Jews are always nearby. They assign themselves Slavic names and surnames for the sake of unrecognizability and camouflage.
Therefore, learn not to confuse them with the Slavic-Russians.



In our magazine we publish a list of the main anthropological characteristics inherent in representatives of Jewish nationality. I would like to immediately make a reservation that we publish signs by which one can recognize that this or that person belongs to Jewish nationality, not so that our readers, having become convinced that a Jew before them, would commit hostile actions against this Jew. For what? Your Jewish neighbor, just like you, travels in the stuffy subway and waits for a long time for the bus at a cold, dark stop. Just like you are painfully thinking about how to pay the next fees at school and still live to see pay. He, this neighbor of yours, did not rob Russia, he did not oppress the Russian people. Both you and him will not be allowed close to the financial flows, there is not enough room for our own people, just like Luzhkov and Berezovsky are squabbling. We are against enmity, hatred and discord between peoples. We are for freedom. For freedom of choice. Any person can freely choose how to act only if he knows what is what and what has what properties and consequences. By publishing signs by which one can distinguish a politician of Jewish nationality, we provide Russian voters of all nationalities with freedom, the freedom of conscious choice. Look at the candidate for whom you are being asked to vote, if you see that the candidate has the genetic characteristics of a person of Jewish nationality, then make your choice freely and consciously. Vote whether you want or not.

In the early nineties, we did not know what properties Jewish politicians have. Therefore, the choice of the majority of the population who supported Messrs. Yeltsin, Gaidar, Sobchak, Rutsky and others can hardly be considered free. All these gentlemen, during their election campaigns, did not say a word about their relatives of Jewish nationality and the fact that they themselves have every right to write in their passports, in the nationality column JEWS. But many people now know the properties and consequences of allowing a cohort of progressive figures with very similar Jewish faces to power. Many who were left without savings during the robbery perpetrated by Yegor Gaidar, many who believed the Jews of Mavrodi, who built the pyramids under the patronage of a Jewish president and a Jewish prime minister. Many understood well the qualities of Jewish politicians when their salaries began to be delayed for months, when the plundered Russian economy froze in paralysis. It became clear to many what Jews in power are like when the Jew Chernomyrdin fraudulently robbed both Russian and foreign banks, and all those who invested money in State Short-Term Obligations (something like Mavrodi tickets, only more abruptly, at the state level). And the Jew Kiriyenko, in order to compensate for losses from his predecessor’s scam, devalued the salaries of the entire population of Russia three times and allowed banks not to return money to depositors. Many in Russia realized that they should not trust the fate of Russia to those whose homeland is Israel. Many in Russia realized that the fate of the Russian people should be decided by Russians, and not by those whose relatives and they themselves have nothing to do with the Russian people. A Russian will try for his Motherland and for his Russian people, and a Jew, which is quite natural, for his Motherland and for his people.

Yes, now the choice will be more conscious, more free. But, in return for the Yeltsins, Nemtsovs, Chernomyrdins, Gaidars, Chubais and other figures of Jewish nationality, who have already stolen billions from the Russian people, Russian voters are pushing themselves into leaders, new nimble little men. How can you tell what clan and tribe they are? For what Motherland, for what people will they try? This is why we are publishing signs by which it will be possible to distinguish who belongs to Russian nationality and who to Jewish nationality. By being able to distinguish a Russian from a Jew, Russian voters will be more free in their choice.


The primary set of features characterizing the objects under consideration are their behavioral and ideological manifestations, especially during emergency crisis situations. Signs appearance serve only as useful additional information for a final conclusion about the degree of belonging of the object to the Jewish tribal community.

Currently, the external appearance of objects no longer clearly determines their belonging to the Jewish community. Therefore, in reality you have to operate with a whole complex of appearance features.

Often these are not obvious signs.

Initially, there were only two main clans in the Jewish tribal community. These are Sephardim = Arabs + Hindus, and Ashkenazi = Negroes + Hindus. All representatives of the three original races, which gradually formed a new tribal community.

