The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog will begin on February 16, 2018. lunar calendar. We bring to your attention a traditional selection of horoscopes, forecasts and calendars for 2018 from the authors of the site and our bloggers. These are general horoscopes for 2018, horoscopes for Zodiac Signs, a love horoscope, forecasts on Tarot cards, Runes, Feng Shui forecast for 2018, astrological articles about the periods of retrograde planets in 2018 and eclipses. Articles about how and what to meet New Year Yellow Dogs will appear in the section before the New Year.

The horoscope for Zodiac Signs was compiled taking into account the main astrological configurations and accents in 2018, with characteristic recommendations and advice for each sign. Favorable periods in your career, personal life, money matters, study and travel will help you navigate the opportunities of 2018 and make the best use of them. Author - Irina Zvyagina

The traditional love horoscope on Oculus will help you navigate the moods of the sphere of feelings in 2018. The main theme in love, the general tone, periods of ups and downs, love charisma and the need for privacy, as well as dates favorable for important events in romantic and family life– all this for the Zodiac Signs in love horoscope Irina Zvyagina.

Horsokop 2018: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

Main astrological accents of the year, tips, warnings. Continuation - a horoscope for each month of 2018 for the signs of the Zodiac. Author Nani Davitashvili

This is the horoscope for 2018 by month. The horoscope displays astro-trends, unique features of each month, and provides recommendations for men and women. Here you will find 12 affirmations from January to December. Author – Alexander Demchenko

In choosing dates favorable for marriage, priority is given to the harmonious aspect of the significator of marriage Venus and the Moon as the main planet responsible for the harmony and comfort of the marriage. Basic astrological aspects are also taken into account.

2018 has prepared a varied program for the Rat. There may be a lack of ease, predictability of events and calmness, but the upcoming difficulties and trials will be completely surmountable.

VIP dates of the year are days with high energy potential, which is accompanied by an abundance of opportunities and a special aura of success and luck.

It's time to feng shui your home. And finally find out what is good about your apartment and how best to use it. In the period of dual land, it can be assumed that land and land use issues will be at the forefront. Author - Sultanbekova Sheli.

Planting and transplanting indoor plants, sowing seeds, loosening the soil, applying fertilizers, controlling soil pests - everything a gardener needs to know in 2018. Author - Oksana Tamilina.

Those who are proficient in the Qi Men Dong Jia technique can see where and in what environment the celestial trunks of their year or birthday are located (who adheres to which version). Thus, you can get some individual forecast for Qi Men Dong Jia for the coming year. Author - Sultanbekova Sheli.

Culinary recipes, outfits, esoteric recommendations. Author Natalya Buchatskaya

Knowing about the tradition of our people to walk on New Year's Eve, Sultanbekova Sheli writes every year a small recommendation about where exactly it is good to go in order to take a walk not just for fun, but with meaning. So that at the very beginning of the new year you can symbolically gain the energy of the first Luck.

Representatives of the first zodiac sign will be especially energetic and successful in 2018. The main tool that allows you to achieve significant results in business is the power of Aries. You will be tireless and will go ahead as soon as you set yourself new goal. And this quality will allow you to win and remain a leader in almost any area that you undertake. This state will remain stable throughout the year, but particular successes are likely on the 20th of May, when the chances of concluding important agreements and contracts increase. But the heavenly bodies warn you that sometimes it’s worth slowing down a little and making sure that in your pursuit of your next goal you don’t cross the path of someone else.


For Taurus, the Earthy Yellow Dog has prepared a program for 2018 worthy of an elite sanatorium: complete peace, regularity, good luck in the affairs that you undertake. However, in February it is worth showing restraint in communicating with your superiors. Listen and agree. The heavenly bodies recommend that you wisely not take on unnecessary responsibilities and not take on initiatives that you do not like or cannot bring you pleasure. The dog decided to pamper you and turn into a caring guardian, so why tease it by going against it? Allow yourself to enjoy life, immerse yourself in family and romantic affairs. Creative activities are most productive in April, when it is better to devote yourself entirely to your favorite hobbies. You can be sure that not a single month of 2018 has any unpleasant surprises in store for you.



In 2018, Gemini will try to achieve success, as they say, on all fronts. Your restless nature simply will not allow you to show perseverance and do one important thing or focus on one area. The Earthy Yellow Dog will also add her two cents, because she is just as fickle in nature as you are. Together you will rush from one thing to another, and this restless state, to the surprise of others, will often lead to success. On April 1st you will have a chance to dramatically change your life for the better. And it will be July best month to learn a new skill or area of ​​knowledge. Without focusing on one thing, you can be effective everywhere and at once. But you shouldn’t assume that every activity will lead to a positive result. There will be success, but not in everything. In this regard, it is worth considering in advance to exclude some areas of activity that are not a priority for you.


Cancers won't have to sit alone. The Earthy Yellow Dog will do everything to stir them up and push them out onto the street, into the thick of things, where, in her opinion, real happiness is found. Of course, Cancer prefers home, peace and comfort, but this year dictates its own rules, and it’s worth trying to live by them at least from time to time. The heavenly bodies note that you will get the hang of it pretty quickly. Communication, new emotions, travel - all this is what deserves a place in your life. It is especially favorable to be active in the middle of summer, but it is better to refrain from financial transactions in the first half of June. In August there is a road ahead, during which you should forget that everything has its measure. Even if you decide to travel around the world, it will only be beneficial! Take bold steps, and the coming year will bring you real happiness.

a lion

Leos in the year of the Earthy Yellow Dog will need society and attention more than ever. This need must be satisfied, and therefore it is worth thinking about starting to engage in social activities, expand your circle of acquaintances, and find like-minded people in a particular area. It’s best to pull yourself together and have time to prove yourself in areas of interest before February 19th. All this will have a positive effect on your life. But it’s worth considering that, even without making any effort, Leos are still the center of attention. Only one question remains open: what to do with this attention? Many Leos may want to impose their views and goals on others. This is possible only under one condition: if these goals are creative and noble. Nevertheless, in mid-April a like-minded person will join you.


2018 will be a favorable period for Virgos. You will be able to realize your full potential in an exciting business, express yourself and achieve the approval of people whose opinions are important to you. You will be lucky, but do not forget that your own diligence, talent and time invested in work are much more important for success. Already on January 11, it is worth taking up a new business, perhaps even changing your place of work. Closer to May, you can enter some kind of competition, from which you have every chance of emerging as a winner due to a meticulous approach to your task. Perhaps the only quality that should be suppressed in yourself is the feeling of possessiveness inherent in the owner of the year, the Dog. You will be jealous of your activities, achievements, knowledge, not wanting to share this with others. It is worth realizing that all these “secrets” are not so serious as to carefully protect them from loved ones.


Libra is the clear favorite in the eyes of the Earthy Yellow Dog. It is you who will achieve the most serious results in 2018. Therefore, you should not dampen your enthusiasm and obey the rules of routine. On the contrary, you are capable of more if you start improvising and looking for non-standard solutions to certain problems. You have advantages and talents that are unique to you. We will have to arm ourselves with them throughout 2018. From the first months you can radically change your life for the better. And this will begin between January 17 and February 11, when romance will take a special place in your life. June will bring a lot of opportunities at work. Feel free to express yourself, put forward proposals, share your thoughts, and defend your point of view. In any situation, you will not need much effort to convince others that you are right.


Jupiter will have a significant influence in the life of Scorpios in 2018. This will determine the character of all 12 months, making them especially emotional, crowded vivid impressions and above all, passion. It is possible that you will make mistakes several times, simply by making a choice based on emotions or by saying something that you do not mean. But this also has its advantages: Your emotionality will cause you to take a critical look at the world, at yourself and at your actions. This will be an excellent incentive to work on yourself, and you will be able to achieve significant success in self-development, directing your life in the right direction. Particularly great achievements can be achieved in April, although you will have to work hard for this. If you are planning large acquisitions, then set them aside for mid-July; the 14th and 19th are especially favorable.


