The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case for falsification of evidence against Anastasia Pestrikova. The girl is called one of the common-law wives of the notorious Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko.

According to media reports, the new criminal case became known during a court hearing on the girl’s claim against the state. The Khamovnichesky Court is considering Pestrikova’s claim about monetary compensation for illegal criminal prosecution. She considers the detention for 48 hours in September 2017 at Samara airport illegal and demands compensation in the amount of three million rubles.

“For almost two months after the incident, my trustee did not know what her procedural status was, and the coverage of the incident in the media caused her significant reputational damage,” said Pestrikova’s lawyer.

During the hearing in the Khamovnichesky Court, a representative of the Ministry of Finance, which is the defendant in this lawsuit, asked that a resolution on a new criminal case against the plaintiff be attached to the case materials.

“The case was opened by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on May 10 under Article 303 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Falsification of evidence”),” he clarified to RIA Novosti, refusing to make detailed comments. Pestrikova’s lawyer Valeria Tunnikova also refused to comment, since she herself learned about the initiation of the case only during the court hearing.

History of the first arrest

In September 2017, Anastasia Pestrikova was detained while trying to fly to Cyprus from Samara. The investigation accused her of stealing $16 million from a relative and attempted fraud.

In October 2017, the prosecutor's office closed the case without explanation. And only a month later, in November, Pestrikova explained that she received the money to buy real estate abroad at the request of a friend. At the same time, she intended to take only €500 thousand for her help. Then the girl claimed that, having learned about the arrest of her partner, Colonel Zakharchenko, she was afraid for the fate of other people’s funds entrusted to her. Therefore, she decided to transfer money to the account of a relative, Lilia Gorshkova. It was there that investigators discovered and arrested them.

Four women of Colonel Zakharchenko

Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, known to the Russian public for the millions found in his sister's apartment during an FSB investigation, came to Moscow in 2005 to fight corruption. During the investigation, hidden assets worth £113 million were seized from him. Zakharchenko is accused of accepting bribes, thanks to which he could lead a luxurious lifestyle.

The colonel himself claims that he never took or received bribes. about four women in Zakharchenko’s life, whom he showered with expensive gifts, allegedly using money received in the form of bribes. One of the leading anti-corruption officials in the Russian police lavished his wife and three “unofficial” partners with jewelry, gave them real estate and premium cars.

The last common-law wife

The notorious colonel met Anastasia Pestrikova at a party in one of the Moscow nightclubs. At the beginning of 2016, she gave birth to Zakharchenko’s son. Perhaps realizing that he would soon be caught red-handed, the colonel registered the boy in one of the expensive apartments that the policeman once bought for his mother. Anastasia received a Range Rover, as well as a luxurious Moscow apartment worth £2.2 million on Efremova Street. Zakharchenko also opened a bank account in her name, where he deposited about $16 million. After the colonel was detained, the money was frozen until the end of the investigation.

After Zakharchenko’s arrest, Pestrikova gave birth to his second son. A source for in law enforcement commented on the actions of the policeman preceding the arrest: “Perhaps Colonel Zakharchenko had a premonition that he might be arrested and, knowing about Anastasia Pestrikova’s pregnancy, he decided to provide the mother of his children with a decent existence.” Now the mother of Zakharchenko’s sons lives with her parents in a rather modest apartment in Khimki.

Colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitry Zakharchenko was arrested in September 2016 on suspicion of receiving a bribe of 7 million rubles. In addition to bribery, he was charged with abuse of office and obstruction of a preliminary investigation. During a search of Zakharchenko’s apartment, more than $120 million and €2 million in cash were seized. In total, more than 8.5 billion rubles were confiscated from the colonel and his relatives. The accused stated in April 2018 that most of the seized money belonged to relatives, and only 93 thousand rubles belonged to him. - monthly allowance for the month.

