Incredible facts

If you've ever lost a loved one, you know that their loss can last a lifetime until one day you feel a little relieved.

Regardless of our religious or spiritual beliefs, when we experience the death of a loved one, we often feel like we see them everywhere, or they come to us in our dreams.

But can a deceased person talk to us through dreams?

When we see dreams, some nooks and crannies of our subconscious, our memories and emotions are revealed to us, which remain unnoticed by us in a conscious state.

Dreams of the deceased are a normal part of the bereavement experience. In this way we remember a person and a short time we feel less pain from his loss.

Sometimes a dream is just a dream, which is a memory of a person who has passed away.

But many believe that deceased relatives, loved ones and close friendstrying to contact us through dreams and convey some message . Here are a few signs that a deceased person wants to contact you in a dream.

Seeing a dead person in a dream

1. You wake up feeling like you were being watched.

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Many people feel as if loved ones are watching over them after they leave this world. When you wake up from sleep and feel as if someone was in the room with you, it is possible that the deceased was trying to tell you that he is watching over you.

Although the feeling of being watched can be alarming, in this case you feel a sense of security. All this could be a sign that close person makes itself felt.

2. You had vivid memories of a loved one in your dreams.

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Sometimes when we are awake we remember loved ones, but memories in dreams are a sign that they may be trying to contact you.

This is especially true in cases where a loved one helps you remember something that you wouldn't normally think about, for example, through a forgotten memory of him.

This memory may contain a message that they would like to bring to your attention.

Seeing the deceased in a dream

3. A loved one looked different than usual.

© anyka

If a close relative or friend appears in your dream, but does not look the same as usual, this may be a sign that he is sending you some kind of warning.

Pay attention to the signs you see in your dreams. He may be trying to warn you about dangerous situation or upcoming changes.

4. You wake up feeling peaceful.

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What could be more beautiful than a feeling of complete calm and serenity?

This doesn't happen very often, and if your loved one is concerned about your health or well-being, they may tries to help you by sending you a sound and peaceful sleep.

5. Your dreams seemed very real.

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Dreams of the deceased can be vivid and realistic to the point that the person feels as if the deceased was actually there. In a dream you can smell, touch and hear the deceased.

These dreams can also be emotionally charged, and since you feel their presence strongly, this can stir up painful feelings again.

It is likely that a deceased loved one does not want to hurt you, but is trying to be close to you.

Dream about a dead person

6. Your loved one looks younger and better than when he passed away.

© Olga Zarytska

Loved ones often appear in dreams healthier and more vibrant than they were when they passed away.

You see them in the way you chose to remember them. So they trying to let you know that they didn't suffer when they have died, and are able to appear happier and more whole to you.

7. A deceased person says that everything is fine with him, and he is with you.

© Arman Zhenikeyev

In dreams, the deceased sometimes speak to us. You may hear their voice or feel as if they are speaking. Very often they know that you care about them and appear in your dreams to let them know that they are okay where they are.

There are various reasons why dead relatives do not come during sleep, and different interpretations this phenomenon. TO this issue one can approach it purely skeptically, rejecting subtle matters and the possibility of communicating with the dead. So, you can analyze the whole situation only from a psychological point of view, and nothing more. You can look at this question from the side of religion and think: does the soul of the deceased want to communicate with you, is it nearby in this moment, are you in the mood to talk to her yourself?

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    What does religion say

    If you believe in God and you are worried about why you don’t dream about a deceased loved one (mom, dad or other relative), go to church. Light a candle for the repose, try to calm down and not worry about the soul of the deceased. The death of a loved one is a huge stress and can take some time to accept.

      It is believed that for the first 40 days after death, people are nearby in an immaterial shell and can penetrate into the world of the living: come in dreams, create some disorder in the house. Do not be afraid if you hear rustling or periodic knocking on the door or walls. Sometimes windows and doors may open. This is good and bad, and no protection from this is needed - all phenomena are explained by the presence of a soul within your walls, and after a while they will stop happening by themselves.

