Full name:

Similar names: Alvina, Albine, Albin, Albinnen, Albella

Church name: -

Meaning: white

Meaning of the name Albina - interpretation

Original and beautiful name Albina is of Latin origin, it is translated as “white”, “blond”, “light”, “pure”. This name is not on the list Orthodox calendar, therefore does not have a certain day name day Albina's patron is the stork bird, and her talisman stone is white agate.

Name Albina in other languages

Astrology named after Albina

Favorable day: Wednesday

Years later

Little Alya is very similar to her father both in appearance and in character, so many personal qualities girls are able to tell their middle names. This child demonstrates insurmountable stubbornness and often behaves arrogantly.

Her dad may not have such character traits, but the baby will definitely be principled and obstinate. It is with her father that she can always find a common language, but with her mother there are often conflicts.

Alya likes her unusual name, so she feels superior and tries to stand out among her peers. If she is not noticed, she withdraws from the company and withdraws into herself. The ardor of the girl’s nature easily coexists with practicality.

The wayward girl knows her worth from a young age. IN adolescence She often has conflicts with school teachers and family quarrels. If Alya turns out to be wrong, she will not make concessions out of principle.

Over a trifle he can become very offended by his mother or friend. There are few girls among her friends, since Albina prefers male company. She likes their hobbies, while she is of little interest in girls’ problems and joys.

A young lady with this name does not like to be a participant in conflicts, although it is she who often becomes their provocateur. The girl has a strong, strong-willed character, expresses joyful emotions violently, is prone to depression, and prefers to analyze her actions alone.

In adult life Increased emotionality and hot temper remain a woman’s faithful companions. In anger, Alya feels more confident and tries to protect herself from others in this way.

Albina is overly self-confident and extremely active, often immersed deeply in her inner world, forgetting about work. The intuition of this wonderful woman is directly related to her great impressionability.

Almost always, the owner of the name has a pleasant, charming appearance and has a synthetic mindset. A lively, developed imagination and good visual memory allow one to achieve success in certain types of activities where these qualities are especially valued.

Albina's character

Alya is an energetic woman who is able to show strength of character in situations where it is necessary. If you don’t make her angry, you can count on displays of tenderness and affection. In those moments when Albina’s obstinate disposition does not make itself felt, she is a soft and charming lady.

This woman remains calm and sweet until her pride is hurt. Albina is characterized by such positive characteristics as sociability, hospitality and generosity.

Pride is one of the negative characteristics of Albina’s character, which is strengthened several times by excessive pride. She will not waste energy or time on shouting and showdowns - she will simply begin to despise, which will greatly injure her enemy.

From a kind, pleasant woman, if events do not go according to her plan, the owner of this name can easily turn into an extremely arrogant person who does not take into account the feelings of other people.

Albina's fate

Albina is distinguished by a rich spiritual world and is a subtle, sensitive nature. The presence of this woman adorns any society. Despite her temper, on occasion Alya is capable of showing unprecedented tenderness towards someone dear to her. Given the tendency of the owner of the name to show emotions violently, it is difficult for her to control herself and control bouts of joy or anger.

Albina’s fate can confidently be called happy. But she is capable of ruining her own life. Pride often prevents you from getting along with the right people, and hot temper is an insurmountable obstacle to forgiving loved ones. Due to regular quarrels with their husbands, these women's marriages are often short-lived. But despite the problems and troubles that arise in her life, Alya does not lose heart and tries to adapt to existing circumstances.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Albina manages to achieve a high position in society thanks to connections with influential people with whom she easily finds a common language. Among the women named by this name there are people who are passionate about art.

Albina will be successful in many financial endeavors and in professions that involve communicating with people. Working as a doctor, teacher, and sales representative enable this lady to fully realize her potential.

Marriage and family

Despite her stubborn disposition, Albina is often happy in her marriage. This is the merit of her husband, who knows how to adapt to her character and is able to give in when the situation demands it.

The owner of this name is an excellent housewife, a caring mother, faithful wife. She loves it when all the things in the house are put in their places, so putting things in order does not give Ale much trouble. This woman has no equal in cooking; guests always praise the dishes she prepares.

Sex and love

The sexuality of the owner of the name manifests itself in her youth. But under the influence of public morality, she may develop sexual complexes.

