Sergei Kiriyenko (not to be confused with the author of books Sergei Ivanovich Kiriyenko) is an entrepreneur and politician. The ex- CEO Rosatom, as well as Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. IN track record Sergei Vladilenovich has received many notable awards, including the Anatoly Koni Medal and the Order of Honor.

Childhood and youth

Sergei Vladilenovich Kirienko was born on July 26, 1962 in the largest Abkhaz city of Sukhumi. The future politician grew up and was brought up in an exemplary family. Sergei’s father, Vladilen Yakovlevich, is a professor, defended his doctorate in philosophy, and at one time headed various departments of Volzhsky state university water transport.

His wife Larisa Vasilievna and part-time mother of Sergei is an economist by training, studied in Odessa. It is known that Sergei Kiriyenko spent his childhood in the city of Gorky, which this moment is called Nizhny Novgorod.

Sergei’s parents began to be friends from adolescence and even studied at the same school. But as fate would have it, Vladilen Yakovlevich and Larisa Vasilievna decided to take different paths. Ultimately, in the early 70s, the couple decided to file for divorce. Sergei’s father remained to work in Gorky, and Larisa Vasilievna moved to Sochi with the boy.

In this sunny city, which is located on the Black Sea coast, Seryozha entered the prestigious school No. 7 and pleased his parent with good grades in his diary. But, having received a certificate of secondary education, the young man decided to return to Gorky and apply to the Institute of Water Transport Engineers. When the guy turned 22, he became a certified shipbuilder and set off on a free voyage.

Sergei proved himself to the teachers as a diligent student who absorbs all lectures like a sponge and does not miss classes, so the university leaders insisted that the guy enter graduate school. But the obstinate young man wanted to quickly establish himself in life, so he went to work at a factory, and in 1984 he reached conscription age and went to serve in the army.

At the same time, Sergei Kiriyenko followed in the footsteps of his grandfather, a prominent communist activist, and joined the ranks of the CPSU. For two years, Sergei Vladilenovich showed courage and bravery in the air force near the city of Nikolaev, and in 1986 he returned to civilian life. After demobilization, Kiriyenko began his labor activity a foreman at a shipyard, and then rose through the ranks and became Gorkovsky's secretary regional committee Komsomol.


Sergei Vladilenovich, whose character is dominated by leadership skills, not used to stopping there. Therefore, it is not surprising that Kiriyenko, at the age of 28, sat in the deputy seat of the Gorky Regional Council.

However, at that time the country was not worried better times, in the second half of the 80s, perestroika began, and 1991 was marked by the dissolution of the Komsomol. But Sergei Vladilenovich shared the ideology of the party and after its abolition, he kept the party card as a keepsake.

Sergei Kiriyenko connected his life with entrepreneurship and finance, entered the Academy National economy under the President Russian Federation, and in 1993 became a highly qualified manager. Thus, Sergey Vladilenovich served as the general director of Concern AMK JSC, was the chairman of the Garantiya bank and headed oil company"NORSI-OIL".

Then the businessman moved to the very heart of Russia. It is noteworthy that Sergei Kiriyenko and the politician had friendly relations, so Boris Efimovich persuaded him to pay attention to the ambitious Nizhny Novgorod entrepreneur.

Initially, Viktor Stepanovich did not want to consider Kiriyenko as a candidate for a position in the Ministry of Fuel and Energy, citing the fact that Sergei Vladilenovich had no government experience. But Chernomyrdin could not resist Nemtsov’s pressure, as a result of which he yielded to his colleague. In 1988 it began new stage in the biography of Sergei Vladilenovich: appointed him acting head of government, describing the entrepreneur as a purposeful and consistent employee.

But again, in his new post, Sergei Vladilenovich had to face difficulties, because at that time the economy in Russia was collapsing. Kiriyenko needed to carry out a series of liberal reforms, but since the financial pyramid of state short-term obligations was literally hanging by a thread, and oil prices increased several times, the country declared a default.

Sergei Kiriyenko did not remain in his new post for long; after five days, Boris Nikolayevich dismissed him. But Sergei Vladilenovich’s career does not end there. The politician did not give up and in 1999 ran for mayor of Moscow, but lost. Then he became a State Duma deputy on the list of the Union of Right Forces party, but a year later he resigned.

