The ninety-day diet is recommended, first of all, for those who suffer from a slowdown in metabolic processes, as well as for those who are over twenty kilograms of excess weight. Three months is the optimal period for successful weight loss and ensuring that the lost weight does not come back.

The essence of the diet is the emphasis on separate meals, which makes food easier to digest. And reducing the energy value of the diet is the basis for successful weight loss.

The transition to a separate diet may not seem easy at first: many experience significant discomfort and a constant feeling of hunger. However, the body usually quickly gets used to changes that are positive for it, so the further period of the diet proceeds without problems.

Before you start following a separate diet, it is advisable to measure your initial weight, as well as your waist and hips. It is recommended to carry out further measurements once a week, on a day convenient for you.

  • The morning meal should consist only of fruits.
  • It is recommended to start lunch no earlier than noon. If the feeling of hunger arose earlier, then you can satisfy it with some fruit.
  • Main meals should be separated by three hours. During protein days, this period should be four hours.
  • There are no restrictions on fruit consumption during fruit days.
  • It is not recommended to eat 2-3 hours before going to bed.
  • Dinner should be half “lighter” than lunch.
  • Try not to eat store-bought convenience foods and fast food - prepare meals only from high-quality products.
  • Don't neglect vegetable oils - add them to salads.
  • Preference should be given to boiled, stewed and baked dishes.
  • Try using seasonings instead of salt - it's much healthier.
  • Do not forget about the drinking regime: at least one and a half or two liters per day.
  • The average weight loss over a three-month period can be about 20 kg.
  • Leaving the diet does not have any special features: you can immediately switch to a normal diet. However, it is important to avoid overeating and consuming large amounts of sweets and starchy foods. It's good if you continue to eat fruits and drink clean water in the morning. By the way, most people who are losing weight admit that after three months of separate eating they have become so accustomed to it that it becomes difficult to return to old eating habits.
  • You can follow the diet again after taking a break of three months.

Positive results of the diet are noted due to the natural cyclicity used in nutrition:

  • from 4-00 to noon, a natural cleansing cycle occurs, which involves minimal food intake and the maximum possible liquid intake;
  • from noon to 20-00 is the time for main meals, in a certain combination of products;
  • from 20-00 to 4-00 the next day - time for the body to rest from processes associated with digestion.

What can you eat on the 90 day diet:

  • You can eat almost all foods, most of which are outlined in the diet menu.

What not to eat:

  • categorical prohibitions exist only on products that contain synthetic fillers, as well as large amounts of salt and sugar;
  • You cannot combine meat dishes with eggs, kefir and cottage cheese with meat or eggs.

For each day of the diet, a specific list of products is planned:

  • The first day of the diet includes a protein diet. Any protein products are allowed, such as meat, fish, dairy products, eggs.
  • Second day – starchy diet. Foods rich in starch, such as potatoes, beans, dark bread and all kinds of cereals, are allowed to be consumed.
  • The third day is carbohydrate. It is permissible to eat porridge, dark bread, vermicelli, unleavened cookies, and vegetable dishes. If you want something sweet, you are allowed to eat a little dark chocolate.
  • The fourth day consists of a fruit menu. The diet of this day includes not only fruits and dried fruits, but also nuts and seeds, of which no more than 25 g are consumed at a time. You can also drink freshly squeezed juices, which are not equivalent to drinking, but to a full meal.

Every 29 days of the diet, the body should be unloaded, when instead of all meals it is only allowed to drink plain water. The next day after unloading should be protein-rich.

90 day diet menu

Protein menu: for breakfast - any two fruits of the same type (for example, two oranges, or two bananas, etc.). For lunch:

  • white meat or lean fish, or an egg dish, or dairy products;
  • freshly chopped salad;
  • a piece of dark bread.

For dinner, you can eat what’s left from lunch (halving the portion). The exception is bread, which is best not eaten in the evening.

Throughout the day you can drink still water, various teas and dairy products (up to 200 ml).

Starchy menu: breakfast is the same as the previous day. For lunch:

  • legumes (200 g), or potatoes (200 g), or rice porridge (200 g);
  • a piece of dark bread;
  • salad from any vegetables.

You can have dinner with the same dishes that were for lunch, with the exception of bread.

Drinks include water and tea without sugar.

Carbohydrate menu: breakfast is the same as in previous days. For lunch:

  • vermicelli with aromatic herbs, or pizza with tomatoes, or poached vegetables with tomato sauce (no more than 200 g);
  • dry cookies, kefir pancakes (no more than 250 g);
  • buckwheat or millet porridge (200 g).

For dinner, you can afford a few cookies, or up to 100 g of ice cream, or a piece of cake (70-80 g). Be sure to consume 10-15 g of dark chocolate.

Vitamin menu: breakfast, lunch and dinner should consist only of fruits and fruit dishes. Additionally, you can eat a handful of nuts, seeds or dried fruits.

Such days alternate one after another throughout the entire 90 days. A fasting water day is recommended every 29 days.

If you want to speed up your diet, or more precisely, its results, you can reduce portion sizes or the energy value of dishes.

Recipes for the 90 Day Diet

When starting a diet, many people wonder: what dishes can be prepared so as not to deviate from the proposed menu? Let's try to experiment with permitted products depending on the dietary day.

Baked pangasius for protein menu

Ingredients: pangasius fillet (or other fish) - 1 kg, onion - 2 pcs., tomato - 1 pc., sweet pepper - 1-2 pcs., grated cheese - 100 g, sour cream - 200 ml, seasonings for fish.

Cut the fish into acceptable pieces. Cut the onion into rings. Combine onion rings, sour cream and seasonings in a container. Mix.

Place the chopped fish into the sour cream mixture, carefully moistening each piece. It is advisable to put the fish in a cool place for half an hour to marinate.

Grease the mold with sunflower oil and line it with baking paper. Place the fillet marinated in the mixture on top. Distribute the remaining sour cream mixture evenly onto each piece of fish, and place the tomatoes cut into slices on top. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

Place in the oven at 200°C for about half an hour. When serving, you can sprinkle with herbs.

Rich soup for a starchy menu

Ingredients: rice cereal - 50-70 g, one onion, one carrot, can of canned beans, 3 medium potatoes, seasonings, vegetable broth.

Place rice, diced potatoes, chopped carrots and onions (pre-fried in vegetable oil) into the boiling broth. Cook until done. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add beans, seasonings and sprinkle with herbs. When serving, you can add half a tablespoon of sour cream.

Porridge for carbohydrate menu

Ingredients: corn grits - 200 g, millet - 100 g, milk - 700 ml, a little sugar, a little butter, 100 g raisins (or chopped dried apricots), 600 ml water.

We wash the cereals, boil them first in water, then add milk and add the rest of the ingredients. Cook for about 20 minutes, then cover with a lid and leave. In half an hour you can eat!

Salad for fruit menu

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons yogurt (no fillers), one orange or two tangerines, one banana, one pear (or apple), 100 g chopped walnuts.

Chop the fruit as desired, mix gently and top with yogurt. You can add almost any fruit to suit your taste.

Bon appetit!

It's good if you stay physically active throughout the diet. Exercise at least half an hour a day, but regularly.

If, by chance or for some other reason, you violated the diet instructions, do not worry. The main thing is not to interrupt separate nutrition and continue to follow it further. Don't forget that every day you are getting closer to your cherished goal.