The Year of the Earthy Yellow Dog will require Sagittarians to correctly prioritize the things they want to do. The fact is that by placing everything on yourself at once, you are not so much overestimating your capabilities, but simply not taking into account that you do not have enough time for everything. Try to clearly answer what is important for you to do in your work, what place in your life you assign to the romantic sphere, what hobbies you want to pursue in your life. free time. For example, February is ideal for communicating with loved ones and relatives, and weddings planned for the end of the month promise a happy family life. July is the time when you become interested in a new person or discover a new hobby. A more or less thoughtful look at the direction in which your life will develop will save you from many unforeseen situations. And, of course, don’t forget about rest. We are talking not only about annual leave, but also in general about the fact that work should be alternated with pauses to recuperate.


Capricorn and the Earthy Yellow Dog operate on the same wavelength. Therefore, literally all areas of your life will bring you pleasure. And yet, Capricorns will be the most successful in the professional sphere. An increase looks like a likely prospect. The second significant area of ​​life will be romantic relationships. This is a favorable period for entering into marriage or simply starting a new relationship. But the past will also remind itself. April will require you to resolve some old issues, which you will successfully deal with. In general, 2018 in all respects will be a bright, happy and eventful period for people born under the sign of Capricorn. Only in May will it be necessary to maintain equanimity in communicating with loved ones in order to avoid conflicts.


In 2018, Aquarians will experience more intellectual and creative activities. You should also count on success if you have any hobbies that you engage in during non-working hours. Artists, writers, musicians can rest assured that their work will be noticed and appreciated. This year is especially good for lovers. June 1st is a great date for a wedding, keep that in mind! But you shouldn’t count on professional success in other areas. Everything is stable. Only with the onset of September changes are possible. Regarding the financial sphere, the Earthy Yellow Dog does not show much enthusiasm, so the situation here will not change radically compared to the previous year.


The main tool of Pisces during 2018 will be patience. In any matter, you should listen to your intuition and not try to take any decisive action in the first six months. It is possible that in May you will have to make a difficult choice, since two people will fight for your heart. Think carefully about your decision. Have more rest, for example, July-August is an ideal period for traveling. Self-control and a balanced approach will allow Pisces to approach any task comprehensively and cope with it as efficiently as possible. But the second half of the year is the best time to act, and to do it quickly. Those Pisces who listen to this advice will definitely achieve maximum success in any business.

Although we've finally put the heavy Jupiter-Pluto square behind us, the start of 2018 will not be easy.

In Capricorn, a so-called stellium is formed, several heavenly bodies will gather here at once: the Sun, Venus, Saturn, Pluto... This will strengthen the properties of Capricorn: material values ​​will become especially important, relationships with older family members are important, and at work - with superiors.

In 2018, we can safely say that you will welcome the year... because in 2018 (and until December 2020) Saturn is in its abode, in Capricorn. A strong Saturn is always a difficult burden: this is the control and testing work of the Universe, and everything that we have gotten away with so far will now come to light. Success will come only to those who are ruthlessly strict with themselves, follow the strictest moral rules, and are never lazy or relaxed. The leading role should be played by the mind, not feelings, the head, not the heart. If you are not like that, then it’s time to start living by these laws.

This mood will also prevail in public life: asceticism, strict economy, renunciation of the personal in the name of the common good, perhaps strengthening of religious sentiments.

Pluto is still in Capricorn- another “slow” planet that continues its hidden work of transforming society from the inside. For specific person its influence will be expressed in the increasing importance of career and status: if you don’t care exactly how you fit into society, then this will not last long.

The influence of Jupiter will be very difficult this year: for most of the year, until November 8, it will be in Scorpio, and then it will move into its own sign of Sagittarius. If Jupiter in Scorpio is a dormant volcano, occasionally erupting with bursts of energetic business decisions and lava of profits, then Jupiter in Sagittarius is a volcanic eruption. On the one hand, these are breakthroughs in science, culture, and the flourishing of international cooperation. On the other hand, people with accentuated Jupiter in natal chart They can, for example, leave their family or job “for no reason” and go to great lengths.

Neptune is still in the sign of Pisces- it is dangerous to succumb to dreams and illusions; If last year Neptune’s influence could be turned to one’s advantage by working with intuition, dreams, and psychic techniques, then this year any loss from reality will immediately entail Saturnian punishment. Only hard work, only hardcore!

Uranus is especially interesting this year, as it exits its next retrograde phase on January 2nd. Until May 15, it moves along sign of Aries, which leads to social upheaval, revision of foundations, financial instability (and since Uranus is also “responsible” for new technologies, we can assume some unexpected changes in the rate of cryptocurrency). But as soon as Uranus is in Taurus, the time for love and even sexual experiments comes, a time of passion, love, and at the same time, unfortunately, divorce; breaking old connections is also a specialization of Uranus. However, he will return to the sign of Aries late autumn, in the retrograde stage: the time will come to bind what is torn, to connect what is broken.

Full lunar eclipses in 2018 there will be two: January 31 and July 27, 2018, solar eclipses three are expected: February 15, July 13, August 11, 2018, but none of them will be complete. Over the course of the year we will talk in detail about each of them.

Retrograde planets 2018 and their influence

Now about the retrograde periods of the planets - one of the most important aspects in astrology, whose influence is always taken into account when making an up-to-date forecast.

  • Mercury

Four periods of retrograde motion:

At this time, mistakes, misunderstandings, problems in the field of communication and transport are likely (including unsuccessful purchases of cars and cell phones). It is not recommended to start new projects or open a business. However, Mercury retro is favorable for planning, returning to unfinished work, and preparing for what will happen later.

  • Venus

Unlucky period for shopping, plastic surgery and marriage. But it will allow you to rethink your relationship with your partner (and this does not necessarily mean “breaking away from the scandal”), as well as put things in order in your home accounting.

Retrograde Mars is a period of unproductive aggression. He has powerful energy, which is needed to “strengthen the bastions” and create a reliable rear.

  • Jupiter

This period is unfavorable for passing exams, traveling, expanding business and signing cooperation agreements. This doesn't mean you can't do any of the above, but these businesses will face significant challenges.

  • Saturn

Hard days at work. Many responsible tasks and the need to achieve perfection in everything can lead to nervous exhaustion.

Time to find inner freedom; It is worth freeing yourself from internal prohibitions that prevent you from moving forward.

  • Neptune

A difficult time for neophytes, they may doubt their newfound faith. But even for those whose life convictions are strong, this is a time of spiritual doubt, shaky ground under their feet.

  • Pluto

This is a period of restructuring of the relationship between the individual and government structures. You may have to look for a new place on the social ladder.

Horoscope for all zodiac signs

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Personal life

2018 is a year of luck for Aries. They will be lucky, including in their personal lives: conflicts somehow resolve themselves, and sympathy will always be on your side. Good year in order to start an affair, and a marriage concluded in the summer will be especially strong and happy. Aries will be happy to have friends, and the only problem, perhaps, is that your charm will attract the “wrong” people.


A problematic month for Aries is April: even a minor illness can cause complications. It’s also better not to make serious plans for April. surgical interventions or other medical procedures. The areas at risk are the throat and stomach.

Career and finance

Aries is the locomotive full speed ahead: he can barely keep up with the opportunities that open up one after another. Sometimes it seems to him that he is only an instrument in the hands of fate, which has destined him for some high purpose. In fact, this is not so - you are not the chosen one at all, but the year has indeed been extremely successful; it would be a sin to neglect the opportunities that have opened up. The main thing is to choose what to grab onto. Building a career in a big company? take up creative project? Organize your own business? Not an easy task!

