The coral mushroom is a rather rare specimen, which many would avoid due to its unusual appearance. It reaches a size of up to 40 centimeters and resembles corals. Despite the fact that outwardly it does not inspire confidence in everyone, it has no poisonous counterparts, so you can collect the mushroom without fear.

Various dishes are prepared from blackberry, as this species is also called, from salads to soups. It has an almost neutral taste and a barely perceptible aroma, but when properly prepared it perfectly diversifies the everyday menu.

Salad recipe with coral mushroom and smoked meat

A fairly simple salad to make that will interest lovers of everything unusual.


Servings: – + 7

  • Coral hedgehog 150 g
  • Fresh cucumber 2 pcs.
  • Bulb onions 1 PC.
  • Smoked meat 100 g
  • Chicken egg 2 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Mayonnaise to taste
  • Black pepper 1 pinch
  • Salt to taste

Per serving

Calories: 252 kcal

Proteins: 4.5 g

Fats: 25 g

Carbohydrates: 2.3 g

30 min. Video recipe Print

    Soak the mushrooms for 60 minutes in water in a 2:1 ratio. Then cut into pieces about one centimeter long and fry in refined oil. After 10 minutes, add finely chopped onion. Cook as much more. Place on a plate and wait to cool.

    Boil the eggs hard for 12 minutes after the water has boiled. Cool in ice liquid, remove the shell and chop into cubes.

    Grind the remaining ingredients: meat into small pieces, cucumbers into strips.

    Combine everything together, season with mayonnaise, add pepper and mix. Add salt if necessary.

    Advice: if you use it for salad large cucumbers with thick skin, we recommend cutting it off with a housekeeper, and also removing overgrown seeds.

    Coral Mushroom Stew

    The recipe for making blackberry soup is no different from the standard technology for first courses. But the result has one peculiarity associated with the crispy structure of the mushrooms.

    Number of servings: 12

    Cooking time: 45 minutes

    Energy value

    • calorie content – ​​40.3 kcal;
    • proteins – 2.6 g;
    • fats – 0.4 g;
    • carbohydrates – 6.5 g.


    • medium potatoes – 5 pcs.;
    • Blackberry – 500 g;
    • carrots – 2 pcs.;
    • onion – 1 pc.;
    • parsley, root - to taste;
    • butter – 2 tbsp;
    • Bay leaf- 2 pcs.;
    • sunflower oil – 2 tbsp;
    • pepper, peas – 3 pcs.

    Step-by-step preparation

  1. Chop the coral mushroom fairly coarsely and fry it on butter. Then transfer to a saucepan, pour in two liters of water and cook for about 30 minutes.
  2. Next, add the potato pieces, and when they have boiled a little, prepare the frying of onions, parsley and carrots in the standard way.
  3. Once all the ingredients are in the pan, add salt and spices. Boil for another five minutes.

This is interesting: To ensure that the dish has a delicate taste, we recommend supplementing the list of ingredients with cream, as well as your favorite herbs.

Once you try a dish with these crunchy mushrooms, you will look for them every year to treat yourself again. Bon appetit!

Hedgehog is a mushroom that is found almost throughout Russia, as well as in Siberia. In addition, it can be seen in some European countries and in North America. The hedgehog grows in coniferous and mixed foxes, and you can go on a “quiet hunt” for it from mid-July until the first frost.

At the same time, the hedgehog mushroom is a mushroom that may well lay claim to the title of the most underrated among its relatives. The thing is that many mushroom pickers are simply afraid to collect it because of the similarity of the most common species - yellow hedgehog - with. The fact that the prejudice against hedgehog mushrooms is unfounded is evidenced by the fact that these are the mushrooms that are most actively stored for the winter.

Types of mushrooms

It is noteworthy that the name “hedgehog” unites at least ten separate species of mushrooms, often endowed with very distant external similarities. However, one general characteristics they have a hymenophore (the lower surface of the cap) in the form of small spines. It is partly because of them that mushroom pickers don’t like hedgehogs so much: the whole point is that the outgrowths of the hymenophore are very fragile, they quickly come off, dirtying the rest of the “catch”.

So, representatives of several families are called hedgehogs: hedgehogs (yellow and reddish hedgehogs), bankeraceae (black, felt, variegated and rough hedgehogs), hericiaceae (coral, combed and antennal hedgehogs), exidiaceae (jelly-shaped hedgehogs).