The 90-day diet, like any other diet, must be approved by a doctor after he makes sure that you have no contraindications. Such contraindications may include diseases of the digestive system, as well as infectious diseases that weaken the body. Such contraindications may include diseases of the digestive system, as well as infectious diseases that weaken the body. It is not recommended to use the diet during pregnancy.

Do you dream of a slim body for summer? It's time to try a new weight loss technique and lose those hated extra pounds!

In order for weight loss to have minimal harm to health, to be simple and comfortable, nutritionists advise adhering to a certain nutritional system. Now there are many different methods that differ in the duration and diet of the menu. A special 90-day separate diet is designed for those who want to lose weight gradually and with reliable results.

The essence of the technique

The most useful and healthy version of the diet was developed in the early 2000s by two Slovenian friends - Breda Hobat and Mojce Polanshek. Initially, they were going to review dishes for glossy magazines, but the result of their work was a nutrition system for women who want to become slimmer.

The basic principles and recipes of varying levels of complexity were set out in the book “90-day separate nutrition diet.” The book received positive reviews. The authors of the work claim that after 3 months of following a “correct” diet, weight can drop to 25 kg due to accelerated metabolism. In this case, losing weight will be harmless to the body.

An important part of this nutrition system is any physical activity that occurs at least 2 times a week.

Cyclicity of the system

The peculiarity of the diet for 90 days in separate meals is the constant repetition of 4 cycles, which absolutely cannot be adjusted. Changing the order is also impossible because the metabolic rate is affected by daily changes in diet. One phase is equal to one day, so every fifth day the “circles” are repeated. Diet recipes for 90 days of separate meals are accessible and easy to prepare.

Day scheme:

  • 1 day – protein;
  • Day 2 – starch;
  • Day 3 – carbohydrate;
  • Day 4 – vitamin day.

Important: The order of days during the diet cannot be changed, because the cycle must begin with the protein phase.

Every seven cycles there is a mandatory fasting, water day. On this day, no solid food is allowed, only still drinking water.

A diet for 90 days of separate meals (see reviews below) implies a three-course diet, with the first meal (breakfast) to be taken before 12:00, and the last before 20:00. In different cycles there are certain intervals between them: on a protein day - at least 4 hours, on a starch and carbohydrate day - at least 5 hours, on a fruit day - 2 hours.

It is recommended to drink enough water (minimum two liters), eat the amount of food that is necessary to satiate, but without overeating. Portions are calculated so that dinner is half the portion eaten at lunch, because you should not overeat before bed. Between meals, a snack in the form of one piece of fruit is allowed in case of hunger.

The authors of the 90-day separate meals diet allow infrequent consumption of coffee without sugar on the menu, but any juices are considered one of the meals (depending on the time), and alcohol is strictly prohibited.

Disruptions, i.e. a violation of the diet is not a reason to stop the diet, so you should just start the next day from the cycle during which the “failure” occurred.

Diet by day

The morning of every day is the same: breakfast consists, for example, of two identical fruits or a glass of berries. It is also advised to drink a drink consisting of a glass of mineral water and teaspoons (one at a time) of vinegar and honey dissolved in it.

Important: During a 90-day separate food diet, you cannot combine different proteins (meat and dairy), carbohydrates (fast and slow) and proteins with carbohydrates in the menu.

Liquid food or soup is eaten only after solid food. Bread is only available at lunch in the size of one slice. Spices can be used when preparing dishes.


Acceptable foods: any meat, fish and seafood, dairy products without additives, meat broth, vegetables (except potatoes) and herbs, whole grain bread (during lunch). The 90-day separate food diet menu should be strictly followed. You can make a table so you don't get confused about the days.

Menu options


  • lunch: lean beef soup;
  • dinner: fish soufflé.


  • lunch: chum salmon steak, greens;
  • dinner: a glass of fermented milk drink.


  • lunch: chicken breast roll with spinach;
  • dinner: seafood salad, arugula and cherry tomatoes with a little balsamic vinegar.


  • lunch: pink salmon soup with celery root (instead of potatoes);
  • dinner: low-fat cottage cheese.


  • lunch: salad with Adyghe cheese;
  • dinner: egg crumble.


Reviews of the diet menu for 90 days of separate meals do not advise changing the schedule. Acceptable foods: legumes, cereals (rice, pearl barley, buckwheat), all vegetables and herbs, vegetable broth, whole grain bread (during lunch).

Menu types


  • lunch: vegetable ratatouille;
  • dinner: boiled potato salad with olives.


  • lunch: eggplant stuffed with quinoa;
  • dinner: salad of greens, avocado and legumes.


  • lunch: lentil soup;
  • dinner: vegetarian paella.


  • lunch: red bean soup;
  • dinner: zucchini/squash with garlic and herbs, baked in the oven.


  • lunch: rice porridge with pumpkin;
  • dinner: light vegetable soup or vegetable salad.


Acceptable foods for recipes for a 90-day separate food diet: flour products, cereals, all vegetables, baked goods that do not contain yeast, milk and eggs, 3-4 slices of dark chocolate.

Menu types


  • lunch: vegetable salad with chickpeas, avocado and lemon juice;
  • dinner: puree soup from any vegetables.


  • lunch: apple tart;
  • dinner: vegetable lasagna.


  • lunch: vegetable pizza with yeast-free dough;
  • dinner: a few slices of chocolate.


  • lunch: fusilli with cherry tomatoes and basil;
  • dinner: vegetable skewers.


  • lunch: risotto with zucchini or eggplant;
  • dinner: chocolate pie.


Acceptable foods for a diet for weight loss in 90 days of separate nutrition: all fruits and vegetables, juices from them, dried fruits, seeds and nuts.

Menu options


  • lunch: fruit plate of apple, grapefruit and banana;
  • dinner: fruit juice.


  • lunch: vegetable soup or salad;
  • dinner: vegetable juice.


  • lunch: banana ice cream;
  • dinner: fruit or vegetable puree.


  • lunch: fruit soup;
  • dinner: salad of beets, walnuts and prunes.


  • lunch: vegetable pasta with avocado;
  • dinner: a mixture of almonds and dates.


Protein diet

Zrazy in Warsaw style

You will need:

  • 600 g veal;
  • 50 g onions;
  • 20 g vegetable oil;
  • spices.

Rinse the meat, remove veins and films and cut into large pieces (the size of your palm) across the grain. Beat it off. Chop the onion, add spices, oil and mix. Brush each piece of meat with the filling, roll it up and secure with thread or toothpicks. Add salt. Fry the zrazy, then add water and simmer for 1.5 hours over low heat.

Fish stew with vegetables

You will need:

  • 500 g lean fish fillet;
  • 350 g carrots;
  • 300 g zucchini;
  • 120 g leeks;
  • 120 g parsley;
  • 200 g celery root;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons sunflower oils;
  • salt, seasonings, herbs.

Wash the vegetables, peel and cut into strips. Simmer over low heat (almost no water, just sprinkle). Place fish cut into portions on top of the vegetables, which have been previously salted and sprinkled with lemon juice. Simmer for 20 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Ground beef with vegetables

You will need:

  • 2 pcs tomatoes;
  • 1 piece carrot;
  • 1 piece bow;
  • cauliflower;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sunflower oils;
  • minced beef – 300 grams;
  • spices and salt.