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

Personal life

Taurus feels lightness - both in thoughts and feelings. It seems that he finally managed to “catch the wave”, become light as the wind, dissolve in the universe. In such a state it is easy to fall in love, it is impossible to quarrel, but it is easy to part without pain and unnecessary regrets. A great time for travel, adventure, trips to distant countries, fleeting romances. Not the best time to get married: it would seem that everything will be in place - falling in love, a perfect wedding, a fabulous honeymoon and... the year will end and Taurus will wake up to ask in bewilderment, “Who is this next to me?”


The dangerous period is April and May, at this moment your health may fail you. Most likely it will be completely new problem rather than exacerbation of chronic diseases. The most unpleasant thing is that medical intervention at this moment will not be the most successful; there may even be a possibility of a repeat operation. If you have planned a course of treatment, it is better to postpone it to other months.

Career and finance

If Taurus had debts, he will pay them off in full in the middle of the year. This is generally a good moment for Taurus; money appears as if out of nowhere, without any additional effort. Perhaps you will change your job at this moment, or get an extraordinary chance at your old one; in any case, your career will become explosive at some point. Your strength is the desire (and ability) to break the rules, follow unknown paths and make risky decisions.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Personal life

This year, your relatives will take up more of your energy and time than your partner. Perhaps this is why there will be a noticeable crisis in family life - by mid-April it may even come to a divorce. This is a real test of strength of feelings. New relationship This year you can start only if you do not count on their longevity.


The year is quite safe in terms of health - old diseases will not go away, but new ones will not appear either. This does not mean that you can go to great lengths, neglect treatment and ignore doctor’s prescriptions, but you shouldn’t be afraid of troubles out of the blue either.

Career and finance

In financial captivity, the year will be quite smooth; a large bonus or other income that will stand out from the total mass is possible in the middle of the year. A favorable year for real estate transactions. The best month to change jobs is April.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Personal life

Personal life will be the main theme of 2018 for Cancer. All your thoughts and feelings will be devoted to your other half. A favorable year for marriage, however, divorce is also possible. Another thing is important: by the end of the year you will approach with a completely definite family status, no “everything is complicated.” One way or another, everything will become clear, and this is also a good result!


Cancer will worry about his own health much less than the health of loved ones, but in vain; It’s worth remembering the instructions from the plane: “First put the mask on yourself, and only then on the child.” The more resources you accumulate for yourself, the more strength and attention you can devote to your loved ones, remember this and take care of your nerve cells, they do not recover!

Career and finance

The year is useless both in terms of career and in terms of major purchases. Cancer will feel like his life has been put on pause, or he is viewing it in silent mode. Work flashes before your eyes as a series of meaningless ritual actions, however, there will be no desire to change it either - you will be too deeply immersed in your personal life. Ultimately, you may find yourself in danger of being laid off or fired, although very few will be unlucky.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Personal life

A very domestic year is coming for Leo: they are all focused on home, relatives, children (by the way, by the end of the year there may unexpectedly be more of them than at the beginning), dacha, pets... The picture can be spoiled by an unexpected romantic interest in the middle of the year, which may significantly change the idyllic picture of serene family happiness.


Leo, like Gemini, will not have any serious health risks, which creates in them a dangerous illusion of their own invulnerability. If a serious diagnosis does not hang over you like a sword of Damocles, this does not mean that mild gastritis or a common runny nose can be left to chance; If you wish, you can quickly “ruin” your health literally out of the blue and despite the favorable arrangement of the stars!

Career and finance

A year favorable for completing major projects and summing up results. If you have been walking towards your desired goal for a long time, then in 2018 you can reap the benefits, and this will be both money and fame. Did you have any major projects? Well, the year of success will pass you by, blame it on your modest and not at all lion-like ambitions!

Virgo (August 24 - September 23)

Personal life

A turbulent year, with Virgos at the center. They will become organizers and coordinators, the support of the whole family, an ambulance, a nanny, a tutor and a banker for all relatives. Not very romantic, but what can you do: it’s your turn to work for the good of the family! Personal relationships will somehow get lost in this confusion, or rather, not that they will be lost, but will become an indistinguishable part: your loved one will also need help, support, sympathy...


While Virgo is solving other people’s problems, she can start her own, and they may well appear. The liver and legs from feet to knees are at risk. The best time to undergo examination and treatment is autumn, closer to your birthday. You can plan a vacation at a sanatorium for this time.

Career and finance

A year of routine work, which, as it seems, does not bring much fruit, so to eat... The results will appear only by the end of the year, have patience! Changes will not necessarily be of a financial nature - perhaps it will be new job or position. But a project or business started together with one of your relatives will bring you income.

Libra (September 24 - October 23)

Personal life

Libra's personal life will go through a phase of renewal. Some kind of solemn ceremony is possible (for example, marriage - an official wedding will be especially successful for a couple who have been living together for a long time), the birth of children. But renewal is not newness. You should not expect that the new romance will be long-lasting and happy.


In 2018, Libra is at risk of lingering colds; it will be especially unpleasant to get sick at the end of May - beginning of June; there is a possibility of serious complications. Much depends on your psychological mood: calmness, peace of mind, inner harmony will protect you from pneumonia no worse than antibiotics.

Career and finance

The main thing for Libra in 2018 is real estate. Selling, buying, moving is possible - everything will turn out unusually well, and Libra will be able to pull off an extremely profitable deal. And although buying a home is an expensive undertaking, by the end of the year Libra will confidently say that their financial situation has definitely improved.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Personal life

There will be two directions in the personal life of Scorpios. The first will require the investment of mental strength - these will be children, as well as brothers and sisters. Over the course of the year, you will begin to solve their problems, which will arise one after another. Love relationship in 2018 they will be joyful and bright, although this is not the custom of Scorpio.


An unusually favorable year in terms of health, especially for older Scorpios, who will literally gain a second wind. However, all Scorpios should take advantage of this favorable situation and spend time on “reserving resources”: take care of prevention, hardening, daily routine, and healthy eating.

Career and finance

The most problematic time will be the middle of the year: when everyone goes on vacation, Scorpios will be overwhelmed with business and some unfinished projects. True, there will be a promotion as a bonus, but you will begin to receive financial benefits from this only at the end of the year, or even next year.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Personal life

For Sagittarius, a year of dramatic changes in their personal lives is coming, especially in the fall, when Jupiter enters your sign. It doesn’t matter how old you are and how many of them you spent in marriage, you will want change, novelty, getting rid of falsehood and pretense. If the latter are really present in your life, then perhaps this is not the worst idea? In any case - happy update to you!


Against the backdrop of changes in their personal and business lives, Sagittarius may well get sick from overwork and overexertion. The main danger is trying to relax with a glass of wine or using medications. The best thing you can do for yourself in 2018 is to do yoga, master the art of meditation or breathing exercises. Perhaps by the end of the year you will think that the main damage to your health was caused by infections, but in fact they are only a consequence of weakened immunity, and he suffered from nervous strain.

Career and finance

If you have now decided that you will be busy with your personal life all year, then you will be quite surprised: in fact, all year you will be preoccupied with the problem of finances, earnings, social status, and love twists and turns will be in the background. This is not to say that you will be completely unsuccessful financially; on the contrary, from the outside many will think that Sagittarius has become rich, but you understand that the efforts you put into this are not comparable to the result. Decide for yourself whether your work has been a plus or a minus this year!

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Personal life

Capricorn is not particularly eager to meet his destiny, but this is precisely the meeting he will face in the middle of the year - this will be a kind of test of strength. Love or a sense of duty? There is no correct answer; in any case, this dilemma causes suffering for Capricorns. However, such experience is also necessary to gain; without it, life will not be complete.


Fluid stagnation is dangerous for Capricorns: pay attention to work excretory system, any swelling, even minor, is a danger signal. Treat varicose veins, check once again kidneys, do not assume that cystitis will “go away on its own” (even if the discomfort has stopped, this does not mean that the infection is not lurking and will not come out at the most inopportune moment).