It is noteworthy that, although representatives of almost all of the listed species theoretically grow on the territory of Russia, you can’t even count on meeting some of them in the forest. Many hedgehog mushrooms are not just rare, but listed in the Red Book. Therefore, describing them in detail does not make much sense, but instead it is better to carefully study the most common edible mushroom from this group is the yellow hedgehog.

Yellow hedgehog - general characteristics

Yellow hedgehog or Hydnum repandum has several names. It is known to specialists as hydnium concavate and dentinum concavate.

The “calling card” of this mushroom is its cap. It is a delicate cream color, and its underside is strewn with very brittle “needles” of the same color as the surface of the cap. The diameter of the cap varies from three to twelve centimeters and, despite its rigidity, it is quite fragile. Young mushrooms have convex caps, with a distinct floral aroma and slight pubescence. In their more “older” counterparts they are depressed, with a clearly visible depression in the center. At the same time, the color of the pulp is also different: the younger the mushroom, the lighter it is.

The leg of the notched hedgehog is usually somewhat lighter than the cap and quite thick. At the same time, it can be elongated, as a result of which the mushroom can be confused with a toadstool.

You can go on a “quiet hunt” for yellow hedgehogs from July to September. They feel comfortable in any soil, deciduous, coniferous, and also mixed forests, however, most often they live among birches. At the same time, mushrooms often grow in so-called “witch circles” and even grow together with caps and legs, as if in a round dance. They love moss and cool air very much.

Composition and calorie content

In my own way chemical composition the mushroom boasts a high content of proteins and, as well as a wide range of and. Wherein energy value 100 g of product - 22 Kcal. The composition of nutritional elements is as follows: 3.09 g of protein, 3.26 g of carbohydrates, 1 g of dietary fiber and 0.34 g of fat.

In addition, 100 g of blackberry pulp contains 0.05 g, 0.16 g and 2 mg of the steroid alcohol campesterol.

It is very important when going on a “silent hunt” to remember the properties of mushrooms to accumulate toxins and heavy metal salts. Therefore, hedgehogs should be collected exclusively in areas with favorable ecology.

An important distinguishing characteristic of mushrooms is also the fact that, unlike other products, even after culinary processing beneficial substances are preserved almost completely.

Beneficial features

Hydnum repandum is a mushroom that is not only widely eaten, but is also actively used by specialists traditional medicine thanks to its unique chemical composition.

Thus, the biologically active elements present in the composition of yellow hedgehog are:

  1. Campesterol. In its molecular structure, this substance resembles organic. Once in the body, campesterol combines with “bad” cholesterol and promotes its natural removal from the body.
  2. Glutamic acid, to which the mushroom pulp owes its piquant taste, promotes the regeneration of muscle tissue and is a source of energy that is not inferior.
  3. Aspartic acid helps normalize the functioning of the endocrine system. In addition, it promotes the synthesis of growth hormones.
  4. Potassium is responsible for maintaining water and electrolyte balance. It also helps normalize heart rate and blood pressure.
  5. Nicotinic acid is an active participant in protein synthesis and energy metabolism.

The presence of blackberry dishes in the diet can replenish the reserve of useful substances if for some reason a person refuses to eat animal proteins. In particular, the pulp of this mushroom helps to restore strength after intense physical activity.

In addition, yellow hedgehog:

  1. It boasts a pronounced antibacterial effect. The substances included in its composition help fight E. coli, staphylococci, and streptococci. Experienced mushroom pickers know well: if you accidentally scratch or injure yourself in the forest, you should apply the milky juice of a hedgehog to the wound. It will prevent infection and stop the inflammatory process. Naturally, this does not exclude the need to treat the wound with an antiseptic after returning home.
  2. Helps increase vitality, increase muscle mass during active sports.
  3. Helps fight depression and improves mood. Promotes stabilization nervous system, normalizes sleep.
  4. Accelerates the removal of waste and toxins from the body, improves peristalsis.
  5. Helps remove “bad” cholesterol, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and improves their tone.
  6. Helps restore radiance to the skin, make hair shinier and silkier.
  7. Stimulates the production of red blood cells, normalizing the blood formula.