Stew grated tomatoes, carrots, chopped onions and cabbage inflorescences. Add minced meat, salt and spices to the mixture. Simmer until done.

Starchy diet

Stewed rice with vegetables
You will need:

  • 120 g rice;
  • 1 tbsp broth;
  • 1 piece bow;
  • 1 piece carrot;
  • 1 piece bell pepper;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • salt.

Finely chop the vegetables and fry in oil. Pour in the broth, bring to a boil and add the washed rice. Simmer for 15 minutes. over low heat, covered, then 5 minutes. without cover. Salt to taste. Mix.

Bean and Potato Casserole

You will need:

  • 1 tbsp beans;
  • 250 g potatoes;
  • onion head;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil.

Boil beans and potatoes. Grind in a meat grinder, add salt and mix. Place half of the mixture in a greased pan and sprinkle fried onions on top. Place the other half on top, drizzle with oil and bake in the oven.

Vegetable steak

You will need:

  • 1 piece carrot;
  • cabbage 200 grams;
  • potatoes 200 g;
  • 1 cup green peas;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of rice;
  • flour;
  • raises oil.

Boil carrots and cabbage. Add green peas and boil. Drain the water. Grind the vegetables in a meat grinder, combine with boiled rice and mashed boiled potatoes. Mix and form into balls. Roll in flour and fry.

Carbohydrate diet

Buckwheat porridge

You will need:

  • 400 g buckwheat;
  • 1 tbsp. l drain oils;
  • salt.

Sort out the buckwheat and fry over low heat. Pour into a saucepan; the cereal should occupy no more than 50% of the container’s volume. Add butter and salt, when the butter melts, pour in boiling water. Buckwheat should be covered by 2 cm. Stir and cook in the oven until done.

Rice with sweet pepper

You will need:

  • 250 g rice;
  • 250 g sweet pepper;
  • 50 g of growing oil.

Rinse the rice. Boil 750 g of water and add rice there. Boil until tender over low heat. Wash the sweet pepper, remove seeds and cut into slices. Stew in oil and add to cooked rice.

Vitamin diet

Assorted fruits

You will need:

  • 3 multi-colored apples;
  • 1 pear;
  • 3-4 tangerines;
  • 0.5 tbsp. raisins;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped walnuts.

Wash the fruits, cut into small cubes and mix with steamed raisins and nuts.

Avocado salad

You will need:

  • avocado;
  • banana;
  • orange;
  • kiwi;
  • juice of 1/2 lemon.

Cut the avocado and kiwi into slices, cut the banana into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut the orange slices in half. Mix everything.


This diet, consisting of 90 days of separate meals, is suitable for those who want to safely lose weight and improve metabolism.

It will also be a good choice for those whose previous attempts to lose weight did not bring much results.

Any diet has contraindications, so before limiting food intake you should consult a specialist.

Important: A diet for 90 days of separate nutrition is not recommended for people with diabetes, high blood cholesterol, diseases of various organs, and mental disorders.

Minors, pregnant women, athletes, and people undergoing rehabilitation after surgery should evaluate the need for a separate nutrition system for their body. Due to individual intolerance to the foods included in the diet, allergy sufferers are also not recommended to adhere to the 90-day diet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each power system has its positive and negative sides. Definitely, long-term nutrition according to the stated principle allows you to strengthen new eating habits and not return to old ones. The diet is varied, so dishes that fit the rules of the system can not only be prepared independently, but also found on the menus of restaurants and cafes. Eating differently during cycles will not create a habit of eating, so your metabolism will be accelerated, which will contribute to weight loss. The caloric content of the diet on certain days is similar and sufficient for the functioning of organ systems in the usual manner.

Disadvantages of a 90-day separate diet:

  • duration (not everyone can maintain food intake as part of the diet);
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which occurs after observing 90 days and a sharp transition to a mixed diet.

For an effective, painless and healthy passage of the nutrition system, it is recommended to follow all recommendations regarding diet and meal times:

  1. It is worth having fruit for breakfast and starting the day with a drink with vinegar and honey.
  2. Periodically measure your weight and body parameters, count the number of calories consumed.
  3. It is forbidden to drink water during meals, as this reduces metabolism.
  4. The best solution would be to drink liquid 15-30 minutes before meals and half an hour after fruits, 2 hours after starchy meals and 4 hours after protein meals.
  5. It is important to eat when you feel hungry; the body itself will show when it is ready to process food.

Results and reviews

The results of the 90-day split diet prove its effectiveness. There is a uniform weight loss, 1-3 kg per week, but if the body mass index is high, then the total loss will be up to 25 kg. You should not follow the recommended diet for longer than the specified 90 days, and the diet can be repeated only 3 months after completion. You just need to maintain a balanced, low-calorie diet.

Many people recommend the diet because it is painless and has no restrictions prohibiting many foods. Those who tried it changed their eating habits, but did not lose their favorite treats. The duration of the nutrition system and discipline during compliance are most often noted as disadvantages, but no one noted any major problems. Recent reviews of the diet for 90 days of separate meals indicate a loss of up to 12 kg.

Natalya 35 years old:“I had an age-old problem - the kilograms I gained over the winter. I chose the 90-day split diet because of its relative simplicity. I followed the regime, so in a month and a half of the diet I was able to get rid of 8 kilograms.”

Larisa 28 years old:“I gained weight due to sedentary work and lack of physical activity, and diets did not help change the parameters. At some point, in one of the lectures on proper nutrition, I heard about the 90-day system, so I decided to try it. Initially, it was difficult to cope with unhealthy snacks, but over time I got used to the new regime. The result was a weight loss of 12 kg in 3 months.”


Thus, judging by the reviews, the 90-day split diet is an effective technique that allows you to safely get rid of unwanted pounds. Compliance with a number of simple rules and recommendations provides the necessary result and changes eating habits, and new ones become an important part of the usual diet.

Reader's story "How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months"
I have been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

Obesity is the scourge of modern civilization, because the times when a person had less food than necessary have long gone into oblivion.

Today, almost everyone can consume more calories than necessary. This, first of all, is the reason that many of us suffer from excess weight.

It is believed that in achieving a good figure, all means are good, because the main thing is the result.

It happens that during a diet you constantly want to eat, you don’t have enough strength even for a small number of things, and after returning to your previous way of eating, the weight returns faster than it went away.

In this article we will look at a nutritional method that allows you to avoid the above problems when losing weight.

Diet features

Many people who want to lose excess weight are looking for a nutrition system that will not only allow them to quickly and permanently get rid of extra pounds, but also provide enough energy for everyday activities and sports activities.

The 90-day separate food system was created at the beginning of the 21st century in Slovenia by two women. They wanted to find a way to lose weight that would allow them to lose weight quickly without getting boring or uncomfortable eating.

It is based on alternating cycles, each day of which will allow you to eat tasty and at the same time healthy and lose weight.

What's good about this technique?

  • minimum restrictions, the opportunity to eat not only healthy, but also tasty dishes. The nutrition system allows you not to give up your favorite foods that are usually prohibited when following other diets, but at the same time get as close to a healthy diet as possible;
  • varied food: the dishes consumed change daily. At the same time, you do not need to put in additional effort to prepare them;
  • monetary costs do not differ from those with a normal diet. The diet uses ordinary products available to everyone;
  • The duration of the diet is about 90 days. This time is enough to develop healthy habits, accustom the body to healthy eating and redistribute energy for more efficient work during the day;
  • diet cycles are specially designed not only to speed up metabolism (and, therefore, more accelerated weight loss), but also to ensure the supply of vitamins, essential micro- and macroelements and minerals;
  • The diet is designed for accompanying physical activity.

