The well-known procedure for taking blood for a general clinical analysis is considered a fairly informative way to determine possible hidden pathologies of the body.

It is generally accepted that an increase in certain indicators, for example, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, indicates the development of inflammatory pathology. A less common indicator is a reduced ESR level, which will be discussed.

Accepted clinical norms

Accepted ESR standards differ in different categories of patients. The most variable norms in children are:

  • in newborns – from 0 to 2 mm/h;
  • in infants up to six months – from 12 to 17 mm/h;
  • in children from one to two years - from 5 to 7 mm/h;
  • from two to 8 years - 7-8 mm/h;
  • from 8 to 16 years – 8-12 mm/h.
  • in men – from 2 to 10 mm/h;
  • in women – from 3 to 15 mm/h;
  • in pregnant women - from 20 to 25 mm/h.

Fluctuations in the indicator up or down, as a rule, indicate pathological processes occurring in the body. At the same time, doctors are not as alarmed when the ESR is low as when it is high.

Nevertheless, an additional examination is required in order to determine the reasons for the low indicator.

What does a low ESR mean?

A decrease in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate occurs against the background of qualitative and quantitative changes in erythrocytes, as well as changes in the clinical picture of the blood. The reasons for this may be:

  • hepatitis of various etymologies, complicated by the outflow of bile;
  • epileptic syndrome and nervous disorders;
  • problems with blood circulation;
  • manifestations of congestive heart failure;
  • diseases leading to an increase in the level of red blood cells in the blood;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • taking medications based on certain elements - mercury, salicylates, potassium chloride.

The result of a clinical blood test can be influenced by various reasons and factors, but it should be taken into account that a slight decrease in the ESR level does not indicate pathologies. Especially in women, this phenomenon is considered frequent. A low erythrocyte sedimentation rate of less than 2 mm/h is considered a cause for concern.

Blood tests of vegetarians and vegans are characterized by frequent low ESR values. Lack of animal food leads to a decrease in some blood counts, including ESR and hemoglobin.

A decrease in ESR is also diagnosed with prolonged fasting and strict mono-diets. This problem is more common in women who are concerned about excess weight, as well as in patients taking corticosteroids during hormone therapy.

Methods for normalizing an indicator

For those patients whose clinical analysis showed a significantly reduced erythrocyte sedimentation rate, doctors usually prescribe a repeat blood test. If the pathological shift is confirmed, you should undergo a mandatory examination:

  1. First of all, an examination is prescribed for the presence of liver diseases and pathologies, and patency of the biliary tract.
  2. An in-depth analysis of many blood parameters, including hemoglobin, is carried out. If the rate of red blood cells is reduced due to iron deficiency anemia, low hemoglobin is also diagnosed.
  3. In the case of anemic hematopoietic problems, the ESR level increases after hemoglobin is normalized. Therefore, the patient needs iron-containing preparations (including B vitamins); as a result of their intake, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate can be increased.
  4. If the reasons for low ESR levels lie in diets and dietary restrictions, this weight correction system should be canceled and the diet should be balanced. Be sure to include fish, dairy products, and meat in your diet.
  5. The reasons for the decrease in ESR levels may lie in women during pregnancy. Usually the indicator normalizes on its own after childbirth.
  6. After conducting a comprehensive examination, the doctor will discover the reason for the downward shift in indicators and prescribe appropriate therapy aimed at eliminating the cause of the pathological indicator.

In any case, identifying the cause and determining a method for normalizing the level of ESR in the blood should be entrusted to specialists. The patient’s task is to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and not self-medicate.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is an indicator that is still important for diagnosing the body today. The determination of ESR is actively used for diagnosing adults and children. It is recommended to take such an analysis once a year, and in old age - once every six months.

An increase or decrease in the number of cells in the blood (red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets, etc.) is an indicator of certain diseases or inflammatory processes. Diseases are especially often detected if the level of measured components is elevated.

In this article we will look at why the ESR is increased in a blood test, and what this means in each specific case in women or men.

ESR - what is it?

ESR is the sedimentation rate of erythrocytes, red blood cells, which, under the influence of anticoagulants, settle at the bottom of a medical test tube or capillary over time.

The settling time is estimated from the height of the plasma layer obtained as a result of the analysis, estimated in millimeters per 1 hour. ESR is highly sensitive, although it is a nonspecific indicator.

What does it mean? A change in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate may indicate the development of a certain pathology of a different nature, even before the onset of obvious symptoms of the disease.

With this analysis can be diagnosed:

  1. The body's reaction to the prescribed treatment. For example, with tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, inflammation of connective tissue (rheumatoid arthritis) or Hodgkin's lymphoma (lymphogranulomatosis).
  2. Accurately differentiate the diagnosis: heart attack, acute appendicitis, signs of ectopic pregnancy or osteoarthritis.
  3. Identify hidden forms of the disease in the human body.