Alya takes a long time to choose a worthy man and always remains faithful to him. If this woman’s lover cheats on her, she is able to close her eyes to the betrayal, but she will not forgive repeated adultery.


As a child, Albina is susceptible to respiratory diseases and sore throats. In her youth, the girl often suffers from bronchitis. As an adult, her immunity becomes stronger, but mild colds sometimes occur.

The owner of such a cute name is prone to kidney diseases, so she periodically needs to visit a urologist. Albina's poor diet can cause her to become overweight.

Interests and hobbies

Ali's favorite hobby is landscaping hearth and home. She also loves to experiment and spoil her family with unusual dishes. Cooking is one of the hobbies that she remains faithful to throughout her life.

A woman with this name follows fashion. Shopping trips in search of suitable clothes and the subsequent combination of wardrobe elements in original images- another favorite activity of hers.

Origin and meaning: the name Albina has Latin roots and means “light”, “white”, “blond”, “pure”
Church uniform: The name Albina does not have a church form
Diminutive forms of the name: Albinochka, Bina, Alya, Alechka, Binochka, Lyalya, Alvinka, Alba, Albushka, Albishka
Name synonyms: Alvina, Albella, Albine
Albina in English: Albina

How the name Albina influences fate and character

Meaning of the name Albina

A girl named Albina is a very subtle and sensual person. She has strong will, gentle, sociable and hospitable, can decorate any company with her presence. Albina easily gets along with people, but also easily stops communicating with them. The owner of this name is an emotional and hot-tempered person who lacks balance. The character of a lady directly depends on the time of year in which she was born.

  • Winter Albina is very hot-tempered and aggressive, she often has causeless mood swings. She can be cheerful and sociable, but after a few hours she withdraws into herself and goes into long-term depression. Men in Albina are attracted to passion and determination. A caring and attentive partner will help a girl with this name gain a more balanced character.
  • Albina, born in autumn, has a more restrained character. She devotes a lot of time to her career, but never forgets about her family; she often spends her free time with her parents. Autumn Albina is demanding of members of the opposite sex and is very scrupulous in choosing a partner.
  • Summer Albina is an active, cheerful, moderately capricious and emotional person. The girl easily trusts people, has a hard time with betrayal, and is very susceptible to criticism from others. Albina attracts those around her with her irrepressible optimism and positive outlook on life. A romantic, reliable and attentive guy will give her confidence and help her achieve her goals.
  • Born in spring Albina behaves arrogantly with unfamiliar people. Thus, she hides her own vulnerability. Albina is kind, affectionate and gentle with her relatives, and at work she achieves heights thanks to her intelligence. Indecision, laziness and reluctance to take responsibility for making decisions can hinder the career of a girl with this name, so she needs a reliable and successful young man.

Positive aspects of character

Albina's character strengths are gentleness, calm disposition, natural charm, versatility, determination and the ability to show composure in time. If you do not hurt the pride of a person with this name, she shows calmness, good nature and balance.

Negative aspects of character

The main flaws in Albina’s character are pride, sarcasticity, arrogance and excessive pride. If what is planned does not go according to her plan, she ceases to be kind and shows contempt for people, and ceases to take into account their opinions. Albina remembers offenders forever - such vindictiveness sometimes becomes the reason for the deterioration of relations with her lover.

Characteristics of the name Albina

For a child

From an early age, Albina enjoys helping her mother and grandmother with household chores and quickly learns to cook. In character, she is more like her father, often demonstrating stubbornness, adherence to principles and obstinacy.
In company, Albina tries to attract the attention of her peers, otherwise she withdraws from her surroundings and spends time alone.

For a girl

As a teenager, Albina often conflicts with her parents and teachers, and can harbor a grudge over a trifle. The girl does not make concessions, even if she knows that she is wrong. Albina chooses representatives of the opposite sex as friends; it is harder for her to find a common language with girls.
A young lady with that name is overly emotional, has a strong and strong-willed character, and can become depressed over little things.

Character of an adult woman

IN mature age Albina is characterized by quick temper and emotionality; she uses outbursts of anger as protection from others. A woman is often immersed in her inner world, which can negatively affect her work.

Albina has an extraordinary intelligence and pleasant appearance, which easily charms the stronger sex.

The influence of the name Albina on future fate


Since childhood, Albina has good health, there is a tendency to be overweight and a risk of developing respiratory diseases. In adulthood, a woman may experience problems with the genitourinary system and kidneys. To reduce the risk of deterioration in health, Albina should balance her diet and exercise regularly, giving preference to visits to the pool. It is possible that diseases can be inherited from parents.