In 2005, Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko was appointed head of Rosatom (Federal Atomic Energy Agency). In 2007, as a result of reorganization, he became general director. This government organization has jurisdiction over institutes and research centers, nuclear power plants Russia, export of nuclear materials and fuel, construction of nuclear power plants abroad, etc.

Sergei Vladilenovich worked at Rosatom for 11 years. During his work, he set strategic goals, reduced the cost of electricity generation, optimized the number of personnel, and increased the utilization rate of the installed capacity of nuclear power plants.

However, not everyone found Kiriyenko’s activities productive: Vladimir Milov said that Sergei Vladilenovich spent billions of rubles ineffectively. It was also criticized that Kiriyenko extended the operation of old power units, which contradicted safety regulations.

Personal life

Journalists know that Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko, whose height is 170 cm, is an exemplary family man. While still a Sochi schoolboy, he met his future chosen one, Maria Aistova. By the way, Kiriyenko’s wife has nothing to do with politics; the woman has connected her life with medicine and works as a pediatrician. The couple raised three children: son Vladimir (1983), and daughters Lyubov (1992) and Nadya (2002).

Vladimir Sergeevich followed his father’s example and started doing business; he led large companies - Capital LLC, Rostelecom. A power plant is also subordinate to him Vladimir region, tourist camp, utility companies, grain elevators and so on.

In his free time from work, Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko is active and healthy image life. The politician spends his energy on sports; among his favorites is the sport martial art Aikido (4th dan) and exciting scuba diving. Sometimes Kiriyenko goes hunting or fishing with friends.

Friends and colleagues described this man as the most correct and polite, even in conflict situations. According to rumors, he has known Vladimir Putin for a long time, so he addresses the President of the Russian Federation on a first-name basis.

Sergei Kiriyenko now

In 2016, Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko was removed from the post of Director General of Rosatom, but joined the supervisory board. Also in 2016, Sergei Vladilenovich began working in the Administration of the President of Russia.

According to rumors, in 2017, Kiriyenko spoke at unannounced briefings in the Kremlin to journalists, on condition of anonymity. Moreover, in the newspapers he was referred to as “a source in the Kremlin”, “ high-ranking official" etc. It is also known that the politician began to engage in charity work - the fight against childhood cancer.

  • 1998 – Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • 1999-2000 - State Duma deputy
  • 2000 - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District
  • 2001 - Chairman of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for Chemical Disarmament
  • 2005-2016 – General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom
  • 2016 – First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

    Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District since May 2000; born July 26, 1962 in Sukhumi, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; graduated from the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers with a degree in engineering... ... Bolshaya biographical encyclopedia

    - (b. 1962), statesman. In 1989, 91 master, secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard, secretary of the Gorky regional committee of the Komsomol. Since 1994, Chairman of the Board of the Bank "Garantia", in March May 1997, President... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (b. 1962), Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in April August 1998. In 1986 91, foreman, secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard, secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the Komsomol. Since 1994 chairman... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Sergey Vladilenovich KIRIENKO - (b. 07/26/1962) Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in the Volga Federal District from 05/18/2000 to 11/14/2005 Head of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency from 11/15/2005 Born in Sukhumi, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Grandfather... ... Putin's Encyclopedia

    Sergei Kiriyenko speaks at the World Economic Forum in Davos. January 26, 2000 ... Wikipedia

    Sergei Vladilenovich Kirienko Sergei Kirienko speaks at the World Economic Forum in Davos. January 26, 2000 ... Wikipedia

    Vladilenovich (b. July 26, 1962, Sukhumi, Abkhazia) Russian state and public figure. In March 1998, after the resignation of the government, V.S. Chernomyrdin was nominated by the president for the post of chairman of the government. State Duma... ...Political science. Dictionary.