If the analysis is normal, then additional examination and tests are still prescribed, since a normal ESR level does not exclude a serious disease or the presence of malignant tumors in the human body.

Normal indicators

The norm for men is 1-10 mm/h, for women on average - 3-15 mm/h. After 50 years, this figure can increase. During pregnancy, the rate can sometimes reach 25 mm/h. These numbers are explained by the fact that a pregnant woman is anemic and her blood is thinning. In children, depending on age - 0-2 mm/h (in newborns), 12-17 mm/h (up to 6 months).

An increase as well as a decrease in the red cell sedimentation rate for people of different ages and gender depends on many factors. During the course of life, the human body is exposed to various infectious and viral diseases, which is why an increase in the number of leukocytes, antibodies, and red blood cells is noticed.

Why ESR in the blood is higher than normal: reasons

So, why does a blood test show an elevated ESR, and what does it mean? The most common cause of high ESR is the development of inflammatory processes in organs and tissues, which is why many perceive this reaction as specific.

In general, the following groups of diseases can be distinguished in which the sedimentation rate of red blood cells increases:

  1. Infections. A high ESR accompanies almost all bacterial infections of the respiratory tract and genitourinary system, as well as other localizations. This usually occurs due to leukocytosis, which affects aggregation characteristics. If leukocytes are normal, then other diseases must be excluded. If symptoms of infection are present, it is likely to be viral or fungal in nature.
  2. Diseases, in which not only an inflammatory process is observed, but also tissue breakdown (necrosis), blood cells and the entry of protein breakdown products into the bloodstream: purulent and septic diseases; malignant neoplasms; , lungs, brain, intestines, etc.
  3. ESR increases very strongly and remains at a high level for a long time for autoimmune diseases. These include various thrombocytopenic purpura, rheumatic and scleroderma. Such a reaction of the indicator is due to the fact that all these diseases change the properties of the blood plasma so much that it becomes oversaturated with immune complexes, making the blood defective.
  4. Kidney diseases. Of course, with an inflammatory process that affects the renal parenchyma, the ESR value will be higher than normal. However, quite often an increase in the described indicator occurs due to a decrease in the level of protein in the blood, which in high concentrations goes into the urine due to damage to the renal vessels.
  5. Pathologies metabolism and endocrine sphere- thyrotoxicosis, .
  6. Malignant degeneration bone marrow, in which red blood cells enter the blood without being ready to perform their functions.
  7. Hemoblastoses (leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, etc.) and paraproteinemic hemoblastoses (myeloma, Waldenström's disease).

These causes are most common when the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is high. In addition, when taking the test, all test rules must be followed. If a person has even a minor cold, the indicator will be increased.

Women, due to hormonal and physiological changes during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and menopause, are more often exposed to qualitative and quantitative changes in the content of dry residues in the blood. These reasons can cause increased ESR in the blood of women up to 20-25 mm/h.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons when ESR is higher than normal, and it is problematic to understand what this means from just one analysis. Therefore, the assessment of this indicator can only be entrusted to a truly knowledgeable specialist. You should not do things on your own that cannot be determined correctly with certainty.

Physiological reasons for increased ESR

Many people know that an increase in this indicator, as a rule, indicates some kind of inflammatory reaction. But this is not the golden rule. If an increased ESR is detected in the blood, the causes may be completely safe and do not require any treatment:

  • eat a large meal before taking the test;
  • fasting, strict diet;
  • menstruation, pregnancy and the postpartum period in women;
  • allergic reactions in which fluctuations in the initially increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate
  • allow us to judge the correct anti-allergy therapy - if the drug works, the indicator will gradually decrease.

Undoubtedly, just by the deviation of one indicator from the norm it is very difficult to determine what it means. An experienced doctor and additional examination will help you figure this out.

Increase above 100 mm/h

The indicator exceeds the level of 100 m/h in acute infectious processes:

  • Flu;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Fungal infections;
  • Malignant formations.

A significant increase in the norm does not occur overnight; ESR increases for 2–3 days before reaching a level of 100 mm/h.

False increase in ESR

In some situations, changes in indicators do not indicate a pathological process, but some chronic conditions. The level of ESR can increase with obesity and acute inflammatory process. Also, false changes in ESR indicators are observed:

  1. At .
  2. Due to the use of oral contraceptives.
  3. Subsequently, vaccination against hepatitis B.
  4. With long-term intake of vitamins that contain large amounts of vitamin A.

Medical research shows that ESR can often increase in women for no reason. Doctors explain such changes by hormonal imbalances.