Family relationships

Young men pay attention to Albina, despite her stubborn and hot-tempered character. It takes a long time for a girl to choose a person to start a family with. Most often, she is happy in marriage, but only with a man who is ready to give in to her and does not try to change the character of his wife.

In everyday life, Albina proves herself to be a wonderful housewife, a faithful wife and loving mother. A lady with this name cooks well and keeps her home clean and comfortable.

Career growth and business

Albina’s ability to remain calm in conflict situations helps her in building her career. A lady can get a leadership position thanks to the support of influential people with whom she easily finds a common language.

Albina is often interested in art and achieves success in this field and in work based on communicating with people. She can reveal her potential as a doctor or teacher.

Hobbies and interests

Albina devotes most of her free time to home improvement; she loves to pamper her family with new, original dishes. A girl with this name has been following fashion trends since her teenage years and loves to visit clothing stores to update her wardrobe and create unique looks.

Horoscope named after Albin


Albina-Aries is an ambitious and purposeful person who does not back down from difficulties and always sees things through to the end. Knows how to stand up for himself and avoids negative emotions. A girl with this name rarely asks friends or relatives for help; she always relies on own strength. A caring and attentive man will help a lady with this name find complete harmony in life.


Albina, born under the constellation Taurus, is a very active person who cannot for a long time to be idle. Achieves success in the business that truly interests her. He often shows himself to be a leader, which causes dissatisfaction with some people around him. Albina-Taurus will be happy with a reliable and faithful partner, capable of making concessions for the sake of her beloved.


Albina, born under the sign of Gemini, is a cheerful and cheerful person who avoids boredom and monotony in life. Free time spends time with friends, in company admires everyone with his charm and sense of humor. For a happy relationship, Albina needs a confident, cheerful and romantic guy.


Albina-Cancer is an emotional and vulnerable person who tries to hide her true feelings from those around her. In order to increase self-confidence, a girl needs to choose an attentive, romantic and caring person for a relationship. A person with this name dreams of universal recognition and glory, but due to indecision, she may deviate from her goals.

a lion

Albina-Leo - has an innate talent in building a business, she tries to cope with affairs without outside help. A woman rarely listens to other people’s advice and does not allow herself to be manipulated. For a relationship, she needs a person who can recognize her leadership skills and love of freedom.


Albina, born under the zodiac sign of Virgo, is distinguished by her sharp mind, erudition and broad horizons. He tries to spend his free time alone, reading a book or watching an interesting film, and avoids noisy companies. For marriage he chooses a reliable, attentive and faithful partner.


Balance and innate charm are character traits inherent in Albina, born under the constellation Libra. In life, a lady with that name avoids conflict situations, but if they do happen in her life, she confidently takes on their solution. She devotes a lot of time to her beloved husband and children, demanding the same attitude in return.


The complex nature of Albina-Scorpio prevents her from treating people with trust. A girl with this name has high demands not only on herself, but also on those around her, which leads to excessive harshness and straightforwardness. A loved one can forgive almost everything except betrayal.


Albina-Sagittarius is a cheerful and sociable person who loves noisy parties. She easily makes new acquaintances, but often behaves naively with unfamiliar people. Due to regular fun, Albina may have problems at work and with her lover. To avoid this, a girl should learn to set life priorities.


Hard work, responsibility and determination are the main character traits of Albina-Capricorn. She loves her work and devotes herself to it without reserve, forgetting about her personal life, which can lead to her being left alone. In addition, the girl does not know how to rest, which often leads to deterioration of her health. Albina-Capricorn needs a cheerful, romantic and unpredictable guy who will help her escape from routine everyday life and teach her to enjoy life.


Albina-Aquarius can find an approach to almost any person, which helps her advance her career and achieve positive results for her personal goals. She values ​​individuality, independence and intelligence in men. He prefers to relax alone or with family.


Albina, born under the zodiac sign of Pisces, has a calm and balanced character. A woman tries to be independent, but in many working and life issues relies on other people's opinions. Albina trusts men, which often leads to an unsuccessful marriage.

Compatibility of the name Albina with male names

Albina's birthday

Girls with this name do not celebrate name days, since it is not included in the Catholic and Orthodox calendar.

