The vast majority of representatives of the animal world, including you and me, must eat several times a day to maintain energy. We are designed in such a way that we can last no more than three to four weeks without food. But there are animals for which a forced long-term diet causes almost no harm.


Proteas are amphibious creatures; they live in the waters of underground caves, where, as a rule, it is always dark and hungry. There is nothing special to profit from; nature has rewarded them with a unique opportunity - they are the real record holders for long-term fasting.

Proteas can survive without food for ten years.


Camels are able to go without food and water without harm to their health for 40 days.

How do they do it? “A camel has two humps, because life is a struggle,” have you heard this saying? She's completely fair. The fact is that the camel's hump is the secret thanks to which it can roam the desert like this. long time without liquid or food.

Nature has endowed the camel with amazing adipose tissue - the hump consists of fat, and this reserve is used by the animal during long walks through the lifeless desert.


Everyone knows that bears are big eaters, and they are omnivores. However, in the cold season, as is known, bears hibernate, and not at all because they like to sleep. The trouble is that in winter it is very difficult to get food for yourself.

There is a great threat that the bear will use up all its energy potential before it finds food. That’s why they learned to slow down the processes associated with metabolism in the body, in other words, sleep for a long time.

Sometimes bears remain in this state for up to a hundred days a year. Can you imagine such a diet - 100 days?

Emperor penguin

These funny birds are forced to survive in extremely harsh Antarctic frost conditions. But they handle it well. Male penguins incubate eggs and keep their chicks warm for several months at a time. All this time they remain hungry, and they manage to survive due to the accumulated fat.

Males emperor penguin can remain without food for a long 120 days. At this time, females feed and also search for food for their chicks.


A snake, just like many other cold-blooded animals, can be very for a long time go without food. It's all about the ambient temperature; the lower the temperature, the less active the snake is. All processes occurring in the reptile’s body slow down, to the point that the snake’s metabolic process slows down by up to 70%.

In such conditions, the snake can remain in shelter all winter without food, and sometimes this process can drag on for up to one year. A year without food!


Like snakes, frogs can go without food for up to a year and a half. Sometimes this is associated with cold weather, and in some cases it is associated quite the opposite, with the onset of heat, when drought occurs and the reservoir dries up.

At this time, the frogs enter an energy conservation mode and remain without movement for 16 months, respectively, without food.

Some types of spiders

Many spiders are directly dependent on their victims. No sacrifice - no food. A tarantula can survive without food for several months. The spider Steatoda bipunctata feels great after a year's diet.


The crocodile is one of the oldest creatures on Earth. Over the years, crocodiles have learned to survive in the most difficult conditions. The crocodile is a champion in the art of energy conservation.

You've probably noticed when visiting zoos and terrariums that the crocodile is almost always motionless, completely motionless. This is done in order not to waste energy. If there is no victim, why unnecessary body movements?

A crocodile is able to survive 3 years without food. Incredible, isn't it?

Galapagos tortoise

In addition to their enormous size and long life (turtles of this species live over a hundred years), they are also famous for their unpretentiousness in food.

The Galapagos tortoise can go without “lunch” for up to one year.


Some cattails, for example the mudskipper fish, in addition to the fact that they can get out of the water and stay on land for a long time, poking around in the mud, they also have another distinctive feature.

In extreme cases, if the reservoir dries up completely, they “go to bed” together. And they sleep, then sleep again, and so on until the “right” cloud arrives and fills their swamp with water.

Sometimes jumpers sleep for four years; of course, all this time they are on a forced diet.

Which animals are the fastest?
The fastest animals that run on the ground are cheetahs. They can run at speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour. That is, a cheetah can catch up with a car traveling at a fairly high speed. In the sky, the record holder for speed is the peregrine falcon. He, in pursuit of a victim, can accelerate to a speed of 350 kilometers per hour. The peregrine falcon develops this speed when it deliberately falls down in order to unexpectedly grab its prey. In water, tuna develops the fastest speed. This fish can swim at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour.

What are the largest animals?
The largest animal in the world is the whale. Keith lives in sea ​​water. Its weight is 150 tons. The second largest sea animal is the whale shark. Its weight is approximately 12-14 tons. The largest animal on land is the elephant. An elephant can weigh more than 5 tons. The largest and heaviest bird on Earth is the ostrich. He is very tall - up to 2.5 meters, and his weight is more than 130 kilograms.