Increased ESR in a child: causes

Increased levels of soy in a child’s blood are most often caused by inflammatory causes. You can also identify the following factors leading to an increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate in children:

  • metabolic disease;
  • getting injured;
  • acute poisoning;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • stressful state;
  • allergic reactions;
  • the presence of helminths or sluggish infectious diseases.

In a child, an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate can be observed in the case of teething, an unbalanced diet, or a lack of vitamins. If children complain of feeling unwell, then you should consult a doctor and conduct a comprehensive examination, the doctor will determine why the ESR test is elevated, after which the only correct treatment will be prescribed.

What to do

Prescribing treatment for an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the blood is inappropriate, since this indicator is not a disease.

Therefore, in order to make sure that there are no pathologies in the human body (or, on the contrary, they exist), it is necessary to schedule a comprehensive examination, which will answer this question.

ESR is below normal - what does this mean? This question certainly worries every patient who receives a blood test result. ESR is the sedimentation rate of red blood cells, which is calculated over 60 minutes in a laboratory. In the absence of pathological processes, the ESR in the blood is quite low. An increased amount of proteins lowers the indicator.

Data Boundaries

Normally, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate varies among all patients. The indicator correlates with age and gender.

Experts identify the following normal limits:

  1. Newly born babies have a rate of 0 to 2 mm/h.
  2. Up to 6 months of age, the limits are 12-17 mm/h.
  3. For 12-24 months, 5-7 mm/h is typical.
  4. From 24 months to 8 years, the limits are limited to 7-8 mm/h.
  5. The age period of 8-16 years is determined by 8-12 mm/h.

As you can see, in childhood the indicator fluctuates quite a lot. It all depends on the age of the child.

But in adults the level is more stable, differing only according to gender:

  • male representatives - 2-10 mm/h;
  • female representatives - 3-15 mm/h;
  • pregnant women - 20-25 mm/h.

Any deviations are a sign of the development of serious health problems. At the same time, specialists are concerned about both highly elevated indicators and low ESR. To determine what caused the change in data in the blood, the patient should be given additional examination.

Only an ESR within the normal range can mean that a person is completely healthy. A decreased ESR or, conversely, an increased one is a cause for concern, and you should also undergo a full examination.

Reduced performance and diseases that lead to this

When the ESR indicator is lowered, there are a number of reasons for this that provoked such changes:

  • increased protein concentration;
  • increase in bile acids and pigments;
  • decreased blood pH data;
  • blood too thick;
  • increase in red blood cells;

  • change in the shape of red blood cells.

If the ESR is below the required level, most likely the following diseases develop in the body:

  • erythremia, a disease that causes changes in cell shape;
  • increased or decreased protein levels in the blood;
  • hepatitis;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • severe stress.

In addition to the fact that a low ESR level is observed with the development of a number of diseases, medications can lower it. Basically, a decrease in speed is observed when taking salicylate, calcium chloride, and mercury preparations.

In newborns, an ESR below certain values ​​is considered normal, but two conditions must be met:

  1. The deviation should not exceed more than ten units.
  2. At the age of 14 days, the indicators return to normal.

If a child’s ESR is less than normal, then this could be caused by:

  • dehydration;
  • problem with stool.

These reduced data may indicate the development of diseases in the child such as:

  • heart problems;
  • presence of viral hepatitis.

In any case, a reduced indicator means that not everything is in order with a person’s health. This is a reason to consult a specialist for advice.

How to normalize research results

A low erythrocyte sedimentation rate requires correction if a repeat analysis shows abnormalities.

When repeating the analysis, where the ESR is below normal, it is necessary:

  1. Conduct a kidney and liver examination.
  2. Take a detailed biochemical blood test.
  3. If anemia is detected, it is necessary to carry out a complex of replenishing iron in the blood.
  4. Adjust your diet.

A full examination will help determine the exact reason why the indicator has become low. Then the specialist prescribes drug therapy to return everything to normal. In most cases, it is enough to replenish the supply of vitamins and microelements, which most often bring the blood test results out of the norm.

Pregnant women do not require treatment for low ESR rates unless there are pathologies. Most often, this condition is temporary, after childbirth everything will return to normal. But you should still undergo an examination to exclude the development of diseases that may complicate pregnancy and delivery.

So, with a low ESR, it is necessary - first of all - to establish an accurate diagnosis. If this is absent, then therapy consists of taking a mineral-vitamin complex with iron and B vitamins.

Lower ESR in the blood It is possible, both with medication and at home, using folk remedies. Drug intervention is not always appropriate, because it certainly cannot be called useful. We have no right to advise here, because everything is prescribed only individually and only by a doctor. This ESR indicator will drop on its own if the underlying disease is treated correctly.

