Due to its proximity to the equator, there will be plenty of time to travel to Indonesia, since it is practically warm here all year round. And yet, in this country there is a certain period when it is better to relax in Indonesia. It starts in April and continues until September.

Indonesian tropical climate with minor variations in some areas. In the central regions, as a rule, it is a little cooler than on the coasts. The high season in Indonesia lasts from April to September. If you want to come to this country not only to relax, but also to get acquainted with the local culture, then the best time to go to Indonesia is May - June.

The low season in Indonesia occurs from November to February, when the rainy season begins in the country. Despite this, the weather conditions do not differ much from dry times. The only thing is that air humidity at this time can reach 90%.

Features of holidays in Indonesia in winter

Not everyone has the opportunity to go on vacation in the summer. If you are planning to go somewhere in winter, then you will definitely enjoy a holiday in Indonesia. This beautiful country with a warm climate will greet you with its hospitality at any time of the year, and the warm sea will give you a good mood.

Every traveler should also know that the weather in Indonesia in winter is quite changeable. At this time there are often short-term and heavy rains. Due to the fact that there is no sweltering heat in Indonesia in winter, tourists from Russia and Ukraine may prefer this state as a place to celebrate the New Year.

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Features of holidays in Indonesia in spring

By choosing to holiday in Indonesia in the spring, travelers can not only enjoy the excellent scenery of this country, but also save a lot of money. This time is perfect for exploring historical sights, as well as for shopping.

From the first spring months, the dry season comes to Indonesia. Despite this, some areas of Indonesia may experience rainy weather in the spring. In general, throughout the country the air temperature warms up to +30°C. This comfortable weather is perfect for a relaxing holiday on the beach, active tourism in the jungle or water adventures.

Read also:

Features of holidays in Indonesia in summer

The weather in Indonesia in summer boasts cloudless skies and high temperatures, which even at night do not fall below +30°C. However, due to the low humidity, such heat is easily tolerated. Holidays in Indonesia in the summer are preferred by those tourists who want to come to this country to get a good tan and also to swim to their heart's content. clear waters local seas.

Peak tourist season In Indonesia it is considered July. With his arrival, the flow of tourists increases several times. Because of this, prices for trips are reaching record levels.

Weather in Indonesia by seasons and months

  • October– the air temperature is +32.5°, at night – about 24, and in the water – 25 degrees;
  • November– it’s not getting any hotter, although tourists note stuffiness and high humidity. During the day – 32°, at night – up to 24, at sea – 26 degrees;
  • December– no different from the last autumn month, although it rains more often and there is more precipitation;
  • January– the thermometer shows 31°, at night it drops to +23, in the water it is still +26. The month attracts exotic New Year lovers to come to Indonesia . A classic holiday in January means mass events and thousands of travelers from all over the world;
  • February– the approach of summer is still difficult to notice, but the amount of precipitation is significantly reduced. During the day +31, at night – up to 23, and in the water a little more than 26 degrees. Compared to the January holidays, February is less popular and will be quiet;
  • March– it rains rarely, the air temperature is +32°, at night it drops to 23, in the water it is still +26;
  • April– the dry season is almost coming into its own, during the day +32, at night +23.5, at sea – about 26 degrees.

In winter, it is better to avoid diving, hiking and plan a trip to the airport in advance, as transport problems are possible. At night, it is better to devote time to sleep than to walk along the beaches.

We'll tell you which season is best for a holiday in Bali. After all, if you get into the rainy season, it won’t seem like much. Read before your trip.

Indonesia is a country filled with untouched nature reserves and architectural landmarks. But one Indonesian destination is especially popular among tourists. This is Bali, where you can join an exotic culture, spend time on sandy beaches, go surfing or explore the jungle.

Although the island can be called the land of eternal summer, there are low and high seasons. Which weather features Islands need to be taken into account and when is the best time to come?

Comfortable season

The hot and dry period in Bali begins at and ends at. During these months the island experiences an influx of tourists. Although you can relax here all year round, it is in May-October that the weather will definitely not present any unpleasant surprises.


It calms down in Bali in May strong winds and dry weather sets in - for the entire month there is precipitation on about 7 days. Rain occurs more often on the northern coast. average temperature is +27 °C during the day and +22 °C at night, the water is heated to +28 °C. The southern part of Bali is noticeably hotter. During the day, the air here warms up to +33 °C.

In May, Bali is good for a beach holiday - it is one of best months for swimming and exploring various types water sports. Comfortable weather allows you to get acquainted with and National parks, as well as attend traditional holidays. Vesak Day falls in May, a sacred day for all followers of Buddha.

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Characterized by a large number sunny days. This is a great time to relax , Flores, Sulawesi, .

There are places in Indonesia where it rains almost all year round, for example, on or Borneo. Only in summer do they reduce their intensity in the areas of Medan and Pontianak. On Sumatra Particularly heavy rain falls on west and south coast. During the rainy season Bali suffers northern territory, and here on the Moluccas Islands the rains, on the contrary, stop in late autumn, and the “dry” time begins.