The healing properties of the hedgehog were known to ancient healers. Thus, in Chinese medical treatises of past centuries there are recipes for tinctures based on this mushroom, which help lower blood pressure and improve sleep. In addition, these mushrooms have long been used to make ointments used for skin diseases, as well as space masks that effectively nourish the skin and have a tonic and rejuvenating effect.

Harm and contraindications

Restrictions on the use of the product are practically no different from medical prohibitions related to other mushrooms. Thus, people suffering from pancreatitis and disorders of the biliary tract should exclude them from the diet. In addition, dishes made from hedgehogs are not suitable for those who have been diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity and any liver diseases. Allergy sufferers should use this mushroom with caution.

It is also worth recalling that any mushrooms must be excluded from the menu for children under five years of age, as well as pregnant women.

Taste and use in cooking

Yellow hedgehog is a mushroom that is not particularly popular, although taste qualities his are excellent. Moreover, unlike many other mushrooms, it almost does not decrease in size during heat treatment due to the fact that its pulp is very dense.

It is noteworthy that, despite the fact that yellow hedgehog mushroom is certainly an edible mushroom, it is still recommended to use exclusively young specimens in cooking. The thing is that in old mushrooms the pulp acquires a distinct bitterness. At the same time, young hedgehogs have a very pleasant taste and have a characteristic aroma with notes of nuts and slight sourness.

Yellow blackberries are suitable for pickling, cooking and drying. In addition, they can be fried. It is curious that in France and some other European countries these mushrooms are used as a side dish to accompany meat and fish dishes. They are usually served with a variety of sauces. Blackberries are also added to salads.

Please note that before putting your “catch” into a pot or frying pan, it is better to remove all the spike-like outgrowths from the hymenophore. The thing is that during heat treatment they fall off, as a result of which your roast runs the risk of turning into some kind of mushy porridge.

As noted above, there are many options for culinary use of this mushroom. First of all, of course, the hedgehog mushrooms can be dried. To do this, thoroughly clean your “catch”, remove the needles from reverse side caps and spread the blackberries in an even layer on the prepared surface. When they are slightly dry, you can either string them on a thread, as our grandmothers dried mushrooms, or put them in an oven preheated to 35°C. The finished product must be packaged in glass jars and carefully sealed.

Another option is to prepare aromatic mushroom sauce according to a French recipe.

To do this, you will need not only fresh (400 g), but also dried (15 g) mushrooms, a glass of dry white wine, as well as one onion, stems (200 g) and several cloves. Dried blackberries should be thoroughly washed, placed in an enamel container and filled with cold water until it completely covers them.

While the mushrooms are soaking, you need to prepare the vegetables.

To do this, finely chop a medium-sized onion and squeeze out three cloves of garlic. Wash the celery stalk, remove the outer shell and leaves and chop thoroughly.

Drain the dried mushrooms in a colander, and then transfer to paper towels so that excess moisture is absorbed. After this, finely chop them.

The next step is to pour 50 g of vegetable oil into a frying pan with high sides, heat it up and add vegetables and dried blackberries. Cook the mixture covered for five minutes over very low heat, stirring from time to time to prevent a crust from appearing. After this, the mixture is sent to a blender, water is also poured into it, and also added. The crushed preparation is salted to taste and simmered for three minutes over very low heat.

Cut fresh mushrooms into slices, fry in a frying pan (ten minutes) and add to the vegetable mixture. Simmer for about seven to ten minutes, stirring constantly. This sauce is suitable for meat and fish.

Italian salad

In a ceramic bowl, mix a tablespoon of anchovy paste, one and a half tablespoons, two tablespoons of grated and. Squeeze two cloves of garlic into the mixture.

Boil 200 g of blackberries for a quarter of an hour in salted water and let cool. Cut them into slices, add pieces of boiled chicken breast and ten cut in half. Season with salt and pepper, place the dressing on top and, without stirring, place in the refrigerator. After four hours, remove and mix thoroughly. Salad ready.

The blackberry mushroom is not popular among mushroom pickers because some species have a pungent taste. However, there are varieties related to.

Botanical description of blackberry mushrooms

Appearance and the taste of blackberries resembles chanterelles, although these mushrooms are not relatives. . Home distinctive feature are peculiar spines on the underside of the cap. Top part The caps can be smooth or pimply.

Like chanterelles, blackberries grow in large colonies and are rarely found affected by pests. There are more than a dozen species of blackberries, many of which are listed in the Red Book.

