister whom he loves very much. He is the eldest among them, but for some reason unknown to him, his mother and stepfather treat him differently from other children. Kostya spends all day in his room. He's alone all the time. He doesn't see anyone and doesn't talk to anyone. He cannot invite his friends to visit. His room has only a bed, a table and a chair. When the boy finishes doing his homework, the lamp is taken away from his table and he is not allowed to turn on the light. He remains in complete darkness. His stepfather never speaks to him. His mother often hits him for no reason. Kostya has no holidays: no birthday, no New Year.

Attention! Question!

Look carefully from the point of view of Article 19: do the mother and stepfather violate the rights of the child and how?

What should he do in this situation?

Who can protect his rights?

Who should Kostya turn to?

Result: Of course, you need to love a child not because he is beautiful, smart, a helper, etc., but simply because he is. Our game has come to an end. I am glad that the team of experts turned out to be active, inquisitive, and attentive. I would like to end our meeting with the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky

“Our mission is to protect a child’s heart from bitterness, troubles and suffering”

Intellectual game“What, where, when” for children preparatory group and their parents

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: the material may be of interest to older educators preschool age, teachers of additional education.
Target: develop cognitive abilities.
Tasks:- develop attention, memory, intelligence, ingenuity;
- activate thinking and speech activity children;
- to form social and communicative qualities (cooperation, flexibility, tolerance).
Equipment: 2 school bags, pens, pencils, doll, erasers, crayons, racket, notebooks, books, ball, markers, etc.; cut pictures; balloons and felt-tip pens.
Teachers, children and parents.
Treats for children.

Children of 6 people per team sit at tables.
Leading: Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to the intellectual game “What, where, when”. In order for our game to be a success, we need to listen carefully to the tasks and agree on the answers together.
You and I have already learned a lot, learned a lot, spent a lot interesting activities, but today let’s summarize our lessons.
The jury - our parents - will evaluate the completion of the tasks.
Rules of our game: I read the task, the team deliberates for a minute and gives an answer. In order to answer a question, you need to raise your hand when the team is ready. If the team is ready right away, you can respond right away.
Good luck. And I suggest starting the game.

First competition: “Question and answer.”
I ask questions, and you must answer.
1. Grass that stings and burns? (nettle)
2. A shrub on which black, white, and red berries grow? (currants)
3. Which tree is a symbol of Russia? (birch)
4. Which trees do not change color in either winter or summer? (spruce, pine, thuja)
5. The time of year when the March holiday comes? (spring)
6. What medicinal herbs treat a cold? (coltsfoot, plantain, mint)
7. Are the flowers of this tree added to tea? (Linden)
8. What is the name of the flower used to tell fortunes? (chamomile)
9. Tall and green,
It will be beveled.
Sheep, goats and cows,
There is always it ready. (grass)
10. Name the animals that change their fur coat? (hare, squirrel, fox)
11. What kind of animal sleeps all winter and really loves raspberries? (bear)
12. What bird is called the forest orderly? (woodpecker)
13. Name the first spring flowers? (mother and stepmother, snowdrops)
14. Why do trees sway? (from the wind)
15.What birds bring spring with them? (rooks)
16. A house for birds that you are making together with your parents? (birdhouse)

Leading: Second task. You are almost schoolchildren already. I suggest you pack your backpack for school. You have different supplies on your desks, you need to choose only those that you will need for school.
We take turns running up to our table, taking the required item and returning to our backpack. Don't forget to pass the baton to another player. The game continues until all school items are collected in a backpack.
Competition: “Assemble a backpack.”

Leading: To win competitions, you need to know the rules of friendship.
I suggest you remember and name these rules.
Competition: “Rules of Friendship”
- Smile at your friend more often.
- Know how to listen to your friend.
- Call your friend by name.
- When you make a mistake, admit it and correct it.
- Help a friend in need.
- Don't deceive your friend.
- Know how to share joy with a friend.
- Stop your friend if he is doing something bad.
- Don't laugh at your friend's shortcomings.

Leading: In the meantime, a musical break.

Leading: I suggest playing the game “Names”, a team says a name, the next team must say the name starting with the last letter.
For example: Egor, the next team calls with “R” - Ruslan, the next team - Nina. And we play like this until the jury stops us.
Competition: "Names".
Leading: I would like to propose a competition for captains: "Experts of their city."