Average temperature for resorts in Indonesia (air / water) C°

Resort / month
29 / 28 29 / 29 29 / 29 29 / 30 28 / 30 27 / 29 26 / 28 27 / 28 27 / 28 28 / 28 29 / 29 29 / 29
31 / 28 31 / 28 32 / 29 32 / 29 32 / 29 31 / 28 30 / 27 30 / 26 31 / 26 30 / 27 32 / 28 32 / 29
31 / 28 31 / 28 31 / 29 32 / 29 31 / 28 30 / 27 29 / 27 28 / 26 29 / 26 30 / 27 31 / 28 31 / 29
30 / 28 30 / 29 31 / 29 31 / 29 31 / 28 30 / 27 28 / 26 28 / 26 28 / 26 30 / 27 30 / 28 31 / 29
32 / 28 32 / 28 33 / 29 33 / 30 34 / 30 34 / 30 33 / 29 33 / 29 33 / 29 34 / 29 33 / 29 33 / 30
31 / 28 31 / 29 31 / 29 32 / 29 31 / 28 30 / 27 29 / 26 28 / 26 29 / 26 30 / 27 31 / 28 31 / 29
30 / 28 30 / 29 31 / 29 31 / 28 31 / 27 30 / 26 29 / 26 28 / 26 28 / 26 30 / 27 31 / 29 31 / 29

Most rainfall occurs on the islands of Indonesia With when the western monsoon arrives. The east monsoons blow in summer. It is not uncommon for Indonesia weather anomalies when precipitation is on certain territories are zero due to only a small distance from the equator.

Some vacationers are afraid of heavy rains and avoid travel to many islands and . People Travel advises to use similar drop in demand, since at this time operators organize large discounts and profitable The best way To avoid disappointment on your trip, find out in advance what kind of weather is expected in Indonesia. At the same time, you can prepare for downpours with windbreakers and raincoats. By the way, it only rains after noon, and you can enjoy the morning sun rays.

Since Indonesia is located near the equator, its climate equatorial, and in some places - marine subequatorial. Surrounded by ocean waters determines the weather on the islands all year round. Air temperature is usually +23-28 degrees Celsius. The water warms up to +26-29°C, but you need to take into account strengthening of underwater currents V different time years and appearance sharks y . If we consider weather and climate by month, Indonesia is quite stable, except, of course, for the amount of rainfall.

The most unpleasant thing about the Indonesian climate is high humidity. If you are looking for coolness, it is better to choose mountain resorts, for example, Bogor or Bandung. It’s not just fresh, but cold here at night, but Bogor holds the planet’s record for the most rainfall - 322 days a year. Temperatures drop in Indonesia's highest mountains below zero, and the tops of the mountains are covered with snow all year round.

An absolute advantage in Indonesia's weather is almost complete absence storms and strong storms. The maximum that can disturb tourists is sharp winds. But they only meet in the Mollucan Islands, and they can be avoided in winter time of the year.

Thus, regardless of the time of year in which your vacation falls, in Indonesia you can always find islands where there is almost no rainfall and the bright sun shines all day long. Therefore, your holiday will definitely be filled pleasant impressions.

Indonesia is an island state in South-East Asia. A tourist from Russia will have a long and expensive flight, but the inconvenience will quickly be worth the impressions from the country of a thousand islands. The most “touristy” of all is Bali. Paradise landscapes, a warm climate, many options for exciting pastimes, and the ancient traditions of local peoples invariably arouse the admiration of guests of the country. But in order to properly prepare for your long-awaited vacation, you need to find out how the weather changes from month to month in Indonesia.

Climate Features

Indonesia is characterized by an equatorial and subequatorial maritime climate, so it is always humid and hot. On the islands of the southern and eastern parts of the country, 2 seasons are clearly visible:

  • dry, caused by the east monsoon and lasting from March to October;
  • rainy, which begins in November and ends in February. At this time, under the influence of the western monsoon, thunderstorms lasting about 1 hour hit the earth every day.

The manifestation of seasons is clearly expressed on the islands of Sulawesi, Flores, Bali, Java and in the capital Jakarta. But on the northern islands there is an almost uniform amount of precipitation throughout the year - 200–300 mm.

The heterogeneity and unpredictability of Indonesia's climate frightens some, alarms others, and surprises others and hurries them to pack their bags for a trip to these exotic islands.

Indonesia is a country with high relative humidity. 80% is normal even for the dry season, and it reaches 90-95% during the rainy season.

The water temperature in all coastal zones does not fall below +26 degrees Celsius and remains in the region of + 26–30 °C throughout the year, delighting vacationers with its consistency. However, the pleasure of swimming can be overshadowed by strong currents and the presence of sharks.

About 50% of the country's territory is occupied by mountains, and the second half is lowlands and plains. Depending on the position on the map of the islands, each of the Indonesian resorts may have its own weather nuances, which should be taken into account when planning your travel route.