As for the unconventional treatment of ESR, it is most often aimed at restoring the immune system and cleansing the blood after the patient is cured.

The sedimentation of erythrocytes in the blood accelerates due to the active production of antibodies, which occurs during diseases and for some time after them. General immunity drops sharply, and treatment should begin with its restoration. Cleansing and rejuvenation of the blood will be required for complete recovery as a whole.

Is it necessary to reduce ESR?

You cannot make a diagnosis based solely on ESR readings in tests, whether the patient’s ESR is increased or decreased. It is important to approach this comprehensively, to analyze the condition of the whole organism as a whole, the presence of chronic diseases, past illnesses... The doctor may prescribe a general diagnosis of the whole organism:

  • Direction to blood chemistry
  • Check with a cardiologist, ESR deviates from the norm if myocardial infarction is suspected
  • Checking for infections and inflammations in the body
  • ESR in oncology

When the cause of an increased or decreased ESR is identified, the stage of the disease is determined, only then treatment is prescribed and the result of therapy is observed.

Dark chocolate and citrus fruits reduce ESR

If you are wondering how to reduce ESR, then to normalize the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the blood, decoctions of such anti-inflammatory medicinal herbs, for example, decoction of chamomile and linden, are useful. As well as hot drinks, for example, tea with raspberries, honey and lemon.

In addition, your diet should be rich in fiber and protein foods of natural origin.

Avoid processed foods and foods containing carcinogens.

The following products that effectively reduce ESR in the blood will be useful:

  • black chocolate,
  • citrus,
  • fresh vegetables,
  • especially red beets.

It is with their help that you can quickly and without harm normalize erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the blood and at the same time purify the blood.

How to reduce ESR with medication

Taking certain medications can lower the ESR level for a while:

  • calcium chloride,
  • medicines that contain mercury,
  • salicylates (salicylic acid, aspirin).
  • Side effects of morphine, dextran, methyldorf, B vitamins).

In anemia, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate will decrease if hemoglobin is increased.

In case of significant deviations from the norm of hemoglobin (iron-containing protein), the following is prescribed:

  • folic acid,
  • "Hemodin"
  • "Totem"
  • "Irovit"
  • "Maltofer."

Tuberculosis and ESR

If tuberculosis is detected, it will not be possible to quickly lower the ESR in the blood. The disease is considered severe and has a long therapeutic course.

To avoid addiction, the drugs are alternated, so the list is quite large.

The most effective in this case are:

  • "Isoniazid"
  • "Pyrazinamide"
  • "Rifampicin"
  • "Ethambutol."

Chronic diseases

If a person has a chronic disease that is not completely curable, such as hepatitis C, he or she will often have an elevated ESR. The patient needs to constantly adjust the course of medications prescribed by the doctor.

It should be noted that modern medicine, with timely treatment, has increased the cure rate for hepatitis C to 95%.


Very often the disease proceeds secretly and without symptoms and can develop into liver cirrhosis after some time. It is important to know how hepatitis C is transmitted and diagnosed, since the virus is very stable in the external environment!

If you have diabetes, regularly check your glucose levels; if their levels increase, you should discuss with your doctor a possible replacement of medications that lower blood sugar.

The patient must be examined comprehensively, because ESR is not a diagnostic parameter for the sake of a specific disease.

In addition, the doctor can advise methods with which it is quite possible to eliminate the painful process and thereby reduce the ESR.

Drug therapy is intended primarily to treat the underlying disease.

WITH lower ESR with medication Without treating the underlying disease, it will not work, for example, if the hormone levels deviate, this means that the normalization of hormonal levels will “automatically” bring the ESR back to normal.

Such an algorithm is the leading one; in general, it is combined with others.

The fact is that if you only lower the blood ESR with special drugs, the load on the immune system will only increase, and after treatment, an acute decrease in the indicator compared to the norm may occur.

It is very important to understand that treatment for elevated ESR cannot give quick results, especially if the indicator is an order of magnitude higher than the ESR norm.

In case of very high ESR, even a slow decrease in ESR indicates the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

With a low ESR, the activity of the heart and blood vessels may be impaired. Thus, before reducing ESR, you need to recognize the real cause of the disease and cure it.

Video: Elevated ESR and CRP

High ESR in a child

For children, an increased ESR can be observed from time to time, which is not a pathology and parents should not worry too much. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate may deviate in a child due to an unbalanced diet, teething, or lack of vitamins.

Parents should pay attention to the general condition of the child; if he is weakened, passive, has poor appetite and has a high ESR, then it would be useful to contact a pediatrician to make a diagnosis and identify the cause of the increased ESR in the child’s blood.