Astrology named after Albina

Season Spring
Metal Iron
Favorable day of the week Wednesday
Totem animal Stork
Tree Silver willow, walnut
Plant White aster, basil
Stone White agate
Planet Proserpine, Mars, Jupiter
Astrological sign Virgo, Gemini
Element Air
Color White

Numerology of the name

Albina's lucky number is 7.

Albina- “white” (lat.)

She is quick-tempered and emotional by nature. It needs to be held in your hands from childhood. She cannot sit still, she constantly moves, dances and sings. She lacks balance and stability. She often incites anger herself in order to give herself courage and impress others.

Seeks intense participation in public life. Overly self-confident. Has strong intuition. Her excitability is increased, and this leads to irritability. Hence the violent manifestation of joy, most often unfounded, after which long-term depression sets in.

Albina extremely active, especially when we're talking about about the family that she is ready to protect by any means. However, he also participates in public life not without pleasure. However, she is more passionate about her inner world than work. A pleasant activity for her is improving her home. WITH early childhood she loves to help her mother or grandmother, she learns to cook and perform early homework. Labor activity Albina requires wide contact with people: in the service sector, catering, trade, educational institutions.

Her intuition is associated with impressionability. The woman is charming and charming, she perfectly uses these qualities to her advantage. She has a synthetic mind. Possesses alive, good developed imagination, excellent visual memory, remembers for a long time what amazed or alarmed her. Too sensitive and susceptible to failures and troubles of various kinds. Albina tries to hide her feelings, which is extremely harmful for her to do, as it can lead to frustration nervous system. She is equally pleased with her own and other people's successes. The fall of others hurts and irritates her.

Her health is initially good, but she is prone to obesity. In adulthood, problems with the genitourinary system may arise. She should lead healthy image life, play sports, especially water sports. You should not abuse medications, especially tranquilizers, which she is prone to.

Albina's sexuality is great and manifests itself early. But she is more faithful and sentimental than she lets on.

Seminal and social taboos can lead to a sexual complex. Loves noisy companies, gladly receives guests. She is the perfect housewife. He adapts well in life, feels great everywhere, and sparkles with the joy of being. Albina a very interesting woman, the core of the family, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

“Winter” is quick-tempered, a hurricane if she gets angry.

“Autumn” is more restrained. Can work as a chief accountant or economist. The name matches patronymics: Nikitichna, Gordeevna, Lyubomirovna, Mikhailovna, Isaevna, Grigorievna.

“Summer” - active, emotional, receptive.

“Spring” is sensitive, vulnerable, arrogant.

Albina can work as a teacher, sales worker. The name matches patronymics: Ruslanovna, Kazimirovna, Voldemarovna, Igorevna, Innokentyevna, Arkadyevna, Afanasyevna.

Meaning of the name Albina option 2

1. Personality. Singing women.

2. Character. 83%.

3. Radiation.88%.

4. Vibration. 94,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Blue.

6. Main features. Will - receptivity - excitability - intuition.

7. Totem plant. Cherries.

8. Totem animal. Cicada.

9. Sign. A lion.

10. Type. They often intrigue: you never know whether they will explode or start singing. From childhood you need to hold them in your hands.

11. Psyche. They can never sit still, they need to move, dance and sing all the time. Such women lack balance and stability. Often, for greater courage, they demonstrate their anger in order to impress others. They strive for an active social life. Overly self-confident.

12. Will. Strong, sometimes simply despotic.

13. Excitability. Albina so strong that it makes them irritable and nervous. They express their feelings extremely violently, after which long-term depression sets in.

14. Reaction speed. Very fast, especially when it comes to loved ones. They are ready to defend them with tooth and claws. However, they are also active in public life.

15. Field of activity. They are more interested in their inner world than in their work. The best thing for them is to improve their own hearth. These girls love to help, they can be allowed to cook and do other housework early... Most of all, they are suitable for professions that require communication with people - in the field of catering, trade, education.

16. Intuition. Associated with their impressionability. They are charming and charming and are excellent at using these qualities to their advantage.

17. Intelligence. They have a synthetic mentality, they have a lively, well-developed imagination and excellent figurative memory, they remember for a long time what amazed or alarmed them.

18. Receptivity. Although they try to keep their distance, this hides their highly developed sensitivity and receptivity. Overly restless.