Which animal is the strongest?
Oddly enough, the strongest animal is the ant. This little insect is very hardworking. It can lift a pebble or some other object that weighs fifty times more than an ant. If we take, for example, an elephant, it will not be able to lift even ½ of its weight. Although he carries huge logs that no one can lift Living being on the planet, a log still weighs less than an elephant. An ant almost always carries objects that weigh more than itself.

What is the most poisonous creature on the planet?
The most poisonous creature on our planet is the transparent Australian sea jellyfish. If all the poison was extracted from it, it would be enough to kill sixty people. This jellyfish weighs 6 kilograms. She has 60 tentacles, each of which contains a dangerous substance that can kill many animals, including humans. If a person touches an Australian sea ​​jellyfish, he will die within four minutes.
Among snakes the most poisonous snake- sea. This snake is called a swallowtail. Her poison is the most powerful of all. There are also leaf-climbing frogs on our planet. These are the most poisonous frogs in the world. The poison of one such creature is enough to kill ten people. The most poisonous spider in the world is the Brazilian spider. This spider is also called a banana spider because it hides among bananas.

Which animal lives the longest?
The animal that can live the longest on Earth is the turtle. Moorish tortoises live 150 years. It is quite possible that they will live up to two centuries. The king tortoise, living in the United States, can live 123 years. There are also many long-livers among other animals. An elephant, for example, can live 60 years. There is a legend that some elephants lived for one and a half to two centuries. However, this is just a legend. There is no evidence of this. A horse can live for half a century. Among the birds there are also centenarians. Some claim that parrots, as well as eagles, can live for a century, but this is not documented. There are cases where a condor lived 52 years, a parrot two years longer, an eagle 55 years and a pelican 51 years. Among fish there are also long-livers. The American eel managed to live up to 50 years, the European catfish up to 60 years. Many people consider carps to be the longest-living fish, but they do not live longer than 25 years.

Which animal has the most teeth?
The toothiest animal on Earth has 25 thousand teeth. This animal is a garden snail. Despite this a large number of teeth, it is not scary or dangerous at all. With its small teeth it grinds the leaves on which it feeds. In fact, these are not teeth, but tiny spikes. Nevertheless, the snail still got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most toothy creature on the planet.

Which animal has the longest hair?
The animal with the longest hair is the musk ox, also known as the musk ox. The length of its fur reaches 90 centimeters. Some bulls have hair that hangs almost to the ground. The bull is endowed with such a fur coat for a reason. It helps him survive in the harshest winters, so he is not afraid of any frost.

Which animal has the most limbs?
The centipede, which lives in San Benito (Guatemala), has the most limbs. She has more than six hundred legs. The centipede as an insect species was first identified in 1926. Then this centipede disappeared. Only recently, at the beginning of the second millennium, this amazing insect was again found by scientists. Now all possible measures are being taken so as not to lose this amazing view the most multi-legged creature on the planet.

What animal is the smallest?
The smallest animal on our planet is the shrew. Its species, the tiny shrew, weighs 2 grams and is 3-4 centimeters long. Among the shrews there are also large individuals, so not all shrews are the smallest animals on Earth. The giant shrew is 18 centimeters long and weighs 100 grams.

Which animal can go the longest without water and food?
A big misconception is that the camel is the animal that can go the longest without water and food. The hardiest animal is the rock squirrel. She lives in Southern Mexico. This squirrel can go without drinking water or eating for 100 days. The rock squirrel is very well adapted to the harsh conditions of the mountains, so it is not afraid of long droughts.

Which animal has the biggest ears?
The largest ears on Earth African elephant. Their length can be 1.5 meters. However, the elephant itself is big. Its length is approximately 5-6 meters. Thus, the ears of the African elephant are even less than ¼ of the body. But one Mongolian animal - a long-eared jerboa, has ears 5 centimeters long. And this despite the fact that his body length is 9 centimeters. It turns out that on Earth this animal has the largest ears compared to its body weight.

Which animal has the most sensitive nose?
The dog has the most sensitive nose. She can sniff out any odors. Dogs in this regard are very useful for customs officers, rescuers and the police. At customs, specially trained dogs can use their noses to find harmful substances - drugs. Rescuers are using dogs to search for people trapped in a collapsed house.