Disadvantages and contraindications

For those who like instant results and short diets, 90 days may seem like too long a time to achieve the desired weight.

Contraindications: presence of diseases of the digestive or excretory systems. People with severe obesity should also consult a doctor.

Efficiency and results

The achieved effect depends on the initial data.
With a low initial weight, weight loss will range from 2–3 kg per month. If the initial body weight is large, then during the period of following the diet you can lose from 15 to several tens of kilograms.

At the end of 90 days, you can continue eating according to this system - in the absence of contraindications, it does not harm either your health or your figure. In this case, the result will last for a longer period or even forever.

Diet rules

Dieting consists of cycles, each lasting 4 days. After 7 cycles (that is, every 28 days), it is necessary to arrange a fasting day, during which only plain water is allowed.

Cycle order:

1 day. Eating foods that mainly contain protein.

Protein products are allowed for consumption: any types of meat and fish, eggs, dairy products, including cottage cheese and cheese.

As a side dish, you can use vegetables without starch, such as greens. A piece of whole grain bread is allowed at lunch.

You should not combine protein foods with each other.

Day 2. Starch.

It is recommended to eat dishes based on legumes, grains (buckwheat, rice, millet, pearl barley, etc.), and any vegetables.

A piece of whole grain bread is also allowed at lunch.

Day 3. Eating foods that mainly contain carbohydrates.

An obligatory element of dinner is your favorite dessert in moderate quantities, for example, several cookies, a couple of strips of chocolate, preferably dark, or 2-3 scoops of ice cream.

Day 4 Vitamin.

Day of fruits in any form (unprocessed, juice, etc.). You can eat dried fruits (it is advisable to pre-soak them in water for greater benefits), vegetables, nuts, including seeds (no more than 25 g in total).

The duration of the break between lunch and dinner depends on the day: on a protein day - 4 hours, on a carbohydrate and starch day - at least 3 hours, and on a vitamin day - 2 hours.

If you feel hungry during the break between meals, you are allowed to eat 1 small fruit.

  1. Before the first meal, the authors of the diet recommend drinking plain water with honey and apple cider vinegar (1 tsp each).
  2. Breakfast itself is the same for any day, except for fasting, and consists of fruits (1 - 2 pieces) or a glass of any berries.
  3. The authors advise to imagine the most acceptable serving size, and then reduce it by 2 times - this will be the amount of food that should be consumed at one time.
  4. The amount of water per day is about 1.5–2 liters. Juices and fresh juices from fruits and vegetables, according to the authors, are a separate meal.
  5. The creators of the diet recommend stopping drinking alcohol, as it negatively affects weight loss.

Example menu

Breakfast: a glass of berries or 1–2 pcs. fruit.

Dinner: a hot dish of permitted foods depending on the day or salad, 300 ml of broth (meat if it’s a protein day, vegetable if it’s a carbohydrate one).

Dinner: depending on the day.

On a carbohydrate day – a small amount of your favorite dessert. Sweets can be replaced with a portion of pizza or salty crackers.

On starch and protein days, you should eat half a serving of lunch.

On a vitamin day, also half the lunch dish or replace it with 1 grapefruit, soaked dried fruits or fresh fruit.

A 90-day diet based on the principles of separate nutrition allows you to achieve good results without harm to the body. It makes it possible to normalize metabolism, lose excess weight and record the results for a long time. After 90 days of proper nutrition, excess weight does not return again and again, as happens with other diets. What is this type of diet and what are its features? Let's look further.

Who is this weight loss option suitable for?

The 90-day diet is a real godsend for people who have been losing weight for a long time or have only recently begun to fight extra pounds. This weight loss option is suitable for people who have 20 or more kg of excess weight, and also have metabolic disorders. The diet has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and makes it possible to quickly get rid of unnecessary pounds.

Accelerating metabolism is the main factor that ensures lasting results over time. It is the accelerated metabolic processes that make it possible to consolidate the result and remain at a normal weight for a stably long time.

The essence of the diet

The three-month diet is based on the principles of separate nutrition. Scientists have been able to establish that this type of food intake has a very beneficial effect on the organs and the entire body as a whole, and has a good healing effect. Reducing the number of calories consumed ensures the burning of extra pounds.

Most people note that in the first days it is very difficult and unusual to adhere to the basic principles of the diet. As you get used to the new eating option, the discomfort will decrease. After 2-3 weeks, complete adaptation occurs, and subsequently the diet is more easily tolerated.

Initially, you should tune in to the fact that:

  • The diet has clear deadlines - your “torment” in the form of some restrictions in food intake will last for a certain time - only three months.
  • The success of the diet depends on the willingness to unquestioningly follow its principles, combine foods correctly and abandon the usual type of diet.
  • After three months, you will need to continue to monitor your weight and combine proper nutrition with regular exercise.

Before starting a diet, you should weigh yourself and measure the basic parameters of your figure in order to determine the extent of changes for the better after finishing the diet.

What is a 90-day split diet (video)

Diet 90 days of separate meals. Basic principles, approaches, sample menu, contraindications and main advantages.

We follow the basic principles

The diet is based on 4-day nutrition cycles. A new day - a certain grocery set.

Day 1 of the cycle – protein. This is where the diet starts. Throughout this day, you should eat exclusively protein foods - eggs, fish and meat dishes, dairy products.

Day 2 of the cycle – starchy. The diet should be rich in foods with the highest starch content. Here, first of all, we are talking about all kinds of cereals, potatoes, other starchy vegetables and fruits, grain bakery products.

Day 3 of the cycle – carbohydrate. The diet should be based on vegetables and fruits, pasta, and yeast-free homemade baked goods. It is on the third day of the cycle that you can treat yourself to a few pieces of dark chocolate or your favorite dessert.

4th day of the cycle – fruity. On this day, fruit consumption is indicated. Dried fruits and seeds of various fruits (for example, pumpkin) are also allowed. Fans of freshly squeezed juices can afford 1-2 glasses of their favorite drink.

Do not forget that juice is the same food that replaces a full meal.

The days of the cycle repeat one after another. The 29th day has arrived on the calendar - it’s time to unload the body. This day should be a fasting day, during which you need to allow the body to cleanse itself and rest exclusively on the water. Then the diet cycle begins from the very beginning, from the 1st protein day.

90 day diet menu

For all three months of the diet, breakfast should be the same. Each person can plan the menu for other meals during the day depending on their taste preferences. Below is a sample menu for the week:

Day 1 – meat. Breakfast: One favorite ripe fruit and several berries. Lunch: 150 g green salad, 200 g grilled salmon steak. Afternoon snack: sandwich with tomato, piece of boiled chicken and lettuce. Dinner: a glass of your favorite fermented milk drink - sourdough, low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk.

Day 2 – vegetable-starchy. Breakfast: berries and fruits (similar to day 1). Lunch: 200-250 g vegetable stew. Afternoon snack: baked apple or pumpkin. Dinner – 100-150 g of dried fruits.

Day 3 – sweet, carbohydrate. Breakfast is the same as day 1. Lunch: 250-300 g of homemade pizza. Afternoon snack: noodles with hard cheese and tomato sauce. Dinner: black or green tea with a piece of homemade biscuit.