Anastasia Pestrikova

Let's remember, 25-year-old Anastasia Pestrikova, common-law wife of the notorious ex-Colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitry Zakharchenko, detained last Thursday at Samara airport. She was going to fly from Kurumoch to Cyprus on vacation. Apparently, Pestrikova, who lives in Khimki near Moscow, chose such an unusual route in the hope that in Samara, unlike the capital, they did not put a so-called watchdog on her - a notification law enforcement both about a person purchasing a ticket and about an attempt to leave the country. However, as Kommersant writes, when going through passport control, the woman was stopped and asked to go to the office premises. There, ICR officers were already waiting for her, who announced to Mrs. Pestrikova that she would not fly anywhere. Yesterday in the capital's Basmanny Court it was planned to consider the investigation's request for her house arrest. According to the publication, there is no talk of a more stringent measure of restraint, since the woman is raising two sons, one of whom is just over six months old, and the other one and a half years old. However, after the materials of the case against the suspect were submitted to the court, for some reason Mrs. Pestrikova was not brought to it. So far, it is only obvious that the investigation considered the departure of Colonel Zakharchenko’s common-law wife abroad as an attempt to hide. Until recently, she served as a witness in her husband’s case and the investigator did not impose any restrictions on her movement. Pestrikova’s status changed along with her arrest. According to Kommersant, the investigation charges her with Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale). It's about about $16 million seized in VTB24 bank accounts. Mrs. Pestrikova claimed that this was the money of her father, an entrepreneur Vladimir Pestrikov. According to her version, having learned about the colonel’s detention, she decided to hide the funds so that they would not fall under interim measures. To do this, she transferred $16 million to her relative, but the money still did not escape arrest. Dmitry Zakharchenko himself claimed that he had nothing to do with this money, and called his common-law wife “a hostage to the situation,” guilty only of the fact that she had he has a one and a half year old child. The investigation, according to Kommersant, takes the opposite point of view and believes that this money was received by Colonel Zakharchenko from the implementation of various corruption schemes. In particular, the Investigative Committee believes that, for example, $800 thousand was received by the officer as a bribe from the owner of the La Maree restaurant Medi Dussa.Anastasia Pestrikova has become the fourth member of the Zakharchenko family to come under investigation. Let us recall that the former deputy head of the “T” department of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Zakharchenko, was detained in September last year for accepting a bribe of 7 million rubles. "for general patronage" from Anatoly Pshegornitsky, who is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Rusengineering company. During a search in the apartment of the officer’s sister, FSB officers discovered about 9 billion rubles. in various currencies. Soon after this, Zakharchenko’s brother-in-law, an FSB colonel, was put on the wanted list Dmitry Senin- the alleged intermediary in receiving a bribe from a restaurateur. And in April of this year, the Basmanny court arrested Victor Zakharchenko, father of Dmitry Zakharchenko. He is accused of complicity in the embezzlement of money from MIA Bank, where he, perhaps with the help of his son, was fictitiously employed and received approximately 4 million rubles from 2014 to 2016. Neither the son nor the father admit their guilt.

The high-ranking policeman did not skimp on women close to him. Even when Dmitry Zakharchenko was breaking up with another passion, his kindness knew no bounds.

Dmitry Zakharchenko. Photo: Dmitry Serebryakov/TASS

At first, his common-law wife was Irina Petrushina, recalls L!fe. With her in 2005, a young officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs moved from Rostov-on-Don to Moscow.

In 2007, they got ready to get married, but never got to the registry office. The woman decided to leave Zakharchenko because of his infidelities. The future colonel was already dating Marina Semynina.

The policeman parted with Petrushina on good terms, rewarding her (apparently for her long patience) royally - a luxury Mercedes ML car, an apartment and a parking space in the Dominion residential complex on Lomonosovsky Prospekt in Moscow worth about 50 million rubles .

In 2008, Zakharchenko and Semynina had a daughter. This did not make their union stronger - they either converged or diverged. To “smooth out the rough edges,” the policeman gave his common-law wife and daughter two apartments - in a pyramid house on Dmitry Ulyanov Street (about 30 million rubles) and in the luxurious residential complex “Imperial House” in the very center of the capital, on Yakimansky Lane, with an area of ​​170 sq. m (about 150 million rubles). In addition to this, Porsche Cayenne and Mercedes CLS went (about 10 million rubles).

In general, the policeman pleased his second friend in everything. In March 2016, in one of the talk shows, Semynina saw Nikolai Volkov, who was left without housing and money, and asked Zakharchenko to help this man. A house was built for Nikolai Volkov in one of the villages of the Tver region, but the foreman Zakharchenko owed 400 thousand rubles.

The colonel also did not skimp on one more lover - Yana Saratovtseva. She very eccentrically, according to friends, “pushed” Marina Semynina. Moreover, the girl, who became famous thanks to the show “The Bachelor,” managed to become Zakharchenko’s official wife in 2013.