Career and finance

The end of the previous year became a real holiday for Capricorns - he finally began to receive a return on the projects in which he had been investing for so long. 2018 may be the same, but there is one catch: in many ways, your success is a “check” for your behavior in the previous five years. Those who did not cheat, did not give in, were firm and steadfast in their principles - will have a chance to really get rich. If Capricorn worked “C”, then the reward will be appropriate.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

Personal life

If Aquarius is lonely now, then this is definitely perfect year for Wedding! Moreover, in a year you will have time to fall in love, and go through the “bouquet and candy” period, and the engagement, and the wedding itself, and there will still be time for a honeymoon. If you are happily married, then you have nothing to worry about - your feelings will be strong and unchanging. It would be nice if your spouse’s feelings remained the same!


2018 may be a challenging year for the senses - the nose, ears, eyes and (to a lesser extent) skin may fall victim infectious disease or an allergic reaction, and the recovery will be long, uneven, and protracted. Good bonuses will come from fitness classes, only regular ones, and not sweating in the gym all day every two weeks, as you sometimes do.

Career and finance

A good year, and it’s not even about the amount of income, but about the luck that left Aquarius last year. Money, of course, is good, but the feeling of luck, that “someone up there loves me” is even more important for Aquarius! Profit will come to you in the middle of the year, and in accordance with the general attitude, it will not be the result of your labors, but a “gift”: an inheritance or winnings.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

Personal life

In 2018, Pisces will be disappointed in their friends - you will probably have to endure betrayal or deception, or maybe your friends will simply turn out to be not as strong and reliable as you expected? In any case, do not expect too much from people; the lower your expectations, the more painful the disappointment. The second aspect of personal life in 2018 is a possible sudden pregnancy. The arrival of a child can come as a surprise even to strong couples where family planning may not seem to be on the agenda.


Pisces definitely need to take care of their health, especially at the end of the year. It is better to plan a trip to a sanatorium, take a vacation in November or December - this will be very useful. Do not neglect even the most minor disease; the main attention should be paid to any ulcers and erosions - they can become sources of complications.

Career and finance

2018 is a year of reckoning for Pisces. You will complete and resolve everything that you abandoned in the previous couple of years as unpromising, unimportant and not urgent. Suddenly it turns out that your business is not in order, your family finances are in disarray, and you will have to take emergency measures. You may have to resort to borrowed funds, but under no circumstances take out loans or borrow money in March and April - you will not be able to repay the debt on time. Also, do not plan to sign important documents and agreements during these months.

We wish all zodiac signs a happy 2018!

The horoscope for 2018 will help to activate in people such qualities as thoroughness, practicality, consistency in actions and decisions, restraint in feelings and relationships.

February 16, 2018 at 00:06 Moscow time begins the Year of the Yellow, Earth Dog. A dog is a symbol of prosperity and happiness, care and devotion, housekeeping and prosperity. From the very first days of her reign, she will begin to restore order on our planet. This is a very wise, loyal and positive person with whom you can not only live normally, but also move forward, expanding your horizons and enriching your mind and soul.

The dog is serious, fair, sincere and will push each of us to truthful judgments, adequate actions, and humane decisions. She will even be able to reconcile long-warring parties, thereby establishing long-awaited peace and harmony in the world.

We present to your attention the socio-political astrological forecast for 2018, as well as individual horoscope for 2018 according to zodiac signs and year of birth.

Horoscope for 2018 - main trends

In the socio-political sphere, the Year of the Dog often sees a change in leaders or ideologies aimed at renewing society, as well as learning from past experiments that may have begun in the Year of the Monkey and continued in the Year of the Rooster.

In 2018, the favorable position of Jupiter in the sign of Scorpio and Saturn in Capricorn will contribute to government(Saturn principle), social orders or ethnic characteristics will be in greater mutual understanding.

This position of the planets will create a so-called sextile or new opportunities for state or social renewal.

Therefore, we can say that 2018 will be very dynamic and its reforms will affect many state and public institutions, the judiciary and the fifth power - journalism and the press.

The ascending Lunar Node in the sign of Leo will help many to more successfully demonstrate their talents and more effectively rebuild their destiny. Thus, 2018 of the Earth Dog will be associated with the fact that hard-working, practical and creative people will be able to gain recognition from society, and the political leaders who will appear this year will become spokesmen for national interests and will be remembered for being able to see situations several moves or several years in advance.

In the Year of the Dog, people often receive recognition and awards for past services to society, for unwavering loyalty, perseverance, for showing goodwill and a sense of justice. The main thing is to be able to set realistic and achievable goals for yourself, choose worthy partners, then it will be easier to achieve success, material well-being and stability.

It is worth noting that the Dog is a faithful and honest sign that will not tolerate betrayal in any form and will not allow those who are dishonest to take the helm. She will give the guilty party full justice, and will do it in any way - problems at work, difficulties with finances or the collapse of a friendship, not counting other more intricate troubles.

In 2018, the year of the Dog, radical financial changes can affect not only the political, but also the socio-economic side of society. We can expect new laws related to land, construction, stabilization of exchange rates, as well as a change from one currency to another. Often in the Year of the Dog there is a strengthening or reorientation of finances, as happened, for example, in 1994 or in 2006, when the preliminary reforms that began in 2002 were actually completed.

Significant financial turmoil is not expected in 2018, which will enable business people to feel more confident in different social structures and successfully develop their ideas.

Those who are characterized by such qualities as friendliness and sincerity will enjoy especially great patronage of the mistress of the year. Even in dealing with competitors, we should not be hypocritical and deviate from the rules.

In 2018, you can safely take on any task, because the Dog rushes into battle without thinking about the consequences. The element of earth, which will be maximally manifested this year, is associated with laws and traditions, so in the year of the Earth Dog it is important to adhere to your principles.

Despite the fact that the Dog does not like change and does not seek to move from the booth to the crystal palace, it will do everything so that everyone can improve their living conditions. It is important to approach any business in the new 2018 creatively. Even working as a cleaner or bread cutter, you can achieve unprecedented results if you use your imagination.

For people engaged in intellectual work, the Dog will bring many projects and discoveries. The hardworking and active housewife of the year will always find something to do to her liking, her nose is aimed at good luck, and she will help everyone who believes in their success. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to radically change your habits and worldview. If you are ready for such innovations, go ahead! The Yellow Dog favors brave and decisive individuals.

In the love sphere, 2018 will be full of romantic encounters, acquaintances, and dates. Married couples may begin another honeymoon, which will last for a whole year. The dog is the patron of the family hearth, so all marriages entered into this year have a great chance of becoming long and happy.

Very important for the Dog family values, so in 2018, try to spend more time with your family, share all your problems and sorrows, and solve difficult life problems together. Only such tactics will help you not to lose heart, not to despair, but to walk cheerfully along the paths of fate.

And what exactly this time promises for each of us, the horoscope for 2018 will tell you according to your zodiac sign and year of birth. Here you will find an analysis of the most important areas of your life - professional sphere, relationships, health and finances.