Nutritional value and edibility of blackberry mushrooms

Despite the fact that the mushroom has a pleasant smell, not every gourmet will eat it. In terms of taste, it occupies the fourth category. Only young mushrooms are used for culinary purposes., since mature individuals begin to taste bitter. To eliminate the bitter taste, the raw materials should be boiled.

To prepare the dish, usually only the caps of the fruiting body are used. They have a mild sweetish taste and a pleasant nutty aroma. 100 grams of product contains 22 kcal.

French cuisine has many mushroom recipes for main courses, as well as mousses, juliennes, appetizers or side dishes. The powder made from dried specimens is used as a seasoning that adds a piquant taste to dishes.

Photo gallery

Where blackberries grow (video)

Places and season for picking blackberries

Unpretentious mushrooms have spread throughout temperate zone Northern Hemisphere, including the vast territory of Russia. Blackberries prefer to settle in both coniferous and deciduous forests.

A hedgehog-like mushroom grows on tree trunks, usually birch, oak or. Settles on both living and dead wood. Plant hedgehogs love warm and humid climate. The fruiting season begins in mid-autumn and continues until the first frost.

Types of blackberry mushrooms

Blackberries originally belonged to the genus Hydnum. Subsequently, scientists, having identified differences between the species, divided the genus into families. Most of them are quite rare, and some of them are listed in the Red Book.

A common feature In all species, there is a spore-bearing layer (hymenophore), which, instead of tubes and plates located under the cap, has needle-shaped spines. Although they are not sharp, they are quite tough. The fruit body varies in shape from the traditional cap-shaped to coral-shaped and branched.

A conditionally edible mushroom of the genus Sarcodon, which is popularly called kolchak or hawk. Variegated mushroom nicknamed because of the variegated color and large convex scales on the cap, similar to tiles.

The brown cap grows to a considerable size, reaching a diameter of 20 cm. In the central part it has a funnel-shaped depression. In young individuals, the edge of the cap is rolled up. At the bottom there are brittle spines that go down to a massive stem, which is painted in lighter colors than the cap. The inside is whitish and dense. Prefers to settle in coniferous forests.

The fleshy cap with a diameter of 6 to 12 cm has a flat shape and a concave middle. Depending on the region of growth, the color varies from white to orange. Smooth to the touch with a film that is difficult to peel off. On the lower part, yellow, fragile spines grow, descending to the stem.

Often there are specimens with a leg attached off-center. The pulp has a dense structure and a whitish color. The height of the cylindrical leg is up to 6 cm. It is slightly expanded in the lower part. During growth, parts of the fruiting body can grow together.

Most often it grows in cool places, covered with a dense cover of grass or moss. It can grow singly or in groups, forming long rows or circles. Fruits from mid-summer to late autumn.

This mushroom unusual shape turns the forest into mysterious and magical. But since it is listed in the Red Book, the likelihood of meeting him is very low. Usually the fungus settles singly on stumps and trunks.

The shape of the branched fruit resembles an underwater coral, reaching 20 centimeters in size. Smooth or curved spines, growing up to 2 cm, are painted white or cream.

The structure of the fruiting body is elastic-fibrous, white with a pleasant smell and taste. In mature individuals it becomes harsh.

The appearance of the fruiting body resembles noodles, which gave it synonymous names: bearded mushroom, mushroom noodles and lion's mane. Found on living and dead deciduous wood. The shape of the mushroom is round or irregular, reaching 20 cm. The weight of one body can be 1.5 kg.

When prepared, it resembles seafood. The color is on the spectrum between cream and light beige. The fleshy pulp dries from white to yellowish. In addition to good taste, it has medicinal properties.

In some countries it is very rare, so it is grown artificially on a substrate of sawdust or straw. The product is actively used in the food industry due to its similar taste to shrimp, and also for medical purposes as an immune stimulant.

Features of variegated blackberry (video)

Medicinal properties of blackberries

Of all known species of this mushroom it is the lion's mane that is characterized maximum number useful properties. It contains antioxidants, phosphorus, calcium, iron, vegetable proteins, polysaccharides and vitamins.

Eating blackberries has the following effects on the body:

  • improves the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • contributes to the successful fight against depression and increased excitability;
  • has a therapeutic effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalizes emotional state;
  • smoothes the symptoms of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • strengthens the body's defenses;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • normalizes hematopoietic processes;
  • prevents the occurrence of malignant tumors.