Day 4 – fruit and vitamin. Breakfast: similar to day 1. Lunch: salad of your favorite fruit (no more than 250-300 g). Dinner: a few pieces of watermelon or melon.

Day 5 – protein. Breakfast: similar to day 1. Lunch: green salad with legumes and avocado. Afternoon snack: omelet with hard cheese and sausage. Dinner – cottage cheese with a low fat content.

Day 6 – vegetable. Breakfast is the same. Lunch: stewed vegetables - eggplants, zucchini, carrots, sweet peppers (200-250 g), 50 g of bread. Afternoon snack: potato casserole with parsley or other herbs to taste. Dinner – apple or banana.

Day 7 – carbohydrate. Breakfast is the same. Lunch: vegetable lasagna. Afternoon snack: 100-150 g apple pie. Dinner: a glass of hot chocolate or tea with homemade cakes.

Compatibility of products with separate power supply (video)

Separate meals for weight loss. What do you need to know about product compatibility when feeding separately? Advice from a professional specialist.

Recipes for the 90 Day Diet

Below are several recipes that will help diversify your menu during a diet and please yourself with tasty and satisfying dishes.

Boiled chicken on protein day

Wash a medium-sized chicken well, place it in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Add 1 whole carrot and 1 onion (pre-peeled), salt and black pepper (in small quantities). Cook over low heat until done. Remove the finished chicken from the broth and separate the meat from the bones. Portioned pieces of chicken can be divided into several meals. Eat warm with vegetables or a side dish of legumes.

Rice with vegetables on a starchy day

To prepare the dish you need to prepare: 150 g of rice, 250 ml of broth, one carrot and a medium-sized onion, 1 bell pepper, a couple of cloves of garlic, salt, olive oil. Finely chop the vegetables, add garlic and lightly fry in olive oil. Pour in the broth and add the pre-washed rice. Simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes with the lid closed. In 5 min. until done, add salt to taste. Rice with vegetables goes well with a green salad.

Buckwheat porridge for a starchy day

Rinse 2 cups of cereal thoroughly and pour into a deep container, ideally a pot. Pour water in a 2:1 ratio (two glasses of water to one glass of cereal). Add a teaspoon of butter and a little salt. Mix the ingredients and place the pot in the preheated oven. To prevent the porridge from burning, it must be stirred periodically during cooking.

This method is also suitable for preparing wheat or pearl barley porridge.

Lenten pancakes on carb day

In a deep bowl, mix 2.5 cups of sifted flour, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a little salt, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and? glasses of mineral water. Ideally, beat the ingredients using a mixer. If you don’t have one at hand, then a regular whisk will do. Pancakes should be baked in a well-heated frying pan until golden brown.

To make the dessert even more delicious, you can prepare a delicious filling - chop one banana and add some nuts, raisins, a little grated dark chocolate and? teaspoon butter. Wrap the filling in pancakes, spreading the remaining chocolate on top. The meal is ready. Bon appetit!

Fruit salad with exotic fruits on vitamin day

Cut one large avocado, banana, kiwi and tangerine into small pieces. Place in a salad bowl, mix thoroughly and sprinkle with a small amount of lemon juice. The delicious delicacy is ready.

To achieve your goal, lose excess weight and not gain it again, during your diet be sure to follow simple but significant recommendations:
  • In the morning, have breakfast exclusively with fruits, without expanding your diet with other foods.
  • Have lunch no earlier than noon. Ideally, between twelve and one o'clock in the afternoon.
  • If hunger makes itself felt ahead of time, you can have a light snack. You can use apples, bananas, kiwis, and citrus fruits as a snack.
  • The break between lunch and dinner should be about three hours.
  • On a “protein day,” the intervals between main meals should be an average of four hours.
  • On the day of eating fruits and vegetables, breaks between breakfast, lunch and dinner should be minimal - 2-3 hours.
  • Refuse any food after 20.00.
  • At lunch, eat all the required amount of food. By evening, portions can be reduced.
  • For nutrition and preparation of various dishes, you should use only high-quality and fresh products, and do not use semi-finished products.
  • It is unacceptable to consume foods containing so-called hidden fats, sugars and other additives harmful to the body.
  • Cook all dishes in a small amount of vegetable or olive oil. They should also be used to dress salads.
  • Preference should be given to baked dishes, as well as steamed food.
  • Minimize the amount of salt and various seasonings on the menu.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of still water per day. It is also allowed to drink teas, coffee and compotes.
  • Don’t forget about sports and exercise regularly.

Quitting the diet

To consolidate the results obtained, you should exit the diet correctly. After 90 days, it is recommended not to refuse, but to continue to follow its basic rules:
  • have fruit for breakfast in the morning;
  • observe the principles of separate nutrition;
  • do not disrupt the schedule and regularity of meals.
Numerous reviews of the 90-day separate food diet indicate that within 90 days the human body adapts and gets used to the new regime and way of eating, after which it becomes a banal habit.

To feel full, the body needs much less food. At the same time, the daily diet becomes sufficient for an active lifestyle, vigor and strength. Extra pounds no longer appear.

The results of the diet may vary. So, for example, a person with slight excess body weight can lose from 6 to 9 kg during a three-month diet. At the same time, very obese people can achieve more significant results by losing 20-25 kg in 90 days.

The main advantage of a separate diet is that it allows you to completely rebuild and regulate metabolic processes in the body, as a result of which the extra pounds go away forever.


Separate nutrition is not an option for everyone; it has its contraindications. You should avoid the 90 day diet:
  • people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • minors (a growing body needs a different nutritional system);
  • women during pregnancy.
Even if there are no above or other contraindications, before going on a diet, it is worth consulting with a therapist (or nutritionist) so that the experiment with nutrition does not result in dire consequences for the body and does not lead to an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

Pros and cons of the 90 day diet

Separate power supply has a lot of advantages and a small number of disadvantages.

Among the main advantages are the following:

  • A long-term diet (three months) allows the body to completely adapt to a new nutrition system, get used to it, consolidate the right habits and never return to the old ones.
  • The diet can be quite varied and has every chance of fitting perfectly into your family’s menu - you won’t have to prepare different dishes separately for yourself and your household.
  • Most of the “allowed” dishes and products during the diet are on the menus of cafes and restaurants. This means that various special events and other feasts “will not pass you by.”
  • Thanks to a varied diet, the body does not adapt to the same type of food, resulting in weight loss throughout the three months of the diet.
  • Periodic consumption of sweets and all kinds of goodies in the form of fresh fruit allows the body to take a break from the diet and regain strength.

Protein day

Cod with mustard. (from ValentinaV)
Ingredients: 500 g cod fillet, 1 root each of carrot, parsnip, parsley, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. mustard, 1/4 lemon (or citric acid on the tip of a knife), herbs, salt, pepper
Wash carrots, parsnips, parsley (roots), peel, and chop into cubes. Cut the cod fillet into portions, put in a pot, add vegetables, season with vegetable oil, add salt, pepper and cook until tender. Dilute the prepared mustard with broth and add to the fish and vegetables. Do not bring to a boil! Place a bay leaf and sprinkle with lemon juice. Sprinkle with herbs.