- What is the name of the city where you live? (Kolpino)
- Street where your garden is located? (Proletarskaya)
- Name the river that flows in the city? (Izhora)
- What are the people who live in the city called? (Kolpino residents)
- What is the largest plant in the city? (Izhora)
- Sights of the city? (monument “Three from Prostokvashino”; memorial “Eternal Flame”; Museum of History “Izhora Plants”; monument to A. D. Menshikov; memorial sign to armored vehicles of Izhora Plants; monument to soldiers of the Izhora Battalion)
- The streets of our city? (Vera Slutskaya, Tankers, Izhora battalion, Metallurgists, Mechanical Engineers, Moscow, Workers, Vavilov).
- What does the symbolism of the city flag mean? (golden flames indicate factory industry; black stripes indicate railway; White color– purity and innocence; red color - courage)
Leading: I invite you to go to the middle of the group and take a walk, or rather a short break.
Physical exercise.
We'll walk through the streets (walking)
Let's look left, right (hands on the belt, turns)
Along the bridge back and forth (running in a circle, left, right)
Let's go for a run as always
We'll take a dip in the Crow (simulation of swimming)
And we’ll rub ourselves faster (they rub each other)
I wish I could reach the pine tree (stand on tiptoes and stretch)
And they will touch the big oak trees
Come back to our kindergarten as soon as possible (they walk in place)
And smile at each other (smile at each other).
Leading: Our game takes place on the eve of the holiday of March 8, I propose to talk a little about this holiday and time of year. I invite our guests, or rather parents, to take part in this competition. Guess the riddles.

- Dad and I go shopping for flowers.
We love to give them... (to mom)
- I transform kidneys,
into green leaves.
I dress the trees
I water the crops,
Full of movement
my name is... (Spring)
- He is not afraid of cold weather.
He is the very first of the flowers!
And on a hill under a pine tree
Already meeting with spring.
- Yellow, fluffy
The balls are fragrant.
It will protect them from the frost
In its branches...
- Great day...,
When everything around is sparkling,
And allow me to congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!
(March 8)
- They became very bright in May
All meadows, clearings, parks.
Among the green stems
Multi-colored buds.
Blue and red
Delicate, beautiful.
Let's collect bouquets from them,
What is this, what is this?
Leading: I also suggest you collect your flowers. On your tables there are cut-out pictures depicting flowers.
Game: "Collect a flower."
Leading: I announce again - musical pause.

Leading: Next competition: “What a mommy...”. Need to name kind words mommy, but the commands should not be repeated.
Competition: “What a Mommy...”

Leading: I have balloons, each player must take a balloon and draw their wonderful mommy. I'm sure mommies will appreciate this gift.
Leading: You are all great guys, you know a lot, you answered the questions very well. I invite all the children to stand up and sing a song for our dear and beloved mothers.
It's Mom's day.
Spring day
Not frosty
Happy day
And mimosa -
It's mother's day
It's mom's day!
Cloudless day
Not snowy
Excited day
And gentle -
It's mother's day
It's mom's day!
Spacious day
Not capricious
gift day,
Surprise -
It's mother's day
It's mom's day!

April 21, 2018 year an intellectual game took place at the Palace "What? Where? When" for children, parents and teachers of Children's Youth and Youth Children's Theater. The game was timed to celebrate the 315th anniversary of St. Petersburg. The organizers of the event are the department of social and cultural activities. The host of the game is a full member of the elite television club "What? Where? When?", owner of two Crystal Owls, Mikhail Skipsky.

Four national teams took part in the game, which consisted of high school students, Palace teachers and parents. Team members fought for victory with varying degrees of success, answering interesting, informative, and sometimes incidental questions from the presenter. During the breaks between the games, the participants were delighted with their bright performances by the students of the Children's and Youth Youth Theater: choreographic studio Grand Dance with number "City of Dreams" And Valentina Pavlichenko with a theme song "Rain on the Neva".

The team from the Department of Tourism, Local History and Sports won the victory - "Cityman". Second place - technical department. Third place – Ecological and Biological Department. Fourth place – music and art department.

Preschool childhood is a unique period in a person’s life, a time when his health is formed and the process of personal development intensively takes place. At the same time, this is also a period during which the child is completely dependent on the adults around him - parents, teachers.

The family is the most important institution of society, a micro-group in which a person’s physical and spiritual maturation occurs. Preschool pedagogy considers the family as a subject of educational activity and, therefore, is focused on the importance of the family in the formation of personality, on its educational potential and educational needs, on the content and forms of interaction between kindergarten and family in the educational process.