The presence of fatty acids, polysaccharides and phenols fight cancer cells similar to chemotherapy. As a result, the tumors resolve or decrease in size. Extracts obtained from the fungus are used in the production of means to combat fungal, viral and bacterial infections. In traditional medicine, ointments are made from it skin diseases.

How to properly cook blackberry mushroom

The shelf life of fresh mushrooms is short, only 2-3 hours. Then the fruits begin to darken. If you need to preserve the crop for a longer period, it should be placed in the refrigerator, following several steps:

  • to get rid of pests, mushrooms need to be soaked in salt water;
  • allow the water to drain and remove damaged areas;
  • place in a deep container and cover with a paper towel.

The advantage of blackberries over other representatives of the mushroom kingdom is that they do not have milky juice, which gives the fruit an unpleasant bitter taste. In view of this feature, boiling the raw product in lightly salted water has a different meaning.

It is recommended to boil the harvested crop in order to soften the aromatic forest product. After this procedure, it can be fried or stewed. Although boiling is not a strict rule, it improves the taste of the mushroom. To process mushrooms for the winter, it is recommended to pickle, freeze or dry them.

Blackberry recipe (video)

Blackberries, like all mushrooms, like a sponge, accumulate toxic substances from environment. To avoid causing harm to the body, you should go looking for mushrooms only in ecologically clean areas.

Description of the coral-shaped hedgehog. Healing substances contained in its fruiting body. What beneficial properties does it have on the body, possible harmful effects if abused. Recipes with mushroom.

The content of the article:

Coral's mushroom is an edible seasonal mushroom from the family Hericiaceae. It is also called "hericium" after its Latin botanical name, which means "hedgehog". All species related to the hedgehog are similar to each other, have a fleshy structure, white color, and are saprotrophs, that is, they grow on dead or dying wood. Fruit bodies The mushroom resembles coral, hence the second part of its official name. The hedgehog is found in many countries around the world, but is most often found in tropical forests South America. All four species are farmed in Japan, China and other Asian countries, where it is considered a delicacy and medicinal product.

Composition and calorie content of coral-shaped hedgehog

The genus Hericium was first described by H. Perun in 1794, and was later mentioned in the famous work “Systema Mycologicum” (1822). Blackberry fruiting bodies typically have short "stems" that attach to the sides of the host tree. Its jagged branches reach from 10 to 40 cm in length and from 5 to 20 cm in width. They are soft and fragile, and may be covered with a small coating or hairs. Mature specimens are difficult to distinguish from similar species, as many adults have long stems that hang down. Some of them may be filled with an oily liquid.

The caloric content of coral hedgehog is 20 kcal, it contains a lot of protein, fiber, and almost no fat and carbohydrates. Hericium is rich in low-molecular substances of group B, ascorbic acid, vitamin D and PP. Due to this, the use of coral-shaped hedgehog has a positive effect on the health of the skin, liver, and eyes. Vitamins and active macroelements protect the cardiovascular, nervous, digestive system, slightly accelerating the metabolism and breakdown of fats, establishing unhindered digestion and elimination of food.

Blackberry contains a lot of water (from 60 to 85%), which enters the body with the dish, maintains the proper level of metabolism, reducing blood pressure, improving the hydration of cells for which liquid is the key vitality.

The plant fibers of the mushroom provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety and help you stay on a diet, and essential amino acids combine the advantages of both meat and plant ingredients.

Zinc, copper, selenium, iron and even silver are included in the composition of the coral-shaped hedgehog. The importance of these microelements is difficult to underestimate: they control the transfer of oxygen and the removal of waste substances from tissues, participate in DNA synthesis, nerve impulse transmission, hormone production, and control of reproductive function. Many of them are also antioxidants, meaning they prevent the development of cancerous tumors that appear from damage free radicals. The latter are a natural result of oxidative processes, which include respiration. By consuming enough vegetables, fruits and other sources of antioxidants, you can reduce the risk of health problems.

Calcium and phosphorus also determine the benefits of the coralline hedgehog. Constantly adding mushrooms to food will help strengthen bones and joints, and prevent the leaching of microelements from the skeleton and tooth enamel.