The wedding gift to the bride was a Porsche Cayenne worth 6 million and jewelry with a total cost of $350 thousand. Over time, Saratovtseva acquired luxurious jewelry from Jacob&Co, David Morris, de Grisgono, some of which contain diamonds totaling 20 carats. The cost of one such item can exceed $300 thousand.

After the wedding new family settled in an apartment of 250 square meters. m on Prechistenskaya embankment with views of the Moscow River, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Kremlin. Now it is put up for sale for 635 million rubles.

In 2014, on the eve of the divorce, as the investigation learned, Saratovtseva blackmailed her husband. She threatened that she would go to the Internal Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and tell him about his “business.”

The colonel bought his wife off with an apartment of over 100 square meters. m in the capital's Khamovniki district, not far from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, in 1st Zachatievsky Lane. Realtors estimate the cost of this apartment at 85 million rubles.

In May of this year, Saratov’s party cost 3 million rubles. at the La Marée restaurant, which appears in the Zakharchenko case.

Dmitry Zakharchenko’s current beloved, Anastasia Pestrikova, who bore him two sons, is also not in poverty. At the beginning of 2016, after the birth of their first child, the colonel registered the woman and child in one of three apartments belonging to his mother in the Shuvalovsky residential complex in the southwest of Moscow and gave her a Range Rover.

And in August of the same year, a few weeks before the arrest, he gave her an elite apartment in a new building on Efremova Street in Moscow with an area of ​​almost 170 square meters. m and cost more than 160 million rubles.

Also, $16 million was deposited into a specially opened account in Pestrikova’s name. Only bad luck: after Zakharchenko’s arrest, the money was blocked.

During the investigation, dozens of apartments, houses, and cars were discovered that were registered to Zakharchenko and his relatives. The value of the property is estimated at almost 1 billion rubles.

The colonel was detained in September last year. He is accused of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale, abuse of power and obstructing the legitimate activities of an investigator. Only it is his own fault.

During the searches in the apartment of Zakharchenko's relatives, about 9 billion rubles. cash in rubles and foreign currency. Millions of rubles, dollars and euros discovered after the arrest of the deputy head of the “T” department of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitry Zakharchenko were interest from the funds of failed financial structures transferred abroad. A high-ranking police officer and his father, according to investigators, told the management of troubled banks to minimize losses.

In addition, the colonel is associated with criminal authorities, the withdrawal of funds from a bankrupt bank and hiding the former general director of Beeline from justice.

(10) Common-law wife of Dmitry Zakharchenko



The Prosecutor General's Office closed the case against Zakharchenko's common-law wife

The Prosecutor General's Office closed the case against Anastasia Pestrikova, the common-law wife of Interior Ministry Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko

The decision to cancel the criminal case against Pestrikova was made by the Deputy Prosecutor General, her lawyer Valeria Tunikova told RBC.

"More detailed information we don’t have it because we have never been acquainted with the materials of this case and do not intend to do so,” the lawyer said.

In the Zakharchenko case, a new bribe and a restaurant where Medvedev visited

The Moscow City Court on Wednesday decided the fate of the arrested 16 million, found on the account of his friend, but possibly belonging to the former deputy head of the “T” department of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Dmitry Zakharchenko. At the meeting, one of the colonel’s secrets was revealed - his common-law wife, the mother of his second child, Anastasia Pestrikova, appeared before Themis. And in general, the process smelled like something fried, literally and figuratively- a new bribe appeared in the case, allegedly received by Zakharchenko from the owner of an elite restaurant.

Anastasia Pestrikova, who is the common-law wife of Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, was released on her own recognizance

Anastasia Pestrikova, who is the common-law wife of Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, was released on her own recognizance. However, she remains a suspect in the case of the theft of $16 million.

Anastasia Pestrikova was released due to the expiration of her detention period, said the suspect’s lawyer Valeria Tunnikova. According to her, cited by Interfax, the court, for unknown reasons, did not consider the investigation’s request to arrest the common-law wife of Interior Ministry Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko. Pestrikova is suspected of attempting to steal $16 million from her alleged relative Liliya Gorshkova. Previously, the state prosecution believed that the money that ended up in Gorshkova’s account was part of a large bribe that Zakharchenko received. The investigation also believes that the total family income cannot afford to have such funds with them. Now a security deposit has been placed on the money, and Pestrikova faces up to 10 years in prison.