The role of the family in the formation of personality is the initial, determining one. None of the social institutions of public education can compare with it in this regard. The family feeds and physically develops the child; provides primary socialization, helps the child become a socially competent person, provides a protective function; creates a unique (not reproduced by any other social institution) atmosphere of love, emotional richness and warmth of individual relationships, thereby providing the most important conditions for harmonious, full emotional and mental maturation of the individual; through family communication, speech, intellectual and moral development is carried out.

A.S. Makarenko, the great Russian teacher, was convinced that proper upbringing is largely determined by the family, how parents treat their children, and what educational goals they set for themselves. Issues of family education are embodied in his works. He wrote: “Raising children is the most important area of ​​our lives. Our children are the future citizens of our country and citizens of the world. They will make history. Our children are future fathers and mothers, they will also be educators of their children. Our children must grow up to be wonderful citizens, good fathers and mothers... Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our guilt before other people, before the whole country.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky, follower of A.S. Makarenko, considered the family a powerful factor in education. A beneficial atmosphere in the family has a positive impact on a growing personality, when parents are friends of their children, trust and mutual understanding give rise to sincerity, affection, and love.

One of the most important factors in increasing the effectiveness of educating the younger generation is the relationship between the institution and the family. The following picture is often encountered in practice: parents have theoretical knowledge on the issues of raising and developing children, but they do not always know how to apply this knowledge in practice. This is where the help of a preschool teacher is important, who is able to translate parents’ theoretical knowledge into the practice of joyful communication with the child. It is no secret that favorable conditions for the development, training and upbringing of a preschool child can be realized only under the condition of close interaction between two social institutions - kindergarten and family. Establishing contacts with parents is an important and difficult matter, requiring attention and tact. To do this, you need to know the family well, its educational capabilities, The best way influence through the child himself.

Diverse constructive interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family is an important area of ​​activity, as well as a condition for the development of the socio-pedagogical system of a kindergarten. The interaction of parenting adults has a positive effect on the physical, mental and social health of the child.

Communication between teachers and parents of pupils has always been and remains a pressing issue for kindergartens. Cooperation between educators and parents helps to get to know the child better, and having learned, direct common efforts towards his development.

Teachers are coming up with new forms of involving mothers and fathers in the education and upbringing of their own children - meetings, advisory centers, information stands, parent clubs...

Mere exchange of information between parents and kindergarten teachers about the development, successes and difficulties of a preschooler is no longer enough. It is relevant today to include parents in the educational process.

The teaching staff of our kindergarten builds its work on raising children in close contact with the family. Educators are convinced that the main influence on a child’s development will always come from kindergarten, not the school, but first of all the parents, the family.

For many years, our kindergarten has been carrying out systematic work with parents, subordinated to a single goal - the creation of a single educational, health-improving space between kindergarten and family. We solve problems such as:

Psychological and pedagogical education of parents;
- study and generalization of the best experience of family education;
- prevention of violations in parent-child relationships;
- involving parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work.

To solve problems, a long-term plan is drawn up annually. At the beginning of the school year, meetings are held in each group at which parents are introduced to the tasks of raising and educating children for a given year. At the beginning of each month, educators indicate the topics of individual and group consultations with parents, the topics of visual information, and work with the parent committee.

Propaganda of pedagogical knowledge is carried out through a system of visual propaganda. In groups, “Parent Corners” are created, which contain material on the issues of raising and developing children, information about the activities of preschool educational institutions, consultations with specialists, etc. “Health Corners” contain information on the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of preschoolers, which are prepared by teachers at assistance from the head nurse and physical education instructor.

Throughout the year, the head, senior teacher, nurse, and specialists conduct individual consultations with parents. There are collections in special folders methodological recommendations For parents, exhibitions of literature on various issues of education and development of preschool children are organized.

Questioning parents helps to identify the most acceptable and effective forms of working with parents, helps evaluate the work of the team, and identifies those issues in the upbringing and development of children that cause difficulties for parents.

The “Open Doors Day” is held at the preschool educational institution with great success. Parents actively attend classes and other events with the participation of children, excursions around the kindergarten,

talk with teachers, write reviews and wishes to teachers. In addition, anyone can find any information about the life of our institution on the preschool educational institution website.

When working with parents, a form such as summarizing the best family experience in the form of photo newspapers, photo montages, and albums is also used.