19. Morality. They are equally pleased with their own and others’ successes.

20. Health. Good, but they tend to be overweight. Disorders of the genitourinary system are possible. You should lead a healthy and active lifestyle, play sports, especially water sports. Tend to abuse medications, especially tranquilizers.

21. Sexuality. Strong and manifests itself early. However, they are sentimental and more loyal friends than they might seem. Family and social taboos can contribute to the emergence of sexual complexes in them.

22. Activity. Depends on the circumstances. They expect sincerity from their friends, and if one of them deceives, they are capable of taking revenge.

23. Sociability. They love to receive guests; they are ideal hostesses. They adapt well and feel light and free everywhere. They sparkle with the joy of life. Albina achieves some success not so much in professional field, how much in the realization of one’s own personality.

Conclusion. These interesting women as charming as their totem - the blossoming cherry tree, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

Meaning of the name Albina option 3

Female form of the name Albin. Comes from the Latin word “alba” - white.

Albina She is very similar to her father; therefore, it is better to judge her character by her patronymic. True, Albina almost always has such traits as integrity, stubbornness and arrogance, which her father may not have. Nevertheless, Albins are daddy's daughters, and they have been perceived as such since childhood.

Albina's integrity as a teenager can cause a school conflict or family quarrel when Albina“out of principle” he will not yield to his class or decides to pout on his mother. At school Albina strives to stick to boys, she likes their interests more than purely girlish joys and problems. With age, this trait will remain, and an atmosphere of mutual understanding will always reign in Albina’s family: for the sake of football, which her husband adores, she may well neglect her favorite program.

In choosing a specialty Albina proceeds from what she likes; considerations of the prestige and profitability of the profession are usually in the background. Albina’s inherent stubbornness and arrogance will not please her mother-in-law, and if Albina If he doesn’t try to change at least a little after marriage, conflicts are inevitable in the family. But you need to try, because Albins, as a rule, find a common language with their husbands. They live by their interests, adopt their habits and tastes, demanding one thing in return - worship. At worst, it may just be ordinary attention, but it should be a lot and it should be constant. Albins are careful in their behavior household, deliciously cooked. They love to tidy up their rooms and closets. Capable of easily forgetting a recent insult. They are jealous of their husband's female entourage. Children at

Albin is usually visited by all the prestigious ones; sections, schools and clubs. Albins can’t stand their husbands’ drunkenness, they themselves alcoholic drinks Practically, they don’t use it.

Meaning of the name Albina option 4

Albina- from lat. white. Derivatives: Albinka, Vina, Alina, Alya, Lyalya.


This woman is noticeable in any society; she attracts the most discerning connoisseurs of female beauty and strong intellect. Her rich spiritual world, ardor, sensitivity are perfectly combined with common sense and practicality. Albina skillful housewife and loving wife. But her interests are not limited to the home; She easily gets along with people, though she also breaks up with them without any special regrets.

Meaning of the name Albina option 5

ALBINA - white (lat.).

  • Zodiac sign - Virgo.
  • Planet - Proserpina.
  • White color.
  • The auspicious tree is silver willow.
  • The treasured plant is the white aster.
  • The patron of the name is the stork.
  • The talisman stone is white agate.


Albina has a rich spiritual world, a subtle, sensitive nature. With just her presence, this woman can decorate any society. She is hospitable, sociable, gentle. He quickly gets along with people, but also easily breaks up with them. The ardor of her nature is perfectly combined with practicality: Albina a wonderful housewife and loving wife.

Meaning of the name Albina option 6

Albina She looks like her father in everything, and her character should be judged by her patronymic, but at the same time we should not forget about the traits that are inherent in Albina herself. She is stubborn and principled. She is extraordinarily devoted to her children. She is most often happy with her marriage. Despite the fact that her husband often turns out to be a cunning man, Albina, as they say, on your own mind. But for her, children decide everything in the family. She is ready to do anything for them.

Choose your specialty according to your liking. Do something you don't like Albina can not. Its performance depends on mood and on peace of mind, stability in family relationships. She prefers to see men among her friends. Their hobbies and interests are close to her. Albina loves hockey, enjoys visiting the stadium, watching football matches. She also likes running.

Albina is not a name for an ordinary girl. In the very combination one hears grandeur and some coldness. However, the bearers of the name are temperamental and confident in their abilities. What nationality is the name Albina? In Orthodoxy, girls are not often called this way. The name enjoys relative success among residents of Catholic states, as well as Tatars and Turkic peoples.