What is the heaviest animal in the world?
The heaviest animal in the world is blue whale. Its weight can be 200 tons. The length of the whale can reach 33.5 meters. This animal can move exclusively on water. Once upon a time, the whale was an ordinary land animal, but gradually, during the course of evolution, whales went to live in the water. However, they still have not fully adapted to life in water. From time to time, whales rise to the surface to breathe air, then plunge back into the water.

Which animal has the longest neck?
The giraffe's neck is really very long. She became like this over many thousands of years. Giraffes live in the arid parts of Africa, where there is very little vegetation, especially grass, and other herbivores eat it. It is at the moment of searching for food that he is saved Long neck, as it allows the giraffe to feed on leaves from very tall trees.

Which animal is most similar to humans?
Most similar to a person apes. They are called so because they have a similar structure to humans and developed brain. And their behavior in many situations is similar to human behavior.

Selection of records

Including humans, they need to eat several times a day to maintain the energy needed to survive, and they cannot survive more than a few weeks without food.

However, some animals have adapted to survive in conditions of scarcity of food and water and can live quite a long time. Here are a few such animals.


Proteas are amphibians that live in water in underground caves and have to put up with a meager amount of food. Research has shown that proteas can live up to 10 years without food.


The hump on the camel's back is not filled with water - it is adipose tissue, due to which the animal survives during long treks through the desert. As the hump burns fat, water is also released into their system, allowing them to survive without food or water for up to 40 days.

The Bears

Contrary to popular belief, bears do not hibernate in winter, but they do sleep for long periods of time during the cold season. During this time, they can slow down their metabolism by half and last up to 100 days without water or food.

Emperor penguins

Emperor penguins can survive in the harshest climates of Antarctica and even raise their young in very cold environments. Males can incubate eggs and keep young for months, surviving on the layer subcutaneous fat up to 120 days without food, while the females are in search of food.


Snakes, like all reptiles, are cold-blooded, that is, they cannot regulate their body temperature even during cold weather enter a state of low energy consumption. Many snakes burrow underground during this time, slowing their metabolism by up to 70 percent, surviving for up to a year without food.


Many frogs, being amphibians, depend on a moist environment. During periods of drought or food shortage, some species hibernate for up to 16 months, while others can survive freezing conditions by entering a state in which very little energy is used.


Spiders are great at fighting pests, but they are dependent on their prey, meaning they have to go for long periods of time without food. Many species of tarantulas can go months without eating, and spiders of the species Steatoda bipunctata can survive more than a year without feeding.


Crocodiles are among the oldest reptiles in the world and can go for long periods without food, conserving energy by remaining motionless while waiting for prey. They can usually go for months without food during cool periods, and can survive up to 3 years without food.

Galapagos tortoises

Giant tortoises are known for their longevity. Some species of tortoises in the Galapagos Islands live more than 100 years, and these reptiles can live for long periods without food or water, in some cases up to a year.


Some species of horntooths, such as mudskippers, live in Australia, Africa and South America are also known for their long lifespan. In times of drought, they can hibernate without food or water for up to 4 years, going through the process of digesting their own muscle tissue.

It is quite difficult for the average person to survive for several days without water, but some animals can survive without it for years.

According to NASA data, 2016 may be considered the hottest year on the planet. And such high temperatures lead to droughts. For example, the eastern Mediterranean is experiencing its worst drought in 900 years.

Water shortage leads to losses among people and animals. Typically, we lose four to nine glasses of water per day through sweat, urine and breathing. If you don't drink enough water to quench your thirst, the costs may be too high. Symptoms of dehydration range from fatigue, headaches and muscle weakness to increased heart rate and eventual loss of consciousness.

Many animals also suffer without water. But some, especially those that live in dry seasonal environments, can be quite resourceful when we're talking about about combating drought.

Savings for a dusty day

No desert home would be complete without a water storage tank, but for some animals it is internal.

Turtles, including desert and giant tortoises in the Galapagos Islands, store water in their bladders. When it's raining or when they get access to greenery, turtles fill their bladder with water. In dry times, they can extract water from it thanks to the permeable walls of the organ.

But the Australian water-retaining frog stores water in its gills, their tissues, and also in the bladder. This bloated amphibian can store enough water to double its weight. Once it is completely filled with water, it can live for 5 years without replenishing these reserves.