Horoscope for 2018 according to zodiac signs

Horoscope 2018 Aries

2018 is a very difficult year for Aries; in fact, it is the border between the past and the future. Do what you have in mind, and often remember that a beautiful butterfly always emerges from a gray chrysalis....>>

Horoscope 2018 Taurus

For Taurus, 2018 is a very good year. Enjoy life and don't worry about anything! All your wishes will come true! 2018 will be replete with favorable situations that you can easily turn to your advantage...>>

Horoscope 2018 Gemini

2018 for Gemini is a year of great work. Get ready to work hard. Choose the area of ​​activity where your eloquence will be needed. This is the main trump card that will help you achieve a lot this year...>>

Horoscope 2018 Cancer

The main advantage of 2018 for Cancer is the feeling of freedom. Everything changes, a sea of ​​opportunities opens up before you, and this is equally true for work and for love...>>

Horoscope 2018 Leo

2018 for Leo is a year of fulfillment of desires, joy and happiness, but on one condition, if you are very attentive to the feelings of others and do not offend anyone, even inadvertently...>>

Horoscope 2018 Virgo

2018 will make Virgo believe in herself, as well as in the fact that when one door closes, another will certainly open. And then you just have to move forward!...>>

Horoscope 2018 Libra

2018 for Libra is a time of opportunity, and to a greater extent this concerns career and finances. The stars believe that you deserve it all! But remember that in order to realize all your plans, you need to work hard...>>

Horoscope 2018 Scorpio

For Scorpio, 2018 will be a year of opportunity. Jupiter, the planet of luck, is finally moving through your sign, and with its help you can count on a lot! So go ahead - the stars have aligned for you!...>>

Horoscope 2018 Sagittarius

For Sagittarius, 2018 is a year of changes and surprises, most of which will be pleasant. Sagittarius loves novelty, so he will feel very comfortable. It is worth noting that changes will be not only external, but also internal...>>

Horoscope 2018 Capricorn

Capricorn's goal in 2018 is to expand his sphere of influence, and you will succeed! Saturn, located in your sign, constantly interacts with Uranus, which means that many things in your life require changes...>>

Horoscope 2018 Aquarius

2018 is a very successful year for Aquarius, and to a greater extent this concerns career and finances. This year, new opportunities for both career and creative growth are opening up for you...>>

Horoscope 2018 Pisces

Horoscope for 2018 by year of birth

Horoscope 2018 Rat

For charming and respectable Rats, 2018 will be a calmer year compared to the previous one. The Earth Dog is more favorable to you than the Rooster. However, it is worth remembering that she is very demanding and strict...>>

Horoscope 2018 Ox

The Ox always strives for perfection, and nothing will make him give up his intended task. However, according to the Ox’s horoscope for 2018, he will have to take a couple of steps back and be patient...>>

Horoscope 2018 Tiger

For the emotional and reckless Tiger, 2018 will be unusually calm and peaceful. The Tiger often shows aggression on the way to achieving goals, however, under the influence of the Dog he will turn from a growling beast into an affectionate large tabby cat purring with pleasure...>>

Horoscope 2018 Cat (Rabbit)

For the Cat (Rabbit), 2018 is a period of great opportunities. In front of you, as if by magic magic wand doors that were previously closed will open. The main thing for you is to catch the signs from above, and then success is guaranteed in all your endeavors...>>

Horoscope 2018 Dragon

The dragon, like no other, loves to be in sight and attract attention. And in 2018, the Dragon will have its finest hour. The Yellow Dog will give you the opportunity to express yourself in all its glory. You can even become famous throughout the world if you realize yourself in literature, music, art...>>

Horoscope 2018 Snake

The Mistress of 2018 is not very favorable to the Snake, and therefore you should not expect the fulfillment of your cherished desires, enchanting success or simple luck. However, the Dog, the mistress of the year, is extremely honest, fair and decent, therefore, pure thoughts, kindness and honesty will return like a boomerang, and all work will be rewarded in proportion to the efforts expended...>>

Horoscope 2018 Horse

2018 for the Horse is a year of amazing opportunities, new victories, large-scale successes that could not have been dreamed of before, and fateful events. The patroness of the year, the Yellow Earth Dog, favors you, so she understands your cherished desires perfectly...>>

Horoscope 2018 Goat (Sheep)

In 2018, the Goat (Sheep) will experience real fun and long-forgotten ease. Everything will work out with ease and without much stress. However, the stars advise not to relax, as small dirty tricks can come from your immediate environment...>>

Horoscope 2018 Monkey

2018 will be a significant period of life for Monkeys. You will be able to find the strength and energy to organize many projects and events, you will become the soul of the company and the darling of fortune. In 2018, you can safely start the riskiest things...>>

Horoscope 2018 Rooster

For the Rooster, 2018 will seem difficult, but very exciting. The emotional Rooster, perhaps like no one else, knows how to find adventures for his own benefit. However, his passion and activity help him achieve his plans...>>

Horoscope 2018 Dog

The Dog's finest hour is coming in 2018! This is the moment when people will be able to show their talents to the world, decide on a desperate act, and come up with some new hobby for themselves. For all representatives of the sign, 2018 will be marked by great success and significant potential for success. All events will work out in the best possible way...>>

Horoscope 2018 Pig (Boar)

2018 has prepared many surprises and pleasant, unforgettable moments for the Pig (Boar). Changes will come into life from the beginning of spring. The Mistress of the Year will disperse all the troubles and, starting in April, there will be positive dynamics in all spheres of life, which will bring incredible joy to the representative of the sign...>>

Predictions for 2018 for a specific zodiac sign

Forecasts affect many areas of life - career, money, business, health, friendship, love, relationships with relatives.


In 2018, people born under the constellation will be extremely concerned about various kinds of household chores and matters relating to their family and personal life. Patronizing Jupiter will bring good luck and endow with enormous opportunities. This planet will spend almost the entire year in the fourth house of your horoscope, which is responsible for family and home.

Many Aries will be able to put household and family affairs in order, for example, renovating their home or purchasing real estate. Closer to the second half of the year, relationships with loved ones will become much stronger. Single (unmarried) Aries will have a good chance to start their own family by joining a civil relationship with a partner through marriage.

For Aries, born between March 28 and April 6, 2018 promises to be especially rich in significant events. After all, Uranus, the planet that promotes freedom and renewal, will be in the position of the Sun. Your life will be in full swing, which will contribute to the instability of various connections and the usual way of life.

The stars will require independence and determination from you. Uranus will influence in such a way that all outdated relationships can be terminated, and new ones will take their place. This will affect both business sphere, and the area of ​​love. Some Aries may change jobs, but you shouldn’t count on a more prestigious position this year.

Aries born from April 1 to April 4 will feel the painful influence of Pluto, which is the ruler of the most powerful flows of various energies. If you are under its influence, you may encounter various types of unpleasant events: breakup of relationships, illness and death of relatives, dismissal from work.

But Pluto cannot be called an absolutely negative planet, which carries only negative information. After its influence expires, you will immediately feel inner freedom, a surge of physical and psychological strength. Throughout 2018, Jupiter will only be in unfavorable combination with the planet Uranus twice. This will push you to reassess your professional capabilities.

The most significant space period of 2018 for you will last from March 1 to May 19. The planet Mars, which rules your zodiac sign, will begin its journey in the opposite direction. This can contribute to congestion in all matters. During this period, you should not resort to important undertakings in any area of ​​life. Otherwise, after Mars begins to move in the right direction, you will have to work on your mistakes for a long time.

At the end of the year, the inexorable Saturn will leave Scorpio and enter the sign of Sagittarius. Saturn's move into the ninth house will begin a two-year period in which Aries will develop an interest in law and philosophy. The skills and knowledge that you will have time to acquire... This will raise the level of your authority and professional achievements.


2018 predicts great success in the region oratory, for example, when public speaking. Fortune will also be on the side of the wards of this sign in all endeavors where their relatives, especially distant ones, will take part.

Jupiter promises the acquisition of new business connections that will prove useful and promising. But the stars urge you to remember that all matters related to negotiations and various polemics may turn out to be empty and unpromising. They will take away a large number of time and effort, will distract attention from solving the most important issues.

Venus will move in a retrograde direction until February 1, which will increase worries about your financial situation. During this period, conflict situations are possible on the love front. Taurus will be overwhelmed with feelings, but they will not be able to express them properly. Fleeting romances or the emergence of a slight love that will remain without reciprocity are also possible.

In general, all Taurus affairs until 1.02. will slow down a lot. But the retrograde position of Venus also has positive sides. Taurus will have the opportunity to analyze in detail their relationships with loved ones. Most likely, you will meet a former lover with whom you will renew your relationship. And this period, alas, is extremely unfavorable for marriage.