History of the name Albina

Initially, the name was borne by representatives of the strong half of humanity. Courageous Albins have been known since the times ancient history. For example, a student of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato is famous for expounding the scientific views of his teacher to Galen himself, the legendary healer. His namesake head of the Transalpine Guild became famous for his military and political affairs in Rome. The first mention of a woman's name was in the novel by Alexandre Dumas. Its bearer Albina von Schwalbach became an example of maternal sacrificial love.

Consonant names: Irina, Marina, Galina.

The name form Albina was most widespread in the 20th century. And even today it has not sunk into oblivion. They still call little princesses, wanting to emphasize their dignity and greatness.

Day Angel

Since the name is considered Catholic, you will not find a name day in every Orthodox calendar. However, in some calendars there are dates: September 15, December 2 and 16.

The Catholic calendar not only gives the exact dates of name days, but also explains their occurrence. For example, it is on December 16 that the martyr Albina of Caesarea is remembered, who was exterminated by the Roman emperor Decius. The woman, like the rest of her 48 comrades, died defending her faith in the arena of the Lyon amphitheater in 177.

Meaning of the name Albina

The character of a woman endowed with this name is quite complex. It’s no wonder: after all, the very meaning of the name form is quite contradictory.

There are several versions of the explanation of the meaning of the name Albina. According to the first, it comes from the Latin generic nickname Albinus, which is translated from Latin as “white.”

The origin and meaning of the name Albina is also explained by Arabic theory. According to the version, the name is formed from the combination of Al and Bina, that is, “clairvoyant of Allah.”

Another Latin decoding means “dawn” or “bright.” And in Romanian the name means “bee”. And indeed, all Albins are very hardworking and purposeful.

Diminutive forms of names

All name forms, as a rule, have affectionate variants. The name Albina is not deprived of gentle abbreviations. Alya, Albinka, Bina, Alina and even Lyalya are all versions of the same name. Sweet words with diminutive forms can melt the heart of even the most unapproachable lady.

Talismans for Albina

Alechkas are patronized by many animals and plants. They also have their own totems. Albina's animal amulet is the fox and the stork. Amulet plant - willow, white aster, walnut and basil. Talisman stones: white agate and emerald. It is immediately clear that Albina is not a simple girl and is very original. A bright name gives rise to a bright, extraordinary personality. And if Alya thinks of something important and fateful, then it’s best for her to start acting on Wednesday. This day is considered lucky for a girl. And if the middle of the week coincides with the seventh day of the month, Alya will experience inevitable success.

Zodiac signs and name

Airy and weightless Albina is best born in February or October. Aquarius and Libra are the lucky zodiac signs of the name. Contrary to the fact that Albina celebrates her name day on December 16, Sagittarius is not entirely in harmony with the girl’s character.

It is noteworthy that all fire signs of the zodiac burn the girl’s energy, just as earth signs are able to drown it out. Air and water are the elements in which Albina feels comfortable. Maybe that's why the most happy color Ali is blue and emerald?

Albina and the seasons

And yet, there are cases when the name is given to girls born in different seasons. What are the main features of spring and winter girls?

The character of the name Albina, born in winter, is quite aggressive and hot-tempered. Responsible, but extremely harsh, the winter girl is at the same time passionate and determined. Such Albina often has mood swings. This is why she attracts the stronger sex.

Spring Albina is mysterious and strange to those around her. She loves to make a secret out of the simplest thing. Extremely secretive, thoughtful, she, at the same time, is easily vulnerable and sensitive. Perhaps this Albina is in most need of protection.

Summer is a time of sun and heat. Cheerful summer Albina is a very determined girl. At the same time, she is very capricious and emotional. Independent, positive and optimistic, summer Albina values ​​her own freedom very much.

Autumn is the time to reassess the results of the entire past year. Thoughtfulness and prudence are characteristic of autumn Albina. Such a lady is most inclined to calmness and prudence. She is very focused on achieving her own goals. Maybe her interests are a little selfish. But the result achieved is worth any sacrifice.

Positive character traits

The bearer of the royal name is gentle and decisive. Women are capable of showing coldness for educational purposes. Also, inaccessibility helps Albina isolate herself from unwanted contacts.