Beneficial properties of coral-shaped hedgehog

Among the important properties of hericium

  • Healthy Digestion. Fiber in food is known to relieve constipation. Blackberry is extremely rich in plant fibers, which facilitate digestion and improve the absorption of nutrients. Among other things, fiber retains water well, increasing in size. This allows you to simultaneously increase the hydration of cells and supply them with the fluid necessary to carry out biological reactions, as well as feel full for a long time. Thanks to fiber, energy is produced not just once, but over a longer period of time, providing the body with “fuel” for constant activity.
  • Youthful skin. B vitamins perform many different functions. One of the most visually noticeable is smooth and radiant skin, untouched by cosmetic problems, wrinkles and premature aging. The same applies to other integuments - hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, which look thick and shiny.
  • Weight loss. Fiber makes you feel full and energetic, and linoleic acid in blackberry helps fight fat deposits more effectively. It particularly strongly counteracts extra pounds on the stomach.
  • Fight against cancer. Hericium is a popular remedy for the treatment of tumors and the prevention of their occurrence. It can be consumed both in the form of dietary supplements and as part of dishes, but the mushroom must be cooked and cannot be consumed raw. Blackberry vitamins and minerals act as antioxidants and prevent the formation of tumors, and natural immune agents destroy cells that have succumbed to the harmful influence of the environment.
  • Liver health and body cleansing. B vitamins not only protect this organ, they encourage the liver to remove toxins and waste substances from the body. Otherwise, they can linger and accumulate in the body.
  • Prevention of pathologies of the central nervous system. The positive effect of hedgehog on the central nervous system is known, which helps get rid of neurasthenia, depression, and unmotivated mood changes. The mushroom also brings quick sleep and good sleep. Regular consumption of blackberry reduces the chances of developing Alzheimer's disease and other diseases associated with mental abilities.
  • Element of a vegetarian diet. Similar in its set of amino acids to meat, the mushroom serves as a substitute both in taste and in terms of benefits. By adding it to their diet, vegans and people on strict diets do not have to worry about developing vitamin deficiency or lack of vital nutrients. nutrients.
  • Liquid source. Since there is a lot of water in the blackberry, the fungus keeps the body hydrated and serves as a donor of substances without which cells cannot exist.

Harm and contraindications to coral hedgehog

This species is rarely found outside of South America, but can be purchased or found by chance. The characteristic shape of the hedgehog mushroom, which makes it look like coral, as well as its placement on trees will leave no doubt about what kind of mushroom is in front of you. However, it is still better to be careful.

Consequences of abusing the Coraloid hedgehog:

  1. Poisoning. Since mushrooms growing in wildlife, are capable of accumulating harmful substances and heavy metals from the environment, any species found should be treated with the utmost care. To decrease possible harm, mushrooms are soaked and cooked for a long time, or they prefer specimens obtained from farms and ripened in a controlled environment. If you notice any discomfort after eating mushrooms, be sure to call an ambulance.
  2. Stomach upset. Even mushrooms from ecologically clean areas can cause foodborne illness. Since blackberry contains a lot of fiber and is a “heavy” food, it is better to get used to eating it gradually and in small amounts.
Absolute contraindications to coral hedgehog:
  • Age. This mushroom is especially rich in fiber and chitin, which are poorly digested by the bodies of children and the elderly. Do not offer this product to children under 5 years of age or people over 65, especially if they have digestive problems.
  • Allergy. Blackberry can become a strong allergen for some people. Taste it carefully and in small portions, or completely give up this pleasure, especially if you have already encountered allergies to vegetables and fruits.

Recipes for dishes with barnacle mushroom

Hericium can be used in all recipes where regular mushrooms are present. Its taste and aroma are not very pronounced, but the benefits of the coral hedgehog are undeniable. Hericium is fried and boiled, baked, and used to make purees and composite fillings. Whatever you cook with this mushroom will be very tasty.