Fish under marinade. (from ValentinaV)
Ingredients: 800 g fish fillet, 2 tbsp vegetable oil
For frying: salt, ground pepper
For the marinade: 4 onions, 2-3 cups of fish broth, 1/2 cup of a weak solution of vinegar or citric acid, 1 tbsp sugar, 2 bay leaves, 8 peppercorns, 8 cloves, salt.
Cut the fillet into pieces, add salt and pepper and lightly fry without flour in vegetable oil.
Add table vinegar or diluted citric acid, sugar, salt to taste, bay leaf, allspice and cloves to the broth. Put on fire and let the marinade boil for 3-4 minutes. Cut the onion into slices and place in the boiling marinade, stir, let it boil, and then remove from the heat.
Pour the marinade over the fried fish and boil over the fire for 5-10 minutes until cooked. When cool, place on a plate and refrigerate.
A little secret: in order to give the marinade a golden color, it is recommended to soak the vinegar for several hours in a glass container filled with onion peels.

Baked fish with mushrooms. (from ValentinaV)
Ingredients: 700-800 g fish fillet, 4 tbsp vegetable oil, 5-6 mushrooms, salt and pepper to taste, 1 glass of sauce.
Cut the fish fillet with skin into portions, place in a greased frying pan, add salt and pepper. Place mushrooms fried until half cooked around the fish, pour sauce over everything, sprinkle with heated vegetable oil and bake in the oven until golden brown.

Jellied meat (from ValentinaV)
Ingredients: 400 g boiled, fried meat, 500 g meat jelly, 1 carrot, 1 cucumber, 2 tomatoes, a bunch of herbs, salt, pepper
Meat in dark jelly has the best taste. Before cooking, fry the meat without fat, then boil and cut into strips. Pour a thin layer of jelly into a mold, cool, garnish with vegetables and herbs. Fill the mold to the very top with chopped meat, pour jelly over it. Cool. Before serving, lower the mold into hot water for a few seconds, turn it over and carefully place the contents on a plate. Decorate with greens.

Boiled chicken rolls (Lily recipes from my catalog)
Ingredients: 2 chicken breast halves, 1 medium carrot, 1 medium onion, vegetable oil for frying, 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, salt, pepper, cling film.
The breast needs to be cut, as if increasing its area on the right and left.
The breast needs to be cut, as if increasing its area on the right and left. Salt and pepper.
Finely chop the onion, finely grate the carrots and fry them in vegetable oil. Place 2 tbsp on the middle of the breast. spoons of sour cream, and chilled carrots and onions on it. Using cling film, roll up the roll and trim the ends of the film.
Place the finished roll across the film, roll it tightly, then twist the ends of the film very tightly and tie them.
Place the finished rolls in boiling water, “drown” them with a plate and cook for 5 - 10 minutes. Peel the rolls from the film and cut into slices. Bon appetite.

Baked trout with salad (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Ingredients: 2 gutted trout, salt, white pepper, 1 lemon; basil leaves and stems; 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
Ingredients for a refreshing salad: 2 tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 small onion, a bunch of dill, salt, black pepper, 1 tsp. olive oil, salad spice mixture.
Stuff washed and dried trout (save one for dinner) with basil stems and leaves and lemon slices. Brush it with olive oil, white pepper, salt and fry on both sides over moderate heat, adding water if necessary. Place peeled, washed and chopped vegetables in a salad bowl. Chop the dill and mix with oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Pour the resulting dressing over the vegetables.

Fried pork ribs with colorful salad (from the book "90-day split diet diet")
Products: 500 gr. lean pork ribs; salt, black pepper, cumin; 3 cloves of garlic, 300 ml. broth or water.
For a multi-colored salad: 1 small zucchini; 1 small head of any lettuce; salt, black pepper; vegetable oil, vinegar; greens for salad.
Rub the ribs with salt, pepper and crushed garlic, sprinkle with caraway seeds. Place the meat on a baking sheet and cover with hot broth or water. Bake for 50 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 C. Periodically baste the meat with sauce. Prepare a colorful salad from the ingredients listed. Eat with a slice of bread.

squid in a jar
Products: 500-800 gr. squid; 1 small carrot; 2 onions; 0.5-1 tsp. salt; 1/2 tsp. pepper; vegetable oil.
Pour boiling water over the squid, rinse, remove the plate. Cut into large pieces. Grate the carrots on a medium grater and chop the onion coarsely. Place all ingredients in a bowl and stir.
Place everything in a dry 1.5 liter jar, cover the neck with foil. Place the jar in a frying pan and place in a cold oven.
Set the temperature to 220 C. Simmer for 1.5 hours.

honey crusted chicken breasts
Ingredients: 2 chicken breasts; 1/2 lemon; 1 tbsp. clear honey; 1 tbsp. dark soy sauce; spices.
Place the breasts in an oven dish and season with spices. Squeeze the lemon into a bowl, add honey and soy sauce. Pour the sauce over the chicken and place squeezed lemon between the pieces (it will make the meat more juicy and add extra flavor to the chicken). Bake in the oven at 190C for 30-35 minutes. Serve with salad and garlic bread.

Squids in a pot
Products: squid; sour cream; mushrooms; onion; cheese; spices.
Fry the mushrooms with onions. Boil the squid for 5-7 minutes and immediately plunge into cold water (to clean easily). Cut the squid into strips. Place squids, mushrooms and onions in layers in pots. Pour in sour cream sauce, sprinkle with cheese, and bake in the oven.

Assorted salad with fish (from the book "90-day separate food diet")
Products: 3 types of different lettuce (1 head each); a handful of cereal sprouts; 1 can of canned fish (sardines or tuna); vinegar, oil (can be from canned fish); a little salt, white pepper; bunch of radishes (optional)
Wash and dry three forks of lettuce. Then separate into leaves, chop and toss in a large salad bowl with a mixture of oil, vinegar, salt and white pepper. top with sardines or tuna. Radishes can be used for decoration. Eat the salad with a slice of bread.
Instead of canned fish, you can use zeitan, tofu or hard-boiled eggs, or grilled chicken sausages. Salad and a slice of bread are a must. Have dinner without bread.

Fried chicken thighs and salad (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Ingredients: 2 skinless chicken thighs; salt, black pepper; 1 tsp paprika; 1 tbsp. vegetable oil; 500 ml. water.
For salad: 200 gr. frozen or fresh Brussels sprouts; 200 gr. frozen or fresh cauliflower; 200 gr. frozen or fresh broccoli; 1 tbsp. olive oil; salt pepper; vinegar; 1 tbsp parsley.
Rinse the thighs and dry with a paper towel. Prepare a marinade from vegetable oil, salt, black and sweet red pepper. Brush the thighs with marinade and place them in a Teflon frying pan, add water and simmer, covered, until the water evaporates, then fry the thighs on all sides. Prepare an assorted salad as an addition: boil kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower in salted boiling water until half cooked and drain. Cool, pour in a mixture of oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Sprinkle with parsley. Save one thigh for dinner.