How to reduce ESR in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, it is possible to reduce the erythrocyte sedimentation rate if this is not associated with the acute phases of diseases where the patient’s life is threatened.

In case of emergency, you should immediately consult a doctor. Beetroot broth helps a lot.

Practice-tested recipe for beets

Thoroughly wash three pieces. small beets, certainly without cutting off the tails and boil for 3 hours, and drink and filter the water in which they were boiled, fifty grams in the morning on an empty stomach, without getting out of bed (the dose can be set and poured near the bed in the evening).

It is extremely important to lie down for ten to twenty minutes afterwards. Store the rest of the broth in the refrigerator. To avoid souring of the broth, cook three fresh beets after three to four days.

A course of treatment.

Seven days, then seven days rest and another seven days to drink.

With this treatment, the ESR is 67, after treatment it becomes 34, and then gradually decreases to normal.

Then be sure to do a repeat blood test. You can additionally take the juice itself from squeezed and cooked beets. This juice is very useful for improving blood composition and for anemia.

This method helps to significantly reduce ESR if it is elevated. Citrus juice with honey helps with high ESR.


This product can only be used if you are not allergic to it. For medicinal purposes, take 1 tbsp every morning. a spoonful of honey diluted in a cup of warm tea.

Herbal infusions

To reduce ESR, you can use infusions of chamomile, coltsfoot or linden flowers. To prepare the infusion, take a tablespoon of crushed raw materials and pour 250 ml of boiling water.

You can use the resulting product after 30–40 minutes, when it has infused well and the water will reveal the healing properties of the herbs. To increase the effect, it is recommended to drink herbal infusions with the addition of honey.

Lemon juice with garlic

A good effect can be achieved using a mixture of lemon juice and garlic. To prepare it, you should take 2 large heads of garlic and 2-3 lemons. The garlic must be peeled and chopped, and the juice must be squeezed out of the lemons.

Combine the juice with the garlic gruel, mix thoroughly and place the resulting product in the refrigerator.

It must be consumed 2 times a day after meals..

To lower ESR it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle

People who are thinking about how to lower ESR using folk remedies should not forget about a healthy lifestyle.

Walking in the fresh air and breathing exercises help improve lung function and, accordingly, increase the amount of oxygen in them and normalize the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Proper and nutritious nutrition, regular preventive examinations and timely treatment of diseases will help maintain normal health and, accordingly, blood counts.

Interesting fact! Vegetarians have a slightly reduced ESR level in the blood.

Video: ESR decreased from 40 to 10 without medications

The article is based on the findings of 63 scientific studies

The article quotesstudy authors:
  • Unità Reumatologica, 2nd Divisione di Medicina, Ospedale di Prato, Italy
  • Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre, Canada
  • Karolinska University Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark
  • and other authors.

Please note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, 3, etc.) are clickable links to peer-reviewed scientific studies. You can follow these links and read the original source of information for the article.

What is ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)

Typically, red blood cells (RBCs) settle relatively slowly. Faster settlement than normal values ​​may show inflammation in organism. Inflammation is part of the immune system's response to problems in the body. This may be a reaction to infection or injury. Inflammation can also be a sign of a chronic disease, immune system disorder, or other health problem.

Erythrocyte sedimentation(ESR) was discovered in 1897 Polish physician Edmund Faustyn Biernacki (1866-1911). The practical use of ESR was unknown at that time, so it was often ignored by doctors. But in 1918 it was found that ESR changes in pregnant women, and in 1926 Westergren developed his own method for determining ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).[, ]

The main factors influencing ESR are: hematocrit(proportion of red blood cells in the blood) and blood proteins such asfibrinogen. .

ESR in blood test

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR) is a blood test that checks for inflammation. He measures distance in millimeters, to which red blood cells move (settle) per hour (mm/h). [ , ].


There are several methods for this measurement, for example, the Westergren method, the Wintrobe method, or MicroESR and automated methods. [ , , ]

Westergren method for calculating ESR

The Westergren method is considered gold standard in measuring ESR.

The doctor mixes the blood sample with sodium citrate (4:1 ratio). He then places the mixture into a Westergren-Katz tube (2.5 mm diameter) to the 200 mm mark. He then places the tube vertically and leaves it in this position at room temperature (18-25 °C) for one hour. At the end of this hour, the doctor measures how far the red blood cells have moved (sank down under the force of gravity). This distance shows ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).


In the modified Westergren method, the doctor uses edetic acid instead of sodium citrate. [ , , ].