But the most popular are events involving children and their parents. The team understands that work with parents should be structured in such a way that the kindergarten does not replace parents, but does everything possible for their communication and interaction, connecting them with each other. Several years ago I conducted a survey of children. I asked them to answer the questions: “What or who do you love?”, “Who or what is most important to you?” The children's answers were different, sometimes even unexpected. And I composed a poem using the children's answers:

I love to sing and play with my mother,
I love reading books with my dad.
I like to study, go to kindergarten,
I love to smile, have fun, joke.
I love the forest and the river, clouds and flowers,
Snow in winter, sun in summer, so that dreams come true.
To draw and dance with friends
And play your favorite games carefree.
If you ask what is most important to me,
So that mom and dad are always close!!!

Therefore, it has become a tradition to hold joint events:

  • exhibitions of joint creativity of children and parents “Drawing with Moms and Dads”, “Gifts of Autumn”, “Light of the Christmas Star”, “Easter Souvenirs”, etc.;
  • musical holidays“Mom’s Day”, “Family Day”;
  • physical education and music holidays “Mom, Dad and I – a sports family”, “Farewell to winter”;
  • joint hiking and skiing trips into nature, etc.

Based on the results of these events, wall newspapers with interesting notes and photographs are published.

The results of a survey of parents of pupils allow us to say that the absolute majority are satisfied with the care, education and training (health improvement, development of abilities, etc.) that children receive in kindergarten, and feel the friendly attitude of staff towards them and their children.

In past academic year The teaching staff took on the annual task “Use of books in the spiritual and moral education of children in kindergarten and family.” To solve this problem, various events were planned and carried out, including the game - quiz “What? Where? When?". Both children, parents and teachers liked this event. I offer you a summary of this game.

Quiz game “What? Where? When?"

Program content:

  1. To consolidate children's knowledge about Russian folk tales (their originality, language, characters, compositional structure of the problem, repetitions, endings);
  2. Learn to express your opinion about a work, correctly evaluate the actions of characters in fairy tales, comparing positive and negative. Strengthen the ability to accurately describe characters folk tales. Practice your ability to communicate;
  3. Develop logical thinking, the ability to compare, compare when solving fables and confusion;
  4. Practice the ability to form words with the same root from the words “forest”, “fairy tales”, “spring”;
  5. Cultivate interest in Russian folk art.


illustrations for fairy tales, a top with an arrow, a circle divided into six sectors, which are numbered from 1 to 6, 6 numbered envelopes with tasks, a letter from the land of fairy tales, a tape recorder and recordings of children's songs for musical accompaniment, tokens for rewarding correct answers, colored pencils, markers, album sheets, emblems for three teams: owls in blue, red, green, medals for the winners, the main prize - a book with Russian folk tales.

Preliminary work:

reading and dramatization of Russian folk tales, conversation about Russian folk art, examination of illustrations for fairy tales.

Progress of the game:

Presenter: Friends, we have read a lot of Russian folk tales, you now know the features of fairy tales written by the Russian people, you can distinguish them from the tales of other authors. In a word, you have become experts. And who is the best expert on fairy tales - today we will find out.

Today we will play a game - the quiz “What? Where? When?". We will have three teams participating. Each team is a family: father, mother and child, team captains are children. Adults, do you, like the kids, love fairy tales, and especially Russian folk tales? (Answers from adults). Amazing.

And you guys, fans, also be careful, because there will be tasks for you too. To begin with, I want to know what Russian folk tales are familiar to you? (Children's answers). Well done!

How in real game Each team has its own emblem. Look how beautiful they are!

There's a knock on the door: Bear comes in. He welcomes everyone. The bear brings a top, tasks in envelopes, a letter from fairy-tale characters.

Host: Look, guys, what the Bear brought us for the game. Here's some kind of letter. Let's quickly find out what is written there.

(The teacher opens the envelope and reads the letter)

Dear experts!

You are greeted by their Land of Fairy Tales. Now you will begin an exciting journey to our country. The envelopes that were brought to you contain questions - tasks. The top will indicate the envelope from which the question must be answered.

Now listen to what rules you need to follow when playing the quiz:

  • questions must be listened to carefully;
  • Any team that knows the answer and wants to answer can answer the task; to do this, they need to consult and the captain raises the emblem of his team and thus gain the right to answer;
  • A token will be awarded for the correct answer, but if the team answers incorrectly, then the right to answer goes to the fans. The one who raises his hand first gets the right to answer, and if the answer is correct, he receives a token;
  • The winner of the game will be the team that has the most tokens, and the child who collects the most tokens (this can be a child from the team or from the fans) will receive the title “Fairy Tale Expert” and will be awarded the main prize “Wise Owl”.