Colonel Zakharchenko was arrested in September last year. During the searches, 9 billion rubles were confiscated from him.

Dmitry Zakharchenko took his family as accomplices

Almost all members of the family of the notorious ex-Colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitry Zakharchenko, in whose apartment almost 9 billion rubles were found, were under investigation. Following the officer’s brother-in-law, FSB Colonel Dmitry Senin, who was put on the wanted list and arrested for the theft of 4 million rubles. at MIA Bank, Mr. Zakharchenko’s father may also place his common-law wife under house arrest former employee Ministry of Internal Affairs Anastasia Pestrikova. She is suspected of trying to hide $16 million belonging to Dmitry Zakharchenko in bank accounts.

25-year-old Anastasia Pestrikova was detained last Thursday at Samara airport. From this city she was going to fly to Cyprus on vacation. Apparently, Anastasia Pestrikova, who lives in Khimki near Moscow, chose such an unusual route in the hope that in Samara, unlike the capital, they did not put a so-called guard on her - a notification to law enforcement agencies both about a person purchasing a ticket and about an attempt to leave outside the country. However, when going through passport control, the woman was stopped and asked to go to the office premises. There, ICR officers were already waiting for her, who announced to Mrs. Pestrikova that she would not fly anywhere. At the same time, according to Kommersant, in response to attempts to find out what was the matter, the detainee was told that she would find out about everything in Moscow. Yesterday in the Basmanny court it was planned to consider the investigation's request for house arrest of Anastasia Pestrikova. According to Kommersant, there is no talk of a more stringent measure of restraint, since the woman is raising two sons, one of whom is just over six months old, and the other one and a half years old. However, after the materials of the case against the suspect were submitted to the court, for some reason Ms. Pestrikova was not brought to court.

Zakharchenko was “pressed” by his relatives

Former employee of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Dmitry Zakharchenko is cooperating with the investigation. He, in particular, testifies about the sources of origin of $120 million and 2 million euros seized from an apartment associated with him. Negotiations with the colonel, which were extremely difficult, progressed noticeably after the detention of Zakharchenko’s friend Anastasia Pestrikova.

As a source familiar with the situation told Rosbalt, until recently, Dmitry Zakharchenko refused to give any testimony at all, citing Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. “He behaved quite defiantly with the operatives, believing that the investigation didn’t really have anything against him,” said the agency’s interlocutor. According to him, the situation began to change in July 2017, when the Investigative Committee seized expensive real estate registered to Zakharchenko’s daughter Ulyana and his girlfriend Anastasia Pestrikova (they have two children together).

Media: The Prosecutor General's Office dropped the case against Zakharchenko's common-law wife

The case against Anastasia Pestrikova, the common-law wife of the notorious Interior Ministry officer Dmitry Zakharchenko, was dropped Prosecutor General's Office RF – informed TASS source close to the investigation.

Colonel Zakharchenko's common-law wife was detained at Samara airport

A year has passed since the arrest of former Interior Ministry colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko. On this moment in fact, all members of his family are under investigation. As we found out, next in line after Dmitry Zakharchenko’s father, who was arrested for fraud and theft of 4 million rubles from MIA Bank, is the common-law wife of a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Anastasia Pestrikova.

Dmitry Zakharchenko began cooperation with the investigation

Let us recall that the name of Anastasia Pestrikova in connection with Colonel Zakharchenko was first heard in the Moscow City Court in May 2017, where she acted as a witness. Then the woman stated that she owned $16 million that had been arrested earlier in the Zakharchenko case on the accounts of a certain Liliya Gorshkova at VTB 24 Bank, when the colonel’s lawyers tried to protest their arrest. This was confirmed by Liliya Gorshkova, and Pestrikova herself stated that the money belonged to her father, a businessman. According to the investigation, Pestrikova received money from Zakharchenko some time before his arrest, when the colonel already felt a threat looming over him.

He himself categorically denies this. Colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitry Zakharchenko himself was detained during a special operation by the FSB on September 9, 2016. During searches in his car, office and apartments belonging to his family, at least 8.5 billion rubles were seized, mostly in foreign currency. In mid-September, Zakharchenko was charged under three articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - 285 (“Abuse of Official Powers”), 290 (“Taking a Bribe”) and 294 (“Obstruction of Justice and Preliminary Investigation”).