    Kiriyenko, Sergey - General Director of the State Corporation Rosatom General Director of the State Corporation Rosatom, former head Federal Atomic Energy Agency of Russia (2005 2008). Chairman of the Board of Directors of Atomenergoprom (since 2007), head of... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko - General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom Sergei Vladilenovich Kirienko was born on July 26, 1962 in the city of Sukhumi, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. His father Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel was a philosophy teacher, later... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

On Wednesday, October 5, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree releasing 54-year-old Sergei Kiriyenko from the post of head of Rosatom and appointing him to the post of first deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

“The President of Russia, by his Decree, relieved Vyacheslav Volodin from the post of First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. The decree comes into force on October 5, 2016. Vladimir Putin issued another Decree, releasing him from his position,” according to the official website of the President of the Russian Federation.

Sergey Kiriyenko. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vitaly Belousov


Sergei Vladilenovich Kirien was born on July 26, 1962 in Sukhumi, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Father is a graduate of Moscow State University, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, different time Head of a number of departments of the Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) Institute of Water Transport Engineers: scientific communism, political science, humanities and social sciences. Mother is a graduate of the Odessa Economic Institute.


Graduate of Sochi high school № 7.

In 1984 he graduated from the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers and the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation in 1993.

Labor activity

In 1986, he worked as a foreman at the Krasnoe Sormovo shipyard after serving in the Soviet Army.

In 1986-1991 - secretary of the Komsomol committee of the plant; First Secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the Komsomol.

At the end of the 1980s, he organized the multi-profile “Joint-Stock Youth Concern” (AMK), and soon became its president. At the same time I was studying political career and in March 1990 he became a deputy of the Gorky Regional Council of People's Deputies.

In 1993 - Chairman of the Board of the Garantiya Bank.

In September 1997, he became deputy chairman of the Russian Government Commission for coordinating the activities of federal executive bodies and government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of production sharing agreements (PSAs).

In October 1997, he headed the commission on issues of access of independent organizations to the gas transportation system of RAO Gazprom, and also became one of the state representatives in AK Transneft.

On November 20, 1997, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin, he was appointed Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation.

On April 24, 1998, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin, he was appointed Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

On August 17, 1998, together with the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Sergei Dubinin and the Minister of Finance Mikhail Zadornov, he announced a 90-day default of Russia on external obligations and the devaluation of the ruble.

On August 23, 1998, by decree of Russian President Yeltsin, the Kiriyenko government was dismissed in its entirety.

From 1998 to 2000, he did not hold any positions in the executive branch.

Political activity

In December 1998, he headed the All-Russian public political conservative movement “New Force”. During the same period, he, along with long-time partner and ally Boris Nemtsov, as well as the head of RAO UES of Russia Anatoly Chubais, was among the leaders of the democratic party “Union of Right Forces”, participated in the elections of the mayor of the Russian capital, and in 1999 was the leader of the faction ATP in State Duma third convocation.

On May 18, 2000, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Sergei Kiriyenko was appointed plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District. In May 2001, while remaining a plenipotentiary representative, he took over the post of Chairman of the Russian State Commission for Chemical Disarmament.

On November 15, 2005, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency.

From December 12, 2007 to October 5, 2016 - General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom.


Awarded the Order of Honor, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, the Order of St. St. Seraphim Sarovsky II degree, Order St. Sergius Radonezhsky I degree, medal of Anatoly Koni.


Martial arts

President of the Aikido Aikikai Federation of Russia (FAAR), co-chairman of the Russian Union of Martial Arts, President of the Council of the All-Russian Union “National Council of Aikido of Russia” (NSAR).

Family status

Married, three children.

Former head of Rosatom Sergei Kiriyenko will be responsible for domestic policy in the country. His appointment is a continuation of the trend to install in key political positions people who are loyal and unambitious, but with the image of decent liberals.

He became the first deputy of the presidential administration (AP) - he was promoted to this position from the post of head of the state corporation Rosatom. The process, it should be noted, continued the trend of undisguised appointments: if earlier personnel changes at the top were, as a rule, impossible to predict, then the fashion of the last season is expected. If the resignation from the post of head of the Administration of the Presidential Administration and his replacement with another was sudden, then the change of the Speaker of the State Duma to , departure to the SVR and the transfer of Sergei Kiriyenko to the Administration of the Administration was known in advance.