Good luck to you!!!

Host: Friends, you have all listened to the rules and now it’s time to start the game. Let's start the top.

The game is played as follows: the arrow points to the sector with a number, the task is read from an envelope with the same number. One of the teams answers and if they give an incorrect answer, then the right to answer goes to the fans. The correct answer receives a token. If the arrow points to a number whose task has already been completed, then look clockwise. After completing 3 tasks, a “Musical break” is announced: children - fans perform a musical number, teams perform free dance movements.

Task No. 1
“Do you recognize the characters from fairy tales?

Name a character from which fairy tale? What's his name? Tell me what he is like.

Illustrations for fairy tales are shown: “Little one - Khavroshechka”, “Hare - boasts”, “Masha and the bear”, “Fox - sister and Gray wolf”.

Task No. 2
“Salad from fairy tales”

The presenter reads made-up fairy tales, where there are characters from various Russian folk tales, and the players need to guess which fairy tales these characters are from?

  1. “... The Wolf sits by the ice hole and says: “By pike command, according to my desire, catch, fish, big and small.” The tail became heavy, the Wolf began to pull it, but it couldn’t pull it out. The Wolf called his grandmother, the grandmother called her granddaughter, the granddaughter called Zhuchka...” (“Fox - sister and Gray wolf”, “At the command of the pike”, “Turnip”)
  2. “... Ivanushka drank water from a hoof and turned into a little goat, Alyonushka saw this and began to cry. And Ivanushka says: “Don’t cry, Alyonushka, but help me get into my left ear and get out of my right ear and I will become a brother again...”. (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Little little girl”)
  3. “... Kolobok rolled along the path and saw: standing in front of him was a hut on chicken legs. And Ivanushka sits in front of the hut, playing with golden apples. Kolobok knocked and asked: “Knock, knock, knock!” Who lives in the mansion? “I am a little mouse, I am a frog, a frog...”. (“Kolobok”, “Geese and Swans”, “Teremok”).

Task No. 3
“Which fairy tale is unnecessary?”

Which fairy tale is missing an illustration? Explain why?

Among the hanging illustrations for Russian folk tales, there is an illustration for the author’s fairy tale or for the fairy tales of other peoples. We need to identify this illustration.

For example:

  1. “Masha and the Bear”, “Cinderella”, “Little Khavroshechka”;
  2. “Teremok”, “Bragging Hare”, “Three Little Pigs”;
  3. “Two Greedy Little Bears”, “Three Bears”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”.

Task No. 4
“Continue the tale”

The presenter begins the tale, and the players must continue.

  1. “Once upon a time there was a hare in the forest: in the summer it was good, but in the winter it was bad: he had to go to the peasants’ threshing floor and steal oats. One day he comes to the threshing floor, and there are too many birds with one stone. So he started bragging...” (“Hare - Boast”)
  2. “There are good people in the world, there are worse people, there are also those who sibling are not ashamed. This is how Tiny Khavroshechka ended up. She was left an orphan, these people took her, raised her and put her to death with work: she weaves and spins, she cleans up...” (“Kroshechka – Khavroshechka”)
  3. “Once upon a time there was a man and a woman. They had a daughter and a little son.

Daughter,” the mother said, “we’ll go to work, take care of your brother!” Don’t leave the yard, be smart - we’ll buy you a handkerchief...”; ("Swan geese")

Task No. 5
“Draw a hero from your favorite fairy tale”

Players draw characters from their favorite fairy tales.

Task No. 6
“Who can come up with more words”

The presenter calls the word, the teams come up with words of the same root:

  1. Spring;
  2. Fairy tale.

Host: Dear friends, all tasks have been completed, all questions have been answered and it’s time to sum up the results. Let's count which team has more tokens?! (Count the tokens and choose the winning team.) So, in our game - the quiz “What? Where? When?" the family team won....., team captain....., they are awarded medals for first place. The second place was taken by the family team....., team captain..... . And third place is the family team....., team captain..... . Now let’s find out who our “Fairy Tales Expert” is? (The tokens of all children are counted: both team members and fans.) So, the main prize of our game - a book with Russian folk tales - is awarded..... .