Recipes with barnacle mushroom

  1. Soup with hedgehog. The first dish with hericium looks very unusual and attractive. To prepare it you will need half a kilo of fresh blackberry, 2 large spoons of butter, 2 liters of water, 5 medium-sized potatoes, 2 medium carrots, 1 parsley root, 1 onion, a little sunflower oil for frying, bay leaf, salt, pepper for dressing. Wash the mushrooms, cut them, fry them in butter, then transfer them to a saucepan and fill with water. Boil for half an hour over low heat, then add chopped potatoes, carrots, parsley (you can also pre-fry in vegetable oil). Add the onion and spices, then cook for about 30 minutes. For taste, before serving, you can “flavor” the soup with cream, sour cream or fresh herbs.
  2. Casserole with mushrooms and potatoes. The dish is easy to prepare, as well as nutritious, pleasing to the eye and stomach. Take 1 kg of mushrooms and the same amount of potatoes, 100 g of cheese (Dutch or Russian), 5-6 eggs (depending on size), 1 onion, 1 carrot, a glass of sour cream, a little vegetable or olive oil, pepper, salt, favorite spices. Finely chop the carrots and onions (you can grate them), fry over low heat until soft. We make minced mushrooms using a blender, meat grinder or very finely chopped mushrooms. Add eggs, salt and spices to the mushroom mince. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin “slices”, place them in a pre-greased baking dish. Place fried onions and carrots on top, and form the next layer from minced mushrooms. Repeat until the ingredients run out or the mold is filled. Fill the casserole with sour cream and sprinkle cheese on top. Place in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for half an hour (or up to full readiness).
  3. Julienne with hedgehog mushroom. For cooking we need: 400 g chicken fillet without skin and bones, 300 g blackberry, 2 medium onions, 200 ml heavy cream, 150 g cheese, butter, herbs, salt and pepper. Fry the chicken, cut into pieces, in a frying pan until half cooked, then add the onion to it and cook for another 3-4 minutes. Place the mushrooms in the same pan and fry everything together for about 5 minutes. Pour the mixture with cream, season with salt and pepper, simmer for 3-4 minutes. Add the grated cheese, stir, cover with a lid and turn off the heat. Let the dish sit for a while, then serve, garnished with herbs.
  4. Macaroni with mushrooms and cheese. To create 4 servings of the dish, take: 200 g of blackberry, half a kilo of pasta, 1 onion, 2 eggs, oil for frying, 100 g of cheese, breadcrumbs, salt. Chop the mushrooms and onions, fry in a frying pan, season well. Boil the pasta according to the instructions on the package in pre-salted water. Cool the finished product, break the eggs into it, and mix. Grease a baking dish with oil and cover with breadcrumbs. Spread the pasta-egg mixture on top, then add the mushrooms and onions. Cover the top with a second layer of pasta, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and grated cheese. Place the pan in the oven, preheated to 190 degrees, bake for about 15 minutes.
  5. Blackberry in sour cream. Like any other mushroom, hericium is good on its own if it is tasty fried or baked. For 800 g of mushrooms, take 2 onions, 200 ml of sour cream, a little butter, salt, black pepper, and a bunch of herbs. Wash and chop the onion, put it in oil in a heated frying pan and fry until golden brown. Add mushrooms, frying for another 10 minutes. Add sour cream, salt and pepper, simmer for 10-15 minutes. Serve, seasoned with chopped herbs.

Interesting facts about the coral-shaped hedgehog

Most often found in nature from August to December, it is spread by spores that move only a meter away from the parent body. The optimal temperature for hedgehog growth is +25 degrees Celsius; if the temperature drops below or rises above, the development of the fungus may stop.

It is not recommended to eat blackberry raw; poisoning with stomach upset is likely. The mushroom must be cooked, well fried or boiled. Before preparing it for food, it should be thoroughly washed and inspected, as a variety of insects like to live in it.

The only thing worth cooking is mushrooms white. Yellowness indicates old and unpalatable specimens that give the food a sour taste. Young and healthy individuals are also easy to distinguish by the state of the “branches” - they are elastic and placed vertically upward. Older hedgehogs have branches that hang down and their taste begins to deteriorate.

In China, hedgehogs are a popular remedy for gastrointestinal disorders, a medicine to improve immunity, strengthen the nervous system and respiratory tract. Mushrooms have a slight tonic effect and stimulate the process of blood formation. At the same time, contraindications to the coral-shaped hedgehog are practically zero.

Watch a video about the coral-shaped hedgehog:

Coral hedgehog - rare, but beautiful and medicinal mushroom. It is useful for cleansing the liver and strengthening the immune system, improving metabolism and saturating the body with water. Hericium resists Alzheimer's disease and the formation of tumors, helps to lose weight and even get rid of depression. Having discovered in natural conditions, it is difficult to confuse him with poisonous species, so the mushroom is convenient to collect and safe to eat.