Today it is almost impossible to accurately distinguish between Sephardim and Ashkenazim. In rare cases, it is possible to draw conclusions only about the preferential genetic influence of one of the original clans. In Russia, the Jews originally appeared mostly from the Caucasus and Central Asia, having managed to assimilate the indigenous population in the indicated territories and assimilate with the indigenous population itself. Therefore, many signs of Dagestan Jews, for example, have nothing to do with the indigenous population, but accurately characterize the original clan of eternal emigrants. Before looking for special features of the object external signs, it can be useful to listen to his speech. Historically, in addition to the concentration of genetic defects in appearance, Jews have accumulated many different distortions of heredity, including speech defects. This is due to genetic degeneration and weakening of the brain's speech center in objects. Such congenital speech defects as burr, grazing, tongue-tiedness, lisp, goon or nasality, congenital stuttering, creaky voice almost always indicate the desired ancestors, and therefore the corresponding characteristics of upbringing. Most often implicit, hidden.

Assimilation with the indigenous population and the assimilation of the indigenous population itself is one of the main goals of the strategy and practice of Judaism. Tactically, it can be carried out by many different in various ways. For example, let’s consider only two effective and trouble-free ones, with the help of which the pure indigenous population of not only all of Europe, but also Russia, decreased to 30% of the total population. This applies to both cities and villages. This happened often like this. A Jewish merchant who arrived in the village calls himself a Greek and offers to teach the peasant children the divine Gospel. After nine months, many village girls give birth to Jews, and there is no trace of the merchant. Such villages, villages and towns with many aristocratically gracing villagers are surprisingly located along former trade routes. For example, the Old Believers who left the center of Russia for Siberia under the Romanovs have significantly less Jewish genetics than the bulk of those who remained. This shows that the main assimilation took place during the reign of the Romanovs.

The manual is intended to provide a statistical, probabilistic approach to the problems of the topic. Unlike the measuring system that became widespread in Nazi Germany, and which, as it turned out, turned out to be completely useless, this manual focuses on those obvious qualitative signs that are more characteristic of Jews.


1.1. All congenital speech defects, as well as a special, non-musical voice.
1.2. A special questioning, suggestive tone. In Russia they call it “Odessa”.
1.3. The feminine timbre of the voice in men and the low male voice in women, especially in middle-aged and older women, remember Gaidar, Novodvorskaya, Gurchenko, Durova.
1.4. A specific increase in speech tone at the end of sentences.
1.5. Creaking, hissing, senile voice in kindergarten children. This type of voice lasts a lifetime.
1.6. Variable speech tone. There are, as it were, two voices, one significantly higher than the other in tone. The speaker constantly jumps from a normal voice to a raised, almost shrill tone. The property is present in both women and men. Normal person can't speak like that. As for the Slavs, their speech tone is constant.


2.1. Elongated upward shape of the skull.
2.2. Laterally flattened head.
2.3. When viewed from the front, the head has a clearly visible widening at the top.
2.4. A gradual transition of the contour of the head from the forehead to the back of the head, the absence of a clear line separating the forehead and the top of the head.
2.5. Two symmetrical frontal bald patches reaching to the back of the head.
2.6. Bald spot on the top of the head.
2.7. Lack of hair on the head or its remains in the form of two scanty stripes, like Rostropovich.
In general, any form of scalp baldness is very likely to indicate Jewish ancestors. This is almost unambiguous, although not usual. “No matter who the friend is, the truth is more precious.”
2.8. With a vertically elongated head shape, the line of the forehead clearly outlines a rectangle along with the lateral boundaries of the head. For example, young Kiloton.
2.9. At round shape head, it sometimes seems flattened from top to bottom. In this case, there are close-set round rat eyes. For example: Gaidar. No matter how much some forces prove that the Slavs had an elongated head shape, no matter how much they and some naive Russian patriots after them refer to the research of Hitler’s scientists, the truth differs from the fakes. The Jewish lawyers, journalists, writers and other slackers selected to work on construction sites, factories and factories of National Socialism almost all had an elongated skull shape. The Russian nobles had the same elongated skull shape, almost all of them descended from the descendants of Khazar and German Jews.


3.1. Protruding eyes are one of the main signs of most Jews.
3.2. Eyelids closed eyes appear to the observer as part of the surface of the ball.
3.3. The lower eyelid appears as a well-defined ridge or part of the surface of a ball when the eyes are open. The sign is very powerful and accurate.
3.4. If the eyes are deepened, recessed, but previous points 3.2. 3.4. are saved.
3.5. Very often the eyes are set close together.
3.6. congenital strabismus is a clear sign of interracial interbreeding and degenerativism.