The presenter congratulates the winners on behalf of the residents of the Land of Fairy Tales and invites everyone to a tea party:

Dear friends, I wish you, like your parents, to always be friends with Russian folk tales, and now the inhabitants of the Land of Fairy Tales invite you to a tea party.

Envelopes with questions are laid out in a circle on the table, with a spinning top with an arrow in the center. The team consists of six players. One minute is given to discuss the issue. The captain answers. The game goes to six points.

The event is designed for children in grades 3-4.


A story has survived to this day about how an English sailor sent his mother a gift that was valuable at that time - an overseas drink. The mother invited the guests to a delicious meal. She boiled the entire product in a bowl, drained off the brown, bitter water that was unnecessary, in her opinion, divided the grounds into portions and, seasoning them with sour cream, served them to the table.

This drink has been known since ancient times. They first started drinking it in China. Later it became a popular drink in many countries, but at first it could not be grown and prepared everywhere.

What drink? we're talking about? (About tea.)

It is known that stars are different: old and young, large and small, cold and hot. And the color of the stars is also different. It depends on the temperature of the star. If a star is very hot, then its color is white or slightly bluish. If the star is cooler, like our Sun, then its color is yellow or orange. And there are even cold stars. What color are they? (Red)

Nowadays, cars mostly run on gasoline. But the very first car in history was not fueled with gasoline! This car drove slowly and carried only one passenger at a time. The driver was called a “chauffeur,” which translated means “stoker” or “stoker.” What did the first car in history work on? (On wood.)

At all times, children loved to play. For example, our grandmothers played hide and seek just like us, and our grandfathers played “grandmothers” (a game with dice), and also football, but not with a rubber, bouncing ball, but with a heavy rag one. Our ancestors also played with “zhivuli”. What did they not make “zhivulya” from? From clay, from long potatoes, from painted wood chips wrapped in candy paper, from a folded rag. What do they call “zhivulya” nowadays? (Doll)

This animal cannot run like other four-legged animals. It hops in large leaps on two long hind legs, and short front legs are pressed to the chest. A large tail helps him maintain balance while jumping, so that when he lands, he doesn’t fall or bump his nose. When the animal sits down to rest or eat, the tail is at work again - the animal leans on it. What if they attack wild dogs dingo, then he will be able to kick them so that it will be bad for them. He will lean on his tail and kick with his back leg.

Who does this wonderful tail belong to? (Kangaroo)

There is a legend about how a nymph lived in the forest. She was very chatty. The gods did not like this, and as punishment they deprived her of the gift of speech. But not completely, but in such a way that the nymph could only repeat the endings of strangers’ words overheard in the forest.

It so happened that the nymph met a very handsome young man. From her love for him, she began to lose weight and eventually turned invisible. Since then, the invisible nymph, wanting to remind the world of herself, repeats in the forest the words of others she overheard. Name this nymph. (Echo)

Blitz.(You have 20 seconds to think about each question.)

Cruel entertainment for people in which animals die. (Hunting)

Rapid advance of troops. (Attack)

A worker who is always painting something. (Painter)

This Russian folk holiday celebrated on June 24. In the old days, during the holiday they sang, danced, danced in circles, and put flower wreaths on their heads. The main event of the holiday is the night search for fern flowers. It was believed that whoever found it would be rich and happy. This holiday also opened the swimming season.

Remember the name of the holiday. (Ivan Kupala holiday)

Black box. (Guess what is in the black box.)

They hit Yermilka on the back of the head.

He doesn't cry, he just hides his leg. (Nail)

Until this vehicle had an inflated tire, people had to suffer a lot, for which they called it the bone shaker. Another name for this vehicle is a spider, since in front it had a huge metal wheel with many thin shiny spokes, which very much resembled a spider’s web.

What is its name now? (Bike)

Super blitz. (One player remains. He is given 10 seconds to think about each question.)

The country's armed forces. (Army)

A small piece of fire flying into the air. (Spark)

The back of the boat. (Stern)

. “Kaput” is what the ancient Romans called this vegetable. They spoke Latin and lived on the shore Mediterranean Sea, from where it came to us, to Russia. "Kaput" means "head". The vegetable actually resembles a head. He fell in love with the inhabitants of the Russian land. When planting it in their gardens, the peasants said: “Don’t be long-legged, be big-bellied; don't be empty - be thick; don't be old - be young; don’t be small, be big.”

Name this vegetable. (Cabbage)