Other desert inhabitants use external water storage tanks in the form of frogs. Snakes, birds, large frogs, crocodiles and wild dogs can use them. During the dry season, the Tiwi aboriginals dig up the frogs and squeeze the water out of them.

Slime coat

Other creatures suffering from drought have found a way to protect their bodies so as not to lose water from them. In the deserts North America live spadefoot toads, which use their claws to dig deep holes underground. There they hide for three quarters of the year. While in these burrows, toads produce a mucous membrane to conserve water. They appear on the surface 10 months later, when they feel the strong sound of rain on the surface.

Some tree frogs also reduce water loss by secreting an impenetrable waxy material on their skin. In South and Central America, tree wax monkey frogs search for safe place, and then begin to press on the throat and abdominal walls. At the same time, with the help of their paws, they rub lipid secretions throughout the body.

Lungbreathing creatures

African lungfishes have taken this approach even further. It is an eel-like fish that lives in shallow waters and swamps. But when the water dries up, these water creatures turn into land dwellers who breathe air and can hear using the atmosphere, not water. All lungfish have a bladder that turns into “lungs” and highly developed ears, similar to those of land animals.

During the dry season, these fish dig deep burrows in the dried mud using their pelvic fins and then secrete a coating of mud to keep water loss to a minimum. While wearing this sticky garment, lungfish can "sleep" in a state of suspended animation for three to five years, without the need to eat or drink. They wake up only when fresh water becomes available.

Forget about drinking, just eat

For desert animals, food is often one of the best sources of water, and food can survive when there is no moisture. North American marsupial rats and mice collect seeds when conditions are moist and plants are abundant. They live off these seeds for the rest of the year. These rodents spend hot, dry days in their burrows and only come out at night. Because the seeds they store are high in carbohydrates, rodents gain energy and metabolic water so they don't need to drink.

While rodents rely on carbohydrate metabolism, more large mammals Camels and oryxes, for example, rely more on fat metabolism. When an animal breaks down one gram of fat, 1.12 milliliters of water is released. Therefore, camels do not store water in their humps, but fat reserves.

If fat is such a good source of water, you might ask why there aren't huge numbers of animals in the desert that can survive on their own reserves of fat. However, if animals have fat distributed evenly throughout their body, they will also suffer because it is a good insulator that traps body heat. This means that fat deposits should be stored in one or two places on the body.

Leak installation

While insects and cacti can provide a meager supply of water, most animals survive by using it sparingly. These calculating creatures have developed ingenious ways to stop the slow loss of moisture caused by sweating, breathing, urination and excretion.

For example, marsupial rats have pouches near their cheeks that are completely devoid of salivary glands. These dry "grocery bags" are located in folds, separate from the rest of the mouth, so that the rodents do not waste a drop of drool while carrying their supplies.

While sweating and panting can help desert animals cool their bodies, it also results in costly water loss. To get around this problem, camels have fewer sweat glands and are unable to pant. They allow their body temperature to fluctuate by 6 degrees throughout the day. A person, for example, spends a lot of energy to maintain body temperature at the same level. But camels were able to relax the limits of body temperature regulation. This great way reduce dependence on water.

How to breathe

Moreover, camels, ostriches and marsupial rats have specialized respiratory systems, which help them exhale less air.

The air in the lungs of marsupial rats is always warm and saturated with water, but the tips of their noses are cold. In the middle there is a long and winding passage for air. As air passes from the lungs into the atmosphere, the water vapor cools and condenses on the lining of the nose. After condensation, the water is returned back rather than wasted into the atmosphere.

When the rat gets into its hole, it exhales this water vapor and it becomes trapped there. Then the rat breathes it again.

Catch it if you can

While some desert animals are adapted to conserve water, some find a way to catch every drop of it.

For example, the thorny devil, who lives in the Australian outback, has the ability to drink using his own skin. The animal is covered with spines, between which there are drainage grooves. They are able to absorb water like blotting paper, especially at night when dew settles on animals and plants. All the grooves lead directly into the mouth of the lizard, which sucks drops of water from its body.

Sand grouse can also absorb small amounts of water and store it in their feathers. This is extremely important, since they often nest 50 kilometers from water sources.