Other methods for calculating ESR

Wintrob method e is less sensitive than the Westergren method and its maximum values ​​can be misleading. [ , ]

Micro-ESR method It is fairly quick (approximately 20 minutes) and popular for determining ESR in infants as the test requires very little blood. This test is also useful for diagnosing neonatal sepsis. [ , R, ]

Automated methods are faster, easier to use, and could be better predictors for autoimmune diseases. However, their sensitivity to technical procedures for obtaining and storing blood (blood mixing, tube size, etc.) may influence test results. [ , , , , , R , , ]

What can the ESR value show?


The ESR test checks if you have inflammation. During inflammation, certain proteins appear in the blood, such as fibrinogen. These proteins cause red blood cells to cling to each other and form clumps. This makes them heavier than a single red blood cell, and therefore they settle faster, which increases the ESR value. [ , , ]

Thus, a high ESR indicates inflammation. The higher the ESR, the higher the inflammation. [ , , ]

But, the ESR test is not very sensitive (so it cannot detect all types of inflammation), and is not very specific, so it cannot diagnose specific diseases.

Presence of specific diseases

An ESR test can help diagnose certain diseases:

  • Polymyalgia rheumatica (an inflammatory disease that causes muscle pain and stiffness) [, ,]
  • Giant cell arteritis (inflammation of blood vessels) [ , , , , ]
  • Bone infections [, ,].
  • Subacute thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland) [, ,]
  • Ulcerative colitis

The course of some diseases

Determination of ESR cannot diagnose diseases, but this test can track the progress of treatment for certain diseases :

  • Heart diseases [ , , ]
  • Cancer [ , , ]
  • [R, , , ]
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) [ , , r]
  • Sickle cell anemia [ , , ]

See a threat to life

ESR level above 100 mm/h may highly suggest serious illnesses such as infections, heart disease or cancer.[ , , , ]

An increase in the level of ESR in cases of suspected cancer can predict the development of a malignant tumor or progression of the disease in the form appearance of metastases. [ , , , , ]

High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) is produced by the body when the walls of blood vessels become inflamed. The higher your hs-CRP level, the higher your level of inflammation.

Relationship between ESR and C-reactive protein

During inflammation, our liver produces a substance called C-reactive protein (CRP). A CRP blood test checks whether you have inflammation or infection. A CRP level greater than 10 mg/dL almost certainly indicates the presence of infection. [ , , ]

You can read more about the possibilities of reducing C-reactive protein values ​​in.

In most blood tests, the CRP test is used in conjunction with the ESR test. [ , , ].

C-reactive protein testing (especially its ultra-sensitive type of test) is more sensitive than ESR and produces fewer false negative/positive results than ESR.

C-reactive protein is best used to test and track progress acute

Revealing ESR best used for checking and tracking progress chronic inflammation and infections. [ , , ]

The ratio of CRP and ESR in various diseases

High ESR and high CRP

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Bone and joint infection
  • Ischemic stroke
  • Waldenström's macroglobulinemia
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Kidney failure
  • Low albumin in the blood

Low ESR and high CRP

  • Urinary tract, lung and bloodstream infections
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Venous thromboembolic disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Low albumin in the blood

How can you reduce inflammation and CRP levels?

A special anti-inflammatory diet and exercise together can significantly reduce CRP (high sensitivity) levels. After 3 weeks of following a special diet and exercise, scientists from the University of California recorded that the level of high-sensitivity CRP decreased by an average of 39% in men, by 45% in women, and 41% in children.

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Joint or shoulder pain
  • Fast weight loss

Normal ESR values

At age under 50 years old normal ESR values: for men n – 0-15 mm/hour, for women– 0-20 mm/hour.

At age over 50 years old normal ESR values: for men– 0-20 mm/hour, for women– 0-30 mm/hour.

For children normal ESR level should be less 10 mm/hour.

Low ESR values ​​are normal and do not cause any symptoms.


What increases ESR levels


  • Inflammation, infection or malignancy can increase ESR [ , , , , , ]
  • / old age [ , , , , ]
  • Anemia ( a decrease in hematocrit increases ESR values) [ , , , ]
  • Macrocytosis(appearance of large red blood cells in the blood) [, ]
  • Polycythemia(increased production of red blood cells) [ , , , , ]
  • Increased levelfibrinogen[ , ]
  • Pregnancy[ , ]
  • [ , , ]
  • Kidney failure
  • Chronic heart failure
  • Obesity[ , ].
  • Hyperlipidemia(increased blood lipids)
  • Heart diseases[ , , ]
  • Autoimmune diseases(but not required)
  • Polymyalgia rheumatica(an inflammatory disease in which there is pain in the muscles of the shoulders and hips) [ , r , ]
  • Subacute thyroiditis
  • Alcoholic liver disease which can lead to a decrease in albumin production, and therefore an increase in ESR
  • and ulcerative colitis[ , ]
  • Giant cell arteritis(inflammation in large arteries) [, ]
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Waldenström's macroglobulinemia(tumor producing large amounts of immunoglobulins) [,]
  • And stroke
  • Cancer(risk of progression and death) [ , , ]
The characteristic patterns of changes that occur in the blood plasma through the concentration of certain acute phase proteins after moderate inflammation are shown. Pay attention to the duration of fibrinogen production (simultaneous increase in ESR).