At first glance, the appointment appears to be a demotion. Rosatom is a powerful holding company that manages the pride of Russian industry, nuclear energy. Growing revenue (812.2 billion rubles in 2015), foreign contracts in Poland, Indonesia, Hungary, Turkey and so on, in general, the corporation is one of the few peaceful foreign policy instruments of Russia, and it is prestigious to manage such a colossus, despite the fact that there are no claims against Sergei Kiriyenko seemed to have none.

Work in the presidential administration is generally bureaucratic. Yesterday's head of the nuclear corporation will have to work under the supervision of the recent chief of presidential protocol, Anton Vaino (several years ago there were persistent rumors that Sergei Kiriyenko studied at the school of Scientologists, so now you can joke about his combination with the inventor of the nooscope Vaino). Historically, the first deputy head of the department has the fame of a demiurge in Russia, " eminence grise"- both Vyacheslav Volodin and Vyacheslav Volodin were like that, - but here everything depends on the moment. Now the AP clearly promises to reformat itself into a more technical body, and the political situation created by Volodin is such that it will no longer allow Sergei Kiriyenko to become any kind of demiurge.

The most curious thing about the appointment is Sergei Kiriyenko’s political background. It is his name that is associated with the 1998 default and the collapse of the GKO pyramid, probably the most powerful economic shock in Russia in the 1990s. Kiriyenko, “Kinder Surprise”, “Harvard Boy”, “Young Reformer” (all these are the nicknames with which he was awarded), was barely appointed Prime Minister at the age of 36 at that time. Everything looked as if young specialist made him the chairman for the duration of the crisis, which was very clearly approaching, but he declared a default one way or another.

After this, Sergei Kiriyenko entered the leadership of the Union of Right Forces party together with and, led the party to the State Duma in 1999, and became the leader of the faction. When in 2010 Vladimir Putin threw out his famous “hurricane in the 1990s”, this, in theory, should have fully applied to Sergei Kiriyenko, not only to Nemtsov. Such people cannot be allowed to power, Putin said, which gave the go-ahead to the campaign to defame the “dashing 1990s.”

This was nothing more than an election stunt directed against the opposition. Already in 2000, Putin liked Sergei Kiriyenko and was appointed plenipotentiary envoy to the Volga Federal District. Perhaps the president was impressed by the dedication of Kiriyenko, who took on the brunt of the default, or perhaps the logic was approximately the same as when Nikita Belykh was appointed governor of the Kirov region - take a decent democrat and see what he can do. One way or another, Kiriyenko did not become an oppositionist to Putin and was rewarded.

Now it was his political talents that were again in demand. It is not yet entirely clear why Vladimir Putin needed Sergei Kiriyenko; in Russia now there is simply nothing to create projects for, but he was needed for something. During his time as plenipotentiary representative and head of Rosatom, his past was largely forgotten, he does not have a negative image, but he retained his connections and probably a liberal way of thinking.

The appointment turns out to be similar to the appointment of Ella Pamfilova as chairwoman of the Central Election Commission - people without an ounce of personal ambition and opposition, but at the same time having human face, some old merits. Not odious - and thank you for that.

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A targeted attack began on the deputy head of the Russian Presidential Administration.

Rosenergoatom received a fine for not completing work on time under contracts with partners. Thus, the Market Council prescribed Rosenergoatom a penalty of as much as 350 million rubles. The reason is another failure to launch a new power unit at Novovoronezh Wind Power Plant-2. Rosenergoatom was supposed to launch the facility on January 1 of this year, but it never did. And now you have to fork out the cash.

It would seem that there is nothing unexpected or sensational in this news. The usual conflict of interests in the financial and economic plan, of which there are hundreds of thousands in the country. However, market participants immediately noticed that this happened for the first time. After all, Rosenergoatom is a division of the state corporation Rosatom. And until recently, it was untouchable, along with such state corporations as Rostec and Rosneft. And then you immediately face a multi-million dollar fine.

Analysts immediately saw this as a definite sign. Moreover, with conspiracy theories. After all for a long time Rosatom was headed by Sergei Kiriyenko. Led and led. And this didn’t particularly bother anyone. Until a certain time. Kiriyenko suddenly quickly flew to the political Olympus of Russia, where he had once been (remember, Kiriyenko even headed the Government of the Russian Federation in the late 90s). And here, after a long break, they are again at the very heights of power. Moreover, in the position of deputy head of the presidential administration.