4.1. The tip of the nose is downturned. The tip of the nose is located below the points where the lower edges of the wings of the nose meet the cheeks.
4.2. When viewed from the side S, the lower border of the nasal septum is not horizontal, but rises from the base of the nose upward to the tip of the nose.
4.3. When viewed from the front, the tip of the nose looks like a triangle, with the tip pointing downwards.
4.4. The tip of the nose seems to be flattened in front. For example, the artist Batalov in old age.
4.5. Convex bridge of the nose, especially its lower part. Not to be confused with a hump on the nose, which is sometimes a sign of a resident of the Caucasus and Asia Minor.
4.6. The lower edges of the wings of the nose are arched, so that the lateral surface of the inner part of the nasal septum is visible from the side.
4.7. When viewed from the front, the lower part of the bridge of the nose is slightly widened.
4.8. The base of the nose is widened. The nose is elongated and resembles the short beak of a sparrow.
Apparently, this is one of the reasons why sparrows in Ukraine and Belarus are called Jews. In this case, the line from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose rises more steeply than usual. Often these are the noses of the Jews.
4.9. When viewed from the side, the points where the lower edges of the wings of the nose connect with the cheeks are located at a greater distance from the tip of the nose than the point where the lower edge of the nasal septum connects with the upper lip. Among the Slavs, these three points are located almost on the same line.
4.10. The lower parts of the wings of the nose are bent outward. As a result, the lateral surfaces of the nose do not represent planes.
4.11. When speaking, the tip of the nose moves, and the soft lower half of the bridge of the nose deviates downwards and at the same time the bridge of the nose becomes curved, curved downwards, like the beak of a bird of prey.
4.12. Hoc compressed laterally, as if flat.
4.13. In this case, if we consider the nostrils from below, it is clearly noticeable that they are least similar to parts of a circle. Sometimes their length exceeds their width by two or even three times.
4.14. When viewing the nose from below, the nasal septum is similar to a wedge, with a wide base towards the head and a narrow base towards the tip of the nose.
4.15. The lower edges of the wings of the nose, on one side, are connected to the cheeks, and on the other side, they are connected to the nasal septum, not at the tip of the nose, as with most Slavs, but much closer to the base of the nose. Sometimes the point of this connection is located "halfway" to the tip of the nose. As a result, when viewed from below, a significant part of the nose is dull, without nostrils.


5.1. When talking, there is high mobility of the lips, their protrusion forward, into a tube.
5.2. Occasionally, when viewed from the front, there is asymmetry in the movements of the lips during a conversation.


6.1. When viewed from the side, the border of the upper lip is not vertical, like among the Slavs, but is inclined and stretches towards the tip of the nose.
6.2. When smiling and talking, the upper lip rises so effectively that the upper gums are exposed. For example, Makarevich.


7.1. General sign protruding lower lip, sometimes so much that its inner surface is visible.
7.2. Protruding lower lip. The upper part of the lower lip seems to be slightly protruding from the teeth. It looks like there is a plate stuck between the lower teeth and lower lip. chewing gum. One of the specific Jewish signs. Most often refers to the entire line of the lower lip, and not just its middle.
7.3. The outer border of the upper part of the lower lip is so protruding from the teeth that it is located almost horizontally.


8.1. The jaws are rounded to a radius significantly smaller than the overall contour of the cheeks.


9.1. The monkey's jaw is pushed forward, clearly protruding from the general contour of the cheeks.
9.2. From the extreme points of the mouth to the nose there are one or two pairs of inclined folds as a consequence of the previous point.
9.3. The teeth are not vertical. The lower edges of the teeth of the upper jaw are pushed forward.


10.1. The lower jaw is recessed closer to the neck. When the mouth is closed, the lower teeth overlap the upper teeth. In this case, externally, the lower front part of the chin can be either recessed closer to the neck, or vice versa, it can be pushed very forward.


11.1. Forehead and top part the heads seem to be pulled back.
11.2. Sloping forehead.
11.3. Sloping round forehead.
11.4. Sometimes obvious rectangular forehead.
Occasionally the upper part of the forehead is even pushed forward.
11.5. Vertically elongated forehead contour.

12. EARS

12.1. Ears pressed to the head, parallel to each other.

12.2. Ears without lobes or with varying degrees of their absence.

12.3. The lower edges of the ears gradually grow almost from the neck, the so-called “saiga ears”.
12.4. The external contours of the lower half of the ear are asymmetrical relative to the upper half. The lower half of the ear is similar to a triangle with the point down, although a small lobe may be present.
12.5. The earlobe seems to be turned inside out. The outer contour of the earlobe is more pressed to the skull than the inner part of the earlobe.
12.6. Sometimes the front of the skull is so wide that when viewed from the front it completely covers the recessed ears.
12.7. The ears are vertically extended.