Substances and medicines

  • Iodine(for problems with the thyroid gland)
  • Eating a lot of ginger(in the presence of subacute thyroiditis)
  • Contraceptive drugs
  • [ , , , ]
  • Dextran(antithrombotic)

What reduces ESR levels

When the size of red blood cells becomes smaller, they will settle in the test tube more slowly, hence a lower ESR will be diagnosed. With various blood diseases, the size, number and shape of red blood cells may change.

A list of physiological conditions when red blood cells can change and at the same time the ESR level decreases:

  • Red blood cell diseases: extreme leukocytosis, erythrocytosis, sickle cell anemia, spherocytosis, acanthocytosis and anisocytosis. [ , , , , ]
  • Protein abnormalities: hypofibrinogenemia, hypogammaglobulinemia, as well as dysproteinemia with blood hyperviscosity. [ , , , , , ]
  • Use of medications: NSAIDs, statins, corticosteroids, painkillers, levamisole, prednisolone. [ , , , , ]


Increased ESR in some diseases

Polymyalgia rheumatica

Polymyalgia rheumatica is an inflammatory disease that mainly affects people over 50 years of age. The disease causes pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, upper arms and hips, or pain throughout the body. [R, , ]

ESR testing is often used as a diagnostic tool for polymyalgia rheumatica, assessing the level of inflammation. [ , ]

In multiple studies involving a total of 872 people diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica, the majority of patients showed ESR values ​​above 30 mm/h. Only 6% to 22% of them showed an ESR below 30 mm/h. [ , , , , , ]

A high ESR value (>30-40 mm/h) may indicate polymyalgia rheumatica. However, a normal ESR level cannot exclude this disease, so additional tests are required when making a diagnosis. [ , , , ]

Temporal arteritis or giant cell arteritis– This disease manifests itself in the form of inflammation of blood vessels. It affects people over 50 years of age and is more common among women. Symptoms of the disease can include headaches, joint pain, fever, eye pain, blindness and even stroke. This condition is often associated with polymyalgia rheumatica. [ , , , , ]

One of the diagnostic criteria for temporal arteritis is the level ESR is within or above 50 mm/h.[ , , , , ]

In numerous studies (a total of 388 people with temporal arteritis participated), the majority of patients showed ESR values ​​above 40 mm/h. [ , , , , , ]

An elevated ESR (>40-50 mm/h) may indicate temporal arteritis, but lower ESR values ​​(< 40 мм/ч) также не могут исключить это заболевание. Other tests are required, such as C-reactive protein, which are more sensitive in diagnosing this disease. [ , ]

Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system

A large number of studies involving 262,652 people demonstrated that people with elevated ESR had a higher chance of developing cardiac failure, heart attack or compared to people with normal ESR levels. [ , , , , , , ]

Other studies with a total of 20,933 participants found that people with high ESR had an increased risk death from heart disease or stroke. [ , , , , , ]

Another group of studies involving 484 patients with cardiovascular disease or stroke found an increase in ESR values ​​in most of these people. [ , , ]

Two studies (involving 983 patients undergoing heart surgery) found that patients with an ESR greater than 40 mm/h spent more time in hospital and intensive care, and they had an increased risk of developing side effects during treatment. [R, ]

Cancer (malignant tumor)

The study included 239,658 Swedish men. Those who showed value ESR above 15 mm/hour was on 63% increased risk of colon cancer compared with those men whose ESR was below 10 mm/h.

In a study of 5,500 people, those who had weight loss, anemia and high ESR had a 50% chance of diagnosing a malignant tumor. Those who had only weight loss and a high ESR, but no anemia, had a greater chance of being diagnosed with cancer. 33%.

Another study, involving 4,452 women, assessed the possible diagnosis breast cancer. This work concluded that those women who had significantly higher ESR levels (>35 mm/h) were more likely to have a malignant tumor compared to healthy women and those women who had a benign tumor.

In numerous studies involving more than 1,200,000 diagnosed men, a relationship was identified that indicated low survival rate and high risk of metastasis with ESR above 50 mm/h. [ , , ]

Two other studies with more than 1,477 patients diagnosed kidney cancer an increased risk of death was identified with high ESR values. [ , ]

In 854 patients with the disease Hodgkin's disease those people whose ESR was above 30 mm/h had active disease and showed a higher risk of death. [R, ]

In a study involving 139 patients with skin cancer ESR values ​​above 22 mm/h were associated with shorter survival and higher risk metastasis.