Avoid making changes to your image. You should not buy new clothes or engage in procedures related to improving your appearance. All this can quickly lead you to great regrets and disappointments. The likelihood of developing gynecological, dermatological and endocrine pathologies increases significantly.

Throughout 2018, Pluto will be located in the house of education, science, and long-distance travel in the symbolic horoscope of Taurus. Such an impact will draw attention to issues related to self-education and knowledge, and will develop intuition on long trips.

Secondary issues that will concern Taurus will be related to friendly relations. The fact is that Neptune, located throughout the year in the house of patrons and like-minded people, will move forward until June 8. And on June 9 the planet will begin reverse stroke. Then Taurus will “open their eyes” and begin to understand that all their friends are not perfect, each has their own shortcomings. During this period, ill-wishers and even enemies may appear.

There will be a serious aggravation of the conflicting planets - Jupiter and Uranus. For Taurus, this can result in a certain stagnation in almost all areas of life. Until December 23, Saturn will be located in the house of friends, alliances and connections, which can contribute to the aggravation of relationships with your loved one and work colleagues.

Some changes are expected in two houses - . There is a high probability of imbalance of biological rhythms. This may adversely affect physiological processes.


In 2018, in some areas of life, stars promise success and a positive outcome, and in some other areas - various kinds of complications and troubles. You will be extremely concerned about problems in relationships with your superiors and career issues. This is due to the fact that in the symbolic horoscope, Neptune will be located in the house of career, profession and success for the whole year.

The movement of the indicated planet around the house will not be entirely favorable. Prepare for exacerbations of many life situations. Neptune will bring a lot of confusion and confusion to important issues, but your natural intuition will allow you to successfully overcome these difficulties. Until June 8, Neptune's movement will be retrograde, which will have a negative impact on relationships with superiors. This will result in mutual misunderstanding. Failures at work can trigger feelings of detachment.

The planet Uranus, located in the house of friends and like-minded people, will have an impact on relationships with friends, among whom extraordinary personalities may appear in 2018. The planet will move forward until July 21. During this period, you will develop an interest in grandiose and unusual projects. And starting from July 22, when Uranus begins to move in the opposite direction, some Geminis will be able to see prophetic dreams.

Jupiter will influence the solution of material issues. will appear good opportunity put your financial situation in order. The influence of this planet will also manifest itself in a tendency to waste a lot of money. But, if you make every effort and become more active, you can achieve truly tremendous success.

Uranus and Jupiter will be in a complex relationship. This may adversely affect financial relationships with partners and friends. You will be forced to maintain your own image, as well as actively organize social events. Additional cash costs will be required. Be careful when new and unexpected offers come your way. You should not take on risky issues.

The entry of the planet Jupiter into the third house of the symbolic horoscope will occur on July 16. This will allow you to successfully travel short distances, and will also have a positive impact on financial situation. You can create a “strong financial foundation” with the help of loved ones and neighbors.

Terrible Saturn will be located in the house of health and work relationships until December 23rd. This may have adverse health effects. Electrolyte imbalances are possible. Mercury will be in retrograde motion during the following periods:

In this position, Mercury can create many difficulties. Difficulties will affect Gemini, who during the designated periods will be busy passing exams and tests, completing documents and making large purchases.

On April 29, the 12th sector of the symbolic horoscope is activated. He is responsible for secrets. The stars advise against conducting secret business and not resolving issues in which there is uncertainty. Follow the laws, as even minor violations can lead to major troubles.

Be extremely careful when planning your affairs so that others have no reason to gossip. This period is also not particularly favorable for the mental state. It is advisable that you step away from solving important issues for a while, give yourself a rest, and put your thoughts in order.


The first half of 2018 will be extremely successful for. Jupiter will move through your sign until July 16th. In this regard, you will have an excellent opportunity to resolve important issues relating to professional and personal spheres. Promotion through the ranks is possible.

During this period, completely new interests and hobbies will arise that can subsequently become a second profession. You will be able to change your health for the better, for example, get rid of smoking addiction or take up exercise. There will be a chance to improve family relationships and improve your financial situation. The stars promise that this period will be rich in happy moments with loved ones.

Starting July 16, Jupiter will move into the second house of the symbolic horoscope. This is the house of money. All active actions, one way or another, will be aimed at preserving and increasing material well-being. 2018 will be quite difficult for Cancers, who celebrate their birthday between July 2 and July 6. Pluto will put quite a lot of pressure on them. You will have to act several times more actively than usual, making maximum efforts.

Only the most active and active will be able to achieve great success in the professional field, as well as smooth out all conflict situations in family circle, which promised to result in major quarrels. The efforts made will only be beneficial, helping to strengthen fortitude and self-confidence.

People born between June 23 and June 30 will feel the strong influence of Neptune, the planet of romanticism and love on a universal scale, throughout 2018. The Sun will interact closely with Neptune, which will bring the issue of love relationships to the forefront. Young Cancers will be in a state of slight love. Cancers mature age will discover unexplored horizons of love, experiencing a whole range of indescribable sensations.

Mars, being in retrograde motion from March 1 to May 19, will endow Cancer with passivity and slowness. Until February 1, Venus will move backward, thereby influencing sensitivity, which will force Cancers to become more selfish. From March 2 to July 20, Saturn will be in a retrograde position. This will lead to some problems in the areas of perception and self-discipline. From July 22 to December 22, Uranus will begin a retrograde movement, which will serve as a huge surge of creative energy, which will be very difficult to express.

Cancers will be strongly influenced by Uranus. As a result, changes will occur in the sphere of love and friendly relationships. In October and April, there is a high probability that hitherto hidden problems in relationships with your lover and friends will become visible and obvious. However, positive changes can also occur, for example, interesting hobbies and new hobbies will appear. 2018 is a favorable time for registering marriage and conceiving a child.

a lion

In 2018, the all-powerful Pluto will move through the sign of Capricorn, causing great changes in the horoscope. This is directly related to work issues and daily responsibilities. An aspect such as mutual understanding will become very important for you. At home, you will try to increase your authority, and at work, make every effort to ensure that your colleagues fully share your point of view.

Neptune, being the planet of illusions and imagination, will continue its path through the sign of Pisces. This part of the horoscope speaks of the need to distribute responsibilities and financial assets between people associated with big business and insurance. In the case of cooperation with partners, their viability should not cause you doubts. Otherwise, there will be a high probability of finding yourself in a difficult financial situation.

The strong influence Neptune has on Leo will arouse genuine interest in paranormal phenomena and magical knowledge. You may suddenly discover supernatural abilities. An irrepressible sexual energy will awaken in your soul, causing representatives of the opposite sex to show you close attention.

Beginning June 9 and ending November 15, Neptune will be in a retrograde position. During this period, those around you will not want to be frank with you and may not be sincere enough. Try to resolve issues related to finances, and also avoid aggression due to the slow progress of things.

Leos born from July 31 to August 9 will experience global changes. Uranus, being the planet of intellectual insight and progress, will enter into a favorable combination with the Sun. This will contribute to the development of creative potential. You will be able to radically change the state of affairs in many areas of life. Perhaps you will receive an offer for a new interesting job.

Uranus will continue its path through the sign of Aries. This part of the horoscope is associated with legal activities, education, and long trips. If you take part in litigation, feel free to count on a favorable set of circumstances and a positive outcome.

Saturn will be placed in the fourth house. This means paying due attention to your family members. There is a possibility that one of the household members will suddenly fall ill and will need additional care. The unfavorable influence of Saturn can be mitigated by pacifying the selfish attitude towards others. For those who have resigned themselves to their fate, this planet provides every possible assistance in resolving any issues, even if these obstacles are created by it itself.

In the spring, Leos will face career-related questions. Listen to your intuition, it will tell you right choice. As a result, you will be able to find a new promising job. And only people born between July 29 and August 2 will have to overcome a large number of obstacles on the path to success. In the autumn months, discussions of issues related to real estate and family interests will come to the fore. Try to avoid discussions, otherwise achieving any compromise will become a difficult task.