Little Alis are their fathers' favorites. And it is not surprising, because the main character traits of a girl are passed on from the head of the family. Since childhood, Alechka prefers to communicate with boys. They may even kick a ball or become interested in cars or guns. The problems of girls from the yard are simply not interesting to teenager Albina.

As an adult, Alya becomes sweeter and calmer. But for the sake of her family, she is capable of self-sacrifice. As good and hospitable hostesses, the Albins are always happy to have guests. And for the sake of their beloved husband, ladies are ready to neglect their favorite TV series.

A girl's weaknesses

The owner of the name often sins with arrogance and pride. She is capable of hitting a person where it hurts with cold-blooded contempt. Albina does not waste her emotions. Rather, like a hidden snake, the lady is able to wait for the right moment and deliver the decisive blow. On the other hand, if her personal interests are affected, Albina can turn into an angry fury. And then, to pacify emotions, you will need strong hands. In anger, Albina is capable of sweeping away everything in her path. Alya remains just as uncontrollable in a state of wild joy. In a word, the mood of the owner of the name fluctuates like a swing. This, perhaps, is Albina’s main disadvantage. However, these are not her problems, but those of those around her, who are forced to adapt to the queen. And no matter what nationality the name Albina is, its bearers are similar in their thoughts and actions.

Name and destiny

The name Albina is very popular in any group. We can say that Alya, a great entertainer and dreamer, is the soul of the company. The lady's high intelligence and extraordinary appearance attracts many fans to the bearer of the name. But Albina is in no hurry to start her own family. She values ​​personal freedom very much. However, having decided on an alliance, Albina will become an excellent keeper of the family hearth.

Common sense and practicality accompany Alya everywhere. She also has a wide range of interests. She is not focused only on her family. Albina has enough energy for numerous friends and hobbies. And the owner of a proud name devotes herself fully to her favorite business, just like her beloved family.

Albina also gets along with people easily. But she also easily breaks up with people who somehow did not please her. Often in marriage conflicts arise with mother-in-law. Stubbornness and innate restlessness do not allow Albina to sacrifice her interests. However, despite the misunderstanding between her husband's mother and daughter-in-law, Ali almost ideal relationship with my spouse.

The majestic Albina always reaches out to everything sophisticated and prestigious. She and her husband will always be dressed to the nines, and the children will attend all kinds of status sections and private schools.

Albina is an ardent opponent of alcoholic beverages. Alya herself drinks extremely rarely, and is capable of breaking up with her drinking husband, even if they are connected by a great and bright feeling.

Health status

Initially, Alya feels excellent. The girl's only problem can be excess weight. Therefore, Albina must adhere to a strict diet throughout her life.

The bearer of the name Albina, no matter what her nationality, is quite rigid in character. In other words, it takes her quite a long time to get used to a new situation or environment. This shows the girl’s inconsistency. Outwardly, she seems to get along with people easily. But these impressions are superficial. Inside, Albina may experience discomfort at first. However, her strong nature helps her cope with the circumstances.

A healthy lifestyle requires active Albina to engage in active sports.

In adulthood, a woman may suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system.

Independent in life, Albina can easily become dependent on medicines. Prone to frequent mood swings, and therefore to depression, the girl can abuse tranquilizers. It is categorically not recommended for her to do this! Albina needs to learn to cope with personal problems herself. A strong character will help her with this.

Also, a girl should be careful in the midst of epidemics. She is extremely prone to infectious diseases. Heat For her, sometimes it’s like death. As a result of this, Alya must be tempered from early childhood.

Albina's professions

Ambitious and sensible, Alya tries to maintain balance in everything. Especially when it comes to career and business issues. The girl’s imagination will help her create a new direction in music, literature, fine arts. Albina has extraordinary artistic abilities. As a result, girls often choose creative professions, where they are very successful.

Also, Albina’s strong character allows her to become a successful leader of a private business. She will not only skillfully select a team, but will also become a model of hard work for her employees. It is impossible not to follow such a leader. Albina's talent for persuasion helps her negotiate with almost everyone. Persistence and extraordinary ideas allow a girl to achieve a high position in society and career.

However, when choosing a profession, Albina is guided by her own hobbies and interests. In rare cases, bare calculation is decisive in choosing a specialty. Everything Albina does must be something she likes.

Since childhood, the girl has been very active. She easily picks up any rhythm and loves to dance. However, often the bearer of the name has perfect pitch and a strong voice.