And those who occupy this position play perhaps a key role in domestic policy. After all, not a single more or less major appointment can take place without the approval of the main Kremlin apparatchik.

And Kiriyenko, as they say, took the bit between his teeth. He behaved extremely actively. Trips to various forums, direct participation in them. There have already been numerous meetings with governors, at which Kiriyenko conducted moral lectures on how to manage the regions and who should be relied on in the macropolitical aspect. Moreover, Kiriyenko can directly advise who, in his opinion, is worthy of the governor’s chair in a particular region. But apparently not everyone liked such vigorous activity in the Kremlin corridors. And these people are also very influential. And they can influence even Kiriyenko. It’s difficult to do this directly today. But you can recall the past “merits” of the first deputy head of the Administration.

So the pressure began on Rosatom enterprises - in fact the brainchild of Sergei Vladilenovich. For now - a fine, but what happens after? And then, quite possibly, they will begin to “dig” further and deeper. And this is very fertile ground for Kiriyenko’s opponents. Simply Eldorado! After all, managing any large company, especially a state-owned one, and at the same time remaining crystal honest in Russia is comparable to utopia.

And Sergei Vladilenovich is no exception. Quite the contrary.

Nikonova case

For example, they may recall the scandalous story with the top manager of Rosatom’s subsidiary, the TVEL company, Olga Nikonova. It was taken into circulation by security forces on suspicion of theft of more than 100 million rubles when concluding fictitious contracts. Things smelled so bad that Nikonova simply tried to run away beyond the border. And they managed to catch her right on Finnish border, where, by the way, businesswomen have their own real estate.

The case, naturally, was sent to court, but its consideration suddenly began to stall. As they said gossips, Nikonova’s boss Sergei Kiriyenko could have put pressure on the judges. And not just because his corporations are being reputable by doing this kind of thing. The head of Rosatom simply could not be unaware of such large frauds. This means that he either closed his eyes, or he could have been, as they say, “in the dark.”

Atomic Buryat EdRO

There is also a known case that was not entirely pleasant for Kiriyenko, when one of his companies was involved in direct political bribery. It was in Buryatia. The Rosatom company JSC Khiagda and the government of the republic agreed that the authorities would provide the company with benefits on local taxes. And the company will use the proceeds from this not only to develop production, but also to finance elections for a candidate from a clear party. That is, if you call a spade a spade, the most real bribery of officials took place - you tell us tax benefits, we will give you money for the candidate you need in the elections!

Who was on the team

You can also recall the scandalous story with Kiriyenko’s deputy Evgeny Evstratov. He is suspected of withdrawing 20 million rubles for his own needs. At the initiative of Evstratov, a division of Rosatom, the St. Petersburg Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Emergency Technical Center", ordered another division - the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety" (CNRS) to carry out research work. The money was paid correctly, but the work was not completed properly. That is, according to the documents, everything was true, but, as investigators found out, the content of the works was stupidly downloaded from the Internet.

Even earlier, the head of the Rosatom-owned design bureau, Viktor Mokhov, was arrested. He decided to create another subsidiary company in Holland. A competition was even announced, a competition was announced to “analyze alternative options for transferring the organization’s activities to the Netherlands and select the most effective option from a tax and legal point of view.”

What's the result? The “daughter” never appeared in the Netherlands, and almost 20 million rubles disappeared in an unknown direction. Against this background, the story of how Sergei Kiriyenko left Rosatom looks like a completely innocent prank. And he left very loudly. First of all, from a financial point of view. As part of the reward for “many years of backbreaking work,” Sergei Vladilenovich gave himself a bonus of several million rubles.

As they say, the Rosatom corporation will be transferred from the direct subordination of the Government to the Ministry of Economy. Before adding such a colossus as Rosatom into its ranks, the agency will probably launch a financial and economic audit. Why voluntarily burden yourself with problems created by others. And then the current deputy head of the presidential administration will have a hard time. And the fine issued to Rosenergoatom is only the first pebble in the unplowed garden of scandals with Kiriyenko. And there is a high probability that by certain forces in the Kremlin, most likely of a liberal orientation, Kiriyenko will simply be “squeezed out” of the political cage into which he so quickly fell.