2018 promises changes with the possibility of gaining prospects and excellent chances for success. However, the stars warn that achieving all this will require considerable effort.

Beneficent Jupiter will move through the eleventh house of the symbolic horoscope until July 16. The house is responsible for such areas of life as projects and new plans. Under the influence of Jupiter, new business partners may appear in the life of Virgos, as well as interests in a business that is completely unfamiliar to them.

Starting July 17, Jupiter will be located in the twelfth house. He is responsible for communicating with foreigners and traveling abroad. Throughout the year, Virgos will receive help from where they do not expect it at all. There is a high probability of a secret admirer or powerful patron appearing.

The eighth field of the horoscope will be under the influence of Uranus, which will increase the chances of extreme situations occurring. This does not mean that changes for the worse will happen in your life. On the contrary, relationships that have become obsolete may end, and inconvenient connections may be interrupted. During this period, grandiose ideas may be born that will captivate those around you. New projects will become an inexhaustible source of income.

Neptune will color the seventh house with its influence, under which Virgos will improve relationships with loved ones. But astrologers warn that the manifestation of selfishness can provoke a clash with deception and mistrust. Saturn will continue to have a limited influence, so there will be some changes in the part of the horoscope that deals with sisters, brothers, communication patterns and short distance travel. Saturn will give a color of rigor and scrupulousness to everything you do.

Virgos will have a great opportunity to find out who from their immediate circle is worthy of increased attention. Saturn will also contribute to good luck in matters related to education and. Starting from March 2 and ending on July 20, this planet will move in a retrograde direction, which may lead to some delays in new endeavors.

On December 23, Saturn will move into the sign of Sagittarius, where it will remain for 2.5 years. By this, he would oblige Dev to determine his place of residence for a specified period and resolve all issues relating to real estate.

Mercury is the planet of trade, connections and communication. Throughout the year, she will change her forward movement to a backward one three times. Mercury will be in retrograde from February 7 to 28, from June 7 to July 1, and from October 4 to 25. Excessive fuss and unnecessary conversations during these periods can create obstacles in achieving your goals. Also these periods are not best time for negotiations, which, alas, will not bring the expected results.

In the second half of the year, Virgos are not recommended to take on legal issues related to inheritance, taxation and insurance. Otherwise, even with a lot of effort and time, it is unlikely that anything definite will be achieved.

There is no need to sort things out with loved ones. In particular, you should not touch upon issues related to real estate. This won't lead to anything good. On the contrary, it can aggravate problems by sowing distrust and misunderstanding among relatives. During the last month of the year, beware of conflict situations and accidents.


Jupiter will have a great influence on the wards of this sign, which will lead to incredible career prospects. Due to the special location of Jupiter, many Libras will expect success and recognition in the professional field. The planet is considered beneficent in all respects. However, you should not remain idle.

Good luck will follow you if you show firmness and determination in your actions. Jupiter will also provide an opportunity to demonstrate your talents. The manager will pay attention exclusively to your positive professional qualities. Without much difficulty, you can improve your relationships with colleagues. Jupiter not only makes it possible to obtain quick results, but can also negatively affect the situation - it is easy to take away everything achieved.

For Libras born between October 1 and October 9, 2018 will be a time of great opportunities and liberation from unnecessary relationships that interfere with the achievement of true goals. At the beginning of the year, the influence of Venus will be especially noticeable. Throughout January, this planet, responsible for love and feelings, likes and dislikes, aesthetic preferences and partnerships, will be in a retrograde position.

Venus will lead you to thoughts of reassessing values. Reconsider your relationships with others and yourself. You will be disappointed in some love relationships and partnerships, so you will want to end them completely. For Libras who have not yet found their life partner, the stars will provide an excellent chance for a fateful meeting and finding peace of mind.

Pluto will be located in the sector responsible for parents, family and real estate. The presence of this planet often leads to questions related to determining where to live and getting rid of everything that has accumulated and is no longer of any value.

From June 9 to November 15, Neptune will be retrograde in the sector that is responsible for professional activity, illness and well-being. This will draw your close attention to your own health, as well as to relationships in the workforce. Being in the house of public relations, alliances and partnerships, Uranus will influence you strong impact. This can unexpectedly lead to a positive decision on the issue of marriage or creating a long-term relationship with your chosen one.

The influence of the planet Saturn will be limited, which may entail the need for large financial expenses. From March 2 to July 20, Saturn will move backward, which will cause a biased attitude towards you on the part of management. During this period, it is important to be thrifty and not get involved in financial adventures.

In October, there is a high probability that relationships with business partners and your significant other will change. It is possible to change your place of residence, social circle and work team. Many Libras are aware of the need for such changes, but will perceive them extremely painfully.


In the first half of the year, you will have an excellent opportunity to travel long distances, establish contacts with people from afar, and receive a quality education. It is during this period that everything can be easily settled legal issues. Starting from July 17, Scorpios will experience good fortune in the career field. You will find good use of all your skills, especially organizational ones. Recognition of talents will be well deserved. This will resolve many issues related to new projects.

Until December 23, Saturn will be located in the main sector - the house of personality. This can make Scorpios feel alienated. We cannot rule out the possibility that in their usual environment they will feel lonely and depressed. There are also positive aspects to the strong influence of Saturn. The planet is capable of imparting irrepressible energy and determination in solving many life issues. Do not succumb to depression - this should be the motto of Scorpios in 2018.

For those who were born between November 2 and November 6, the year will be the most fruitful in the field of entrepreneurship and developing their own business. This is due to the fact that the positive influence of Pluto will increase perseverance and desire for career success. Scorpios will also be decisive in matters of working on themselves, for example, they can easily take up sports seriously, overcome bad habits, and switch to a separate diet.

For those born between October 27 and October 30, benefic Neptune will have a positive influence. You will discover your ability to be creative, for example, in the field of visual or musical arts. One of Neptune's main gifts is the romantic feeling that will arise in the first half of the year.

Uranus, being the planet of change, will bring many joyful events into everyday life and endow it with an excellent sense of humor. It will also have such an impact as the desire for freedom, the erasure of any restrictions in the choice of activities and partnerships. You can easily change your place of residence and work. It's possible that it's new workplace will become a reliable source of stable income.

From March 1 to May 19, Mars, responsible for energy and action, will be in a retrograde position, which will entail a delay in resolving issues relating to almost all areas of life. Due to rash actions, there is a high probability of various types of incidents and accidents. Taking this into account, Scorpios must be as careful as possible when driving vehicles and working with complex mechanisms.

In November, claims may arise regarding the condition own health. Problems will most likely be caused by unsuitable working conditions. If you previously adhered to an unhealthy lifestyle, endured a lot of stress and worked hard, depression may develop during this month.


The coming year will be extremely busy, but at the same time changeable. In some areas of life you will encounter various kinds of obstacles, in others - with their complete absence. Not everything will be smooth in relations with business partners. For females with their husbands, for males - with relatives or parents.

This year all Sagittarius will have a great opportunity to go on a long journey and receive additional education. Many Sagittarius will strive to learn a new profession or find an exciting hobby. Those who dream of working abroad can easily get this opportunity. All endeavors in these areas of life are doomed to dizzying success.

Throughout the year, Saturn will be in the house of restrictions, which will lead to a deterioration in well-being. The main reasons for this may be disorders of the digestive system, dermatological, dental and orthopedic diseases.

Pluto will be located in the sector of material wealth and prosperity. Therefore, Sagittarius will be concerned about issues of financial well-being. Until April 14, Pluto will make a strong impact with its powerful energy. Therefore, all Sagittarius should exercise extreme caution regarding material values.

Many will have the opportunity to earn a large sum of money, but on the condition that they do it not themselves, but by organizing the abilities of the people around them. From April 15, Pluto will begin to move in a retrograde direction, which will lead to the loss of relevance of the issue of finance until September 23, when Pluto will again begin to change the direction of movement.