14. CHIN

14.1. The lower part of the chin is not horizontal, but slopes from the anterior border of the lower jaw down to the cheeks.
14.2. Obesity of the chin.


15.1. The cheeks are flat.

16. FACE

16.1. Freckles. Unfortunately, they are a sign of the presence of interracial crossbreeding in ancestors. In this case, white and black ancestors.
Obviously, this couldn’t happen in Rus' large quantity blacks in order to “cover up” the freckles of a significant part of the indigenous population. In fact, Negro heredity manifested itself indirectly, through Jewish genes. Almost all Russian children with freckles in films of the recent past were played by aspiring artists from Jewish families. The idea that freckles could only be on Russian faces was propagated by Jewish propagandists to hide their own mixed origin.
16.2. Various degrees of facial obesity due to overfeeding begin in childhood. Especially noticeable on the cheeks.
16.3. When viewed from the front, the border of the lower part of the face resembles a triangle.
16.4. Even after washing, the face very quickly becomes covered with a layer of shiny oil. Not in places, but all over the face.
16.5. The facial expression is specifically Jewish: arrogant, self-confident, contemptuous, disgusted.


17.1. Both men and women with residual genetic characteristics of the original Jewish tribe can sometimes be noted to have wide hips.
In this case, not only the influence of the East on the genetics of the Jews is noticeable, but, first of all, the fact that the selection of the ancestors of the Jewish tribe was and continues to be carried out not according to a wide range of vital human characteristics, but first and foremost according to the degree of reproduction.
17.2. Due to overfeeding of children, they mature age Having straightened their figure, they continue to walk with the gait of former fat men. Sometimes fat thighs return with age. Characteristic, first of all, of pupils of Jewish and Judaized families.


18.1. Myopia and some other visual defects are characteristic of a significant part of the Jews. If a child is forced to wear glasses from the age of 3-5, then this is an undoubted descendant of the Jews. In other situations, when vision deteriorates sharply by the age of 16, this is a secondary sign, mainly associated with obtaining an education. If a very intense reading regime begins before the age of 16, and usually in Jewish and Judaized families forced cramming begins at the age of 5-6, sometimes earlier, then by the age of 14-16 myopia will be ensured automatically. In the post-war period, 90% of Japanese people have varying degrees of myopia. This phenomenon is associated only with the sharply increased level of education of the Japanese and is in no way determined by the Jews.


(This sign, for obvious reasons, is not explicit and is not at all obligatory due to the atheism of many Jewish families. It is published in that fantastic case, if suddenly voters have to wash in the same bathhouse with future presidential candidates, or if one of our voters is female, due to the vicissitudes fate, you will be able to get to know one of the candidates better. We wish them happiness in their personal lives).

19.1. Although circumcision cannot be considered a purely external sign, some remarks will be helpful. In fact, there are two methods of circumcision, the difference between which can be easily noticed by a professional, but not by an ordinary person. Circumcision according to the Muslim rite was a definite development of the traditions of the desert nomads. Lack of water, heat and pervasive sand often led to inflammation of the foreskin, which, with prolonged suffering for its wearer, either gradually died off on its own or was immediately cut off completely. Circumcision according to the Jewish rite differs in that the foreskin is circumcised, only “from above”. As a result, a cushion remains approximately half the circumference of the penis. Asymmetrical circumcision according to the Jewish rite, if it is performed in early childhood, gradually bends the penis with a hook. Any form of circumcision always leads to increased, no, not potency, but lust. This is primarily due to the physiological structure of a person. Some women are very fond of circumcised Jews, because for them the “corrected” penis unnaturally speeds up the completion of the “process.” In conclusion, I would like to remind you that a candidate’s belonging to Jewish nationality (which in itself is not a crime) must be determined not by one, suddenly removed sign (for example, bulging eyes may be a sign of just a previous disease), namely , according to a complex of external and behavioral characteristics, in other words, there must be not only eyes, but also corresponding ears, lips, nose, etc. The presence of several, albeit by no means all, signs should in any case cause caution and the need for additional clarification of the nationality of the presidential candidate, etc.