      If this doesn't happen

      You should not think that the events described above must necessarily happen. There is no need to worry if a person does not come into your dream after death. A soul that has found peace worries about you just as much as you worry about it. The soul does not want to enter dreams when it feels that such reminders of itself will only harm you, bring back old memories, make you suffer and think about bad things.

      Some argue that the soul can also harbor a grudge against a living person if during his lifetime he somehow offended her. If a quarrel occurred recently and it haunts you, try to calm down and relax. Throw away all negativity and apologize to the deceased. Tell him that you yourself forgive past grievances, wish him to find peace.

      If you can’t remember the quarrel, perhaps the deceased simply doesn’t want to once again disturb the living.

      The death of a mother and father is terrible for a child, as is the death of children for parents. The dead understand your experiences and do not want to repeat them, appearing to you again and again. Come to terms with what happened, remember all the pleasant things associated with a dear person (husband, son, father). It may appear for the first time only after a year or even two, when you have completely let go of difficult thoughts and bad memories.

Many relatives have died. And 30 days ago, brother. Who died a long time ago, I almost never dream about, where are they now? And the brother does not come in a dream. Why? The brother was baptized like Fedor, born on 12/15/73. Died 10/16/2014.

Hello, Lyudmila!

Unfortunately, sometimes those closest and dearest to us can unexpectedly pass away from life. Longing for your brother makes you want to communicate with him, at least in a dream. But people, getting into the afterlife, do not change from the point of view of morality, character and emotionality, but only lose their physical body. Apparently Fedor does not want to aggravate your torment by appearing in a dream. He understands that if he comes during sleep, he will not let you go and will make you suffer and worry for the rest of your life. Stop suffering so much. This, of course, is very difficult and even almost impossible to do, but in this situation it is the only way out. Don’t beat yourself up about this, be sure to go to church and light a candle for the repose of your deceased relatives. If you suspect that your brother harbors a grudge against you and therefore does not come, then just sit quietly and mentally talk to him, he will definitely hear.

The souls of relatives are always near you. Of course, you don’t see or hear them, but you can always count on their help and support in difficult times. life situation. They protect you from troubles and protect you. Pray for the souls of the dead.


    • . In other words, a horoscope is an astrological chart drawn up taking into account place and time, taking into account the position of the planets relative to the horizon. To construct an individual natal horoscope, it is necessary to know with maximum accuracy the time and place of birth of a person. This is required in order to find out how the celestial bodies were located at a given time and place. The ecliptic in the horoscope is depicted as a circle divided into 12 sectors (zodiac signs. Referring to natal astrology, you will be able to better understand yourself and others. A horoscope is a tool for self-knowledge. With its help, you can not only explore your own potential, but also understand relationships with others and even make some important decisions.">Horoscope130
  • . With their help, they find out the answers to specific questions and predict the future. You can find out the future using dominoes; this is one of the very rare types of fortune telling. They tell fortunes by tea and coffee grounds, by the palm of their hand, and by Chinese Book Change. Each of these methods is aimed at predicting the future. If you want to know what awaits you in the near future, choose the fortune telling that you like best. But remember: no matter what events are predicted for you, accept them not as an immutable truth, but as a warning. Using fortune telling, you predict your destiny, but with some effort, you can change it.">Fortune telling67

Sleep is a state that allows you to look into the subconscious and see images hidden from the waking mind. Usually in night visions there appears a reflection of what is happening in reality, something that is gnawing or disturbing in reality. You can often see the deceased in the first weeks and months after the funeral. There are also the opposite situations - you don’t dream about the deceased loved one you’re thinking about, even if you want to meet the image.

To find out why I don't dream deceased mother, dad or other beloved relative whom you would like to see, you can turn to dream books or clairvoyants. Thoughts and internal dialogues with the deceased provide a short-term calming effect, and relatives turn to specialists in search of an explanation.