Issues related to family and kinship relationships and real estate transactions will also be very important. It is in these areas that Neptune will have a strong influence. Such an impact is not entirely favorable, so Sagittarius must be prepared to encounter various complications and obstacles.

Uranus, located in the house of creative talents, entertainment and temptations, will allow you to feel relaxed in love affairs. Many Sagittarius will begin to be carried away by exciting romantic adventures. The strongest influence of Uranus will be felt by Sagittarius who celebrate their birthday in the period from November 30 to December 9. From December 10, Jupiter will go into retrograde, which will affect your receptivity. Accordingly, you will begin to trust your heart and feelings more than your cold mind.

Sagittarius must be attentive to their career field and the behavior of their colleagues, who may turn out to be hidden ill-wishers. Start reconsidering your attitude towards loved ones and friends, assessing them from an objective perspective. Perhaps not all Sagittarius will be pleased with the result of such a revision, making them think hard. However, many will be able to improve their relationships by reaching mutual understanding with relatives and friends.


Everyone will have a chance to improve their relationships with others. The stars advise you to pay close attention to this. This year you will reap the first fruits of the efforts that have been made over the past 6 years. This will happen for the reason that Jupiter will pass halfway through the zodiacal cyclic path, which means the manifestation of all the hidden talents and capabilities inherent in the space program.

Jupiter, located in the sign of Cancer, will have a beneficial effect on the development of relationships with business partners. However, in this six-year cycle, a fairly acute crisis may arise for the first time. The problem is the conflict between your potential and limiting conditions. Pluto will have a negative impact on Capricorns born between January 1st and January 5th. This will be expressed in the formation of various conflict situations in the family circle and the work team. Problems can only be resolved through your active actions.

You should not perceive the influence of Pluto only as negative. This planet will be able to help break off all unnecessary and outdated relationships and enter into new stage life. By the end of the second half of the year, you will feel the full strength of your disruptive character, which will allow you to enjoy success and achievements in your professional field and in your creativity.

From April 15 to September 22, Pluto will be in a retrograde position, and you may experience a deterioration in your immune system. But starting from September 23, Pluto will begin to move directly, and you will have the opportunity global change many aspects of personal life.

Planet Neptune will be in the house of travel, study and close circle, which will have an amazing effect on your thinking. Intuition can become very sharp. From June 9 to November 15, Neptune will be in a retrograde position. This means that Capricorns will be somewhat absent-minded and slow. But on November 16, Neptune will begin to move forward and not even memories will remain from absent-mindedness and slowness.

Uranus is the planet of revolutionary upheavals and independent positions. She will provide significant influence for Capricorns celebrating their birthday between December 30 and January 7. Global changes may unexpectedly occur in the lives of these people, in particular in the family. Some Capricorns will have a desire to change their place of residence and profession. Whatever you do in this regard, everything will end in a favorable outcome for you.

All year, Uranus will be in the house of parents, family, and real estate. Capricorns may have a desire to change something, for example, rearrange the furniture in the house or completely change the interior. Capricorns can handle all these things with ease. The only exception may be the period when Neptune will be in a retrograde position, namely, from July 22 to December 21.

Saturn will be located in the house of friends. Relationships with ill-wishers who pretend to be friends can be completely terminated. Only the most faithful and reliable like-minded people will remain in your environment. From March 2 to July 20, Saturn will move backward, which may distort Capricorns' ideas about such concepts as duty, honor, integrity and responsibility. Many Capricorns will work their butts off, but they will never be able to immediately see a decent return.

During the retrograde movement of Saturn, Capricorns are not recommended to rush to resolve important issues. Before doing this, you should think carefully about everything and weigh it several times. Capricorns can pay dearly for their haste, being disappointed in the competence and integrity of their business partners. If Capricorns wait a little time, all the matters they take on will be resolved in the best way for them.


The first half of the year is unfavorable for career advancement for. The reason is that Saturn will be placed in the house of career. During this period, you will not have to count on the favorable attitude of your superiors. You shouldn’t count on recognition from your work colleagues.

But from July 21, Saturn will begin to move forward, and you will have a great opportunity to demonstrate professional knowledge and skills. Most notable career will be for those who have not reached the age of 29. The stars promise good prospects only if you work hard and honor moral values.

Jupiter is the planet of luck and prosperity. Until July 16, it will be located in the sign of Cancer. This is the sixth house responsible for career. This location of the planet opens up excellent opportunities, namely, you will be able to improve your skills in the professional field or organize your own business.

But remember, Jupiter does not provide anything for nothing. In order for it to contribute to success, you should give every effort to achieve your goals. Then the planet will bestow honors, recognition from the workforce and, possibly, large monetary incomes.

Pluto will be located in the house of isolation, secrets and restrictions. From April 15 to September 22, it will be in a retrograde position, which will serve to attract close attention to the occult sciences, psychology and psychoanalysis. From September 23 the planet will turn in reverse side, and you will feel a renewed interest in organizations that have enormous influence and also have large financial capabilities.

Neptune is responsible for illusions and imagination. Continuing his movement through the sign of Pisces, he warns Aquarians who may find themselves in difficult situations due to the financial insolvency of business partners. From June 9 to November 15, Neptune will be in a retrograde position, which will aggravate the situation in the professional sphere. People around you are unlikely to want to be sincere with you.

Uranus will move around the house of travel, immediate environment and study all year. This will have a significant impact on thinking. You will be very creative in getting out of difficult situations, acting with intelligence and charm. In May, you will be faced with a question regarding training and travel. You will certainly want to receive additional education, expanding the sphere of influence of your own business. At first it will seem unattainable, but with some effort you will see how everything works out for the best.

In September you will be in a philosophical mood. You will often indulge in memories of the past years of your life, thoughts about family, friends and the meaning of life. This will significantly affect relationships with close and distant relatives, as well as with your life partner.


Those under this sign will pay attention to issues related to education, love, travel, and communication with friends. Neptune patronizes imagination, understanding of others, and art. This year the planet will have a strong influence on, which will entail an increase in qualities such as romance, sentimentality, dreaminess and compassion.

Neptune's location is favorable for unleashing creative potential. There is a high probability of the emergence of a new hobby related to painting, cinema, theater. Some will develop an interest in medicine, psychology, and mysticism. Beneficial influence Neptune will have an impact on Pisces, professional activity which is associated with cinema, painting, music. They will be full of inspiration and feel an unprecedented creative surge.

Jupiter will be located in the fifth house, which is responsible for affections of the heart. Pisces will fully feel the influence of the planet, which will open their hearts to love even more. They will begin to give warmth and care to loved ones even more fiercely, who will reciprocate their feelings. Lonely Pisces will have a chance to meet true love, which will later become a life partner.

Pluto will move through the house of friendly communication, which will have an almost imperceptible effect on Pisces. But in subsequent years they will fully feel this impact. Astrologers recommend being careful and extremely careful when choosing new acquaintances.

One of negative impacts Pluto will be expressed in the fact that with friends or the chosen one they will be accompanied by mutual reproaches. However, preventing this negativity is possible provided that you increase the level of your social status. And influential acquaintances who have enormous authority in certain circles can help with this.

Uranus will be located in the house of property, which will have a strong impact on the financial sphere of life. It is likely that you will have more than one source of material income. You should properly manage the money you earn, for example, invest in a profitable business, and spend the remaining funds sparingly.

Saturn will be located in the house of long-distance travel, science, education. This planet promises great opportunities in the professional field. But there is a condition: you need to work hard. The planet can create difficulties in the process of processing various kinds of documents, as well as obstacles in long trips and relationships with relatives.

In July, Pisces will focus on issues related to education. Many will have a desire to acquire additional specialization. August and December are periods that promise good luck in new endeavors related to study and short trips. There is a high probability of changes in the immediate environment. Important meetings that take place during the designated periods can become turning points in your life.