In addition, the presence of even a whole complex of external signs of genetic belonging to Jewish nation, also cannot clearly indicate belonging to the Jewish nationality. The external resemblance of a person to people of Jewish nationality may also be a manifestation of a very distant relationship. That is, the presence among grandparents, or even great-grandfathers, of any representatives of the Jewish nation. In other words, quite often, especially in big cities, it happens that a person, even clean Jewish appearance has parents of pronounced Slavic appearance. He was brought up in a Russian family, has a purely Russian worldview, firmly considers himself Russian, and owes his purely external resemblance to his great-grandfather, whose name he does not even know. This does not happen rarely, and if the blood and genetics of the Russian nation significantly predominate in this person, then undoubtedly he should be perceived as one of our own, as a Russian. However, the presence of several, albeit not all, signs in appearance is not common man, and in the guise of a candidate for the future, presidents, governors, mayors, this is already serious. His possible affiliation with a foreign, non-Russian community could bring great harm to the Russian population. Such a person can start playing, with our Russian money, only for his own national goals and only for his Jewish brothers, etc. In this case, the presence of signs of belonging to the Jewish nation should in any case cause caution and the need for additional clarification of the nationality of this candidate .

In addition to everything, a presidential candidate may himself have a purely Russian appearance, but have one of his parents of Jewish nationality. Maybe married to a Jewish woman. Finally, for various reasons, such as the presence of compromising materials, financial obligations, etc., to be dependent on groups that have their own anti-Russian interests. Therefore, as it has been and continues to be accepted throughout the civilized world, before casting your vote for one candidate or another, it is recommended that you study your potential chosen one as thoroughly as possible. In particular, find out what nationality the candidate’s wife, his and her parents belong to. Who supports the presidential candidate's election campaign? As a rule, whoever pays calls the tune, that is, the future policy of the future president. The very policy that you will have to experience, on your own skin. Be careful, gentlemen and comrades, Russian voters, do not step on the same rake again.

What does the average Jew look like? Like Zinovy ​​Gerd, or Vladimir Etush? There are stereotypes developed by television and anti-Semitic propaganda. But in reality, this is absolutely impossible to do. As Jews know, it is not just a nationality, it is a religion. And depending on the region of residence, national representatives accepted Judaism and became Jews.

Let's figure it out.

Black hat, beard and definitely fair skin. But the image of a Jewish woman, established among the masses, is even more stereotypical. This, as a rule, is “Aunt Rose”, a little over 50, who literally blows away specks of dust from her smart but helpless Zinovy ​​Gert (Uncle Fima, Moishe, Syoma, underline as appropriate).

All these clichés can be easily dispelled with just 10 photographs, which prove that the real image of a Jew is much wider than the imposed framework. Shall we begin?

1. Jewish dervishes, Iran, 1922

This photo of Jewish dervishes Agha-Yaan Darwish and his brother was taken in 1922 in Tehran. Traditionally, Muslims become dervishes, but these two managed to become full participants in the movement without converting to Islam and compromising their Jewish identity.

2. Jewish children with a teacher, Uzbekistan, 1911

This photograph was taken by photographer Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorsky in 1911 in Samarkand. Rare color footage from the era shows that religious Jews wore colorful clothing throughout much of history, not just black and white as is commonly believed.

3. Jews in Iraq, early 1900s

The Jewish State appeared relatively recently, but many have already forgotten that before that Jews inhabited different countries Middle Eastern and at the same time they were very patriotic. This image, taken between 1908 and 1910, shows Jewish "scouts" flying two flags - their club and Iraq.

4. Jewish woman in Yemen, 1983

that frame is the work of famous photographer Frederick Brenner. It belongs to the “Diaspora” series, which includes portraits of Jews from the most distant countries. The sad thing about this photo is that after years of persecution, you are unlikely to meet a woman like this in Yemen.

5. Ethiopians-Israelites-Jews-heroes

This is a group photo of just four of the many Ethiopian Jews who live in Israel. They are a worthy part of the Jewish people, they fight alongside them and create a special culture in Israel.

6. Rastaboy

Rastaboy Raslion works as a DJ in Tel Aviv and Once again proves the atypicality of Jews. Did you notice the pile above, at the very top of the mountain of dreadlocks?

7. Unicorn

This photo of a dark-skinned Jewish woman, Julienne Rollins-Raison, was published in 2012 by New York magazine. Her husband Manishthana is the author of the book “Thoughts of a Unicorn: 100% Black. 100% Jewish. 0% safe." The couple call each other unicorns because even in the Jewish community they face stereotypes about what Jews "should" look like.

8. Black and white

In the photo - Baruch Arki and his wife Zahava from a family of Muslims, Christians and Jews. The woman said that until she got married, she was only introduced to dark-skinned Jews in the community.