Italian boiling legs
Ingredients: 1 tbsp vegetable oil; 4 chicken quarters or 8 legs (skin can be safely removed); 1 can (half a liter) of chopped tomatoes in their own juice; 1/3 cup tomato paste; 2 small bell peppers (cut into strips); 1/2 cup grated cheese; salt, sugar, vinegar; dry basil and oregano
1. Divide the chicken quarters in half into 2 parts, remove the skin, add salt and pepper, and fry in olive oil for 10 minutes, or until golden brown on all sides.
2. Mix tomatoes, tomato paste, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar, 2 teaspoons of sugar, salt to taste (our pasta is already salted), pepper and dry spices (within reasonable limits). Place 2/3 of the sauce in a deep frying pan, place the fried chicken on top and pour the remaining sauce over the chicken.
3. Cook for 20 minutes over medium-high heat under the lid, then 10 minutes without the lid. (check the doneness of the chicken!!!).
4. Place grated cheese on each piece, cover with a lid until the cheese melts (2-3 minutes) and immediately serve the boiling chicken. Rice, pasta, and mashed potatoes are perfect as a side dish.

"Obara" (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Products: 3 chicken thighs; 1 small onion; bouillon; kohlrabi; 1 carrot; 1 large tbsp. peas; salt, pepper, a pinch of thyme; red pepper; tomato puree (optional).
Overcook by 1 tsp. vegetable oil a small onion, add the thigh meat cut into pieces. Stir until the meat is browned on all sides. Pour in broth. Add chopped kohlrabi, carrots, and peas. Add spices at the end.

Seafood with salad (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Products: 400 gr. seafood; 1 small onion; 1 tbsp. olive oil; 3 cloves of garlic; 200 ml. broth; 1 tbsp. chives; a pinch of oregano; parsley; ingredients for seasonal salad.
Fry the onion in vegetable oil, add broth and let it boil. Add seafood, chopped garlic, some chopped parsley and chives. Cover with a lid and let the water evaporate. Just before cooking, add the oregano and the rest of the parsley and chives. Eat with a cucumber and tomato salad sprinkled with parsley.

Egg salad (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Prepare a salad of various vegetables (of your choice). Crumble hard-boiled eggs on top (2 eggs for lunch, 1 for dinner). The salad can be sprinkled with grated cheese (100 grams for lunch, 50 grams for dinner) or finely chopped chicken sausages (2 sausages for lunch, 1 for dinner).

Boiled chicken with salad (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Ingredients: 1 small chicken (750 gr.); vegetables for soup; 1/2 onion; 1 clove of garlic; salt, 2 black peppercorns; 1 liter of water; ingredients for green salad.
Wash the chicken and cut into large portions. Place the vegetables in water, add salt and pepper. When the base boils, add the meat and cook over moderate heat for about 40 minutes. Remove chicken from broth. If you want, you can fry it in a Teflon pan without adding fat. Save some of the meat for dinner. Make a Chinese cabbage salad with the meat. Cut a small head of Chinese lettuce into thin noodles, add crushed garlic and 2 tbsp. chopped parsley. Season with vegetable oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.

Tender salad with tuna (from the book "90-day diet of separate meals")
Prepare a portion of a delicate salad with the addition of canned tuna. Pour some of the oil out of the can and add some to the salad. Don't forget the garlic. You can diversify the salad by adding chopped pickled cucumber. With a slice of bread, this dish will be more than wonderful!

Goulash soup (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Products: 400 gr. beef; 1 large onion; 1 pepper; 3 cloves of garlic; 1 tbsp. vegetable oil; 1 tsp paprika; salt, black pepper; 800 ml. water; marjoram, thyme, cumin; 1 tsp apple cider vinegar; 1 tbsp. parsley; salad ingredients.
Fry chopped onion and chopped pepper in vegetable oil. Add chopped meat and fry it. Pour hot water and add seasonings, garlic, ground red pepper, salt, black pepper and vinegar. Cook until the meat is tender. Add chopped parsley to the goulash. Eat a slice of bread and, in addition: pickles or pickled sweet peppers (or some other salad). Beef can be replaced with three chicken thighs.

Appetizer "Caprese" (from Ilara)
Serves 6
Ingredients: 3 small eggplants, cut into 1 cm thick circles; coarse salt; 2 small tomatoes, thinly sliced ​​350g fresh mozzarella, thinly sliced ​​1/4 cup basil leaves
For the sauce: 1/4 cup olive oil; 1 crushed clove of garlic; 1 teaspoon mustard with grains; 1 teaspoon sugar; 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar; salt pepper
Place the eggplant slices on a wire rack and sprinkle generously with coarse salt. Leave for half an hour, squeeze or rinse with clean water and dry.
Heat a heavy grill pan, grease with oil and grill the eggplant on both sides until tender.
Place eggplants, tomatoes, cheese and basil on a plate.
Prepare the sauce. Place all components in a jar with a tight lid and shake until a uniform mixture is obtained. Pour a third of the sauce over the vegetables, cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
Before serving, pour the remaining sauce over the salad.

Spicy pumpkin soup
Products: 1 onion; 1 clove of garlic; 1 tsp ginger; 1 kg. pumpkin, 1 liter of chicken broth; salt pepper.
Fry finely chopped onion, garlic, ginger and pumpkin, cut into small pieces, in vegetable oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Pour in the broth and simmer for about 30 minutes until the pumpkin is done. Let cool and puree in a blender. Boil. Serve with sour cream, or grated cheese on top, or croutons.

Assorted meat
Products: 300-400 gr. pork; 600 grams each of eggplant, bell pepper, tomatoes, apples; 1 large onion; parsley, dill, cilantro, celery, pepper, garlic, salt; 0.5 tbsp. dry wine No. 3 tbsp. vegetable oil; salt pepper.
Cut the meat into cubes, cut the onion into rings. Chop the greens. Mix everything, add salt and pour wine. Leave for 1 hour.
In a large saucepan, bring the oil to a boil. Mix (lightly mash) the meat with your hands. Place in oil for 15 minutes (over high heat). Add tomatoes - eggplants - peppers - herbs - apples on top. Add each layer at intervals of 15 minutes. Do not stir.

Balkan-style egg dish (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Products: 1 onion; 1 fresh pepper; 2 tomatoes; 2 cloves of garlic; 2 eggs, parsley; 1 tsp vegetable oil
Fry finely chopped onion and pepper, cut into strips, in oil. Add diced tomatoes and crushed garlic. Salt, pepper, add beaten eggs, sprinkle with parsley. Eat with a slice of bread.
If you love cottage cheese, eat it on this day!

Turkey chop with lettuce and carrots (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Ingredients: 2 turkey chops; 3 carrots; 2 cloves of garlic; 500 gr. lettuce; salt, black pepper; 1 tsp olive oil; 1 tsp lemon juice; salad ingredients.
Season the turkey chops with salt, pepper and oil. Wash the lettuce leaves, tear off the leaves and cut the stems. Cut the carrots into slices. Chop or crush the garlic. Fry the turkey meat in a Teflon frying pan without oil, add a small amount of water and simmer until cooked. Cover with a lid. In another pan, simmer lettuce and carrots, add garlic. simmer a little more. Lightly salt and pepper. add lemon juice. Make a green salad. Grate the carrots over the salad.

Omelet with vegetables (from the book "90-day split diet")
Products: 200 gr. vegetables; 2 eggs; 1 tsp vegetable oil
Finely chop the vegetables (of your choice). Beat eggs, mix with herbs and fry. Salt and pepper the finished omelette and sprinkle with parsley. If you're hungry, make a seasonal salad.