In another scientific experiment, 97 patients with blood cancer elevated ESR values ​​gave only a 53% chance of surviving this disease.

In 220 patients with stomach cancer ( men with ESR above 10 mm/h, women with ESR above 20 mm/h) was lower survival rate, large metastases And the size of the tumor itself in the stomach is larger.

In a study of 410 patients with a certain type bladder cancer ( urothelial carcinoma), ESR values ​​that exceeded 22 mm/h for men and 27 mm/h for women were associated with disease progression and death.

Patients with a skin disease (dermatomyositis) and an ESR level above 35 mm/h had a higher chance of developing a malignant tumor.

In 94 patients with glioma(tumor of the brain or spinal cord) ESR values above 15 mm/h showed higher odds of death.

In a study involving 42 patients multiple myeloma elevated ESR levels were associated with lower survival rates.

Patients (189 people) diagnosed lung cancer and high ESR showed low chances of survival compared to patients with low ESR values.

Rheumatoid arthritis

In a 25-year follow-up of 1,892 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, 64% of patients had elevated ESR levels compared to healthy controls.

Several studies involving 373 people and a 2-year study of 251 patients with rheumatoid arthritis found that high ESR values ​​indicated worsening of the disease or a decrease in the effectiveness of its treatment. [ , , ]

However, another study followed 159 children with rheumatoid arthritis for 1 year, and in this case, elevated ESR levels were not associated with disease progression.


ESR values ​​of more than 70 mm/h in adults and not higher than 12 mm/h in children may correspond to bone infections. [ , , , ]

In a study of 61 patients with untreated leg infections, ESR values ​​greater than 67 mm/h indicated the development of osteomyelitis. .

With an inflammatory disease - spondylodiscitis, more than 90% of patients demonstrated ESR values ​​in the range of 43 - 87 mm/h.

In a study involving 259 children who have been diagnosed with leg pain, with ESR values ​​not higher than 12 mm/hour and C-reactive protein (CRP) higher than 7 mg/l, they were highly likely to have an orthopedic infection.

In patients after hip replacement an increase in ESR may indicate postoperative infection.

A decrease in ESR values ​​during treatment of infections may indicate the effectiveness of this treatment and an improvement in the severity of the disease. [r, r]

Systemic lupus erythematosus

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease. It can affect the joints, nervous system, kidneys, skin, heart and lungs. People with lupus have periods of improvement (remission) and periods of worsening of the disease (flares). [ , R, ]

In patients with active systemic lupus erythematosus, ESR usually shows high values. Such an increase in ESR in patients with lupus may indicate an outbreak of the disease. [ , ]

Sickle cell anemia

In two studies of 139 children with sickle cell disease, normal ESR values ​​were less than 8 mm/hour. And ESR values ​​above 20 mm/h indicated a disease crisis or infection. [R, ]

If people with sickle cell disease have a high ESR (>20 mm/hour), this indicates infection or worsening disease.[ , , ]

Ulcerative colitis

The study followed 240,984 healthy men for 7 years. Those men who had a higher erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) compared to normal ESR values ​​had higher risk of developing ulcerative colitis.

ESR above 15 mm/h may predict relapse in patients with ulcerative colitis.

Thyroiditis (subacute)

Subacute thyroiditis is an inflammation of the thyroid gland. The disease causes pain and swelling of the thyroid gland, fever and fatigue. In most patients with subacute thyroiditis ESR level is above 50 mm/h. [ , , , , , , ]

Ginger and iodine can cause a flare (exacerbation) of subacute thyroiditis, which will increase ESR levels. [ , ]


Reasons for high ESR levels

Increased fibrinogen

Food (diet) high iniron, sugar, and caffeine may increase the amount of fibrinogen in the blood (study of 206 people).

Protein (protein) is known to be essential for maintaining healthy fibrinogen levels. In cases of protein deficiency (as shown in animal studies), low levels of fibrinogen are recorded compared to those fed with sufficient protein.

In a study of 16 people, receiving protein shake or balancing your diet In terms of protein levels, there was a 2-fold increase in fibrinogen values ​​compared to the values ​​before the start of the study.

High triglyceride levels

In a study of 101 patients, most of these people with high cholesterol levels and, was discovered elevated ESR values.

Eating a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet (standard "Western" or urban diet) has been found to increase blood triglyceride values ​​in healthy adults. [ , r , r , r ]

A diet low in fat and high in carbohydrates and sugar increases the production of very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and triglycerides. [