Clairvoyants claim that the image of a deceased loved one appearing in dreams is a sign of trouble. The soul is in torment, wandering in the world of the living. The dead person can warn the sleeping person about danger. For correct interpretation you need to pay attention to the appearance of the deceased, his legs.

Hooves instead of human limbs, suspicious behavior, unkempt appearance, strange complexion speak of an evil spirit that has come in the form of the deceased. It is advisable to go to church after such a dream, light candles, and pray.

The deceased, thoughts about which take a lot of time, according to psychics, do not dream of under good circumstances. The absence of such images is a reason to be happy for your deceased loved one.

Reasons why a dead relative may not appear in visions:

  • the soul found peace in the afterlife the deceased has no worries, there is no need to dream about beloved relatives;
  • the sleeper is not in danger. The deceased does not come when everything is good and prosperous in the life of the sleeper;
  • the sleeper fulfilled his duty. The dead come to remind the living of unfinished business - selling a house, taking care of children. If you don’t dream about your deceased loved one, it means that life is going well.

Sometimes clairvoyants arrange a seance, enter into a dialogue with the deceased and find out if everything is okay with him. Whether it is worth believing in a connection with the other world, those who seek help decide for themselves.

Clairvoyants share popular information about the dead. Their explanations are unscientific and unofficial facts. It has not yet been possible to prove the opposite.

The priest's answer

In religion, dreams and communication with loved ones who have died are interpreted in different ways. Most clergy are opponents of spiritualistic seances and communication with spirits; those living on Earth are not allowed to comprehend the secret of the afterlife. There is no need to look into places where a person does not belong.

In the Christian religion, images that come in dreams are considered the tricks of demons. IN Orthodox Lives Saints have described dozens of examples where, under the guise of a beloved deceased relative, the devil tempted and seduced people with dangerous and shameful actions. The righteous have a greater risk of seeing images of evil spirits. Priests consider it wrong to be interested in the question of why deceased loved ones do not dream: it should not arise. But to parishioners who are sincerely concerned about the fate of the soul of a deceased relative, the priest gives answers:

  • According to the priest, deceased relatives may not dream about it if the soul is at rest, everything is fine in the afterlife, the angels protect it;
  • when you think about a loved one for a long time, it is better to pray for him in church, at home, and not wait for him to come in a dream;
  • departed souls do not need to communicate with the world of the living.

Priests advise parishioners not to mourn the dead.

The pain and suffering of loved ones on Earth negatively affects the souls of the deceased.

It is better to pray for the deceased and remember him without sadness, but with joy. Visit the grave, light candles for the repose, read prayers.

Take care of the burial: this will show the deceased that they remember him, honor him and take care of his ashes, and it will calm the person who has experienced the loss, give him strength and confidence that everything was done correctly.

Psychologist's explanation

A person who has buried a deceased relative experiences acute grief and denies what is happening. An emptiness forms in the soul, and he tries to drown it out, fill it. People take the loss of loved ones seriously and want to see and talk with the deceased, at least in a dream.

If you don’t dream about it, apathy and depression develop, and you need to turn to psychologists. According to experts in the field of mental trauma, a person experiences events in a dream real life. The desired appears in a changed form, coming true during visions. The absence of an image of the beloved deceased indicates peace of mind sleeping.

A subtle mental organization and a tendency to experience lead to the likelihood of dreams with the image of the deceased. Another option is mental protection. A funeral is a deep trauma. The psyche functions under overload and erases unwanted and traumatic images and events from memory. After burying a loved one, relatives forget the details of the event. A similar situation occurs in a dream. By protecting the nerves, the psyche does not reproduce difficult thoughts and images.

Psychologists advise mentally forgiving the deceased and letting your loved one go in peace.

It will take time, the grief of loss will be forgotten and the person will enjoy life. This path, according to experts, is more beneficial for the psyche than trying to see the deceased.