Fish with anise (from the book "90-day split diet diet")
Products: 3 pieces of any fish fillet; 1 tbsp. vegetable oil; 100 ml. water; one large stalk of anise; 1 clove of garlic; 1 tomato; 1 lemon juice; a bunch of parsley; rosemary stem
Stew two pieces of fish fillet in water with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. When all the liquid has evaporated, fry the fillet on both sides. Remove the fish from the pan. Stew the tomato with rosemary in a frying pan. When the tomato mass thickens, place the fried fillet on top. Separately, mix crushed garlic, chopped parsley and lemon juice. Pour this mixture over the fillets. Spice up your lunch with a seasonal salad or olives and a slice of bread.
Fish can be baked in foil. After gutting it, salt and pepper the inside, add garlic and rosemary. Wrap in foil and bake in the oven at 210C for about 30 minutes.

Spinach with eggs (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Products: 500 gr. frozen spinach; 2 cloves of garlic; salt, black pepper; nutmeg (optional); not less than 100 ml. water; 2 eggs.
Place frozen spinach in water and let it boil. Cook over moderate heat, adding water if necessary. When the spinach thickens, add chopped garlic, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Along with spinach, you can eat 2 scrambled eggs, cooked in a Teflon frying pan without adding oil, and a slice of bread. Eggs can be replaced with sausage, a portion of lean meat or tofu. Low-fat cottage cheese also goes well with spinach.

Mushroom soup (from romaZZZka)
Products: porcini mushrooms; potato; bulb onions; carrot; garlic clove;
We cook the mushrooms - the more there are, the richer and tastier they are, during this time we saute the onion, garlic and carrots. When the vegetables are ready, add them to the mushrooms and add the potatoes too. Well, and greens, of course. With sour cream - you'll lick your fingers!

Pork chops with onion sauce (from the book "The 90-Day Diet Diet")
Ingredients: 2 lean pork chops; 2 large onions; salt, black pepper; bay leaf, ginger; 1 tbsp. chopped parsley; 200 ml. broth; 1 tbsp. mustard; 1 tsp vegetable oil; ingredients for coleslaw.
Rinse the chops, dry with a paper towel and fry on both sides until golden brown. Remove from pan. Fry chopped onion in the resulting meat juice, add ginger, bay leaf and pour in broth. Place the chops in the onion sauce and simmer for about 15 minutes. Finally add salt, pepper, mustard and parsley. As an addition, make a salad of sauerkraut or fresh cabbage.
Chops can be replaced with chicken or turkey meat.

Beef tenderloin with mustard and green salad (from the book "The 90-Day Diet Diet")
Ingredients: 3 pieces of beef tenderloin; 200 ml. broth; black pepper; paprika; 1 tsp olive oil; ingredients for green salad.
Rinse the tenderloin, pat dry with a paper towel and lightly fry on both sides. Pour in hot broth, pepper, add a little paprika, and simmer over low heat. If necessary, add warm water until the meat is cooked. When the water has almost completely evaporated, add mustard. Eat with a slice of bread and a green salad.
The tenderloin can be replaced with fried chicken fillet. Or fish, or fried tofu with herbs.

Tortilla with chicken
Products: 2 tbsp. flour, 1 tsp. salt, 1/4 tbsp. butter or margarine, 1/2 tbsp. warm water.
Filling: chicken breast, oregano, onion, garlic, pepper, tomatoes, lemon, cilantro
Mix flour and salt. Crumble margarine or butter. Add warm water. Knead the dough. Let the dough rest a little. Can be left for 30 minutes. in the refrigerator. Divide the dough into 12-15 pieces and roll each into a very thin flat cake. You don't need to use flour when rolling. Place the flatbread on a dry, hot frying pan. Fry on both sides for 2-3 minutes. Place in a heap on a plate, cover with a towel, and serve hot with the filling.
Filling: Chicken. Cut the chicken fillet into long strips, add salt and marinate with pepper and onion. Add dry herbs to the marinade. It is advisable to fry the chicken first, then the vegetables. Pepper/onion. Cut the pepper into large strips, cut the onion into half rings. Salt, add vegetable oil, add lemon juice and a little water, marinate if possible. Fry over high heat before serving. Vegetables should remain slightly crispy. Salsa. Finely chop the tomatoes, add garlic, cilantro, green onions, chili pepper.
Place the hot filling in the middle of the tortilla and wrap it up. Family members who are not losing weight can offer grated cheese and sour cream as an additional topping.

Chicken paprikash (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Ingredients: chicken breast (or 3 thighs), 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 2 onions, paprika, garlic, pepper, bay leaf, marjoram, salt
Fry the onion in oil. Add the sliced ​​chicken breast (large, without skin) and fry it all for a few minutes, stirring constantly. Add crushed garlic, paprika, hot red chili pepper if desired, bay leaf and a pinch of marjoram. Pour in broth or boiling water (a little!) and simmer until soft. Eat with a slice of bread and salad of your choice.

Stewed hake with salad (from the book "The 90-Day Separate Diet")
Ingredients: 3 pieces of hake fillet, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp. parsley, 1 clove of garlic, salt, black pepper, 100 ml. water, ingredients for tomato salad
Place 2 pieces of hake fillet in a frying pan, fill them with a mixture of water and vegetable oil and only then place them on a preheated stove. Simmer until the water has completely evaporated, then lightly fry on both sides, sprinkle with parsley and grated garlic. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with tomato salad and a slice of bread. For the salad you need: tomato, fresh pepper, onion, garlic, basil, salt, black pepper, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, vinegar to taste. You can sprinkle the salad with toasted sesame seeds. Hake fillet can be replaced with another fish fillet or chicken meat. Fried tofu is an excellent substitute for meat or fish.

cheese chops (from romaZZZka)
Products: Hard cheese, crackers, eggs, vegetable oil
Cut hard cheese into pieces 1-1.5 cm thick, then roll in breadcrumbs and egg, and again in breadcrumbs. Place on a hot frying pan and fry for 3-5 minutes, if the “chop” is thicker, then fry longer.

Salad of fresh tomatoes, baked eggplants and zucchini with yogurt sauce
Ingredients: 2 tomatoes (small), 2 even medium eggplants, 2-3 medium zucchini or zucchini, olive oil for baking, coarse salt, black pepper,
For the sauce: 2 jars of regular yogurt, 3-4 cloves of crushed garlic, 2-3 tbsp. finely chopped mint (or parsley), 3 tablespoons olive oil, 1 teaspoon sugar, salt and pepper to taste
Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Cut the eggplants into thin slices and sprinkle with coarse salt. Leave for half an hour to drain the liquid, then squeeze and dry with a paper towel. Cut the zucchini into slices. Place eggplant and zucchini on a large baking sheet; brush with olive oil, salt and pepper and bake until soft and golden brown. Remove from oven and cool.
Cut the tomatoes into circles or slices, put them in a salad bowl, add eggplants and zucchini, pour over the chilled sauce and serve with fresh bread. You can place the vegetables on a plate and serve the sauce separately. But when stirring, the vegetables are better soaked.

Shrimp with vegetables (from Lilicook)
Ingredients: olive oil, mushrooms (champignons), sweet peppers, green onions, garlic, broccoli (optional), spices (black pepper, vigueta, soy sauce, herbs), sesame seeds, tomatoes, mustard (optional), shrimp
Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan (preferably Teflon). Add finely chopped onion and simmer lightly. Add fresh or canned mushrooms. Evaporate the water, add chopped bell peppers, finely chopped green onions, and garlic. Add shrimp. First, disassemble the broccoli into florets, place them in salted water for a few minutes and