9. 100% Jewish, 100% Chinese

It was impossible to choose just one photo from this series - so amazing are these Chinese men and women who have been observing Jewish traditions for many generations. The only significant difference in their culture is the definition of Jewishness based on the father. This feature has become an obstacle to repatriation, but thanks to a special integration system, Chinese aliyah is still growing.

10. Just don't forget

How to recognize a Jew?
Jews are a nation whose roots go back to the ancient kingdoms of Judah and Israel. The people, who existed without their own state for more than two thousand years, are today scattered across many countries of the world.

Thus, according to official data, 43% of Jews live in Israel, 39% in the USA, and the rest in various parts of the world. Many of them live very close to us. Do you know how to recognize a Jew among Russians, Germans, Caucasians and other peoples of the world? What features of appearance and character distinguish this ancient and mysterious nation? Ask So, how to recognize a Jew? Ask him about it directly. Most Jews are proud of who they are and do not hide their origins. Many half-breeds do not even ask themselves which half to prefer: Jewish or Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian... And even a drop of blood is priceless for them. This, by the way, is a normal human reaction. After all, Jews are ancient people With rich history and cultural characteristics. So why not be proud of it? Ask them yourself. But there are cases when people try to hide their Jewish origin. And that's not normal. For example, during the distant years of perestroika, TV presenter Lyubimov was directly asked about this. And the showman live swore in front of the whole country that neither he nor his parents were Jews. Characteristic features, however, were present both in his appearance and behavior. And the surname spoke for itself: Lyubimov is derived from Liberman.

Look in your passport

What surnames do Jews have? Characteristic features of Jewish surnames are the German suffixes “-man” and “-er”. However, you need to be careful here. After all, both Germans and Latvians themselves have such surnames. For example, the famous commander Blucher was of purely Russian nationality, and he got his German surname from an ancestor who participated in the war with Napoleon. It was a reward for courage and service to the fatherland - to bear the name of a famous German commander.
There is one more feature of Jewish surnames. So, this may be a kind of “geographical stamp”. Many Jews, moving to Russia from Poland, changed their surnames in such a way that they could understand where they came from. For example, Vysotsky (Vysotsk village in Belarus), Slutsky, Zhitomirsky, Dneprovsky, Nevsky, Berezovsky (Berezovka village), Donskoy, etc. Jewish surnames can also be formed from diminutive female names. After all, unlike Russians, they trace their ancestry through the maternal line. Example: Mashkin (Mashka), Chernushkin (Chernushka), Zoykin (Zoyka), Galkin (Galka), etc. But remember that the surname is not a distinctive feature of Jews. Mashkin and Galkin may turn out to be real Russian men, and the seemingly standard Ivanov and Petrov may turn out to be Jews. So it’s too early to draw conclusions based on the last name alone. Choosing names With names, everything is much more complicated - they can be anything. Of course, there are purely Jewish ones. For example, Leo (derived from Levi), Anton (from Nathan), Boris (from Boruch), Jacob, Adam, Samson, Mark, Abram (from Abraham), Moses, Nahum, Ada (Adelaide), Dinah, Sarah, Esther ( from Esther), Faina and others.

But there is also separate category names that are of Israeli origin, but Russian people wear them even more often than the Jews themselves. The characteristic features of such names are the ending -il (Daniel, Michael, Samuel, Gabriel), as well as the biblical meaning (Mary, Joseph, Ilya (Elijah), Sophia).


So, what character traits Jewish faces? The first thing people always pay attention to is the nose. Moreover, many believe that this sign alone is enough to consider a person a Jew. The famous “Jewish shnobel” begins to bend from the very base. Thus, the Israeli anthropologist Jacobs described this phenomenon in detail: “the tip bends down, resembling a hook, and the wings are raised.” If you look from the side, the nose resembles the number 6 extended upward. People call this nose the “Jewish six.” However, based on this feature alone, it is impossible to say with certainty that a person is a Jew. If you look at the portraits of Russian writers, it turns out that almost all of them had big noses: Nekrasov, Gogol, Karamzin, and even Turgenev. But it is known for certain that they were not Jews. In fact, Israelis can have a wide variety of noses: fleshy “potato” noses, narrow ones with a hump, straight ones, long ones with high nostrils, and even snub noses. So, the nose alone is far from an indicator of “Jewishness.”