The good thing is that your loved one is not dreaming or bad

Does it psychological problem the absence of dreams with a beloved deceased relative is determined for each case individually. In some situations, the deceased loved one is not dreamed of due to an internal subconscious block, if a person subconsciously blocks emotions and suppresses grief. IN difficult cases Sessions with a psychotherapist will be required to cope with stress due to the misfortune suffered.

If you don't care psychological trauma, it can develop into deep clinical depression, accompanied by the appearance of suicidal thoughts, life goes downhill, normal existence becomes impossible. The range of emotions experienced narrows over time to depression and apathy, which are often accompanied by feelings of guilt and have a bad effect on the psyche. The desire to live disappears.

If the deceased is not dreamed of, but negative emotions, fear, resentment, anxiety and panic do not arise - the person is ready to let go of the loss, mourn the loved one and move on.

A dream is one of the ways to look into a person’s subconscious. Almost all people have dreams of a deceased person. Psychologists explain this from the scientific point of view, and psychics associate dreams with paranormal phenomena. However, there are situations when dreams with dead man don't appear. All this has both scientific and psychic interpretations.

Why does a person dream of a dead person?

People have already found an explanation for this phenomenon. Often people dream about the dead for a reason. This can be explained with the help of dream books and the opinions of psychics. First of all, the dead person carries a message or warning. These could be messages about an impending disaster, an unpleasant situation or a sad event. Also, the deceased are able to talk about upcoming changes in life. To interpret them correctly, you must always write down the information that was in the dream. You can expand your understanding with the help of dream books. There are a lot of them, but there are no significant discrepancies in information.

Psychologists believe that people dream about the dead because on a subconscious level a person misses his relatives. This also indicates the high stress that the tragic event caused. In addition, the dead are people who long for change, but are afraid to do something new.

Dreams and the paranormal world

Psychics believe that the appearance of a deceased person in a dream speaks of the torment of the soul or wanderings around the world. However, this is only with those dead people who very often appear in dreams. Often the dead signal danger. Psychics also recommend paying attention to the lower limbs of the deceased. If instead of legs he has hooves, then this means that devilry. In such cases, a person needs to go to the temple after waking up and read prayers.

There are situations when the deceased does not come to the person. Therefore, many are interested in why a dead person does not dream. This phenomenon is quite common among people. After all, the soul of the deceased could find peace.

Why don't you dream about the dead?

Often relatives or close friends come to dreams. But the question “why don’t you dream about your dead mother” is also quite common among people. There are a lot of explanations from psychics. Common explanations for why you don’t dream about the dead:

  • The soul of the deceased has already found peace. This is the most common reason why you don’t dream about the dead. After all, they come if they are still in the world of people. However, they can only be seen in dreams.
  • The person is not in danger of trouble. Most dreams signal danger. If she does not threaten a person, then the deceased will not come in a dream. This also suggests that the person will not have drastic changes in life, because the dead warn about such events.
  • The man fulfilled his duty to his relative. If there were between people a good relationship and they did good to each other, then the deceased will not appear in dreams.
  • The deceased was a good man, evil spirits cannot use his image for their own purposes. Often they can come under the guise of a deceased person evil spirits who decided to have fun with a relative of the deceased.

Such reasons fully explain why we don’t dream about the dead. However, these interpretations are not officially recognized and are considered unscientific. Believe in them or not, decide for yourself. A person must first think rationally. You cannot always rely on the explanations of psychics. However, all explanations have a right to exist.

Psychologists' opinion

Most professionals believe that dreams cannot be trusted. They can only be interpreted and interpreted to suit a person’s life. After all, dreams are the work of the subconscious. Many people ask the question: “If mom died, why don’t I dream?” There is an explanation for this question. Dreams are a continuation of all human experiences from the real world. Therefore, you should not look for mystical explanations in the question “why don’t you dream about the dead.” Often, if the deceased does not come, this indicates moral peace. This also means that the stress experienced is forgotten by the body.

Modern man knows practically nothing about the afterlife. At a minimum, because it is impossible for people to confirm or deny its existence. Psychologists also believe that excessive passion for dream interpretation has a negative impact on the psyche.