Let's consider what temperature values ​​determine the weather in Indonesia according to data meteorological observations. Let us summarize the extreme temperature indicators in the main cities of the country: Jakarta, Pasuruan, Medan, Pontianak and Cirebon.

Due to the peculiarities geographical location and the prevailing climate in the country, the weather in Indonesia varies insignificantly from month to month, but there are clear differences weather conditions throughout the day based on the current season.

Average rainfall in Indonesia by month (mm)

Average number of rainy days by month in Indonesia: Table

Month of the yearNumber of rainy days in a month

When is the rainy season in Indonesia?

The rainy season begins its march across the islands in November. The temperature reaches +28–32 °C during the day, and +23–27 °C at night. Despite the rains, the heat is felt quite strongly due to the high humidity.

December will greet you with daytime air temperatures of + 28–32 °C and nighttime temperatures of +26–28 °C. During this time, animal lovers will enjoy the elephant safari park and rides on these large animals, as well as a visit to the rehabilitation center for orangutans, who are being prepared to return to the wild.

Hotel prices are rising as many Europeans prefer to meet new year holidays, enjoying the exoticism of the tropics, and not the snow drifts at home.

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In January, on the islands the temperature during the day ranges from +28–30 °C, and at night +25–28 °C.

The “Beautiful Indonesia in Miniature” park will captivate you for more than one day. In addition to small copies of the country’s attractions, there are beautiful gardens, exhibitions, and museums. You can see all this from the height of the funicular if you decide to take a ride on it.

February in Indonesia sees stable temperatures in daytime+28–31 °C, and at night +25–27 °C. Indian Ocean caresses the bodies of bathers invariably warm waters even in the middle of winter, and they already calmly accept the inevitable downpours during this period.

Dry season in Indonesia

The dry season begins in April. The weather is constant: the sky over the islands is almost always clear and cloudless. April air temperatures remain at +28–32 °C during the day and +26–27 °C at night.

In March-April, you can enjoy the Hindu New Year celebrations.

In May, the cost of tours and the number of vacationers begin to grow rapidly, because the rains have finally subsided, but there is still no intense heat. Comfortable degrees during the day +29–32 °С and at night +26–29 °С.

On May days, an international cultural performance will dilute beach holiday. May Day in Indonesia is unforgettable! May is also ideal for water sports enthusiasts.

June gives tourists an air temperature of + 28–33 °C during the day and +26–28 °C at night.

Holiday full moon and the Jakarta Fair will certainly bring new impressions and joy from purchasing souvenirs. Another traditional event, the Arts Festival, begins in mid-June and throughout the month gives tourists a unique opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere of national creativity.

July heats the Indonesian air to +29–32 °C during daytime measurements, and at night it stays at the usual +24–28 °C. July and August are considered the “high” holiday season, especially for family vacation. Traveling on a yacht, jet skiing and water skiing, sea fishing, walks in the mountains will not leave you indifferent.

In August the air temperature is daytime hours rises to +30–33 °C, and at night reaches +26–29 °C.

Independence Day, which is celebrated in Indonesia on August 17, fills the country with colorful carnivals, colorful local festivals and national cultural events.

Visit local markets and have fun at noisy parties on the evening and night coast!

September envelops travelers with the usual early autumn in Indonesia +31–33 °C during the day and +26–29 °C at night. Hospitable Indonesia continues to delight tourists with all types of passive and active rest.

October ends the dry season with daytime temperatures of +31–33 °C and nighttime temperatures of +26–30 °C.

The island of Bali is rightfully considered one of the world's surfing centers. Its beaches await extreme sports enthusiasts throughout the year. Enjoy the feeling of endless freedom and freshness that comes from gliding through the waves!

The beginning and end of the dry season are optimal for travel, which is why they attract vacationers the most.

It is worth considering that the amount of precipitation in different regions Indonesia can vary significantly.

Important: the level of solar radiation in Indonesia is several times higher than in our latitudes, so headwear sunscreen and glasses - required attributes Have a safe holiday.

Whatever time of year you choose to travel to Indonesia, you will be delighted by its unique nature reserves, equipped and wild beaches of incredible cleanliness and beauty, the grandeur of mountain peaks and about 400 volcanoes, of which almost 100 are active. A wide selection of luxury spa hotels, a variety of outdoor activities, prehistoric customs and European level of service will make you come back here again.

Air and water temperatures in Indonesia: Table

Time of year, monthTemperature maximum, °CMinimum temperature, °CWater temperature, °C
December+33.1 +24 +29
January+32.3 +22.1 +28
February+32.2 +21.8 +28
March+31.6 +22.9 +29
April+31.5 +22.8 +30
May+30.2 +22.8 +30
June+29.4 +22.2 +28
July+28.5 +22.3 +27
August+28.9 +22.4 +26
September+29.9 +21.9 +27
October+31.4 +22.3 +27
November+32.5 +22.6 +28
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