Common Mistakes

There is an opinion that there are certain signs that only Jews possess (characteristic facial features) - a huge nose, black eyes, thick lips. We've already dealt with the nose. As for dark eyes and full lips, these are the most common Negroid characteristics. And the Negroid admixture is characteristic not only of Jews, but also of people of other nationalities. For example, as a result of the union of a Mongoloid and a Negro, the same traits can be obtained. This admixture is often observed among Greeks, Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, Arabs, Armenians, and Georgians. Another popular misconception is that Jews have dark, curly hair. Everything is the same here. The Negroid trait is obvious. On the other hand, the biblical Jew David was blond. This is already a Nordic admixture. And look at the Russian singer Agutin - a typical Jew, but by no means dark-haired.

Sign number one

And yet, how can one distinguish a Jew from a Slavic-Russian by his face? Are there reinforced concrete signs? Answer: yes.

If you doubt who is in front of you: a Jew or not, first of all pay attention to the racial trait - the Mediterranean admixture. Even Caucasians do not have it, who are often confused with Jews because of their fleshy noses, thick lips and curly hair. The Mediterranean admixture is very characteristic and clearly expressed even with great inbreeding. What is it? Both straight and in profile it is a very narrow long face. It does not expand upward, unlike typical Slavic-Russian faces. Only Jews have this head shape with a narrow and elongated nape. Characteristic features can be seen in photographs by Louis de Funes or Sofia Rotaru. Russian Jews are a mixture of Mediterraneans and Western Asians (Caucasians, Armenians). Ideal Examples- Boris Pasternak and Vladimir Vysotsky. So, the main distinguishing feature of Jews is a very narrow, long face that does not widen towards the top. If, due to some impurities, such a face has expanded, then anywhere, but not in the forehead area. A Jew's forehead is always narrow, as if it were squeezed in a vice. In other places, in principle, the head can expand. And after you have seen this sign, you can pay attention to the nose, lips, eyes, last name and everything else that distinguishes Jews.

Character Traits

The main character traits of any Jew are self-confidence, absolute self-esteem and any lack of shyness and timidity. There is even a special term in Yiddish that combines these qualities - “khutzpa”. There are no translations of this word into other languages. Chutzpah is a kind of pride that causes a desire to act, without fear of being underprepared or incapable.

What is “chutzpah” for Jews? Courage, the ability to change your destiny, to fight its unpredictability. Many Jews believe that the very existence of their state of Israel is sacred, and this is an act of chutzpah. As mentioned above, there are no analogues or translations of this concept in other languages. But in non-Jewish society, chutzpah has a negative connotation and is identified with the concepts of “arrogance,” “intolerance towards other people,” “shamelessness,” etc. Indirect signs It is worth considering some more distinctive features Slavs and Jews. So, for example, facial cleanliness. Jews, unlike most Russians, often have a cluster of birthmarks in the area of ​​the nose, mouth and chin. Moles are a sign of aging and degradation of the body. The later they form on the human body, the stronger the body. Among the Jews birthmarks, as a rule, are formed in childhood. We continue to name the characteristic features of Israelis - their gums are very exposed when they smile. This is very rarely observed among Slavic-Russians. Jews often have a fairly sparse and asymmetrical dentition, unlike the Slavs, who are characterized by dense lower and upper teeth

Burr as a speech defect is often considered an indirect sign. In principle, it is characteristic of some Jews. But only to a minority. Most Israelis pronounce the letter "r" very clearly. And they even teach this to Russians. But still, burring is a rare sign, because many of the Jews who had such a defect worked hard with a speech therapist. And any Russian child can have this pronunciation from birth. Nationality All peoples of the world do not have mandatory and strict laws that regulate nationality. There is freedom of choice: either the nationality of the mother or the father. The only exceptions are Jews. They have a strict and inviolable law: only those born of a Jewish mother can be considered a Jew. And this law is strictly observed throughout the entire existence of the nation.

Quote: sniper7691

as ....... judging and dividing into friends and foes...
You are not conveying agreement, but discord, saying that the Cossacks are not Russian, oh the trouble!

What will we become if we stop separating our own from the outsiders? If you are only talking about the division into Russians and Cossacks, then I didn’t come up with it (and I don’t like it), this division developed historically and has largely been preserved to this day:

“The Cossacks did not consider themselves Russian people. In the 18th century, General A.I. Rigelman writes that the Don people consider their origins from the Circassians “and for this reason they do not consider themselves to be truly from the Russian people or whose former subjects.” Until 1721 relations with the Don Cossacks were conducted through the Ambassadorial Order, which was in charge of relations with foreign states."
“DESPITE ANYTHING, THE DON COSSACKS continued to emphasize their exclusivity, lived in closed societies, even avoiding mixed marriages. Russians and representatives of other nations and nationalities were considered strangers here, “out-of-towners.”