Colonel Zakharchenko's common-law wife detained for fraud

On suspicion of fraud Investigative Committee Anastasia Pestrikova, the common-law wife of police colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, was detained. Referring to the words of the press secretary of the Basmanny Court of Moscow, Yuno Tsareva, the Izvestia Internet portal reports that the investigation is seeking to place her under arrest.

The court arrested the apartments of Zakharchenko’s common-law wife and nine-year-old daughter

The capital's Basmanny Court seized the apartments of the common-law wife and daughter of Interior Ministry Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko. At the same time, the defense tried to challenge this decision, arguing that the seized property does not belong to Zakharchenko himself, who is under investigation for bribery.

Almost all members of the family of the notorious ex-Colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitry Zakharchenko, in whose apartment almost 9 billion rubles were found, were under investigation. Following the officer’s brother-in-law, FSB Colonel Dmitry Senin, who was put on the wanted list and arrested for the theft of 4 million rubles. At MIA Bank, Mr. Zakharchenko’s father may also place the common-law wife of a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Anastasia Pestrikova, under house arrest. She is suspected of trying to hide $16 million belonging to Dmitry Zakharchenko in bank accounts.

25-year-old Anastasia Pestrikova was detained last Thursday at Samara airport. From this city she was going to fly to Cyprus on vacation. Apparently, Anastasia Pestrikova, who lives in Khimki near Moscow, chose such an unusual route in the hope that in Samara, unlike the capital, they did not put a so-called guard on her - a notification to law enforcement agencies both about a person purchasing a ticket and about an attempt to leave outside the country. However, when going through passport control, the woman was stopped and asked to go to the office premises. There, ICR officers were already waiting for her, who announced to Mrs. Pestrikova that she would not fly anywhere. At the same time, according to Kommersant, in response to attempts to find out what was the matter, the detainee was told that she would find out about everything in Moscow. Yesterday in the Basmanny court it was planned to consider the investigation's request for house arrest of Anastasia Pestrikova. According to Kommersant, there is no talk of a more stringent measure of restraint, since the woman is raising two sons, one of whom is just over six months old, and the other one and a half years old. However, after the materials of the case against the suspect were submitted to the court, for some reason Ms. Pestrikova was not brought to court.

So far, it is only obvious that the investigation considered the departure of Colonel Zakharchenko’s common-law wife abroad as an attempt to escape. Until recently, she served as a witness in her husband’s case and the investigator did not impose any restrictions on her movement. Anastasia Pestrikova’s status changed along with her arrest. According to Kommersant, the investigation charges her with Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale). We are talking about $16 million seized in VTB24 bank accounts.

Mrs. Pestrikova claimed that this was the money of her father, entrepreneur Vladimir Pestrikov. According to Anastasia Pestrikova, having learned about the colonel’s detention, she decided to hide the funds so that they would not fall under interim measures. To do this, she transferred $16 million to her relative, but the money still did not escape seizure.

Dmitry Zakharchenko himself claimed that he had nothing to do with this money, and called his common-law wife “a hostage to the situation,” guilty only of the fact that she has a one-and-a-half-year-old child from him. The investigation, according to Kommersant, takes the opposite point of view and believes that this money was received by Colonel Zakharchenko from the implementation of various corruption schemes. In particular, the Investigative Committee believes that, for example, $800 thousand was received by the officer as a bribe from the owner of the La Maree restaurant Medi Duss.

It is worth noting that Anastasia Pestrikova has become the fourth member of Dmitry Zakharchenko’s family to come under investigation. Let us recall that the former deputy head of the “T” department of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Zakharchenko, was detained in September last year for accepting a bribe of 7 million rubles. “for general patronage” from Anatoly Pshegornitsky, who is the chairman of the board of directors of the Rusengineering company. During a search in the apartment of the officer’s sister, FSB officers discovered about 9 billion rubles. in different currencies.

Soon after this, Zakharchenko’s brother-in-law, FSB Colonel Dmitry Senin, was put on the wanted list. The investigation believes that he acted as an intermediary when an Interior Ministry officer received a bribe from a restaurateur. And in April of this year, the Basmanny court arrested Viktor Zakharchenko, Dmitry Zakharchenko’s father. He is accused of complicity in the embezzlement of money from MIA Bank, where he, perhaps with the help of his son, was fictitiously employed and received approximately 4 million rubles from 2014 to 2016. Neither the son nor the father admit their guilt.