The owner of the name Albina, what nationality belongs to southern peoples, is famous for his domineering and strong character. In addition, she has subtle intuition. And the girl chooses her hobby on a whim. Albina's impressionable nature draws her to art. Fortunately, Ali’s imagination is fine. An insatiable thirst for creativity encourages her to create real masterpieces. So she can get rid of the accumulated negative energy, which sometimes torments her impressionable nature. Everything Albina undertakes turns out perfectly. Even her dishes turn into culinary masterpieces.

Compatibility of the name Albina with male names

Like all women, Alya secretly dreams of a strong and long union. A good relationship The girl stacks up against Akim, Gordey, Nikolai, Ostap, Pankrat and Spartak. A lasting marriage can be concluded with Dmitry, Ruslan, Nathan, Mark, Semyon, Ernest and Miron. But Albina should be wary of Albert, Yaroslav, Oleg, Platon, Vilen and Georgy.

Famous Albins

Ali is a purposeful and hardworking person. History knows many celebrities who bear a proud name. What Albins are like and what they do can be found out by studying the biographies of some famous girls.

For example, Albina Jono Makunaite is a Lithuanian graphic artist who creates original paintings.

Albina Ivanovna Krasnokutskaya, a lawyer and member of the Moscow Regional Bar Association, also has a proud name. She has been involved in many high-profile civil and criminal cases.

Among the famous bearers of the name Albina, whose nationality is not Russian, Albina Dzhanabaeva is a famous modern singer, originally from Kazakhstan. And also the opera diva Albina Borisova, who is a representative of Yakutia.

This is the fate and meaning of the name Albina.

Albina – female name, which is of Latin origin. Translated from Latin it means “light”, “white”. In Romanian, the name Albina is consonant with the word bee.

Stone: agate.

Element: fire.

Planet: Jupiter.


When determining the meaning of the name Albina, much depends on the patronymic. As a rule, Albina is daddy's daughter, and will inherit many of his character traits from his father. At the same time, she is always characterized by stubbornness, integrity and even arrogance. She is quite quick-tempered, which often leads to conflicts with peers, and is energetic and ready for social activities. At school, Albina prefers the company of boys. With age, this trend continues.

Albina, born in summer, usually very sensitive, emotional and active. When answering the question of what the name Albina means for girls born in the fall, their characteristic restraint and prudence immediately come to mind. “Winter” Albins are distinguished by their temper, the outbursts of which can be very impressive. Born in spring, Albina is sensitive and vulnerable, but at the same time she can be arrogant.

In the event of a conflict, Albina usually tries with all her appearance to show contempt for the enemy, preferring not to get into a quarrel, but to ignore him. By this she asserts herself, placing herself above the “boors” around her. Moreover, many such quarrels arise precisely because of her arrogance.

When unraveling the mystery of the name Albina, one cannot ignore the fact that she, as a rule, is a very good wife, mother and housewife. Albina supports her husband in almost everything. The only thing she does not accept is drunkenness. By the way, Albins are practically not susceptible to this defect.


Albina has been in very good health since childhood, except for a certain tendency to be overweight. With age, problems related to the genitourinary system may arise. It is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle; in particular, water sports can be very beneficial. You should also try to limit your intake of medications, especially tranquilizers.

Study, career and hobbies

The meaning of the name Albina in terms of choosing a profession is not too great. The main thing for her is home. Usually she is not very interested in the prestige of what she will do. Albina chooses her specialty to her liking. How successfully she realizes herself in her profession largely depends on her peace of mind and stability at home.

The secret of the name Albina most often “pushes” her into those areas where she needs to frequently communicate with people: pedagogy, medicine, catering establishments and even business. She also often manages to reach the top in sports or art.

If Albina’s children discover any talent, then there is no doubt that she will do everything so that her children can realize it.

Parenting tips. Answers to the question of what the name Albina can mean can be diametrically opposed, depending on the parenting methods chosen by the parents. From childhood, it is better to keep Albina under a tight rein. Her incredible energy must be directed in the right direction, while careful attention is paid to ensure that the child does not develop “star fever”, which can lead to the development of arrogance. It is very important that early age Albina has learned to respect people, even if their views disgust her.

Celebrities Rhythmic gymnastics coach Albina Deryugina, singer Albina Dzhanabaeva, biathlete Albina Akhatova.