"According to the Ministry of Nationalities of Russia, the number of the largest public Cossack organization in the country - the All-Kuban Cossack Army - is 340 thousand... Moreover, 53% consider themselves representatives of a special Cossack ethnic group, 33% are primarily Russian, and 14% consider themselves to be other peoples ( Circassians, Armenians)."

Quote: Laughter

And they were never mercenaries, if not again these mummers sent by new Cossacks.

These were initially free hired people:

Therefore, they often left the tsar’s service to serve the Polish king.
"Zaporozhye COSSACKS served the Moscow Tsar, the Polish King, the Crimean Khan, and To the Turkish Sultan, but were not subjects of these states. And only after “Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky and the entire Zaporozhye Army and all Little Rus' with all the cities and lands,” only from then on Moscow began to call them its subjects.”
"Don Cossacks in 1632 freely allowed Tatars to enter Moscow..."
“In 1627, the COSSACKS, contrary to the wishes of the tsar, served the Polish king together with the Cossacks. In 1630, they decisively refused the tsar’s offer to go with Turkish pashas against the Polish king. In 1632, they threatened the tsar to go into the service of the Lithuanian king."

The Cossacks were precisely hired military force until Peter finally tied them to Russia.

Quote: Fuxija

For all 10-15 pages of photographs, I found only a couple of blond beasts (one was repeated several times). All the rest: dark-haired, hook-nosed eyebrows, tassels, ears without lobes.

Yes, it was such a sin. Well, I’m rather talking about the poster ideal of a Slavic-Russian, a relative. We need such an ideal, a standard, for comparison. It was still present under the USSR - remember the images of Russian men and women in Soviet propaganda, who clearly stand out among Asians in images of the “fraternal family” Soviet peoples". 20 years ago this standard white man was withdrawn from circulation, and today young people often have no idea about external Russianness.

Quote: The Beholder

In the photo there is a girl who, in terms of parameters, looks more Russian than Orlova.

This specimen, unlike Orlova, has a noticeably spade-shaped lower part of the face, the eyes do not lie on the same axis (asymmetrical), and a wide nose from the bridge of the nose. All these signs are indicated in the manual.

The difference in appearance between people who live on different continents turns into racial difference. The main external signs by which people can be distinguished different nationalities: eyes, skin color, nose, figure and hair. It so happened that Slavic people are interested in the question of how to distinguish a Jew from a Russian. Of course, there are differences, although sometimes they are not easy to discern.

What do Jews look like?

Even if the infusion of Jewish blood took place a hundred years ago, the descendants will still show characteristic signs.

  • The head is narrowed at the bottom and widened at the top. The shape is a bit like an inverted pear.
  • The nose from the middle of the back has an extended tip (not wings), extended downwards. In the form of a drop.
  • The earlobes are very weakly defined or absent altogether.
  • Circles under the eyes may indicate increased pigmentation in this area, as well as the presence of a huge amount of lymph nodes creates the appearance of bags under the eyes. This is also a Jewish feature.
  • The eyebrows are black, wide, almost connecting to each other on the bridge of the nose.
  • Lips are usually full. The fold from the nose to the corners of the mouth is pronounced.
  • The chin is sharply defined; the lower part of the chin is horizontal, clearly highlighted, the transition points to the jaws are clearly visible.
  • Hair. Dark ones are less often red, curly, the color of the hair on the beard and head is often different, the Orthodox have sidelocks, a beard and a mustache.
  • Facial expressions. One of the most characteristic facial expressions is when the ends of the eyebrows, which are closer to the bridge of the nose, are raised, forming several vertical wrinkles in the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose and several horizontal ones. deep wrinkles on the forehead. An expression often described as offended, surprised, or pleading.
  • Figure. Average or below average height, wide pelvis, narrow shoulders, including in men.
  • Moles. Jews often have dark moles on the nose, mouth, and chin.

How to recognize a Jew by his clothes?

Jews dress very characteristically, and it is not difficult to recognize them by their clothes. Typically, their wardrobe includes fur hats, thick raincoats and trousers that they tuck into socks, as well as a kippah worn under a hat. In fact, the question of how to distinguish a Jew is not difficult, because a Jew can be identified by several of the characteristics listed above.